ex. 8 : aseptic technique – inoculating different types of media

Ex. 8: Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media Key concepts: 1. Different types of bacterial cultures: broth, agar slant, and agar deep. 2. Aseptic transfer of bacteria from one type of culture medium to another. 3. Appropriate use of inoculating loops and needles.

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Ex. 8 : Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media. Key concepts: Different types of bacterial cultures: broth, agar slant, and agar deep. Aseptic transfer of bacteria from one type of culture medium to another . Appropriate use of inoculating loops and needles. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ex.  8 :  Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media

Ex. 8: Aseptic Technique – Inoculating Different Types of Media

Key concepts: 1. Different types of bacterial cultures: broth,

agar slant, and agar deep.2. Aseptic transfer of bacteria from one type

of culture medium to another.3. Appropriate use of inoculating loops and


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Four Basic Forms of Bacterial Culture Media

Agar plateBroth Agar Deep Agar Slant

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Always use sterile instruments to transfer bacteria!

Loop and Needle

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Flame loop before AND after using it

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Other Sterile Transfer Instruments

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“Little Finger Technique”

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NA Broth

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NA Slant Cultures

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Agar Deeps: What is happening?

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Use the Inoculating Needle to inoculate a deep