examination semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 knights would often compete in tournaments, where...

YEAR 8 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Examination - Semester 2, 2017 Question Answer Booklet TIME ALLOWED FOR THIS PAPER: Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1 hour & 30 minutes MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor - This question and answer booklet To be provided by the candidate - Pens, pencils, eraser and / or correction fluid IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non- personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk. INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES 1. Read through the paper to familiarise yourself with all the questions. 2. Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen. Do not answer in pencil. 3. Write your answers in this booklet. 4. Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the back of this booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement that you are responding to. AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION - Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet. - At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other pieces of paper used.

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Page 1: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34


Examination - Semester 2, 2017

Question Answer Booklet

TIME ALLOWED FOR THIS PAPER: Reading time before commencing work: 10 minutes Working time for this paper: 1 hour & 30 minutes MATERIAL REQUIRED / RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PAPER: To be provided by the supervisor

- This question and answer booklet

To be provided by the candidate - Pens, pencils, eraser and / or correction fluid

IMPORTANT NOTE TO CANDIDATES No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor BEFORE reading any further. All iPads and mobile phones must be turned off and in your bag along with any other devices and notes. Bags are to be closed and placed under the desk. INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES

1. Read through the paper to familiarise yourself with all the questions. 2. Use a blue or black ballpoint / ink pen. Do not answer in pencil. 3. Write your answers in this booklet. 4. Should you require more space than you have been given please use the spare sheet (at the

back of this booklet) and ensure that you include your name and the question / statement that you are responding to.


- Any planning sheets or other pieces of paper MUST be handed in with this booklet. - At the end of the examination make sure that your name is on your booklet and any other

pieces of paper used.

Page 2: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Structure of this paper


Number of questions

Suggested working time (minutes)

Marks available Percentage of exam

Section One:

Multiply choice questions.





Section Two:

Extended response.





Section Three:

Interpreting information.






Instructions to candidates

1. Sitting this examination implies that you agree to abide by the examination rules set

down by Kinross College.

2. Answer the questions in the space provided.

3. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions asked and

to follow any instructions that are specific to a particular question.

4. A spare page is included at the end of this booklet. It can be used for as additional

space if required to continue an answer.

5. This examination contributes towards your report. If you have any questions,

please ask them during the ten-minute reading time.

6. Manage your time wisely. Always provide substantiation (evidence). Make sure that what you have written makes sense.

Note: Do not turn the page until you are asked to do so.

Page 3: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Section 1: Multiple Choice No Question Answer 1 Medieval Europe occurred approximately between the years:

a) 500 and 750 b) 1000 and 1050 c) 600 and 1500 d) 500 and 1500

2 The event that is said to have triggered the Middle Ages was the… a) Fall of Rome b) Death of Julius Caesar c) Birth of Jesus Christ d) Invention of the printing press

3 True or False: A Barbarian is term used by ancient Romans to describe someone living outside their borders.

4 Which of the following is the most famous tapestry from medieval history? a) The Bayeux Tapestry b) The French Tapestry c) The Hastings Tapestry d) The William Tapestry

5 The Battle of Hastings was fought in what year? a) 1604 b) 1066 c) 439 d) 1892

6 William the Conqueror was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey on what day? a) 25th December 1066. b) 26th December 1066 c) 01st January 1066 d) 22 September 1066

7 The ditch filled with water surrounding a castle or manor is known as a: a) Lake b) Moat c) Moor d) Fief

8 Which factor was by far the most important influence in a person’s life during the Middle Ages? a) The church b) Government c) Family values d) Education

Page 4: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

9 Who heads the Roman Catholic Church and is God’s representative on Earth? a) Bishop b) Pope c) Clergy d) Archbishop

10 Monasteries are where ___________ live. a) Monarchs b) Monasts c) Monks d) Monatries

11 What were the two main religions in Medieval Europe? a) Christianity and Islam b) Islam and Jew c) Christianity and Jew d) Jew and Muslim

12 Feudal society is generally characterised by: a) An emphasis on social order b) A strict government c) Economic opportunities d) The protection of people’s rights

13 Under feudalism, who was the owner of all land in a kingdom? a) The Peasants b) The Monarch c) The Sub Tenants d) The Tenants in chief

14 The ‘three field’ farming system improved the supply of grain. When a field is fallow what does it mean? a) Small and shallow b) Many types of grain are planted at one time c) Land owned by serfs d) A field which is left without any crops

15 What was another name for a serf in medieval times? a) Peasant b) Knight c) Lord d) Women

16 The Crusade which young people set off in, and were eventually kidnapped and sold as slaves was called: a) The Children’s Crusade b) The 10th Crusade c) The Last Crusade d) The Slaves Crusade

Page 5: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

17 In the feudal system, the relationship between lords and knights was: a) Knights received a piece of land in exchange for military service to the

lord b) Lords received land and protection from knights c) Serfs could work the land until they were forced off it d) Knights received a piece of land and paid taxes to the lord for that land

18 True or False: Many surnames come from skilled trades that have existed for centuries.

19 People who ground grain into flour so that people could bake bread and cakes were called? a) Bakers b) Millers c) Flour makers d) Grain makers

20 In medieval times, young girls married at: a) 14 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13

21 Scolds bridle was a form of punishment for: a) Nagging wives b) People who swore c) Drunken husbands d) Law breakers

22 True or false: During ordeal by water if a person floated they were innocent?

23 At what age would a page usually begin training to become a knight? a) 6 b) 7 c) 14 d) 18

24 True or false: If a man was born into the nobility then he became a knight.

25 True or False: The Crusades were a series of Holy Wars launched by the Christian states of Europe against the Saracens (Muslims).

26 A barber-surgeon was responsible for a) Cutting hair b) Performing surgery c) Selling medicines d) All of the above

Page 6: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

27 King Charlemagne was known as a) Charli the dog b) Charlie the Grand c) Charles the Great a) Great Charles

28 The code of conduct by a knight was known as a) Chilliry b) Chevup c) Chivalry e) Chilvry

29 What was the name of armour (a series of small links) worn by knights? a) Chainletter b) Chainrope c) Chainmail d) Chainshield

30 The knight described as possibly the “best knight who ever lived was”: a) Marshal William b) William Marshal c) Marshall Mathers d) Earl Marshal

31 A knight would be made a knight officially in a ceremony called: a) Dubstep b) Duble c) Dubblub d) Dubbing

32 A knight must be skilled in riding a horse and carrying a a) Lance b) Lancelot c) Lancel d) Landel

33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting

34 A trebuchet was a: a) Giant crossbow b) Catapult c) A type of gate house d) Missiles

35 What is said to have caused the end of the Middle Ages? a) Famine b) The Black Death c) The Hundred Years War d) All of the above

Page 7: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

36 True or False Bloodletting was a popular way to treat illness during the middle ages. Leeches were often used to draw out this ‘bad blood’.


Please turn the page.

Page 8: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Section 2: Extended answers Question 1: Medieval Map of Europe and Asia. During medieval times wars were rife throughout the world. The following countries saw a lot of warfare. Please locate these countries on the map provided.

England France Italy The Holy Land Japan

/5 marks


Page 9: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Question 2: The Battle of Hastings.

(a) What is the name of this famous tapestry?

________________________________________________________________________ /1 mark

(b) Name three weapons used in the battle shown in the image?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /3 marks (c) Is it a primary or secondary source? Why?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /4 marks

Page 10: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

(d) Why do you think the Bayeux Tapestry was made? /2 marks

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question 3: Using the words in the box below please complete the following cloze. /10

marks The crusades. The medieval era was dominated by the …………………………………..… system which was introduced by Charlemagne. It was a time of frequent ………………………… which meant people needed to be protected by warriors. The strongest warriors became kings or ……………………….. . In order to have a place safe from other ………….……………. the richest leaders built castles. It was a time when Europe was under the power of the Christian faith. This meant that church officials had a lot of …………………………. The most important leader in Europe was the ………………….……. Important events in Medieval Europe were the ……………………………. They were a series of …………..……….. wars launched by the Christian states of Europe against the Saracens. Organised warriors called …………………………… protected pilgrims in the Holy Land. There were in eight number plus the addition of a children’s crusade.

Holy Warfare Crusades Warriors Pope

Feudal Knights Lords Eight Power

Page 11: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Question 4: The feudal system. Use the words in the box below to complete the following cloze. The person with the most power in a feudal society was the king or…………………... He gave land and privileges to the lords and………………………... In return, the lords promised to provide fully equipped …………………………..to fight in the king's army when needed. The bishops were the king's……………….……………... The tenants-in-chief gave land and other ………………………to their knights. In return, the knights protected their lords, their people and their……….………………..…….. Priests, monks, nuns and friars prayed for those above them and looked after the spiritual needs of the lord’s…………………………… At the bottom of society were the…………………………….. They were protected and allocated ……………………………………to work. In return, they paid ………………………..…….in the form of crops to the knights and lords.

Monarch Knights Land Taxes People Privileges Advisors Peasants Bishops Property

/10 marks Question 5: Castles During medieval times, castles were built to protect the monarch or lord’s land. However, on many occasions these castles were attacked. Please label the following ways of defending and attacking a castle. /7 marks

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Section 3: Interpreting Information: Venn Diagram

The societies of medieval Europe were dominated by men. The Pope and bishops controlled the

Catholic Church, and the king and his nobles governed all other social and legal matters. The man was

the head of his household, just as the king was the head of his kingdom. Both noble and peasant

women were expected to work in the family home until they were married. After marriage, they had to

run their husband’s household and raise children.

Typically, women received very little education and had few rights.Every woman was required to obey

her father or husband in all matters and was not ableto make decisions for herself. Despite these

challenges and restrictions, some women in medieval Europe became very in influential and their

stories live on to this day.

Page 13: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Question 1: Compare and contrast two significant women of the middle ages: Eleanor of Aquitaine and Joan of Arc. Read the information provided and complete the Venn Diagram.

Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122–1204) - During her lifetime, Eleanor of Aquitaine was queen

of France and England, and also ruled Englandas regent. She was an intelligent, creative and sensitive woman. Eleanor was born in France in 1122. She was the daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine and heir to his land. When her father died, however, the land became the property of Louis VI, the French king. When she was 15, she married the king’s son and later became queen of France. She took part in the Second Crusade alongside her husband, taking 300 women to fight and help care for the wounded. She was not happy with Louis VII and the marriage was annulled (declared non-existent) in 1152. In 1154, she married the Duke of Normandy, who later became Henry II, the king of England. Eleanor supported her sons when they revolted against Henry in 1173, and was imprisoned for 16 years. When Henry II died she was released, and helped rule England with and for her eldest son, Richard the Lionheart.

Joan of Arc - Joan of Arc was born in 1412 in a small French village called Domrémy. As

the daughter of a peasant farmer,she received no education apart from the lessons of the Church. When she was 13, she believed she began to see visions and hear the voices of saints. They told her that she would help the French defeat the English and so secure the coronation of Charles VII, then crown prince of France.

Aged 18, she travelled in men’s clothing to see Charles. Her conviction and faith inspired

many nobles and common people. She helped lead the French to victory, and in1429 Charles was crowned. Less than a year later, Joan was captured and imprisoned by the English. Wanting to discredit the new French king, they accused her of heresy. Because she refused to confess that she did not hear the voices of saints she was burned at the stake in 1431.

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/ 16 marks

Question 2: Explain how farmers during the middle ages improved crop production by using the ‘three field’ system of farming. /4 Marks

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…..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Question 3: Name four ‘cures’ used to treat illness during the Middle Ages. Write the name of a disease or complaint in the left column and describe the cure used in the right column. /4 Marks

Disease/Complaint Cure

Question 4: Source Analysis: Study the image below and describe what living conditions were like for serfs/peasants during the middle-ages. /4 Marks

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…..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Page 17: Examination Semester 2, 2017 · 2018-06-21 · 33 Knights would often compete in tournaments, where they tried to win a battle of: a) Juggling b) Jumping c) Joking d) Jousting 34

Question 5: What historical story does the Bayeux Tapestry tell? Explain the events that occurred and include: The names of those fighting (who was involved?)


Dates and

What happened (what strategies did they use?)

Who succeeded and who was defeated?

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Please check your work and make sure you have answered all questions.