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Excel for WPF andSilverlight

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Table of ContentsExcel for WPF and Silverlight Overview 2

Help with WPF and Silverlight Edition 2

Key Features 2-3

QuickStart: Excel for WPF 4

Step 1 of 4: Setting up the Project 4

Step 2 of 4: Adding Content to a C1XLBook 4-5

Step 3 of 4: Formatting the Content 5-6

Step 4 of 4: Saving and Opening the XLS File 6-7

QuickStart: Excel for Silverlight 8

Step 1 of 4: Setting up the Project 8

Step 2 of 4: Adding Content to a C1XLBook 8-9

Step 3 of 4: Saving the XLSX File 9-10

Step 4 of 4: Run the Program 10-11

Using Excel for WPF and Silverlight 12

Creating Documents 12-13

Worksheets 13-14

Rows and Columns 14

Cells 14

Styles 14

C1Excel Task-Based Help 15

Adding a Comment to a Cell (WPF) 15

Adding Content to a Workbook 15-16

Adding an Image to a Cell (WPF) 16-20

Adding a Page Break to a Worksheet 20-21

Copying Rows from One Book to Another (WPF) 21-22

Creating Subtotals 22-24

Formatting Cells 24-25

Importing and Exporting OpenXml Files (WPF) 25-27

Saving a CSV File (Silverlight) 27-29

Setting the Calculation Mode for a Workbook 29-30

C1Excel Samples 31

Excel for WPF and Silverlight 1

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Excel for WPF and Silverlight OverviewYour Excel® data is just a simple command away from any of your .NET applications with Excel for WPF andSilverlight (C1Excel) – you don't even need to have Microsoft® Excel installed! Create or load XLS files for Excel 97and later. Excel for WPF and Silverlight supports the new Office 2007 OpenXml format, which allows you to savesmaller, compressed XLSX files.

The main component in Excel for WPF and Silverlight is the C1XLBook object, which represents an Excel workbookcontaining one or more sheets. Use the C1XLBook to load existing Excel files or create new ones. Then add sheets,styles, hyperlinks, images, headers and footers, page breaks and more. When you are done, save the C1XLBook to afile or a Stream and you’re done. Anyone with a copy of Excel can access your data. It’s that easy!

Help with WPF and Silverlight EditionGetting Started

For information on installing ComponentOne Studio WPF Edition, licensing, technical support, namespacesand creating a project with the control, please visit Getting Started with WPF Edition.For information on installing ComponentOne Studio Silverlight Edition, licensing, technical support,namespaces and creating a project with the control, please visit Getting Started with Silverlight Edition.

Key FeaturesThe following are some of the main features of Excel for WPF and Silverlight that you may find useful:

Save or load a workbook with one command

Excel for WPF and Silverlight is easy-to-use, allowing you to use a single command to load or save aworkbook and manipulate sheets as if they were grid controls.

Read and write data in individual cells

After loading or creating a C1XLBook, you can access data in individual sheets as if they were a simple grid. Forexample:XLSheet sheet = C1XLBook.Sheets[0];sheet[0, 0].Value = DateTime.Now;

Format the data in each cell.

The format associated with each cell is as easy to access as the data stored in the cell. For example:


XLStyle style = new XLStyle(c1XLBook1);style.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy";style.Font = new XLFont("Courier New", 14);XLSheet sheet = c1XLBook1.Sheets[0];sheet[0, 0].Value = DateTime.Now;sheet[0, 0].Style = style;

Use Excel for WPF and Silverlight to export to XLS files

Other ComponentOne components use C1Excel to export XLS files. For example, C1Report uses C1Excel tocreate XLS versions of reports so they can be viewed and edited by anyone with a copy of Microsoft Excel.

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Reads and writes .xls and .xlsx files without using Microsoft Excel

Excel for WPF and Silverlight reads and writes .xls (Excel 97 and later) and xlsx (OpenXml format) files, thelatter of which can be reused and easily exchanged or compressed to create smaller file sizes. You don't evenneed to have Microsoft Excel installed.

Create and position images within a cell

Not only can you add images to cells, but now you can specify the cell size, the position of the image withinthe cell and whether the image is scaled, clipped, or stretched to fit the cell.

Save and load files to and from streams

Workbooks can now be directly read to and written from memory streams with new overloads for the Load andthe Save methods so you no longer have to use temporary files.

Add images to the header and footer of a sheet

Use properties in the XLPrintSettings class to add images to the left, center, or right part of a sheet's header orfooter.

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QuickStart: Excel for WPFThis quick start guide will familiarize you with some of the features of Excel for WPF. In this quick start you will learnhow to create a workbook, add formatted data to the workbook, and save and open the XLS file.

Step 1 of 4: Setting up the ProjectIn this step you will add a reference to the C1.WPF.Excel.dll to your form.

1. Create a new WPF project.2. Select the Add Reference option from the Project menu of your project. The Add Reference dialog box

appears.3. Browse to locate and select the C1.WPF.Excel.dll and click OK.4. Double-click the form to add the Form1_Load event and switch to code view. Add the Imports (Visual Basic)

or using (C#) statement to the code at the top of the form so you can use all names within the C1.WPF.Excelnamespace.Visual Basic

Imports C1.WPF.C1Excel


using C1.WPF.Excel;

Now you can create and begin adding content to a C1XLBook.

Step 2 of 4: Adding Content to a C1XLBookWhile you are still in code view in the Visual Studio project, add the following code to create the book and its content:

Visual Basic

Dim book As New C1XLBook()Dim i As Integer Dim sheet As XLSheet = book.Sheets(0) For i = 0 To 9 sheet(i, 0).Value = (i + 1) * 10 sheet(i, 1).Value = (i + 1) * 100 sheet(i, 2).Value = (i + 1) * 1000 NextEnd Function)End Sub


C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();int i;XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

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for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { sheet[i, 0].Value = (i + 1) * 10; sheet[i, 1].Value = (i + 1) * 100; sheet[i, 2].Value = (i + 1) * 1000; }

Step 3 of 4: Formatting the ContentNext we will format the content using styles. The code in this step should be added after the code from Step 2 of 4.

1. Add the following code to create two new styles: stye1 and style2.Visual Basic

' Add style 1.Dim style1 As New XLStyle(book)style1.Font = New XLFont("Tahoma", 9, true, false)style1.ForeColor = Colors.RoyalBlue' Add style 2.Dim style2 As New XLStyle(book)style2.Font = New XLFont("Tahoma", 9, false, true)style2.BackColor = Colors.RoyalBluestyle2.ForeColor = Colors.White


// Add style 1.XLStyle style1 = new XLStyle(book);style1.Font = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, true, false);style1.ForeColor = Colors.RoyalBlue;// Add style 2.XLStyle style2 = new XLStyle(book);style2.Font = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, false, true);style2.BackColor = Colors.RoyalBlue;style2.ForeColor = Colors.White;

2. Then add the following code to apply the new styles to the content.Visual Basic

For i = 0 To 9 ' Apply styles to the content. If (i + 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then sheet(i, 0).Style = style2 sheet(i, 1).Style = style1 sheet(i, 2).Style = style2 Else sheet(i, 0).Style = style1 sheet(i, 1).Style = style2 sheet(i, 2).Style = style1 End IfNext i

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for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { // Apply styles to the content. if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) { sheet[i, 0].Style = style2; sheet[i, 1].Style = style1; sheet[i, 2].Style = style2; } else { sheet[i, 0].Style = style1; sheet[i, 1].Style = style2; sheet[i, 2].Style = style1; } }

Step 4 of 4: Saving and Opening the XLS FileFinally, add the following code to save and load the Excel workbook. This code should be added after the code fromStep 3 of 4 within the Form_Load event.

Visual Basic




Run the program and observe:

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Formatted content is added to the workbook.

Congratulations! You've completed the Excel for WPF quick start.

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QuickStart: Excel for SilverlightThis quick start guide will familiarize you with some of the features of Excel for Silverlight. In this quick start you willlearn how to add a C1XLBook to the project, add formatted data to the workbook, and save and open the XLS file.

Step 1 of 4: Setting up the ProjectIn this step you will create a new project and add a reference to the C1.Silverlight.Excel assembly.

1. Create a new Silverlight project.2. Select Project | Add Reference and browse to find C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll. Click OK.3. Add a standard button control to the page and set its Content property to Save.4. Double-click the button to switch to the code view of MainPage.xaml.cs. This will also add a button1_Click

event to the code.5. Add the Imports (Visual Basic) or using (C#) statement to the code at the top of the form so you can use all

names within the C1.Silverlight.Excel namespace.Visual Basic

Imports C1.Silverlight.Excel


using C1.Silverlight.Excel;

Now you can add some content to a C1XLBook.

Step 2 of 4: Adding Content to a C1XLBookIn the button1_Click event we created in step 1, add the following code to create the book and its content so it lookslike the following:

Visual Basic

Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) SaveBook(Function(book)

Dim i As Integer Dim sheet As C1.Silverlight.Excel.XLSheet = book.Sheets(0) For i = 0 To 9 sheet(i, 0).Value = (i + 1) * 10 sheet(i, 1).Value = (i + 1) * 100 sheet(i, 2).Value = (i + 1) * 1000 Next

End Function)

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End Sub


private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

SaveBook(book => {

int i; C1.Silverlight.Excel.XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { sheet[i, 0].Value = (i + 1) * 10; sheet[i, 1].Value = (i + 1) * 100; sheet[i, 2].Value = (i + 1) * 1000; } }); }

You'll notice a call to the SaveBook method. We'll add the code for this method in the next step.

Step 3 of 4: Saving the XLSX FileAdd the following code to save the Excel workbook. When you run the application, the code will open the Save Asdialog box so you can save your .xlsx file wherever you'd like.

Visual Basic

Private Sub SaveBook(action As Action(Of C1XLBook)) Dim dlg = New SaveFileDialog() dlg.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" If dlg.ShowDialog() = True Then Try Dim book = New C1XLBook() RaiseEvent action(book) Using stream = dlg.OpenFile() book.Save(stream) End Using Catch x As Exception MessageBox.Show(x.Message) End Try End IfEnd Sub

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private void SaveBook(Action<C1XLBook> action) { var dlg = new SaveFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { try { var book = new C1XLBook(); if (action != null) { action(book); } using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile()) { book.Save(stream); } } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.Message); } } }

Step 4 of 4: Run the ProgramPress F5 to run the application.

1. Click the Save button. The Save As dialog box appears.2. Enter a file name for your workbook and click Save.3. Open the book. It will look similar to the following image.

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Congratulations! You've completed the Excel for Silverlight quick start.

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Using Excel for WPF and SilverlightThe following topics explain how to create an XLS file, as well as describe the main Excel for WPF andSilverlight classes used to create the components that make up the file, which include worksheets, rows and columns,cells and styles.

Creating DocumentsTo create a new XLS file using Excel for WPF and Silverlight, three steps are required:

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll to C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.2. Add content to the sheets. Each sheet contains cells (XLCell objects) that have a Value and a Style property.3. Save the book to a file using the Save method.

For example, the following code creates a new Excel file with a single sheet containing numbers from 1 to 100.


// step 1: create a new workbook to be savedC1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

// step 2: write content into some cellsXLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) sheet[i, 0].Value = i + 1;

// step 3: save and open the filebook.Save(@"C:\MyFiles\Test\test.xls");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\MyFiles\Test\test.xls");

Step 2 is the most interesting one. The code starts by retrieving an XLSheet object that represents the singleworksheet in the new Excel workbook. This sheet is created automatically when you add or create a new C1XLBook.Then the code uses the sheet indexer to reference cells in the sheet and assign them values from 1 to 100.

Note that the indexer in the XLSheet object automatically creates cells, if necessary. This makes it easy to fillworksheets that you create. If you want to find out the sheet dimensions, use the sheet's Rows.Count andColumns.Count properties.

Of course, you are not limited to assigning values to cells. You can also use styles to format the cells. Just create oneor more XLStyle objects and assign them to cells much like you did values. This revised version of the code abovecreates a sheet where even numbers are shown in bold red characters with yellow highlighting and odd numbers areshown in italic blue.


// step 1: create a new workbook to be savedC1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();var sheet = book.Sheets[0];// step 2: create styles for odd and even valuesvar styleOdd = new XLStyle(book);styleOdd.Font = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, false, true);styleOdd.ForeColor = Colors.Blue;var styleEven = new XLStyle(book);styleEven.Font = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, true, false);

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styleEven.ForeColor = Colors.Red;styleEven.BackColor = Colors.Yellow;// step 3: write content into some cells for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { XLCell cell = sheet[i, 0]; cell.Value = i + 1; cell.Style = ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) ? styleEven : styleOdd; }// step 4: save and open the filebook.Save(@"C:\MyFiles\Test\test.xls");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\MyFiles\Test\test.xls");

The code is similar. The main difference is the new step 2, which creates styles for odd and even cells. The new stylesare assigned to cells in step 3, along with the cell values.

This is what the file created by the code above looks like when opened in Microsoft Excel:

WorksheetsWorksheets are the individual grids contained in an Excel file. They are represented by XLSheet objects accessiblethrough the Sheets property in the C1XLBook class. Each sheet has a name and contains a collection of rows andcolumns. Individual cells can be accessed using the XLSheet indexer, which takes row and column indices.

The Rows and Columns collections in the XLSheet object extend automatically when you use their indexers. Forexample, if you write the following code and the sheet has fewer than 1001 rows, new rows will be automaticallyadded, and a valid row will be returned. The same applies to XLColumn and XLCell indexers. This is different from thebehavior of most collection indexers in .NET, but it makes it very easy to create and populate XLSheet objects.

Visual Basic

Dim sheet As XLSheet = C1XLBook1.Sheets(0)Dim row As XLRow = sheet.Rows(1000)

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XLSheet sheet = c1XLBook1.Sheets[0];XLRow row = sheet.Rows[1000];

Rows and ColumnsThe XLSheet object contains collections of rows and columns that expose each individual row and column on thesheet. The exposed XLRow and XLColumn objects allow you to assign the size (column width, row height), visibility,and style for each row and column on the sheet. If you don't assign any of these values, the sheet's defaults will beused (see the DefaultRowHeight and DefaultColumnWidth properties).

The default dimensions for XLRow and XLColumn objects are –1, which means use the sheet's default values.

CellsThe XLSheet object also contains cells that can be accessed using an indexer that takes row and column indices. Thecells are represented by XLCell objects that contain the cell value and style.

As with rows and columns, the cell indexer also extends the sheet automatically. For example, write:

Visual Basic

Dim cell As XLCell = sheet(10, 10)


XLCell cell = sheet[10,10];

If the sheet has fewer than 11 rows and 11 columns, rows and columns will be added and a valid XLCell object will bereturned.

Because the sheet expands automatically, this indexer will never return a null reference. If you want to check whethera particular cell exists on the sheet and you don't want to create the cell inadvertently, use the sheet's GetCell methodinstead of the indexer.

XLCell objects have a Value property that contains the cell contents. This property is of type object and it may containstrings, numeric, Boolean, DateTime, or null objects. Other types of objects cannot be saved into Excel files.

XLCell objects also have a Style property that defines the appearance of the cell. If the Style property is set to null,the cell is displayed using the default style. Otherwise, it should be set to an XLStyle object that defines theappearance of the cell (font, alignment, colors, format, and so on).

StylesThe XLStyle class defines the appearance of a cell, row, or column on a sheet. XLStyle includes properties that specifystyle elements such as the font, alignment, colors, and format used to display cell values. Not all style elements needto be defined in every XLStyle object. For example, if an XLStyle specifies only a format, then the cell is displayedusing the specified format and default settings for the other style elements (font, alignment, and so on).

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C1Excel Task-Based HelpThe task-based help assumes that you are familiar with programming in Visual Studio. By following the steps outlinedin the Help, you will be able to create projects demonstrating a variety of Excel for WPF and Silverlight features andget a good sense of what Excel for WPF and Silverlight can do.

Each task-based help topic also assumes that you have created a new .NET project and added the appropriatedirectives (using C1.C1Excel; for C#; Imports C1.C1Excel for Visual Basic) to the code.

Adding a Comment to a Cell (WPF)To add a comment to a cell, complete the following steps:

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.

<// Create a new workbook C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

2. Add text to a cell in the worksheet using the following code:

book.Sheets[0][2, 3].Value = "test";

3. Add a comment to the XLCommentCollection and create a box to show it in using the following code:

book.Sheets[0].Comments.Add(2, 3, "John", "Test comment");book.Sheets[0].Comments[0].TextBox.Rectangle = new Rect(220, 210, 1900, 1200);

4. Save and open the book:C#

// Save and open the file book.Save(@"C:\test.xlsx"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\test.xlsx");

5. Run the program. The spreadsheet will open and look similar to the following:

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Adding Content to a WorkbookTo create a new workbook and add values to the first ten cells, complete the following steps:

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.


// Create a new workbook to be saved C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

2. Add values to the first ten cells.


// write content for the first ten cellsXLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { sheet[i, 0].Value = i + 1; }

3. Save and open the workbook. The code looks like the following.


// Save and open the filebook.Save(@"C:\test.xls");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\test.xls");

Adding an Image to a Cell (WPF)Images can be added to a sheet or cell using one of the following methods.

Method 1: Assign an image directly to a cell's XLCell.Value property.

Using this method, the image is added to the sheet and kept at its original size. The upper left corner of the imagecoincides with the upper left corner of the specified cell.

1. Load an existing workbook or add some content to a new workbook.Visual Basic

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Dim wb As New C1XLBookwb.Load("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls")


C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();wb.Load(@"C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls");

2. Specify the image and assign it to the cell's Value property.Visual Basic

Dim img As WriteableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("MyImage.bmp", UriKind.Relative)));Dim sheet As XLSheet = wb.Sheets("Forecasting Report")sheet(0, 0).Value = img


WriteableBitmap img = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("MyImage.bmp", UriKind.Relative)));XLSheet sheet = wb.Sheets["Forecasting Report"];sheet[0,0].Value = img;

3. Save and open the new book:Visual Basic

wb.Save("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls ")System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls")



In this example, the image replaces the value in the first cell, and it appears at its original size in the first cell.

Method 2: Create an XLPictureShape object, set its properties, and assign it to a cell's XLCell.Valueproperty.

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This second method allows you to customize the image by specifying its size, rotation angle, brightness, contrast,border, and more.

1. Load an existing workbook or add some content to a new workbook.Visual Basic

Dim wb As New C1XLBookwb.Load("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls")


C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();wb.Load(@"C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls");

2. Create an XLPictureShape object, set some of its properties and assign it to a cell's Value property.Visual Basic

Dim img As WriteableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("MyImage.bmp", UriKind.Relative)));Dim pic As New XLPictureShape(img, 1500, 1500)pic.Rotation = 30.0Fpic.LineColor = Color.DarkRedpic.LineWidth = 100

' assign the pic to the first cell of the specified sheetDim sheet As XLSheet = wb.Sheets("Forecasting Report")sheet(0, 0).Value = pic


WriteableBitmap img = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("MyImage.bmp", UriKind.Relative)));XLPictureShape pic = new XLPictureShape(img, 1500, 1500);pic.Rotation = 30.0f;pic.LineColor = Color.DarkRed;pic.LineWidth = 100;

// assign the pic to the first cell of the specified sheetXLSheet sheet = wb.Sheets("Forecasting Report");sheet[0,0].Value = pic;

3. Save and open the book.Visual Basic

wb.Save("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls ")System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls")


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In this example, the image replaces the value in the first cell, is rotated 30°, and has a dark red border. Since we havespecified the horizontal and vertical position of the image, it does not appear in the first cell.

Method 3: Create an XLPictureShape object, set its properties, and add it to a sheet's ShapeCollection.

This method uses the XLPictureShape constructor to specify the image boundaries in sheet coordinates. The shape isadded directly to the sheet's ShapeCollection, rather than to a specific cell.

1. Load an existing workbook or add some content to a new workbook.Visual Basic

Dim wb As New C1XLBookwb.Load("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls")


C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();wb.Load(@"C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls");

2. Create an XLPictureShape object, set some of its properties and assign it to a sheet's ShapeCollection.Visual Basic

Dim img As WriteableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("MyImage.bmp", UriKind.Relative)));Dim pic As New XLPictureShape(img, 3000, 3500, 2500, 900)pic.Rotation = 30.0Fpic.LineColor = Color.DarkRedpic.LineWidth = 100

' add the pic to specified sheet's ShapeCollectionDim sheet As XLSheet = wb.Sheets("Forecasting Report")sheet.Shapes.Add(pic)

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WriteableBitmap img = new WriteableBitmap(new BitmapImage(new Uri("MyImage.bmp", UriKind.Relative)));XLPictureShape pic = new XLPictureShape(img, 3000, 3500, 2500, 900);pic.Rotation = 30.0f;pic.LineColor = Color.DarkRed;pic.LineWidth = 100;

// add the pic to specified sheet's ShapeCollectionXLSheet sheet = wb.Sheets("Forecasting Report");sheet.Shapes.Add(pic);

3. Save and open the book.Visual Basic

wb.Save("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls ")System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Project\WorkBook1.xls")



In this example, the shape was added to the sheet's ShapeCollection; therefore, the image does not replace the valuein the first cell. Here we specified the height and width of the image, as well as the horizontal and vertical positioning.

Adding a Page Break to a WorksheetYou can easily add page breaks in rows and columns for files in OpenXML (.xlsx) format using the PageBreak

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and PageBreak properties.

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.


// Create a new workbook to be saved C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

2. Add some text values and page breaks using the following code:


book.Sheets[0][2, 3].Value = "page1";book.Sheets[0].Rows[2].PageBreak = true;

book.Sheets[0][0, 1].Value = "test1";book.Sheets[0][0, 2].Value = "test2";

book.Sheets[0].Columns[1].PageBreak = true;book.Sheets[0][3, 3].Value = "page2";

3. Save and open the .xlsx file.


// Save and open the filebook.Save(@"C:\test.xlsx");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\test.xlsx");

4. In Excel, select the Page Layout tab, and select the Print checkbox under Gridlines. The worksheet should looksimilar to the following:

Copying Rows from One Book to Another (WPF)To copy the rows of a sheet from one book to a second book, complete the following steps:

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll.2. Load an existing book.


C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();wb.Load(@"C:\test.xlsx");

3. Create a new workbook with an XLSheet named Test.C#

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C1XLBook xb = new C1XLBook();xb.Sheets.Add("Test");

4. Copy each row from the sheet of the existing book to the new workbook Test sheet.C#

XLSheet source = wb.Sheets[0]; XLSheet dest = xb.Sheets["Test"]; for (int row = 0; row <= source.Rows.Count - 1; row++) { for (int col = 0; col <= source.Columns.Count - 1; col++) { dest[row, col].Value = source[row, col].Value; } }

5. Save and open the new workbook.C#

// Save and open the filexb.Save(@"C:\test2.xlsx");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\test2.xlsx");

6. Open the new book. The rows from the first book have been added to the new book.

Creating SubtotalsThe following code provides an example of how to format the cells of a book.

1. Select View | Code and add one of the following statements at the top of the form:Import C1.C1Excel (Visual Basic)using C1.C1Excel; (C#)

2. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.C#

// Create a new workbookC1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

3. Add the following code to the Form_Load event:Visual Basic

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim book As New C1XLBook() Dim sheet As XLSheet = book.Sheets(0) Dim totalStyle As New XLStyle(book) totalStyle.Font = New XLFont("Arial", 10, true, false) sheet(2, 1).Value = "Number" sheet(2, 2).Value = "ID" sheet(3, 1).Value = 12 sheet(3, 2).Value = 17 sheet.Rows(3).OutlineLevel = 2 sheet.Rows(3).Visible = False sheet(4, 1).Value = 12 sheet(4, 2).Value = 14 sheet.Rows(4).OutlineLevel = 2

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sheet.Rows(4).Visible = False sheet(5, 1).Value = "12 Total" sheet(5, 1).Style = totalStyle sheet(5, 2).Value = 31 sheet(5, 2).Formula = "SUBTOTAL(9,C4:C5)" sheet.Rows(5).OutlineLevel = 1 sheet(6, 1).Value = 34 sheet(6, 2).Value = 109 sheet.Rows(6).OutlineLevel = 2 sheet(7, 1).Value = "34 Total" sheet(7, 1).Style = totalStyle sheet(7, 2).Value = 109 sheet(7, 2).Formula = "SUBTOTAL(9,C7:C7)" sheet.Rows(7).OutlineLevel = 1 sheet(8, 1).Value = "Grand Total" sheet(8, 1).Style = totalStyle sheet(8, 2).Value = 140 sheet(8, 2).Formula = "SUBTOTAL(9,C4:C7)" sheet.Rows(8).OutlineLevel = 0 book.Save("c:\mybook.xls") System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\mybook.xls")End Sub


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; XLStyle totalStyle = new XLStyle(book); totalStyle.Font = new XLFont("Arial", 10, true, false); sheet[2, 1].Value = "Number"; sheet[2, 2].Value = "ID"; sheet[3, 1].Value = 12; sheet[3, 2].Value = 17; sheet.Rows[3].OutlineLevel = 2; sheet.Rows[3].Visible = false; sheet[4, 1].Value = 12; sheet[4, 2].Value = 14; sheet.Rows[4].OutlineLevel = 2; sheet.Rows[4].Visible = false; sheet[5, 1].Value = "12 Total"; sheet[5, 1].Style = totalStyle; sheet[5, 2].Value = 31; sheet[5, 2].Formula = "SUBTOTAL(9,C4:C5)"; sheet.Rows[5].OutlineLevel = 1; sheet[6, 1].Value = 34; sheet[6, 2].Value = 109; sheet.Rows[6].OutlineLevel = 2; sheet[7, 1].Value = "34 Total";

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sheet[7, 1].Style = totalStyle; sheet[7, 2].Value = 109; sheet[7, 2].Formula = "SUBTOTAL(9,C7:C7)"; sheet.Rows[7].OutlineLevel = 1; sheet[8, 1].Value = "Grand Total"; sheet[8, 1].Style = totalStyle; sheet[8, 2].Value = 140; sheet[8, 2].Formula = "SUBTOTAL(9,C4:C7)"; sheet.Rows[8].OutlineLevel = 0; book.Save(@"c:\mybook.xls"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\mybook.xls"); }

4. Run the program. The spreadsheet will open and look similar to the following:

The SUBTOTAL formulas get the sum of the specified rows.

Formatting CellsTo format the cells of a book, complete the following steps:

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.C#

// Create a new workbook to be savedC1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

2. Add some content to the workbook, create a new style and apply the styles to the cells in the first column ofthe sheet.C#

// Create a new style XLStyle style1 = new XLStyle(book); style1.ForeColor = Colors.Yellow; style1.BackColor = Colors.Blue; style1.Format = "$ .00";// Add content and apply styles to cells in first column of sheet XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; int i; for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {

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sheet[i, 0].Value = i + 1; sheet[i, 0].Style = style1; }

3. Save and open the workbook.C#

// Save and open the filebook.Save(@"C:\test.xls");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\test.xls");

Importing and Exporting OpenXml Files (WPF)Excel for WPF can now read and write Microsoft Excel 2007 OpenXml files. OpenXml is an open, standards-basedformat introduced by Microsoft in Office 2007. OpenXml files are easier to manipulate by applications becauseOpenXml is based on XML and is publicly documented, as opposed to proprietary binary formats, such as BIFF8.OpenXml files contain a number of XML files compressed using Zip compression. Because they are compressed,OpenXml files are usually much smaller than traditional document files, such as .doc and .xls files.

Excel for WPF can load and save data and formatting information in OpenXml files; however, formulas are not loadedor saved. They are copied in BIFF format as opaque, which is not supported by the OpenXML format at this time. Ifyou load files containing formulas and then save them, the formulas will be removed. This is in contrast to thetraditional .xls, or BIFF8, format, which preserves the formulas.

To support the OpenXml format, the C1XLBook Load and Save methods received overloads that take a FileFormatparameter that is used to specify the file format to use when loading or saving files.

If the file name is not specified, then Excel for WPF infers the file format from the file name extension: files with an"XLSX" and "ZIP" extension are loaded and saved as OpenXml files, by default. Other files are loaded and saved asBIFF8, or .xls, format.

For example:


// load and save relying on file extension book.Load("somefile.xls"); // load biff 8 file book.Save("somefile.xlsx"); // save file as OpenXml book.Save("somefile.zip"); // save file as OpenXml // load and save specifying the FileFormat book.Load("somefile.xls", FileFormat.Biff8); book.Save("somefile.xlsx", FileFormat.OpenXml);

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You can also specify the format when loading or saving files to and from streams. If the FileFormat is not specified,then Excel for WPF uses the BIFF8 format as a default.

Note that there is a small behavior change implied here. Consider the statement below: book.Save("somefile.xlsx");

In previous versions of Excel for WPF, this would save a BIFF8 file (with the wrong extension). Now, this will save anOpenXml file (with the correct extension). If you have code like this in your applications, you should change it to thefollowing when upgrading: // deliberately save file with wrong extension book.Save("somefile.xlsx", FileFormat.Biff8);

To export a book to an OpenXml file, complete the following steps:

1. Load an existing book:Visual Basic

Dim wb As New C1XLBook()wb.Load("C:\test.xlsx")' orDim wb As New C1XLBook()wb.Load("C:\test.xlsx", C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml)


C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();wb.Load(@"C:\test.xlsx");// orC1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();wb.Load(@"C:\test.xlsx", C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml);

2. Export the book to an OpenXml Format file:Visual Basic

Dim wb As New C1XLBook()' Add some contentDim sheet As XLSheet = wb.Sheets(0)Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 9 sheet(i,0).Value = i + 1 Next i' Export to OpenXml Format filewb.Save("C:\test.xlsx")' or' Export to OpenXml Format filewb.Save("C:\test.xlsx", C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml)


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C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();// Add some contentXLSheet sheet = wb.Sheets[0]; for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++){ sheet[i,0].Value = i + 1; }// Export to OpenXml Format filewb.Save(@"C:\test.xlsx");// or// Export to OpenXml Format filewb.Save(@"C:\test.xlsx", C1.WPF.Excel.FileFormat.OpenXml);

Saving a CSV File (Silverlight)Excel for Silverlight supports saving and loading comma-separated values (CSV) files. CSV is a common file formatthat stores tabular data, including numbers and text, in plain text form for easy readability.

The following code provides an example of how to save a .csv file.

1. Add a reference to C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll.2. Add a standard TextBox control to the page and name it txt_Status.3. Add a Button control to the page and name it _btnSave.4. Select View | Code and add one of the following statements at the top of the form:

Visual Basic

Imports C1.Silverlight.Excel


using C1.Silverlight.Excel;

5. Create a new C1XLBook named _book and add a sheet with some values to the book. Use the following code:


public partial class MainPage : UserControl { C1XLBook _book = new C1XLBook(); public MainPage() { InitializeComponent();

XLSheet sheet = _book.Sheets[0];

for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { sheet[i, 0].Value = i + 1; sheet[i, 1].Value = 10 - i;

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} }}

6. Then add the following code that will save the book to a CSV file when the user clicks the button. The text boxwill show updates when the file is saving and when it is finished saving.


private void _btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dlg = new SaveFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "Comma-Separated Values (*.csv)|*.csv"; if (dlg.ShowDialog().Value) { try { // information txt_Status.Text = string.Format("Saving {0}...", dlg.SafeFileName);

// save workbook using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile()) { _book.Sheets[0].SaveCsv(stream); } txt_Status.Text = string.Format("Saved {0}", dlg.SafeFileName); ; } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.Message); } } }

7. Click View | Designer to switch back to Design view.8. Select the button and in the Visual Studio Properties window, click the Events tab.9. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Click event and select _btnSave_Click to link the event to the code you

just added.10. Press F5 to run the project, and then click the button.11. Save the file to the desired location and then open the file. It should look similar to this image:

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Setting the Calculation Mode for a WorkbookThe CalculationMode property specifies the calculation mode for all formulas in the workbook. The CalculationModeenumeration provides three options: Manual (you manually perform the calculation), Auto (the calculation isautomatically performed), or AutoNoTable (the calculation is performed except on tables).

To set the calculation mode, follow these steps:

1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.C#

// Create a new workbookC1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

2. Add a simple formula using the following code:C#

XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];// simple formula sheet[7, 0].Value = "Formula: 5!"; sheet[7, 1].Value = 122; sheet[7, 1].Formula = "1*2*3*4*5"; book.CalculationMode = CalculationMode.Auto;

3. Save and open the .xlsx file.C#

// Save and open the filebook.Save(@"C:\test.xlsx");System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\test.xlsx");

Notice that the value for the cell in (7,1) is 120, or the total of 1*2*3*4*5, not 122, since we set theCalculationMode to Auto.

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C1Excel SamplesPlease be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demoswhich may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.

Please refer to pre-installed product samples through the following path:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF


Documents\ComponentOne Samples\Silverlight

WPF Sample Description

Formulas This sample demonstrates how to use formulas in your spreadsheets.

HelloWorld This sample shows how to create a workbook.

Styles This sample demonstrates how to use styles, such as fonts, borders, background colorsand so on, in spreadsheets.

Silverlight Sample Description

AutoSizeColumns The sample loops through all cells measuring their contents, then sets the column widthsbased on the widest entry. This sample takes into account the cell contents, format andfont. It does not account for content wrapping or merging. This sample uses theC1XLBook component.

CombineSheets This sample scans all the .xlsx files in a folder, clones the first sheet, renames it with thefile name, and adds the cloned sheets to a master workbook. It then saves the combinedworkbook into a file and opens that. This sample uses the C1XLBook component.

ExcelDemos This sample shows three different example spreadsheets: one creates a simple HelloWorld spreadsheet, the second creates a spreadsheet with formulas, and the thirdcreates a spreadsheet using styles, such as font, borders, background colors, and so on.

ExcelFormulas This sample demonstrates how to use formulas in your spreadsheets.

HelloWorld This sample actually does more than save a "Hello World" document. It shows how tocreate workbooks, assign names to the worksheets, create styles and assign them tocells, assign content to cells, and save workbooks. This sample uses the C1XLBookcomponent.

PrintSettings This sample has a Load button that opens an existing XLS file and shows the printsettings for the first sheet. You can modify the print settings, then click the Save buttonto save a new file (in the c:\temp folder). The new file is then displayed in Excel . Thissample uses the C1XLBook component.

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