example of personal engagement in literature review

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  • 8/6/2019 Example of Personal Engagement in Literature Review


    Example of Personal Engagement in Literature Review

    The next issue is that ofpower. Who should carry out inquiry and research in classroom

    teaching and learning? Should we leave it to the experts? Or can the regular classroom

    teacher have a go at it too? (Assuming, of course, that he/she has the time and inclination for

    it). Who are the experts, anyway? The outsiders, i.e. the university professionals? Or our

    resident research personnel? Johnston & Badley seemed to feel that reflection in practice is

    the task of the expert, not of the novice. To them, reflective practice, and reflective

    knowing is a process wrought with difficulties and problems and is not something that can

    be easily taught. My impression from reading their article is that reflective knowing is like

    divine knowledge - and only a privileged few have that sight. Actually, in most of our

    schools where research resource persons are scarce, I can understand such sentiments among

    regular classroom teachers. It is no wonder then that they regard inquiry and research as the

    field of experts only. But it is our duty to dispel such misperceptions. The generation of

    knowledge about good practice and good institutions are not the exclusive property of

    universities and research and development centres (Zeichner, 1993: 204). Allwright

    demonstrated how the classroom teacher can integrate classroom research into the pedagogy

    of teaching. Zeichner persuades us that the little difference the classroom researcher makes

    within his/her domain can impact the broader social and political context. And Lawn tries to

    convince us that schoolwork research frees us from the confines of classroom bonds and

    permits professional development. The teacher is the one who knows best what goes on in

    the classroom and is the best person to initiate action or change when the need arise. As

    Zeichner (1993: 204) stated, practitioners have theories too, that can contribute to the

    knowledge that informs the work of practitioner communities. Research and inquiry should

    therefore be a ground up process, with classroom teachers generating the knowledge and

    experience most pertinent and relevant to our conditions (Zeichner, 1993: 204). But of

    course, I am not advocating displacement of external guidance. Reading around the subject

    has allowed me to see exciting possibilities in collaborative action and research with my

    learners the student teachers - and even with our primary school teachers. But two issues

    need to be addressed: first, in schools and even in colleges, we badly need guidance to lead

    and formats to follow, and second, teachers need to be convinced that they are capable of

    carrying out research. And I believe facilitation from universities and higher institutions of

    learning will be greatly welcomed. In fact, I see the universities and teacher institutes

    partnerships with schools in the teacher education programme as groundwork for such

    partnership in research efforts as well.