excerpt (60+ pages) - heart of wisdom

Praise for The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach Robin Sampson has put together a jewel of a package. This approach is written to appeal to many different learning methods using Charlotte Mason's philosophy of learning, her own Bible first philosophy, and the Biblical Hebraic method of education. The creative way of melding Charlotte Mason and the four basic learning styles has produced a approach that is truly a conduit to life long learning. Robin gently leads us to this place of light yet highly encourages delight directed learning at the same time. When you ignite a spark of interest in your child, lay aside the schedule/timetable and watch them fly! Children who are learning by choice will retain and enjoy so much more than those who are forced to study topics of no interest to them. There are comprehensive helps on making timeline books and portfolios, all with lots of illustrations and examples. Robin has obviously spent time in prayer and more prayer while she pre-pared these studies. Her writings are thoughtful, insightful and joyful and have been a labor of love from her whole family, I'm quite sure! Enjoy, Excite, Examine, Expand, and Excel! You may never go back to any other way of learning. —Heidi Shaw, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Robin Sampson has her own approach for sparking the love of learning in your child's heart. If you are a Charlotte Mason fan, you should love the way the lessons are presented. She combines Charlotte Mason's time-tested approach with Marilyn Howshall's ideas. The Heart of Wisdom approach adds the 4Mat System of learning and you have a method that appeals to all learning styles. If you like combining unit studies and the Charlotte Mason approach, with a heavy emphasis on Bible study, then you'll love the Heart of Wisdom approach—Mary Pride, Practical Homeschooling Magazine. Using Heart of Wisdom has been a life-changing experience for our entire family. We spend more time together in God's Word and are growing in our understanding together! Learning Israel's history has been a tremendous benefit to understanding all of history, past, present, and future. Also, learning about our Hebrew roots has brought new life to our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are just beginning the Wisdom and are gleaning so much already. I know that God orchestrated Heart of Wisdom becoming part of our homeschooling.—Customer Using the Heart of Wisdom Approach We are very excited about this "renewed" style of learning and the Hebrew based education that has become the center of our lives. We are so very grateful for everything that Robin has created within Heart of Wisdom. The books she has written and the resources that are shared within Heart of Wisdom are phenomenal. Heart of Wisdom has paved the way to many an enlightened discussion in our Bible studies and around our lunch and dinner tables. Thank you for such enrichment.—Customer Using the Heart of Wisdom Approach i Sample Pages from The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach ©2005

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