ewd web applications

EWD Web Applications EWD and Sencha Touch Dima Kassab & Luis Ibanez Distributed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 License

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EWD Web Applications. EWD and Sencha Touch Dima Kassab & Luis Ibanez. Distributed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 License. For Instructors. How to setup your Sever. https://github.com/SUNY-Albany-CCI/open-source-web-development-tutorial/tree/master/source/EWD/Install. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: EWD Web Applications

EWD Web Applications EWD and Sencha Touch

Dima Kassab & Luis Ibanez

Distributed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 License

Page 3: EWD Web Applications

For Students

Follow the Instructionsand Enjoy the Ride !

Page 4: EWD Web Applications

Join the Party


Log in the Linux Class server at

pppp SSH to this Port Number

Page 5: EWD Web Applications

Set up your EnvironmentUsing Vim or Nano, open your file:


Go to the end of the file

and add the line:

source /data/gtm/setup/add_to_bashrc.txt

save the file, quit the text editor

and from the command line do:

source ~/.bashrc

Page 6: EWD Web Applications

Join the Party

mkdir /INF362-EWD/Apps/username

Put hereYOUR Username

Create yourown directory

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Join the Party

cd /INF362-EWD/Apps/username

Go to yournew directory

Put hereYOUR Username

Page 8: EWD Web Applications

You need two ScreensTo open multiple screens in the server, use the command


then, to open a second screen, use the key combination

CTRL+b followed by the key "c"

Then you can move between the two screens with the key combination

CTRL+b followed by the key "n"

Page 9: EWD Web Applications

Start Simple

<st2:container rootPath="/st-2"> <st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" /></st2:container>

Top Level Container Where Sencha Touch is Installed

Write this text in a file called


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Build the Application


In the same directory type the command

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Page 12: EWD Web Applications

Run your Own Server

Go to your other tmux screen

CTRL+b and the key "n"

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Join the Party

mkdir /INF362-EWD/nodejs/username

Put hereYOUR Username

Create yourown directory

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Run your Own Server

cd /INF362-EWD/nodejs/username

Replace this with Your username

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Run your Own Server

../runEWDwithNodeJS.sh 8100

Put here your Port Number

8100 + Computer Number

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Put here your Port Number

8100 + Computer Number

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Open Firefox

Go to the URL

Put here Your Port Number

8100 + Computer Number

Put hereYour


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Put hereYour

Port number

Put hereYour


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View Page Source

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Open Mobile Browser

Go to the URL

Put here Your Port Number

8100 + Computer Number

Put hereYour


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This is how it looksin a Nexus 4

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Back to the EWD code

Go to your other tmux screen

CTRL+b and the key "n"

Page 24: EWD Web Applications

Make it look like an App

<st2:startupImage size="320x460" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/loading/Homescreen.jpg" /><st2:startupImage size="320x480" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/loading/Default.jpg" /><st2:startupImage size="768x1004" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/loading/Homescreen~ipad.jpg" /><st2:icon size="57" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/icons/icon.png" /><st2:icon size="72" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/icons/icon~ipad.png" /><st2:icon size="114" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/icons/[email protected]" /><st2:icon size="144" url="examples/kitchensink/resources/icons/[email protected]" /></st2:homeScreen>


Insert this text in the same file: mobile01.ewd

after the line <st2:container rootPath="/st-2">

and before the line <st2:panel fullscreen="true" .... >

Then do: ../build.sh

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Make it look like an App

Now use the Bookmark Icon in the Browser ...

and select "Add to Home Screen"

In your Mobile Device

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Add Icon to Home Screen

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Make it look like an App

A new icon will appear in your device

It will launch without the Web browser border

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Now it looks like a native App

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Let's add a Toolbar

<st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" />

<st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" > <st2:toolbar docked="top" title="EWD Mobile" /></st2:panel>

Modify the line:

to make the three lines:

Then do: ../build.sh

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It looks like this in Android

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Let's move the Toolbar

<st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" > <st2:toolbar docked="top" title="EWD Mobile" /></st2:panel>

Replace : docked="top"

<st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" > <st2:toolbar docked="bottom" title="EWD Mobile" /></st2:panel>

With : docked="bottom"

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It looks like this in Android

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Let's have two Toolbars

<st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" > <st2:toolbar docked="top" title="EWD Mobile" /> <st2:toolbar docked="bottom" title="Easy" /></st2:panel>

One toolbar docked "top" and the other "bottom"

Then do: ../build.sh

Modify the file: mobile01.ewd

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It looks like this in Android

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Fragments inside Containers


Fragment 1

Fragment 2

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Fragments are Dynamic


Fragment 1

Fragment 2

Fragment 3


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Fragments can be Nested

Container A

Fragment 1

Container B

Fragment 2

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Fragments are Cool !

<st2:panel fullscreen="true" > <st2:toolbar docked="top" title="EWD Mobile" /> <st2:container id="cont01" addPage="fragment01" /> <st2:toolbar docked="bottom" title="Easy" /></st2:panel>

In mobile01.ewd Modify the lines:

to become the lines:

<st2:toolbar docked="top" title="EWD Mobile" /> <st2:toolbar docked="bottom" title="Easy" /></st2:panel><st2:panel fullscreen="true" html="Hello World" >

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Let's create the Fragment

<st2:fragment> <st2:panel id="panel3" html="New Fragment!"> </st2:panel></st2:fragment>

With the content:

Then do: ../build.sh

Write a new file: fragment01.ewd

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It looks like this in Android

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Stop and Reflect !

This is Powerful Stuff !

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Stop and Reflect !

It meansthat you can write complex Apps...

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Stop and Reflect !

by dividing themintoSmall Fragments !

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Let's keep going

How about replacinga fragment ?

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<st2:panel id="panel3" html="New Fragment!">

Everybody Love Buttons

<st2:button text="Click" nextPage="fragment02" addTo="cont01"/>

In the file fragment01.ewd after the line:

Insert the line:

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Sanity Check

<st2:fragment> <st2:panel id="panel3" html="New Fragment!"> <st2:button text="Click" nextPage="fragment02" addTo="cont01"/> </st2:panel></st2:fragment>

Now should look like:

Then do: ../build.sh

The file: fragment01.ewd

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Create another Fragment

<st2:fragment> <st2:panel id="panel4" html="This is Fragment 02!"> <st2:button text="Back" nextPage="fragment01" addTo="cont01"/> </st2:panel></st2:fragment>

With the content:

Then do: ../build.sh

Write a new file: fragment02.ewd

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It looks like this in Android

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It looks like this in Android

Go ahead,Click here !

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It looks like this in Android

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Not what you expected ?

The new Fragment was added to the Container...

but it didn't replacethe previous Fragment...

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Try This !


In fragment01.ewd at the end of the line:

insert the text

<st2:button text="Click"...

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Try This !


In fragment02.ewd at the end of the line:

insert the text

<st2:button text="Click"...

Also in fragment02

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It looks like this in Android

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It looks like this in Android

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What have we done ?!


panel: panel3



panel: panel4




container: cont01


fragment01.ewd fragment02.ewd

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What have we done ?!


panel: panel3



panel: panel4




container: cont01


fragment01.ewd fragment02.ewd

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What have we done ?!


panel: panel3



panel: panel4




container: cont01


fragment01.ewd fragment02.ewd

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Discuss the process with your teammates

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Get me out of Here !

Hit CTRL+c

How to stop TMUX

How to stop the Node.js server

In the command line, type


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EWD Sencha Touch 2 Reference


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End of Introduction
