evol idea

Our Pitch Amy, Olivia, Joel and Jess

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Post on 27-Jan-2017



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Page 1: EVOL idea

Our Pitch

Amy, Olivia, Joel and Jess

Page 2: EVOL idea

Names• Company name:

• Film name-

Page 3: EVOL idea

Plot Outline• A lady has escaped from a mental hospital.• Goes and lives in the attic of a house.• Disturbs the house and the owners don’t

know she is there.• Young child lives in the house and dad and

his new girlfriend move in. She becomes friends with her.

• Girlfriend gets killed.• Her mum turns out to be the scary lady.

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Key Characters• A lady who escapes the mental hospital- 529.

Scary lady turns out to be mother. She is suffering from depression- takes Dad’s girlfriends pills. Aged 36.

• Little girl- Megan. She can’t talk much. Aged 7.

• Dad- Has a new girlfriend, no time for Megan.• Jane- new girlfriend- suffers from depression,

‘looses’ her pills and takes it out on Megan.

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The mum/scary lady Megan

The dad The Girlfriend

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Opening sequence outline• It will be a montage of clips that will all

link together in a way that isn’t obvious at the beginning.

• Clips of girl picking up pills• Mother lurking in corners• Light switches on and off• Footsteps on the floor boards• Heartbeats• Alarms

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Sequences which influenced us• Se7en • House at the end of the street• The good doctor