evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...sei-retar-y of jtnte of hi g'"! lu.-k-. the fellow....

TUB FAOiriO Commercial bcrttsfr I I a nn (i v . t. rCBUsliLD ( Tavocy tSaturxlay Torni-ii- . j a a, a " . , - . . 1 aVf I - , JW Honolulu. J IrfjKK at C aa4 I. La- - m Tear. ; or c..v i3. f.r Ma Maxaiaa. FareJie, aacr IplUaa. .IH a, Vrar. Sjic air.ituni in Nun- -t1 I rril I) p. "Vs aathaeriuflon prW-- forwarded to Ane paper, any prtof rtn is Ami sa-- r miiuhi, whii tnrl.al-- a to- - MrMin anal II j ? a a s a U H Ti 3 I i 5 l,ina 5 CO 3 00 a , -- " au tai4-- a All patera Ur ma rl (lUWrliulol ! ii fj w ! UrM.. j i63ci.o i vru- - th", pm4C4 al lit AV-- -, wha-- Varies hnn 4 I., .4$ (KMt 1 Unn 7 V ; 2 tni 4 (HJ 00 7 3. . . llUlit of (arM m each t sirtgtar (Mprr. " i 3 f6 I 50 10 H. tf Lf anj X.J caecair-fj.- u Par tin Akiti i Atttara. j . i ; , j 2Miwa t 0 1 i0 I ( 1 fJf . I r lomMiiiuwM fr fa pn ih Pac.3 "HI always I ri.l jin j h (iti li 00 lt uO ii imi Jft T. J4" rf acareptal.... j i toluni- - J0 1.0 IS V0 0 OO 40 lJ tXU i o.:oiiiii ii Dooo ck:-- 0 4o uo m i. v. I T7 Prr milling in as, part at IS United !lr. ran U ll V luiuiiirt ;0 t0 40 0.) CO 00 ) w 120 H .O rn.t la aaHUt of auiMsrmMMi. 4aes fr ths In Aa.m- - eaa Ira eaf p.- -. etaaipe, tea to lh d.dlar. I 1" JIusi.tc CarJi, l.n lrpni.l jar a vror. ai alintrail J a ti. yril Irr-- thrae rut"-- , aliM-l- . are ft u.iihinu a.lwrl.v- - PtWC AMD flJICT ITT Atlvrrtiarp. iM.t in th Taiilcrti I"nilr4 r ran BOOK AND JOS PRINTING. 5 SIX ItOI,t,t KR AXM M. y f.r their ranla t rn. GrrnSorl ( Dti tntatit KIHTKO It V I ltltr.l.IKI M HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SKPTEMHKK r. LS(JS. aa tkfy ari-- h la art tlrir rarda ill b inwrted xt TMmvKBrnM a?io Anrar. c um rroir-- i IIKM1V M. WIIIT.XKl. V VOL. XIII. a III. W1IOI.K .t. lit 1. ".v. lbl-- , l r the ty, time a aa r l.l!v la iKa art. an T mX Crl rr. in in o 722 PACI7IO Commercial Advertiser, Far. WIum pni.r, iaj ay f Wkj . ara fmwl. Ia avr thin half th i.r!J rn wbw f-f- h ltl aa mta ya tano.1 la.al. Hich bit aa aain yon annul knw. !" B.r !!- - knrt h4 can at tnalil r dfam of ow(bl ami ly ; , Uaaxirr tl fmw wlJ kl, Nj (uiiun h( ta Ua a . My rlrha Bf bcin Iianw H.lra m anl m UiHBn . N,. aid m al.r, aiy fcrt(. Ti ytrl.l mt kale I t kata aaTun. Hal ymmirm. te; Ih, bnn v TH alh m ! ak v t J. Tlwf JltM I raonul aamr. A ul tuy mm na-r- t nhrn Im mI. r.iw hr anl v"t-- " 7""". V- - a aartVa cVry at aiy f . awf Iha ally .. my baa.1. TTm tna!.mf no any g.nJO a-- ! i .nt arm Hit lal Urfhla aay ka. T ctul.lrai rtl my eTit T kiMa, tS k. IIW iaa ami l.iwr, eil 7 i Sla Jrl a aU m ! r tKT fcr I npn U yoir caxa. Awl bark lb xom aaarnlnc makra. Tt Va frtn l!v kill asj Ir w ik amit ll--- r kh aal holy aolVm knaka. Com kvra ami tMrS Ihr grand oU aunga Tkat aarura ainc m avcraanra Tk hiapaU( af a UauwaMMi lkiC(, , Aaii tell b fit aw, la I ft i Nni rvk) la k. IN4H Uhr Car U .a arra aircfch Ikaa rja cm rll, ! tVo kaa an auna.Yna lo ka mlc.f. f j aith of bcaaly la hi, attl. p.- - i h livm! a,r knnwa i II. a nam in hil nv rliy mart. ky mWf coalanl amaaltl hi lna. Wtt (. ul and 3lurw In Ilia katt Itltttt L ; i Foreign Counilale. I fcTalv Ik? rIib.; ami the jateTof at iint- - : uij; ilpati!. or v U ah.juM le abrogated alt rjritr.er. At jre-xn- t. consuls are virtually af ainto.l hy i Conreiaaioiutl ilclejpxt.ne. Thev ur them Bp- - i co the Kiecutiv atxl the Scnte (lepartrpent, au-- j a: ten-- 1 t their confirmation in the Senate. In ruMt inftams.- - these ilf lejati nn know ntitin of ; the Dian tf ey rr.immenr. ex.T t that he in reo-- : -l by aodiolxxly they know, ami that the ! j"litf..-a- l ehnn-- iuire hu nomination. After : t.ie n.xninatam nn.1 e.iSrtnati.n Live .Inly taken jilaoe. the r.rl cotmul I infnnHf by the Sei-retar- y of Jtnte of hi g"! lu.-k- . The fellow . jurupn in the oara. a rul all of a atnUoo an altr-n-a-tio- n taken IwCween the il.r-keep- er of the Jtate IViHrtrnnt arxl mD nmlr-lxki- n eu-tun- cr. wt. iri!irtia upon iKfir the !?... and rLiim.a t. have eome all the way from Kankakee or Anhuhula t p-- t thrm" poiwn. The ofB- -; cial of the ?Mte lepnrtmerit Mne rf whom privittte toward the Virginia ami MarrLnr.lol.l-liti.h- r nnl tv!e of pxjd breclin;, while others luxuriate in all the etoli.l ta i.lny of the eoun- - tryuwut of Kip Var Wiukl- - pive t. the new con- - ; aul a rather l iliirg rrcrptioo. of cHirre, be ia tat a.laiituil t the prwnee of the 15. , who .fi hiuif.f r a few foreign miniMer. arxl for cabinet nw-cti- He ha about balf a eec-on.- la inferviw witu FreJ. S-a- iJ. wl:, with a .mile of imfrriurbabte wffrif, liaiKin him oter t one of the pntlemen of tne orace, wii ton.J. to the cortntil a Lam! .mrlv-botin- d volume, which conuiiis the onnuLir rrtilation. Awmbly of tli II iwaii.m in article artar- - in the of tlie lm nembhtl : Itll or Dunjtuwt Dugttr, ann un in,; th fact that "the Hon. Jcrrmh apLo- - e- - kiel Jupitrr Joncn, eminently ipuLr in thin ilintrv t.anI rcuiarkabr. tor hmdtp.uaiatie talent-- , Uiw arrive 1 Waahiut.Mi; had lentlrrneil in- - irrriew wi:a itu iHtTerary oi .jic, w gn, Mm olS ial inntrurti jrva f the bihr,t impor- - um r, an-- i t.wn ik-rar- in )i caste ior uu pni of destination, it fn iii that on his way t iiaermutcntluil imt i t tuc.?; t..Kjni Latum, at M Ssward" epra ial re4ueni." In the J pu.w a mierable evening at the teac.jrt 1 1, nine, ia a op c aatijJartory tt.-a-f- rt witii kin inntru.-ti-nvi- .Tlie bi..k: which the 7?ntlonvn of t. Scttc Dojrlraenl haitahil him j with ucl bLiul laioiU, aimr ly contain tins gen- - , eral cjtvuLir rculati.Ki aj jltin to all couotrie-- t tine w.rl.1, a ad witioul any particular relvr ern e to the jarti. ular dutiea wiiiofi be lu ir Live t ,u.Ll in ii e nrtiaUr j k w h h par- ticularly at pia:-l- . IS-- ; ricn gives the b up in ipair, tut t.a., the lappy inriratii- - to buy a Cri.Uri.ivs. Af.er Laving di.wcrii the la;-t:u- de arvl Liitu.le t which he ii he ia next seen etal.ii.iir aojt with a mi ..nr-riue- n- tul a.r o. the .- l- Sc of or of the c..eap li.m ia ; TTl,tV,C U r.-c- a l!e IIt- - j f.r M-- i sa!i.y, aad wi-iwa- i na.!!y lie fr oi una i f t.ie Ln-- al pnprr of tia? place in wttwh lie ; re-- i !e-a- . eiCra-- t ol cvaorciai wi;h greit tlxirioti of tru:npct, aa if he bad Ik.xii Uieir origlail ompiler. Il any language eicr t- - in the .VbLvHuU or Kankakee diaU.-e- t w tpoken at the pMt of LU he hold hiiaeelf rather r fr :a a.j.-ity- . H h takcrj f.r an Ar:girml Areriran, anl 9tij to his fwt trVlgl thick and thin, until, day, i aier in. an.l my: Jonc yxi are f ara.wne.1 J n. a do. a little swearing, invites : Lfnwn t take a drink, pick up hi trap, and i the rett we hear of h,ia i through oil friend, ; tlie Lirty flrll or Uunjtirn iiuy.rr, in the f.l- - i lowing .train : e are Itappy to aanounce the I s:e return fc tfti fli.nrict oi tne ii .n. Jrremiaa Ntpdex.o Ejtekicl Juriter Jone, frura hi mieion t .irirutenth;U. Afcr having eprnt eeveral year ahr nI, Le rpeaki. of eure, the diff.-ren- t Ling,aga of Europe. anI ha had acxvw vt the m- -t e rir ! of Debility and gentry, and U tere.l in a!l the art of the statesman and dirl .tnat. 0ir bent citizen pii. their reapea-t- . lit evening, to the hrrabte get.tleman, at hi eiiarter ac tlie TmuliAait 1 1 ue w hare, with hi w.ite.1 urnitv. lie treated hi fc a h.n.!(me aurr-- r. We may add. that the b)nor-aM- e g"nr.leta;4n L propa-.- l a the tncmNer in the "event th Con gr- - tonal di.atri.rt, the intenti. n fing. ia tlie event of hi election, t make him rha.irro.in of the Committee on F.rein Itatin- - tt wi.-- ! pa.! he ia y Ctte.1 by hi J rnu,anty siitfi hintory an I law and aratcma .f ftign I n.L r the r reweit rirnimfarcea, er-i- l lie t. or for the j roruotion of cotamcrre. At a stated aunual ieri! thew are called uion tn "nkfl a report to the tate iVpartinent, and in! u"t tlie.r m. itI activity Un-- l it climax in thi ann ial rffrt, wLi:h, mr-vc- r, i generally "pie.l fftta other report., arvl Uu rarely the tr-u- lt of painia-uitin- g. original, and exhaustive By rawing the rhanu-te- r and tualifi.tion of "nal.a propyl it, the Iatterw.n till, it i irv.ahle that a tetter cLve. of tuen will alevote tharcaelTe v, thi branch or the public aod !,.. m it .ight to an auxiliary t- - the "tornene and industry of t! country. A regard dipt,mati? jmt, tha "country baa iaratficr f.rtunate. in.e tie acci.,n of Mr. in wln Mr. M..tIe- - .n. sent to lenrw.Mr. Marsh to Italr.ilr. Adaoato totlon, i f. Ij-t.,- to Iaria. ao.1 Mr. Joy Morri. to ifu, i llt.l a as at -- . witu ine la- -t year .vimmi rraut ha, in real ty, ocen the tvrmcirat Aroer-J- n rpreTnutive at the Kuropean Court. It irJr4D; that naval corararuier are rot per- - mnnmtJv inTtr.l. in tim of janiv. wit!i foreign miloit. Ttifv pencrallr mnke an aJiuirnlitf aiil, " "hn .y Coiu-mo-L- ro iVrrj, in ruw.I in lhe n.t i.-- ti inLViun whrn rivilint cirwrally fail. Tl.rr i otiirtliiiifc ufri;l.tiiwl rlilltfurwal in a artil .r" Umrin an.l a l !n. whi. Ji in-f.ir- on rrtntj.Jnr, nl the orr nvigni-tin- ol hi Minli .!,,; IMM A m.-ri.-.- attrnij tin- - t.. tniu.ie tl.e wr..rn-,- lt HvWf .lijl mati.r crafl an-- 1 mummi rj. utnam s Mryazmt. LllVN PMaard by the Ilitwaliitn I.rsiltturr-Sraaio- n of !. AN ACT TilrS-cti.- f tin? Viil P.: ir KiTri. v t! c Kin, ik1 the lr-Wati- r Ax-mM- r of the Ihvruibn Iflan.lj. in tU- - Lr c- - om.-- c -- n frmjo am. in 4 p. the Kin-- I .mi arMmU-.l- : j A. f. IJI FH. .Al." M. ii.. s,, . I. That Soi ti ,V of the Civil C.-- Ie , rsirhm ud Snrprca, an ! the Mllie .a r. hy rei- - , , Offi.-- , an.l IhUnw, AMrich ll.. ..rt .trrrt cry aoon Ibtd, the tiii cri,lo. tUmin-- Kinz Iubrrly rumored Lu-- e opU.i. etAttU-n- . one Bjwr our the frieruL the nati.v." m.tLirg service, la&coln. Japi", T.C. ii. llii.a .Wl Mian riitft nni iKninr law fr-.i- u aivl alt.-- r t.e .lite of it. j.irwie. Ai:roTcJ thi.il.Liy orJane. 1S. j K i I AN AT ,T mrn. an Aet t. rr-a- . (Imtt.r 10 of t!e Civil Ckxl. Blxl t reuLite l"? Ilunnu of Till- - lie In.tru.-ti.n- . J muarr It). 1mV. i . . . . .. He IT ivitTri. lv tl: Kin, nn.I tle luIitire , A eiahly of tf Hawaiian Ibud-i- n tl.e Lrr- - islature of tle Kinliu nrM-u.M- rJ . Src. 1. That the rail A"t i hrrchy a;ucnl.il 1t inwrtinf; afi-- r fvt-tio- n -- 1. the following a.-e- - ti"nn. viz: sc ti h:s l!l nt! 121 n, n f Ilow : ?rc. 21. The tentIiera of all (roverninent S IoIs, fur the oluc&tioii of mtiv; lliwaii.in i IhiiJr.n, i!ia!l kfj a fom-c- t rcit.-- r of tlse name, acs. a (an lir nn acertnuuble,) nnl llie i I lam of rrii.l.-i- . e of the i l.iMren attrntlirrp; their . reaiaH(iri a.h.vM nu.l n.i InifiiT nl nnv NMimil "r "7 ciumuuu v. im.ov .............. .,, man p rant a rc;ea.e m-n- i im or iter tu any be tV- - ; 69 ,!,tf "" b -- am-. i ,r the Vu rpoce entering atler rbuol. .ml, the ainl Sh, approval of the par,nt or pnrl.an of riu.i chi..l. reniimtin? t- - I releaatl. ehull be made in . . " - - - i writing, by .mil irent or guardian. r on Op- - , rlioation Oiade br tlie S-ln- l A cent of the Ii- - triet. for trval tt.,rt ali.nn to hi4 Kiti.na.tion. In ererr aueli a certifi.-.tt- c in wntin,r !wl be ? pmntf.1. a.:ttilig forth the fart- -, and Mne.l by i Wl t?e teacher. SEC.21b. N. .liall rceilC into bin Or . her .:!k. any chil l. u.W f.fuvi, yean, of a- - 1... loar Lira of.o.-l.- vl ,.,...l...r ..kLhui I m-- h child, bin or her ia.-eii- t or guardian, pro- - ducca to the tcarhrr of the a. Ihm.1, f .iil.t to be cnfcre.1, crilitlt. of rchnae. Mocl by the . teacher of tie e l... hint attended. n hereinW f.re pMV ideal. Anl the tech.T of any who !inll violnte any of the of thin- - and the f. in- - in; rectiori, rhnll, on eonviflion be- - j fores I ttrc or District .loetU.c, b iiuU-.- t to a rue c oi f nte .1 IIar r..r trie Crl otiet., and T.ir a offrwe, le liable t. a fine r ten dollar- -, , and remit al frtrni office, at tlie diMrction ol the J e.Hirt. i .Sm . 2. Tiii A- -t ehall tike cfl.. t and a Iw fr ,m and after the Jate of itn , Aipr.vc.1 thin Jlth dny of Ji;ne. 10. KrH..nu K. i AX A(T To amend S.r lin 134 of the Civil Code. !. it evactfi.. by the Kinz. and the licgidative ec. 1 Tlcit N-.ti.- HI I of the ivil Cjde lie, an, the earoc in l.i-rc- v aincndel ty an to read an ; ,.,Ilaw: m.c. Tlc fee f .r adiiiiuiotevin tlie oath ! f allegiance. eul)-ribii- the jurat and granting ; ortih.-a:- e of tf? Ktine, chnll be tic O nUrn: I pr,.tlJ, however, tlmt ti c .MiniMer .d the Inte- - .jr nr, in hi .Ilmt. Ii mi, reuut jsirt or the wlndeot Kiid ft, wi cn the af..recaid at!i hall - !? a.l.uinitercd timmigrant intr.nlai.-c- l here c. throuii tl.e agani.-- y of tl.e Uird of Immigration. Kf. 2. Thi Act rLail bceome a law lnm an.1 after Ihe date of it nfwno;e. H Ajprjvtvl toil, iliti day uf June, 1i. Kaji ii ami ii a I!. AN ACT To otablWi tly Cvaipciiaation of io. ii ov ..ir- - coig, uo l..e Wcxr.Mv "f th Hawaiian in tl.e Ig- - idature .f the Kin I m 1 : Sit. I. The o ai,-ivi:ioi- i of the Kcpreent.i- - tiven of the pcopb; i- - hereby cptl.!i-!K- l at two huii.lre.1 an-- tisty .1 !Lir f r each Mivin. f EC. iT. Itaa Act take cact aa.i-.rUm- g to h Tltitw of t,,. otltutiob,. Ai proved thi. ZUU d.v of June, l.o Kaxluamfua ll. l c. . i: i: row. nle RsMaats atn i nrrH i r.-r- l. mm How r Irons Ka.hamn a.r f . ly a. e. aosas a. . who. a. AI A. MS A. WILDER, i lactioa aad faiIvdao .T5rrrJiaH, HUE PP. eiF 1st Raalaaai Ilail.liaijf . t siren Sfreef. lr fanejor and Civil Ijt;inerr. Order, let in fc", ii. P.O.. wt.l rcri imir.rdi . le at:ent.q. l.9nn atun-i- l lo - ar.y .rl f V- - l.aoda I ED. IIOFFCIIL.AEr;E!i. A. CO.. 1st Impertervaad frvmciKdon Ttercliaot. ( ararr mt Fasrt sttaaf Merra.-- .! Strrcla. OH ly XV. N. I. iI. laiporteraad Dealer la llardwarr.Callerj. ferbaalrs TIs and Jsrtrallara. lain.eKeaf. - Iarl Strrri. ly C. IIRI.WKR Ac CO. (t.C!Biiaa aad laloplnz Merraaat, i 11 aawlwlw. )ahai. II. I. ly And tw k s ci.tt . $ m. avassToa. a. w. s. CATI.E K COOK E. lasportrr aad (.earral Serrhast. Klass; .tre.4. apaaailr Ihe Sramraa Ckasrl. JIJ0. AVE XT HR tr. Jfi I F.mr Md.r.n.,. Klr.i.f t litnn w.n Macbm... The Fn anH Matul lwofv Company. T.e K.baia "irar twny, Itaw.u. T. Ila.ka Nixar o pany, Maou Th lw: M.Ua. Mui. 1a Vta.aloauf.i IUnlalvrfa. Oahq. The Lnmahal Kr l1.r.ti.. o, Kaaa.. 0 ly IllHllOP Aw CIIM Ilaakera. orDre, la the eal earner af )!akec !:!!., KaaVimacw atr-- rl. )l.n4u.a. W. B.Iia .f Earhanr i The K,s t .iir ,.!. - Par. Traneiwo M..r. U. ...I i.Mntr.i a Co., -- w Vork. I... 4 Uitio, - New Vork. T.ia.ir in a.iliiii. . . H-- t o. mi.araL baas l.arr.a.ri.... . Ii-n- . ipt.f. p.iric ls.c.ao C. ai.l Maaaarraa Lire Ita- - a- - l... Will rerir dpr!a.dIeount flr.l-cta- a, bqslrie,apaper, an-- l attrfvl lo.iier..ine.eie. til lr M. KAPI.EE. Sblpplar and (aniUiaa Acenf, ). w.tb E. P. Adama. Iq . V V E X STREET. II O X O LV LV . W.ll trrw ae rttsioins T" et. Vtwrao U u ta, I. 5. I Mr. C. Hre-rr- r A Co. Canani. I J..r vta k.rAID XT U-r- wa C. L. K efiarda A Co T. Y Adaa. 4 I justness earUs. UK. J. MOTT SMITH. iJertM, i irr cornrr of Fori au.t llotrl Mrrrtr. n i: i K. IIOKK.MA X.V. .M.l. t IlMrlrian and Snr"riti. Cora- -r Mrrrhant.nl K.M.umanu .ar IT-- 1. fl.ee. HI I, pBti.iri auJ SiRroa". omtw,Kef, Dr K. ,... s,. rrn. , K,.ht m.na anl Ml . kiI th IV.l Oir.c. Ruimki a.tj.iin 4f., brtttrrn .Viiihh an4 orf 5f Orrira llot-a- a rnnn A . In A. M aiMl Iruiu 3 lu 6 I. M. Dlt. KK.NXKIIV. r.iirian, Snrrran anj .ironthror. i IortPt.cpiwa.neC. K. Vi!l,ararorniture War-ruoi- &91 !y lltCiO ST.l.M.KMV.U.n. M. I.. i riij-Ifl- A and Mirgrcn. 3n j Cm - IIKXKV TIIOM lM)X, j Itiarufy and (oaDllar at Ijw. Otteon Urn Mrrt,r.-i- t ll.r Ciarl ll.m , up aim. i J 1 w. v. jom:s. ..Mora?? a! law cc.f Liud lxnt. trill prarti.v in all !). of l.f KuiK-- l mi. Ilr will mlln-- i "" i"H iah. anl iit ri;l.rr it tli l.l-n.- ls un r-- ci ,i i.u-- u. s. it-r.- .. inn n, ,, ,.,,-- -. v,,,. rV.7 ly a. r. ji ii. j tttorarj and far--lIo- r al l.nw, ConwraT !" ar I Vrc!iatil htreta. 4(ri ly j JOHN II. CATV. oUr lnt!lr. llonoiulu, II. I. Oftce al the lUnk o( I.i.hop A: Co. KA Km K a C. DAVIS, ... a w.UPyacUlo all llwC. rt.fll Kln-do- ai. In llhi::iElih and ll.aanaii LtnpuaKej. Ofier on Quern Street, eppntitf the Court Hove, ly C. I.. It I CM All OH ii CO. fhdlers ton.nil,n errhaaM. andumX JlerrliandiJf, (t 7 c-- ep ronaiai.uy on Dim a liinaMortmriit ol merci.aoaiae.ror tbr ,aFly ol bal. r, and XercUant .eala. !" tS ly , .......... . ri i-- v a" .. ............ v- - a - "" I Kawaltiaf, StuwaH, j P.,-;- inj ,,r rirn-r- a! lrrehndi.-n- d S.i ppin rSnin, al the iwrr pert, where they are prepared loiuruiel. Urajuatly celebrated KJil. Potioe nnd h.p" iV.h?""" ahortrat noO- r- an.1 ..n the mo.. ,.alde term.. Xlro woorl ou ZZnncl. J V. I.. (J K I K.N, Oorrat rommli.!oil Aprnt and Drokrr, Urni-- i n riaedaoer rnmisns. i QVHEX STREET, pui 11 lioyoLVLU. I " i4K K V V lcalrr In (.corral ?lrrrbaudle, HRE-PKO- & TORE, tf Hold and wt,u Mreets, ilwlubt, 11. 1. auao KcMil ralahlMitornt Naoana Slrrrt. L02Z2irr: L iR.t KICilA It :soN. importer and Dealer io BooKshcf aud Ccntlfrarn, I Ullll.UIIJn uwu Corner of Fort ant Mrrchnmt Strtttt, 61 IIONoLl I.C. 11. I. ly KI IN JONES, brtwer and Ship (handler, LAIIAINA. MALI "nr7 Kectuila furni.hrI lo hi oo Tarorahlo T.Tina. - m j J. M . OAT At SOX, Sail .lakers KAAHUMAXV ST. (IWI ly) ttOXOI.VLV.il. I. A. Stll AEIKIt at CO. ( omralidon SJereliants HoXOLLLf. bri lr HAW. I.LANTP. sense,, jiarriataxc CIIAS. N. SPKXCKR At CO., leneiAl iuniinidon ;i?r;haiits arra Slrrrl. 43 lyl llonalnlu. . C, A. SCIIAEFEIt. iztvt mt Dro-de- Board af I ndent riler. e.i ly tiii: m:vmm plk ri-okoa- . PabU-he- d UeLlv In iLe Hawaiian Laniuape. ,h,, xh, jr2r,t c:r.-u!.l- in th.- - er mrs and ia r-- a 1 b.dh by llawai.atis at. I I oreienrrs. Price iayr.rin a.l- - v.oce A.lvrrt -- nwr.m tral-it-.- l into Mawa. i.an lr of charr- -. at.-- In cath flia corner i f ."a.lors Home. ly !IO I. EES JL CO.. Ship fhntidlrr and f oinlion ."Irrcli4al, V .r..;. ;..;;. :.. nrrtu it rxmnstios r Ifrt. C. A. Willam, H Co. i Mcaars C. Lrewer ft Co.. r. aatle h. Cooke. J rs. 11. II wkfcld A: Cj., Mma. C. L. IL.charr!s A Co. i . c VValrriaan. ei lr D . WATERMAN aV CO.. l.iun.Noa .lirthai ts. K.p4.-ia- l attiiti. -- j pa.d to the iniT- - ta f the Wh-l- i. FVet by ie Ian..i..r.K on purrhaw an l aaie of t.x.i.apre. Oil, Kooe. 2ener.i ai.d ihe procuring rf reij:ht Ul.H.Kt.Nt K.- -. Mwa. Ic II jhjp, Jx. a Co., New riedlord W. ll. E. Pors, Ka., do. J. C. Minaiti. c (u, Fan Ira--ac-- .. 6.3 ly Clll Xt; HOGN. fonniIon Mertaaut and General Agent, Aaentfnr the Iaokaa and Ainvoili fanr PUnlalinn Ire- - Krter of Tea and other Chime and F. rr.cn Oooda and wholesale .IralT in Hawaiian Produce, New Sleur Mere. Nuaas-- n St., be law Kins. -- U? A. S. CI.F.UUORN. Dealer In General Mrrehandlse, l ire-pro- of Store, ( ararr Kaahnraaaa marl ((uren Si... f.ippie lak ee hlVk.) Also. Refill ,.al;ahmenl on Nuaanu .ire-- t. shore Kins. J r lan.t Prcdaec and sold. I aland orders carefully altrn.lr.1 lo Aou ly M.S. CR I.N HA IM Jk. CO. Impwrter and Hholrl Dealer ia IaNlilonaVe flat bin;. Hats, Caps Hoot and Shoes es.ry ,ar.-- t, . f iVnt.etn.nf Po r.or Farn.hing Goods hCjra f rmerly ro... 1 ! W. A. Aldit. h, 4 Moieti Bloei, tjrtn ti. ly It. F. EIII.ER. Dealer la lrj f.nnd, llks ke.. Frl Mrrel. ly TIIEO. H. DA VIES. tLnte J.tnttn, tirrtn a Co ) Impajrler and lomraUdon Mrrrliaot, tctxr roa f.iornir 4- - the urFRpnoi. rxnF.RtrRiTF.Rs, Xtm TIII.HX ASSt .,; COllrlVr, and BRITISH t, I URLUjX MARINE IXSL RAXCE CO. fir lro.4 Puillini;s. Kaahomaou ant Qjcen gtrret,. 810 ly I. N. FI.ITNER, Cintmor, I I, I boalnrss in the fireproof LuiM.nir, Kaabamsaa irret. Ct.rov,enrters rated by ..Iwrarat.or.a of the .tin and atars with a iran.it in:rur"iit accurate aljuated to ihe saeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention clsento One w.ul. repilr.rr. rVatanl snd quadrant glasses ,ilrere-- l and a ljuated Charta and uaancal Inairumenta enn.itantly ou r,VS hand and for rale. ljr TIIOM. tN SPENCER. Ship Chandler, liraler In General ."IrrrhsndlHe, Idand lrodnre,ir..audon.n.i.douIeitliaBt. ; llyrw-.K- -r. Illl.. Si. 1.. keepeor.,ti.tly r.n hand t rteii.ire a.Mment ofesery ..I require! be ship, and others. 1 h h. heal pnee r.ar. n f"r I.TanJ Ir .lnce. U-- y Sll lu ri I.. i ol i:v-h:i.- a: liu..i hie rates I or i. yus:n:55 (i:u. i: .. II A 1.1. 4. SON. Imortfr and lirslfrn lu Il.trtiHarr. U, ..ihf., ant tirnrraf pltrrhanaist. 94 CViii. r t aii.l limit Ma. It c;i:oi;(. k u. nowi:. . . 1 a . . r,lfr ,n .imaiw l.lllU0ri , nisi.rs. At l.i OKI Mam!, If.rt trt t. n-- i the i:i.laiiap. 503 ly rise II SK A. K O T II . ?irii i.Kit Txi!o.s. Fori Sir.tt, crrit- - iM K.ll. w. II. :l IIoikIuu. II. t 6! lr M(oi.i;an JOHNSON. . ti!i .tit Tulior. f o k r s r n 1 1: r, no o . r . r , n. ., 618 O.n i.i.- - TIht.I. IT. k. ly Til. . HfTfK. (iDflal otn!,.vNl..a "Irrr Ii.tnt, J:S t- nrl Slirrl. ly II . M I N T V It i: Ti!i.Tfoiii-.t- . rl.sl iT Qin :ioi lCalmn-aPi- i Mwii, y A Itl.Mi V Afllt ifi. lusicrtrr-- .Vboici!r ami rrt.t;i Ilcnlrr Sn (ifit-- il Mrrrhnr.di-- r and (1tltr lirr"j"ra)o" lure Xuimaii Sirr.-t- . Ilid- -tn. Tui-li- Ii. II. K. I(I.STVKi: K IHIOTHKU. "Cruffr), IVoil Morr r it:l 1;;tj, if.rnrr tT K.ii and tort rlm-K- , lion ulu, II. I. 1v I.. I TOKUKKT, l.inh.r Iruhr. lllSca North wi .ri -- t aud Frt FrMi, Hxoluln. K17 ly Dralerin V. hi-- , fili i:. Air and Ptiitrr. tW Hvuolula. ly II. II.HMKull CO.. iirHrifti ( iii:iiUiini Arulv 63 II utiofnl.i. c. a rwrat. j I.KWKItSAi. OICKSOX. Dr.tlrrs la l.untlxr vil LuilJIa .t.ibls, tU Krl Slirrl. I" A I.BX. J. A KTAV It Ifi 1IT. rmmt aJAM lljkfavhflllf HO if I .1 tLl i Vlltl.l Illlf 1 - " i""" . iianaiam. uaaa. it JOHN THUS. WATKKilorslO. Importer aa.l Dralcr lu Crnt-ra- l 3lmhandi.M, 6,a. . . Cw v ,J,,ulu. i K ". wai.k. a. r. aim Hd.KEK Ai -- l.t.I?X. NLlniiln and fiuij-l- j llthiliiU 23 HONOiAr. ,. I. ly NKVII.I.K Sc It A R RKTT. riap.ler and t.rnrral Store Keepeih, Keopoka. North Kona, lliraii.near Kenlnkakn: I.ay. e hon.hl. Mii. jn,.pl.- -l with Wood, IK-e- anl other nccea.iri. . AReot at Honolulu. A. S CLES HORN. fl.2 Ir n. I- -. fIiMs rhtuo-rapli- io Ga!!rr ! FOHT STltKKT. PHEPAKEI) TO M. lake IllOTOtWtAfMS f rT :, in the T.kiT fTTI.S and ox tbb Minr Hi.v.ioii Tn -- . COPVINO AM) r.Mi.lRfilXf. done in the htm mannrr. For 5a1e Card of the Hawaiian Ki.ifra, Qo-O- ., an.l other notable on. Ai.an A full ..f L.tRKE AXD S.MAI. I. C R A .M K. For Sue ,.t I. .a Priors. a;a ly 11. i.. chape. si. n.cr&r;:L1 A: 7KSSRS- - Ilir.OMKCK Ai CO KIIFIMS. .Me.ra. Rtiinhnrt pcre A- - Fili. Itheim1", Mr. Adoiphec.,iM,,.. haio,M.rMare, Are In regular receipt of the CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNES I Of Ihe abore hcuare, a hich th. V offi r for !"al froi More tVt and ! arrie Hin The Old Cciriosify JItop. NOT BY BOZ, BUT BY TOS. fMir. IMIERSIfiNElCREfiS TO XOTIFV JL his frirn.U sad the pu-l.- vcut-rall- thst he h.is m w on - loinii A COOl) ASSORTMENT OF CJ roc erics. Jry ands, CrocKei" ! Tobacco and Cigars, Anj the t h"t"rocrr.ron e..llection i.f articles erer-ather- ad together in .sp.re, nu 1 whicri fn.m Kelng Itiirh:ri2 1 iv will he Sold Afrortilpfjr. KAMI 1.1 K? Vtll.l. Mi; SUPPLIED CHEAP. Or 1r from Ihe otii. r Ilmd. will re carefully atepd.-"- ! lo sod fill..! at pries - r.r.D4 cminnst. o. A e.woplne asvutm.i.l ol Garden Seeds, Vegetable & Flower, ALWAYS OS HAND. Fair, Mint, Thyu.e. mii..hh r ..r"ry. Iarth y and Ilors n.JMi hHta roiHluil.v for ,al- -. Boci--kcep- iron Kcderatc Terms, AXD TAlTJHT EHl A SMALL CONMDEBATION. TT Do not f. r.-- . t t uive it..- - Old Curiosity a call, aa !fcri;:.iii rarelv ii.cl a nil elsewhere are f be lound II. FOJIIK loKfi. TIi-- Old Curiosity iop, r" rt street. S.u opp-i- i tl.e Govt Offie.-- HONOLULU I W O StPnTll Enriiiic Cnwor Tfrilllt Centrifaal Iilacliincs, Steam Boilers, Wrought and Cast Iron Kettles, HAND AXD MADE TO ORDER, OF ON bet tnaterial and workmarahip. EVFKY DI.5:RIPTItN OF Iron M.aftinr, fleam and Water Cock, Valrra, l.aUie fori,,, !".aaiD tia-iae,- , and I.jeet",. Pii-n- Elhowa, Ta. India RaMwr Pack i nr. Leaber flax Parkine ard Ilcse. ALL KIND OF Brass Work Neatly Executed. Hot H ir Iron and Cumberland Coal fhoiu! tii,r1ffr iV (it Unrest nitrktt prices. Overshot, Ereast, Turbine, Centre Discharge AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF xv a V 1: it 11 1: e: i. s , Mederf rit.er Iron or W00.I. rulcnhitiona f. whi. h will l iud on rec. ivinc ihe particular, ol "lum, bead, aud tail of w.terof any deairr.l locality. m d our Centre Dipr-har- b-- el may be - n at the Kanr. hr IUutatioo. wh v it . In full .! rai. .ll tr.ru ? rntirr a wiivi.iirT Of nil Size nnd Ieeiipt.on, with Pnmpa, Ma Ir an 1 adapted to any place require 1. WOOL. PULU. COTTON & OIL PRESSES, i M,d-- of any.,,-an- d. trench. ConibinW-- r all Ihe lar.at iiiiproremcnta, an I ron.poae I of the beat ro arerima. i.ie .r our VV..d Pre.e. i, giving entire ..tia taction i n the eten.a-- ram h of the Mr .r-i- . J. fe f Hir.elalr. .land .4 .N.ih.u. t.j an lu!!l with rt art ! rs (Ct :iio insurance (Tntis. 1 1 A M H V lli i J I - H 1 1 1 : M K N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ! Mil; lMKKM(;XEI, ll.4VI.Mi IIKKN ; Annointtl Airt-iitao- l the lro . are rriir to lnauir nk. Kir on St.-o- e auJ lr:rk !lu.l,hn, i an 1 mi M. rcl i:.!i ..tnrl tl.t-rrin- , mjl fav..r-l- lc lim?. For iiar.i. ulnri. ainly at the t.ltire uf K. A. -- CHAKH.R A- - CO. !!.n-lal- ii. MV 4. 1SH. CMt KORTII BRITISH AIID MERCANTILE j INSURANCE CO., i OILONDON AM) IIDlXIilHl. II. itauliii:;. C A imt.i i2.ooo.noo nnd liivcairil Ftin.l. SdlO,l3!l fElUK lMr.RSfiXKI IIAVK IIEKX A -- H lIrt.t AKM l..r the Fan.Uieh lsl i:.d. and arc umhor.Md : I.itin; aR-i- uit riro njx.n hiv.irlitr trrni. K:.-- k. t..ii i.i any .rt o: the IjlaiH1. on Vilii llnil.liiipf , an.l M.-- !.n.1i-- - .t-.- l thcr.in. !"t-li"- llnus-- and I urui-tur.- I inilM-r- l..l-- . hips in witl. r wiil...nt rarj:or iti.dcr rt- - nir. ly 1.1. II Jl KsCli I.A f.C Kit A: t0. THE NOIt TIIERN IKSUItAHCE COMFY or i.(.iMi. rniiic- - i:ltl.ltSI:vl.l.Ai;KT KOI. I II K i alT.- - ir.y. ha.-- rvwntly r.Vlvl in. In, linns t re- - disc? ll.r l:!r..t on tonr aiid r.r.ck Miil.lltia nnl on , M. r. l.ii:i.i-- M r-- l t.rrr:n. and i r j ref.ar. d to u ur hI1- - lc-.- n .rallr intr.-lim- n - K-- k l..r.iu:i Hu.l.in:v .Mm !.ii.tt. .vc . on ?ii(rir ti..n. 4 II II. 1A IJ. fjS-l- Aftmt. SAN I It AMISCO UOARD OF UHDERWaiT ERS. i rv-is- i: rx::usjxKi) hvvixo ijkkv B npiL.t.-- rsi-n- for lf San Trtnci-- c I.Mrd of I ad-.T- - arr.t. ia. rrirr.rntiis The nlil.r.tiit Insurance Company, ; The Alert-hi- t lit" AJiilituI .Marine Insurance, T!ie Ineilic Insurnnoe Company, The Calitorniu l.loyd?. iitul The Hiafcie Aliitnnl I tiMiranec Company. Brp Ic.ve lo inform M.istrra of Vee! and Ihe pul.lir srnrr-- I -- i:v it...t .i-im. d on VlSKl.S nnd CAKU.Ir.S, inunsl I T cfh-- r of th ; al.-iv- Ion.pnni.a ag tli.al peril of tne i . a.m and oiii" r r.rli, hi or n-- r IW .iuhg:i ikisu-.s- , n hi narc l he v. rilh d bv th. :u. 2Siii M. IIATKHXn Co. CALIFORNIA Hi SUE All CE COMPANY. r-- lli: IMIKUSKiXKO AKENTS Or TIIK I 1 I have km at.thoriz.-- ,o .re risks on TAinYlf A T-f- tO .ft n 1 nllVa i i hr itm rr . from iidi. iiu io un rwit oi me tiawaixtn Oroi,:nd .rr vr.i. oailr II. HACKFKL1 Co. :r7T,vnnvT. aTr.-n J.IUr.AMOJj lV-- 7 ...V X , nan riiAXClsco. j ! frill I. IN UKHSlGNt:!) HAVIXi: II K K.N i A apiiiutrl Aunts for the alx.re company, bee leave to j nlonnlh.Mli.!pal.!C.thntthoyajiiov.-pr.paredl..in.- : ! ",f" 1 reisl.t and ! anj from nil Hrt of the ; world. 11 HACK. fcLH CO. Hot., lulu, April 6.7 ly Al I". It (II AN TS ; TT V A I. TJT A Ti TpTT "W.-aT- ? nfy,XT A VY j JliXAkAlJ- - Xil.lUX.CUIUiU VWW1 OP San a neiN;. , fVl?- - . -- M.a ixic pl.:c in:.. IH.-- .r? prrrel t m.,ii i MARINE IXM-RAM- POLICIES (IX i CARIiOKS. CRE1UI1T ami 1REASI RK, i MM) lv WAI.RKR ft M I FN H. H ACKFELD &. CO. THE FOLLOWING GOODS .1 porti"n Ixt cii nI hy the Bark . C. Vf LIE, from Hamburg AM) OTHERS EXPECTED To Arrive lu re .he.! Cuming Tall, PER 1IAKKS WILHELM I., from Bremen, A. J. POPE, from New Bedford. BXGLISII AND FRENCH F A X C V Pit 1 NTS A VKtr! Uffiii, Ui-..i- , W hit- -. Pine and Turkey P d Cottons. r.r vn ai d liloe Cotton Prill, Hickory ttnpcs, 1 ickinK: Line Dcnin.s, Illunkets, 11 imt-U- . MoU-ekit.!- Cobomgs, Alpacas, Lastings, tiinehainn, cl ertlrps, Linen, Iinprri il. Bur!.1n, Floor Oil Olrti S, Handkerchief. Tcacels, P.DCln?, Tnclirt Linen Thread uad f?n g Cotton, Woiden llr-iid- an:l Pictnre Corts. li.thin?, Shirts, Hosiery, I a liraand l.eutHats and Caps, .?- - mid r?Icris Hire Cioods, T..hle Covers snl Counterpane?, Cr.ton ar.d Silk Uml rell.s, Ccmiis and Hair Priihes. i Brlrnt Fencing Wire. No. ft and No. 0. Sheet 7..HC, pailor,Pocket and hi!h Knir... , Knives and Eotks. Shot No. 2,3 4. fl, 8, Yell..w Metal Sheathing. And Cc.n: position ail. OTaOClKIKS, Wines, Beers and Spirits, Uooiins Slater. I!liickmitlif Coal. File nnd Pipe Clay, i Cordage, Hemp Canvas and Sail Twine i j SLACKED CALFSKINS. All 1.11 ICAaV GOODS! Invoices cf Provisions and Groceries, Invoices of Wooden Ware, Invoices of Hardware. WHALE LINE, Col ton Can van .mil Sail Tunic ! ALL WHICH IS Oin.KI .I 10.. MLI. LI.IORK OU i, inrn AL, i i A, ltwral Market Iricea. i .1 V Y r. von a m.F T F f! M S . j r,-- n 2oj ti. Itoot ar.d hor yi..rrs and Irlrrs la I.fatlifr and Ml oo I lu!iuS ll-t- I Strttt. het. Xhwihh ai-- l Mii inikrt .Vs. f tsf tTOr lfra frn tYi coniary aoUittd nnJ innntly ta5j.ttcii.lt.l lo t.n tin- - mat rrnoiill? leru:. tviT ly C. E. VSLLIAMS. luip. rlcr and io i BrnHure f L-- ry rrs.;irt;,,. Kornilure XVnre It.-- ta on I.rt -- tred, r.p,.,w te K. II. Ryda Iauiily Mai et; Vrk.!u. at ti.e old ;!.. I, if"ll (trwt. near r.rt. N. P. Mnli-r- fr-t- i thrr iMiinils ;.rntri.tly attfndid to. S G. W. NORTON & Co., ON THE ESPLANATE, First Door above the Custom-hous- e. Hmioltilii. II. I. C33 ly ad. J. TiiiMiiitlis nnd Ilnmbers, fiuunnu Strtrt, near the rharf FlOVKf? nnd I.KAD 1IIK aiw.va i.n immi. rfunuiug ri cu .inns MiLrnutu lo. 61i ly " " Va"a7r J1 Bi Ei 55 Bii . W. G.WOOLSEY, SAILTvlAKER, -v IlAfJ (llKXKIl A SA II. I.OKT IN Till! T. lIui.MIiiK, i n QCKliN tiitl.LT. f rnierly oo-n--- ii V! ir.1 by Aldrl-- h, Vlkrr .t Co., wiser h i prrparcd lo exeCiit all ordrrt. c:iuru..lt d U hnn in tl.r IDJM aorknitiiiice. main. it. No chiirt; f..r storage of ail to cutomrrv 61 Sin 12. ss?:.ras:r.i. Wheelwright and Coach Maker, gyrferooT cr xmr sti:ekt, At Mr. ireiijhtStand, R. pnirs on AV:ipon, Can ir.g-i- AO., attrnd. d to tn resaonnhle OJil trjm.. am j,,, ,)rP. ?mi. Nott. JOHN MOTT & CO., COPPER AIE TIAS.TIITHS. riUKK Pl.KASl IKlX AXXOUXCOGTO ii.r Iuuiiu insi hicj nnr prepare., w iurnin ail.m.soi ""us r"ro" lS.""l." Alston band, a foil a-- triiciit of imitarr. Wdnh ,.., sh!-- at the lowest market price,. - or BKramts-- ponb with sraTSF.s akd DTKriTCH. cvi.r.fr.?.itheherin!., f hop nn Ka:ilinciana St., one 4lnr abore Flitn. rs. 6.6 tm JAS. L. LEWIS, CO 5 P 23 R V X a A r a i: B5, A llie Old Stand. Corner of King and Bethel Streets. A large Stock of OIL, S III IO K S and all kind of Coop, rrins: JWutrrinla constantly on kind. Ite hope by attention lo linsinrss to merit a continuance of the pjtrouae which he has liitli.rto eigoyed, and for which he now returns hi thaakr. 61S 6m i: , xv . a at n n k xv s , MACHINIST, Ibrt S!rfd. opposite Wd FellowsJIa. Honolulu. Continura in the lnainraa of repairinc niar.v articles (tTl ,,( l"Uehold use. tVrks, Onns, Sewing Machines. At., Vn V nnd will constracl M.vlels and small T.kK, and make Iraft, of Machinery to order. oof) lr XV. RK..KTT, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Ling Street, Opposite the Bethel. pL Ilotiolnln. 11. I. . 20 ly J. Ii. WICKE, C A E5 S X 2i T W A Ii K ll , ALACKl PTRKICT BM TBK TBK4TRK. Fura.totv made a ad repaired at rcjw.nable prica-a- . Cil ly GEORGE LEONARD, .tlmiiifacturrr ol FURNITURE of nil De- scription". j TLANING, SAW IS G AXD TURNING DONE. ! Munldios of all kinds eonstnntlv oo Hand, ly j Catliolic Church Premises, Honolulu, I II A VI NO L1TELT RETURN- ED B fruoi &in Francisco ! Witli a .ew Stork of Jlatf rials, lie is prejwed to 7.Vj7iV WATCHES, CLCCXS AIID KU3IC BOXES 61.1 TVih pr(T!pnep- - and dispntch. ly i PACIFIC BRASS" FOUNDRY. i ! THE UMIERSICXKI) IVOCLI) RE- - ; sicttully ii.lorro the public th it he i prepared tn cast snd finish ail kinds i braes and coniioaiti:i work with dispatch an.l at r?aonahle rat. s. XT All kinds of rhip and plantation worV f.irniniied on short not-ce- . TTT Constantly on hn.e eoniilinps of th? followirf. i s.zcs: 4, i, 1, 1 J. - and 2. Alo. oil rup. and Raupe cocks. ( JAMES A. IIOPiEK, 59 ly Kinp street. ( "4 I M FORTE RkMA N V FA C- - a TUllLU of rSS r- - All . TTUMTiK of fJ ATVnT.T.U . . J" " v a a. Corri-ir- e Triir-r.ihir- r .nc ct.Ye.fZ.ess i;)d Tiis- - polch. Al On!r, s pronpV.y attended In. Corner sf Fort tad II-- rl Mrrrl.. Hoiioluln. ti ly ll. LI1TT, Tf,4 w V. .!-..- . arV Ulltl (IliU atlMtilld it VI ,rFt Holrl Si.. Ilaualnln. tl Cor) It PiiiUTEJl &. PAPER riAUGEIl r- - r. CAN RE FOUND AT THE on flu TUL S TH E kT, near iha aUC7,;k.-Mre.-.rleiie- e of Dr. Wood. f4;V.D f y All rrk entrusted to Mr. NOI1EA will VstTi-jSS- e le done with ncatu:s and dipatch. aud at the lowest r.trt. 6Di ly JAS. A. 155 Cl.JIC.t, COOPER AND CAUCER, Continvti the business At his Old Stand on the Esplanade. All w.r doi:a with care, aud orders promptly attended to. f.S3 Cnasars MonrnaTK. lr ! HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, BY V. J. IIAoMXS. rp.nn proprietor or the aro,e K Works is preufcre.t to supply hi co.ton.er-a- . and the pub- - lie in peneral. with tlie rM ounlity V EI.MIW SO A I. SO F r SOAP !.. au hand. Thk IIii.iikct Psicc ram foh Sae Urkai.1. 695 ly HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, By HCDDY .V C.KAY, at I.eleo. REtT.Il EI A I.A RCE AND FULL nAVlNfS are prepared to supply their eu.tomers and the public, with the bot I ellaw, Rrowu nnd While SOAP. ALSO Hoivr vrvi on. soap, Tn larye or small quantities to suit. P. reap preaae always wanted. COO ly LOSiSG-- Pictorial History of the Late Rebellion ! ITHMMK 2 jriST RECEIVED. VOLUMES l and j can now t fmui.e.i. The thim Volume, which ,, v M.work. shoyiy nyrsA1" !f tV3I. I .,,!. I 1 1 1,1.. ,, i, j ITtnt MARKIXO I.IXEN. TO BE ISED W without anv preparation the bei markinir ink In use. icrsalel y il lm H. M. WHITFFV. ointstie j.lrotiurt. jONOMEA PLANTATION. Snnr and 3Iuliet Crop lfi6, riOUX IX. Ftllt SAI.K IX UlANTU tZJ iio WALKER Jc AI.l.lrV. Agenla. j PRINCE VILLE PLANTATION. Sujrar nn.l ?!o1iim Crop 186. -- ioiix; in. run sai.k i.n Q.17A.NT1 iy TIK Ij uil urrlu.ri, ly W AI.KI.K k ALl.KX, Arrot. waTiluku P L ANT AT ION. VKV noi. now 4.Mixt; . rle I.y H3m C nCKtK.il & Co.. jprnta. SUGAR AND MOLASSES OK TIIK KtlllAI.A SIGAR COMPAM, alc in quaniitHk to mil hy Clfa CAETLK COOK K. M A K E E PLANTA T ION. i:v ckoi or SUGAR AND MOLASSES! Now t i.m.i.g in. lor5alely 619 6m O. BHKMKK Co., apvita. If. t.orn v. r 1 1. Ilwprl.lor. SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROJl THIS PLANTATION FOR SAI.K JC iu litis to (uil imr.rliaa.Ta. Apply lo ifiP ly OKO. C. NcLKAK. Agent. ROSE MARKET, KING STREET. G . R I S E L Y fr-- H tSOPKXKI) TIIK illOVEMAR. jVVrji Kl.T for the sale f tS2-n- r poRK AND FORK SAUSAGE, also Beef Sausage, C orned Pork end 5eef, Spleed Beef, tc, &c O. I.i fly !: made? t!io hen Pork fcvjatf eter road on these Ihlands, and lie a ill Uv It again. Thankful for past favnra, he will he moat happy lo anpply all who may tnr him with a call. ii ly WAIMANALO MARKET, llONtUXLi;. II. I., Kfntr Street, oppnelta the Itett.el. N03 y DUFFINS MARKET,noon .v :., KtXU STREET, HONOLULU. J4 ly FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. 12. II. IiOYI. Cliolceat Meats from finett herds. Poultry, nh, Vc.elal.lei AVc, fnruishd lo onler. f M4 ly PIANOS! And Other Musical Instruments, TUNED AND REPAIRED BY CUAftLE DEUBY AT TIIK T1IBATER. LenNoiin Civen on Piano nnd Cnitar. Bert of references given. 607 ly HONOLULU IRON WOKKS COMPANY. TJ A K E A I. I. KIN D S OF M - 5 "c -- arjii. ot..T--j-- M CEXfRlKlC.Ali MACHINES. Also, DoiltTS, Coolers and fh-- t Iron Work, and all kind, of URASS AND IRON CA.T1N.. A lr(m st.wk or ripltir. F.lbows, Tees, IVsss Valves and Cocks. Sheet Iron, boiler Plate, Bar Iron, Ceotrifnral Wires. India lluliher 1sokir.fr, and every decnpiion of Machinery always on hand. 1 Great Variety of Marhlnery on band .V far Sale Lew. 630 ly " HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. XKXV AXn LATEST STVLK OF GOODS By Bvery Steamer, Tlio flnow aud Largest Assortment on the Islands. BS Y 13 A iv vkotiu:i.s, Xmportoris, wholesale and retail DEALERS IN American Clothing, (.flits FumiMiiDp: (jlooris," Boots, Shoes, II a Is. Caps, Yankee Notions, &., &c, .Vc, Ve. . Consisting of ihe Following : f3L.AIN AM) FANCY CA SSI M ERE SUITS, aV Light ami heavy rrad s. Fine lilne Flacnel Suits. White Linen Duck -- ails, Erown Linen Dritl Suit. FINE SILK ALPACA COATS! Tine Tweed Coats. Fine Milton Cloth Coats, Fine White L!nen Coals, Fine Browa Linen Coats, Fine Black Dress Coats, Frocks and acks. Fine Black Doeskin Pants, Fine Beaver Pants, Fine T.lue t lannel Pants, Fine White Lineu Pants, PLAIN AND FANCY LMSSIMKRE PANTS. Light sud heavy grader. Fine Black Dock in Vests. Plain and Fancy f ilk Yeats, Plain and tancy Pilk Velret Vests,, White and Fancy Marseilles Vests, Pl.-ai- Cassimere Veata. WHITE SHIRTS of all DESCRIPTIONS. Fancy Calico fhirta of all deanipt iona. Linen Collars, assorted sixes. Fancy an.1 Plain Woolen Orershirts, all daseriptiona. Undershirts and Drawn-.- , all descripliotia, Ba k and Fancy Neck Ties, all descriptions, 7oijfthtr irifc Eiullts I ariety of ROilTS. SHOES. HATS, CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS. A.e. Messrs. Hyman Brothers Would beg respectfully to call Ibe attention of THE II UI.lt 1 O HH.MUl llI..Is.t.lW A A MUU, To their lar(re anj variea assonmeni w AMERICAN READY MADE Fsislii on able CIofliinx BOOTS, PHOKf. HATS. C.sPS. YANKEE NOTIONS, .c. blasters olWliIc$liips A as al DEALFJ1S HIOJ THE OTHER ISLANDS. L ,,, well to call on us before porch asice elarwhere Capt Suows Euildinrj, Merchant St, rt It llooalula, Oshu. II. I.

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...Sei-retar-y of Jtnte of hi g'"! lu.-k-. The fellow. jurupn in the oara. a rul all of a atnUoo an altr-n-a-tio-n taken IwCween the il.r-keep-er of the

TUB FAOiriOCommercial bcrttsfr I I a nn (i v .

t. rCBUsliLD (

Tavocy tSaturxlay Torni-ii'- . j a a, a " . , - . . 1 aVf I - , JW Honolulu. J IrfjKK atC aa4 I. La- - m Tear. ; or c..vi3. f.r Ma Maxaiaa.

FareJie, aacr IplUaa. .IH a, Vrar. Sj'ic air.ituni in Nun- -'t1 I rril I) p."Vs aathaeriuflon prW-- forwarded to Ane 'paper, any prtof

rtn is Ami sa-- r miiuhi, whii tnrl.al-- a to-- MrMin anal II j ? a a s a U H Ti 3 I

i 5 l,ina 5 CO 3 00 a , -- "

au tai4--a All patera Ur ma rl (lUWrliulol ! ' ii fj w ! UrM.. j i63ci.o i vru- -th", pm4C4 al lit AV-- -, wha-- Varies hnn 4 I., .4' $(KMt 1 Unn7 'V ; 2 tni 4 (HJ 00 7 3. . . llUlit of(arM m each tsirtgtar (Mprr. '" i 3 f' 6 I 50 10 H. tf Lf anj

X.J caecair-fj.- u Par tin Akiti i Atttara. j . i ; , j 2' Miwa t 0 1 i0 I ( 1 fJf ' .

I r l'omMiiiuwM fr fa pn ih Pac.3 "HI always I ri.l j'in j h (iti li 00 lt uO ii imi Jft T. J4"rf acareptal.... j i t'oluni- - J0 1.0 IS V0 0 OO 40 lJ tXU

i o.:oiiiii ii Dooo ck:-- 0 4o uo m i. v.IT7 Prr milling in as, part at IS United !lr. ran U ll V luiuiiirt ;0 t0 40 0.) CO 00 ) w 120 H '.''Orn.t la aaHUt of auiMsrmMMi. 4aes fr ths In Aa.m- -eaa Ira eaf p.- -. etaaipe, tea to lh d.dlar. I 1" JIusi.tc CarJi, l.n lrpni.l jar a vror. ai alintrail

J a ti. yril Irr-- thrae rut"-- , aliM-l- . are ft u.iihinu a.lwrl.'v--

PtWC AMD flJICTITT Atlvrrtiarp. iM.t in th Taiilcrti I"nilr4 r ranBOOK AND JOS PRINTING. 5 SIX ItOI,t,t 'KR AXM M. y f.r their ranla t rn. G'rrnSorl ( Dti tntatitKIHTKO It V Ilt'ltr.l.IKI M HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SKPTEMHKK r. LS(JS. aa tkfy ari-- h la art tlrir rarda ill b inwrtedxt TMmvKBrnM a?io Anrar. c um rroir-- i IIKM1V M. WIIIT.XKl. V VOL. XIII. a III. W1IOI.K .t. lit 1.".v. lbl-- , l r the


a aa rl.l!v la iKa art.an T mX Crl rr. in in o

722 PACI7IO 'Commercial Advertiser,

Far.WIum pni.r, iaj ay f Wkj . ara fmwl.

I'a avr thin half th i.r!J rn wbwf-f-h ltl aa mta ya tano.1 la.al.

Hich bit aa aain yon annul knw.!" B.r !!- - knrt h4 can at

t'nalil r dfam of ow(bl ami ly ;

', Uaaxirr tl fmw wlJ kl,Nj (uiiun h( ta Ua a .

My rlrha Bf bcin IianwH.'lra m anl m UiHBn .

N,. aid m al.r, aiy fcrt(.Ti ytrl.l mt kale I t kata aaTun.

Hal ymmirm. te; Ih, bnn v

TH alh m ! ak v t ' J.Tlwf JltM I raonul aamr.

A ul tuy mm na-r- t nhrn I'm mI.

r.iw hr anl v' "t-- " 7"' "".V- - a aartVa cVry at aiy f .

awf Iha ally .. my baa.1.TTm tna!.mf no any g.nJ'O a--! i.nt arm Hit lal Urfhla aay ka.T ctul.lrai rtl my eTit

T kiMa, tS k. IIW iaa ami l.iwr,eil 7 i Sla Jrl a aU m ! r

t'KT fcr I npn U yoir caxa.Awl bark lb xom aaarnlnc makra.

Tt Va fr'tn l!v kill asj Ir w ik amitll--- r kh aal holy aolVm knaka.

Com kvra ami tMrS Ihr grand oU aunga

Tkat aarura ainc m avcraanraTk hiapaU( af a UauwaMMi lkiC(,

,Aaii tell b fit aw, la I ft '

iNni rvk) la k. IN4H Uhr Car

U .a arra aircfch Ikaa rja cm rll, !

tVo kaa an auna.Yna lo ka mlc.f.fj aith of bcaaly la hi, attl.

p.- - i h livm! a,r knnwai

II. a nam in hil nv rliy mart.ky mWf coalanl amaaltl hi lna.Wtt (. ul and 3lurw In Ilia katt Itltttt L ;


Foreign C'ounilale. I


fcTalv Ik? rIib.; ami the jateTof at iint- - :

uij; il'pati!. or v U ah.juM le abrogatedalt rjritr.er.

At jre-xn- t. consuls are virtually af ainto.l hy i

Conreiaaioiutl ilclejpxt.ne. Thev ur them Bp-- i

co the Kiecutiv atxl the Scnte (lepartrpent, au-- j

a: ten-- 1 t their confirmation in the Senate. InruMt inftams.- - these ilf lejati nn know ntitin of ;

the Dian tf ey rr.immenr. ex.T t that he in reo--:-l by aodiolxxly they know, ami that the !

j"litf..-a- l ehnn-- iuire hu nomination. After :

t.'ie n.xninat'am nn.1 e.iSrtnati.n Live .Inly takenjilaoe. the r.' 'rl cotmul I infnnHf by theSei-retar- y of Jtnte of hi g'"! lu.-k- . The fellow .

jurupn in the oara. a rul all of a atnUoo an altr-n-a-tio- n

taken IwCween the il.r-keep- er of theJtate IViHrtrnnt arxl mD nmlr-lxki- n eu-tun- cr.

wt. iri!irtia upon iKfir the !?... andrLiim.a t. have eome all the way from Kankakeeor Anhuhula t p-- t thrm" poiwn. The ofB- -;

cial of the ?Mte lepnrtmerit Mne rf whom '

privittte toward the Virginia ami MarrLnr.lol.l-liti.h- rnnl tv!e of pxjd breclin;, while others

luxuriate in all the etoli.l ta i.lny of the eoun--tryuwut of Kip Var Wiukl- - pive t. the new con-- ;

aul a rather l iliirg rrcrptioo. of cHirre, be iatat a.laiituil t the prwnee of the 15. , who

.fi hiuif'.f r a few foreign miniMer. arxlfor cabinet nw-cti- He ha about balf a eec-on.- l'a

infervi'w witu FreJ. S-a- iJ. wl:, with a.mile of imfrriurbabte wffrif, liaiKin him otert one of the pntlemen of tne orace, wii ton.J.to the cortntil a Lam! .mrlv-botin- d volume, whichconuiiis the onnuLir rrtilation. Awmbly of tli II iwaii.m in

article artar- - in the of tlie lm nembhtl :

It'll or Dunjtuwt Dugttr, ann un in,;th fact that "the Hon. Jcrrmh apLo-- e--kiel Jupitrr Joncn, eminently ipuLr in thinilintrv t.anI rcuiarkabr. tor hmdtp.uaiatie talent--,Uiw arrive 1 Waahiut.Mi; had lentlrrneil in--irrriew wi:a itu iHtTerary oi .jic, w gn,Mm olS ial inntrurti jrva f the bihr,t impor- -um r, an-- i t.wn ik-rar- in )i caste ior uu pniof destination, it fn iii that on his wayt iiaermutcntluil imt i t tuc.?; t..Kjni Latum,at M Ssward" epra ial re4ueni." In the

J pu.w a mierable evening at theteac.jrt 1 1, nine, ia a op c aatijJartory t't'.-a-f- rt

witii kin inntru.-ti-nvi- .' Tlie bi..k: which the7?ntlonvn of t. Scttc Dojrlraenl haitahil him j

with ucl bLiul laioiU', aimr ly contain tins gen- - ,

eral cjtvuLir rculati.Ki aj jltin to all couotrie--t tine w.rl.1, a ad wit'ioul any particular relvrern e to the jarti. ular dutiea wiiiofi be lu ir Livet ','u.Ll in ii e nrtiaUr j k w h h par-ticularly at pia:-l- . IS-- ; ricn gives the b upin ipair, tut t.a., the lappy inriratii- - to buya Cri.Uri.ivs'. Af.er Laving di.wcrii the la;-t:u- de

arvl Liitu.le t which he ii he ianext seen etal.ii.iir aojt with a mi ..nr-r'iue- n-

tul a.r o. the .- l- Sc of or of the c..eap li.m ia ;

T'Tl' ,tV,C U r.-c- a l!'e IIt--j

f.r M--i sa!i.y, aad wi-iwa- i na.!!y lie fr oi '

una i f t.'ie Ln-- al pnprr of tia? place in wttwh lie ;

re-- i !e-a-. eiCra-- t ol cvaorciai wi;h '

greit tlxirioti of tru:npct, aa if he bad Ik.xiiUieir origlail ompiler. Il any language eicr t- -in the .VbLvHuU or Kankakee diaU.-e-t w tpokenat the pMt of LU he hold hiiaeelfrather r fr :a a.j.-ity-. H htakcrj f.r an Ar:girml Areriran, anl 9tij tohis f'wt tr'Vlgl thick and thin, until, day, i

aier in. an.l my: Jonc yxi are f

ara.wne.1 J n. a do. a little swearing, invites :

Lfnwn t take a drink, pick up hi trap, and i

the rett we hear of h',ia i through oil friend, ;

tlie Li'rty flrll or Uunjtirn iiuy.'rr, in the f.l- - i

lowing .train : e are Itappy to aanounce the I

s:e return fc tfti fli.nrict oi tne ii .n. JrremiaaNtpdex.o Ejtekicl Juriter Jone, frura hi mieiont .irirutenth;U. Afcr having eprnt eeveralyear ahr nI, Le rpeaki. of eure, the diff.-ren-t

Ling,aga of Europe. anI ha had acxvw vt them- -t e rir ! of Debility and gentry,and U tere.l in a!l the art of the statesman anddirl .tnat. 0ir bent citizen pii. their reapea-t-


lit evening, to the hrrabte get.tleman, at hieiiarter ac tlie TmuliAait 1 1 ue w hare, withhi w.ite.1 urnitv. lie treated hi fc a '

h.n.!(me aurr-- r. We may add. that the b)nor-aM- e

g"nr.leta;4n L propa-.- l a the tncmNer in the"event th Con gr- - tonal di.atri.rt, the intenti. nfing. ia tlie event of hi election, t make himrha.irro.in of the Committee on F.rein Itatin- -t't wi.-- ! pa.! he ia y Ctte.1 by hi J

rnu,anty siitfi hintory an I law and aratcma.f ftign

I n.L r the r reweit rirnimfarcea, er-i- l liet. or for the j roruotion of cotamcrre.At a stated aunual ieri! thew are called uion tn"nkfl a report to the tate iVpartinent, and in!u"t tlie.r m. itI activity Un-- l it climax in

thi ann ial rffrt, wLi:h, m'r-vc- r, i generally"pie.l fftta other report., arvl Uu rarely the tr-u- lt

of painia-uitin- g. original, and exhaustive

By rawing the rhanu-te- r and tualifi.tion of"nal.a propyl it, the I'atterw.n till, it i

irv.ahle that a tetter cLve. of tuen will alevotetharcaelTe v, thi branch or the publicaod !,.. m it .ight to an auxiliary t- - the"tornene and industry of t! country.A regard dipt,mati? jmt, tha "country baa

iaratficr f.rtunate. in.e tie acci.,n of Mr.in wln Mr. M..tIe-- .n. sent to

lenrw.Mr. Marsh to Italr.ilr. Ada'oato totlon, i

f. Ij-t.,- to I'aria. ao.1 Mr. Joy Morri. toifu, i ll't.l a as at--'. 'witu ine la--t year .vimmirraut ha, in real ty, ocen the tvrmcirat Aroer-J- n

rpreTnutive at the Kuropean Court. ItirJr4'D; that naval corararuier are rot per--

mnnmtJv inTtr.l. in tim of janiv. wit!i foreign

miloit. Ttifv pencrallr mnke an aJiuirnlitfaiil, " "hn .y Coiu-mo-L- ro

iVrrj, in ruw.I in lhe n.ti.-- ti inLViun whrn rivilint cirwrally fail.Tl.rr i otiirtliiiifc ufri;l.tiiwl rlilltfurwal ina artil .r'" Umrin an.l a l !n. whi. Ji in-f.ir- on

rrtntj.Jnr, nl the orr nvigni-tin- ol hi Minli.!,,; IMM A m.-ri.-.-

attrnij tin-- t.. tniu.ie tl.e wr..rn-,- lt HvWf .lijlmati.r crafl an-- 1 mummi rj. utnam s Mryazmt.

LllVNPMaard by the Ilitwaliitn I.rsiltturr-Sraaio- n

of !.AN ACT

Tilr' S-cti.- ' f tin? ViilP.: ir KiTri. v t! c Kin, ik1 the lr-'Wati-r

Ax-mM- r of the Ihvruibn Iflan.lj. in tU-- Lr c- - om.-- c -- n frmjo am. in 4 p.

the Kin-- 'I .mi arMmU-.l- : j A. f. IJI FH. .Al." M. ii..s,, . I. That Soi ti ,V of the Civil C.-- Ie , rsirhm ud Snrprca,an ! the Mllie .a r. hy rei'- - , , Offi.-- , an.l IhUnw, AMrich ll.. ..rt .trrrt

cry aoon Ibtd, thetiii cri,lo. tUmin-- ' Kinz



Lu-- e


etAttU-n- .










T.C. ii. llii.a .Wl Mian riitft nni iKninrlaw fr-.i- u aivl alt.-- r t'.e .lite of it. j.irwie.Ai:roTcJ thi.il.Liy orJane. 1S. j

K iI

AN AT ,'

T mrn. an Aet t. rr-a- . (Imtt.r 10 of t!eCivil Ckxl'. Blxl t reuLite l"? Ilunnu of Till- - '

lie In.tru.-ti'.n- . J muarr It). 1mV. i

. . . . ..He IT ivitTri. lv tl: Kin, nn.I tle lu'Iitire ,

A eiahly of tf Hawaiian I'bud-i- n tl.e Lrr--islature of tle Kinliu nrM-u.M- rJ

. Src. 1. That the rail A"t i hrrchy a;ucnl.il1t inwrtinf; afi-- r fvt-tio- n -- 1. the following a.-e- -

ti"nn. viz: sc ti h:s l!l nt! 121 n, n f Ilow : '

?rc. 21. The tent'Iiera of all (roverninentS IoIs, fur the oluc&tioii of mtiv; lliwaii.in i

I'hiiJr.'n, i!ia!l kfj a fom-c- t rcit.-- r of tlsename, acs. a (an l'ir nn acertnuuble,) nnl llie i

I lam of rrii.l.-i- . e of the i l.iMren attrntlirrp; their .

reaiaH(iri a.h.vM nu.l n.i Ini'fiiT nl nnv NMimil

'"r "7 ciumuuu v. im.ov .............. .' ,,man prant a rc;ea.e m-n- i im or iter tu any

be tV- - ; 69,!,tf "" b --am-. i ,r the Vu rpoceentering atler rbuol. .ml, the ainl Sh,approval of the par,nt or pnrl.an of riu.i chi..l.

reniimtin? t- - I releaatl. ehull be made in '

. . " - - - i

writing, by .mil irent or guardian. r on Op-- ,

rlioation Oiade br tlie S-ln- l A cent of the Ii- -triet. for trval tt.,rt ali.nn to hi4 Kiti.na.'tion.In ererr aueli a certifi.-.tt- c in wntin,r !wl be ?

pmntf.1. a.:ttilig forth the fart- -, and Mne.l by i Wlt?e teacher.

SEC.21b. N. .liall rceilC into bin Or .

her .:!k. any chil l. u.W f.fuvi, yean, of a-- '

1... loar Lira of.o.-l.- vl ,.,...l...r ..kLhui I

m-- h child, bin or her ia.-eii-t or guardian, pro- - '

ducca to the tcarhrr of the a. Ihm.1, f .iil.t tobe cnfcre.1, crilitlt. of rchnae. Mocl by the .

teacher of tie e l... hint attended. n hereinW'

f.re pMV ideal. Anl the tech.T of any '

who !inll violnte any of the of thin- -

and the f. in- - in; rectiori, rhnll, on eonviflion be-- j

fores I ttrc or District .loetU.c, b iiuU-.- t to aruec oif nte .1 IIar r..r trie Crl otiet., and T.ir a

offrwe, le liable t. a fine r ten dollar--,,

and remit al frtrni office, at tlie diMrction ol the J

e.Hirt. i

.Sm . 2. Tiii A- -t ehall tike cfl.. t anda Iw fr ,m and after the Jate of itn ,

Aipr.vc.1 thin 'Jlth dny of Ji;ne. 10. 'KrH..nu K.i

AX A(TTo amend S.r lin 134 of the Civil Code.

!. it evactfi.. by the Kinz. and the licgidative

ec. 1 Tlcit N-.'ti.- HI I of the 'ivil Cjde lie,an, the earoc in l.i-rc- v aincndel ty an to read an ;

,.,Ilaw:m.c. Tlc fee f .r adiiiiuiotevin tlie oath !

f allegiance. eul)-ribii- the jurat and granting ;

ortih.-a:- e of tf? Ktine, chnll be tic O nUrn: I

pr,.tlJ, however, tlmt ti c .MiniMer .d the Inte--.jr nr, in hi .Ilmt. Ii mi, reuut jsirt or the

wlndeot Kiid ft, wi cn the af..recaid at!i hall -!? a.l.uinitercd t' immigrant intr.nlai.-c-l here c.

throuii tl.e agani.-- y of tl.e Uird of Immigration.Kf. '2. Thi Act rLail bceome a law lnm an.1

after Ihe date of it nfwno;e. HAjprjvtvl toil, iliti day uf June, 1i.Kaji ii ami ii a I!.

AN ACTTo otablWi tly Cvaipciiaation ofio. ii ov ..ir- - coig, uo l..e

Wcxr.Mv "f th Hawaiian in tl.e I'g--idature .f the Kin I m 1 :

Sit. I. The o ai,-ivi:ioi-i of the Kcpreent.i- -tiven of the pcopb; i- - hereby cptl.!i-!K- l at twohuii.lre.1 an-- tis'ty .1 !Lir f r each Mivin. f

EC. iT. Itaa Act take cact aa.i-.rUm-g to

h Tltitw of t,,. otltutiob,.Ai proved thi. ZUU d.v of June, l.o

Kaxluamfua ll.l

c. . i: i: row.nle RsMaats atn i nrrH i r.-r- l. mm How r Irons

Ka.hamn a.r f . lya. e. aosas a. . who. a.


lactioa aad faiIvdao .T5rrrJiaH,HUE PP. eiF

1st Raalaaai Ilail.liaijf . t siren Sfreef.lr

fanejor and Civil Ijt;inerr.Order, let in fc", ii. P.O.. wt.l rcri imir.rdi . le

at:ent.q. l'.9nn atun-i- l lo - ar.y .rl f V- - l.'aoda I

ED. IIOFF'CIIL.AEr;E!i. A. CO.. 1stImpertervaad frvmciKdon Ttercliaot.

( ararr mt Fasrt sttaaf Merra.-- .! Strrcla.OH ly

XV. N. I. iI.laiporteraad Dealer la llardwarr.Callerj. ferbaalrsTIs and Jsrtrallara. lain.eKeaf.

- I'arl Strrri. ly

C. IIRI'.WKR Ac CO.(t.C!Biiaa aad laloplnz Merraaat,

i 11 aawlwlw. )ahai. II. I. ly Andtw k s ci.tt . $ m. avassToa. a. w. s.

CATI.E K COOK E.lasportrr aad (.earral Serrhast.

Klass; .tre.4. apaaailr Ihe Sramra'a Ckasrl.JIJ0. AVE XT HR

tr. Jfi I F.m'r M'd.r.n.,.Klr.i.f t litnn w.n Macbm...The Fn anH Matul lwofv Company.T.e K'.baia "irar 'twny, Itaw.u.T. Ila.ka Nixar o pany, MaouTh lw: M.Ua. Mui.1' a Vta.aloauf.i I'Unlalvrfa. Oahq.The Lnmahal Kr l1.r.ti.. o, Kaaa.. 0 ly

IllHllOP Aw CIIM Ilaakera.orDre, la the eal earner af )!akec !:!!.,

KaaVimacw atr-- rl. )l'.n4u.a.W. B.Iia .f Earhanr iThe K,s t .iir ,.!. - Par. Traneiwo

M'..r. U. ...I i.Mntr.i a Co., -- w Vork.I... 4 Uitio, - New Vork.

T.ia.ir in a.iliiii. . . H-- t o.mi.araL baas l'.arr.a.ri.... . Ii-n- .

ipt.f. p.'iric ls.c.ao C. ai.l Maaaarraa Lire Ita- -a- - l...

Will rerir dpr!a.dIeount flr.l-cta- a, bqslrie,apaper, an-- l

attrfvl lo.iier..ine.eie. til lrM. KAPI.EE.

Sblpplar and (aniUiaa Acenf,). w.tb E. P. Adama. Iq .


trrw ae rttsioins T"et. Vt'wrao U u ta, I'. 5. I M'r. C. Hre-rr- r A Co.

Canani. I J..r vta k.rAID XTU-r- wa C. L. K efiarda A Co T. Y Adaa. 4 I

justness earUs.


irr cornrr of Fori au.t llotrl Mrrrtr. n i: i

K. IIOKK.MA X.V. .M.l. t

I'lMrlrian and Snr"riti.Cora- -r Mrrrhant.nl K.M.umanu .ar IT--1. fl.ee. HI I,

' pBti.iri auJ SiRroa".omtw,Kef, Dr K. ,... s,. rrn. , K,.ht

m.na anl Ml . kiI th IV.l Oir.c.Ruimki a.tj.iin 4f., brtttrrn .Viiihh an4 'orf 5f

Orrira llot-a- a rnnn A . In A. M aiMl Iruiu 3 lu 6 I'. M.

Dlt. KK.NXKIIV.r.'iirian, Snrrran anj .ironthror.

i I'ortPt.cpiwa.neC. K. Vi!l,ara' rorniture War-ruoi- &91 !y

llt'CiO ST.l.M.KMV.U.n. M. I.. iriij-Ifl- A and Mirgrcn.




Itiarufy and (oaDllar at Ijw. '

Otteon Urn Mrrt,r.-i- t ll.r Ciarl ll.m , up aim.i J 1

w. v. jom:s..'.Mora?? a! law cc.f Liud lxnt.

trill prarti.v in all !). of l.f KuiK-- l mi. Ilr willmll'n-- i "" '' i' "H iah.anl iit ri;l.rr it tli l.l-n.- ls un

r--ci ,i i.u-- u. s.it-r.- .. inn n, ,, ,.,,-- -. v,,,.

rV.7 ly'a. r. ji ii. j

tttorarj and far--lIo- r al l.nw,ConwraT !" ar I Vrc!iatil htr'eta. 4(ri ly


JOHN II. CATV.oUr lnt!lr.

llonoiulu, II. I. Oftce al the lUnk o( I'.i.hop A: Co. KA Km

K a C. DAVIS,... a

w.UPyacUlo all llwC. rt.fll Kln-do- ai. In llhi::iElihand ll.aanaii LtnpuaKej.

Ofier on Quern Street, eppntitf the Court Hove, lyC. I.. It I CM All OH ii CO.

fhdlers ton.nil,n errhaaM. and'umX JlerrliandiJf, (t

7c-- ep ronaiai.uy on Dim a liinaMortmriit ol merci.aoaiae.ror

tbr ,aFly ol bal. r, and XercUant .eala. !"tS ly ,

........... ri i--v a" ..............v- - a - ""I

Kawaltiaf, StuwaH, j

P.,-;- inj ,,r rirn-r- a! lrrehndi.-n- d S.i ppin rSnin,al the iwrr pert, where they are prepared loiuruiel.

Urajuatly celebrated KJil. Potioe nndh.p" iV.h?"""

ahortrat noO- r- an.1 ..n the mo.. ,.alde term..

X'lro woorl ou ZZnncl.J

V. I.. (J K I K.N,Oorrat rommli.!oil Aprnt and Drokrr,

Urni-- i n riaed'aoer rnmisns. i

QVHEX STREET, pui 11 lioyoLVLU. I


i4' K K VVlcalrr In (.corral ?lrrrbaudle,


tf Hold and wt,u Mreets, ilwlubt, 11. 1.auao

KcMil ralahlMitornt Naoana Slrrrt.L02Z2irr: L

iR.t KICilA It :soN.importer and Dealer io BooKshcf aud Ccntlfrarn,

I Ullll.UIIJn uwuCorner of Fort ant Mrrchnmt Strtttt,

61 IIONoLl I.C. 11. I. lyKI IN JONES,

brtwer and Ship (handler,LAIIAINA. MALI

"nr7 Kectuila furni.hrI lo hi oo Tarorahlo T.Tina.- m j

J. M . OAT At SOX,Sail .lakers


A. St'll AEI'KIt at CO.( omralidon SJereliants

HoXOLL'Lf. bri lr HAW. I.'LANTP.sense,, jiarriataxc

CIIAS. N. SPKXCKR At CO.,leneiAl iuniinidon ;i?r;haiits

arra Slrrrl. 43 lyl llonalnlu. .

C, A. SCIIAEFEIt.iztvt mt Dro-de- Board af I ndent riler.

e.i ly

tiii: m:vmm plk ri-okoa-.

PabU-he- d UeLlv In iLe Hawaiian Laniuape.,h,, xh, jr2r,t c:r.-u!.l- in th.- - er mrs and ia r--a 1 b.dh

by llawai.atis at. I I oreienrrs. Price 'iayr.rin a.l- -v.oce A.lvrrt --nwr.m tral-it'-.- l into Mawa.

i.an lr of charr- -. a't.-- In cathflia corner i f ."a.lor's Home. ly

!IO I. EES JL CO..Ship fhntidlrr and foinlion ."Irrcli4al,

V .'r..;. ;..;;. :..nrrtu it rxmnstios r

I'frt. C. A. Will'am, H Co. i Mcaars C. Lrewer ft Co..r. aatle h. Cooke. J rs. 11. II wkfcld A: Cj.,Mma. C. L. IL.charr!s A Co. i . c VValrriaan.

ei lrD . WATERMAN aV CO..

l.iun.Noa .lirthai ts.K.p4.-ia-l attiiti. --j pa.d to the iniT- - ta f the Wh-l- i. FVet by

ie Ian..i..r.K 'on purrhaw an l aaie of t.x.i.apre. Oil,Kooe. 2ener.i ai.d ihe procuring rf reij:ht

Ul.H.Kt.Nt K.--.

M'wa. Ic II jhjp, Jx. a Co., New riedlordW. ll. E. Pors, Ka., do.J. C. Minaiti. c (u, Fan I'ra--ac-- ..

6.3 ly

Clll Xt; HOGN.fonniIon Mertaaut and General Agent,

Aaentfnr the I'aokaa and Ainvoili fanr PUnlalinn Ire- -Krter of Tea and other Chime and F. rr.cn Oooda

and wholesale .IralT in Hawaiian Produce,New Sleur Mere. Nuaas-- n St., be law Kins.


Dealer In General Mrrehandlse, l ire-pro- of Store,( ararr Kaahnraaaa marl ((uren Si...f.ippie lak e'e hl'Vk.)

Also. Refill ,.al;ahmenl on Nuaanu .ire-- t. shore Kins.J r lan.t Prcdaec and sold. I aland orders carefully

altrn.lr.1 lo Aou ly

M.S. CR I.N HA I'M Jk. CO.Impwrter and Hholrl Dealer ia I'aNlilonaVe

flat bin;. Hats, Caps Hoot and Shoeses.ry ,ar.-- t, . f iVnt.etn.n'f Po r.or Farn.hing Goods

hCjra f rmerly ro... 1 ! W. A. Aldit. h,4 Moiet'i Bloei, tjrtn ti. ly

It. F. EIII.ER.Dealer la lrj f.nnd, llks ke..

Frl Mrrel. ly

TIIEO. H. DA VIES.tLnte J.tnttn, tirrtn a Co )

Impajrler and lomraUdon Mrrrliaot,tctxr roa

f.iornir 4-- the urFRpnoi. rxnF.RtrRiTF.Rs,Xtm TIII.HX ASSt .,; COllrlVr, andBRITISH t, I URLUjX MARINE IXSL RAXCE CO.

fir l'ro.4 Puillini;s. Kaahomaou ant Qjcen gtrret,.810 ly

I. N. FI.ITNER,Cintmor, I I, I boalnrss in the fireproof LuiM.nir,

Kaabamsaa irret.Ct.rov,enrters rated by ..Iwrarat.or.a of the .tin and atars

with a iran.it in:rur"iit accurate aljuated to ihesaeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention clsento

One w.ul. repilr.rr. rVatanl snd quadrantglasses ,ilrere-- l and a ljuated Charta and

uaancal Inairumenta enn.itantly our,VS hand and for rale. ljr

TIIOM. tN SPENCER.Ship Chandler, liraler In General ."IrrrhsndlHe, Idand '

l'rodnre,ir..audon.n.i.douIeitliaBt. ;

llyrw-.K- -r. Illl.. Si. 1..keepeor.,ti.tly r.n hand t rteii.ire a.Mment ofesery

..I require! be ship, and others.1 h h'. heal pnee r.ar. n f"r I.TanJ I'r .lnce.

U'-- y S'll lu ri I..i ol i:v-h:i.- a: l'iu..i hie rates Ior i.

yus:n:55 (i:u.i: .. II A 1.1. 4. SON.

Imortfr and lirslfrn lu Il.trtiHarr. U,'..ihf., ant tirnrraf pltrrhanaist.

94 CViii. r t aii.l limit Ma. Itc;i:oi;(. k u. nowi:.. . 1 a . .r,lfr ,n .imaiw l.lllU0ri , nisi.rs.

At l.i OKI Mam!, I'f.rt trt t. n-- i the i:i.laiiap. 503 ly

rise II SK A. K O T II .?iri'i i.K'it Txi!o.s.

Fori Sir.tt, crrit- - iM K.ll. w'. II. :l IIoikIu'u. II. t6! lr

M('oi.i;an JOHNSON.. ti!i .'tit Tulior.

f o k r s r n 1 1: r, no o . r . r , n. .,618 O'.n i.i.- - TIht.I. IT. 'k. ly

Til. . HfTfK.(iDflal otn!,.vNl..a "Irrr Ii.tnt,

J:S t- nrl Slirrl. ly

II . M I N T V It i:Ti!i.Tfoiii-.t- .

rl.sl iT Qin :ioi lCalmn-aPi- i Mwii, y

A I'tl.Mi V Afllt ifi.lusicrtrr-- .Vboici!r ami rrt.t;i Ilcnlrr Sn (ifit-- il

Mrrrhnr.di-- r and (1tltrl'irr"j"ra)o" lure Xuimaii Sirr.-t- .

I'lid- -' tn. Tui-li- Ii.

II. K. I(I.STVKi: K IHIOTHKU."Cruffr), IVoil Morr r it:l 1;;tj,

i'f.rnrr tT K.ii and tort rlm-K- , lion ulu, II. I. 1v

I.. I TOKUKKT,l.i'nh.r I'ruhr.

lllSca North wi .ri -- t aud Frt F'rMi, Hxoluln.K17 ly

Dralerin V. hi-- , fili i:. Air and Ptiitrr.tW Hvuolula. ly

II. II.H'M'K'ull CO..iirHrifti ( iii:iiUiini Arulv

63 II utiofnl.i.c. a rwrat. j

I.KWKItSAi. OICKSOX.Dr.tlrrs la l.untlxr vil L'uilJIa .t.ibls,

tU Krl Slirrl. I"A I.BX. J. A KTAV It Ifi 1IT.

rmmt aJAM 'lljkfavhflllf HO if I ' .1 tLl i Vlltl.l Illlf 1- " ' ' 'i""" .iianaiam. uaaa. itJOHN THUS. WATKKilorslO.

Importer aa.l Dralcr lu Crnt-ra- l 3lmhandi.M,6,a. . .

Cw ' ''v ,J,,ulu.i K". wai.k. a. r. aim

H'd.KEK Ai -- l.t.I?X.NLlniiln 'and f'iuij-l- j llthiliiU

23 HONOiAr. ,. I. ly

NKVII.I.K Sc It A R RKTT.riap.ler and t.rnrral Store Keepeih,

Keopoka. North Kona, lli'raii.near Kenlnkakn: I'.ay.e hon.hl. Mii. jn,.pl.- -l with Wood, IK-e- anl

other nccea.iri. .

AReot at Honolulu. A. S CLE'S HORN. fl.2 Ir

n. I- -. fIiMs rhtuo-rapli- io Ga!!rr !


M. lake I'llOTOtWtAfMS f rT :, in the T.kiT fTTI.S andox tbb Minr Hi.v.ioii Tn -- .

COPVINO AM) r.Mi.lRfilXf. done in thehtm mannrr.

For 5a1e Card of the Hawaiian Ki.ifra, Qo-'O- '., an.lother notable on.

Ai.an A full ..f L.tRKE AXD S.MAI. I.C R A .M K. For Sue ,.t I. .a Priors.

a;a ly 11. i.. chape.

si. n.cr&r;:L1 A:


.Me.ra. Rtiinhnrt pcre A-- Fili. Itheim1",Mr. Adoiphec.,iM,,.. haio,M.rMare,

Are In regular receipt of the

CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNES IOf Ihe abore hcuare, a hich th. V offi r for !"al froi More

tVt and ! arrie Hin

The Old Cciriosify JItop.NOT BY BOZ, BUT BY TOS.

fMir. I'MIERSIfiNElCREfiS TO XOTIFVJL his frirn.U sad the pu'-l.- vcut-rall- thst he h.is m w on


A COOl) ASSORTMENT OFCJ roc erics. Jry ands, CrocKei" !

Tobacco and Cigars,Anj the t h"t"rocrr.ron e..llectioni.f articles erer-ather- ad

together in .sp.re, nu 1 whicri fn.m'

Kelng I'tiirh:ri2 1 iv will he Sold Afrortilpfjr.KAMI 1.1 K? Vtll.l. Mi; SUPPLIED CHEAP.

Or 1r from Ihe otii. r I'lmd. will re carefully at'epd.-"- ! losod fill..! at pries - r.r.D4 cminnst. o.

A e.woplne asvu'tm.'i.l ol

Garden Seeds, Vegetable & Flower,ALWAYS OS HAND.

Fair, Mint, Thyu.e. mii..hh r ..r"ry. I'arth y and Ilors n.JMihHta roiHluil'.v for ,al- -.

Boci--kcep-ir'' on Kcderatc Terms,


TT Do not f. r.--. t t uive it..- - Old Curiosity a call, aa!fcri;:.iii rarelv ii.cl a nil elsewhere are f be lound

II. FOJIIK loKfi.TIi-- Old Curiosity 'iop, r" rt street.

S.u opp-i- ' i tl.e Gov't Offie.--

HONOLULUI W OStPnTll Enriiiic Cnwor Tfrilllt

Centrifaal Iilacliincs,Steam Boilers, '

Wrought and Cast Iron Kettles,HAND AXD MADE TO ORDER, OFON bet tnaterial and workmarahip.

EVFKY DI.5:RIPTItN OFIron M.aftinr,

fleam and Water Cock',Valrra, l.aUie fori,,,

!".aaiD tia-iae,- , and I'.jeet",.Pii'-n- Elhowa, Ta.

India RaMwr Pack i nr.Lea'ber

flax Parkineard Ilcse.


Brass Work Neatly Executed.

Hot H ir Iron and Cumberland Coal

f' hoiu! tii,r1f'fr iV (it Unrest ni'trktt prices.

Overshot, Ereast, Turbine, Centre DischargeAND ALL OTHER KINDS OF

xv a 'V 1: it 11 1: e: i. s ,Mederf rit'.er Iron or W00.I. rulcnhitiona f. whi. h will l

iud on rec. ivinc ihe particular, ol "lum, bead, aud tail ofw.terof any deairr.l locality. m d our Centre Dipr-har-

b-- el may be - n at the Kanr. hr I'Uutatioo. wh v it . Infull .'! rai. .ll tr.ru ? rntirr a

wiivi.iirTOf nil Size nnd Ieeiipt.on, with Pnmpa,

Ma Ir an 1 adapted to any place require 1.


M,d-- of any.,,-an- d. trench.ConibinW-- r all Ihe lar.at iiiiproremcnta, an I ron.poae I of thebeat ro arerima. i.ie .r our VV..d Pre.e. i, giving entire ..tiataction i n the eten.a-- ram h of the Mr .r-i- . J. fe f Hir.elalr..land .4 .N.ih.u. t.j an lu!!'l with r't art ! rs

(Ct :iio

insurance (Tntis.

1 1 A M H V lli i J I - H 1 1 1 : M K N


Mil; l'MKKM(;XEI, ll.4VI.Mi IIKKN ;

Annointtl Airt-iitao- l the lro . are rriirto lnauir nk. Kir on St.-o- e auJ l'r:rk !lu.l,hn, i

an 1 mi M. rcl i:.!i ..tnrl tl.t-rrin-, mjl fav..r-l- lc l'im?.For iiar.i. ulnri. ainly at the t.ltire uf

K. A. -- CHAKH.R A- - CO.!!.n-lal- ii. M'V 4. 1SH. CMt



OI' LONDON AM) IIDlXIil'Hl. II.itauliii:;.

C A imt.i ' i2.ooo.noonnd liivcairil Ftin.l. SdlO,l3!l


H l'Irt.t AKM l..r the Fan.Uieh lsl i:.d. and arcumhor.Md : I.it'in; aR-i- uit r'iro njx.n hiv.irlitr trrni.

K:.--k. t..ii i.i any .rt o: the IjlaiH1. on Vilii llnil.liiipf ,

an.l M.-- !.n.1i-- - .t-.- l thcr.in. !"t-li"- llnus'-- and I urui-tur.-

I inilM-r- l'..l-- . hips in witl. r wiil...nt rarj:' oriti.dcr rt- - nir. ly 1.1. II Jl KsCli I.A f.C Kit A: t'0.


rniiic- - i:ltl.'ltSI:vl'.l.Ai;KT KOI. I II Ki alT.- - ir.y. ha.-- rvwntly r.V'lvl in. In', linns t re--disc? ll.r l:!r..t on tonr aiid r.r.ck Miil.lltia nn'l on ,

M. r. l.ii:i.i-- M r--l t.rrr:n. and i r j ref.ar. d to u ur hI1- -lc-.- n .ral'lr intr.-lim- n -

K'-- k l..r.iu:i Hu.l.in:v .Mm !.ii.tt. .vc . on ?ii(rirti..n. 4 II II. 1A IJ.

fjS-l- Aftmt.


rv-is- i: rx::usjxKi) hvvixo ijkkvB npiL.t.-- rsi-n'- for lf San Trtnci-- c I.Mrd of I ad-.T- -

arr.t. ia. rri'rr.rntiisThe nlil.r.tiit Insurance Company,

; The Alert-hi- t lit" AJiilituI .Marine Insurance,T!ie I'neilic Insurnnoe Company,The Calitorniu l.loyd?. iitulThe Hiafcie Aliitnnl I tiMiranec Company.

Brp Ic.ve lo inform M.istrra of Vee! and Ihe pul.lir srnrr-- I-- i:v it...t .i-im. d on VlSKl.S nnd CAKU.Ir.S,inunsl I T cfh-- r of th ; al.-iv- I'on.pnni.a ag tli.al peril of tne i

. a.m and oiii" r r.rli, hi or n-- r IW .iuh'g:i ikisu-.s- , n hi narcl he v. rilh d bv th. :u.

2Siii M. IIATKHXn Co.



1 I have km at.thoriz.-- ,o .re risks onTAinYlf A T-f- tO.ft n 1 nllVa


i hr itm rr . from iidi. iiu io un rwit oi me tiawaixtnOroi,:nd .rr vr.i.oailr II. HACKFKL1 Co.

:r7T,vnnvT. aTr.-nJ.IUr.AMOJj lV-- 7 ...V X, nan riiAXClsco. j

! frill I'. IN UKHSlGNt:!) HAVIXi: II K K.N i

A apiiiutrl Aunts for the alx.re company, bee leave to jnlonnlh.Mli.!pal.!C.thntthoyajiiov.-pr.paredl..in.- :

! ",f" ' 1 'reisl.t and ! anj from nil Hrt of the ;

world.11 HACK. fcLH CO.

Hot., lulu, April 6.7 ly

Al I". It ('II AN TS ; TT V A I.TJT A Ti TpTT "W.-aT- ? nfy,XT A VY jJliXAkAlJ- - Xil.lUX.CUIUiU VWW1

OP San a neiN;., fVl?- -

. -- M.a ixic p'l.:c in:.. IH.-- .r? prr'rel t m.,ii i



'MM) lv WAI.RKR ft M I FN '



.1 porti"n Ix't cii nI hy the Bark


To Arrive lu re .he.! Cuming Tall,


WILHELM I., from Bremen,

A. J. POPE, from New Bedford.


Ui-..i- , W hit- -. Pine and Turkey P d Cottons.

r.r vn ai d liloe Cotton Prill,Hickory t'tnpcs, 1 ickinK: Line Dcnin.s,

Illunkets, 11 imt-U-. MoU-ekit.!-

Cobom'gs, Alpacas, Lastings,tiinehainn, cl ertlrps, Linen, Iinprri il.Bur!.1n, Floor Oil Olrti S,

Handkerchief. Tcacels, P.'DCln?,

Tnclirt Linen Thread uad f?n g Cotton,

Woiden llr-iid- an:l Pictnre Corts.li.thin?, Shirts, Hosiery,

I a lira' and l.eut' Hats and Caps,

.?- - mid r?Icris Hire Cioods,

T..hle Covers snl Counterpane?,

Cr.ton ar.d Silk Uml rell.s,Ccmiis and Hair Prii'hes.


Brlrnt Fencing Wire. No. ft and No. 0.Sheet 7..HC,

pailor,' Pocket and hi!h Knir... ,

Knives and Eotks.Shot No. 2,3 4. fl, 8,

Y'ell..w Metal Sheathing.And Cc.n: position ail.

OTaOClKIKS,Wines, Beers and Spirits,

Uooiins Slater.I!liickmitlif Coal.

File nnd Pipe Clay, i

Cordage, Hemp Canvas and Sail Twine i



All 1.11 ICAaV GOODS!Invoices cf Provisions and Groceries,

Invoices of Wooden Ware, '

Invoices of Hardware.

WHALE LINE,Col ton Can van .mil Sail Tunic !


Oin.KI .I 10.. MLI. LI.IORK OU i, inrn AL,ii

A, ltwral Market I'ricea. i

.1 V Y r. von a m.F T F f! M S . j

r,--n 2oj

ti.Itoot ar.d hor yi..rrs and Irlrrs la I.fatlifr and

Ml oo I lu!iuSll-t-I Strtt't. het. Xhwihh ai-- l Mii 'inikrt .Vs.

f tsf tTOr lfra fr'n tYi coniary ao'Uittd nnJ innntlyta5j.ttcii.lt'.l lo t.n tin- - m' at rrnoiill? leru:. tviT ly

C. E. VSLLIAMS.luip. rlcr and io i BrnHure

f L-- ry rrs.;irt;,,.Kornilure XVnre It.-- ta on I.rt -- tred, r.p,.,w te K. II. Ryd'a

I'auiily Mai et; Vrk.!u. at ti.e old ;!.. I,if"ll (trwt. near r.rt.

N. P. Mnli-r- fr-t- i thrr iMiinils ;.rntri.tly attfndid to. S

G. W. NORTON & Co.,


First Door above the Custom-hous- e.

Hmioltilii. II. I. C33 ly

ad.J. TiiiMiiitlis nnd I'lnmbers,fiuunnu Strtrt, near the r'harf Fl'OVKf? nnd I.KAD 1'II'K

aiw.va i.n immi. rfunuiug ri cu .inns MiLrnutu lo. 61i ly" "Va"a7'rJ1 Bi Ei 55 B' ii


-v IlAfJ (ll'KXKIl A SA II. I.OKT IN Till!T. lIui'.MIiiK, i n QCKliN ti'itl.L'T. f rnierly oo-n--- ii

V! ir.1 by Aldrl-- h, Vlkrr .t Co., wiser h i prrparcd loexeCiit all ordrrt. c:iuru..lt d U hnn in tl.r ID'JM a'orkni'tiiiice.main. it. No chiirt; f..r storage of ail to cutomrrv 61 Sin

12. ss?:.ras:r.i.Wheelwright and Coach Maker,

gyrferooT cr xmr sti:ekt,At Mr. ireiijht' Stand,

R. pnirs on AV:ipon, Can ir.g-'i- AO., attrnd. d to tn resaonnhleOJil trjm.. am

j,,, ,)rP. ?mi. Nott.


ii.r I'uuiiu insi hicj nnr prepare., w iurnin ail.m.soi""us r"' ro"lS.""l."Alston band, a foil a-- triiciit of imitarr.

Wdnh ,.., sh!-- at the lowest market price,.- or BKramts-- ponb with sraTSF.s akd DTKriTCH.

cvi.r.fr.?.itheherin!.,fhop nn Ka:ilinciana St., one 4lnr abore Flitn. r's. 6.6 tm

JAS. L. LEWIS,C' O 5 P 23 R V X a A r a i: B5,

A llie Old Stand.Corner of King and Bethel Streets.

A large Stock of OIL, S III IO K S and all kind of Coop,rrins: JWutrrinla constantly on kind.

Ite hope by attention lo linsinrss to merit a continuance ofthe pjtrouae which he has liitli.rto eigoyed, and for which henow returns hi thaakr. 61S 6m

i: , xv . a at n n k xv s ,MACHINIST,

Ibrt S!rfd. opposite Wd Fellows' JIa. Honolulu.Continura in the lnainraa of repairinc niar.v articles

(tTl ,,( l"Uehold use. tVrks, Onns, Sewing Machines. At.,Vn V nnd will constracl M.vlels and small T.kK, and make

I'raft, of Machinery to order. oof) lrXV. RK..KTT,

BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,Ling Street, Opposite the Bethel.

pL Ilotiolnln. 11. I. . 20 ly

J. Ii. WICKE,C A E5 S X 2i T W A Ii K ll ,


Fura.totv made a ad repaired at rcjw.nable prica-a-. Cil ly

GEORGE LEONARD,.tlmiiifacturrr ol FURNITURE of nil De-

scription". j


Munldio's of all kinds eonstnntlv oo Hand,ly


Catliolic Church Premises, Honolulu, I

II A VI NO L1TELT RETURN-EDB fruoi &in Francisco


Witli a .ew Stork of Jlatf rials,lie is prejwed to 7.Vj7iV

WATCHES, CLCCXS AIID KU3IC BOXES61.1 TVi'h pr(T!pnep- - and dispntch. ly i




sicttully ii.lorro the public th it he i prepared tn castsnd finish ail kinds i braes and coniioaiti:i work with '

dispatch an.l at r?aonahle rat. s.XT All kinds of rhip and plantation worV f.irniniied on short

not-ce- .

TTT Constantly on hn.e eoniilinps of th? followirf. i

s'.zcs: 4, i, 1, 1 J. - and 2. Alo. oil rup. and Raupe cocks. (

JAMES A. IIOPi'EK,59 ly Kinp street. (

"4 I M FORTE RkMA N V FA C- -a TUllLU of rSSr-- All. TTUMTiK of fJ ATVnT.T.U. .J" " v a a.Corri-ir- e Triir-r.ihir- r .nc ct' .Ye.fZ.ess i;)d Tiis- -

polch. Al On!r, s pro'npV.y attended In.Corner sf Fort tad II-- rl Mrrrl.. Hoiioluln.ti ly

ll. LI1TT,Tf,4 w V. .!-..- . arVUllt'l (IliU atlMt' illd it VI ,rFt

Holrl Si.. Ilaualnln. ' tlCor) It


on flu TUL S TH E k' T, near ihaaUC7,;k.-Mre.-.rleiie-


of Dr. Wood.f4';V.D f y All rrk entrusted to Mr. NOI1EA willVstTi-jSS-

e le done with ncatu:s and dipatch. audat the lowest r.trt. 6Di ly


Continvti the business

At his Old Stand on the Esplanade.All w.r doi:a with care, aud orders promptly attended to.

f.S3 Cnasars MonrnaTK. lr!


rp.nn proprietor or the aro,eK Works is preufcre.t to supply hi co.ton.er-a- . and the pub- -

lie in peneral. with tlie rM ounlity V EI.MIW SO A I.SO F r SOAP !.. au hand.Thk IIii.iikct Psicc ram foh Sae Urkai.1. 695 ly


REtT.Il EI A I.A RCE AND FULLnAVlNfS are prepared to supply their eu.tomersand the public, with the bot I ellaw, Rrowu nndWhile SOAP. ALSO

Hoivr vrvi on. soap,Tn larye or small quantities to suit.P. reap preaae always wanted. COO ly

LOSiS'G--Pictorial History of the Late Rebellion !

ITHM'MK 2 jri'ST RECEIVED. VOLUMESl and j can now t fmui.e.i. The thim Volume, which,, v M.work. shoyiy n'yrsA1"

!ftV3I'. I .,,!. I1 1 1,1.. ,, i, j

ITtnt MARKIXO I.IXEN. TO BE I'SEDW without anv preparation the bei markinir ink In use.

'icrsalel y il lm H. M. WHITFFV.

ointstie j.lrotiurt.

jONOMEA PLANTATION.Snnr and 3Iuliet Crop lfi6,

riOUX IX. Ftllt SAI.K IX Ul'ANTUtZJ iio WALKER Jc AI.l.lrV. Agenla.

j PRINCE VILLE PLANTATION.Sujrar nn.l ?!o1iim Crop 186.

--ioiix; in. run sai.k i.n Q.17A.NT1iy TIK Ij uil urrlu.ri, lyW AI.KI.K k ALl.KX, Arrot.

waTiluku P L ANT AT ION.V'K'V noi. now 4.Mixt;

. rle I.yH3m C nCKt'K.il & Co.. jprnta.


alc in quaniitHk to mil hyClfa CAETLK COOK K.

M A K E E PLANTA T ION.i:v ckoi or

SUGAR AND MOLASSES!Now t i.m.i.g in. 'l'or5alely

619 6m O. BHKM'KK Co., apvita.

If. t.'orn v. r 1 1. I'lwprl.'lor.SUGAR AND MOLASSES

FROJl THIS PLANTATION FOR SAI.KJC iu litis to (uil imr.rliaa.Ta. Apply lo

ifiP ly OKO. C. NcLKAK. Agent.


fr-- H tSOPKXKI) TIIK illOVEMAR.jVVrji Kl.T for the sale ftS2-n- r poRK AND FORK SAUSAGE,

alsoBeef Sausage, C orned Pork end 5eef, Spleed Beef,tc, &c O. I.i fly !: made? t!io hen Pork fcvj'atf eter roadon these Ihlands, and lie a ill Uv It again.

Thankful for past favnra, he will he moat happy lo anpply allwho may tnr him with a call. ii ly


Kfntr Street, oppnelta the Itett.el. N03 y

DUFFINS MARKET,'noon .v :.,



Cliolceat Meats from finett herds. Poultry, nh, Vc.elal.leiAVc, fnruishd lo onler. f M4 ly

PIANOS!And Other Musical Instruments,


LenNoiin Civen on Piano nnd Cnitar.Bert of references given. 607 ly


TJ A K E A I. I. KIN D S OFM - 5 "c --arjii. ot..'T--j-- M

CEXfRlKlC.Ali MACHINES.Also, DoiltTS, Coolers and fh-- t Iron Work, and all kind, of

URASS AND IRON CA.T1N..A lr(m st.wk or ripltir. F.lbows, Tees, IVsss Valves and

Cocks. Sheet Iron, boiler Plate, Bar Iron, Ceotrifnral Wires.India lluliher 1'sokir.fr, and every decnpiion of Machineryalways on hand.1 Great Variety of Marhlnery on band .V far Sale Lew.



GOODSBy Bvery Steamer,

Tlio flnow audLargest Assortment on the Islands.

BS Y 13 A iv vkotiu:i.s,Xmportoris,

wholesale and retailDEALERS IN

American Clothing,(.flit's FumiMiiDp: (jlooris,"

Boots, Shoes', II a Is. Caps,

Yankee Notions,&., &c, .Vc, Ve. .

Consisting of ihe Following :f3L.AIN AM) FANCY CA SSI M ERE SUITS,aV Light ami heavy rrad s.

Fine lilne Flacnel Suits.

White Linen Duck -- ails,' Erown Linen Dritl Suit.


Fine Milton Cloth Coats,

Fine White L!nen Coals,Fine Browa Linen Coats,

Fine Black Dress Coats,Frocks and acks.

Fine Black Doeskin Pants, Fine Beaver Pants,

Fine T.lue t lannel Pants,Fine White Lineu Pants,


Fine Black Dock in Vests.

Plain and Fancy f ilk Yeats,

Plain and tancy Pilk Velret Vests,,White and Fancy Marseilles Vests,Pl.-ai- Cassimere Veata.

WHITE SHIRTS of all DESCRIPTIONS.Fancy Calico fhirta of all deanipt iona.

Linen Collars, assorted sixes.Fancy an.1 Plain Woolen Orershirts, all daseriptiona.

Undershirts and Drawn-.- , all descripliotia,

Ba k and Fancy Neck Ties, all descriptions,

7'oijfthtr irifc Eiullts I 'ariety ofROilTS. SHOES.


Messrs. Hyman BrothersWould beg respectfully to call Ibe attention of

THE II UI.lt 1 O HH.MUl llI..Is.t.lW A A MUU,To their lar(re anj variea assonmeni w


Fsislii onable CIofliinxBOOTS, PHOKf.


blasters ol' WliIc$liipsA as al

DEALFJ1S HIOJ THE OTHER ISLANDS.L ,,, well to call on us before porch asice elarwhere

Capt Suow's Euildinrj, Merchant St,'rt It llooalula, Oshu. II. I.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...Sei-retar-y of Jtnte of hi g'"! lu.-k-. The fellow. jurupn in the oara. a rul all of a atnUoo an altr-n-a-tio-n taken IwCween the il.r-keep-er of the


. . . hip LI DrmJ,x 'Mccracken, merf

FOItVV.IlDI',,,i,, V.W I'ta.waii.ua Nw I. at fc.il rataeCO.II.TIIMKlOIY J, t W.rra.1

".. . .... . i

.'"."tf fh V..' ." ' r""iTr VV ! ti:e police i.l U:Mtrict Jtt.-iic.-- s. tr. n.force.. . .. - n l. . . .. . ,. I an. I if "iilii. n i mi mnr nrl.int I :iti l i ilij.,, ,,!,.. M..ur . in cCor-Uti.-- f Willi 1 ! oft!.:

! - -- -- : I ..4'. . III1H fUWl

" aioaii.lltll .in I'muio V. I .tt.'i' '

Mfi'u1''Ui!"wC '' ill ; o4 vii- -


j kin.1 of pta.lak.-- waa aWary

anal li ii ii " - ely iVm that Is art .edit!., ii4ri.is "in h in 4i iftMrnr.i w fi.f

oi.l rf.u . U- - Kiw. wbrn

CT fc ijh-- r m ,f(rcljr Ira ;

fttuM"t i

fiaon fhv nam "mxI ar. M h.a i? uf - t

I 147. C'4 V. f. t.iue.V.rv uctuonl a Vt fhfcy :) fcl, an.1 h tahu h tmw ih

tulaultti tr-t- . brt linii) txl lajucL 'I ! IjfWi a u d-- at (but --rnal Cv.tlr li lii.l '

au. If; t.t ivt&.iMii jai. ut Ifw rp rt to IUr Jr- -. :

m iy , aiil fu kiull l c.--r l --null lnnM im H,a m Wva iu TU iirtji nf s Incgiae lrM Ital '

mm in ti aUii&l In ttxta I vtl uvl Altrttii t ri.j:ipa tiw i.;.. Ai m, iurau. U t--ai rri.. .- -Ii mm Itai 11m iririVr of rem-w- n ihrtr a. or aboUt

rf .U-- !t iavh-- p--v ft.tn.lr! auj lUut1V.arw.rv ICwratr- -r- -. Th..l.hnw. ,.r.M L.IL-,- .. .1

iUCvK4vry tolrraUf cjrxt klr vt fi - xr'.lbol ?Vaq Krt.iaOauU ( cwildTtr vLc I in it tilun gfaut'rwr. THrra '

i torn acaro.-l- Hng-ri- r.c iiuM tmt IU Pac.flc KaUxrxxl wiU4Vr rcnptml by th Dii.Ult A MUfor.ind l.-- loe ce '

a4 real catt In c;iji mill ir a inii-t- ua alu-- f. rnty ;

g byio. U. Tkil j a'ln.r. iil k- - ui

Inilti l.a cin acarrrly b 4.uitJ, at live .li lIimi in Ihia kiiat of prnt 1 l.rU.putafciv IM roitcC. 4amt lVa t uirUraua. ttir at4t.4 twtrae lU(rml. l c aul ;

jwrlwfa a ar.tiil f filmn,tOttr CliBts tvrixaAxr- - arr aivU-- hart tr iuuatica

B44bataat lot pl. r4 it I r ;w1.l ( iy elltm it. Mill, tb tuetM iu tbtr ..! t of t&t P'UIe 8taU.-- wUi i

--wiiwaiua ai ar f ana, apt.gv, ana aaaa auir tout can b? otvtauatni. la tb rot of Ii-- - .VcrhauirV Tir, lit 8,a I run- - '

rltara, t fiud ta-- 1 Jun iof .fL-rr- r lo apoufaio th Lu.'tetimTb Pc.atc CcaaUC Kii.'.fj l''MD;aau arr rtullor r( ta :

waatrty 4 wdIIim, i:1 ., tWib-- r ami ruxbt.K nuwuftf- - ;

4 tar. J by 'km at .. til 7 V uk-- I ir-- l, frnto the tart cl.iatic j

(Vcmd aj)ncvl iia tit.' tte't-ar- y, au.1 tau ct a go.ariuiiw. TUat an ttauU ta a Ciir. f lam iuUaiwlaaa.' tiaa cabrt --t X aoal i.a.!a, au--i utakxva Ibv;

fijaaaaaaa Cj .1 Cfta. Ilillact-t.4-, .1 hwua Ltvn CuiaU.rrrt (.lllcOf GO TaiMV !' Iy BKaua a laotaic vl Ic tt, it ba at C

ttfeat c nttK I btr an arua.lv t nwitncr aiaal maajo l n.m-taf- ai

t tb aaila tvul c n..rt af 4aaa ai.il j 1 b cbontcalHTarftavrsik luaiarpor jlva rt.rat glCtaaav aabaa'ia. lit l4rtatcalwoa, tatil kaCfa la lurf 4ti.iilal. TaW at , fnatiii a

aertg'.T aaaax lb cra.. nf tio .a aa.i in Iba II --

baaa.aa ia g.t4toit ty ft-- Kw.liva axut alal !' lit un.l atvaavan j,ix:tt tf at raa.1. Th f row ua.alMi..l ka brt lbttbrotaarb aliial ia c all d at "I.iiT iu(in.' hU-- ft rul, au.lmait l..i.-- kl aV iau Irjifui.ta al annl aunt fcrragit aiaaittari.It laa IMn iinaal lbr.-u- la a rka a( rulilncr iniirrm, aalaarb jkfMliaratxat wult (lvax'raa., antl tbc Hru.'l :a attn and aiKtlA aUig i. bacb uf lawt .r.-4- r' I iiminv anl c.al t Xmr'.tjtint ala ratitf ii bul. It la (ili a J that tb p.xij ia

' fc' frjiia lata uaMJtaia all kiatala at Varrmua, talu lavl (104:14. iatli"Mr Ibaua cuul-- . ba.ir, paairi nt m irl aoJ a.urcahaalac any aliacr ta al.;4.l r llv praraKr t arbicb U iaput. Tbaf au(ly I tba tm Batta:tl la baetVatftb. tvavl a-

. avU avtba frgttlvr y::g- - B- - l..n an I .Nw Yotl to IU;lllttiktf Itlicral it t tMaa.4 tf i.44-aa- u tJJf x

A ktlar frum a (vilUlaaa in tnatl Laf fta na that t!aenew arraaiars Car ItW BattaaU Ckuwt I4aae aa-- bcuiaf raiiiailybuilt oat tin Ctaate, a. --or d'.tmfym. Wbca liat vaatlcl tb h!p-)a-

In Jiaiy, tvsvara were axa t!ta-- at'irka, ba VviaAaeiamoUliaiaa. Tly t be froix-la- a f atsauvahiiia, and bris;

. btailt eitaaly f lV 1'ariite troj.r, wiU br Bllar I with lb?aaurjara Uurunacata b.t aaLtiUl l lb tttvta Ibry arc l beHaTt'sl a V a.tvj acvn il at U.l that ta taiae ia ! brf a at

pBtuaiaaav, tbmc t Haaa TtncC, II Manlula anl llm(aatia-I- tI iitppritl Ifia.-- af atarra will ciua irtaMCa' 1 wtuina( carl; In

A xotli:ttMn LaaVly t n Hoa Tnnaco iuforma ava tbat taeNortb Aawiiacaa ttfcairawlatp Coanpaay (rvi enfoj ia ranaiugan appraaitkHa Bne brtrin-- a Nrar Turk auaJ tlaa FnaoCuaaro TiaPaoavuvo,) lutrOal atttliabaai( a li tMf atcauarra brtw ceo MmFroalaaaf-- a anj II (ll.r2, U llucanlalaa, aivl tbia olajrrtaVara pafchaav.l (tat t:ina--r iia .f Vaark awl car j lrr

ia Ilotif nnr Tbe llnat will be ootQctl m xa aa tbe tVanaa-'- arriva l Sooa raacia.-- . La aalwb curt IharT are uwatiuttil i

'It waatlai tana a (it-- or Ibtt, al o-- dial ml day, wa aba U mrraeajnacra m aki.i llotvatatlti a at vpinaj pUec V ar.d front Cblna-AtiaiiHii-

Uaalir fct eipccUil l txuag Bp ith China uJJapan, an th cxmplrtiun tf lb? Pactle Cailrotva, or ra;br itla tbnaigltl Ihot it Will that Rant ImiU routat by which itItaaa hitlWrt a gone, aivl arak thia a,la. r tua.1 U dasgcrrmsaear. fliVata ia an art. I r that it ia oWatitaCal t doalio carflug If 4i ol lb ajf al.

rTla.. Ou Hainr J.iy lA.it, Mr. Brtnr a H.I lea ikim o ftbe at.-aax-r A iwra far fir doit r$ eorh an. I faro abarra ofthe Ho.kit aur"r P Lankttina tnr CI :acb tlae anmc bcrjtgin(ta tha eatant ct . Ilia aab a attanaa a tWIioe altnnataa atarkcil aa that of atony of tae e.uauaVtl Waabne mioicXrommnWa "

l- - ia "Ji-k- ---aau..aia a uwaiiiaiaaia ana a arvva piaau vaaa tiaaaaaar uavaucnaa. a Ba jvtorraluw of th aflamer at ia $i.O ) and of llaika PlantaiioatlKM, launch W4!aa of the Ult hare b"--n ma.le at f ISOO !

The eliptiarr altip ill Onrmla, anrler ch rtvr In lna.1 gaanoarnvral aa rHitHlay awm bat, anal asJIril on )uailar tur Baker'slataact.

Ibe bark .Vfjaaant aa oa Tburalay tut Pujjrt 8.hi ml,lak.cg a aaiarl cargn r an at anal innlaaara.

Tb- - CoMttf wilt to-d-ay Int Han Fraociaco, with a cargnaf Ti rm Iiaa

Tb bark Caata-ai- . atiLaJ, arcu w.tfc a eargn of lua- -I

Vr Bay, ami ihe hip crytm,tu monthoat t lialm, ana aartin tar(t mTrrnanrliae.


Tlt laloal e,nulatiuo of gl ia 114214?, iraa oil .0.iu7

J ,. ah tie Mt VVif?.; bona W. fil-i-.

vouvcacuL iTt:vs.TLt ablp ho.laling inta-re-- t Ira Bvt.ia la king rvaaacifalanl. ao

aaya the JJrtrtitrr, anal 13 Tcs-atl- arc (llb'i buiktiog or aoakraraaatraa I.

D-- p am aatalitagaairthe Itlotvl nf Hi. Croit, W. I . rrcalthe kaart I ant t bnaJnm aa aviuml at tb- - rtaftb rf loou fcitbutna.iMai.7 a taiae ami a bait a the an', frataa wlaack U to ibt rdthai -- . l ka Ihe xfrx at aia uaiwuw aubaaaautiae araountiain.Laying a tilmaari. ral.IV Iu ttv.l a aaii.it y a ill nradidicull J.t.

Pacidc 4aU Hla- - iirta p C , -- fapatat ffi.iZito) aan--awnca a amprta.aaa af fri a tj-ru-ii, tan a wnut u c .mpct:iua jIWtwna Vara anal Cabaamia. Iia breakdown the I

a; pn.t:rti4. Thf el.ark aIU at it luu, ait. I it haa aifdiur 5.i.a:nt wilk.n liiree naaan'lia at iliiK. Tbry L.v LilLari lo .oLilf tam. a)aaurl.& rua Mnip Bi It.txaa TbC.mmitlonC.mtnrrra,

baa rvforta"! a ball proriaUug r tb- - rrfundaatg f t tbe dular nha Ba.aaartnl aaca is biulilu g aual iiajglrnt aaa.-- l bout

B lhaa L niiVii atah a. Ttti-- naeaanra a lo rraire Iheg iiarvaa. B' aa CaMWtly af.iatral. Il inaai.ii,

tbar baU Waal mak.' a daaVirace af jl oal aa glial, la buiMibg atoouasand-lo- o ahip

la rtr. A aijiplr cmletaf luMvat la aa ii Jlnltiply aa civcrt aiamlaarr ot a.luf a b- - ibe auiaabarr of

ataa of lutarianal rvo,aii-il- . aa afTHv the tthf banal ligiare andall vkla by i j the aoaoit la tlae trvar antaai.ia tor aaacit a aaaaba-- r

if da at al par Ai4 'I ha toie a-- a.ai trutr. ariaaa all ki4.ai.icaa aaaag'. tiaal r b br..iwr. aaarraant.

aud rU-r- a aaatoJ.1 p- - 4 at aa k a ru- - 'al . By aaa !

am h:a:lia:ot ptocrao can a la--a ariUaaliaaa bat talilaioaat i

w.u o i itat.arca. j

AiiMHig Tw artictva la.i barcr!4aaH In price Bancellae r, aaaat'.l a.1 aaav the t , are auuaig. a. loir aaaniilra 'rr to w h ,. .y ah--- ;, feaaaa waik d. ak-r-a

Tkr.ia i.M ih..t mi.c ro.g'. fr-- a. ikaauia ar.dalai. hdre, kauf Uie aVe .apaM iraavay-- aa aaa artla--t if coaa- - )

naaarrc arig to uw uuij impajaaad ea the lanpartad aatackr. j

n ftj 1. 1. trCVS. !


Wt glean the fclwi4.g ft. Ike .New BcaitJ Skifful,.iaUF,-:.at.,lrl.r- ao.; i

Bark aa.ra.l.ig M r. Alkm. Jala la.barkOi...cr.iur, lai.Itaara .aiiaa-rr- alien. oiy ail.Bark B: rk tng!e. eenin, Jr.. July Slta. j

Bark P. Waac. Maniwawr. Jaly lltH. j

Dcaia uf a Hai.at1f itf t'raaWfaak ft. l..wlarvl.lawataacrr e barb Htntm rf,lnrli rrca:rlly ralnrard


ial.wbaleollall t.S.1. V bile ka-- W a ab.iX bt about j

atuea.and It, f li.ale. a bMat-Paer- areing ;

bia Bather. Carta aa lv aijaunl. aaaraa blaaa. ;

but lite w bale err and tbe fcaat-tea-nr a oa ana a. a aa-.r-

The rarnad ot ibe b.t awl r.pUfiy dwauoiaahrd it--Tbe , wiHkid he at Faat. u. Aatf aat.

POR6rllOU '- .- -...

aKRIVabS ;

!9 frVhr Marilaia. fruta Ilaeaii.an arbr llattlv. Xika. fnxn Kaat-a- t

3a Aaaabip ljfad.s Wuadanle. trutu aaFraa-iac- i

53 Itchy Mary, Kauai,oil S. hf rrunt M 1144.

3. Ata wa bark kuarne. MacomiVr, ft aca.31 Naattae Merrill. Lamhert. laotit kauaa. f

it Hchr ActaTe. t'lunra, fnara Hawaii.a rhr Aante. Bahrurb. tVnan llowaoL j

tVhr laab-ll-a. arom Hok.kti. 'BV.f. laacbr I.Uan. fccaa Vaui.

1 . Vfcr iaaa, Aratuna. Maui. :

1 JSthr Ytr. White, trniai Ka M.4. Kawaia, fra ara.2 tknoa Pavckct. arrh-ant-. from Hawaii. i

4 Vhf Warwk-4- . front Mnkkat.'J atrhr fhlal lallnw. Dwcaa. from Hawaii. !

a Kara-aile- . A4.arn. (r iaaa Mokb.u.3 Vbr Mate l, tnav, b aa .4an.4 aarbr ll ait. Ji ka. from Kaaai.i Stmr aiilaava. Mcl.r--k r. rrorrt P.arf.a A-h- r M.ar'.liU. Hawaii,a tVhr "U'4 Kaika, M aul.

DKIMRTl'KIXAn 2)v km atirar .'ah. f .r San Fr.anei'am.

Aaavbr laate fraoe. t rtit Kofnav-ff- . Atkinaaai, In Part t4a4tr --hr l.aka. r Kaaal.oawateh Kaaaaile. Adataa, ' Molaikai.

lnr Kilaaea. MeCrrg r, Kauai.rtl Vkr Haftie, Ka-aa- .

Ur MariUa. ' Hawaii.Am iShip LI taidax Wonalaaie. r ta.ikr'a I.laaX

aVpl. pvhr N.ttle frrUl, LambMt. t t Kaawa,

l Active. foe Mawn.t- -3 achr Mare. Kaaaaa.

Warwlrk, M luai.at AO HI) ba Boaroe, .Maeiwib-- r. Kr dpe at I aa-a-a.

3s-h-r Prince. Marrianaa, Hawaii,a Yetta White. f rUnav ...8 Annie. Babeik. tr llaw..iVJ Mare Fakta. Wat. f r M iua V

Ka Mot. Pnwera. f M aati.

rfrLat MoaaUSe, r Mani.4ia-a''ir- k laa.at a, r V V '

4 -- . ta - .

Mail."o I cim r Trr "wt, this day.

I aa Hittwtig Knars r KiIwi,mi Mili.F.a kti 41 IVr Nil; KmiX o VI a.lay.loa l.4Mtiit rVr Ij. tbia clav.



ottat-- r






Foe ffiv ticirn?f af.r.r I ?ah 4Faa.4i.ee. bum-h-e ii Umo .No 2i "f.f!"; Ifult i.. ita,1!I.;J..tVL...iW, '. V'i--'- :

r" l.i"P rj u.,.4... Aagn.t 1... :

tw t, lt ......... 4 R ic - :M'tam. g Ota - A Sa., n. . . . .

To irroeiA. . I. rr L.I :..t. c .!;, y,---l t.VlJPmk.. M.L. 1

V.St- - CI

I'tSSl'M't'llV- - ......jr. JZ. ' nr

Vntuii Par Per Ki'..i-- i, Auml Sin Iteri w r n. wi'-- -. A W uMriU ri. A Cuut-- r, V r.-- v

W S A4-- v P N.iIib, Acukj. ' A;l-wH- ,- cal.ia utai Iiiirr (aML'-it- .

- -" " "...Ht A t ..lfia. K to, H.w. A,i.l Rrnma.

"- -' duithU .f C a til Hil.lt- - Hale, g- -d

tt4.ttvro mci.I: - fq d- -J ar vp wbrr."'" " TT"-T- "-

Tim rAcirioCommercial Atlvcrliser.

SAT VIt HA Y. SEPTEMBER 5.Kotitlcrtl It I r !- - 'I'll-- ; Cnollu

'Ineljt of tiiC ..vfrniiient GaztlU con-tuin- n

mi ar'.acic on " L:ij.1cJ i.J.rcrd " fco ftl;r-in-i- ly

at tarianco with facts, thut we ft-?- ! Jouudto n.itif.-- e it. X ifii:i i.--t ever (;:tin-- l hy

fiuia wliatexei buurcv l!.cy m.iyoriginate. UriJi-- r t!:e pro?-iir- o of a grwiia:

opiiii.i ab..d, the Hawaiian Mininter, hI.oare lor laie aliipiaeiiia, bate becjmeaomewhat imety,ai l in the above ptjr haveatteini-tc- J a defc r the yum. T are--k-i-a iea.l. r, r to tb--c who have iu.plieit faiih int!.C E..nlleiuen Jliniatew, and W:M will at-- q.ttlir atatctniDM m fact. tl.o c.Iic-l'i.ii.- CH: orJa,i..-c-tvo- til J aeem to I t:.e favore-1- ,

and onuently the happy, of m..riaU.The article in ro.t-ai- o.. ....d.-r- t iket to e- -t ibli.htiro ttdn'r.4 that the roiaoicion ol tiic Cl;iiitie

.lafcjrcr nail that c.wi bo drel, and that be w

ou a jar tvit'i tlm native ltlorer. Itefoie aeeepl.ing cither of t!iec ad citobli .liel. let ti look intothe fieH on the other fide, and view tiic que tiou

from t:ic eo'ie btuudj.iiit."The Chine: win were hclt'Cted by the nent of

t!ie lizard of Immigration weve utioii t'.cir annallandol and nurch.tl to thc prenii-- d near thcCaatom-boin- e, and confined within ttie yard, anda guard f nol Iiera placed over theni. 1'artieadcairoua of obtaining oliea were aliov.vlfew favorite to make their th-.icc- , olheit to takelaa Pffii!i. a.aif... I'liic. . l.fil i!.t.fn. . 1... av- cv . 4V...J. . .in iw.miu. vi' a j a. 11. vva, rn I n.denied tbe coolie lo all intenti and purrMi" be

.Wita reirdi-v- l iw a chattel. Iia tltw ID BC- -confa nee with the Coi.Mitutioii ol the Ivinr-lont- ?

. . . .Had a writ of liabnH eornu- - in le!iall of

,. .tnc.fe cooaice, couad n.a every one of thciu have.

aeeurcil leraviiwl Iiljertv, or at Ieadt toJ ".

eho-ar- e hi tuater and the kin-- 1 of tterviee to :- -

giige in ?Tins Ministers would Live it believed that " tit

cooiplainU of ill treatment or iiiii;iatary ba:d-sbi- p

" lutve been IMiru. lVrhaji ti.e Miuioieinare ignorant of any oal". ever l;.aaj '

MaBter, but inoht eerUtinly other liavtt I.eard oftbcae tbingn Tl.o treutment of the eo.liej onljoard the 1 itiolt Irark J'n.tijltld waa, to unr theniidet.t word, iutraji"u-i- . and Ld jtu.tia.-- leen

meceil to the psirtiea reK.r.tibIa?, our cI.ainn:aj;,would to-da- y have eeu tK-u- i in it. L'f-o- arrivulwe Ioo tiled that vecel, and ?- - witliour own

'J" of thc coolies chained band and faaotlOthe rail, and beard from the lips of an oDi.vr thebtory of the way in which oid:r had been preserved

'mi board that kliip, whic.'i would bboek thencrrca of buuwDiiarLnej and arouse their rcnibil-itiea.- "

And one poor IVIiow juniptrd overlnmrdto eii what tue oSicial orstn ironieallr terms avoyage of comfort, norf.'fy and pleni-ure.tb-le ex- -

eitemcnt." TI.eaoti.es enacted Ot their laud- -

ing, previ ona lo being driven to their quarter atAVaikiki, en-.ug- t- - make one's bhaod Iil;and. if we have been tlv infcmied. Her Urit- -


anmc IM.je-t- T a I oiiul (..i.eral, wbowai a wit- -

nes, did intcrpot--c in Whalf i f t! cc injuredcotdiea.

The Gazette naivt-- remarks that tva a r ofthc cnolien Lave not )een m ibreatcd, iioeate

baa ever tcer brought before our Couru whereone Las nought coftj-matio- iu ilaiuugt-s- . Thismar be all terr true. lit Le.d we a elacs ofT'ttyfci.iin lawyt-- in our utidri, w!ioe btiMiaoa

it waa to tacek out ca-- a to biinbefjie tbe Courts,!. il.MuLar of m.-I- i term mi'ht record several.

Is it any w.n.l. r thai i,;n .rant cr.li.--- i fr.m arouiilrv wb ie Courts or J.otice nrv unknown, I

land kn.wing nothing ..r our languige and cue--. , i

lOUia, lo iv,,trew.i l to our Com is lor icdrcar,,r ? As g-i- i iiil t'.in;, t ie nailie is

unable for years to make 1 imIf fully tinderbt x--1. i

,uI learM by bluer esperie:;.-- e to eiklureiiihili i.eelany wionuabermy leel biai-c- tf ai-ricv- cd with. !!


T,;, Ull,T account lof t!ae iiontu's Maicmeut ti nt I

i. HiviU portion of tl.iir thoughts and t ffjrta dur-- '

ing tlieir fn--t yean. " are c, rated tn ti rtdnst vj j

rtal fanfleU lcritntS.


lllcJ. A.rved lives Would LatC '

aaved. Tlie clie Ud made bis complain: at the j!

Station-hous-e once or r.ioie. ptid the wrong. ;

nll cxiatvl when he deter- - j

Uketlie law into bis own bands andatengc biinIf. Tie killing of thc coolie on one '

r fo.,: . r iro-.i...,.- a l.v nn ..trA.r vn an ;.a.iv .aaa M.a. ' - - v...-.- . m..

outrage agtinst tbe Liwa ; and l ad the aw been j

revcrs-cd-, and thc ovtireer met bis dith at tbehauls of the C' lie, d.n.--s any one d;ubt that bewould have ai 1 the ci.alty .'

Wc beard of a uwe not long tincc, where ncoolie aarvd at tl.e Court-hous- e iu this city.with the latioi.s eencd to l.i in for brt-akiai- t inLi band, tonaiating of half n jcpnia nr.; I a s!ieof taro. What redie: did be obtain? Iet th- .-

answer wlu know.The offieial trgan ants the civIie is not r.b- -

jret to corporeal puni.-bmot.t-." Tiidcr the law, ;

he is not ; but it is well kn wn that many are the'

atripea inflicted and borne, Ik--, ause tbe auffirer isignorant of the law, or if 1 r knows it. knows n!o .

that it is next to u select to seek rolrr--- .

Ti e organ nstts thm the Chinese coolie Cisla ;

him- - If intr-alii'- Y.l info Lib. ayHem iu whichbe bears no I radge of degiaditiou, ut mark f in- -

fcriority,incouijtris..n with ,

No coolie code "ingles him for articular"urveillanee and rga!tti m." To rc.'ute this,we bare eimplr to ix-fe- r to the law rnacteI by tbe '

Lite Legi-Iatur- e end public rd by t:a Lt- -t w.--k-, inwliii'Ii t!ie 3Ii:ii-t- rr tf the Interior and t!. liitrdof Lniulgrati n are empowered to make nia-- b n.g- -

illation l. g.wc-- n cj!ies and other lab-are- rt

whi'-- tl Ilar.l luiy import, at : hoy may bvtuI, r 'a;u. .11 Ha C .14--

. , :ilr t.je

lauaaeoo aeonaiat of aa klavaa, diad baa rarakknxr Ira I hart-- l ...tc not alone m t!:c inrlier tlaat I ad theiaaouUt, Jaiytatw

A tetter Irim Capt. CWeatan.1, of ahija .Ti.f. of Srw CotJirlaintS of tlf? CliC wli.l I.iurdorcd Mr. Uu-Ibr- d.

avyofia hr alT .'Haaaabarov May iaaa irg Ut'n 3 . .tu. atMMa a.i Biiia-- a korui r . oiioon., To--i bti ucraa and i doit, examined into and rcwivel thc ataCti- -.Hlbb.a

uf. lNfaaate. kr


Aug. Bertill.

k.1 14 atas



31Mare Wrat.Maowik troa

abr.aVbr Jl


VVlnalwanlBertill. Irma





achr Ctaaey.br










m- -:






two lCen





the? turve of Lw thruugli.nit tlie Kiulum, un-- l allt!i Court are ruinmarilv onlerfl kike? duenotic? thrifof. In onlt-- r tlmt th-r- ni.iy L iviUiUuDilrMniplin of tl.U jil-itn- v ilic

we iiuotaa ll.r la'v :

Srjr 1. It altall t th" duty of tLe Minister of tie

nn.I-- Cl Ul4vf





Interior, t ttis assistance .f the I'viiimitt- - ofI'rivv Council, ivr.stit titinc: lli rl i.f Iliiiui,?ra

: tiou. n s.jcu at convenient after the passive .f thisi Act. to I, f.,r the ador,li...i f

M-J- '" le King in I'r.vy t ouucil. .iclt ink

4rruUi-ii- t nti-- l contn-- l of imiiiintiit.i tb.it L ive- t.-a-- brought .r 'liDitttsi intu thiM kin lout, i

ant cr lii oren. un-Je- r licer.x? or j,MT!i-Mo- n froiu theI! u mil of lu.lntrutlotj, or cotittwt with tue Jliuis- -ter .f tlie Iutrrior.

.""x--. '1. Suth ru!c anl n iculitioii ex bh i'.J, frouititne to tiiue. be bji lln M .jc-t- y the Kiiir in

' li V C.uocil under the proii..i of this Act, shrilltf riiaboli7il in 3rJintrii.- - of the Kin in "unc'.l.at. 1 th snuir ali ill t jpulIi-L- l in a ii'-p:'- i' r .ub- -liahol iu ilolli'liiiil.

Si c Z. AH sucb orJIoAiioe sha'.l srecify the jen-- .altitjj fi r violation of the siiuc. anl slnll hive thef.rce (fUw; anl a!l Court of Justice ahll take Ju- -u.ci:il i.ot ice thi-reo-


It hU the ilutv of the I'cl'.ce. an 1 ofthe rules


lcom a: law froui ali-- after the ilut of itt! Apjiroveil thi J2 I J:jr of Jui.e. lbOs.i Here i a j rovinlon lr frrecial lttws mul regulit- -

ti'jtin to ajj ly on!- - lo coo'hs and other imparledlaborers. And now wc atk, unJcr what vulji oftruth the ofi'n ial oaaii daircJ to toy shut no coolie

j code single. hiiu oat for ni ti"uLir burvt ial.inoe

and rcguLiti.in." or tliat the imiive laborer hold'

Tao 4aujrior j nihil ion ? "The whole article in the Mii;itiii.il organ nf

i j.ea! to Lato been written lor the bole purpose ofi liii.-lcaiJ- in ' fore! 'n coriniiuni'.ic-- ' or individuals for)n r.i!rio.se not yet ajiarent. It is ti e belief ofi ln.inv that the r. iie nvstcui in the way ofj Ihe Kecij.roeiiy Taeaty, und that it hsib been usel

Jiy the oj jjiients ol the Treaty abroad n,yiin."t thej

(i.nermueiit. Xo reaoimbla man I'ji.-..t-s to theI intioductiou of eiiiiranto fam China, Japan ori elfwhere. if itiider a fair fvstcin of eoii- -j trni.l; u --

m 0)llv lhe rl(.t that thc Goiei iiinent U uj 4Utv , it t,i ctaiiatitutca tlaCt.'yaa-iij- a. The in--; ,ru4,;,( ll)U r t.,14;i.r;.nt3 or sl!fc,w b ,mM . a

yilTeW c,Kutolcu.i.1i iran w tiou, eniriud to re- -j . and faiihful i ci.n, wi.o would bae anj ililc,t j,, .j, tUiil Sltl.ia,.,i , was jiiven to; UjlU ,,ir,if allJ wlK, t!u,uU lltf lulIv Tei.j ,hjJ;mc. T,.c whi. l. t'.o (j .vernmentj ,,h..u!J .iccu.y Lmm.1v urL.f thc. r;,ts of .rKUt U1K, 1Ii:,9ler- -to teo thatj .W" bid en-- a ;oinent t the other,

W-- .44 IllH.il lltla.ararM. i must 1i:l'.aa I ali fr.iaC'hiiia, IVjia J.:pan, from Southern Patlyne.-i- a,

froui Karope lroui wherever they will eime andfulfil the la-- they enter into. Hat the (Jjvern-ine- nt

i. Hot t!.e ly to ciiae in tliese ppeeula-ti'tuwlK- -n

private jaraica are ready mid willingto lo tiiu aeriice. Tl.-- odiuiii of bein eiijriedaa prinei4il in thi Cliiiare r Ja uiese e.ailietrade, however l.uiuane tiio intentions may be,

ill tlaiiin thi.--t or any other yovernuiont ili it cn-t- -a

in it.Swedei, fJennv.n.?, and other i.uroicaii.i of the

i 1 ....... l .i.... :,, . ..1 ,.0., . 1... ,.. 1- .-aia"vii.ii ii.iRt. 1.111 a.i; a aiil.;'4 ia, taaa'ji a a..a- -... . ., . .' . .....rr.aa. a.. a;.-,- . n 1...... ..w asa Jilt: v...ia.tirtaita-- l.liriK.n III I., , .,.

una aiv fui'I 10 ie willing to ei!ie. Hie. ,

Willi bouto S-- a Un;I is, if trusty uunuts suewho will isatirfv ti.e native and their mis- -

i .' sio.iario that io mjui'tiee.--

will be allowrd. J lieI

a.bnntaff.'i attending th.; intro.Iueti n f therie is.; that on the expiraii ai of their ten.i of ierviv,! ilae S uth Sta I.!.iiider will auialninate with tl.e! aborigiiiL-b-, while the Liiropfiiis will form an intelligent aiai iiseiui cliiMj ol t liiifiif , wiiicnnot le eiaiuietl t j tlie extent fir either thel'nlnf. ar .l.ijiii.-M- , who when their u ol .ser-

vice expiat-- aie a lihe'e.'S rlata.This aubjeet in bv no mean ehaiibled, nia-- l we

n'l-.il- l refer again to it and cud-.-avo- r to jKint outthe beet mode to ad.ipt t procure iiniuigi'aatiifrom Kuroja and Polynesia.

T.4it--- t I 'roia .V a tl.- The bark D. ('. Murrtn bal a line pa:.;;'down, alir.oa-- t up to Meamer time. We herpopular en plain eould be for one of the.ttiiiera n taang''r may d very weil, no d.mbt,but old rnid"iits always have it preferenee fortraveling with ma Horn w hom trier hjJjjferfd'tifrom luvs. No wvr.dejK,,. ');, ,nu tVa ti.irtv"r fort' Lxl'xV he snnc jrtiality j.revailu

i CS otf.er route. How ofl.ii have Xew YorkersI waited months to cro to Liverpo-.-l with Lapt

Ilben Knight of t!ie jNVir World or I 'aj t. Samuels of the Dnadniyht , in the days w iu-- bieam-er- s

were not m jmj tdar or frciueiit they noware on t!:e Atlantic. And who b.n not esteemedit a privilege tat book bis n.u.ie ui the toor from Paiiotn i, that was Couiiuaiulol by Com.Wutkins?. We have kuonti traveleis plan foruiouilia to go w ith the g.aMl old sailor, w ho liasnow rnib-- J bis voyage of lile. We la.po to liveto Leap Capt. lienneit'a wbiMlea" be easts oil' themoorings of bis mail packet.

'fl'o m oamo in laiLt-- r lute to give it a fair'ut as "ot liktly to have a mail

bc.ore thc Henmcr, which wnl on t!ie2.-t-

itn!- - there will be ample time lo review and re--

lcitr it-

iii detail.l Ihe leading items will beon our next nn-- fiifct among them ia

the di"aih of Thad leus sjteveiip. a member of theHouse of lb prc-entativ- ar.d the leader

of the I'.eiublhan lity, who dietl on the llMiof August, in bis TGih year. Hewusamanof

1 ,. ..iUrc:41 ,,,te fbaracaer, Lrinnevj and iMblne-- iqualiile. ti nt fittcl hiiu to be tl.e leader of a

daring a I erinl when n me but tho-- e qunl- -

nies were icqoircHl. Ho was tdc most ulna olthe Radical IJeiiiblie.in party, yet open and coii-eiste- nt,

aikl alwavo ready b-- r an a.'gument jind t jgive bis reasons for bis julicy. During the early

lTt of t,'--' tc War w,Cn Ula,,.V n Dmve Iuan(lquai.tM nt.u nceame w i.ai eouie biiouia

purstica xvii'a tiiea.naui rtiuis, lif aln,al up in

' 1 Uniand defiant for thc nation.'"Here arc iri --is in thc liistory uf nationl,,

oc aaid, when atn teamen can make theiiipelvcsnames for v : but bueli oct-.toio-

ns are neverm -

improve! by cowards. Iu tlio ncYjuiiitioii of truefame, courage is j.ti-- t as i.eceary iu the citil ad

in the mibtary bero. e may not nsj'ire to j

lame; but great eveiita tix the eye ol bibtory onMiiall objeeta and magnify their iucanne-e.- "

Daring the last few months, be bud t- be car-rtt-d

to and from the ball of repret-entative- s on atvuch by lour ptrong men. An anecdote in toldof bini, wliieh will illustrate bis jovial natureWhile being carried one day to bis heat, at a j

time when be was not expected to live from day j

to day, be ordered ti e bmrcra to halt, and grate- -

ly asked them, wl at !. ehotild do if they were j

t- - tlie tid lcnly and e him in the street. His j

attendants were f r nn instant struck dumb, whenone of them pluekol up courage to unswci, thatbe gucs-c- i beM bi.te to crawl along on bis bands J

and knees. Ti e lrty. of which hewas a leader, will not long nuffer fr-.- hisd.-ath- , forthere are othera wih are able to take and f 11 thepi ice l. held.

Tbe ncwly-reonftrurf- cl Smtht-- StnUs rroivetting a !xiJ example in s&iiig bwb enablingtheir to cbraaac tlie l'lei'icntialt ais, in.-te-.-id of allowing t'.ao jcple t do 3o.Tl.e Constitution of ibe rnitl .atcsthat tu.-- State aball appoint in :oi!i 'manner as j

ihe Ixi-latur- e tia reof may ilirt- - t. a number of j

l.it-- i ..li:il a tin 4!a..!a-- la. Oil". I l.i ll.lt.lsJecaliala.

i.3 i


and Ilcpn-fceiiuitive- s to which the Mate may beentitled in Congress." S.utL Cuiolina alwayseboe her lVoidentia! in the legisla-ture, but in all the others the ehusethem. The objavt f th' pnvsitt change iuAlabama and Florida ai.d jerbaps iA.ui.-ian- a isevidently to secure a IlepublU-a- choice. It is ancru-af- e precedent, ar.d may Is-- turntsl against tbedominant jsirtv at iu.'ui- - future day, when one

jurty Controls the Iegialature, the other has apopuLir majjrity.

The New York World ) claims thefollow ing States as rtirr for Seymour and LUair:( otineetieut. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Indiana, Oregon, Xcxada, California,Delaware, Kentucky. Missouri, Kanoas, Wiscon-sin and Maryland in all liVO votes. At leastlite of the State claimed, wiil vote for Grant.

The telegraph renorta tluit the editor of theLanitrne, tl.e piim-i4.i- l coiuie paper of Paris, hud

been heavily fined and imprisoned. The Aliagives the following explanation of the affair:

" L.i La nitrue, the J'unrh of I'aris, has coiue togrief. Fcr neatly a ye.ir this ratllication has :itiii2-t- J

the liench Eniperor and the Knipire in the mostaggravating an.1 ilelic ate manner. So was itswit and sarcasm that, ahile its bitter paragraphs setall republican Paris Iiuhliig at the aliaro thrusts it

at Iuipa riul France, there vrns not a wordthat could be tortured iuto any teii disrespect to theindividual or Government no Knipoone.1. Frenchwit served to disguise the bitterest truths in seeniiuK-l- y

hariulebS jersithipe, and catting sarcasm w as hid-

den beneath the mocking sin face of a liglitjcst. Invain the Correctional Chaiuber Las prie-- l and cudeav-or- el

to make out a cie agiiust the mocking sheet ;its will-conceal- ed satire b:u been too volatile to sutlerit-e- lf to be caught, ou 1 its red cover, f..r it is pul-lisli- cl

ns a p.iuiplik-t-, has been as conspicuous inParis as the revolutionary cockade in the hist days ofLouis XYI. At lust, it ?ccius, the LunUrnt hssbeen indiscreet, or its persecutors have become tooexasperated. Thc journ al is sentenced to a fine of10.0.Mjf., and the editor will suffer a year's imprison-ment."

New. York Concspondence No 1.

City Lb L'fel'ses and Abu-i- (f Cub-- i M hitthe Xew l'orktrs do in t.'iem Thtir t.'ost Glitup-se- s

ut the IuUi r of a CiuO-II'tus- t.


New York, June 'JO, lSliS.The Clubs cf New York are one of the most inter-estiii- jr.

features of city life, and yet one of the leastunJcrstooJ. They arc not, indeed, secret tocieties ;

feiT of them are even rigidly exclusive ; but how lit-

tle is known to auy, save metnivers, of what trans-pires within the doors of the splendid mansions thcyOtwupy? What do the men do at the Club?" isthe never-satisfi- ed question cf the Are Clubsiuuuoiiil? Are they a sign of high civilization, or ofde.'line and weakness?

Your correspondent will best answer these queriesby recordiug some cf his personal observations of theCitjr Clubs

As you stroll on the Fifth or on Madison Avenue,you will observe thut several of the largest aud mi st

elegant buildings seeiu to be inhabited by mote thantheir just proportion cf men. Stylishly d re? jed gen-

tlemen stand behind the plate-glo- ss windows, con-

templating, with a stoical expressiou of f.:c. thep iosera-b- y. They lounge in arm-chai- rs within, m:ig-aki- nc

in band, glancing from the p:ige into the.street ; they constantly enter and leave. As ladiespiss along the sidewalk, you notice that only thestrangers amuDg them look into these windows Res-

idents prefer to slum thc critical glances that fallupon i hem when they pass the C'uli-htius- e. Let usturn from the throng aud ascend the steps of thiselegaut brown-Moi- ie front."

We enter a spacious ball ; to thc left is a cloak-

room, to thc right a largo reaaiug-roon- i, elegantlycarpeted, and liuishcl with black walnut in thcGothic style. Four or five copies of each of the lead-

ing city papers lie upon the oaken centre-bibl- e, orare in th hands of readers. A serious-lookin- g oldKvnau-auaa- i ivlines upon a softt tat-a- r the open win-

dow, endeavoring to maintain his gravity against theeomicitl pictures of the LouJou Punch. The per-fume of flowers sieals In from the fashionsblo Square,where ten acres of trees and blooiaii; &hruhs inalie aminiature country for thc benefit of eyes tired with i

brick walls ; and the bouse of the eminent " FloraMjFliui.sr-y- , of .MaJiaoii Square," is not three dooraway.'In this room conversation is not permitted. The

price of stocks, the "Herald Personals" and the 1 it-- cst

telegrams from Central Africa or Tong-ttaboo- , arealike subjects to !e studied in silence. Once in themonth, however, this is a noisy room ; Pr here tl.ebusiness meetings of the Club a;v held. The subjectof n is generally thc same how to get outof debt? for there is very Utile business thrift inthe management of the Clubs. I have before me theannual statement of one that is not worse m in-ig- I

than most of the others. It shew s a debt of JtLKJ,iMX,

and expenses for the current year amounting totie n ly $20,000 ! Some of the items are as follows :

Rent tiu.ioov ag.B T Lmployees :.oo(iua 1.14.'Ol.aaa and Silver Wure, Furniture, etc 2,2 10

Two fuin-- i (at monthly reer2.tit.na1; a 13

Where doia the money come from to pay nil the-- e

bills? From the admission fees, which are from $o0lo 6' loO, aud the serui-uun- utl tlues, $2o to STo permember ; and also, in large part, from assessments,which are freely levied upon members whenever areckless Board of Managen.i-u-t brings the Club moredeeply than usual into debt. That Carelessness whichis the peculiar characteristic of American lifi, isurikicgly shown in tbo unheeded wnsto of the largeincomes cf New York Clubs X.i one cares to takethe trouble of making protest or inquiry. In oneClub, not among thc wedthiest, thc steward is nl- -lowed, through favoritism, asilaryaud perquisites'amounting to SI OKI per month! In another, dis-

satisfaction having been, for a wonder, cxpressel ntthe management cf the Club fuads, the Treasurerwas allowed to resign bia office from a date ftromontht tartirr than that on which the resignationwas tcudcred. But no one would annoy himself toinquire iuto the accounts of this honest Treasurer.Perhaps it was alreaJy too bite ; for the Club wentuuJer" soon after, and all its cUects were knockeddown to auction at pay its debts.

Let us learn some other ways in which money is

spent at thc Club. We cross a marble-tile-d floor to a j

1 ... 1 ..... .ltnCm. .!.. 11 tTnvaa .f .rciiit'amnfi n aA uia... . '.U.lliUSUliac UIUIII'U"!.. ..v.j j j.itiiiwu .aaa, "

ed at their comfortable meals. Dusky waite.--s plythem with assiduous service. There sits Sir Ledger, !

Jr., dining by invitation with Squire Invoice, whoen ts at the Club, for thc present, because his lasthired cook is a failure, and Mrs. I. wont't admit ityet. Iu the corner near the window sits one of ourfirst literary luen. who has dined at the Club for thelast ten years. Opposite to him is a little lawyer ofunsocial tendencies, who has not been known to speakto any cue in the Club since he joined it, eighteenmouths ago. At the i:ext table you 9ee two cronies.haunters of the Club-hou- se at all hours, until Isle-- I

ly. But one of them, a brilliant man of Wall street, !

is now about to be mnrried. He docs not seem to j

mini it much. His is a young physician, a :

tall, elegant fellow, wita a toucii ot the cynical cle-

ment about him, and a confirmed bachelor withal.So you are going to cut the Club, my boy, after j

the fatal day " says he. Must do it, Mat.," ans- - J

wers Wall Street ; my Angelica says the Club isn'tthe thing " And their talk flows off an 1 pparklesfrom this text

But we must leave them and run up stairs, if wewould learn more of " what the roeu do at the Club." ;

Below, we have a.i them reading, lounging, anddining in comfort at restaurant prices. The second

stcry rooms are devote! to the second great functioncf thc Club conversation. Ilese gentlemen meet to ;

discuss business, marriage, politics, amusements, andphilosophy ; hero many a valuiHe business acquaint. '

mi.--e is made What project are not planned in tbecushioned corners of the con vr.vt ion rooms? Theyare tiugel in getierd. it must be o.mfed, with the

spirit of w ine." A dry talk " is rare in a Club- -boue; yet drinking to excess is not common.

Oin-- a month it is e.i-t-n- .i 1; v f..r e.-a.- f'l.ih ta v v

a supper and reecptiou to its male guests. This is

always an elegant affair. The diiiing-saioo- ii is thrownopen at teu o'clock; a rich table is ready, and thegreat puu-l- i l.ls are drained many times. Thenfollows a musical entertainment. There is pianoplaying, by brilliant performers. Songs and comic

stotits are given, amid the most jovial applause.Many a niau yields to the--e convivial influences, who

may have been almost an ascetic during thc rest ofthe mouth; aud wives complain, sometimes, that theirliege lords come home quite crooked " from thathorrid mouth'y meeting," and have sw little diff-

iculty at the door with the latch-'ie- y.

Tue Clubs of New York are nic-t- ly chartered insti-

tutions, with special characteristics or platforms."that are more or lessdefmite. The " 1'iiion League "and the M inhattatx," for instance, are respectivelyRepublican and Democratic Clubs TlKs Century "is a literary association. It began witblOO members,whence its name; but soon teeame so popular that itslueuiliership ran up to six hundred. Of course it is

not so select as it w as at first. Thc " Jockey Club "stands at the other pole of civilization, and is fre-

quented by gentlemen who prefer fast horses to libra-

ries. It has an elegsnt bouse near thc Fordham racecurse, twelve miles out of town. The TravelersClub " assembles the w andering intellects tf a num-

ber of gentlemen who have been all over the world.They have plea-an- t rooms iu the Fifth Avenue. The" Eclectic " is the codfibh aristocrats " Ciub. The

Athenseum " was, until the present week, a de-

lightful Club. Its specialty was Art ; no I lub in townbad a better membership or a finer house; but badmanagement killed it. Lavish expenditure, dishon-

est employees, and the recklessness that follows pros-

perity, were too much for it ; and a peremptory saleof all its effects, last Monday, closed the career of theouce popular and brilliant 44 Atheua?um Club " ofNew York.

The various 44 platforms " I mentioned arenot, however, very prominent iu the Clubs. Thepurposes of each are mainly the same. In each, youmeet friendly or business acquaintances, you readstudiously iu the library, or you drink your lightwines ; you write your letters, you skim thc maga-ziue-e,

you play at chess, cards, or billiards; you rec-

reate yourself or dissipate at will. There is the largestliberty, you can enter tlie house at all hours untiltwo o'clock in thc morning, aud remain us long asplease, you will seldom care to remain all night, how-

ever, as thc Clubs provide no accommodations forsleeping.

Bat we have not yet finished our stroll through theClub-bous- e. Here is a spacious toilet room, with hotand cold water, and all the modern improvements.Here is the library, provided with wed selectedauthors and works of reference There is amplestock of writing materials, with paper bearing theClub nicnogiMiu. Next to the library are the chess-roo- m

and tbo card-roo- m.

Upou thc next or top-flo-or arc the brightly-lighte- d

billiui-l-rooro- s. The ivory spheres are playing aroundbriskly upon the green baize, and you sec that clevershots are being made. But Ave will not stop to reportthe game. We return down the broad stair-cas- e audvisit thc gallery devoted to the monthly exhibition of

paintings. Thc display is often excellent, in certainClubs; including works from the easels of the bestNew York artists Gifford, McEntee, Boughtou andothers. The majority of cur artists are Club meu,and lend their latest works for one evening iu themouth to these pleasant exhibitions.

Some gentlemen belong to nearly all thc Clubs inthe city, yet these are often the cues who attend theClub least frequently. It must be udiritted that themost constant visitors are apt to be young unmarriedblades, devoted to cigars and .strenuous idleness; yetnearly all the most prominent men of New York be-

long to the Clubs. Ministera, physicians, capitalists,literary men, lawyers, artists, editors all are nu-

merously represented in their catalogues. 44 Thebcit society of New York is in the Clubs," said oneof the must eminent clergymen in this city lo me,lately. This ia true; yet the be.--i society is not con-

stantly nt thc Club-house-s. Thc best meu are toobusy to speud much time there. But the loungerslove Ihe Clubs, their quiet, and their comfort, thesleepy air of luxury which pervades their elegantapartments.

At the monthly meetings one more frequently seesthe choicer elements of the membership. A uumberof geutleuien then appear, also, whose names nobodykuows. They do not p ttronizc the Club during tlielest of the mouth But they ure punctually ou handupou the occasion of this supper, of w hich the Clubdefrays thc cost, as if attracted,. like mice from theirhiding-place-s, by the Smell of the bait.

The cost of Club membership varies, of course,with the habits of the indvidu il. Some men attendsimply to read and cou verse, and do not incur fifiydollars worth of exjieiise while theie, beyond the reg-ular semi-annu-al dues, in the cour.-- e of the year.Others take all their meals at the C lub, instead of ata restaurant or boarding house or at home. Somedevote their whole energies to dining, wining, midplaying for, games of chance are allowed in some ofthe Clubs and in these ways maiuigu to spend hand-some incomes.

Candidates for a baission are proposed in writing,by a 44 mover " and 4 seconder," both of whom mustbe members of tiie Club in question. Most of the(Tubs have from Km to members Only resi-dents of the city are geuerally eligible for adiiiis.siou,though some of the Clubs have a small number ofUicnii cis kuoan as 44

t." Strangers,however, may become guests of the Club, I. e., entitledto the privileges of the house, for a month at a time,on the written introduction of a member. L'nucn tie-ma-

conduct is punishable by expulsion from theClub, uj-o- a three-fourt- hs vote of a regular meeting;but obnoxious mctnliers arc generally allowed to re-sign A 44 Board of "quietly. Management is electedyearly, besides thc usual officers; mid till the businessu Hails of the Club arc left in their hands.

Ladies ate not admitted, 44 under any pretext," tothe apartments of thc Clubs. But the lid.es havelately started n rival enterprise, the 44 Woman'sClub" or 44 Sorosis," ns tiie name is finally deter-mined upon. This has commenced under the bestaucpii9, .and h is, so far, been very successful. Itis compi-se- of the most cultivated ladies of New York.It has been laughed ut a good deal, yet is regardedby many sensible people as a very sensible movement.But of this I may more to say in another letter.

From the portrait I h ive sketched, I thi-i- k that themany iw lvrs of the vl'lvtrtistr wiil be ab e to studythe great institution known as 44 Thc Clubs of NewYork." Calami--

in for 111:1 lion Y

OF' JO II N C. I'O lai. I). WHO AltKIVKOtlii-a- liec.-u.- l r 7, 1:67, iri the i:r.tih fh p

Aiai oaT.Ajl.lra, (',41 It) ADAMS WlLbtK.

AttTICaC !

4 FIRST DIVIDEND OF 25 PER CENT.aV will le paid to the c rr.hi'ira of s. Siiu-r- . on iohI fter

Monday, the "th Inst., at th otTice of f. A. fer .V Vi.J. XV. A I sflN.K A. stn.lt.Kr.lt,I1E.NKY MAY,

641 2t Assignee.

flMIE KF.Rl'btR MONTH La V MEETINGof I'K'J! Eo'i'I'J.N 11'IOK AMI LAi'lifcR C. No. 1

will le held on tievt .V..rdav evening, 7:h ir.st . at 7J o'cl.irk.A punetaal attendance is n.uat parucui.arly requ. sted.

Will li. V. bol Oil I AI l.l.N Ca. Foreman.

t&EW GROCERIESlust Itcceivca.,

Pec X. C oiii-iri.;y- -

f AVER RAISINS IN IJOXES, Hnlf, Qr.L1 acl eighth hroo-a- .

Cht Ivst Ccmet Tea,Japan Tea in bulk, a nrw and very choice

artic:.Canes Green Sweet

Caw Little Ni-cl- c Clams,Pacific catch of 10S.

California Broom,Small han-- l Bronrr and Braihi-s- ,

Nests Markrt Haketa,Cin India Curry I..wdr,

Burrlrsa Sardines,Cal. Oat, Bran, Barley and Whtat,

Fre-- h Cal.fircia Potats,Bok-- s new Cab Onion,

West ( al . Hams am! N.rc.ik liacon.FOR SALE AT

TLo 1'aiuily Grocery and Feed Store,By (Cll 1m) I I1ARTLEIT.

.1NGI.ISII HERRINGS IN TINS. JI'ST KfU'J CI llKll an l f r sale t v I. U A UTI.tl T,oil la.a KtlE-l- firnrart tim lei I

'Janata ava CoairactaMb. Kiutor : A brilliant janius of the Gaztttt

of a late issue, is heavy on contracts, indeed oneway he is heavy generally. on crops, consequences,conclusions, constructions and concatenations accord-

ingly. The Gaztttt is a weighty psper in its own

eyes, and its correspondent are worthy of their pa-

trons.44 Forms of contract," says this Junius, 44 ae very

convenient and used more cr less," aud truly, so

ther are ! but who would have thought it, but forbeing told ! 44 Where inapplicable they will not be

used." Certainly not, a marriage contract, for in-

stance, means more than twelve months service and

would sometimes be 44 inapplicable." It is very well

to know it, so thank you. "Janus" a two-fac- ed

Janus you cau look backward and forward, if notmuch to either side. 44 All contracts are suppose.! tobe drawn ia conformity to law" supposed is good)

uhich they must be in order to be legal''' and

when found make a note cf. for if cur highly posted

Janus" hadn't told us so, whst would become of

the country and His Honor the Chief Justice ! Coke

or Lyttleton, avaunt! Strangely enough though,

our 44 Janus" omits to add, what it seems to me

would have beeu in place here, that all contractsmust be signf! before they amount to much. But44 Janus" had something extra, heavy on his miad

just then, which threw him for a moment off the

track, and 44 supposes" terrible termiuations 44on

the decease of the employer." Truly, such sad con-

tingencies arc to be anticipated, to thc bewilderment

cf planters and lawyers, not to say housekeepers andtuiall cor.lrsctor. But how ia it when the imoal happen to

s!ip hi wind ? Wouldn't our " Janus" Carry it to the court

Inl there nmn'.feat Injustice in escaping a contract that way ?

' I ran no oppression the einjaloyed in their being oblii;ctl

to fultill ihelr cautract." Well, suppose you covld llie fact 1

f.incy would not create an earthquake. But rather, with allthe philosophical Tootnes of our community, it woul.ln't be ofthe " slightest consequence."

"Janus" is concise and ekgnt too, thus; 44 rlanters arecompelled by circumstauces" (such a afflicted the young manGappy, I presume, 'over which they have no control') "tomake'large advances to laborers which are to come out of theirwages, tliev generally contrive to erd it all before they com-meu- ce

service--, ard then they must draw nearly all their lullwages for their current exciies" (and dog tax.) Syntax andParsing, look at that: Thrice happy, Mr. Editor of the Oa-sett- r.

to own a power over such ponderous euphonisms !

This stale of tilings Is undesirable ar.d unprofitable to theplanter, but it is also unavoidable j he submits relectantly, huthas no olternature but to do so or see his crop spoil." Yes,like Ancient Pisti l, he cats his leek, he eats and eke he swears.But where did his crop couie from before 4 ihis stale of things'began ! " And it seems to me that under this stale of thingit ia no injustice or hardship to the expiration of his contract heIs still indebted." Seeming and bring, Mr. Jauus, are twovcrv different thing. 1 have known natives under thisof thiiaia'' kept in bondnee for years and years nndcr an origi-nal contract lor sit months service, and certain pulu and othermen of the past found much profit in practicing this Iniquityuntil it became odious, or they found more profitable Invest-ments for their capabilities.

But all this merely leads one to asfc, why all this fuss abouta vcrv-simpl- matter? If vanity wants Its name continuallysr.zrtted. at the f.H.l of official notice ami can add a cubit toits stature by such weak mean, let it be Indulged. There is aGazette In London, and there is a river io .Macedon, and thereare bull frogs as well as bulls.

If this published form of contract suits and is legal, therecan be no harm in using it, but there can be no compulsionabout it. Almost any planter can draw up a contract sjand to the purpose, "that the first lawyer he chanced to meetwould lie milling to run a tilt with it against any rosy -- red ex-

cellency of them all.Gooii-hy- e, Janus, perhaps you'll be asked to dinner, for such

jainus'es as you are rare.



T Ms friend and Ihe tlmt be ha the aloveHot. I and and will carry on the business un thetn. st npprwed style, and respectlully solicit a slinre of pa-

tronage.Xeatlu Furnished lioouis to Lei vprm Rsusonttble

CH Terms. 3-- j

18RSV L.O voioa J. J . v

II I la O , II . I

Sugar and Molasses.ap1KOI COMING IN AND FOR SAI,E IN

quantities to fuit jiurcl.r.aeru,01a WALKER & AL1.EX, Agent.

ItaONACOFFEEtoiijtautly oa hand and fort-al- Iu quantities to Soil.

VfiiHF. CNDKKSIONKD INFORMS TIIEI JL public that he is prcpa.'ed to furnish

Choice and Well Dried Kona Coffee,Having the Agency of th following parties in Kona :

"Mewra. NKVII.LK .v BAKKBTT, Keopuka.

il. S. OllEENWKLI North Kona.

T. MONTOOMLIIY, Kai!a.u(UI Cm A. S. CLEG Holts'.



At Uosom-lc- , Aug. 31, 1S68. J


lalauds. and of American Sh p Wasters touching here, I deemit prnt--r to publish the following Kesoluiinu on the subject ofthe Cin lie Tra-ie- , which un.uiunouily pasted both Houses ofthe Conyrrsj of ihe Itiiitr-.- l States, vis :


H'herem, The tmfl.c in li.Uners. tra.iHu rted Ironi Chinahii.l oiha-- Kavti-- i n c.untries. kni-a'- as the Coolie. Tiaiale, isaxliuus to the pe..!e i f Ihe l nli.1 States, as liilimniin n i imn.onil ; ami ulttrras, it is xbli.-tr- . nt to ihe f..ril ofuio lem ii.:ern.Uio;i:.l uw and policy, winch have suhstnntinllyexliipate-.- l the af. :eau SI ive lande- - to prevent llieestnlilii.li-mv- nt

in its phio- - t.f a moile nt en- la vinj; lalen differing from Iheiu little eUe than ti e einploymeiit of frau I instead of

t.ni-- e to iu I'.o it. vietiial caplive ; 11 It thireferc.ViOir.l, H at it is lh du:y of this U.ivairr.ment to give

t fiVei in the n.ornl seiitin.enl of the tuition, through nil itsAgeneicS. lor thy purpose of preventing the further intnloo-tn'i- i

uf coi.lit s into :1.1s h. u,i., li re, or the ai!j nx-n- l !?Umls.Ordcrt-I- , 1 lint the liv the loregoing Hesolullon

hef re ihu President cf the United States.Aitrt: J. W. FORNEY, Secretary.In t'uiihi r.nce i.f the humane policy a...pted by Ihe Hoiern-uic.- it

I repretent, I a!o rte. in it rr.y duty to call the ..tten l..nol uli a horn it ci.iy concern to an Act ruii'l- - d An Act to pro-l.ih- it

the C.K.lie Trade l yAmiiean Cit zns and Aiii'iicjnVcsta-I-,- " appnavetl, K. bruary 19, 1S2, which provides :

1st That no citii- - tnir rci.but of the United States shallprepi-r- any vessel to pna-ur- e r carry from "China or rlsr-uher- t"

.erons kis.A'n as lobe disM.ed a, orsold, or transferrsil.br una tirm of ieart, or for (mi) timeivhitf If, nt Jtrinnfs or uyijJraTJt'ef.t. or to be ht.'tl to serv-

ice or labor. Any vessel owned by citizer s of the UnitedStates in nhnle or In part, so rmploycd shall be forf. iUd tu theUnited Str.te".

2J Every person t u I ling, eqcii ping, sending to orai'ling ta. prepare m any way, or navigating a factor,hgcia. owiit-- r or otharw.se, a:iy vrts. l heloiigii g i:i wh'de rr inpart lo any I'niied Mates rit irn, or registered. eiiri.lii-- J orlicensed within the Ui.ittd I tat. s to re employed ia the abovetra te, or in anywise aidin.-- or ahettiug therein, shall le liaMeto be ind clcd and on conviction, punished by a finenot excet-di- tao ihouaud miliars, and Imprisonment not ex.ceiling one year.

3d Any citizen of the United States aha shall, contrary tothe tiue intent and meaning of ibis Act, take on b ard, or re-

ceive, or transoit any such persona, for the purpose of disposing of them i.s aforesaid, ihM be liable to lie punished a j

Ivfore mentioned. j

Free and voluntary emigrants may be taken upon th-- J

certificate of ti e U. P. Consul or Consular Agent at the port

where they embark, which certificate is to be given to the j

muster of the vessel only upon sa'.isf.iCOTy evidence thjt uch i

ana ii: ration is actual'y free and voluntary.5:h All United Siat--s laws applicable to the carriage of pat- - j

sengers t.y U. S. merchant vessels, apply also to all vesselsowned in whole or in part by citizens of the United States, orregitera?d or licensed wiihin the United States, carrying pas--sengera between foreign ports, with the same penalties and for-- '

feitt-.re- J

fall. The President ot tiie Un trd States U authorirsl to direct ;

l"nit.-- States war vessels to examine all veftcls navig.-ile- or (

owned in whole or in part by cltiz-n- s of tbe United Stateswhenever there is reasonuh'a cauae to a uj pose such Vessels areengage-- in any way in violation of this Art.

The foregoing I simply an ahsirti-- t of the law, whioh will he '

found ia foil on page 310, volume 12, of the U. S. Statute at ;

large. EDWARD M. ."cCfXK, j

Cllr f.lmai.co y. (611) Minister Resident. '

TV 1 "Vr & O X i



B "xes Orange I'ecoe Teta.Fine Grass Cln-h- .

Ihie Grass Cloth Handkerchiefa,Fin Silk Handkerchief.

Sewinr Silk,Mosquito NeHing,

Nankin C'.oth.Assorted Sandal Wood Fins.

Asaorted Ivory Fn,Aswirte.1 Ivory Ornaments,

Silver Card Cast s.Silver Cigr.r Cases,

Silver Baskets, , SfC.

Frr isle by61 11;. AFONO ACHUCK.

C.nlifonii.i, Oregon nml MexicoiMeaiiislnip Co.

San I rancisco aud Honolulu Roufe.Tlae t oaupaaay'.Spleadirl t 1 Sleiiniebip


33x10 acac-- o on tabic QOtlx IxisitWILL LEAVK FOR SAN FRAXCISCO,ON OR ABOUT THE 3d OF OCTOBER.Cargo for San Fraocico will he receive.! ,t , lim , ,

Steamer Warehouse and receipt, for the aarae given bt theundersigned. No charge for Storage or Cartagelire risk In A arebouse not taken by the Company.LIBERAL IDYJLXriS HIDE 0 ILL SUlPUma

PKK STEl.ilF.Ia.Insurance guaranteed at la.wer by taUinr Vrsael.Particular care taken ol shipment of Frol"All orders for Uoods, to le purchased In Pr.-- ,;

be received aud filled by return t.f aieamer ' "'"IT Passengers are requate.1 to purchase their TicVeU pre.virus tali o'clock ou Ihe day of sailing. -6'4 3m IIACKFELD ft CO., Agent.rr Shipments from Europe and the United States,for these Island., will lie rvcciVid by the CompaVr laTf

Francisco, if con.icned to them, and te mrwarded bvSteamers to Honolulu, fret of cttarye, except actual ouUayT

I:iw.iii;ii9. l;ickct JLincFOR


The following Urst-CU- ss Vessels will Ban Bf.rt.larly In tiie Honolulu Llnei

tf D. C. Murray.5 Clara R. SuUI.dZ VX2Z accommodation. f

641 Sm tVALKER tr ALLEN, Agents.

Hawaiian Packet RiiiePORTJLAil, OREGOA.


MILLER, MASTER.WIU Bnn RCfjnlaily between Honolnla andPortlind.

For Freight or Passage, having Superior ArcommoalutloQS ftCahin and Steerage Paasengers, apply lo

oil 3m WALKER & ALLEN, Agents

Ifuwnii.tii Packet laine

SAX FRAXCISCO,. The A 1 Clipper Bark

D. C. jVInx-ia- v -N. T. BENNETT, Commander.

Will have Dlspntrli for the abofe rrt,.S'a.'.'ai.a aia iv l..lk..o V..I .. uTn .. C 4 . I analv v, nwi'ic irjiuiuuy, af.ctrrmier SZIU.For Frtight or Passage, having auperlor accommoaatlontfor cahau and steerage passengers, applv toM H ALKtU as JIXKN, Agent. .

Regular H.patcSii S.incSAX FRANCISCO T


ABllOTT, MASTER,Will hare Iuiiui'dlate Dhpateh fur the above Tort.

For Freight or passage, having superior forcal.in aud steerage passengers, apply to v

CJd C. bKt VI Ell dt Co.,Age.lta

llawaiiai. Packet fincFOR


G XaCX "to I? A cL szg-- .

MILLER MASTER.Now Due from Humboldt Hay,

111(7 have Dispatch for the above Port on her arrival.Tor freight or passntre, having superior accommodation, for

cabin and steerage patvu ngena, apply to --

li4 WALKER ALLEN, Agents.


atH a. Oa. WSTliO!II. II ATT ERM A N.N, Maaier,

Will have Dispatch for the above Port.For Freight or Psssace, offering superior aorraninHHlallons,

apply to i':a9 II IIACKFELD ak CO.

.ri. t. i)0i:Ua,King Street, East Side, two doers from nuann,

WILL B U V AND SELLSecond Hand Pnrnitnrc.

Xjf Repairing neatly done. Will also fit Curtains. Carpets,&c. 610 Sin.


aV Cake Meal. A very superior article of Feed f it Horses andCa.tie. (6lO-2i- ) A DAMS At WILDER.


ia. e. Jici.vrviaE & asrco..Per Tiiii li: I. CMui-ray- .

AJENV GOLDEN GATE FAMILVFLOCR,it New to'olden Uate Haktr" Extra Eloor,California Osls,

California Prnn.Ciiiiforiiia OcMen Syrnp,

New t sila. Ilntiia and llacoo,New Smoked Beef.

NEW CALIFORNIA CHEESE,Cases Columbia P.iver Salmon, in 1 and 2 fb tin.

Cases MrMurray'a spirvd OysK-ra- , i aaaa-- l 2b tin.t ae TIc.Murray's Fresh t'ysters, 1 and Hi tib,

Caaa.-- la.la..trra, in '2 lb tin?.Cms- t Luna., iaa 2 lh tins.

Cases l saUd Cream.Kig. of Craiibertiet,

lioxea Layer ICaismo,Tins assorted Crackers ?Jod:it Wine, Water, Wafer, Milk,

Picnic, Jenny Lind, lloston and Bolter,JAMS AMI JELLIES, I f.LASS AMI TENS,

Brown's Extracts of Jamaica Glnjrer,Bags of Huml-old- t Potatoes (new crop,)

Cawa of Cal. forma Onions (new crop.)Case, of Sane, Thyme, 8 wis t M .rjoram, and Suiemer Savory.

Etighsh Red Hemp in tins.Bales of Calilornla Hops.

Jars of ! 'runes, S lbs. ears-- .

iror Snlo ijowII. E. McliTYRF. & BRO'S.,

640 Ira Corner Fort and King streets.


Cases Wine Vinecar,Sultana Raisins, io jar,

Curranti,Sardine, in half boxes,

SarJiues, quarter boxes,Westphalia Hams,

A nd for sale

At the Family Grocery and Feed Store.639 1m By I. UAUTLKTT.

IOTSCfa.mllE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMEDJl a Copartnership, dating front the lsl of July, lsiiS, ondtr

Ihe name of

HITCHCOCK fc CASTLE.The business formerly curried on by Hilchcek & Rrotbe,

will be cont.cued by ll.e new firm. D. II. fiITMICO:K.K. G. HITCHCOCK,

619 3t . C. A. CASTLK.

MIE UNDERSIGNED C II I N A M EN. nF.RS- -1 isi give nonce mat tney nave mis aay lormea a iiw- -. .... . ... . . . .a..l.:. 1 i.... ln... ...l;tfliiship .oa laic u.Li.n a'.a.a oa iiilc aaa aai vinu.ina. o.a

Store at Kaalaea. Kooliaupoko ; and notily the public that tliefwill not be responsible for any debt eontmct'-- byAwanaof

.. . .r.wa ii j .ia.i ni l ,: 'J iti.e uuam via. h i v-

or other animals trespassing on their leased lands at llaleebaand Papaknko, Uahu, will be arrested and dealtWilli according to law. A VV ANA,


Haleaha, Knolauloa. Auynst 13, ISO? 0-- t In

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...Sei-retar-y of Jtnte of hi g'"! lu.-k-. The fellow. jurupn in the oara. a rul all of a atnUoo an altr-n-a-tio-n taken IwCween the il.r-keep-er of the


A! I i;fck. 4 . al aaara aVwlkk.


I-- y

'urn. tAia- - f.V.-i-

Oil ri l.

It iisir.W iv. v.

I !.ld KM. KIUIM.V Mill I Ki.l IIIHS

Ml mm.O.

Furniture Sale.ON FRIDAY. : : SEPTEMBER 11th.

I tfCt'X a. A. M .

it rut ciiil4i: ti ms. j. u. imi,Oa ! Law. Ih mi lb. Ct.W 1 kur o. UI mm a.ad

Tt. i:llre 1 1 a old f'ufiletI riia. I IMU I rrarh HrWI Mjklrl


M I lhv' lu'M" Iiiu !!. I lUr kr,

I lrfrj tiit l IUror.

Ikit-t.- l. IIM4. ! IKkt r (rtor rt .fit l4iu.ur u kw hu

ru.(l l.u.-- a m "J

householdfurnitureOa T1IUR3DAY. - - OCTOBER lt.

tl 1 tt'taa-- a A. 11 .


(i xt avcuun uf a ;c:s. nt ! r if twl iliiurn.;

Tha Eatiro Sup r and well-kej.- 1 Furnitarf.rouiTlA'J or

V Ik 1 A ilMral tr l- -r, i'kaauavrr.Iltlij Ktiaa at aiil Kile be fa I'tar tall arc.

fart rmiui tf ptm.

lon sai.i:. ,

Very Desirable Reiiidcncc !

is u aii.i ki. .n in.IIOI nK l.lKCi: M NK.W.HirilSi tutiiaul Utf K. Imil r-- -, Wtlit fui.i--k

a - ktf - ul iu i.r.lVr. Imiair vf. '. l .'. 9. IklllKl.lN.

ii wvaiiaa i.r.ATiir.i: :

SIe and Saddle Leather and TannedGoat Skies.

a i:i!;n.uM i'i'i.T ritoM TiitctuW A I ME A TANNERY,

I' r mm ( III k'nt a.akrt (air t. If . S. CtrJlltR. tf-- t

i2.v ii. o. wvr.i ii.kHl fBr, M Ktll I'IKK HltU KS.a , ka oa t.k4.'t. H id tW "kl, tta f m of iiJ jar t.

tMlrtiiavlH Z... a. ana t.

Maui- ('film''. Itt IncS.C'J, 4--J ini-k- (.t

Drvuclk iukr.t, u c. .

1 .nm Matrtr. BiAaUj. la -aVt rr'..N Pirtrr. tu pint. vl Hflvli-a- '". --..1 al iWtmaik tu !J (illoo fk.am; 'rili B.4'k . in ftara tikria

l".--r Ml at La Miilrl ttstar., hit In II. IUCKF HXt CO.

fiit liteccivccl.or nRi:i aimm-ks- .Ivoic bl art kcan-tk- .

TiusMrfk. Wrappir Papr.II mu.-iil-l. nr,

" ' Hemp Cantra. . v. . .tva.ro- - kiiiw--

N.y rei. ;


T it - r. TJ. o i v (1 !


$frior 5wlk ctirp,JItAtr libit. CfUthptl Snsnr. I


rat I; Fiprtrtij far a Tr-fU- a! I lloiAte (! JL


linl l Llnrk- - t'trrnt't JIU. o.mi firs.Mi't I"..i.ti ftt T-'-

AorU.t Pi: FtH t- -.



Full Assortment of GOODS, Ralloi

(MRi iiixi si.i.kctko C

rrxia Tvrv2Tik.ii2;Ti:rr.

The Print ; arc of .rw k Choice StTlcsSamples icr 'Hontana.' oa 22J in&t


F. A. SCHAEFER & CO.Ilova? loccivotl

Trr il;insii.:n C.irk K. C. YitfProlll 2X3 ,


mIsOMCr)X" TX. T22 2TSJ 02XX

Dress Good3 and Fancy Articlesorxor.o

Ilrmji lanras anil Sail Tnim-- ! IV

akia. Lf:r and Wr,v;t Fi tr.fc:akl t k..',4 ra,

Laai, C.ia-y- . i!.. .' At .t,

I';iinl nml Taint Oil,GROCERIES, HARDWARE,

E:ert, Wiaei and Spirits, Alcohol.

fr x'' nt U"it.nt,.'.r Vtl' ntl firrriK'. T-r.- i.


J...aI MMP, VIIITF. I.F.4IJI.Uoiled Oil. Fancy BiKnitx.

Whit L. Clothi. Gingham.Criaan Shirt, Ribbon,

Shawlji, Mantles,

m:v iiti:ss goous:Skirts. Ribbons, 6lC A.c.

IS JfttlMD M.Df,nt d.sox my co:s khd su.mo.v:

roii Ai.r. nrCi'" Tiiro. if. itir. r


- T A Jl J.OOV,


I at I M l.t.'. t (... V.tl.i.. l,,-.lu- i N.I. W "--I .

1' 4ltt mI L. - " 11 111..

ll.r V ....... I 1 W.I... I, I ul f ujf.EF5. oal 313 state!AT AI'CtTlOA !

Ua Ibr taierr f I a.i.A Mrrrl bJ Um Place.

ON SATURDAY. : : : : SEPT. 12th.4il li .l.k bln Prrtuiara,

ft jo i jr ! hi u- - Ai cnoxTHIS DESIRABLE RESIDENCE,

II Prrxl raplrJ W) I. S. IKUT, l--

Ot. ll,. L.-- 4 .a U twit t i4l, II .uf.lka i lU-o-

f.rjlif ..hd Hail. U - ' U t,,1.l.i..c-uU.- i. I af.l...II aw, lluuti ! --ri .'h Po... kimVsuI- -

a ... i.u. . fcw ,. m . a ll -- . and, n -

Fm Lm r.atfa... art ara .4 .. iLirtv .ijtiiu li t: Mun t:

t.tu. koj ni hi (uiti.tr u- -

tor. v.f U IV f. IK.). il .

om.v two tioiii: 1.1:1 r:Thoe Splendid UjniLt Piniio roite.

iih'ii n: ntr.N Clin.M 11' k l4 Miuk.iui ol ll city

Tin: lixisr niNos mimi uiiuiii.et m M !. Iltn

just Received per Idaho!Hii.nr.x utTi. i.v. ri.Mii.i ii.ot it.

iiab.m IkHIf.Ualmcai.

Oil u-- an t I hi li mill ,

J..n r--

0iui-- l r.-- ,

t aiif"Tiii llin.Nlt.kr lU.VU,

1,Cii.iiki a . 1 --l Iiu K.

l'ait'n' Jt-lti- ia ('.a. u.itia,1 U'.l.li('. Jrl.ir., lu Klak. nl,

11. tel.. t'rra n I'bfw .Cat-- . Ja tait Ur-- a t.

fin. . Irwkft.Tiut) Witrr ( ra.-l.rr-

la.f I h Ualuui..

CALIFORNIA OATS AND ERAN,t"r klrvrfii 4icu.

livt Urt-r- u Tr...Iik I IV. h. .

M l.trrratwan li.,T. ,

? II..VC.t'4l fi t:..a JIu.IjiJ.

M..! r;r,t: o 1. 1 : n s v it r i.l. ItvUliiM. I'.Iiu.ti. Ill 1 tt an l 2 !t tin.

AM r.-- u StLI.

At the Fikiaily Grocery and Feed Store.V19 lm P.r I. Is A KTLK IT.

v. I'isc iii;.:,Cabinet Maker and French Tolisher.

hit:l ?rutinr.A'tl Nr et r Pc rr r.f J . Molt Sn.ah A '. 1 y


PER CYLO:i,.a ri'i.i. assokt.iii:.t r

a A. .UOOIi lllg1 ?r I'. V4j"


The Model Cook. No. 2, 3 and 4.he Harp Stove, lTos. 1, 2, 3.

The Bay Stat?, Ncs. 0 end 5.All rnu.ok te. i;l, l'i- - and .ib.a.. nt



Just ReceivedC;irk (or. id nud Stmv. !JaIio!

irstoM kuiaOpj-:- ,


JOHN THOMAS YATERH0U3 E!a m.-ip.ap- li;

AHxorlHint ol 31 cfcfi.mlisf,EXPRI'Akl.T S K


Amrxitif o l Prarl li rrr lirr. in.. KncL.h IVr. ark. FluaTanL. Blur onxtoo. Pr..a-- T 11. :r-- C'Xt.-r.- , W hit I'rK-t-C- J,

I hto.rir-- 7. 1.i.Lni, I r.'.IUr.t. Varti-n- a Lawr, near tjl

French and English Prints,- ik. CnSorr. tovrrt, rnnlJ Ltatnta. l'

a ..... t,rTti B k- -. Pro.! I "t;IT, Frit Ka, ir-- y aoj)i..r I Ctltli. Marc. ;!.- - y..U. A."., Ac , Ac

AlSO, CXX iMo. lO,i.i x n net; thains,

Role Coiiucica, Fink, 71iite, Aiuline andother colors.

iU- - .!". Irar ! I'alr, ix hl.ir; . r. &e. froS 1 1 k ri -

i.--t il I h'ai.X ; l l?"1l ir. J t- - I fmtffPiu,a M...;.-- . back. ?it.:-- h a.. I .l K't-nn.- i; fcaffh-- r r.-f-

. '.T.yl Ui.-- ; Whir.?, Blue, 3 ri-t at. I C k.mlCa.i.o-.T- rlt.'ifit.silk C'l Id I'loakk nml Jacket.


OnriVxaldl tTnolLots,l.i.Ul a.-- d ...(. i r :..i-t- i :.-.-t, Si.k ai.l an hitter..,

I.AIIII2Starrr. MLIfe Ihian. Pearl. I2!f.a. In-din- e,

Ireae, !irlifs, aiB3, NjCipii, Sai!rsAnd all other Styles of Hats !

r':'h.r " ! . .Ir t:-i- ' "...irrri.A t.rr. Av,ru. t: f tn r.e"t rfuta ry . La- - Curta:.i,

La-l.-- Ta.C lin a I ro!., .

isjfts Edinga of all kiuiLt. Jaconet Edging,

lr.krt,n, lt-- .k 4 1., AC . Ac.- . .



Per Robert Cowan, from Victoria,oiMMi.i.'k I'i;ki i i:s. pomiii:s and

Ia Tm a

jr B'k-k- i,

l-- .l, '.;,.,.U I,.'. l.k I, r!..:.- -l Oil,

.. ; .r.a line I ,


Alo, Expected Early in October, uk



English and French Goods,NEW STYLES OP PRINTS, I.

Aatrl the farm I A iwrtmrNl ml I'Itl

f'ollODk.t onlrna, 9

I.inertk,SIILa. I

i : , - . A

A IS y

Danvill' Irih Whisky, I

Guinness' Dublin Stont. f rr.,Ir.d Coope cfc Co.'a Bottled Ale, r

JIarfian's Draught Ale, fLiverpool Salt.

jn-- l2TJleKMn Itl.- - O-'o-n I . B'trnAr, A'. A"

in Ti l it. if, ii vii:.


HS. i;iVI OFF Its II fill SK.IC V ll'KH'.'11.. k.. ..l.l.IU

kra.-rnc- e Mf A I I I nt. j- li .4. 1 aid Al.ac A tk.

VOTK i:.ihf. iio i:i:k oMMiii ftrm Sria v wiurwc lu.Lli.l l- - ruual...l on

f.. J)ai al ll. .W.tt.1 lair.4 ti . W A Mil. trr1r(r.

W't lt I.lMutual Life Insurance Company,

or KtW VOKK.

urn :.- -! ii i ii ih i aitoim.WIII.V t IkUl Af 'iil I f ll.r lKi.I 4i y. .rr I rc uc i ici f r J1 lu4.nbilu .! ..i ol !!... Ku. bi Ali fill. M. I ".'.

ll.iU4. -.l .V, lv.1 .

Fenc Wire.vi:i.i;i) I'KM K WIKK- -Iim;iit

'. IHI W A ('.ori(i:.

tiik r Mi-:itsii- : m:i im?uki.4i.U. MM A.r .l Ilic mU- - II.'


1 Celehrntrd Newhall Piauo.T'" .ru W. f Ubu mill r lutamt, dn.vC Iruiu llrJtl t. 1 IU IhrM riw l..l ! r.lirtl II1. t f. M n u. U'l-i- t I'O-itc- umI r&r btr.l I'V

ei ihu I. P IT.

('alil'oriii.'i l.iiuc,Till-- : KMl It I '. lill.s-,- ;SiMOM ini, i i.( ll i. aim , l. njf r.. kri, au-- l i tii

Ul'l'la' uii Ciiilirll ill a K'.'-- l ail.rlv l ll. I .t '.Cii du l(l.l.l. & ('!

iriit i: ivu s :t&O I'I'.K IODO.

i m: ItltlC KS OK (;iioiif 0,00K t. a. -

t llllKU Hi

4:.?T sti:i:i.,iivr Ki:i Kivi:i) lit k . ii ai i. a. son.

M-- l lr.in f) In 14 itM--

A L" , Mm ili. . .1. CtU 2 1

i.i:.tiii: it.ll i.i.a 4 ua VK ji sr nn nn

tf K Skli., 1.1. .lu rV4e, llifin-.- . tiinllt au.l b..l l;cIxallrf-r- CIO

1.1.M1: a.m i:mi:.nt,I.U'tVsii llM IMMV lltlt IVTKIia. Irr.li a. any in It., learkri mi.l f.t 4le jl t tatr.

elii rim I HA-- i. N. M'l.Si t.'t i l u.

m nil. v 'oi:i vi. 1:.pMiuiKH mzks run NAi.i-- : it.i'l tiiu W11 OIIAs. N. M t.M. l.ll

ricr.sii ri.oru,.A.MM.. HtKKH's K Villi AMI SI'

I I'l HUM. I'l.iisli.liy oil liaiul ami I r I )tSlU t!in IllkS. I ll A H

ti: amOAiii.Kri: sitiK 1 mi:t of ,ihn.

.il l Jai. iur.o IV 1 klaayk on l.aiiil ami tie I ytHii Jm CilAJ. N. il lNt I II t o

PILOT, N.VVV ami mi:iii i hui: i.S.IIKSH AMI 11)4 SlI.C IN Ul tNTI

u.l l ytJl'l iliu t l! 5 N. !" I'KNt I.K A 0. '

O VST Kits,A It'r'.O 4M sri:ito. Ill' F.VKHV

Tr Hiatal, lu I im.l it L l.i... f.-- r a :lilli iiiu fllA.s. ITNtWK A to.


IV Mil M t il ls. N. Mi.MHIl A I t).

iii:st VMi I.IMI iii: FRIMTS,AM. JK l.l.l KK AMI I'K'hl.l'.S.ti l.iml nnj

jV I..1 .air l.jr (1.10 .) I 11.13. --Vjl-r-.M t.1!.- - 'comii:nm:i i 11.it, 'a ii- - o s'r iu im a m. ami tiikCii-:i.i:iii-


only f.al attii:l ot llttf altnl Itl tl. biarkrt f.iT aitltro;. 4l CIIA.s. N. M'l.NCKIi A i t.

ki:icosi:m: oil.OWNKUVi Ui-:- FOK SII.K HV1 fU ao, CHAS, N. M'tMhll A I'll.


Mlrralu. Crrata Tartar, an 1 a cutiiW-- aiirtuirnt of9rs-a- . loc alc l




Id rwr--u and ti.ll harrcla. and for aole at Unrest rate,ALSO. Sulmota Itrllira. in hall bn-l- . furkolehr(tU 3tn CIIAd. N. rtNCEK As CO




M StLTWATKR SOAP, IX UCAXTI- -aav Tits lo.rut purcbaarr. nraakhy ,

eto 61 CHAS. N. SPEXCKR A-- CO.

ioici:.ir Ac dithois'ft STI.V CEIiKflR ITK l S.UIOIXKS, IX

in half aod qurter 0"r. r..r : !

olo it CTJA-S- . N. afKNCKK A-- CO.

Choice Manila and Havana Cigars,MUST KKI KI VKI, AXU TIIK Vfcltl UlTJ In Iht? tuatkrt. For ie !BIO 6t C1IA3. X. gpKXCKK tr VO.

.A jLAHliK assortmentt'' I 1 1 1 I'll MfkTkl IVII PltlM'RVl'U I

3 "au.ukbi t-- t'hi"or Kamiirs arid jot the aruci for ex- -Cur.ioti.. I'lCulci, Ac. F'r rule hy

00 3m CHAS. N. SPEXCER - CO.:

11 12 .l.Ta ? O 1 A.


'2.. 0- - Wylie,LMIOM URI'MhN.AV OF


t'OC X A f. in Q tart, an t Pint.,COG X A ". cf superior quality,

1 1 0 1.I.A X l ti I X. in (.rri.ii .msc. ii

Frencli WillowCl.ttr.j Caat.-cirrlt-

billet. Clerk,

Mir;i3( ilii Trrtr.


Cherry Cordial. by

Dcetjen's Pale Ale, in Qt2. nnd Pinte,Deeljen'a Poitcr, in Qnarts,

Mnllcr'9 Lager Beer, in (iuaits. W

.Urcbul, DC per Crnf. Full rrif.itsFor Snlr mi

f.::2ra r..j:ii Ar.riru .v c.'i. i

ia. M:r: tsri:.:,Piano Fcite Maker and Tuner,

OFf'FKS HIS SKU VICF.S I OK ntltri.an.ntf and Tui.O.K l ikii'., having( uiat-ria- un I. in.. sti.fi-tir.-n Miaiaiili--'l- .

Orl.rkl. ft ut Mr. I i. hrt' I uruilurr lUx iurr.'- - t imiM-.lw- '' ait r ti.inTill MPMl will Irare t- li on t. l.t f

Ul! Ct

The OvciI.iimI .ll unfitlyllllt Jl'I.V AMI A I't. L'ST JI'ST ll ird

a'.d f'.r l.vi m imr. mo Im) ll. niiiiM).

Blank Ixcgal Forms.riSHF. r.MII.KS(;r,l HAS ON HAM) ' 'arl "ill lirt.afo-- r krp f. r kklr. It ai.k lrmk, .uth aa art

I in tl. lyraa, h.l. t,r l'ur.'l.ao td Krai f :!, Mrr.-anii-

Trnatt. n.. A.. Ar. An. in lli.in toay r-- f'.uii.l tl: ..lioc- -

theinKTIt rl:TV,r r !, (TarVrivg ..f Vna-ll-,

aii'lI"1IKHP AriOKMLV. Tlr-- a r.r tlifT-ir- d ftnjk

.-- -nl an t . ..f AU' TTity.

llor'K P'JWIK OP ATTifltNIT.f r l- - M.nuf .r-u- r ne it Agrl-rti:-nr- now

t'f. frsrtf. rkltlk.V. s K 4 ll'Hiar.r l.kn-l- .

I I.I. Of MI.E, ol lt"l,I.I. of HLH .f IVrwiml l,r..Krt.

to;:f.j '.:. ..i n-- ai i ,tt-- ,II (111 I. M'fKT'Mili:. ff ftirnO.ir. nr IV..,,I ', fieIll Ml. i P-- l HTM. lis 11 IP, 12

t ii. ni rt- -' rmi r,ii'ask ir pui-i.NA- i. puorriiTV.IM'tMl RK Of AU KI NII' I.HIIP,

I I l or Kt.Kt. I..

MB'K CoMUAtT, lt-- via.t'r an l n ,r.,!, tl,,. trrelin

.fNSI l.ll IMn( I! an. Ctrtif.-a'- a, f r r'lrrh.k-r- . 1

M.niirart.if-r- ..121,MIPS VMNiriSTP. Il.ll. f IjiI...,. Ae . Ar.

Tft I'lkf.kk r rite1 nt ll.t-fm- d utnr--f l ii-r- r

In tr la.t ,'i;l flr.r fr in th''irr l at-1- . pr'tri (!

LI to.

Prlre pr Muple ;, i lt. ; r .J r Unr.r-r- fl'i a,., If. M WIllTMV

THE PACII'lO('ommcrrial Advcrliser.

mit of Tin: ni V Sr 1.1 I I , l 1 fct I ." 1 he llllllH-- lit t-- U

j .f iuf.,i initios in iLe ' llainli f 1 i.--t

I ( SitUtiultr 'J,) " tlir I rjipT lLj J hj Hil-- jtlin t, lum lis I" ill lJll:t a.IwiTm'.iiit-n- t, an. i. i,rt.tuls il-'- t wli r fits iivijj.l- - r

Hi!l Lr lo k:.i Ilidl tlif Mr.UH-- J.iKo Ulll! Ii.-- r whaif fir 'l i":in'isf, n utuiIij,

.Vlii.'bal L'Mll, nt 4 M iir IlllUll't'i'llltln ul..ii( tin 1'i.citic 1 ill J'U-a-- tin-t'- t, nil' i

! t lLoir truiiks tcke l at t

The in tin lust tiuntlf, liicli He note nitliiiiti iliiiiatu ii, it u l:tir pjH-.'iii-

. i t the litlic-mi- u k--1

inai.agi iiiu t t'f iLe ctticiul niau of tl.e lliuainuJrlllllllit.,, The tlutr ti rr i iiii h.ute l.'y uw- -.

iiiji ! the f.wt tlint the I l.it.o n- - Uot I'fj.ui ttil in ihelualllic lrt til listing ill, Ull l H i. rUJ Jrt-'- l to I

till III j.t. lu two )iUc'f, We iu.tvl t'iiivcl!jr the

rin.r i:i nii'l ln.ur i f the auiiil.j; I' the UuKu, un l '

the rrn r in the ua ntti ibutaLle lu thel.'.U'iics the Lour nt nhicli e ltveit-- l iiolitt thit '

it viit!i l ) intu-- til, uii-- . iiuj.l y u l iMj.h-- ii

rl ei r. r, lift iiu tiuiu 1 1 k cf ii,in ul.i.-- i,. ... i f il.i- - fiii. i in the i.Ili. i.il " iiiv- aw

tliu-e.l- . The 1 luinleM in the tiazittr me iiunllytiunii-rou- ) that He lake no in. t ice t.f them uhutew i ,

alw.tys to liii l them, itD'l nuke lue allow -

anee f..r theui. A folit-hjioliilel.- t hali'N in the f..llnw- -

lujj : " - -

Mr. Hitter : As the It'n .tttr la huiitin iii eni.i-- s

of tin ilesa, I, fhmifli lii't u Ji.il t will 1 1 1 y filelultb-s- -i el , s.-l- you ll lew, fur whiih I shall makelio t'haie :

.lurtioit alt of Mr. Halm's furmtuit aiei-ti--r-- l

fir S i.letiiU-- r tth uiel 11th. The I itti i i.-- j .-- -1

to be It . Iitilllllltii.il f lie f r the belit-l- l ..I tl. litorof the tti;.

Com Mi i t I'll JlriU John I 'ill T iH.nht I he .s. hi.olit-- r

if Julnes t'urrie .I1 the l.uivhilser..'i.li;iJi I 'ii S. r.'li'fhoru. Who is he '

itusa.rii i'atJ o' t 'Uu'1 10t.--'i'- h tt kin l of :t

liii t 11 1 'oiiiiisoion Mdt hnnt ''

.i 14 1 11. 1 tt litfr .i ten'ttuwit tit iitsiTlc-- l twice (onthirl unl lonrth ) Ciial li.r the lu i:y umiiwhi-t- it is.

I'.us-nt;- ri t by Si'.i iifi' A''lJ, Srfi'tu.l-r- i 1

The jteiitm r btilcl on M.ii'l iv, Auurt !.l.ICjuih. An tnvr of only oO.ium j'Uti N in the

I'ulii t i t. itc l by the t Itthu.

MJU'if llrjuit. Hut t'lie .lay's ittrivnli of ile- -

..ii tuiin corit-.--t in the entire tii-cl;'- ! rrtmil. '

. ...' I1 n 1 1. r .

kin tip t'.ii f kiN . V. I.'lahk. From tin.-- fI- -l.WII. g noti. e le.ii-.c- l by the 1 ist niH.I. we. l.:irn thnt ,

I njil. t I n k, lorineriy iniwtcroi tin- - wnuit stnps .UjjuIrin l Oirai.v, .li.sl nvelitly, in New H, ,,.. He will

be ici.ifiuls-re- j by most of our h nts itn.l in.uiysei-farin- y; mrn, ns un eeeentii. iniwi. ti l.iii.l-he- ni te I

sailor, mill a gi ol tvhuleiuAii :

- t'a l. V.i'.iani W illfliiic t 'lurk .li'-.- l al liia tii-- l l. n.v 111

11 ivi-n-, JUIJ itatu. lie nu, iiu.i iiw-- ih in lit..

uii! hihI kd.t. nsIiiI t.l i.iir Miieiiian w likli-n- u. ami l.i. , a- --

klinoal In yit Itl ver lar(- - pr.-lit.- . II.; I1.1.I

i.ii it..- - it liMlii:tf m rmiiJ.. ms nt .oiiiilili .1 Willi rit i .

in tl.c World, lie lirsl njilnl a. cti.Hi.i lor iliitlim '

ril It.irm s. .. Afit l.i.iiit'Ui. nml liar --verui v.ij s;'a ..r ili m.Tn Is. a. he liio--d inut ki.iI I'a.k riiuiii.nui nl tin- - wli il.-- r (Ki.ni,,

I .New llavi ii. ia nlilcli a!iii li-- - w.. tt .miii r. I ukii.JIds wile Willi lum, liv aallf-- on n tus; wliicli l:iit si veal,II.' Iiiiiil.- l.i. li.T.iliiiatli-l.- at irti.'iti'u, ittid ffi'ltl tli:il .v.it

utu.-i lim In all file rai-ili- r jtiliii. tiitiiit1s. uaN..rih at ...ir new of A l:.-l- .a. a .Hi Hi. riasl . t wlcrliI- .- ...... .1... t.l ..I. .r- - I ilu. fl.-.l- '..1- ..Itl.-l- . k ,i i i.. Ilo- - lu lvio. In retired Ir.uu Ihe liitsiiitsa. at.J ..r.f hitw i!. the itext l'ail. I 'lurk rre. iv.-- hi. Clin.tiHii imme j

.... ....... . .II nu 11 I....I. I I'....'.-- . 1. !.... t. !... ...I :..trutn iiuarit ti iit.uitv, au i.niiii-iiiiiii- .i, niiu ii.iiii:. .ii.i.i u... . . i i...i.- -. r.i.. i . i ...i... .:.inuitw a un r..ui .aii "t. wmn in. wi,..n ..iii.i

ahi,.wrecknl Ait.eii.ai. aailora, ,h adv.un.r f .rn,,.l It.- -

subj-t- -i of it narrative that wa ous i4 Hie iu --hi -- ..nUr tl.a ..f i

tratyl mill our gnkiiiilathria !

' At l meeting of the tuemlers of thePiovmI Hawaiian Agricultnral Sjci.-ly- , held r.t tl.e j ICourt-hou- se on Friday Inst, the following officers;w're cleoteu : I'rcsiaeiit, 1 nomas ice-- t res- -Idclit, Judge .Montgomery; I rcastirer, A. Jr. .IU'1'1; '

Kecording Secretiiry, J. 11. Kinney; Correioudiug j

icreUry. Em. Fenard ; Mvuibcn of.tlie lV..trl of j

MMnageiuent, E. HoiTmunn, 1.. .McCuMy, (. . lJerhy, a-- rtow 1 J i?. Lemon- .-. V. I

Kv the altove item it fiooeitrs that the Sooiel V hivengi'eeJ to let the venertible down frorn j

Lis elevated position ns quietly as jWible, but still j

vote that his valuable services are indi.apensab'e toit existence. Lntil the policy of the Agricultural ,


Society is entirely changed f.t.m what it I1.-- .9 been forthe pttft ten years uutil other members, j

nieritorioo, are allowed to ?hnv wiiue of the benefits ;

r i. :..ai:t;..n i;.tn,. i...i.T ...............Mr,tirnn.-- r. ....I ir-- "ii.i.i, ....in 1. iiuu r- - i' - v,,-- . ., ,0 13 , IHutchison and Charles lerby, the publio can take i

very little interest in it or it.1 prosperity

Foa thk Kast. The fereign m.iiLs by the bark :'iC,

foinrl will close at the jrost-ofii- co at 8 o'clock, to-id- ny.

The postage by sailing vt ststia id ten cenH.Hawaiian anl & American. The I'ostuiiistr-- r

hitspeneral has issue.1 the fallowing notice : In t.r.ler toexpedite business in miking up the foreign Mails atthis Office, on the dop-irtnr- e of the (steamers ami

JuaHing prickets from this pint, the nndei signed re--,.a. aa a 1 a aquests Hint ait mail matier in tiampeu. 10 tiiw.se ,

who know the lal.r and care reipnrcd to Mike upthe mails pioperly, this order, which correspr.ii Is

with the law in America, r.uglaud, and France, will

not appear unreasonable. Frequently from one tooltwo tlu usind letters are taken in on stcanit-- r day. nnl j

it :ii T.l .1- - Iwould oe next 10 nu ..e prcsc.i mrce

loved, all,seteral

the (I.ivenii.i-- .

t.ivi: ir Up. The y with which ihe (in-ztt- le

has clung to the idea that Hawaiian l'ieni- -AC.1.: . ...,... .t,r... .n. i. in .. ..in. ii. ..ii . !..--

.. .i.t ."An.., i.jreaty thit.uti the Senate w bile Ihe .Ministers! here

w.'iv throwing si uiiil.iin blinks iu his way, appearsfollowing to have uii.lorgi.r.c a charge :

Th'1 .low pr ir. . t.f tin Inniy, toci tli. r Willi lli i.n. ir-- I

lintv a. ! it" rti!'t nli..it iu:ik.-- il im Intm.-- r .

..i.-- it an elt'lifnl in lie ciil. tilall'.n. II." ycisr. e r' l

ii,df.s. a. n i .'iiliiiii' iiri . ami tie l ii.ti must .1 n.lUi'in Ifi jr eni'ri'i.-- . ni.d t.u m.-k-

. ta n..uri.- - aI'l iM- - kale ( lli.'.r i'"iniiiir cr.'i. "When all the facts relating to tl.e tr.Hty and its j



the The nfTnir


.:.t. it ....i .Im ..loir...... I

tkllll l.aiis .ii-- . ' I

:.i. ..,.w...u ..,.1 rl..tt., ..:......suiur. the natiomil "

ivi King" A number of our residents fromtown went to concert, and were muchpleasi-- l with music and . C.

Act llU NT. While of young ladies nndgentlemen were improving moonlight f..r eijue i

trinn exen-is- e on Thnrsilay evening, bit of theridden by Miss Helen Whitney and

riniiiiil leeo!iiing unmanageable, nhe was

tpii'e feriou'-J- y in the liea.l sn.l on oneami. She was home in insensible

and remain".! thus for hours,improving.

72?" Col S. Spalding, has recentlym American at port, took

Sin Francisco in to re-

turn by the first fteimer, communicating withCoveriiinent at his nbsenee,

Consul at actf..r this port.

,17" From th Kuon,t learn thai dwellinguse of Iter. A. Forbes on I.iliha otreet was m.

I'lid iy t.f l it wtsk and fifty .bill usni"i' v stolen.

i i

Z7f Ihe tr of Hswsiinn Inlge N,).

F. .v A. M. will In hi I I on biy iiin:r t.are indled att.-nd-

Pi iii to l.kwa. comp!ct Ihia wis--

cslion r.f hiws piape-- l Nt the l.s sesi..n o(


Si m i. A lettt-- fn iu Kcv. 1

1'i aii iuL!:.-l.t-- l in f iztlti , vi.u.tii iiis rvx;rt.Ifl-.i- f ina-l- e the 11 hle t f ll.iw;ii.ha- - Oil li.-i.lfi-its !" II '.1 that the

weal ia oLvTVe l at tlint Jult, but net toi'llrj.1 ttfl . tl.e ubri'lelnx

in tii-o- l li. beiiijf, kUut eil.t iucht.--. The fvl!jir-i- n

in Mr. t'ti.t!i' :

1 lli Mllli i4 llaVV.i liM itM-l-i- '.Mill Kapuliti,mI a;-- . , 11. i'liiM. 1J k.t.1-- , tM.ulli Cat , lli Kmu. '1'l.c .ui.-- 1

- lu i:i I. Ifi-li- i llicrv Im IvCi. aiiil lu ltit.i,!i.jjilm l i w vi-- i t !(u..i.tM t Hie lii..( vnili lait.b..l l.i.l .tiiJ:i li lil l:c n, aiii t li'..v iiv l. him r tu .!.-I. .t tl A:it-r- . Iial I. i. .iititlii-i-- . Tin murk ari.' o a.i.tiur'1IJ1-.- lkj iiiitii ekiri. in 1111 njil ti.ouiT-u::i.i- . .! il.r

1 I ii.ti Hit. l ii.j(WiLviiii.M .t Nukain:;. ll i1 1 l . i:. ii In c . v li- - i a 1ji.i;;Ui1.:iI liiw ill;.i. Tin.- UiAi.4rl nii'l'iuui Ilic l':.irt tul frt-ii- d ma

II. c a Hiiii.y (.lli.ti.v-- . 1 4. lut.f m.:lil 11. Uii.!Hl K -- . . ll.ii(u.4iiil if bf lii'li, t'Ul a )(likl t.il.il .U'U,ilil-.- l li l..r Ull.t-.- i ai tl.1411. ki-- i I r.i 1. u ii & u. ilkic hi t.ii lii hi. i. 111 ty ra.'it.iti.'ii. It t. thut- li.. ii L.: f. ut.'iit

in- imii- - Liim.1 ut 11: ti t. uliil aini a lin.l at lav t Ittir ci lUi.iinki- - ri'.w f Ilic MlHr il. 6. ll.lii-ii- i

u..;r u.t 1.1 at rui.:Utj ai.l lliM.Mtj.i, Ij iiait- t n I title I 1 M( li t hr I ir i ai . ..! lUtr llic--i- i i ui'l K.t.uiu at ttiL:r I. i u.inuti fi 1 Hauiik.-- , au4 lUru I.V.IuiaiM

!i.- lu. 1 fc' 1. ol ll.f f fi At iraitl lu It. tvHil ft on I tit- W.lii! Ui...I J ti' il lu lnr U lu !! uui ( a niitc ui.it a halt'11 it. I ii ii lil 11 tl.e i v;ii't I.i'aur-- -

IIKLit, a. Ilii llii-l- l flifi-.- l in tuiilill g ti- - lii.e l.iii--- Oil

a' ..it-- A a tii;. li"ri- i.i lliv ua . Tin ir a i:r-- l il.-t-- i w"

.ni'.ki in Ki!.lli-.i- , ImiI lilltt- - ri- - i. l..itit.. lu III!.-- , 1'ui.a alMlK: n, Iii.iii him i r.L- - Uiiiu.ikt- . I'ur Uai1 : ut but

lull I. i in. i u u. ol I In-- uii ai.n' I M n. mA kit i uiivcId.i- - u I" iua li'-l- l ll.- - ii llj l .11 ! ttirm. at

II . . i n in.- - ll'li, Kill ai.i l'jili inaUiil j icmai kulitf I r

Lr dii . tin- - a ri; aiiii fU 'Uii'i in u--u iiiimtia. Ttif ii a :uin4 ti.;ii, Iriiiii lUin- - lu Kt,aul i.o ilaui;!- - wn il.i."

MuiiM like to learn fruin iiiiV of IttMent ofthe Xoith-ftt-- court of Hawaii whether ttujr th:uiehas lje-i- i t.hseivr'i in the level of the shoie LltWeell

uii'l aijoo. Mi l it ho wiu-re-, uu-- l liwmi'-li-

j 1 .KH...S 'ni hi -- ! .MitM I . We gto in our jiivs- -I nt i.ue lirM t.f a wrieS of letters livin New

I. . !"i h.. li we li.te nuiue tin aiigeiiients. J

writ'i is ol ability, laiiiilitti- - with nillias.---- in that ;M-e- eity, W hoe l.t'esioil fit-- s hi in

ai'ctvs to t he liighi-- l eilX'ie.- -, uliJwlio has the ojKr- -

tiimty to .ro-iit- fuels not eiitiiiily Hish lu-i- s will be of

l.teiaiy uni .iit'n:il exetits tiuii.-jiirin- g there.lili'l "IV 1 t lulnly iil.--o news of interest to

His letler oil flub life iu Vol k city, will-s spi i:il iiitt rcst just :it this time when uiO.'e

llmu usual uttei.!i..ii is turtle! to clubs Holiolilbl.e iiiteii'l lo Sure no xjelise to make the 1Jrertixi r

ntti telii e uii I iii-- ti m live to our teivh-rs- , furni-h-- u

11 the U st hireiii li.r their eii'i r- -t

iiiiiiii iitAn Int.. Our ':irjeiiters :is well h iuiMiriii s

tu 1 vi taili It l.i I . t from the fulinw ltt item, llhi-ri- l we

dip In. 111 nu !i iiip. I rani. s thus e.nisti urtisi iuHonolulu. oe shi jn-- i I to other (.ft het.r to i.ri-i;;- .:irt- -, wherever they mijht 1 wunttii,uti-- i put up by 1 hatii-- .

I UkMi. !! l - A linn iujI.iii Lau." Imuvni. ii.l'. I r IH' l.i:, mini U cm ! .ut U) in n il::V. 1 1.. v ureiiiailf ill a tii.'iis o! 11b. tit l S'jUure, ililirl i k. anj no'lira ! v 1I1 Iroii r Js lliitii--it Itunti-- a.i lii-i- tu !. iiriiat jiiakt r 1 liijht In-- it jir.'lilubie tii.iiM-tis- .

,ir , ie u.uwv .t.--.- in will be .lite here oil theo-.- i, ,. o ,,), - s-- j lt inbi r, :m 1 is sis ctrl t.i leiivt,,, .i ,, i;j of is Intely j.oible wt

Jlia. j, :, lu.,;( ,v transient U f..m hernri.x:it u i'iina-houi- ,. slii,i exintttvi by theIjHi.


f tT" His lloll.-- r I itief Ju-tie- e A) N il Hlnl the Itieui- -

.',l,'"' th I curt leave-111 the steumer on .M.H- i-

ti.iy nt-jt- l fur Waiinfit, Hawaii, nt placeSfptt-llibc- r tel'til vili Open Oil the 11 th

Z7f y l'oiuiiiis, dipt. Siuipst.ntif the .Muliono. and others, left the city on Wednesday lust, mi nu rxciii-sio- u ninund thii island, ex--...(.;i t be absent till si;itiiitlav ihe

lriiu.lL Noncr. The nttciitioii f hhip ownersand shin inaxtei-- s culled to the ollieial notice cl the-

Auierio.ill Minister llesidcllt, Iclatilig to the ct-.l- ie.. .tniue nii'l lo lliose ent'tsi ,,i n

IffF? ErifinF-fO-k! FJPlIfC- -g,f; U.ilCaUltt tlB-SJ- U'

f;y im; MtliHAV Al Kl. IOi:AlH.J

rj ... , ,.i,.clin returns from Kentuckv hhowu,:ijll.l!v to. Stevenson o! 7y thin at,,., . a s j:l hch )U.

..1..-..- .1 .:. , ....1 .... !....... .a i,; 1.1;. t.,iptieech i'i the Nonhern i?apers. said the fidg ofthe Confederacy UMsf,.i.-ve- r burie.l in of a


Parties in aa . r.tnci-c- o hare tiih-n-- tut? tiov- -

t.nilIt.n s,.lMMlUl, fr (;o:lt Island-allo- wing

States to n H ncren for pur--po.-e-s.

l'e!i. l l.dlad.iiy. p pi'opiteior, and Alper- -

.niiin. Cusioin-liOiist- ! broker, had a diujcullvIlu-I...- . I . III..., li.rna ICtiiI. nnd i.i.:t.1 .li'.ivi-.- i

j,u, .. itej i', rin- -. blood-ho- d was pr veined.ila S!nnl!-p- o is on the increase iu San

Frnnci-c- o. in July I'M cns.- - were reported andtlenths. but iu ihe fust week of August tlie:e

were 17 deatlis Inun (hat dise-ise- .

I'.rides. ei'inuiand'-- r of Ihitish war vesselt'l.'ii.l!,lfi who blockaded Ihe pott of Muzatl.ui.

lA'sed the blockade. to be, andprobably w ill be, tlepriied of his command.

t.'di. I". la it f pokt- - to a great crowd atKm-a-- '. Inly "I. denied the sentinienla ex-pressed i.i his New Yolk letter in favor of revolu-tion.

The pt ople ol Yariii'ii'th. New lirunswick, held atneelitis; on July .'.nth Jtnil expressed their indigna-tion al tin refusal of Imperial I'.ti liam.-ii- t to re-

dress the wrongs orNova Scotia, and tl.reatenin totake high handed to secure deliverance i

th country from its present2Sl v M:!.is. A 11". HI. In support o t.overnor

WarunMitUs ihal 1..U murders had

With regard lo Congressional reivss.Mr. Kvartsis nniierslood lo hold the sant. th.it twoIlniisi'S tl.i lb.it il 1ms !...t lb. lorriil i.tT,..! nn on.

. ... .. . . . - - i

poiatnienis winch an ii.liournineni would have.Tiie 1 'resident lo d IV received inelnbers of 'he

Intcrn:tlioti!.l r.'iiuii Convention atV bite ui e.

At the evi-nin- in"etiuv ol lh.' Intern. lii.uial I'on-Veliiio-j

Portland. Me., several speeches weieui !

favoi iug n Canadian treaty ret iororit. . The pros-pec- t

ol tin ly Completion of u line of railroad j

from II.tlii'a to San l rancisi-- o was hailed withl'l'-'u- Tti Convention io!j.-utrne- sine

teaieii in toe i art lauicti i ; ion ti.at t.o-l- !

treated th-- i.i with m il 1 .lis t- - 'pect. Now in li.eirmeetings ihev talk of litbticg their wav out.

Tl.em movements all tend to the one great pointw hich is not I ir in lutore aimexaiioii to the j

Cnited Slates ; that c.ur.es they will not be j

Sali-lie- d. au.l ought not to be.,

Nkw Yohk, Aug. H. A lit e broke tint at three jn','lr',: 'i'- - ntoitiinir. iu ihe establishment ot M.i. ,V V ., l.ooK piililishers. w ItMill Illtien

minutes entire building was in flames. j


A tlispilch from Om.iha says, fifty additionalmiles of I'nion P.icilic Kniiro i l art now finished,making Vol miles fiom Omaha. It now seems !iprobable thst mostly li'ii miles will be in run-ning


order before close of the jear. and that '

the whole lino lo the Pacific will be open for s

tinting I.Si'.th

Fn.vttr."i:. Aug. I t. Al the yaclit r.ice tyN'W Vnrk Yacht S jti idrou. at New Port, to-da-


S sloops and 12 ! . hoonet distance I

miles. The first pri-- " wn won by the White j

HV..; ; time fi In. ills end X fliiiniles. The sloop i

0';-o- - wa fecond 7 hours and 4 minutes..tnkr. l.'i. Kev. Mr. Tyng and

in cirt ula'ioit for Ftgna;nres n. nu'iiin-til- l j

I'i the l.ipi'ial I '..ii ention t.f lie I2pio-op- al '

Chun!., w hich meets next Oetolier. to repeal the !

canon tinder which In was tried and condemned,nriking n piiish a geographical division of territo-'v- .

or nt it it to nppl y toilv to unnuthorired( t in j i s t, fm iii new pirishe". or to inti u.-i-


upon m t, ml enrolled tni ishioners or other minis- - j!

rs ot t'et iiinen. Anotiier asKs lor arepeal, b itvi'ig the whole nntler to he gov- - !

cm.' I by Ihe preface to I h" m .1 U ll III the P.iei a

ii I i i tf i iu i.li t, Iiiiitu Ww A'.ii L'j, fj j(l.h ,.,ui rr ,). IV..,.;,!..,,.

cv. Mini ixoi '-- to be neutra.1 al the om e time." t

vni. to affix itamps to without cl. in;r the committed I j- -t in .nth in ibis di.-- ti i l, the j.eW."-t.tlic- e

hours curlier tletn in.w. : "' coni.tius two coiinuus of extracts fromi to dt:iiliiig outrages in the country.



secret history liccoine ki.own, it will found that i .,1 M'lnl . Aug. 12 t il leiiiociatl. ul.elilla; r.nddefeit has been alajut the ofbrought more by acts j .,trH:lit,(( ,,M.,.io evening. p.., s.,ns

His Maj.gty'i! Ministers than any direct opj-siti.i- ii were present, nntl mtiiy men.ii.ea.-ur- e at Washington. j V," ,sint:To. Aug. I J The Attorney (ieneral's

opinion on Uollin's resignation was sent toecretu- -

CoM-rHT- . A very creditable as wall as iuccessf.il j V ! I;e--t r.igl.i. It . s there isconcert of ocal music was given la-i- t Saturday night. , no vacancy, there in be c ui.-i- i.i.ritly no np- -

! pi.iiitniciil to the e C.iiumis- - i insliiii. Thethe church in kulihi, :in aid ( f a fund fur the pu- - 1 . ,l includes Ihf dccl-lo- hopinion that I lit Prt'-idei- il

ch-1-.- ,.fa seruohine f.r church. whole ,..,, , nu ,i. vacancies t.f ihe A!u-k- a of-w- is

gi.tlcli up an l conducted by Ilawniiitns, some tices.

twenty chiMren tuking part, and their eljarts j The 1. iuiiii..ii sil.-- uneasy on some ol ;he 'ana full lnuie, and enough inont-- to pur- - I aM- - l I" '" ,! 1 N,,v 4 s'"- - wl.i.-- w as

cha-- e the d instrument. The room was dres-e- d '"'';" J'"' ;1"."i,,;l VV"'H "1 a''". I n;..t,.I

t T.iMiirwere ch-siii- with anthem tod

theout the verthe the management

n partythe

thehorse ll. broke,


taken an condi-

tion, sevrml but is

Z. who beenri.nlirtiie-- Consul this

for the llnho, intending "after

Washington. Porings I2'p, I.ih.iina, will as Con-

sulwe Ihe

O.on evening

regul g

etbrethren to

We the pulp.the the i

Hawaiithe the


M.ne relictthe fllcater--t






uitt uj'ti







thei lie

known.the nioit iroiuiiieiit



bye.iriv-j'.oii.len- ce


.Nrtv lurklivi- -

the It



which the




lieIhe grave

theKniietl inil.tiiry


Vari or


He ought



measures theposition.

ass.-rtio- b.-e- n

theopinion tl.e

theTailor's the






ppleton im.lthe






kiinpb- -


j.pjj,.,irh- -

:;,,.,,by colored




jI '' I ll ll '. ,! II . HI 1 II t I . S i I X 1 -- . - II

iM.iu:., 1.5. '1 he ol 'lii.iij. .--; vci

Ut-ii-- i aiiii-.- t to-ii.i- In. :.i hi. I. ilc I lu tin"Ki.: iii. .i.i .t U.e t i.f'iiii!. uht-i- l.i- - ill in- - in MaleUUt.l ".'!. .k to 111- - Ili'VV 111 l llillg. h-- till- - lib- -li;i. w ill t.ikt i !acf. Tt. bnJv as ;if teiiiii 'l by

u li t.uL:ii nt i.l I'iitlvr .iiatiN. u C'jiuit il n iiit.ti yj oi'.iiji4li-- til elii. iiiy. aiiii .lOi ibii by t.'i iit ial

riKiii i:t-.- i inn liititt ii. S iiitt.ir M. liiaill.IT. i II! V. hl.J)l Jill nf tin.' Nli.ili'. Jilnl U fv Jn-- i .j- -ul fi it-- i nf ti,i- - il. Tin y x.i-ii- - f.iot 'I byfall.!- - Ill ol' i'J ullc. I'l ll.. Ji.l i) .'i'li.'il M'll.:i.Ariit.ii. ;.t iLe the cm ti'U- UiiU ilit.i tjel.o'l.lliia, bt'tHt-e.- i ill. ! nl the aii.tl 1'n'. it e. V. !:i

cloi. i in ;i!ti r i:. the iiuuil untilC Hi it h.-it- lit ell :uv'U in i.lilt Ull.ii-- r IJ'.. C fill IVo! t;.e liviiie. ai..l i.i. Ill utfi-.iiiiii- siilili.-i- - !. mi.-- i.uk-i'

! anus itinl i:i iiiiti-.- udiil. then tin" wen:tl li.l i : .1 t ir v.- Ihf . iiii.

Ihel'iry t. iincil in j jiiil . k.--I n ti-i:!l- .l :til' jii l

1'rsi'iiilii 1- 1- t't ti tie IliellliH' a t ."t' Vcl... AJliiIlllt!i-- e t ;'. iii.:nte.l t)' otie tmiu l: ll Jt.I

in tin- - eity to iin'i i:;iai.y tl i eiu.iins t.. their fn.il iu- -

telllll'lit ill 1 :t 11C.I-- - Iff. ThiS iltU'l'lu.oii JV tr'WlWt ie i.i ;i! itii Jance t the 1 .ol Itiiti t if t !u- - Ciiji.toito ie tin- - i1.-- ;Ini il tatt -- Ulan, lut'tv will !

bifi. aal seviit s ut iSo'tloik lit liiiij. iut!ie li vl iili'i.1. ami the boi'v WlW lie utii.-i- l to thetlep-.i- t eseoi tetl by the colored Z iil.m-- , M ho liremliiij; s a jjilai.l ol hoii.tr.

Ti:' tii'ull. t t Hon. '1 hail Steven awaktns morec'ut-ia- l sm.ji.i'.liy tliali wouhi have be-;- i ttioul the l.ittei no.s his course o!;-- ju vokt tlmu ni' I'oiilital opponents. The iiev- - took mostby surprise, its his tuiliu j: contiitlou ha,J bt en coti-ceii!-

by the few w ho were about his lieliiol been tleciiniiisr in r several u.i.:hilt vesieriliv ctdi versed in ;i cheet'hl lii.inlier. aid

' t.!l being iliioriilt-i- l tif the thal'liCler of iival !.--' 1 J'iil-- ;

toll ill tin liollills' case, replied : - 1 believel.'vuiis is not onl n sieiml lawyer but a stati-sinaii- ,

wh'l will lldlise l!ie IVi-sMei- s. aet ;is t

i HtJinii.i.-le- r the laws iu a manner thut we v.ii! a"5il!;e of ( 'o;;; s tiiet-Uiii- ; itl Hep'eii b.-r- .

ll he tioes, "l sliall fi-- ti ploi.Jer lliat) ever I u.ejhis rolllil il:ltiol."

Iiii i :tiT lb.- - evenitijr t w ti elerj men of tin '"l - il

j Methoili.--t (Tiui'i'li ch'I. iI titi.l pi ayeii at lit beiKiile :

t I m 11 lirnlhers ol ' "hai ill wt ie preselit tim itt; his: lust hour-'- . W ho tliiiiiiuislereil the bit it isint I l ile til

t he "utho.io t 'him !i.Speakin ol political uflaii-v- , sh.ully before I. is

' ile:ii!i. In tie- - national tpte-tio:- is no v.

were reeou-- ti iiclioti. finances nii.l the railwuv fs-t.-ui- .

His rcliiaiii-- : have bei-- i iubalitieil, Sli.l v. i!t lie' pint t'il iu H.itc in the Hotiinla. of tie- - .'p"iiot lot

one ti.iv .

j Aitir. II. The 1m!ioikI of T Ici.l.; Stevens ItMih pla--- e this inoru'l!' al ; oVb . L. Tie-- j

cereiiioni.-- weie cotuiiit ti c! ill the k.'li.ti I.i. Tin-i- t

'aiiitol WRs open al I lust niht, and the:t tor I.iti.i aMer at 11 tiMock. Tin- - ti.u i .t hon-- j

01 wlih the t otpse. A crowd olkept Mreumiii in till iiboiit II 1'. M. At i'e mi it

j nt. s past is this iiiniiiiu the pall wen- - i:tranpf.'d .ipou either side of the coliin. utiu imt.M di-- j

rttely in the tear of them the (int. id tl I'.iillir'iXoiiuves. At the head of the cofin hatis v.eie nri a lie d h.r the famiiv o! tin s sTrumbull and Sutiuit-i- . A Committee lrom thWashington t't. tint il was pieseiit. and joiti.-- in theiro( t n. Shortly ul vi cards tie .'.lini-H-i- s. the

.nt tumling riiyjii iaii ol the family. ui;. :1 o tetiatil-- ;of th- - tl tensed en1.. red. w h'-- the s.'rvice.s V eri' coin

by roa liui; from the liKh rsa'ui and' selectioris lrom the iiibb. i.iler , hich the Vr.; tay tirose find cV'.ivotcd a speech ol'alot:t half nfi; hour's length : tlii-i- l followed a prttyer hi id beindie- -

tioti bv lfv. )r. Hnmilton, l':i-t- r of U viand ."h:ir- -

' i i iu this eitv. lil"Ven Sisters ol Chatitv from tli1 hospital weie j resent during the mt- -

vi.-e- , ut the coiiclii-io- n t.f which tho pnice.-sio- u 1.omhi. Aug. 11. from J'm is reportllioe.l to ttie Ilalliinoie depot. The roiite t.l the j thut ill' Ktudent ill larpe i:liiLbern neiirproccssioii wns lined w ith .spectstor. On anival the Sai bouue, un.l created a tumult. They weiedis-a- l

liie depot the remains weie deposited ill u nir pr-r'-c-d by tlie police, who uiaJe severul ariesla..,. ranKed h.r lh- - piu w h.-- nil iutetidiii? to nt- - yn:ss Au , i.T,o Kmperor rrttucis Jost-nl- ieonipunv them t ..,k s ats in Ihe train, and nt oae j Lns bt autogmph letter to l.i, Mtitisteroi Wur..1 '"- - the .Mint i urging him to Histen ihe apMintiiiPtt t.f uative

H u;!.if.t I ; la.. Aug. U The btdy f riu.d. j1:ip;rut 5iUl oflico;s tl the eoiumund of Ihe UnnK1rl-Sievcn- s

passed thro,,?h here nt 4 o cloc! ihw litter- - au ln ac,,oldHtl0. j.h ,i. provisions of the.norm Minnie puns.were bred itr.dW.l-- : tolled, tin ; j)lst ,,a,d Lv ,ll4, Jgi.sU;iVe Chambers oforder hiivtiip; been issued by the o ernor fur Ihe, j,.s,'i,navintf of respect to the uieniorv of Stevens. i,i .X... .r. .. f .. a u 'n;,.,.J,..,a,.iT:,.i i I oNim--

, Aug. 11. The TTmri-ronclnde- s a lonirS tevens reached "l.ntii.t'ster this evening lit C:l5.' !

On the arrival of the train at the d.-nn- t the orotes- -

I l" l,;e ;V?W. ' .!."' 1..IjDian. 1 1 is remains will lit in stale, guarded by theZ)iiaves. A larire ineetiiig of c.lizeiis, ltrespeftivtoft.ittv was held nt the Court. House,.... and arrant- -- - - ''! j ninents made for proper eercniooies.

; The follow ing Hems are from ihe . ashington ;

or the A. fi :j

The bill tuithonzmg tue full .nirinnt soOO.otKi,; of the htibsitly to be paid to the 1 a-l- tic Mail Sieam- - ,

I shut C'onipanv, lor Ihe .Mail service letweeu the;L u'ited State.1 and Japan and China, was panwd bv J

the Senate onlv. The jdnt lesohuion for th nd- -... ,.1 itC.. t ... ...,,i..tJ i, ti... v.,i .11. tin jii " i ri ii : n u. rN rmti- - iito u tin. .'uiui

Academy was jiassed.Thk Covsii ar Diplomatic .ye.ia.oi

1 'ilttersoll has made a report lrom the joint ;

I ATI i m i I T .- - on lietrer.chinent 111 relation to ourpresent Fiilv PvtUiu of Consular and diplomatic ;

service, which "it. sorts some good pointo cf re- -! formation, but so long as diplomatic agents are so--

1' Cte-- l without ivgard to their qualifications or !

character, und simjdv as a reward lor politic.il scr- - j

vices, tne theorv and th nractic won t agree. II briefly allude to this report t call your attention

In S'ltiio cl'.iinr, T.,UKsitotni.n1o m:iil i!...re in lel.i- -

tiveign you ta





cf and



thefor w ho hailed from Kan- - i

, oian P.uckeM- - State, ol



will:in.l I ae 1 1 ica nait intriii-in- i it l.ro- - '

Senate, has been laidover, liie opposition io tee irfaty was

v. noare alarmed at the idea of sugar ;

lrom anolLcr source. The t.f the ,

cont.-n- b.r the i.d. antages to otbioibuld on a station l..r ,

and evpress ihe fear that :l v.--l. t this oppot lunii.v it may taken w. vantage,t by or 1 list; the s.iuw reasons in orpo-.!i.- v. to a

wiit. t on pound that.,i.e . Miieo i u ms- -i 'fi.i. .

that, sd pr.ou- -i in,- - uit hy f.H .he ini tees M ,

tio-- i without us s. li.e neatr with the '

an.livich Mauds ptoiiu.-- s b.r tl.e itnp.u tnlioii int..th.- - country of sugar frcm the free .

now with putting heron tl.e cf fiost t is

tint it Islands s tga.T.s ndi- - ,

led free duly, be under the j

.--p i n. to admit I lav ma su-- ar free ol


Mr. was the the .

of the treat v.

Tim: Cuiscsk Thk m been j

at! 1 i Mr. il iu iis'otigiualas lite lor fM wide for the

of tin.

int: Mkxi. vn T::k,ty- -,s very talked of i

but it is t,,at an ..ii, o! theW . 1 be the to v,r.

row. the puipose of 'ring this amiexecutive lu-li- n not coiisi.t- -

en d of 1 ae Mexico, it is i

nnd-rsto- od relates wh.-ll- to ,r.w,. !

m-a- ns for the claims .t cutens of the j

Inii.-- ; butsay that this ,, on th--of b.r

ot ine nmic : t . i.. i,A ..... . i.,..lii.il'M. . a i .ti,- - niij.ii iii.. i '. .' i j i .'i'i .iii --

ico is laid dow n ns part oj the '

Adi.iini'-'r.ition- . it that John- - .

son and his Mepliislophei.'s wish to takethe wind out oi by anticipating incus-- i

tire.Tut: PfRf-nts- Moskv. The fr the '

cf the for Terri- - '

and will be signed nnddelivered to li.tron the Kussian

It is drawn on theat York, tor Mini ia

demand.Miaistcr Johnson lift for on

lie I goto as Minister cf t

My lo If I nni utile tocan y out in the in whieh they arepeace ill

to liK. Piscti ikcfiv The nnniher ofnow and to g.-- d from the

1 i . ..... c .1... r .. .nn i hi . 1.111.1t' appr..pi tte money for the of pal- -

rtes. a 1 .!K, one-ihir- d whomlellllti'

Tli , fiuiu ino-- fi.-- i in. .t.-.-- .. .r 'lakll;, p, prove th t nrtv be Tvio

two nuke live, of

A 1 ;t i i. lluit .- --i

TJlijfotll ajf liij; I e.KlKii e .o ilit I

itit at ut tl v 1 1 I 1 1

th.tu lor I aM u tvnlnr .1

J.Mi.. li. 1 '.Uu'l l ATon Is luijeii i FiVjajj J- -ljie! roti.-i- l il mi mi iisa. -others ti. ink. i ih!Iv u ir.ii U.K. A.-k- - r.' l h" V5,.rXti:laA'--i

t'ha..ctik.r the Noilli tii rnfOV?.:l- - Ln'ii lutthorii-.et- l lo t iiii r ii.lo in- - V 1Z t

tin- - 1 iih MAtt- -i aii.i otlit-- r "Vrit- -'j u ..f a new if'. ' dintorI ro. iuit.-- r iht ntUvliou s.uJ And

I i iiiiiiiiiK mi i liign tens ttrik--j 1 he a:ue j. uriial a.Uo sil tl.i' i.srib'Mt-- :

lei- - been ifiit tej to a HlO'jlfy iii v til) ft-.- .

gnirt'ill tl'at-tue- limy n'lifonu tu ! f the fit.. ir H itnii'iijf.

l.l. r.u.v, Aiif'. 1?- - lnke ! !. :iin u-- i. rhsa Cviiiii!iis-i- il tj tin; Si-iii-

tes::r. (J.i'ai.--: tin orjor COiulelutl;.:ig huitse?f auji the .ie!i ss ot to rju't. 4

Wi.li;.,. v. 12. AleTsn leT f. K'i.i.i j t i"il'ir Ut ubjllt b' Iron t:i L. The Kins ol ii til i iv.-- l

j tliti and Im-- l ua ititi-ivk'- tte't'tr. It is iiu'li r .1'Knt their was ofthe lil'Ot Jiuei.'ic t

Aim. 10. Acciiunis ftiij Snain loulicineto U'ii lliat tiit tfislni coliiiili'iii (it Itii

, eo'inrrv i !eaV.ti ti uisstrftu rt siilt-;- . 'Mm latent11 J iroin rnv lhl financial ClSsis latltieijiateil.

The Northem l:iiii lis L:ul lio-sii- on fVeil. I i.e Vlail I ii jllU ty Wele Jllllia Wlthf.ieilxi 'oruuil hs.l uii'steivtl iji'ire :ti:nv.

Pakis. Aug. V. The uppeal in fd-a- t.f theI"niied Siiites e.. Artiian. iu which t uutiier t taiiuws litis hecn dci ided in Courtt iit 1 ill tif the I niied Stales. 1 he suit iuvoUttlhe whether Aroiall had coliiiarltd tt

build the Southern i 't.iilederacy.it fioin South Aiiierien thit Ihf for-- l. of lluuiaila hasAll I niJK-- l iki 1 tlt-cr- -ls tor thtee liioutie.

1st. ihf- ii .ii t. til Da;e fromall xcs-tel- s enteiiujr polls with ceiels.

The Kriti.--b I'-.- lianieut as jiri i cj:uctlJutyJ'.il-is- , Ali. 1". Hespatches untiotince iiuother

tel tibio ui I'loviiue.II Kilty on ons were 1. iilefttint! large iiuinbi'r

J.nMiv, Aug. 1. I'ijfol. Ofieili!Ti-one- d for sedi'.ioiisi brs beell

pirJou-d- . He will lie niter ert log hwlftie- - oiipiual

Atijr 11. Ad the Amer-ican aeti iss, died lo-dii- y.

l i stii. Aii. 1 5. iisir!-- w

ich has been n'i..d w ith rierion ilinvPrl. i'illt eliis imp) isonilietil he l:s reOeited Iroinllcjradi-- s ? :it bis tft ites in Seftia have been ttt- -

hse.Hteti by ' iiVerninellUI'ai.is. Auir. 1 1. Arniot iu lttitn iep-r-tc-


t!i:.t the ih-se- t iln foreign froiaJ'ap.il Army me

I:i.r on ini'. Ant. 11. The itisurreotioiiary uiove- -mt-n- l in has been bythe Turkish tto.ips.

A pfoclalna'.ii'iti a Mi!r of seie Itlihe proviaees re oiled from the Tnrkl.--h

Mi fit ihui-jr.-- s the I'tince Charlci ol of e- -

creily and promol'in-- ;

'rti('-- ' Thnd Stevens l,v saying that bis ihntthfs" ,uu,,r li,s i'l'" 5'""!.-;-


as of incalculable injury to his ,and the financial dishonesty hetin's with him. lie whs a bitter artd -- lf-

lT.l 1. 1 - .rf- - , 1 r .ij''leu not mean mil ; i.e ,K

last of the leH'ling who had iheto rise above noliuc.il nartiKiiiisUin.

Aup. j.v The Mouifrnr Ui iis isvU. lastsays. Pemi-officialt- y, iu telr.tion to tl.n

tbiit ti.m nmount t.fll0mv aBkt.d foJ. Las alrMUV bwn Kubscribed.- ',TLo 1,1 ,l,e I!' haa in lit

absence sentenced to pay a line ff 10.l0francs nud be for one year iu iatl.-

The publishes the tnffnews from Cuti'lia : A battle took pine betweentlM. c'rvtMis and Turkkh troops 011ja th T fa bad u , ...

n': J;.- - iue ifcn tar inaiii?arner wornr Janeiro Iiur arrived. A crista hadK4"J 'n "rezii. All oi iiw;r tendered thetr resignaUon to Ftnperor.

The iscount. iftabotrnhy. was bv tl.e

'"r""' J " " "' " 'When steamer sailed Ihe new Government 3iiwen oiuuiiieteu won .uiui-irau- v tu I nine .uiiisur--

" In the positiou 1 occupy, life has only one attrac- -

whether life or mv death best serve the interests of the In presence of so many par- -.,,..- - ,.:t.i :,-- -. .i .. t...

H nft uritv France unless sl.er,.myu IIIliled to tn'v dvnastv. whith is tl.e "

oniv svmbol oi order and progress, "it might happ..n' vil,i,.Rt ,i,.ath, if such befrl n(e; would((n.rji,n!H t,,,,, ns-.r- e the oousolidati.-- n of mva. na.tk-- ti.at. ih.. .r.n.la.a

S,M what h mn . Tj, nian whonf v,wi a asi.ts3iijat.ion, who makes

ttl ouco an,, ,.v,.CM!ioner. always pro- -

tlf.a a ..jr.,.. , )Bt ,;e 'nUAiu .t ; js t'.e pniiishineul of his crimei t isWhat has pist liken p!ae- - ln Ls the eridenl -

f fi, t,;; hoped, by kiliinr;. , ;,,,. Mi. h.ol. to another dvnastv into pow- -

. ,ht.v ,.avo strengtlM-ned- . li.r a long period, the;,f tb, , ,tir.novit.. ro at L(mPi ir nn, of

urinv n,,.Ill Ms King Louis badnCm.t;.,. there is every probability that Me

Hoitte f)t ,,,.,.;,n, i I be reigning over, n,nf, , ,c!1 l(ljV.r Muiu-- 8 i,l)w jrvdayt,. tf.nif,vrrtW- -

,,. fiwi.ir with one voice -t ..... ...... . .....I .,i-M- if till tin. Isinnrisl f.mitr

disappeared they would go as in Servia, insearch ot some little I cir lo mv name, some

or to raie up anew the gag of theF.mpire. the murder, and sanction once

tti's trutii. thut li e parties who theh in. I iii blood never iiroCt hv lh i r crinT. I can

regard the future without fesr. Whether,jv mv or ,)1V th.at) wi


lo rri,.-c(.-.

f.,r the mission which has been. j., ,,rfl,ln. lis!tv1 cithlr hy!1U. or ,,,in,.

,!..- - correspondentjn oor!o,1ion w ,,,.r., j the inidnoff, rather

t.ir(.!(v Some of the persons who wereprewui repeatetl to us. thoughth:J ,,,ov W(M not wi(hont to voar

wt.0n their eomfleWv



Xtrr.-tiam- li :

in Larrotk.Salmon in half hrrtlk,

Stlin.ii. in lei it.kmolird,

iirsi-- Ar-plr-.. half harrelk.I'kst-- k Orefs.n llat-k- ,

t'.sr. Orr-no- n Pac.in.Krr!i Fktui'in. In 1 fh tir.k,

.small I S Siii'M- - Krnn,AkTtr. Nail, IVwiH-r"-,

Kiink Ata-frte- t'or.1 (:,rluiiai-a- . CiHtpn

ll.-m- n t'anv.k.1 oe.cco,

C";S lin AC, AT , t--.

ItOFXI TO SF.A AXO IXnf ran tlnJ a large nip:y of

7pcr.. and Hooks,IT WHITNF.V'S liOOKSTORR File, rd nar--,

r,-- W ln-li'-'- k anrl oilier illtifdratt-- for 6 r 13r..n:iihlin l., nn hand and for sale rh-a-

to the trade-- cf the United States with tu''- - in successfuilort coimiries and then leave the report to ! Tl Katptr.r X pa-- I'olilirnl Aaaaa- -for lurlher continent. Our entire trade w Mexico amaiiaa.ij stated at with China. S18.00'j.03i) J The XorJ of contains the followingJapan. with the Sandwich letter, dated Taris, 12th :

nt I.3Ji).iU.'i. Zephitninh Spalding, n son of j - At I'ounUinblean. a few tlays ago, tlie conver-Kepresenrati- ve

Sjialding, Ohio, has jut been nation upon the tragical end nt Prince 2M --

confirmed bv the Senat?"ns at Honolulu. H. chael or St-rvi- and the of Felix Pa.1. This appointment is claimed bv the j inciting to the assassination of Emperor. TbCoast but thev to give wav hen as expressed K-s-t such examplesa son of a Padieal member vi hri op-- such excitations Id occasion somepose.l and then hivored iaipeachmenl. and alter- - i attempt against the of tlie State, Thew ard made a speech against negro suffrage, is Lnipernr held the cpiuion ; and everyapplicant. States of I hio. Iviinia nud ook. tow ards him neerned to claim the mecrc'Massachust-tts- , to enjov a tnonopol v of sun- - of he spoke ia these UTW3. which weplying the Government w ith Ministers itiid'Consuls. J bare been able to obtain, nnd we endeavorOur Senators, the of the first i l reproduce wilh utmost exactness :

applicant the position,sus. but th.'v could not resi-- t tl.e superior claims of otat oein-- j useiui w me prosperuy aua

the whose f;h- - France. As long as 1 live 1 shall pur-er is a member of Congress. i su- - lu o.her subject, a id Providen;.-e-. which hither

' t his l. will net abandon hw. MvTlIK tr.KlTV bf-- l ween the I j fHtl. mj,,r. is iu its hanis. It d-c- hle

Iv fllferIracted tliscusston iu lie


fr..m the newly-adm.tie- d M.n:hern memlters.admitting free

treatygreat us Iiaviae a

the islamN a hallwayour Pacii.c trade,

s,tp beKeglaii-- l n.nce adversaries oppose

!..r .ifieredreciprocity treaty C.nu.l th.:


and instead i.nneTition, re-- ;tar.ls aflj.rdmp :,.)v at.n.-v- i


of duty.As we a treaty j

looting the favored naMoiis. j

urged tie- - Mndw:.'.iof we ;'.ail comp.-l.ed- .

treaty w ith j

I'ltV.Suinni-- r dv oca'e of


atiiicd. Conners ,ippo-e- d !

siiape. opening cinreii-- j

shin Asiatic

little.uppoeed executive

railed after adjournmentlor other j

vet dispose. efftud j

inip'trtiitic... treaty wilhprovi.or.g

p'tyment ofStates against Ve.x.co the knowing

ones onlv a stepping-ston- e

pari iSecret.iry Reward tie nctpr.si'.ion frorjour step-s:ste- r i.epuit:c

..t-M-i'iot tlie programme

is prortsbbSeward '

its sails the

Ai.iski draftpayment pnrehae money Alaskatory was prepared

Stoockle. Minister,Assistant Trensurer

New lie of g..!l.liaMitjieon

I'ngl.vnd Sabtrd iy.siid: 12ngland a Peaee.instructions look peace.

t!i'tn given.w result."

Ct.t.KKsle tlifV.-rri-

...... .niii-'i'- - ui iiiiiii

i payment theiri- of are

li"..7.7S.'vmonr elccle.i.

and course'

"aifatthelVu.-.-M- l.


it ni.


! ti'ieiu v


city fft'.ii

tuit-i- i


At:. l.!iijirir

l.ii'es. ussiurieiii:iy, wilh

coiv-i.satii- i

hfiieil-r- .

I.dmiov,l- -i

vices a




involved, the liupeluvor


is reportedc:tpltiisi.

Ir.uu Ictolier collectIVeueh

colliery .li'lioli:p.liuaui. lietjiiutu.

wounded.t.r the Ihibliu ftli-iiu- -


uii Isaacs Mfl.ki-u- ,

I'riiire Alexander Knlu



ti.'tis of voliluttvlfthe tlstHy lnrreai-.iiip- .

Liui.'iiria ufpret?l.ii


Ko'iiuiiiicitin t!e tevtdk.

uw politti-a- l pari,)


.or uecrAmericuns

Vhttlevening, newKwrcIi W,i. the

"V' newspaper

imprisoned'.mrricr(hi Lrvent follow


2liniBlerialPIac ino nietnuerR


--- ..


niv can

,h,.rl. forc.vH

to.-- ..J,t instigates





y:iJr;!ljn-- t Pl.ilinpe



Vihmo other,revenge

iii'tre r

tins I,.q,iai,v


WAr,lj5 t.f.,- - AW.

mnaoro,them We have





Vl OTIIKHSmatter,



certuiu onerntiou.eon

Jsit.diitJ.OOO: July 14thSl.Vi.Oiio: July

turnedConsul TnanifeUM--

Pacificliav aet-stabl- e

Congress odious shonfresh bead

the ooiilraryPennsv turned

appear eontidenee.which

rejected nomination possible

individual from grandeur

visihlvhr'lll'RiVilY mied











tliirty-foii- r


Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...Sei-retar-y of Jtnte of hi g'"! lu.-k-. The fellow. jurupn in the oara. a rul all of a atnUoo an altr-n-a-tio-n taken IwCween the il.r-keep-er of the

Ortigi UtrtlStntD...

t.rn Arirrv HTr 17 tFORWARDlLi !--n trapM rvtcon n iMMio.ir.: oVi'Z?z; j

INtrtlf' " 6ji !,.

VIXti BEK" r- - a. muti. jIfAtnrMl n

!atr Comiais3ion Merchants, '

30a tret.JJ.t J.TCMfO

MjipInt anat l oci nation ..Irrcliants ,ru. r STKi.l.Tt( .i.r J.kM.. in?ir !:. cio-t- . jy........ -




CJoilllIliM!Hioil T2ciClllIlt.M9101 rZQM SIXf.LT, COB. OF CUT, ,r

S.l .V tTA SVL-- '.t ; ofIt mitml tn lh ml pu wt, ml ktol. ef tvlaad

Alt, U ta rarrLa. anJ FarwarrfiBr af Tlrrrlusai. of

JANION, RHODES Cc CO.,Coniiiiiioii .llcrcli:in3,

Vlfiwl., V r iia. UII. --.wt!e:ar attention pi't HKimIjdhiU of San lv.k i

ls n. II. Lrwi.Brno Itmncwn.

alm: m:ivis,Commiion !7?crclaant.H

AXD WnOLLSALE DEALXZS,ofX ortlnud O x y c o

TTKTIM VII.I- - Mi;lVEPROMPT - l"-- 4 'i,atr'

faW(rr, Krrrta r9.. .....'-- it rnacitt.CAJftXM Cr sc. .... . ....II JWillX.

ci r. :v is it i u is i: s , a

ur c . tie

rwnkiMii aaa a www


lCKr it-iirH-.

tbe20C ,v 2 H Tf.fry '- -


VAtr SJX fUA.f Cisco.

McCRACKEN MEHRILtL Gl CO., ; ti" .'mmmr.anaT W aW aW flf atW.ia Tl ".w .ui.uuiiii.i aT

l'urtlnnd, mn. ;

IX OCR PREnari7f6HCK.VKVC.ACCI yean, bo4 tmiagharaawt la a Urm ami aewk rHwHms. ar prvrl o rei '

atari 4uiMW llJJ toirhra. ' a. 9usrr, Hir. S rp. lal,CoV. A., fc ala'a. Cnrwiwantu MicitlIW Is OrwatM mmrHrt. t kb:a arvail aUvsctcn iUI a4.

r aant fclaaa tinr U a auad lkn mtaiivH. rraa. Fa.'r9M-- ' Rmitwai'Bvlr tln'Wairr-r- , J. rrir c .rrd. v, W.T.lolmiM.l't,pivvM, av A c.

fnTtat lirtaiKv ,

A Ten (.rvi. Lrt1 a T:itM. In-r- . a ftrea.Ilnsntrt nr-fi-i

Z Walk Ali. 1y

F- -


i.s: v ri;::ui.vCtLKeaiTat A


to aAlTlio nly Oood Snuoo.

CAITTIOX AAI?IHT FRAI'D.H1CCF.11 OF Till MOST lKLI-- ITytlK mn. anklV-- l Cv'a'n kjm nwrt crto .

Mrn pvIV the aaai --4 - Mw" l thrtr '

Ma IsS-rV- rapwoda UVf paMia ta lMey lsArmtl llat ta .

aaly way ta swore Utm geaotae. la U '

ask for lea & PEaEiN3 sauce. ;

a a tk.a aVU am mrr IH-- a M.nMir tnhmt ''

MW, aa.l lett.ihm witfT mark ie haetnj Wen .opplisl a )



cn;e icaiiiiT. a., xaiii aiar o, ir.e r.ePir.ii W ! me in-iu- tf water oi iw uwu iu ubjttrrv rti;ierv. to ennOle him to vio--bjmay 1 N-c- n ti,rmSh it mi'j-- i

fiC.-r- n t crim:na: uud nmUH-- t ci'-'- He uort tiaie the water in tbe paus becomes ice. by"anre; neitt.rr hball we li.eve a lew vxasntde- - ot p.mi-hrae- nt lons natural beat; and cukes ol ice two inches

effect iip.n iw of it vicinity to tho ! would secure i.e.we in tbe aute a--i soon a the po-- "ck are produced. On ol these machines tainsrlanetarr orU within tbe rj b of wh..- - attrac- - litical campan is over. I out 21 tons of ice per day, at a cost ot a cent a

La L K

ta ;

lu.innaerisht I I

LEAWrtppcr. wr.

Wholes-tl- a Wnreester. and


t. e. aaaaiiL. jnn --.'esscats.

C. JiLRKIM, L Co.,

Co in mission .tllcrcliaiitsASD

it ii: Jiai ttnJ 200 California Street.




Ran Francisco and Honolala FackeU.i

perIr. . . anyParttouUrtttla.tath. prehr et bw--

rrMUU''9'U,U i,k"' ''XUU01 :

trr AUrht anllnatSaaPrsaia.b,erlatheUo- - !

Lour ef Paekrta, vill e for Je4 rau .r (.IMul j

S7 Kxehmngm amy Hraolala nL XXeraasaraa I

Mwn. C. L-- RiriWtts Ca ....llmmtala. I- M. llaakfclrl .Ca.. ...... . t

C. a C'.AMMtp a Ca..... ..........

Dr. R. ..................Iloa. r. II. A IleaD. Wjtra, E. ....... .......

MT ly



Hair CIom and Carliaj Fluid iI


w.1 tt baparta a beanittal glna la ilia hair, keeps tt ta soart and prrwoue tta growth.

UpIiAEi's Toothache Cure. laCares tha bm violent toothache one Me

i tbea. tr a .a .si iA-Lf.- .a iir.i.i-4-.Preut th hair from oae. al t Kno.trjg rrowlh J

4tlMkear4aii4lMlrltMeaanul.tttheBiraelalUeage.VP1IA13 DEPLATORl. j

lUraoeee wnmrtnaa kale frnaa all parts of the bod la flee !

Btaates wttbeat injury tkin. j jj.UDham'a Fester Ointment.

a .ore and apeedy en re tr Feetere, Fait Rheaaia, ChappedBarner'e Ilea. I

Upham's Asthma Cure f

Benee the amat elnlent paroaywas ut In lea miontes, !

and affrcts a speedy eare. i

TJphaax's Frectle, Tan & Pimple Eaniiher I

Itnevn--e frklr, lan. miPnni, p.mple. mi fre, rr.ne j

Ol akla aad beaatiaes lb cowipfesioo, sot t injureskia.

Dr. Forte's Life Elixir,Th --rest Jlerviaa lO--J irrnaliog lUvaeily. restoressnanr ell ehe are earrprln rrum Itapwrvd paal Eoergy,Pereoaa DvMllty, A., snsof .lainrr cae.

Hair Stain. jColors tha Whisker aad Maescweh a baaUful Mack or Will

ef eoly ea peeparaUio. Culer ait wsahllsde aat.


rw ehesh-a- l aa lotereetiac amasint loy. consistnr ef enall egl like rones. a hen lnirxl. reoiee a Or

aeeoatls, loos twisted snake, exciting wonder,aaJ as karaU- - m of

AM ih-- prepaatkica are antC.r. PFLl'OER.

Agent lor . C rpham.I Fort Pt llooolala.

tr wy11 a aaa.a- . -- . ; T!nI APPUITEUWHEREAS. aay Attorney in foe- -.

la hereby give to all person, ttr. fm ail after th.edaie.a ia aaturia.nl all mtm and aonwsitiwBt, dpi

. ,,, II mm na.l ajiLna. nnlnvfUtl ar I.-Ala cnoaant er erdr II. K. --....i iinii.i. : a

Bnaobstn. Jatr . H C3 '

Ki.clc tomet-- Jh ImpededAppearance.

c.ei is uue, uvi uie i rot

telescope to kies in the bo of discoverin;;th. rr ; "i-?- 1 i.etius chieUj f r lie revolution within

kourelarie-- 0f j, p.,iir xM'-i- n f r tfrativcly abort iu revolution

frlti"", v5s: m arel tl .1 ru-- !i oa

ke a ornt. ait:, u- -h it:! bv I. I'in r! r in l'i. nnfur tiio" J ,rr if Htitiry Itvy C---t dof.teiI bf a f r?t:tl i.un:r intbni b Mi.-- . f"t;iic in 1T''. aninhj a Fr" r.ri4.,.n in i. , ar..i unij by m. n

be-t- n t- - uiark tb imi--Lirity rf tt; rf i: of t!.r fvur-:ii-t- -, ax.-- l M.Ijh ke. It toKilir.ii t c tLat lxJ

n lrm ntnt-- l t it a one ar 1 themicie rtuei wbi ti lu'l aj i.irej at ti.er lilT-r-n- t

tiuKi. l.nckr tl.n re mto itn return in 1?2,tbe t-- iu o wbi.-- b it w,ui-- J oxujy anion ti

tr--. acl tbat it only wrn in tbeaoutbrrn bnL;.bire. lie 1 ai tbe bar ine-- of

,, ,;r.,i - ..fif,,;... ......an atroii"Oier in senr uth sin- -

tf.i time. t!;erc Lave been tmrt.en rcti:n. oftbi. etntrir Tiiu-- r t iw reribcli.n, every one

which ba Un j n.'Iictol witb tbe greatest rj.

The orbit of nn-:k- onirt i an ellir?, inclin- -e--l at an an,;I.' of t:jirt-e- drrecs t ti.e j bine oft.'ie eart. s orDit. At its nearest jvint it ,;t)

niilm, aiI at mjbt rem te joint it UZTtJ.tHfJfrjtf vi',1 from f e mn. Ii

ltveen tbe run an 1 anJ it aj.heli nbetween ivr an i A:?rM.4. Iw taoti n.

like tbit of th Ur.et. i ir ra wet to .:, andwcumjletcl in about Lav.

fubject V a variation wbich m cati by tl.eiii3.icnce of toe jlauetary ma-e- o near

ubicJi it e;rue"4 in i'4 Cjuxo.Iln.ke" I I.y no noan a remarkable

one. It i a t j jni-- an I crri .4 of acircular jatoii of t:ebwl.u- - libt, a few Diinutett

an are in dLuuet'-- r aul ioincwhaS C"r.dentJtbe T: ou;;i iiftiallv ot.ly vi.-iM-e

thrnrh a telescore it Ia4 1- -n diMinctlv reen bythe nake.1 eve. Midi wan it-- at inwhen it wa4 in a far..ra ' e c.n-litivi- i lor i.lwna- -tin, an--1 it Iibt watt equivalent to that of atar of tbe ruariitu'te. At common times

tbere i no trv? of a tail but on rare occaMonaniI.t lta dl'.rrnc-l- , once aa a faint

brush of liht e5tr.dir fr- - rn tbe met towardun. ar.d apuin vitl. a rev-r.-

J ar rei)dr;r; (.p--uc erst. e nau noi rn-r- r iiito ccientiiic5'jeiteisron tb dilatiot: and rrtrncti.n of iu

volume a it approaches t. or Teecle tfotn tbetin; r.citter anall we r.ii.jj-hi- e tijn cx

tin it yield obedient to ti e universal law.Ttie litttc star ba it miseion. lir ot.?na--ns on it "tiwtite jrturation.," when

more accurately deternine.J, and, in tbenuinner. when it waa nearest Merccrr. fn-- theaction of tbe planet, en error was detected in La

value of Mercury nr. Tbi c rre-tt- l

value is tlie one ad rfeJ in t!i Amcri'xinKphtmeri arvi Nauticnl Altn.-inac.- "

During July tbe ivirot ri- - an Lour aftermidnight, and on the loth of tbe month it place

mi Jway between tbe PIciade and Ioata Aori-pn- e,

and on lb? 2Cth it wa I ata Auri-p-e

an-- Jlett Tauri. all over tbeworld are aweoj carc.u'Iy it trark with theirtclescopi.

JAr.l.'tLSi. TEA !


C,--. . la J9 3ca AFON'i ACIil't'K.

L'KVf.RAI- - VAi.itni.i: PROPKUTIES3 I". &l taw. Aj fly loa.k w. L. oRtrx.

lilt EAT V.IRI t'.T V r EV tVPrEcnxobat.d mnrr MJt Uiy LHY r a Aft !

li iro) to. i jREK.i.TTivsMriTTna It 1 1. K s

The Ilonolcla Iron Co..ESTIMATES 1T 3Urt ir.y

ii&sa . L. or.tr.v.

Jlll.l.S UP KXCIIA.M;E DOffillT.Lb. Airly In W. L URKEN.


leHlM ! anld. Afp'y l W. L. liki lN.In. '

Sn,lo, :

'A XKtV.


Complete and Efficient Plant ! '

R TA K I X OFF X K OF l"ti A R !

per day of tn --rkr.g honrs. on.tstlr g of


A LtROta MILL, rutted tt nnrr. J

TWO CLXTRtt It) 4L.4. tth I rgtt ai.J P-- fr lo drtre j

tt.esB. an I i

TWENTT COOLCl:5. all tusrVw a. ah. re. an I ea slite.f I

taking e9 from tao lo tbre U-- o jr tar, t 3,500.Time alt. ! ei apfr'-T- l pap-- r. rr a l.'T.l d wrtHict ter

Cah. Mod ftrato. I. to iuiNti Mactttutry u tmt ,

.tir'iBriPon as rtMt!r-- l.

Tb afsWoien.! a1n bal enn. tnaM rsprrtrnre n theaboersiy o( Sugar ry. anl guarantee l'i 4inr ria- -

ieV-rt- ly .od mxiaUrurt.f tbe work l. with rraiiiar.lygl ran an.1 Juice, ao-- Is pr.psrr.1 tt cpply I'l.n sil ',

jp.rficattoae of what . rrq .i.ne to d. cn

S'e principle any irviqni r4 cp In lur T..IT. ami t I ol i. 4 IUI M Ut(n Ojnl iy ot Slgar i

.o. Il. iumJiiIt ao.1 da totcrr r.ae can be buiI byii.ehiu.ij att.cr (a--t ear.p tnjr ia v.cuoo. or oilrpr...) ..n , a .o...- -l !k.rKha rn Ap-- !.. a ClariSere,r at .r Furuae. ,a.s .nl ;

mlt f ,n. ,h.n ..th ,oy oiber spprt.is. 't, t :r.tT pmnmtumn nlf to '67 !a W. L. GKEEN.i

Valuable Pro; er ties for Sale ! !

The Scsrar Plantation at CnouUnu!, '

Zozin. ZXnwall.CONMVriX"i OF I.ZflO ACRES.- .- j

more r b-- r. .f CHOICE LA.Ml. 300 acre. arejTtLfeneed in anfl di.kla t&t c. a.enietit en a

ikwim hy eabstaDiUl aa'l. T -re are upwards of S 0mer- t4 Can Ln.t. a wbxtt . - a: 14I are now (laot- -

pnrtton r which wi:i tw rra.y to tike eff this fall, j

Tbe ftr Woraa sr romtarte afl ia pert-c- t cunning or!er.ar. r.n.hl. rf taalne ctf 14 lecia Th.n- - .r.

Uorsrs, and 12 Vt. bkrt, .n In work the .V.II. ale. 'r., I f S W.a.o Caul, to.-etb- wi h ll.rne.. !

Carta. Haw.. Ink re. and ererythmg reremary to start ap to 'nd wtihnai further ectlay. Tnere Is a gnl Dwrlanr House

a pl-- nl sitaalWa. TbU Plantation ami Work are rapa--1 !

nf t amine oat. aicH adro.ua e U'ir and proper attention toCan, .too too. of pugar p.r amua.



gQgrar Plantation at ! I

K-- ll. K.nm. j

wrka all complete, and rat aM .f d.-it- g I ton rf fugar per j


-a- lso-The Wooden Storehouse with Slate Roc '

Pitoated on th tir.remnier.t Is, nit to J. R"biuo a Cn.'a )

Sre-pron- f baOdiog. Viei ". l'llxr w;th u, Lntecf tbe J

further pan IcoUr., pe er, and tern,, of a!-- of all the j

atiore. si i' i w . L. UKEix. I

b The ae rwrt ;r not pr:n-4.'- r d:.i.i r, :

P' op ''"' Aoctioo on .rr !it lhe 7:h i

nest. j; 'tnt

is a it o a: s : j



IllipOl'tCMl Tflll, I

slim, i l.ne the dimIt rned, dating wbat k'd of I

and h"W many they wUI be hicl aaiit.be Will jto hare tiietr r.uirro"tts tr.et. a. far a. pea-- t ir .

There betnf at tle pr'aent lxirie-i-l so many diff.ma eirw.t


7hat Class of Labor is Best, j

whit Laborers a ill be permitted to b" Import-,- !, that theaniiil action whir) i. neee..ry to At, tain any a liar anesir.t ,

Imp-te- lor r. wantine. l!y retting the vteaa ff l h I

Banty. iriethii-- may e .1. or a .uflir.et.t ofVarwMS. rlsssee t4 l.t'rrr nay N. aked lor lo make it worthwb.-i- tiorvaoixe (.:h lhe Banetiun i f the Board of

ta d.ffrreot ,uart-rs- .

T.; a W. L. OREJN.

llnnnlnln Irnn Worksi Conir.nnv" " tHAVE ON' HAND.

ART BOIMin Al.l. lf.r.s. A.vn .a R F.i rtiM tnwuml '"I riwoni rat- -

. Psrttra taking 1 iV en Se- - or neee cn . tptll at 6

T' -- r -- "rr" .. c iao.i MILL arvla bca lhe mart uf la a r.rrwa h--e beta Mtw. a I

le-- ftorwrf I ta.tr am.l- - ! O K C KNTKI F L .1 A M ACI1IN a-.- d berse pver f' tor-n- a.

pne ml aiin.a In tnw.nl prneniS,n menM btiM-abe- b. there is a roud hcaJ of wal- -r ) Cbniitr.Mnnfrtrr n irm.lr ml nr. or any acker ISiilll'M PAN. ty fret Pmr.fc, -- hl. their . lafrm.. ;

PPER anj LO tlt RNACi; MoCTH and grafc-b.- rs.

AmUop Jt rCKKiSSr Sla.l ,t Ximt ,R0?, ftClllMXF.T.t.en!y.fte ly t.enty f .ur iirh-- a.Lil, &Mt. nloa Tw fcLT. 1Rfs c&.)Lt, on. i. .:b.aa4 r Crr by th rmpnew j '

cnteM niurha-t- i, La.ui.tn. as ac. '" aoa ; All of tie Latest most Approved Hake,MI- -a aaier!1y. IHI'l. II. DATILH.

AM ba -er ---k ftotfca to the ntdr- -'11 (Ut-Xl- o. Ca.. Agent. Il.otala. r may g.rinc- ; gue4 tit J.JK).



afana.M end

ftrsr ...........W. Woml


Upham'a ami

la mlaate.

flUne the

rto th


laal, am




ao.t la maaly



It anaeieta will or an.

OrA toy. ao.1

wM-f- c. inw a aaivrraal

aa scran?.aheee I hf



JLDDaa Sorlca

W eolleet.

ae KAP.ISia

rJKW eiem-- e



















Apply t



thjmT-- t










b.d-- Ky

e,H yrr !.. ami tte vtitl r.' er t

I Late Foreign Telegraphic Items.

quenily sent a?auit tbv h;inl. aal oa tue slst ot f Tc,St4lkl !B!- r ,V""7., "X" 1 kiV 11 v i IV .11 tlRtv; w.Hwmreca.tann tbe puMUoa anj rt

ror will publish two mamftot one will le a T 1. ' "01 L.r Miu;:t.r ofKorvisa A!T.irs. TindicatingtLf f re,i:n rjl:or ,.j t.Ve Ijni..ire ; th- - olUrr will be j

nrix-Utii.it.o- ii to lhe Frencb iei.le. apr-vnlin- to! t'RoSI ;

mn- -i.itu

mb-itltt- c nntbeif.aticnllr condiitamotion







JA'1,C1- -

American.j The fJovemrn--nt Couunis-ione-rs have aoc-epte-


j an additional twenty ni.e of the Li.ioii 1'aci.ici Railroad, making "nJ miln in all accepted. Tbetries i laid lo iuil- - Levci1 lie .00 uii.e point. j

G-- u. Meade bat orders tiiming ti.e MateGoTrrntmntt.!(;torSiaoTrt.tLc;TUuiU.riiics. i

.;ibii4 uv fi:!!! u riorum r, i:. :

Warnrr .r.Jt..r?..rt!,. rt it:... ( d. V.'.r- - .

. . . I

I: it rnurt-- J luU iru-- tre ot !b- - American xe- - ;

i,-- a. tn. Wi-it- rt cc.l in lie LLlu- - ,

4yn, Uve bj IJ..-- BUi.The I". . ttnuier ''' arrived in the b4rlKr

of Monterey fit t!.e Jiu 11. t.. from 1'anattia. andwill probably be iu uu Kia:Kic boiit tl.e 13(b.

' TL t'aliforn: to the tic Na-- ',

Convention taj l- - tl j iri:ry ovt-rUn-- l bc--tet-- .an l'ra:jc:.-c- o ur.d New VorU i:i ibe

hijort peti-n- l ol telve iav and tuei.ty Lours.fJen. McLwt-!- l bi been iI. r-- l to tbe com-

mand of tbe I vr.w t merit of tLe l.-t-. beal-U.ktter-

at NVtp York ci:v. 'lhe lepartnit-n- t i composedof tL New Knllnd and New York.

Nrw York. An;. A. A ptivate cuble !e.'patcbannounce tl.e a of lJin A. r:even. tbe

! raii;ior.ire of Hf.li-'krn- . He at I'jri yr.trr- -

dy. He a Coaitaod.'te of :Le Ne Y rk"YacbtCbib. and on ol the priicif al oret of the Cam- -d--- and AuboV Iiailroad. nud of lr u'l Hobo--


ken and tbe prta ;pal work ar.d public improve- - .

metita there. !

l:-- T An?. In repi.n to invitations to ;

adJre vme l;epu!!:Can I!mI.4. Cbarlt-- s branciAilams decline to enter Jn'. an aciive polit:i-:i- l

canva. pref rrin; rt a:. l re'i tner.t. Hi- - deCare. however, tLl t.Ia plii.cij S have undvrjroneno csan?e.

Gen. Butler rnade a sp. ech yet.rdav at G loiices. !

. . ..... ... avor ofi" i I 1 m.iivi. -

imp-cbmen- t. He Mid ibat Gen. tJrant and Lira- -

li" Lad l.ccotae Jrieud1, aiid L Mould supporth'.m t 'T l':eiiett.

; The J.id,r;e of :beTelKb Jud ial Ditilet L..rt--: fued to rt iuin in the j aii-- h ol I ranklin without a j

I I hern to protect rjini. f.i auoir.er j

pr':b.a Ivni cr!it. ;iteiiiu bi? iua- - :

lo'.r.v to makeuries;. I'r in:i.ent I r.ioa mci lu I ari4wri'e thitt their h jiies are beret by d

! and tht-i- r lives, thus tar. have Oem sav.-- t.y thearrival of men wjio vo.uutreiej to jriiui I themMr. Ilod-oel- h. the Ai:tr.ev ot the Liihlh ;

I.-t.ic- t. wt.o,e ..,Ser ise:,-l.w- l. .ys mea. women ;

arid children have recently been UiiiruVred in thepriU of Lati-iry- , by Laud- - of a.n.ed men, w bo !

remain unmolested. j

lb-- Governor has no doubt that one hundred, r . . i . - ; t .ano i.i ty ui-- uave wvu u.ur'i'-it- u ia iouiiaualiuiin the U- -t month and a ball. It seems to be ;

tt... ..if .A .it-r-t,.- i,. .tir.n Lv ..;).... i.. L .M

or drive awyi'ui:i white lueii aud leiidin? color- -

el. so a, lo ne abie ,o O r. i.y the ,ua,s .., colored ;

pes-p.- e luto Vol.nj a ll:ey i.lcl.ne. ;

lu coucl isi n. the Governor a . vs be believes aj1.1........ n ...i..i..-- i ,i "i. . l r..e...


, The Atlantic Cabli: Rn.rTiox or ti;k Taktit. i

I:rect-- i of the New York. New Foiindland andi London Telegraph Company, have decided to re--

; u u word thve w.rds aodiiional l.eing allowed Tor. . . . .lal - J I m " 1

i auores. uaju ami nsnaiun- - uer; innu meu- -j ti. Ireland, and Plai-t- er Cote. Nova cotia. to j

i. or $15. The tariir n the laud linen west oftj PI aistvr Cove and al or W.entia will he an addi- -

ti"ii..l cbattce. The reduction i- - lo take place onand alter tne I,t day ol September, lMiJ?.

The reduction in tbe tai iff by t'ie Atlantic Cable j

j La reuifd. wa expect-.- . in increased busi- -

ne.4. Cnler the tantr the receipt of the !

O.mpany were AOi per d ly ; iindei tb-- ten taritf.unu unuer t;.e .t ta.i.i. .s tue

bit-.ne- ss of the Gon.j ny niy be fui th- -r oiisider-ibl- T

iucreused without incurring auditi-ina- l ex- -perise. It 1 not improbable lb.il still auother red lie-- J

;iou iathe .at,-wi- ll e.M.ri be made. A report hasbeen piib.t-'.e- u i. t.'ie .itct Wiat a C omjian V hasa . . . . I I .. L . . m 1 . ... I a.. 1.. . . .1 .a I '.. t. i .oeeii iii),-ii.ur- ii in ro:uuo i jnj uhuiuit .aunr j

leiween Ilrest (trnce) and New York", and that !

the .teuuier ht'.at .' .. will be Used f.T that j

p'irpoM.W i.,v.itov. Autr. C- -G, ,. IVarnv u h s ofS.ial !

ak i ( i. .rt l.r f. .res ft . .u .a r.s i r lop in I niil.i niuo,.;!Ieane. Of th-- tj.Vi-rt- . r. stir. l.oV. tk urinoiltti ,

preeteil Tari n- - from citir-li- s uml omceis,:setinR forth lb-- WiiM- - ouir-p- es .Uiiy beinK; peretrarel in all portions of the lie miyst':at in intnr p.in! es there exit's n protection for

' citiens In the Courts; that men are !nt down ini the ro-id- e and at iLeir homes without any Hep4 be--

iuj? taheil to brni the oiJenJeis to julice.Ntw Or-.-i ka.ns. Aug. 7. More leniocraic mem- -

bera bav- - bii n nn.-eat-ed and their places iren 10colored meinlM-is- . Yexterday lhe l ui'ierntic mem-- ;b-- rs offered a protect nvam-i- t the action of theIlOu.--e, which was directed to be to them.

In the .cn-V- J;-w- 'l olTered a itso'iution that acommittee 1 1 thr e be aopoint-- to wait upon (lorWarmoiith and ascertain tbe lime aud place ot l."0nmrdeia be tays bare been committed ni'bi.i thpist six week. J'-we- nvad- - an iat-nse- ly bitterap-e- t'b xaint t.'.i neiioii. deebniii thst 5 MM

. t in.l .t Mim. .iri Lftn.n O, 1. in T f .. I.iiil'litiopposite th-- Sl:r.e-bo..- e. occupied as the K.-pu-

iicail beadquaiters, l he rev.niliun wai relened tot'i- - Ct iiimiitee on Civil Affjiis.

IlAl.:rX. Aug. 'J. Hon. J.nuee H.-tw- made a re-

port ol bi- - recent timI to to th- - Nova."rcotii Convention to-- d tr. A ferien of rertobitioii

.were ii'ivnimoiAly adopted thnt. notwiihst indiic j

the liuTavornbie rt spolim to tbt ir req-ie-- t lor theof th- - act iini'iiit; N-jv- to t!ie Cann-- ;

dun Confefl-ratio- n. Nova .s"oti Inuu nch an alli--jance lrel on th-- pe.pl- - against their will T

The Convention then adjourned.New Yohs. Aug. 10. Foreign newe hy mail to

Ja'y 3')ih ha. been received, lh-- Muttiteur .

tbe Frencb trans-Ailauti- c CVM- - will b- - finished ovtbe ISth of Aug. W.'J. L'i L'd.ei tt Fay Dr. I'usvybaa become a conceit to K'iuauisiii.

A portion of Dultimore is entirely Hooded. ThMarjlan l lti-tit- l rurroiinded by a of

- . . i.. . i , -

rllbUinK water, lite wier tail tl in li"i;-i;i--l- ou t'Scf bay. e:c. wirh it. The f.r-- t II ejrs if store onFrederick nnd Harrls-- afreets are under wat-.T- ,

anil the merchant" are cot3j- - lied to remove tb-- ir

JOftJs to th- - Upper atoii-- a. T'l- - river ha, beening at th-- rate of two Indies per uinut- - ince oneo'clof ':. streetii have been converted intorushing torrents. A ci'y pasenirer car was swoptfr..m th-- truck on lit ftreet. down to HarrisonMr,rt mhh a number of pas-e?er- s. The Wildestruniorn bare prev.iil-- d in n-- g ird to tb- - number ftb-- drowned. 7 others saying all were fared buton- -. It i.4 impossible now to get I he farts. Anum- -

her ol dray horsea and emne driveIs are rep.trted j

drowned. There id no com-nnulcaii- between theeastern and wcstern porti.jiic of the ciiy. the fi.jodsxrei'ptng everjtniag before it 1 ber-- 1.4 uoenmmu- - j

men tioii aouih by telegraph, all the lines being ;

'down. No such Hood vi a ever known here.The ALa-E- t ApPRoriitTio'. After much talk,

peculation and vaie tribulation on the part of itsfn.-nd- , th Alaska appropriation his been ratifiedby ih-- IIruae. The biil came up to-da- y as the i

speciil ottler, nnI two atneiiumenta were agreed toin Committee of the Whole. The first was a preamble bv .Mr. Loiighbritlge. ol low which acrtsin brief that, whereas ine treaty in .pi-t-tl- on COVericertain BUDjectn or wmcn nas jurisuicimn.therefore the aent of Congress is given to tbetreaty. In point ef fact tl.e declaration doe notreally amount to anything. Yet by implication itauserts the rizbt of th- - lion" to participate in thetreaty-makin- g power. Mr. Stevens so treated it.and bis aarcasm was verysvereonthe amendment,II- - th iu;:bt they now oucbt to insist on being takeninto tb-- secret sessions f,f the ?ena!e. Hut GeneralHanks being very desirous of the paaze of the bi 1

!lwel it to be sugar-coate- d wild this preamb e,probably that it will rever receive

tb-- nanciion .f the Senate. The second amendui- -r tw j,,. ,;r Cjot. of Mass., and provider! that ben -!lor, ,n ' tTr , r.,t!" l"'"' " of. territo--

Mionld be mad-un- til Conzress h id appropnatidt'.-- money to pay f r it. When the bin was report- -

led to ih- - IIoiie. Mr. Louuhbridae's amemlmentwas nereed In bv a vest !)'. noes 4i. lhe noes beintrcompos-- of 27 Kepublicans and 21 J

Mr. Eliot's am-ndni- -nt w as rejected ayes 78. noeaSO. Th-b- ill was then p.i-.-- .l ayes 114 noes 42.the latter being all RepnMicnns but two. viz :Trimble, of Kentucky, an 1 an Trump, of Ohio.

Pnnnmn and South American News.N.w Yopk. Aug. c. Panama adricea are to the

2?'b of July. No collision bus yet taken place be--twi-- the tloverr.ment poops and revolutionists.Iloth sides are making active preparations, thoughthere is sv-- prospect of an amicable arrangement.

The Kearsarge ba been beard from in the Strainof Magellan, and Is expected at Valparaiso soon.

The Chil-.t- n Congress has abolished imprison-ment fr debt.

I'niiilN mid Taint Oil.Jt BBITK's II EST ZINC PAIXT.I fl M.riii.g Wlilte lirad.

Blaca Lead,K.-.- Lead,

Yerd'gris.And a VHiletr of Fancy Paint.

Itet T'trr mine. l Vm!h, Bniole, Ar.. Ac.r..ey CI rim Bo.Lk A t'l".

f l;; An?. 8 fron,

A Krnch tradicV'ttttai near tb-- frontier line ofCoc bin-Chin- a was attacked on the 16th of Jane by

band ot A nam rebel-- . 1 be post contained 24men. all told, who made a valiant resistance, butafir a desperate tight were overpowered, capturedand A strong r rencn torce was 5iiDe--

tht-r- for a continuance of conudence ia tLie dvild5T !

ifu- - :

prevails aUrminTy on tbe I.arbaryCousr. In oue place 5o6 out of a population of3.0i. l ave died. Great baroc bai leeu made in '

several other town.. (

Vii nxa. Aui. 6. Huron Von Bcust. in a speechat a chiietzv.-life?- t to-- d ty. declared tbat Austria '

would not interlere in (iermua affairs. Tlie ijupo--ror utterly any policy ot ve::eance.

IET!i. An?. 6. Tbe Hungary House cf iVpuUes :

ba passed the army bill. ,

PaKM. Anff. 9. Tbe Emperor Napoleon has es--tttDilsneil Lis Court lor a fctjori ft sson ui rouu-taiceb'.ea- u.

A German exDcdition Las been fitted out for arovage of discovery, and Miled in May lat in .1

Vt,S;tj of M ,ons to vnXvT tlte l'olar tea bywar ot tbe coast of Greenland. When la.t heardfr ' lIje .v,Hdi:iol. Lvd rea-.-he- the latitude of 75

up toward the bead ofUaftiu Cay. .

C round of whale slnps. If notti- - i

ird of ir John Franklin and his '

ofl3ndi:i:Capt. Hall, who has now ;

b 'n absent several veal s in the lxUiuiaiix coun- -

trv in search of the remains of Fianklin. As none ,

of th-- e stientitic expeditions have lat'.ed ofimport- -j

ant result, the luting out ot these new eiped. lionse.ili-t- t co:iid'rable public interest. Tbe con vie- -

tioa never wa4 stronuer that an open Polar Sea willJ"1 found, by wb cU many xieuiiuc problenw j

H be solved. J

i .uioii aim i an mae u.en o n r- - " i

Orleuu is How inakili the attempt. '1 be reporthows tLut ice U mane all summer uv Li.n: n '

trench machine, cbeaj-e- r luall tue tost ol lielgtiton ice lioiu the Norih. ror t- -e tropics ini j

piall is Well aiaptel. ine nature oi iur (iiuti-- ;

is this, viz.: The LiryMians aloli the Nue havealwav cold water to urink. especially when the

Mmshitie is bVrotleot ! Ihey have water holliesmade of porous clay ; arouud which luey wiap !

c.otbs which they keep wet, and hausiuij in theiunsbiae. liemoie rapid trie evapoiaiiou oi tne

. . ..I., u- - i r . K niArd ruriiil III. , 11 r:tI 1 .11 nl .oi.-.u-c " i iuc - ,

beat Horn the water iuside. r all U.uds whenturned into vanor reunite much uodillou ot heal, '

and they rob everytuing they toua to get tLut j

extra heat. This U the easUst explication of the ;

ice u.atJiur. naii-- i in .ia F'- -" -chamber, from which the air is pumped. Thishelo the evaporation. Aniiuouta, because ot us

bi imitiu uoi. v uoturauiu vaiHiriaaiioii uu'i. . .. . .. . i.. i



jj O II O l'SX 1 3AOIClltl nl 1KO I.uv TIIE bTE ARRIt ALS,

T which the Attention mf Pnrehoaera ia,.u KeapelfMllr liarllc!. 3in


N0V7 Landing irODlr tile AlaSiia, '


CI'IT f'HI VXl V 1 IIVI'Tf 1 I "ilHV I'LI U aUiAjJdI.I Jill Lii iMI.JlU.l .

fl II.1KKM.N IIAL.r UIKKr.b A.-W-J Ias iLlS.Jftnta ?- i

S.'lllllOII A'npC'S Ol' fiellirs,i m,,, hlf barrel., pnt up esfreMy for Family fse, !

4rrn-.te- a suj-erio- r qulity, and of the catch "f tbe Spring of j

- wsI, ! o

FRESH OREGON KAIWS,Half ir.i apple. ,

. i r.lot brea.l.Th SnKOn' 1Ib nrt iR M'

a .rtirIe.7 6i BOLLKS fc CO. !



JAPAN TEA ! "Mill LAST IMPORTATION". AXI VKKV1 line ili:y. for sule I jr

UiSoi BOLI.LS 4-- CO.;

' Wfh f I.-- fairavixs WATER CRACKERS,



Waf.r,Ginger fr.ap..

Jrnny I.lt.d Cake., Ac, Ac. FT .ale by6iJ 3iu BOLLES e CO.

BUNTING7R SALE II V, 6..- -. 2m BOLLF..4 A CO.

laciKiiiic .12 a nila Ciirx.1riDI M F SVIERIOR (l'ALITV

For by UOLLl CO.N. 11. None be ter in the market. 6aj 3 in

I2otoii Card iilafcLcs.A FEW CASES FOR KALE HV

2iL H- 3m UuLLVS a CO.

VTcfcl fill alia Hams.A FKWOFVKRV M PERIOU Q VA L1TVa lur .Ie hy (6JJ 3in) BOLLLS . t O.

Salt Water Soap,Xl CHEMICAL OLIVE SUA P.A l u: ale hy (Mi am) BULLED A; CO.

l'i lot and A'avy Bread,A NO A V. FXKRiL ASSORTMENT OFU- - OKoCKRILs, thip fc'orr, Ac , kc.r r sale by (63i 8m) B0H I 3 A; CO.

IScef and IorU'.TX OR OCT OF ItOXO.JL For a'e by (632 3lo) BOLLES A CO.

BrooniN.FEW DOZEN C t LI FOR XI A BROOMS.A Fr 4le by (.6J2 3ui) BOLLES A CO.

Itoatoii Crushed Suar.ltOR ILE BY

632 3ni BOLLES a CO.

Flour.EX GATE MILLS FLOUR.GOLD by every ateamer, direct from the Mills.

Family, Bakrra' Extra, and superfineBOLLES A CO.


2 tor ccalers, for .ale by632 6m BOLLES CO.

lit nip and Manila Cordage.riOl ll STRAXD HEMP SIZES FROMJT 2j inch to T in-- h.


Ptlt Rope, Seising, Hou.elina, Marline, Spun Tarn, nam-berim-

Ac., Ac.

MANILA CORDAGE,A ..II aaaoreant esf m.mm k

632 0m BOLLES A CO.

Hemp C;iiivn.rOC CUT SCOTCH FLAX CAN'- -;For sale by (Mi! 6m) BoLI.b CO.

Cotton Cniivn.VO. I TO It WOOPBt'RY AM) THE

6.1 1 nm BOLLES A CO. I

Hest Knglish Portland Cement.O OS EX DALE CEMENT. FOR SALE BV

631 6m BoLLK--i a CU.




Pure Sperm Oil.s LE Dl :FOR Cm BOLLES A CO.


Cider Vinegar.ET BOSTON CIDER V I X EfJ A R. FORI? sale by fiM Bm) BOLLES CO.

Polar Oil.M PERIOR O I" A LIT V. AT WHOLE- -A At K and ItM 1:1. J..r i!e r

&OLI.U . CO.



Offers for Sale

Europe and the United States,rER

R, ( VIir, frOM Hamburg,

Y llllClni I , IrOIll Lrf Hlfn,

CcvICXl. frOIll Boston,


Steamers Idaho ' and ' MontanaAS ALSO

rr CVcrv Packet from San FranciscoJ

v fuU)W3:. 11 TT7tt1"ShinilaQllT QQT JX J W VH".

a. IT "



Il'V .inl Nw ty Ie.w b.ie i oiwi i i'Hr bin I'rinms upvri'T urticle. A.--t. Colored Hunting,L,rg,,,, Cmt,,n BUnlew cf asrtl ColonsKltie .ack ur,th-i- n . lil-c- u mid ir.i bciame., Choer, iei,.cl. w lute n l H ue c'imrir una

Surri..r Whiieand L'rab M..ikm. r.iia ana mue ri.nuew,

.'.".P' XvJciUvZu 'l.allllluun slug; Victor. Lot,, MoMiuito Nrtlinit.UurUt aoJ llrit.s, ncj Jlmmw and Chuiere

CJlOlIliaiSTa lCa'A (omplrte and Well-stlfct- fd Assortment of

Cottonainra, Eowkin. CWm ,nd Fine Cloth Cca a,

ZJiX:'r . i. ... j :..in ureal varicij aau .--n i

TA'hlte Mdpolm nd Fancy Po-o- m t?Mrts.Whlt niid printed Ct-o- and uprior Hickory Shirta,Fine White Linen Booin ai.d all Lii m Shirt.PUin. lol'.l. stnpl and fai.cy Coi'd Flm.M Sl.ir.s. fcasortfd,IKaTy Orrj and Blue Flanurl Ehirt,Oia Front Suirta.

Hosiery,A Choice A..rtroent of Mn't Cotton, half Wool, Merino and

hilk 1'Dder.hirta and Praa'ri xll Urye .ia.A complele Invoice of iUn't Sucka in Cotton and Wool white,

colored and Fancy,Ladle' Fine White and Blurk Pt"cklre, superior qaality.

Of Different Qualities and Styles.

Boots, Slaoes liutl GaitersOf the very br.t nt Gmian and French makes.

In Calfckin. Cloth, Cashmere, Tatent Leather, ic ic, Ac

S.5alcry &c,;

!,, sopwirt, English,..... Orm.nm

and French Sadd:.. Urge, I

Ix,lr ?.J'll- -. Uri.lkS nt Tancus ij ir, ;

B.us, s.a.idie cmi.s, ac. ;


C '

GFOCCriCS ailQ FrOVlSlOllS. iC I


., , v,,fb,,. :oi-- r Wrgfali Ham.." ... . ...? i . f ...a n,. .rtr ht.AnclTol.;.nT.ard; in 3 and 6 gal- -

Ion itemittm.At. Fruits iu yus, Fruits In Sugar, Vanilla Chocolate.

Spirits, Wines ;mcl BeerCasks rcrr UH rio Pale Prandy. Fine Old Sherry in wood.Snt-ri.- .. i'..n W inr. Snarkitne llfx-k- . Cl.ampague, Clarets.llic Cclehm'rd Gin .f Linton Ryenlnde A !Ht..Ale and I'nrler in qn irt, and plnis.of th9 n Brewery


.f becfjen A Schroe-trr- , Ucmbnri;.The fanvjus Lwl.frmirnmilcn llwk.

From the Chrapeal the brl Havana.



a rnmcr. issobtjicst of r.ixc (itleuyOf different sixes and pHttema.

Ne-dt- e., No. 1 to 10, Violin Slrinr--, Tlaying Card, Jew.harpaAs.;d. IVatt.cr Dualirs, G- - nU' and Itdiss .up. Kid GIotcs,

V.M H R ELLASIn Cotton. Alpic. and Silks of rri..u colors and put terns

Macaatar Oil. Children's Toy. D-- Watir Colors, Beads,

Sii.penders of varioua quality and pattern. Wrapping Paper.

TAINTS AND OILS, viz:Superior W bile Lead, Zinc W hite, Boiled Ltnectd Oil.

CASKS ZINCIn ahett. of CO by "Z snd 37 by t-- t Inches.

BOLLS SHKKT LEADOf 2, 2i. 3, S. 4. 6 atd 6 pounJ. per .(juare foot.

ROUND BAR IRONFrom to 1 luchea ilia me trr.

IV IN DOW CLASSIn box-- s of 60 fei t etch, trta IS by 2 to 0 by 40 Inches.

03NT lEaZ-TrX-

BESIDES OTHER MERCHANDISE:Downer'. b.t Kerwene Oil In 5 r.!!on tins,Kreh California Liroe, best I'ortlnnd Cemei.t,K sendale Cu"l. Marble I'tiat and Vla.'ter of Pari.Roofing Felt, superior old Kona Coffee.

ir.o. jFi-- f Shipment of the irell-knoic- n

MESS BEEF, packed hy C. Eertelmann,On Xiuai.j-is- t d and ready far inspection.

Expected Daily to ArrivePER

"CEYIaOIV" FROII BSTO..Baleabest Amokeag Denim., whi-- e and blue Sewing Cotton,C.ae. fine Merrima-- . Prints. acrted pattern.Superior white and brown Conor, and I'nl't for family Die,Latnpvirking, American Jits, larce nt.Hunt'. Unor handled Axe, a.S'.ned sites.Natives Spadea. br.t make (Oo'.j, cases Card Matches.Gutta Percha Howe and Couplings, I inch, etc.. Saltpetre,Jltsm'i beat Blackirg, barrela Turk'. Island Silt, etc.. etc

Also soon to followPER " WILHELM I..--

a Fir:rsF.!iT or vest de-ir- l

Gorman,Xng-lit-sli- , and

French Goods,To be d icithout dtlay.


By every trip, will bring Invoices of

New and Desirable Merchandise !


111 the Various Cranthe of ?laoafattares and Pro-visio- ns


California, the Eastern States, England,and the Continent of Europe,

Which Shipment, will he clasalfl d upon arrival.

All of the above ia offered for Sale atIteusonable Rates, by

TIIKOD. C. IIEITCK.C: 9 2n. Corner Fori and Mer.-I.an- t SireMs.




American Clipper Ship Ceylon,1


A Large Assortment of


Best Anthracite Steam Coals,

"W hale 33 o ai t, js ,Large fmoh Bottom Whale Boats,

Large Smooth Bottom Whato Boats, with Centre Board.,

A .mall aud lot or 7 M ft, 1 to 6 Inche.


100 Cases Byam's Eight Card Matches.

Best Tennessee Saddles.

Xo. T Leather Belting !

Best Oak Tanned, from 3 to B inches.

Tfc u b b e i I acking.FINE INDIA RUBBER HOSE,

With Coupling., Pipes and Sprinklers.

Cnslis ISIackmitlift Coal.Carrel. Boin, Kegs Hide Poison,

Cask. Palm Oil, Barrels Banri,Cam Spts. Turpentine. Case. Becaine,

Cases Paper Bags, Cs. blacking.


Bales Gunny Bags, Bales Burlaps.

Xais't XJxpresa Wagoua.H A2ID CARTS,

Light Hand Cans. Heavy Philadelphia Hand Cards.

HORSE AND MULE CARTS,Mad xpre!y for Trash Carriers, and cheaper thaa any Afaer

kind of vehicle for loch purposes.

Tor av sx y Shapes.DRY GOODS,

Breached Nairkike Cotton 1-- 4,

Bales Lacgdon Cotton.Bale. Atnockea; Denims,

Bales Pearl River Denim.Bate. Ao.okei; Brown Drilling.

Bales Maitchewrr Denims,Caes Ctoo Thread,

Case. Blue Drilling,


Quatter berre!. Pork.Q tarter barrels Dried Apples,

Cke of Cheese,Cases Yeast Powder,

Boxes Codfish,Half barrel. Granulated Sugar,

Half barrels Powdered Sucrar.Ik.xe. Salt Water Soap,

Cases East'.-r- Broom.,Cases PperTlF,

Kitt. Mackcrt-I- ,

Cases Lard,Cases Chocolate,

Cases Corn Starch,

XJnx'rola Dairy Salt,Case. Saleratu.

Cases True Lemon Fyrnp,Cae. IVpper Sauce,

CmciCases Coudensd Milk

Cun Sago.

Cask. Pilot Bread,Barrel, beat Pilot Bread. '


Plows, Hay Cutters,Plow Polnt Wheel Jack.,

Cultivators, Ox Tukes,Cart Sikes, Ox Bow.,

Baggy Shaft., Plow nandlea.Cart Hub., Planter.' Hoes,

Axle. anJ Bjxes, Canal Barrow.

Keg. Sails, Bellow.,Hatchets, axe pattern, Handled Axes,

Shir glint; Hatchet., Fanners' Boiler.,Counter Scales, Crowbar..

Manila Cordage, Hay Rope, Bone YarnI

Fatent Coffee and Bice Hollers,

Patent Fire Extinguishers,

Iioxea Tin Plates.Bales Burlap Bags far CcjTee or Bice,

Drvms Bulled Linseed Oil,

Kegs Wh'de Paint.ALSO

An Invoice of Sash and Doors.CEDAR SHINGLES, dec.



k Lar?e and Splendidly Aborted Invoice ef

TJT ATVTir TjrtmrC! P. arn A rninWDDVXSJLAiv X--l. XtUUlXO & Q X ii. 1 IUiN islt I. j



00 Cases Downeis Oil.


Kerosene Lamps and Glassware.BESIDES

A Variety of Small Articles,TOO NCMF.R0U3 T3 MENTION,

T'OnSAIiHto.a.IlTlIVIl6.".3 I'm

T3a.o Stoamor



Jfonday, Juno 29th. I Monday . ,fJy 2(khMoHitoy. tf"?y (th, I Monday. July 274Monday. July Monday, Awtvul 3J

laylnjr Ip tbe Week eomatenrlcff A up. lOtk,i M'HuIay. August lith. I MouJay, &pt. thti Monday. August 24th. I Monday, Spt. HJj Monday, August 3st,j AT I) P. M. PRECISELY", TOCCUlXa AT




MAIIVKOXA.AMI LEATIXQK'a'aktk-ti- i. Wednesday, aixmt noo,Knilua. Wednesday eitningn.Knvyiihae and MahuLvna, Thvrsilay etxnings,

Arriving back at Honolulu Satcrday mornings.6rl ?m WALKER ii ALLEX. Agents.

I KtGLLAK PACKETFor Lahaina and Kakee's Landing'.

The Fine, gtaur.ch Cl.pper

Schooner Ivatc Iee,CRANK, Master.

Will run regularly and punctually on the abore route Fatfrieht or passage apply to the Master on hoard, or to"-- S m c. BRKWKK & Co., agento.

For Hana, Kaupo and Maliko

:SS Sclir. ZSraniokavai,Will run regularly. For freight or parsare apply to6--

3 6m C. BRLWKR a Co., agents.

For Ililo and Ouoiuea, Ranaii.

Schooner .Annie,Will run as a Regular Packet to tbe above ports. For Freight

or Pge apply ts. Clu 6m WALKER A At, LEX, Agents.

For Ililo aud Kanpakiica, Hawaii.

Schooner .Active,Will run as a Regular Packet to the abore porta, touching a

LAHAINA. For Freight or Passage apply to615 6m WALKER & ALLEX, Agents.


i I. regularly laid on as a packetj II ET WE EX HOXOhlLl AND IIILOl

For Freight or Passage apply toI 607 Jy CliUNQ HOOX Co., Agent. :

Regular Packet for Hanalci.! TIIE SfAL'XCH.ifet Schooner " Yette, 99

WHITE, MASTER,f Will run regularly si a Packet between Honolulu and the: above named port. For freight or pas;re. apply to the Mas--

ter on board, or to C. N. SPENCER CO.,633 3m Agents.


& Sclaooriei HattieCAPT. XI K A.

Carrying L'.e IlatMnan Mail tclthoid Subsidy !i Will leave Hanaloln Fverr Saturday, at 14 P. N.,

Keturnioi, aiTJ lesv. Nswiliwili every Tuejiday afternoon. ForFreight or Passage apply to

i 62 6m D. FOSTER CO.



METALLIC PAINT,Constantly on Hand.

AT I X V ALl'ABLE, O I RA RLE, FLEXTMI preserving, anti corrosive

METALLIC PAINTFor Coolers, Boilers, Knot, Steam Engines, Cast Plows, Houses,Fences, (schooners. Steamers,AXD ALL OTHER I ROX mr WOOD WORK.

6US8m Forivtlehy C. BREWER A Co.


CHAS. BRENIG;S OLD STAND,Corner of nnano and Marine Strrrt.


Clothing, Boots Sl Shoescfats.' riRisaic coons,

Ilats and Caps, Drj and Fancy GoodsFAXKEE XOTtOXS. fcc. tic.

He oITts his fine and .elected .lock 20 per cent, cheaperthan any other store in the city.

Come one, come ali. and satisfy yourselves. m

P. S. No trouble in showing Goods. 623 6m


Uen. McLean's, a General Assortment of

Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes,DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, Ac,



M I.N T offers


The Table will always be Snppllfd with every Deli-cacy the Market affords,

ly Comfortable Lodging can he secure! on short notice. JCS

Stranger, visiting Honolulu will please remember the loca-

tion.King Street, two doors from Fort St.

835 3m SAMUEL L0LLER, Proprietor.



M EDK'.mTxD NAVV BREAD,PILOT.on hand and made to order.

Also, Hater. Soda and Butler Crackers,JKNNY LIND CARES. Ae.

SHIP BREAD REBAKEO on the shortest notice.FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked daily and


636 ly


Domestic Incliistr-- y I

$X9 O O O -



The Cultivation of Sea Mand CottonIX THIS GROUP, AS FOLLOWS:

s Te. . n,n n.ttv nr fr.reiirner. who. durine the year1S69. grows the largest crop or Ssea Island cotton. pn.Twien. not less than 20 bale, or 400 pounds each of ginne-- l cotton,

or iu eqniralent in seed Cotton (say 2S.000 pound, iu the seed),I will pay tbe sum or

Five Hundrf d Dollars in Gold !

2 To the perion. native or foreigner, who, during the year1869. grows the next largest crop of Sea Island Cotton, if notIns than 15 bales of 400 pounds each, or I s equiraleot In seedCotton (ay 21,000 pounds in the teed), I will pay the eutn a!

Three Hundred Dollars in Gold Coin !

3 To the person, native or foreigner, who, during the year138d. grows the third largest crop of Sea Island if netleas than 12 hales or 400 pounds each, or its eqniralent in seedCotton f say 16,000 pounds of seed Cotton), I will pay the sun-o- f

Two Hundred Dollars in Gold Coin !

The only conditions annexed to tbe above offers. irAtc areopen to all. are that the Cotton shall be Hawaiian Brown,

merchantable article of the Sea Island rariety. to be ac-

cepted a. such, and pnrcha.ed by the undersigned at currentprices provided it tanks as Brut quality ; and that th claim-

ants of the sum. offered shall hare actually cultivated andgrown the Cotton, ard not purchased any part of it from others.In case of doubt, satisfactory proof will be required.

This off--r will remain open till December 31. lfoS.July, 18'tJ. (CCS.) II. M. WHITNEi.