exchange between and evening bulletin - university...

Ijpfip Vt1"Mi,!lPirffvfr vn fmvfrm-r- - H T. J fi Tho Bulletin is the Medium of Exchange between the. Advertiser and trhe Reader In order to Get To Increase -- THE NEW- S- Evening Bulletin Merchants -- TRADE- Must. . . You must TAKE '? Advertise in the . . . . The Bulletin Paper that's READ Vol. V. No. 1011). HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15), 1898. 1'moB 5 Cunts. IN THE FIGHTING FRONT MEMORY OF ANTONE ROSA TWO JUDICIAL DECISIONS r. r 0 n (y i , V it -- 5..W: - . - r .du.7' For a pleasant dny Saturday, thank Captain Cnrapboll and T. J. King who raised tho money to carry" on tho sports; 0. S. Orane, Guy Goro and S. E. P.Taylor who tnada all arrangement for tho events; Onptain Bergor and tho band for music; Obns. Wilson, for starting the races off without .delay and, last but not least, A. G. M. 11 bertson, who introduced in tho Houso of Representatives tho bill that has mado September 18 a public holiday. Tho aquatic sports in the harbor on Reuaita Day, Saturday, Sep- tember IT, can be called uothing other lhau a groat bucc-'s- b. The ovoiiU woro ull started oif with dispatch and thoro seemod to 1)3 on all bands spirit of Bport. Tho ships in the harbor woro prettily decorated with flags and bunting and small craft woro continually plying to and fro with pooplo out to see the fun. Tho boat houses of tho Myrtlo and Hoalani craws woro prettily decorated. Tho judges' stand, a largo scow, was auoUored iu the stream off tho Inter-Islau- d wharf. Tho races wero run off in tho following order: 1 . Fivo oared wbaleboat race. Spnr buoy courso. Won by Dawoy of U. S. S. Philadelphia iu li'J m. General Gordon, 6CCond, with time of 22 tlat. Pilot boat No. 2dis-qualfii- ed on account of foul at turning point, claimed by D.oy and allowed ''by judged. Time, 18i in. 5J. Six oare'd sliding soil birgo. Course Judgos' stand, out ohau-no- l to spar buoy, passing muiuh tin port nido aud back to ntnrt Won by Healani of H. Y. & B. 0. in 12 m. 30 s. Myrtlo of M. B. 0., second with time of 12 m. CO s. Alico M withdrawn. 3. Tho first class yacht raco, mentioned elsewliore. 1 Diving for timo. Won by Kuaiwa. Timo, 48 1-- 5 s. Kawika second, fraction of a second before win nor. Believed to be a sot up job between tho two nutives. Timo vory bad. 5 Two oared ehoro boat race. Course From start, out chanuol to and nround Brat can buoy, keoping on port sido in turning, i2mck to starting point. Four en- tries. "Won by No. 28 in 8 m . 1 2-- 5 s. Minnie, second, 8 m. 7s. Mnhina pullod winning boat. gig raco Courso Spar iSixWred by Kauoelani in 17 ra. second, 17 ra 27 h. Both boats loaky. Raco well pulled. Only natives in the crews. 7. Swimming race, ICO yards 8tright away. Won by Kimokeo in 1 in. 18 d. llenoar, second. Slight dissatisfaction ovor deci sion of judges, llenoar reacueu bargo first while Kimokoo crossed imaginary lino first nnd was de- clared winrer. 8. Six paddlo canoo raco. Course Start from lino of Bpar and far away buoys and finish at judu'os' stand. Fivo entries. Won by Kakaako iu 10 m. 51s. Leilani, second, 11 m. 15 s. 9. Second class yacht race. Start Itoturn Time Malolo l2:!HJf 2:22:25 2:17:33 I'okll 12.07 5 2:2fl:2i) 2:13:29 Pauline 12:I0J 2M3 2:33 AbbloM....12:llU 2:27 2:37:00 Pokii doclared winnor with Ma lnln, second and Abbio M. third. Paulino did not go ovor tho courso. 10. Punt race rowed and steer with shovels. Won by Orowloy in 7 ra. 11 s. Fassour, second. 11. Four oarod sliding seat bargo. Course Judges' stand around spar buoy to finish. Won by Myrtlo in lCra. 31s. Alf. Rodgers, second 15m. 35s. Alice M., third. All threo boats from M. B. 0. 12. Tub race. Course Like liko wharf to judges' stand. Ten entries. Won by Yitting in 3m. 50c. J. K., second. 13. Twolve oarod cutter race man of war boats orily. Course Spar buoy coursdi Won by Chips in 17in. 55s. Wela ka Han, s'coud, 18m. GOs. 14. Diviniz for distance. Won ly Kona boy. Kuaiwa, second. Distance observed but not measured. 15. Stearaef boat raoe. Four entries and three prizes. AVon by Leliua in lGm. 27s. Kaona, sououd, lGm. 39s. Mauna Loa, third, 17m. 8s. 10. Sailing cauoo raco. Fivo entries. Won by Maui Boy in 23m. Niaulani, second, 23m. 20s. 17. Half mile swimming raco. Six entries. Won by Kuaiwa in 14m. IDs. Gilman, second, 14m. 27s. Royal make the food pure, wholesome and dtllclaas. POWDER Absolutely Puro ROVM. tUKIM POWDER CO., NfW VMK. dy- - 18. Four oared dingy raco. Four ontrios. Won by John A. Briggs in 19m. 37s. Nevor You Mind, second, 19m. 4Gs. Tho officers of tho day woro as follows: Judgos 0 B Wilson, Capt 0 J Campbell, Clias B Gray. Starter 0 B Wilson. Timo-keopo- rs Louis Marks, A T Brock, Chris Willis, Gornner Jaffo of tho Philadelphia. Recorders John W Short, W II Charlock Jr. Clork of Course Captain E H Parkor. The Myrtlo flag was not at half, mast although thoro wero sorao who got tno two flacpnlos mixed so that tho flag gave suoh an Cateror Chapman provided an excellent table on tho judges' stand. Ho was choson agaiu this year on account of his oxcellent work last year. John Ena, family and friends occupied tho Mikahala, anchored near tho judges' staud. Tho band occupied n position on the Harvester at tho Paciflo Mail Wharf. The decision in tho first class yuoht raoe was withheld on ac- count of tho time allowanco to bo calculated. The summary of tho raco is as follows: Start Itelurn Timo Hawaii 11:01:10 2:M! 3:50:13 Marlon 11:02:30 :i:0 1:34 4:00:57 Ilonuto I) 11:02: j 2: 15 3:12:31 Tho undor-taudin- c bofore thn raco was that tue Bonnie Dundoe should allow tho other two yachts tho amount of time by which sho beat them in 1890. This was 29m. 17s. for tho Hawtii aud 35:02 for tho Marion. This gives the time as follows: Hawaii, 3:21:33; Ma- rion, 3:20:02; Bonnie Dundee (actual timo) 3:42:10. Tho Ha- waii is therofore winnor, Marion Bocond and Bonnie Dundeo, third. HIS ARM BROKEN. Attornoy Gonornl Smith is found to lmvo his right arm broken close to tho wrist joint. This was discovored by Dr. Wood through an examin ation undor the X rays at tho Queen's hospital this morning. Mr. Smith drove to his privttto oflico beforo going to tho hospital. Mr. Dolo said this afternoon that tho Commission was getting along woll, and would probably complete its labors horo Wed nesday or Thursday. Pos-Bibl- y ono of tho Hawaiian morabors would follow tho Ameri can morabors to Washington bo foro Congrnss nssombled. Letter from Chaplain of the First Ca- lifornia Volunteers. Captain McKlnnon Played an Important Part In Battle and Surrender Cousin of J. W. McDonald. J. W. McDonald of this city by tho steamship Senator a lottor from his cousin W. D. n chaplain of tho First of California regimont that partici- pated in the light at Manila. The letter is written on tho official let- ter paper of tho "Gobiorno Goner-ill- , do Filipinas, Secrotaria, Par- ticular." a Tho letter says: "Wo aro in full possession of Manila without oven having a good battle. We had sevoral skirmishes nnd alto gather tho Americans had 23 kill- ed and about 80 wounded. My regiment had four killed and one captain nnd threo privates and 1G wounded. , "1 hnd a plight wound in the thigh but it has entirely healed up or almost so. It oamo near being quite serious. I Baid noth- ing about it at tho timo as I did not want it cabled back home. It was only n flesh wound so I thought i could doctor it myself. But under my treatment it becarao ft very ugly soro. "1 was under fire every time tho boys wero and had several narrow escapes. One bullet wont through my hat and nuothor through my coat, right across tho buck, burning my back clear across; an inch nearor and it would have killed mo. But now all is ovor nnd thank God I am feeling O. K. "Tho California regimont gavo a fino account if itself and has tho reputation of being tho crack "Wo have our headquarters now in tho Palaco of the Governor General. It is quite a contrast to boiug in camp. Though living in a Palaco wo still havo the pork and beans diot. Manila is a rich city with many palatial homes. "I was tho first American iu. I carao in threo days bofoie tho troops aud interviowed tho Arch bishop nnd Govornor General I also flattor invsolf that my com ing in saved many livos, as I in duced thom to surrender after only a show of rosistnnoo (Just enough to satisfy Spanish honor), it was n risky undertaking but 1 felt I was justified whou tho good to bo accomplished was so groat. I walked right up to thoir guns without a llag of truco or anything olse. It was not a ploasant son-satio- n to boo three or four thou- sand guns all looking your way. They fired on me but thanks to Spauiih marksmanship, I escaped. "Tho Gouoral congratulated mo publicly and said it was 'tho bravest oct of tho whole war.' " There will bo n crickot match on Snturday betweou tho "Colonies" aud "All England." The Bergstrom Musio Co. nro making a lender of fifteen coat sheet musio. Get one of their lists of the lntost popular music. Bailefs Honolulu Cycler?. 231 King Street. lias been appolnlei agent In Hie Hawaiian IslanJs fur tlie famous "STORMER" Bicycle's Hell known for their ability tu stanJ harJ wear. They are LOW In price but HIGH In quality. They have MORGAN & WKIGIITS DOUBLE TUI1D TIRES, llukh Julnts, Tauber hangers. 11. Block chain onj every moJern Improvement, Enamel and tinWi eiual to any. fully guaranteej as tu material anJ workmanship In every way equal to high prlceJ ma chines for liar J work anJ wear. Price spot cash $40,00 LaJIctanJ gentlemen's In stock, Contracts taken to repair all punctures anJ keep! bike In cooJ orJer at J1.00 per month, Resolutions of Bar Ordered on Supreme Conrt Records. Several Barristers Pass Tributes Upon Tbelr Dead Brother The Term Opens Vlth Two Justices. "Wheroas, it has ploased tho Almighty to romovo by doath An-ton- o Boss, a member of the Bar this Court; "Resolved, that in tho untimely doath of Antono ltosa this com munily has lost a faithful citizen, and the Bar a brilliant as woll as valuablo mombor; "Resolved, that tho Bar hereby express to tho family of tho do ceased its sincoro nud heartfelt symputhy with thom iu thoir borcavement; "Resolved, that tho Court in struct tho Clork to spread these Resolutions upon tho Records of tho Court." Theso resolutions woro present- ed to tho Supremo Court by tho coinmiltoo of tho Bar appointed for the purpose, at tho opening of tho September term of that tribu- nal this morning. Feeling tributes wero paid to tho memory of tli9 dopartod bar- rister by Cecil Brown, W. A. Kinnoy, E. P. Dole, Ouas. Creigli ton, G. F. Little of Hilo, S. K. Kano aud Chief Justice Judd. In concluding his remarks tho Chief Justico mado formal ordor to spread tho resolutions upon the records. Cases from tho Fourth Circuit wore taken up first, as .Messrs. Littlo and Wiso of Hilo disiro to gut back to Hilo by toinoi row's steamer, bo as to be able to attend tho Kohala term of Circuit Court oponinc on October 5. Chief Justico Judd and Justice Whiting nro holding court without tho presence of Justico Frottr, who is engaged on tho Hawaiian Commission. FllATI'.UNAL, IJIIUXTOUY. Th IIullMln'a Plnn Wnrmty Commend- ed by the Hoclctlra. Tho plan which wns recently in- augurated by tho Bulletin to publish a Fraternal Socioty Directory of tho sooial and bonev-olo- ut organizations on the Islands, is being warmly praised by frater- nal folk and visitors who aro mom bors of ono or moro of tno socie- ties. As an attostation of fratomal endorsement undor tho head of "New ToJay" will bo found tho cards of Honolulu Comaudery No. 1, K. T.; Honolulu Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., and Oahu Lodgo No.l, K.of P. For a nominal figuro tho Bul-lct- in publishes tho card of f uttl sociotios iu tho Frnternal Directory, giving tho dato, pluco nnd timo of meetings. Should fipecial meetings bo called at any timo they will bo duly announced and moutiou mado of thom iu the local columns. This, too, without incurring any additional expouxe on the part of tho societies hold ing such mootings. Nothing of a similar nor such an advautagonus nature has bonn offoied to tho sociotios jn this city nor on the islands. Tho Bulletin at tho inception of the plan was actuntod by a do oiro to assist fratornalism, which has boon so instrumental in build ing up tho mntorial iuterosts nnd society iu tho Islands. It h pleas-in- g to know that its efforts aro ap- preciated. llenellt Concert Noon. Tho amateur orchestra will give a grand coucort at tho Y. Mv O. A. hull on tho ovoning of Tuesday, Oct. 4, when an interesting pro grrtra will bo presented. Sevoral now vocalists and instrumentalUiH aro to appear on this ocensim Tho concert is for tho boueht of the Y. M. 0. A. Eiectment Case Determined on Deed Thirty-si- x Years Old. Claim Lacking In Terms of Lease An Un- faithful Guardian Removed Land Sale Ordered. Judgo Perry has rendered an important decision on the jury waived ejectmout case of J. Kaco aud J. Waialealo vs. Kalnuiehn, Kaliaka, Kcnuui nud Mana. It was a claim for restitution of a eertain piece of land, 4 G5 acres in urea, situate in Hounuiau, Koun, Hawaii. The claim was baeod on a judgment iu the Circuit Court at Waitnen, Hawaii, and n Marshal's deed, on salo under execution, dated Jauuary 10, 1803. Al though tho records in tho original action have been lost, tho court rinds prima facie ovideuco iu the deed that tho execution issued. Levi Hnalelen wns the purchaser aud after his death tho adminis- trator of his estate conveyed the ihupunn of Honaunnu, including the land in question, to C. R. Bishop, who, on July 1, 1884, ex- ecuted a leaso to tho plaintiffs for fifteon years. 'They brouuht tho action under this lease. It having neon proved that Haalelea and his mccesiors havo from 1802 held advorso possession of the land' until tho recent bntry by tho de- fendants, .ludgo Pony finds for tho plaintiffs for tho restitution of the property claimed and for costs. Kinuey & Bui lou for plaintiffs; V. R. Castle aud P. L. Weavor for defendants. Judgo Stnuloy has filed n da- emon for the defendants in tho jury waived ejectment cose of Ka-l- ua Kiilmloanu vs.Kipahulu Sugar Co. Tno gr rand of tho decision is that tho leaso did not ere to tho condition by express words of forfeiture for wusto. Castle and Weaver for plaintiff; Kinney & liallou fordefondnnt. Judgo Perry lias granted tho potiiion of Laahia, a minor, by Maka, her stepgrtind father and next friend, to icmovo Akoi, her rdopfntnor, from her guanUaushin, for not faithfully discharging his trunt, and to appoint Maka iu- -s ead. Lyle A. Dickey for peti- tioner; J. T. Do J3olt for tho guardian. Joseph Rosa, guardian of his minor son Louis Richards, is licensed by order of Judgo Perry to sell real estato at Kikihnlo, Ho-m'uiil- u, at public auction nt tho Judiciary building on October 8, 1898. Judgo Perry is hearing tho peti- tion for partition of M. F. Scott and wife against E. N. Pilipo nnd others. Thurston for plaintiffs; Castlo and Weavor, Magoon and Sillimau and Kaulia for different defendants. Judge Hardy has petitioned for probate of the will of his daughter. The guard located at Paul Ison-hnr- g's ranch captured one of tho Nebraska voluutoers Saturday afternoon. Tho man hnd commit- ted no act of depredation but had crossod into tho road whore tho guard is stationed. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. F CREAftl BAKING nmm A Pare Orape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEAPS THE STANDARD vH 7 1 '4 1 . Ai 'i .

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Ijpfip Vt1"Mi,!lPirffvfr vn fmvfrm-r-- H



Tho Bulletin is the Medium of Exchange between the. Advertiser and trhe Reader

In order to Get To Increase-- THE NEW- S- Evening Bulletin Merchants


Must. . .You must TAKE'? Advertise in the

. . . . The Bulletin Paper that's READ

Vol. V. No. 1011). HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15), 1898. 1'moB 5 Cunts.











-- 5..W: - . -r .du.7'

For a pleasant dny Saturday,thank Captain Cnrapboll and T. J.King who raised tho money tocarry" on tho sports; 0. S. Orane,Guy Goro and S. E. P.Taylorwho tnada all arrangement fortho events; Onptain Bergor andtho band for music; Obns. Wilson,for starting the races off without

.delay and, last but not least, A. G.M. 11 bertson, who introduced intho Houso of Representatives thobill that has mado September 18

a public holiday.

Tho aquatic sports in the harboron Reuaita Day, Saturday, Sep-

tember IT, can be called uothingother lhau a groat bucc-'s- b. TheovoiiU woro ull started oif withdispatch and thoro seemod to 1)3

on all bands spirit of Bport. Thoships in the harbor woro prettilydecorated with flags and buntingand small craft woro continuallyplying to and fro with pooplo outto see the fun. Tho boat housesof tho Myrtlo and Hoalani crawsworo prettily decorated. Thojudges' stand, a largo scow, wasauoUored iu the stream off thoInter-Islau- d wharf.

Tho races wero run off in thofollowing order:

1 . Fivo oared wbaleboat race.Spnr buoy courso. Won by Dawoyof U. S. S. Philadelphia iu li'J m.General Gordon, 6CCond, with timeof 22 tlat. Pilot boat No. 2dis-qualfii- ed

on account of foul atturning point, claimed by D.oyand allowed ''by judged. Time,18i in.

5J. Six oare'd sliding soil birgo.Course Judgos' stand, out ohau-no- l

to spar buoy, passing muiuh tinport nido aud back to ntnrt Wonby Healani of H. Y. & B. 0. in12 m. 30 s. Myrtlo of M. B. 0.,second with time of 12 m. CO s.Alico M withdrawn.

3. Tho first class yacht raco,mentioned elsewliore.

1 Diving for timo. Won byKuaiwa. Timo, 48 1-- 5 s. Kawikasecond, fraction of a second beforewin nor. Believed to be a sot upjob between tho two nutives. Timovory bad.

5 Two oared ehoro boat race.Course From start, out chanuolto and nround Brat can buoy,keoping on port sido in turning,

i2mck to starting point. Four en-

tries. "Won by No. 28 in 8 m .

1 2-- 5 s. Minnie, second, 8 m. 7s.Mnhina pullod winning boat.

gig raco Courso SpariSixWred by Kauoelani in 17 ra.

second, 17 ra27 h. Both boats loaky. Racowell pulled. Only natives in thecrews.

7. Swimming race, ICO yards8tright away. Won by Kimokeoin 1 in. 18 d. llenoar, second.

Slight dissatisfaction ovor decision of judges, llenoar reacueubargo first while Kimokoo crossedimaginary lino first nnd was de-

clared winrer.8. Six paddlo canoo raco.

Course Start from lino of Bparand far away buoys and finish atjudu'os' stand. Fivo entries. Wonby Kakaako iu 10 m. 51s. Leilani,second, 11 m. 15 s.

9. Second class yacht race.

Start Itoturn TimeMalolo l2:!HJf 2:22:25 2:17:33I'okll 12.07 5 2:2fl:2i) 2:13:29Pauline 12:I0J 2M3 2:33AbbloM....12:llU 2:27 2:37:00

Pokii doclared winnor with Malnln, second and Abbio M. third.Paulino did not go ovor thocourso.

10. Punt race rowed and steerwith shovels. Won by Orowloyin 7 ra. 11 s. Fassour, second.

11. Four oarod sliding seatbargo. Course Judges' standaround spar buoy to finish. Wonby Myrtlo in lCra. 31s. Alf.Rodgers, second 15m. 35s. AliceM., third. All threo boats fromM. B. 0.

12. Tub race. Course Likeliko wharf to judges' stand. Tenentries. Won by Yitting in 3m.50c. J. K., second.

13. Twolve oarod cutter raceman of war boats orily. CourseSpar buoy coursdi Won by

Chips in 17in. 55s. Wela kaHan, s'coud, 18m. GOs.

14. Diviniz for distance. Wonly Kona boy. Kuaiwa, second.Distance observed but notmeasured.

15. Stearaef boat raoe. Fourentries and three prizes. AVonby Leliua in lGm. 27s. Kaona,sououd, lGm. 39s. Mauna Loa,third, 17m. 8s.

10. Sailing cauoo raco. Fivoentries. Won by Maui Boy in 23m.Niaulani, second, 23m. 20s.

17. Half mile swimming raco.Six entries. Won by Kuaiwa in14m. IDs. Gilman, second, 14m.27s.

Royal make the food pure,wholesome and dtllclaas.

POWDERAbsolutely Puro


dy- -

18. Four oared dingy raco. Fourontrios. Won by John A. Briggsin 19m. 37s. Nevor You Mind,second, 19m. 4Gs.

Tho officers of tho day woro asfollows:

Judgos 0 B Wilson, Capt 0 JCampbell, Clias B Gray.

Starter 0 B Wilson.Timo-keopo- rs Louis Marks, A

T Brock, Chris Willis, GornnerJaffo of tho Philadelphia.

Recorders John W Short, WII Charlock Jr.

Clork of Course Captain E HParkor.

The Myrtlo flag was not at half,mast although thoro wero soraowho got tno two flacpnlos mixedso that tho flag gave suoh an

Cateror Chapman provided anexcellent table on tho judges'stand. Ho was choson agaiu thisyear on account of his oxcellentwork last year.

John Ena, family and friendsoccupied tho Mikahala, anchorednear tho judges' staud.

Tho band occupied n positionon the Harvester at tho PacifloMail Wharf.

The decision in tho first classyuoht raoe was withheld on ac-

count of tho time allowanco tobo calculated.

The summary of tho raco is asfollows:

Start Itelurn TimoHawaii 11:01:10 2:M! 3:50:13Marlon 11:02:30 :i:0 1:34 4:00:57Ilonuto I) 11:02: j 2: 15 3:12:31

Tho undor-taudin- c bofore thnraco was that tue Bonnie Dundoeshould allow tho other two yachtstho amount of time by which shobeat them in 1890. This was 29m.17s. for tho Hawtii aud 35:02 fortho Marion. This gives the timeas follows: Hawaii, 3:21:33; Ma-

rion, 3:20:02; Bonnie Dundee(actual timo) 3:42:10. Tho Ha-

waii is therofore winnor, MarionBocond and Bonnie Dundeo, third.


Attornoy Gonornl Smith isfound to lmvo his right armbroken close to tho wristjoint. This was discovoredby Dr. Wood through an examination undor the X rays at thoQueen's hospital this morning.Mr. Smith drove to his privtttooflico beforo going to tho hospital.

Mr. Dolo said this afternoonthat tho Commission was gettingalong woll, and would probablycomplete its labors horo Wednesday or Thursday. Pos-Bibl- y

ono of tho Hawaiianmorabors would follow tho American morabors to Washington boforo Congrnss nssombled.

Letter from Chaplain of the First Ca-

lifornia Volunteers.

Captain McKlnnon Played an Important Part In

Battle and Surrender Cousin

of J. W. McDonald.

J. W. McDonald of this cityby tho steamship Senator a

lottor from his cousin W. D. n

chaplain of tho First ofCalifornia regimont that partici-pated in the light at Manila. Theletter is written on tho official let-

ter paper of tho "Gobiorno Goner-ill- ,

do Filipinas, Secrotaria, Par-


Tho letter says: "Wo aro infull possession of Manila withoutoven having a good battle. Wehad sevoral skirmishes nnd altogather tho Americans had 23 kill-

ed and about 80 wounded. Myregiment had four killed and onecaptain nnd threo privates and 1Gwounded. ,

"1 hnd a plight wound in thethigh but it has entirely healedup or almost so. It oamo nearbeing quite serious. I Baid noth-ing about it at tho timo as I didnot want it cabled back home. Itwas only n flesh wound so Ithought i could doctor it myself.But under my treatment it becaraoft very ugly soro.

"1 was under fire every timetho boys wero and had severalnarrow escapes. One bullet wontthrough my hat and nuothorthrough my coat, right across thobuck, burning my back clearacross; an inch nearor and itwould have killed mo. But nowall is ovor nnd thank God I amfeeling O. K.

"Tho California regimont gavoa fino account if itself and has thoreputation of being tho crack

"Wo have our headquarters nowin tho Palaco of the GovernorGeneral. It is quite a contrast toboiug in camp. Though living ina Palaco wo still havo the pork andbeans diot. Manila is a rich citywith many palatial homes.

"I was tho first American iu. Icarao in threo days bofoie thotroops aud interviowed tho Archbishop nnd Govornor GeneralI also flattor invsolf that my coming in saved many livos, as I induced thom to surrender after onlya show of rosistnnoo (Just enoughto satisfy Spanish honor), it wasn risky undertaking but 1 felt Iwas justified whou tho good to boaccomplished was so groat. Iwalked right up to thoir gunswithout a llag of truco or anythingolse. It was not a ploasant son-satio- n

to boo three or four thou-sand guns all looking your way.They fired on me but thanks toSpauiih marksmanship, I escaped.

"Tho Gouoral congratulated mopublicly and said it was 'thobravest oct of tho whole war.' "

There will bo n crickot match onSnturday betweou tho "Colonies"aud "All England."

The Bergstrom Musio Co. nromaking a lender of fifteen coatsheet musio. Get one of theirlists of the lntost popular music.

Bailefs Honolulu Cycler?.

231 King Street.

lias been appolnlei agent In Hie Hawaiian IslanJsfur tlie famous


Bicycle's Hell known for their ability tu stanJ harJwear.

They are LOW In price but HIGH In quality. Theyhave MORGAN & WKIGIITS DOUBLE TUI1DTIRES, llukh Julnts, Tauber hangers. 11. Block chainonj every moJern Improvement, Enamel and tinWieiual to any. fully guaranteej as tu material anJworkmanship In every way equal to high prlceJ machines for liar J work anJ wear. Price spot cash $40,00LaJIctanJ gentlemen's In stock,

Contracts taken to repair all punctures anJ keep!bike In cooJ orJer at J1.00 per month,

Resolutions of Bar Ordered on Supreme

Conrt Records.

Several Barristers Pass Tributes Upon Tbelr Dead

Brother The Term Opens Vlth

Two Justices.

"Wheroas, it has ploased thoAlmighty to romovo by doath An-ton- o

Boss, a member of the Barthis Court;"Resolved, that in tho untimely

doath of Antono ltosa this communily has lost a faithful citizen,and the Bar a brilliant as woll as

valuablo mombor;"Resolved, that tho Bar hereby

express to tho family of tho doceased its sincoro nud heartfeltsymputhy with thom iu thoirborcavement;

"Resolved, that tho Court instruct tho Clork to spread theseResolutions upon tho Records oftho Court."

Theso resolutions woro present-ed to tho Supremo Court by thocoinmiltoo of tho Bar appointedfor the purpose, at tho opening oftho September term of that tribu-nal this morning.

Feeling tributes wero paid totho memory of tli9 dopartod bar-rister by Cecil Brown, W. A.Kinnoy, E. P. Dole, Ouas. Creigliton, G. F. Little of Hilo, S. K.Kano aud Chief Justice Judd. Inconcluding his remarks tho ChiefJustico mado formal ordor tospread tho resolutions upon therecords.

Cases from tho Fourth Circuitwore taken up first, as .Messrs.Littlo and Wiso of Hilo disiro togut back to Hilo by toinoi row'ssteamer, bo as to be able to attendtho Kohala term of Circuit Courtoponinc on October 5.

Chief Justico Judd and JusticeWhiting nro holding court withouttho presence of Justico Frottr,who is engaged on tho HawaiianCommission.


Th IIullMln'a Plnn Wnrmty Commend-ed by the Hoclctlra.

Tho plan which wns recently in-

augurated by tho Bulletin topublish a Fraternal SociotyDirectory of tho sooial and bonev-olo- ut

organizations on the Islands,is being warmly praised by frater-

nal folk and visitors who aro mombors of ono or moro of tno socie-ties.

As an attostation of fratomalendorsement undor tho head of"New ToJay" will bo found thocards of Honolulu ComauderyNo. 1, K. T.; Honolulu ChapterNo. 1, R. A. M., and Oahu LodgoNo.l, K.of P.

For a nominal figuro tho Bul-lct- in

publishes tho card of f uttl

sociotios iu tho FrnternalDirectory, giving tho dato, pluconnd timo of meetings. Shouldfipecial meetings bo called at anytimo they will bo duly announcedand moutiou mado of thom iu thelocal columns. This, too, withoutincurring any additional expouxeon the part of tho societies holding such mootings.

Nothing of a similar nor suchan advautagonus nature has bonnoffoied to tho sociotios jn this citynor on the islands.

Tho Bulletin at tho inceptionof the plan was actuntod by a dooiro to assist fratornalism, whichhas boon so instrumental in building up tho mntorial iuterosts nndsociety iu tho Islands. It h pleas-in- g

to know that its efforts aro ap-

preciated.llenellt Concert Noon.

Tho amateur orchestra will givea grand coucort at tho Y. Mv O. A.hull on tho ovoning of Tuesday,Oct. 4, when an interesting progrrtra will bo presented. Sevoralnow vocalists and instrumentalUiHaro to appear on this ocensimTho concert is for tho boueht ofthe Y. M. 0. A.

Eiectment Case Determined on Deed

Thirty-si- x Years Old.

Claim Lacking In Terms of Lease An Un-

faithful Guardian Removed Land

Sale Ordered.

Judgo Perry has rendered animportant decision on the jurywaived ejectmout case of J. Kacoaud J. Waialealo vs. Kalnuiehn,Kaliaka, Kcnuui nud Mana. Itwas a claim for restitution of aeertain piece of land, 4 G5 acres inurea, situate in Hounuiau, Koun,Hawaii. The claim was baeod ona judgment iu the Circuit Court atWaitnen, Hawaii, and n Marshal'sdeed, on salo under execution,dated Jauuary 10, 1803. Although tho records in tho originalaction have been lost, tho courtrinds prima facie ovideuco iu thedeed that tho execution issued.Levi Hnalelen wns the purchaseraud after his death tho adminis-trator of his estate conveyed theihupunn of Honaunnu, includingthe land in question, to C. R.Bishop, who, on July 1, 1884, ex-

ecuted a leaso to tho plaintiffs forfifteon years. 'They brouuht thoaction under this lease. It havingneon proved that Haalelea and hismccesiors havo from 1802 heldadvorso possession of the land'until tho recent bntry by tho de-

fendants, .ludgo Pony finds fortho plaintiffs for tho restitution ofthe property claimed and for costs.Kinuey & Bui lou for plaintiffs;

V. R. Castle aud P. L. Weavorfor defendants.

Judgo Stnuloy has filed n da-

emon for the defendants in thojury waived ejectment cose of Ka-l- ua

Kiilmloanu vs.Kipahulu SugarCo. Tno gr rand of tho decisionis that tho leaso did not ere to thocondition by express words offorfeiture for wusto. Castle andWeaver for plaintiff; Kinney &

liallou fordefondnnt.Judgo Perry lias granted tho

potiiion of Laahia, a minor, byMaka, her stepgrtind father andnext friend, to icmovo Akoi, herrdopfntnor, from her guanUaushin,for not faithfully discharging histrunt, and to appoint Maka iu- -s

ead. Lyle A. Dickey for peti-tioner; J. T. Do J3olt for thoguardian.

Joseph Rosa, guardian of hisminor son Louis Richards, islicensed by order of Judgo Perryto sell real estato at Kikihnlo, Ho-m'uiil- u,

at public auction nt thoJudiciary building on October 8,1898.

Judgo Perry is hearing tho peti-tion for partition of M. F. Scottand wife against E. N. Pilipo nndothers. Thurston for plaintiffs;Castlo and Weavor, Magoon andSillimau and Kaulia for differentdefendants.

Judge Hardy has petitioned forprobate of the will of his daughter.

The guard located at Paul Ison-hnr- g's

ranch captured one of thoNebraska voluutoers Saturdayafternoon. Tho man hnd commit-ted no act of depredation but hadcrossod into tho road whore thoguard is stationed.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



A Pare Orape Cream of Tartar Powder.










Iff1! "r


r- -


Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.



No. 45 Queen Street.

Export Apprulueiueut of Ren!Estate and Furintiirn.


Mercantile ftgenc210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Special


Queen street, Honolulu, 11.1.

AGENTS FORhiwallin Aerlcul'ural Comptny, Onomea Sur.Company, Ifonomu Sugar Company, wallukiSugar Company, Wathcc Surar Company, MakeSugar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Kipapala Ranch. - rianttra' Line San KranclmPackeU, Chat. Brewer Sc Co.'a Line of BostoiPacket. Boston Board of UnderwriterAgents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.


P 0 Jones, Presidents George II Kobortson,Manager; E F Dlshop, Treasurer and Secretaryi Col. W F Allon, Auditors 0 M CooktII Waterhonso, A V Curler, Directors.


Wholesale Importers nnd Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limitkd).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd MnungeiOlaUB Bprockols, ... nt

W. M. Oiffhnl, - Secretary and TronsnreiThoo. O. Torter, ... Auditoi


Commission Agents.AC1KNTS " Tn"





Oor. Fort Hod (Jneen Streets. Honolulr.

Consolidated Soda Water Co., LD

ltiw p livnacio,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu


Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co. Ltd,121 Queen Street.

Carriage and Wngou Bullde's.


WILSON $ WHTEHOUSE,Sole Lieeiisoos Hawaiian Islands.

121 Qtieen Streot.

Jtowaiian FentilizinpCOMPANY

Is prepared to fuming

Nitrato of Soda, Bono Meal, raw ord!KSoled;I'lorl(lu and Udy Klliot InlandGuano, Sulplmto of Aiiiiiiniilii, Murlato

and Sulphate of l'otnsh ami Kainlto, Co-

ral I.I mo Stono and Manures. In quanti-

ties to Htlit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager

Manicuring and Chiropody.


GIG Fori Hired. Trtrph

Manicuring, Facial Massa- -

Uleetrlelty, tlunioolng mIllOllt.

.oii" lil!l.

,50,idS-.lll- i treat-101- 7


lleMence, 77,& m ?JJ ;,,nW S(

O1UC0 i... h.,2,.,I2loop. "' i.ovK HUII.DINU. Cornsnnd ill""" nH (Mrf,( uv ll0W j.rmehsIngrown

i(? imM n s painKng.ig" (110)1 lH ,M1i0 after olllco hours


Power of Attorney.Ditr'nt-'inyalene- o from the Hawall.iii

sliintl-- , MeKsrH. Wilson it Whitnliousewill act f r mo undor full powor of attot- -


Hmnlulii, II. I. Septo ma r 12th, IsOH.1017-a- t

The Everting IJulklin (jives ALLt7te neios for 76 cents a tnonm.

JSPJUP I'pPH"11 4"P,,"'-'WW- ' HfT"" " ' '" WW f.'WHH1 "' "WM Tit ppfn drkpJV r J




EGAN'S.Watch our show windows



ORGANDIES8.yards for 51

10 yards for $1

Quality of goods, considering

these prices, cannot be dupli-


New line of dress goods re-

ceived on the Australia.

EGAN'S,Fort Street..Architects, Contractors and Builders.


A.RCHITECT223 Merchant St,, Honolulu,

Between Fort and Alukca,Tklki'honk : : : 734


Contractor and Builder


Offices and Stores fitted up andEstimates ijlvcn on


Otllce and Shoo. No. BIO Fort streetW. W. Wrliiht'' Carriage Sliop.

To My Patrons and the Public

Having recovored from ray rrcent illness, I rim npnin propareitn do nil kinds of Tiupniith nixPlumbing work an lioretoforrThanking you for pnst fnvots,respectfully solicit n coiitimianctof tho Hiuno.

JAS, NDTT, Jr.81-1- .Tel.

Monuments and Headstones.

'fjjj, Ih projmrod to dowouk ok all kinds.

'." MONUMENTS and Fill ull tatlll

STONES of wl..'."" Jln m n Ureal va

rloty of tho latest ant. iIost Artistic1) ilgns.and will alio supply StoiW Cop.

.ng separately for surrounding cemo-ter- y

lots.BUT Estimates glvon In Mnrblo, Grr

ulto, Hawaiian Stono, etc.FIIED. IIAItltlS",,

ALLEN & RUBLN'jy,Dealers in Lnm- und Coa

na Building Mj(ltorial8 of a,Kinds,

-- flOO tront. Hnnnlnhi.

A New paint Shop.Having a

II. West,Decorator

.wKlated with M; .To,,;.i

i iiwetlenl IIouso l"f,,tor,ul Viuh1 l'ollslior. ., ai--

khulsr" fiW to give ostLatc, on all,; I work In that Hl.o.

' , Ve- -t having, had praetlcal ox- -

iwo of ovor twonty years 111 San, ,inlM-- and other largo cltloi on tlio

;' .mvt, wo fool eonlldent Hint ttny workjntrusted to us will glvo entlro witlsfac- -

m to our imlroni.Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

- on- -



all kiniU wild by us. Tho Fuming Is

Ju.t ihe Thin o:to lieaulify your grounds, and II Is im-

mutable. Call and Inspect It.W'o havo hiiiiio

(heat Jianjnina in Jlral Estate !

Hawaiian Iron Pocco and Monu-

mental Co.


It Solo ageney of tli Swift it Co,ihuik in? House 1'roducts of Cbieatro.



If you want MODKKN I'l.UMB-ING'a- t

MODKItN FKK'ES eniimili

Latewt deHlgns In Bath Tulw undLavatory Kuril 'H'r..

JOHN IMIILLII'S,1017 28 Hotel streot.



W. II. Cornwell is lioro fromMuni.

Oto. II. Fnirehild is down fromKnuni.

J. L Knnlnknn linn returnedfrom n vnciitinn spent on Knui,

Atnonc tlio nrrivn'fl from Jliinivo-tTdn- witm llv. S. Knpu nuilD. H. Knlinul-li- o,

Cnplnin C J Cnmpunll rccoivrdn fini span of liny cnrri'n li rscsin ihe tmrkfi'tiuo s. u lldcr

Tlirp will bo n bnnd conenrt inEinnm eqnnrp nt the usunl hourHub pvontng A lino program Iihhbppn nrrnt'god.

.T( lin Enn lino Fold Ihp lnrcn lotnpnr tbn Ppnp'cs Ipp "Worko onHor tnnin ctrppt. to Irs. Asbfordfor tho putn of S10.000.

G. "NV. Pnrkor of jMinnonpnli-nn- d

family will occupy Hip Wrdplinnsp plnco in Emmn streot during thoir stny in Honolulu.

Among tlioHo to Ipnvo for Mnlokii on tlio Lplmn this nftomoounrotho following: Marslinl Brown,J V Brown, A W Cnrtor nnd DMcCorriston.

Tho Kulnininn Socipty 1ms notiinndp'l in its momnrinl ns yetI ho Alohn Ainn n out for rostorntinn nnd hns hnnded in n memorinl to thnt offpet.

Thpro wn" n smnll hlnzo nt thphomo of John Colhurn, Kinnustrppt, nt about 10 o'clock Instnipht. TIip nlnrm wns tnrnori innnd Hipii bupkptn of wnter usedto extinguish the Gro.

A. Sohmpdpn, formprly n mem-ber of tho CiiRtom Houso force,rptnrneil from tho Conit Hntnrdny.Whilf. in Snn Frnneiapo ho wnrkdfor tho. Market Streot Knilrnn'On. nnd Iihr rppeiv.d n most flntpring recommendation from themalinger.

On August 15 two Ohinnmpnnrrivpd in port linvmg but onpprtificntp bptwppn thpm. On Senfpinbpr 3 two moro Chinnmcn nriveil, thov too hnving lint oiip cpr

tifientb bptween thorn. The Mnn-poli- nn

engnged nttomey Chnrlif--

I'lnrk, who pucreeded in IhihIhh'Iip four immipniuts on the two

pertificato", thp gnvprnmont denmnding now bonds which worefurnished.

I'ulrolllii; .llnnoji Vnllry.

Thoro is no doubt thnt Col.Barber intpiids to do tho rightthing in r gnid to property in tinsuburbs that is in danger of boir-- ,

looted by somo of th- - mnr(k

in, jnemborB of tho inilitaiyorai'H.

All dnv Bitiidnv soldiers on'jori-tibacl- t woro kept pntrolingalong the muiu Mnnoa rontls nndis brniiehi'B nnd nn odicer wasnlso on duty in tho vicinity.

Tim sultliors in tho valley fortho dny coufiued thomt-olve- s to therestful shado of trees nnd otogunvns.

Walling,, Acrenire.

Followie (, uvotho oorrect figuresof tho tni 0f jftn,j j Wnhinwn.

n,,.rtli tho home of tho McBrydes:Tntnl nren tho (itii foot

level, about JCllO bcib.Avon below Uvo 400 foot level,

about 3500 ncres.The east ond of tho laud, iboe

tho 100 foot level, is cut I ygulches.

Will Oo To Million.

A party compoecd of PrincessKaiulnui, Mibs Holen Parkor,MiBs Vidn and other young Indieswill move up to the nmuntaiuhomo of JtiH. II. Boyd, Mnuoa, to-

morrow to upoud a week or so intho enjoyment of all that thaiplnco tdTords.

Tho ubo ot tho Singor m mil-lin- ns

of homes shows tho unpre-cedented Huccots of those idealHewing mnchiues. It is convinc-ing proof thnt the Singpr oxcolfin all kinds of family sowing andart noedlo work. All our howint'mnchiues are of tho boat construction, beautifully decorated, andare mounted on solected woods intiii-l- finished cabinets of nrtistiodeBit'OB, B. Bergorson, ngeut, 1GJbethol street.

Svuttlo llevr.

This ever popular Rnnior booris becoming a housohold wordand "will you linvo a glass ofSeattlrt" is moro often heard thaniiiyihinu olso. Tho OiituiiouSalimn lmvo tho beor on tap or inbottles.

Fraternal Societies.

11ABMON1 LODGE No. 3.I. O O .

MectK overy Monday evening nt 7:30,In Harmony Hull, King

O. I.. KOHHKNSiiN, N. O.11 U. HKNDltY, Seen-tary- .

All vlilthiB brothers very eordlallyInvited. 1003

HAWAIIAN THIHE n. 1,Imprtiv.d Oulor of lpd Mn.

Meets on tlionceond and fourth Fridayof ciii-l- i month, nl 7:.1() p. in., In Knl;litsif l'ythias Hall, Fort streot. VIMtlngbrothers aro eortlially Invited to iitlcntlH .t.SAi;i'KIt,Snclii,iii; J.F.KCKAHDT,Chief of HeeoriN. 1003

MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P.,Meets every Wednesday evening nt

iSHMi eioeK, i. iistio J l nl I, l'nrt ctreet.Visiting brothers t'ordinlly Invited tonttenil.1015 A. li. JlOUltlS, K. It. 8.

4 titmmHotels and Restaurants.


Oilers apcelal Inducements In comfortand excellence to travelers nnd families.

A notably eloan kitehen; prompt anilollto fervfeo to gnosis.

WSrriri.t-i-l.i- si KKSTAUHANT

W. K. A.IUU., Proprietor.Tolephono 800. V. O. Box 710. 1010

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

fhe Best Lunch itiTowr

Tea and Coffeeat ali. noons.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAT8 ON HANt.

The Elite Ice CreamParlors

108 HOTEL 8TRBBTOakes and Candies,

Fine Ice Dream.y

OurrMaMlshmrnt l the fintv reit( In the cityCall anj n-- u Open till n u'cIkIc r. m

Excelsior Dining Saloon3M Nl'UAXU ST., HOTEL ST.

CHAS. LIND, PropY.Flrst-cla- meals, under tho supervis-

ion of n while man, aorved from C a. in.to8 p. in. MKAI.S TWKNTY-F- I VK CIh.

Experienced Catef,j. w. cilwman

Ainioilllees to tho. pul,i0 that bo Ih now

open for ogngomoni, lo tako chargo of

''iqllots, IUIIh, bhmors and Gardon

Parties, Social'., etc.

AiMrufwfetro Union Kxpross Company

H Bakery 11ostanran

And Ice Cream Parlors.E. POl'I'LKTOX. M'n'it.

Tills Is a modern Amorleanrestaurant. Excellent meals for 2.r cents.

No. 629 FORT SThEET.


Seaside Eesort(LATC SARATOGA)

W a. i 1c i lc i .


.Tlio most delightful spot Inthe Islands. Extensive Improvementsbeing niatlo for tho entertainment of

the public. Cottages for rent. BowlingAlley und Coll'eo Uarden.

A Klood of Kleetrio LI lit!FinoHcu Bathing!

Booms by the day, week or mouth.Telephone 889. 1013

Dewey Restaurant.A First-clas- s Itosort In overy rospoct.

Tho l)ost iri eont inoal to bo had.1CK CHUAM 15 OKNTB A l'LATK.

LOOK HOP it CO.,1008 Borotunla and Fort stronts.

To Let.A eottago containing fivo rooms and

jMlt of a house, situated eoruor of AdamsUino and Union stroot. Apply at llul-lotl- n

olllco. loH-t- f


These Lots Are Now Offered on Easy Terms:




























11 13

Sold Sold



itjfmtXS ' I' riAiA, lLr,

95 a95-- ""

- I ?

95 95


O 8iH



m CO




ia 8



oilj 95

2 1

95 95





210 King street. Telephone 2?6.

The Remington TypewriterHAS BEEN AWARDED

Diploma of Honor


tJiS1 This is tho Highest Possible Award, rankingabovo a Gold Modal.

H. HACKFELD & CO. LtdSole Dealers.

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just Orened "Up anInvoice of . . .

Sc&jiiwLifilq's BiSJ TbsCONSIflTINO OF

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Owe tbem a trial. Money back tt yon don't like them, Also, Joat received (

Choice Block Butter, Kits Crearaory Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Harris, Crackors and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef, 'Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. J

Chas. Husface?

212 King street, next to tho Arlington.


















Pawaa TractI

McCULLl8 5 M8j

in v JJ I


t8-- t8 5

4.O ON


Q4 VW 10


j VJ 10

- 4

.. to" O "w

.. to 10" vO 10

4 141

5 CO

1415 '" '--


The abovo Lots will Sold


Telephone Box 145


Groceries, Provisions and Feedpooilo received packet States Europe.

IFRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE EVERY STEAMER.onlorM (nlUiftilly atloniloi) dxltvered

ANY PART CITYGone-ni- Agents tho Sanitarium brand Health Poods.

Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

East Corner Fort and King Sts.Beer Wine Dealers.


Wine ill Lipr Dealers,(or the Deer o(


P. O. Doxijt. Telephone jo8



MANUt'Acrrimnn 11 v

T. KEVEN.Depot, 536 Queen St.I'amlllos supplied at SI po' Mllnrts



It can bo obtalnod In nil of orig-

inal purity the original Drohniu.justly funiod Is particularly

adaptod for tho clliuato of Honolulu.tG&.niinlly 11 spoclnlty.

N. UUIIIIAM.Dopot 17 KonlnP. O.

A roHomblanco to Iloor,VroniKentlHh Hops." An ndmlrablo Imitation." LondonTimes.



5-- .!"


03 00--a



vj O "

Hto --a

"" 03


O n "

140.7 140.

8 COno


be on

92. p. o.

. . . IN. . . .

New liy every from the anilBY

All to, and uondTO OF THE FREE.

for of



Acents RoltleJ Kalnler Srattte.No.

Foster Dlock, ISLANDS



('0'- -



This boor


htroot.llax 185.


SODA032. 10U



E'w W'"iPypQPfll"J n,,m yjupiyyiyt',, '

THE EVKN1NO JtfLLETJN: HONOLULU, H. I., SEPTEMBER in, Ib'Jg.""wwwwinimnmwuiiTiwiiBHiuwui



igents forWestern Sugar Kellnery Co. of Ban

Francisco.Haldwiu Looomotlve Works of Fhiln- -

delnhin, Ptmu.. 0. 8 X.Nowoll Universal Mill Co. (National

tinue Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.M.OhUudt & Oo's Chemical Fertilizers.Alox dross & Boas, hteh grade fortll

Izers for Uane and Coffee.lteods Steam 1'ipo Covering

llsoOffer for SaleParnfflno 1'alnt Oo's V & B Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Linseed oils, rawana boiled,

(a cold water paint) in whiteand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement. Lime andllrloks.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekaawila Sts.

Has a largo aBsortmont of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on band.

Estimates given for house wir-ing nnd Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a spooiulty.


Millinery and Gowning.



Ex :iVEa.ri;posa.

Hats, Flowers,Feathers,Ribbons andLaces, andDress Trimmings

.....Tho goods nro of tho.ntcst design, nowost oiroct. NovottlosMint nro wondorfully nttrnctlvo nt tliuolyprices

541ISS K. E. KIEiMAH,KCotei Street


Ladles nro corillnllr Invited to call nttho Arlington Cittngo, Hotel stroot nndInspect designs for artistic gowningStylish and jHirfoct fitting studios, InIho holght of f.iNlilnn; nnd tqieciullyndaptcd to tho lmti vliliinl wearer.Uidlos iitmblo to visit IIiIh city nro fur-nished with xkotchos mid sainp1os, nndgtmninteed n perfect lit without


MAIUMR I,i: VANWAY, of S. V.miw. l). 1:. chamih:ks, of x. y.



William A. Henshall,

attorney at Law113 Kaahnrtann Street Tele. 6G3.

W. S. EDINGS,Counsellor at Law,

Comer BmiIioI nnd King Streets,Honolulu, H. f.


Attorney at Law and--Notary Public.

Kaaliiimanu Street.


Attorneys at LawCorner of King ami Bethel Streots,

Second Floor.



John D. Willard,ATTORNEY - AT - LAW.

InPuulNouiiiann'sonico.'UI Merchantslreot, Honolulu. inio


Counsellor at Law.121 Mi i chant Street (upstairs),

Honolulu, II. I.


DR. L. GARVINOdlco: 037 Kino Srui.i.T, noar Punch

bowl, IIouolulu, It, I,TKMR'IIONIJ No, 118

Hours: 8::i0 to 11 n. in.; II to 5 p. in.;I" 8 1'. HI.

Mrs. Savant-Jerom- e, M. D

HOMEOPATH.Office: Progress Block. Cor. Port k Beretaala sis.

Hours 0-- a.m., ami p.m.Tel. 111'.

Evening hours by appolut ment only.Special studies made or Poruitncs anl c

Res. 518 Kurt St. Cor. Chaplain St.Ri'Hldence Tel. 453.



Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewooo

Oat and Split (ready for the Stove),Also,


WRITE AND BLAOK BANDU lowest Prices, delivered to any part ol

the City.VBbBPHONB I I i 414

HUSTAOE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

ki:i:p oft tiih

Mnralinl Ilrown In After the UloiknilttiNow.

Thfit Marshal Drown lias insti-Inte- dn

crusndpncftin-- t people whoblocks up tho sidownlks by trunks,lumber, boxes nnd other nrticlpBwould Boom n fnct in tho light ofrecent arresto.

In tho Police Court Friday foronoon, Wm. Lmruun ami lrauk Andrnde appeared on tho clmrgo ofblocking up cortiiiL Bidownlks withtrunks. Each dofoudtmt ploadcdguilty. MiiriMml Brown explainedthat it m not for th sake of get-ting mouoy out of tho men ttint hohad chuhlhI thoir arrest but simplyto show tho existence of a law prohibitius what tlin dpfnndnnln hndplead guilty to.

Judjjo Wilcox fiDgered his bookand that it was impossibleto fino MessrH. Liiraen and An- -drHtlo any morp than Sj.

uaptaiu i'arkcr, just as the huewaH impoced, walked directly tothe plnuiuc mill at tho corner ofKlUL' and Iiethel streeU whern lipRHtisod oue of the Chinamen to bonrrpsied on the charfin of commonnuisanco. A niln of lumiinr nfsome kitid is always to bo foundon tuo sulowitlk nutl today was noexception to tho rulo.


Story Tnlil Ijy Vl.ltlnir CjclLl of nni:irltlnif Cliitiv.

Tlio Now Zealand Wheolmnnpubliahoa a very longlhy inter-view with members of the Uintotroupe lhat played in IIouolulusome mouths since. The article iswell writteu, but the intorvicwercivos Mdlo Edmunda as authoritytor tlio lolloping btartliug statement: "The company came from.Ynneouvfr ;,(l on route -- mwd M

mouth at Honolulu, wLitib. is adelightuil pluco f ir cyclifg ThereMadolmoello had au adventnrethat might hnvo heen serious. Shehad gone tint to the Pali nud metine of tho wild board found on theisland. Nut thinking it shake lunula with &uch ugeutlo-mn- u

she proceeded to plaeeground between them nnd madethat hnar ruu his hardest,hhowing him tho way nnd pacinghim for about seveu miles. Uuforluiintplv thorn unn tin nllininltimekeeper handy to lake tho timofor tho recotd." As thore nro nowild boars on tho island nud theimli is bis miles from Honoluluthis was truoly a ruojt romarkablorace.

Tho naiu of a limn or fecalri innlmost instantly rohovod by applying uuamorriaiu b ram Unlm.It also heals tho injur, d partsmoro quickly thnn Bny other lioatmont, nud without tho burn is verystivoro does not leavo a scar. Forsalo by all dnalors, Benson, Smith& Co., Goueral Agouts.

Tin. I.nt Cur.Tho last cars of tho King street

lino going to Wnikiki and ralamnpass tho Anchor Saloon. Thocleverost mixolonitds in tho cityaro thero always to put you upanything you may do-ir- o. Dropiu and tako a drop before you takotho cnr. Tho colohrated aenttlobeor is to ho had lmrn nn ilnuirtlit.A full lino of liquors includingJohn Dewar's Scotch, O. V. S.,etc.. alwavs on Iinnd. Tlio mnstexacting nnd varied demands canup satisneu. 1 ho Anchor aaloonis here to please its patrons.

Ileal an i Ribhona at GoldenItulo Bazaar.




MOTT-SMIT- II I1I.O0K.Ti:i.i:imion.s: Olllto, (I15j Rosldeiue,

780. llouns: U u. in. to 4 p. in.


New Love's Hnilriing, Fort BtreetiTELEPHONE 434.


DI3NTIST.13-- 14 Progress Rlock, eornor Rorotanln

and Fort StroetH, Honolulu.

DR. R. I. MOORE,Dentist.

No. 210 Hotol htroot. Tolopliono GO'S.

1IOU1W: 0 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 1 p.m.1018

Real Estate and Insurance.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209M Merchant Street.

FOB BALE.12 Chinese Granite llitchlnn Pnota. is

each.TO LET.

A furiilntipd fir ntifiirnliiliAil hniicoat No. 1211 Heretanla street.

Also, an 8 room uufuruMid liotiewith ail modern imirovomeiitti, oni'unclibnwl street.

Real Estate Transaction.Babscribera are furnished uith from Hti

to nil lists per week, giving uu aitouratireoord of all deods, mortgages, leases, releases, powers of attorney, etc, eto., whlcLitre placed on record.

.Subscription Price, $a.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St. Menolnln

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agenoy.

Houses for Kent.Ileal Estato Agents.

Brokers in Japanese Goods.Employment Agents.

Collections Made.Legal niul other documents trans-

lated into nny language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


II. j tinging Hoitfe BfljeiftRoom No. 1, Spreekels IJIock. Tele-

phone 1)17.

ff. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIN

REAL ESTATECy Wo will Buy or Sell Real Estate fc

U parts of tho group.C3T We will Bell Properties on Reason-bl- e


JFFICE. 10 West King Street




AGENTS FOR..Mew England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.


Royal Insurance Company.Allianoe Assurance Company,Allianco Marine and General Assnranet

'Jompany,Paolllo Mntual Life Com

panynf California.Wllholma of Madgelrarg Insnranoe Com-

pany,Scottish Union and National Insurants


Koom 13 Bpreckcla Block, Honolulu, II. 1.

Brucs Waring & Co.

Lands for Sale.Money to Loan on Mortgages.


Svea Fire Insurance Co. of QothenburgAND

American Fire Insurance Co. of Phila.

PROGRESS BLOCKRoom, 7 anl 8. Telephone 678.

L. C. ABLE 5,

Ileal Estato and FinancialAgont.

:iis FORT STRRirr.



Olllco: 208 Merchant street, Cam-bo- ll

Rlock, rear of J. O. Carter'H oillce.P. O. Rox 101.

BRUCE CA11TWRIGHTQoneral Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Socieb

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Orr'ani Merchant street, Ronolnlai


Acknowledgments to Instruments,Diutrlvt of Knnn, O.iliu.

At W. C. AcIiI'm olllco, King htroot, nearNuuanu,

Real Estato and Insurance.

3 3


SrocKH, lto.viH ami Orni u ii.cnnmw.Ixn) Ncnotlnlml ileal Ustato.

IlONOl.tM , H. I.


Fort St,


There are 8 Good Residence

Lots on the Waikiki side ofFort Street, for sale, about 70feet above the east corner of

Fort and;Vineyard Streets.

The lots are leveled and

ready to be built on at once.

The location is in a quiet

and respectable neighborhood

The prices are cheap and


The terms are very easy.

For further particulars applyto

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Real Estate Brokers.

July 21, 181)8.

Plantation Investments.

Lanai Sugar Co.The HUHSUItllTIOX LIST for tho

almvo Plantation Is now open at myolllve.

Tho may uoj;liail on ap-plication.


Share Broker,100!) Corner King and lletliol Sts.

Nahiku Plantation.

Tho HUHSCRIH'IOX LIST of thabove Plantation Is now open and theprospectus may bo neon ut my oillce.


Real Kstuto and Share llroCorner King mid Rethel ntreut.


Hawaiian Stamps Purchased,

I mil nrun.iriwl In iiiiri.lmun n....quantity of used Hawaiian titampi forcash, nnd will pay tlio following nrlcetfor tlio last IsHiie :

li HOupur 100Ue r,0o "r! $i

10c 2 "12e (I "2.'c 15 '

All (damps to be In good condition.1'riccn fiirnlHluMl mi !ititilliiil,.i. f...

older 1'hiich.All HliliuupuiM Hhoiild be made by

rt'irlHlcri'd lllull. mill rinilll,in,..i ...IIIalways follow within thrco days of

Re forunco : Chins SprecUles & Co.C 11. CALM AN,

IB East 2drd St., Now York, N. Y.

Wanted, 500 Mento fu:r. ... '

Shaved for 15 Cents.AtlUHJi Tint street, oppoMto tho Club

StubloH.H. .MUM'S, Proprietor.

Notice.DIl. J. II. RAYMOND ..ti,

that he has lesutued his pmetleu, witholllco on ltiirntaiilii Nlrnnl. imur 1.', .,..,- -and has I'h.ingod his olllco horns, us f,i.ios: ():nu to ii;ou it, ui,, i:oo hand 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. lOOO-lr-ri






. uJi

i fi



Evening Bulletin,ubllshed Every Day. except Sunday, it 310 Klnc

street, Honolulu, II. I., by the



Siitixrlptloii KiitcxlPer month, anywhere In Hawaiian Islands 5 .75

" " "Per year America. Canada orMexko 10 doPer year, postpalJ. other foreign countries 1) 00

ta"PayaWe Invariably In advance.

Trlt'plioiKMtBusiness Otnce 'i ."(!. Editorial Rooms, Hill.

Po'lolfice llox, 404.

MONDAY, SEPT. 1J), 1898

Another dull ilny ou " Change."Whoro is Unit boom wo wcro toKl

jsaa at hand 1

The dignified silouco of tbo Ad-vorti-

concerning tho futureform of government continues.

Captain McKintion of the California regiment hnu woll won thouuino of tho "fighting pnrson."

If General King dooa not un-

derstand how to protect fruit gar-den- e,

we would like to know whodoes?

v Hollo llilo I It unfortunatelylooks as if neither llilo or Hono-

lulu bad a dead cinch on tho ne--

Seattlo lino. It s the passengors.

Plantation wages aro followingthe upward trend of tho market,

and prospscts for tho success of

the crtopomtivo colonies increaseaccordingly.

Hilb has secured the steamer

service II (U'Hin'd Now why not

look smiling and Btop kicking.Honolulu boars you no ill willdear friend.

Query: What requests hnvo

the Executive Council mado orwhat requests have they to make

to the Commission? Is it not

fair and highly proper lhat Un-

people should kjiow?

Tbore is a strong body of pro-

tectionists in tho United Statewho figuro that what is not wortiaskina for is uot worth having.


Thurstonis d. wio

H iwniiitself.

to assist in handicapping

" It is a that the humblestmay enjoy " This comment on Bo-gatt-

Dny by Mr. Kolierlson, au-

thor of thu law brought theholiday into being, the oswell as it told. Boeides tbointriusio merits of aequatio sportsin wholesome athletics, they aresingular hero among groat popular

in being tendered with-

out price totho people. There is no gate

mouoy. poor littlo streetgamiu does uot need to climb atroo, as in the case of a ballor a horse race, to eeo tho, fun.Bogatta Hay is a great day, and ithas corny to Btay.

tr.I'lX'IAI. ami:iucan UW'H,

Wo aro glad to thatrooming contemporary is waking

to the fact that a strong influeuco is at work to maintain theimport duty against the productscoming from the newly aunexedterritory of tho United States.Tho assertion by tho New YorkTribuno that Congross has thuright to regula-tion- s

regarding tho torritoryotlior propoity of tho United

States" is simply a reiterationWhitolaw Boid'd stitomout madein his arliclo published in theCentury. Tho American Agricnlturalist is by a corporationcoutroliug public itinus thatrchd by fully million farmersof tho Uuittil Stutes. HerbertMjrick tho head of this corpora-tion pesos us tho aud only

t'i ' --.....; tin r nlMWif f riiliii

friend of tho farmer, yet person-ally is hand in glovo with the

Sugar Trust, lie fought theproposition from start to

finish. lie also seeks to securefor tho fanners"

through tho ltepublicau party.This oninily towardllnwan noed

not attract very much attoution ifit woro not for the fact that thoAdvertiser and various memo-

rialists by asking special legisla-tion for lliiwftii aro playing direct-ly tho of tho declaredonomics of tho country. These

of tho Stateswill arguo in favor of grantingHawaii exemption from Americanimmigration oxomption fromcontract labor laws, oxomptionfrom shipping laws and exemp-

tion from tariff extension. Butthey will demand in return thattho United Slates receivo exemp-

tion from tho free sugars of Hawaii. Hint Hawaii, rorto Kicoand the rest of tho territorialditions treated as outsido thocommercial frco trado of Ameri

Slates.Such a policy as that outlinod

by tho Tribuno and tbo AmoricauAgriculturalist would touch the

I most vital point in Hawaii's business armor, this is tho policywhich many influential men ofthis territory aro bonding theirmemorial and editorial efforts toassist. It is a poor rule that docsnot work both ways and tbo busi-

ness men'of tho United States aro

not bo blind that they Cannottho holes in tbo skimmer.

If Hawaii is not satisfied to no;ePt fill Hedged American lawsimmediately, the territory willalso discovor that tho protection-

ists of tho United will notallow Hawaii to havo Belectcommercial cako and also oat it.

(!Ui:at ii:i.h;iit.

llfceiillou by President Doleon Frltlny Afternoon.

There was only opinion amongwho attended tho reception

given by Mr. and Mrs. Dolo attheir homo at Emma street onFriday afternoon. It was that for

and sociability tho function; could hardly havo boon surpassed.

Their odvatitaco that they are iTlio receptiontotliolawmakiugmiiclriiioJMr. and Mrs. Mr.

than Ilawaii Under these cir- - jam! Mrs. and Mr.

cumHlaucos. it not business fcr.auu ii. yasuo, geuuo- -

thattolls tale

pastimesmouoy and without




ranko andand









was in honor of

closer F. M.

is. L. A.iurs


can bo












iintl Mra.


men having all una a conspicu-ous imrt m promoting annexationat Wnsbiugton.

A great coucourso of represent-ative people- of Honolulu, officersof tbo army and navy and visitorsfrom tho outbido world, respondedto the omnibus invitation giventhrough tho papers. PriucessKaiulani was present.

Prosident and Mrs. Dolo and'ho guests of honor received theCillers on the lawn, aud tho mul-titude passed on to form overchauging groups amidst tho treesaud bhrubberry. It was an op-

portunity tbo strangors groatlyto form acquaintances.

Tho wosther was perfect, whatwith tho westerning sun and a genlie mountain breeze. Refresh-ments wero in constant servicefrom tho hands of a corps of wait-ers. Time sped to the announcedlimit of seven o'clock beforo therowas auy appreciable dispersion ofthe assembly. The Governmentbaud was in attondanco and thorowas some impromptu daucing intbo lanni to the music.

Secotnl Nueces.

Tbo Boaa company againpleased its audionco ou Saturdayevoning. Applause testified thogreat popularity of tho show. Thistime the picture machine workedwoll, making a decidedly Onoauxiliary to the entortaiumont.Tbo artists in this company aroJ.cidedly clever, their Buporiorsin some roles having yet to ap-

pear in Honolulu,Tho company will appear again

Thuroday evening in "Irish Aris-tocracy," n compdy made famousby Barry & Fay. Messrs. Postand Gardner will again make youlaugh. Tho balanco of tbo company will havo good parts andKubii is practising a nntivo song.

Col. G. F. Littlo caino from Hi-- lo

on the Kiuuu Saturday night.








nhxatoh Kito.n Manila.

Struck n Hevere CiiIh Thnl I.iinted AboutTito Dayii.

Tbo Troopship Senator, Pattor- -sou commaudor, arrivod off portlato last night and, comiug intoport oaily this morning, hauledalongside tho old fishniarkot wbatfwhoro sho will undergo repairrpreparatory to sailing for SanFraucieco in about four or fivedays.

Tho Senator had enough coal tocarry her from Manila to this portand for that reason, camo liorcTho others did not havo and, consequently, wont to Nagasaki, justas tho Zealaudia, to tako coal fortho trip to San Francisco.

Tho Senator was about 25 daysgottiug to this port. On emergingfrom tho China Sea sho struck thotail oi'd of tho typhoon tho Zeal- -andia was shuck by.

In lat. 27 N. and Ion. 14G E. aheavy blow, lasting for nearly twodays, was mot. The railsforward woro torn away and thodecks at that end of tbo sbip.swoptcleau. Thero was moro fright thandamage.

I ho Senator brought back 8regulars whoso time haB exnired.Some of these woro ill in Manilabut are well again.

Tho Senator was anohored offCavito during tbo fight that re-sulted in tho surrender of Manila.

It will bo remembered that theSonator is tho ship young Murrayof tho city stowed away. Ho is inManila now onjoying good healthana, it is understood, a position intho Custom House.

Pollen Court Note.In tho Polico Court this fore-

noon tbo)following cases worodisposed of:

Wong Kee, embezzlement, con-tibuG- tl

nptil moved on by tho pro-secution.

Ah Sai, common nuisance, 85and cobIb.

Kauai, furious and heedleesdriving, SO and costs.

Richard Fnuia aud Moko Na-hul- u,

affray, 5 aud costs.Ah Fat, Au Choug and Ah Lee,

opium in pi sscesion, sentence sus-pended for six mouths.

Ah Hoi, opium in possession,SoO and costs.

Antonio M. Paisano, assaultand battery on M. Mercedes,nolle pros'd.

John Smith, bluejacket, assaultand battery on Ah Leoug, 80 andcosts.

Ah Choug, larceny in seconddegree, reprimanded.

Fifteen cases of drunkenness,usual Quo.

ClinrwMl With Hoi, Wry.

A young native, Ioano by name,is in durance vilo ou tho charge ofrobbery.

Ioano mot a Chinaman, a la-

borer in tho employ of W. 0.Aclii, ou Nuuouu avouuo, shortlyaftor 1 o'clock Sunday morning.Ho aBkod tho Chinaman a fewquestions nnd thon proceeded topunch and kick him all over thestreet so that tho poor follow hodhis faco cut up and his toothloosoucd.

Tho Chiuaman claims that thonativo thon wont into his hippocket and took out S10.G0 in paper aud silver.

School Goods

School Tablets !

School Composition Books !

School Crayons!

School Pencils!School Slates!School Pens!School Straps!

School Lunch Boxes!

School Bags!

Anil everything else

ncciloil in school stationery,

at tho



316 Fort Street.



"Popular Priced

Dress Goods."

Ladies seeing our Dress Goods Depart-ment this season will find a very large pro-portion of our increased space taken up by-recen-


direct importations of Cotton andWoollen Dress Fabrics. Popular Goods atPopular Prices has been our aim.



We have nothing1 but rapidsellers. We only want you to look !

Our prices will do the rest.Visitors can see at a glancethat shopping with us is amoney-savin- g task.

We only want you to look !




LAMPS,Table Cutlery and Plated Ware

Kitchen LainusYoranila LampsDining-Hooi- n LampsParlor LampsBedroom Lamps

Tho high quality of tho goods nnd tliolow prices will plcaso you.

ly tho way, do you havo trouble withchlninoys?

Do you break many?

Try our now OIL FINISHED FLINTCHIMNKYS. Thoy will cost you nomoro than tho common article

Wo havo J list opened n now lot of


Wo havo mado a now schodulo ofprices In this lino as woll ns In manyothors. SILVKK PLATED TEA-SPOONS, good quality, wo nro nowsoiling for 82.85 por dozen. Formerprlco $3.30.

All other nrtlclos In proportion.

You can gel thethe leatl at

moil ami the lest fur

'The People's Store,

W. W. D'imond & Co,,


King Street.


210 Kino Street.

Commission Brokers

Stock and llonds bought nnd sold undertho rulos nnd In tho board

rooms of tho

Honolulu Stook Exohange

To Lot.Tho promises belonging to Mrs. C. O.

Horgor, sltuato on tho cornor of IJoro-tan- ln

nnd l'unnhoit streets. Tho housowhich Is largo nnd commodious, lmsJuki boon put In through ropalr, undthogrounds consisting of two ucros, nroplanted with fruit and omamontnl trees.For furthor particulars apply to070-t- f F. W. MA ;faiilank.

' M.WtHtt,.StoAJ V, .tCaa'M

"JP o ip 1 ' sPORT


The Strongest iipcnIn favor of our "rondy mado"Is our ready lit.You oxpect tho tailor to lit yon.Your expectations

realized lioro at half thotailor's price

Anothor strong argument$10 to $15.


It's tlmo for sobor thoughtIn tho matter of tho yonngstor'sDeeds. Ills days of study moroagreeably wolcomo whon hisclothes aro to his liking.Tho otlior kind nro not to bo foundhoro.

The Kash,"9 Hotel Street Wayerley Block

Agents for Dr. Delmel'a Linen-Mea- l)

Underwear. Send for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.


GK DIETZ,Practical Watchmaker

417 XL'UAKU ST.Repairs fine compllcatej Watches, Clucks, Music

Doxes and Jewelry.All work guaranteed. Thlrtytiveyears experience.

LATEST STYLES JEWELRYBy last ateamer from the Coast.


At my store, where tho


la doue repairing and new workboth. Plus, ringB, bracelets, watchmaking, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404i Fort St.




Blank- s-Nona bettor. Endorsed by tlie

Teachers Everywhoro.

First Edition now ready,


Publishod and for Balo only by


In tlie Circuit Court FirstCircuit of the Hawaiian


In the Matter of the Bankruptcy ofS. Tregloan.

Upon roadlnsand flllncthopotltlon ofKATK S. THF.UI.OAN, of Honolulu,alleging tlint moro than six months haveol.ipscd slnco sho was adjudicated abankrupt, and praying for u dischargefrom all lior tlobts.

It Is ordorod that MONDAY, Soptoin-bo- r20, 1898, In Alliolnnl Halo, Hono-

lulu, at 10 a. in. of lhat day, before Mr.Justice I'orry, bo and tho samo Ishorobyappointed for the hearing of said peti-tion, at which tlmo and placo all credi-tors who havo proved tholr claimsagainst said bankrupt may appear andshow causo, if nny tlioy havo, why thoprayor of said bankrupt should not bogranted.

lly tho Court:J. A. THOMPSON,

Doputy ClorU.Honolulu, Hopt. 0, 18U8. 1012 2w

' Ch k .iiMiiiihtfaafy,l.l y&M'Mdbhi.-- ,ir.i "f.jtj.







nwirafflHwft"i ! "


Joeopli O. I'rntt has taken tliooath as r. licouBcd practitioner oflaw.

Davoy's platinum pictures nre

'pormaueut. fcSee unilor "New Today."

The Ilcgnttn Committeo will pnyall prizes won on Saturday, lomorrow, between 12 nnd 1:30o'clock, at tho oQlco ot tin PacificHardware Co.

Tboro is much sickness amongchildren atAuwaiolimu,on Punch-bowl slnp03. Stagnant mudhnlcBare suspected to linvo somethingto do with it.

Several ladies driving throughEapiolani park during tho bnndconcort Sunday were very indig-nant at the insulting carryings onot some of tho toldiers.

Diamond Ilpod Oliorlio said oftho Senator which arrived fromManila lust night: "It is an island

"" steamer but nhe is noting veryqueer and seems larger thanuaual."

F. Ilepinger, who was hurt in abicycle accident in tho vicinity ofCentral Union church Fridaynicht has closed up the storo recoutly oponed by him in tho Lin-coln block.

Rev. T-- Garvin is holding abaptismal servico in tho ChristianChurch at 3 o'clock this afternoon.A "boy in blue," who camo for-ward on Sunday oyeniug, is oneof the subjects.

"Wall, Nichols & Co. have gotton out Homo very Quo spoilingblanks which are ontiroly new.Tho teacher hero endorse them aidthey ore coming into gouorai usrin tho schools.

Tho steamor Iwa roturnod fromMaui ports Saturday with thefollowing cargo: 330 bngs potatoes, 10 bags corn, 21 turkoys and86 chickens.

Thoro will bo a special meetincof Honolulu Commnudory No. 1

K. T. at Masonic Temple thisovoning at 7:30. Notico of themeoting app-ar- s olsowhero under"New To-Da- y."

Mrs. Grace Richards "Wood

ward has hor chases in

voice building, interpretation andtho higher branches of vocal art.This accomplished vocalist isloader of the Honolulu CboralSociety, which has given several

"publio concorts. She is tho in-

structor of tho Central UnionChurch Choir.

A cheap trip to tho Pali andback is afforded by the Bryantstage lino which runs daily, Sun-

days oxcopted, to Kahuku nnd roturn. PaeBoncers ore carried totho Pali for 75 cents. Hero tuoyhave plenty of time to seo thosconory before the incoming stagearrivos, which brings thorn backfor 75 cents. Mr. Bryant's cardappears under " Now Today."

"Wheels rented; J. Richardson,Hotel street.

American Messongor service.Masonic Templo,Telephono 4.41.

Hayliitfa or u Judire.

A judge in tho courts of thiscity, known'for his outspokennessand fat sayings, has recently givenwont to tueso:

"I gavo them a homeopathiodoso that is say, I pave them tholowest fino possible." (This wasin relation to fines imposed re-

cently for blocking up sidewalkswith baggage,).

"I have mv own individualopinion about tho Mouuted Patrolbb to whether or no they are anygood, but thut iB aBido from thoquestion.

"When you nttompt to 'buck'tho polico romomber that you willbo liablo to como out at tho emailond of tho horn."

There is no Better


Cleveland.H. E, WALKER

Masonic :: Templo :: Block

Call and Inspect thom.



1 L










ii--Ji-r)rii--illiti- toe

T fcJEFL A t - --


m ill f U & Iif "uijill m r in rt "B0W pwi I II F r r I X 1

tt-- V T w J 3E3C

33o TITotjl KnowThat tho Trlliuno Bloyclo lms been sold InHonolulu since 1803, nnd Hint every purchaHor wl 1 tell you thathis wheel now runs ns easy anil gives lilui the same satisfaction anilio day he nought It. and this wlthoutexpondlm; a ccnton repairs?Ask Tribune riders about their mounts.

Wo do enameling and repairing. King Tclophono and wewill call for your wheel.

EAKIN & WHITMAN,Telephone 746. PORT ST.


Next lo Oolden Rule Un.anr.


a h r h a a h



1 5c. a Copy !

j.;'"Ajf-'jjf-- "

We publish a List of the latest music out.









Pianos for Rent. Tuning, repairing and polishingby competent men.





Corsets I

-- f4-Famed for Perfect Fit, Ease and Comfort.They are similar to the French P. D. Corset. Eachcorset marked "7"00-- i which assures its


B-F- - RLft8 & CO,Fort Street.











As Inilng a good Interest on mi In-

vestment. You nro qulto right Inbelieving no. Now Jut think n mo-ino-

nnd conwldor tlm advlwilillltyof ront'ulng your old Hnlr, Tooth,

"nll or Kleuli liriiHh, boforo thoof price tnkes place, and niivo

IB percent.

FINESTWo liac nntlclpnted the cliangu

which niinexntlon would brhiK iibontIn prices, nnd In conscMiionca wohnvo iniportod n large anil completolino of lino llrlstlo llrnslics fromUnpont, the leading maker of Kmnco.

EVERWo now proposo to glvo o:tr rs

tho bouollt of our purchasingot low llgnroH, and will contiuuo tosoil all bruslics nt tho 16 per cent, re-


IMPORTEDAll Kiigllsh, Fronch nnd German

goods must Incrcaso In prlco. Availyourself of this opportunity.Tooth Bruslics from lOo to flOoNnll " 10otii$l.!Hnlr " 2Soloftl.noFlesh " 25o to $1.00


EST Manufactured.

HollisterDrug Co,

. , i M'&ii-H.U- J


Cor. and Fort iSts.

and In

. . . etc

Our arc





Practical UpholsterersMasonic Temple,

Telephone 928. Alakea Street.


Importers Wholesale Dealers

...Hsiy, Gruiii, Peed,.....Plour, jNEculs,

Goods Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.



Proposed Building,

The undcrnigneil propose Krectlnfl;a modern store and olllce biillillnu 'bthe liisterly corner of Khir mid Aht-k- ea

street", and Invito the nttcntloaof persons deslrliiK stores or olllei h lathe butlillng to ski tell plannow on view at their olllce whurfurther particular may bo obUilned.

AhLKK&nOllINSON.Honolulu, August 30, I8!IS. tiKU-lr- a

"77"e lisi-v- e ju.fot Toeeri. sup- - A

poira.ted. -gferLts for


CIGARHost 5 Cent Cigar Msulo

..All Oleur iravtina Tobacco .


TOBACCONISTS.Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

E. W. JORDANISTo. lO Forfc Street.

A largo assortment ofContor ltugs, Art Squares, llovorsibles,Sofa Rugs, Pancy and Fibro Door Iats,Hiill anQ Stair Carpets, Hassocks, otc..Tai)aneso ltugs and Straw Mats,Floor Linoleum, Oil Cloth,llall Bath Iats.

Bed Spreads.Marcolla, Toilot and Honeycomb,ffor Doublo Bed, Three-quart- er and Singlo),Oheapcst to Best.


A splendid Assortment in all qualitieswidths and sizes.

Towels,Turkish Linen and Cotton.Turkish Bath Blankets,Damask and Huckaback,fringed and hemstitched.All especially good value.

P!nT-.Q.ins- i


VS vi-- L UWAfXXXM "

A big choice in XottinghamjLace.Also Creton by tho yard.Worth inspection.

Como early and got first ohoico at

E. W. JORDAN'S,No. lO Fort Street.






mMmJKM9KKKfT9'W '"FW "W"F '"' MWT'


JIV Miscellaneous.

hi- -

ill s

" 'fc-- t






iv it.


TYpo writers






Typewrit eRTypowriterS ! ! !

Yost and Densmore

tfOlt SALE 1JY

Hawaiian fa Co,, Lid


Beiilipiftrtors for T. W. Supplies.

Merchant Street.

lis DayThe Last Invoices of

.New Good s.KOK..

1. 1 .Sehmidl k Son's

Have arrived and are being

S-O-- L-D

at the samelow priaes and extra 10 percent, discount as former impor-tations.

B. W. Schmidt & Sou's,

King Street. Yen Holt Block.

Just Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearsha PEllRY DAVIS" PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong tho medicines that arebo ossontial to keep at hand intho home.

It is not a now tangle romedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p .rfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a fow doses will cer-

tainly givo relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forofathors used itand found it boneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is now and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

tSF The now 35c. sizo con-

tains over double tho quantitytf tho 25c. size.

lister -:- - DrugCompany,

'ul') A(,onts for the Islands

t Ho!!

ac" 5Ppr i -- w iHmjfr - w rrpv" "1 if"! IWII'Jiil T ''twwr".''ip?-T- 'r i" iv i "wfflSW!pT"'"1V w'f WP!P",'"w'r,' !vlr,'








Wo uro prewired to fimiMiolllccrsnnd mt'ii In icgtilattoii uniforms,at tlio shortest uotlco, and nl rcaouahlorates,

Kit guaranteed In ovory case.

tSST 641 King Street. B


I M n rilKCKELS. VVm. O.



1m FranrUco Agent Tun Nevada Hank orHAN rilANCISCO.


Jan SThancisco Tho Ncviuln Dank of ban..Francisco..u. H't. j. HhIi.i. IIhhI f .in.lna 1 .4

Vttw Voiik American Exchange Nationallank.

Jiuoaoo Merchant National liank.Paws Comntolr National d'Escoravt de

fans.Bbrmn Drcsilner Dank.Ionokono At Yokohama IlonpkoiiK A

Sham !:r Unnkliur Corporation.(nwZn -- I ANuAusTitAUA Bankof New

ZcaUutlSictohu ani Vancouveii Bank of Uritlrh

Nortb America.

rrzssact a General Banking and Eicbaage Business

Dcpolsts Kecclved. Loans made on Ap-

proved Security. Commercial and TravelersJruJits limed. Bills ot Exchange boughtml sold.UI.LCCTIH.NH l'llOMPTLT ACCOUNTED Foit.

Established 1853

szszesioie3 ess co.BANKERS.

Transact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all tho principal citiesf tho world.Interest allowed after July

1, 1S!)8, on fixed deposits 3months 3 per cent., G months3 per cent., 12 months 1

per cent.

Tjje fofyihaniQ Specie BBn

LIMITED.Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yon 7,600,000(lesorve Yon 5,464,500


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

Han Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hour Kong,

TrauHiictH a Qonorol Banking and Ej.jhtingo llnninesn.

Agency Yokobamn Spetio BankNew RepoMic Bnllding. Ill King si.HonolnlQ

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets June 30, 1S9S, $113,032.61.Honey Loaned on Approved Security.V Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.(Ion is Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Seventeenth Serios of Stook now open.

For farther particulars apply toA. V. GEAR. Bocrotary.

Ohamber of Commerce Ilooins,Office hoars. 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f

bisew CO.

SayiugsBankOn October 1, 1818, and eoutiiiulng

until further notice, Saving DoposltMwill bo lecelvod and Interost iillouedby this lUnk ut four unci ono-lm- lf percent per niiiiiiin. Tho tonus, ruloH nndlOKUlutloiiN of tho Hawaiian PostalSavings will bo adopted as far usIt Ik pructicnblo to apply tllum, nnd tlioCash ltoMiro of $50,liil) iih rc(uired un-der tho Postal Act will bo maintained.

Printed copies of tho Rules nndmay Im obtained on tho 1st of

October oiwipplluullon,BISHOP A-- CO.

Honolulu, Scptuiiihor 7, 18U8.


Aloha footing allergHoTi:r.Sr., K.Il Nuuanu.

John H. Lang, Proprietori"Thl5 Is Ihe only Shootlne Gallery In Hie city

Drop In onJ try your marksmanship

Notice.Persons wishing to obtain board at

Mnkauao, Maul.e.ui lw nocoinniodatodat .MIIS. II. II. IIAILUY'S.

Tonus, I0 iKir wook. 955-fl-

iBBitoitir-'ir'rtfliitlltii- i 'ii''j .,.ti..,ji. ...jtai-- .fthi.i farit







V' VV V W W V--1


to bo cautious nbotit your food.Never buy adulterated (Iro- - I

telle when you enn buy purefood at tlio Mimic riilnist the I

saino price.




kk crockery


t hardwareStock Ih tho best In tlio City.

fJ.T.WaterliouseJ; Woverluy lllock, Metliel St. .


E Bj'nSa--

S F n- - 55 ?;o"gcgS W 4

R5inSW H iSwSSr ; kvX m

!3 ni Za --0 T Itrn n o 3 m S5 JJr !i oo b V w

54 55" f 5 to r. .'..";,,,,

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

MANILA CIGARS!If you want to purehaso tho bestbrand of Manila Cigars ut Reason-able Hates.

Call on KA51 TAI,Hotel St. near Port.

a. KIMUJ&A.Importer of Japanese

Fancy and Staple GoodsCornel of Qiioon iiuil Nuuanu Streets.


K. OKURAMerchant Tailor

Shirts and Suits ui.ulo to ordor. Por-ted fit guaranteed.LAItOi: STOCK Oh' G00D3 ON HANI).

BSJ- X- Hotel stroot nonr Nuiiaini; oppo-sit- o

Wavorloy lllock. 091.

HOP WO COMPANY.King Stroct, Palaco Squaro.

Merchant Tailor.Crash Duck nnd Llnon Suits mado to

ordor. Kino UKsortuiontof now and latostdoslgus Just arrived. Perfect Kit Ouar-Ktiteo- d.

IiOwost Prices.

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWing WoTai & Co

214 Nuimnu Street.

Yee Sing TieLargeWioketChairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all fclucla.

Port Street, opp. Club Stables

tpi. .- .- ...--


.MOIli: NllIMANCi:s.


Bincu tho MhihIihI lins tnkeu Hovcrocoijiiinucouf tho blookitiy ot sidewiilks by esproBs companies, hemight as well en furtlior in win-

ing public npprubntton by nttonduiut totlienuifniiaof bouging thesiilownllts in rcfiduutinl looiilitioa,llio way many liouscholdf-r-s lotwn'cr rttu off tboir premises whiluiirigilinu', so na to miikn d op aids'leky mire of tho suft onrtu sulowiilkn, is nothing xhort of a Bcand-dou- s

uuisituco. If thi-- y only hadtut) politeuess to plhco rod boacinlibte whero tbu walking is (lo-amyoil, their contempt for otherpeople's rights would bo loss mevidence, of bad manners.

It is auythiug but pleasant,when ono hm tet out of an eveniug with cloiin Blioes to make afriendly call, to ittti-n- a sociulgatlierii g, to go to cbunh eiitl- -Jeuly to uutl onesolf mirod oorthe iuhtops in the si'iIqwuIk theGovernmont compel the proporlyowuor to provide. Does not thovictim do ttell to bo augry, espocinlly, win n ho kuows that ihoHiiiei thus wanted to produeo thejiuinuco is so scsroo that peoplein tho very neighborhood wbeioit in miHtised in this way are onlsupi)lted with it for ten hours omol tho twenty four, aud that atnight, in return for ns high watertales as others pay who tiro euablcd to tqtitimlor tho necessHrytluid tho wholotwouty- - four hours?

Atiotber inevaleut inntance ofdibdmu for tho public is the Be-tting of automatic sprinklers where,they throw water upon pedestrinnHon tho sidownllts. Scores of casescould bo detected oveiy night,when the practise is more ropreheusiblo than in daytime, yetuoither tho police nor tho waterinspectors ever dinturb tho offendors.

A Victim.

Xurrusv !cii..James Lyle, superintendent of

tho marine lailwuy, whb slightlyinjured mid had a narrow escapewith his lifo Thursday. A work-man had used a siuclo nnd rott--u

npe as a strnp to hoint the rudderof the schooner Wainlua into position. As Jlr. Liylo was standingiu a stoopiug posture underneathho strap uavo way aud tho heavy

bloelc in falliug grazd the frontof his head. The iniurv whhslight, but a fraction of an inchmore one way and tho blockwould havo brained Iho gentle-man. Of courso tho rudder alsocome dowu with a crash, but itfell outward from Mr. Llo.

If You tVlili to II WellYou must fortify vour systemnuniust the attacks of disoneo.Your blood must bo kept pure,your stomach auddigestivo orgausin ordor, your appotito good.Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho medicine to build ou up, purify andonrich your blood and giveyou strongth. It creates an nppo-tit- e

nod givr- - digestive power.Hood's Pills are tho favorite

family cathartic, easy to operate.

A Jui antl Ilia Camera.A Jap aud his camera wont ont

to tho bund concert at Makeo Isl-and Sunday afternoon in th car-riage formerly used by MinistorShimamuraaud wlion he had histtipod cleared of tl o carriageand tho horse's hoofs, thorpwas a clear space all about him. Itwas like tho explosion of a bomb.Soon there drovo up a purly ofJaps in a wagouetto. There worophotouraphod and tho Jap, smiliigat thopnuple who had gotten ou'of rauo.o of his camera, folded histripod and departed.

Gooil Knoujfh to Tuk,Tho liuest quality of loaf sugar

is ui-e- d in tho manufacture ofOhamborlain'B Oough Ilemodynnd tho roots used iu its prepara-tion give it a flavor similar to thatof maplo syrup, making it vorypleasant to tako. As a medicinofor tho cure of coughs, colds, Inurippe, croup and whooping coughit is uuequaled by miy othor. Italways cureB, and euros quiokly.For snlrt by all dealers, bonson,Smith & Oo., Gouornl Agonts.

Good Ntttvs.D. J. Oomarinos rccoived on

tho steamer Australia a big invoice of delicaoies, coraprit-iu-

tho following: Fresh Salmon,Ornbs, Frozen Oysters (tin andshell), Apples, Grapes, Figs, Le-

mons, Pure Olivo Oil, DryFruit, etc., etc

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular Houso, 154 Fort street,from $1.00 por week up.

.i IffjiTf" -ftu

19, 1898

Hardware, etc.

Do you want

Aktists' Matkiuals "?

Go to tho

Pnollic llnrdwiiro Co.

Do you want

G() 1() tlio

Pucilic llardwaro Co.

Do you want

A Stove 1

Go to thoPacific llardwaro Oo.

Anyiliinji in the

IIahdwauk Lixk1

' Wo etui supply you.


Fort Stroot.

Home Decorating I

Gold Paint:

Which Is. a substitute for goldleaf, nnd will LAST.


For Iniimrtlng n hard nnd glnssjsurface to any inuterlnl.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:For porcelain iluish on tubs,tlower pots. etc. Not nfreetedby cold or hot wnter.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, bnskets, etc.

IfirFuII directions for use. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.


"IflofB aqgb foil Le$ MoneiJ"

Than any in tho market.In two slzos $25 nnd ?2S


John RTott,75-7- 9 KLXG ST.

Tolophono No. 31.

The Club StablesLimited.

0. Bblltxa, : Miinagor.FORT STREET,

Telephone 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo aro ospocially equippod to cator toyour trado. Fair dealing and good Mir- -vlco Is wliut wo dopouu upon to got it.

Wo havo for sale Family CarringoandDilving Horses, single or double teams.Thoy aro in good condition mid will bosold on favorable tonus.

Dr. Itowut is always in nttondnnco uttho Stablos.

Ciub Stables Hack StandCor. Union A Hotol Sts.


DIUVKllS.FIRST GLASS OAItniA(!I5S.HACKS AT ALL HOUItS.Ordors forSurroys, Wngonottos. Slnulo

or Dotiblo Teams nt n moment's notlco.Hack Nos. l'J5, 183, 100, 70, 77.


ROBERT GBIEV1.Book and Job PrinterMorohunt Stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian Nowb Company's.Book Store, my 18,

'"- "''. "J -- A...ULi.J.



Pate 03

Foie OresA cloilcncy nought nftor by conno-issour- s

in nil parts of tho world; itis rich mnl doliiiito, nnd is used atbanquets nnd for lunches nt ovou-lu-g

parties.To sorvo Palo do Koto Urns is to bo

ultra fashionableNo houso in Honolulu carrios any-

thing llko tho varloty in this linothat wo do. Ourassortinontls vorylargo nnd L'oniiloto.


nro olives stuirod with nlinlcntos,a mvoot Spanish Popiwr.Kvon tho biino tastes good.Thoy nro n rleh morse), dollghtlugtlio aIiito and assisting digostlon.An olivo fork froo with each bottlo.



'o25Quoen Btreot, Honolulu, H. J.

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

51C t C17 Fort St.. HonoluluTelophoner 2'J P.O. Box 470


Aimoxiition litis alreadybad tbo ofFcot of lowering tboprices at tboPalama Cooperative Grocery Co.You ean save quite si fowdollars monthly by dealingwith us.

The cars htop right at our door.

Palama Grocery Co.Opposite Iluilwuy Depot, KlngSt.The Plan is

proving a ironuiiio success intho general public as well assubscribers.


T. B. CLAPHAM,s Dentist

Ollleo : Hotel SUiblos. Calls, day ornight, promptly nnsworod. Spoelaltlos:Obstetrics nnd Iinionons. 1005

A. R. ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street.

TELEPHONE 785.Orders left nt Club or PantheonStables will bo received mid promptly

attended. Diseases of dogs n speeialty.


Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.TELEPHONE 700.

8gy Modern and Uiiinano Troatmont




EMBALMINGA specialty,

Office and Parlors511 & 610 Fort St., near Hotel.

Tulopbono 170.



" Tynsf"rn-W"i- ' ' T1 ioy,yM , ij ', flpn-r

. Businessis a fair exchange of advantages.

You give good money to your grocer;he gives you Schilling's Best tea the

best he has. M

Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passenger Steamers of. This Liuo Will Arrivo at bd

Loavo This Port ns BLoronndor.

From San Franoisco:MARIPOSA August 17

MOANA September 14

ALAMEDA October 12

In connection with tho sailing of tho abovo tho Ageui

aro prepared to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon throuatickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all in tl.

Unitod States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to al

European .

For particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin Co., LimitedAgents S. S. Co.



Honolulu .

Perl City.EwMIII..WaUnat. .

Walalua . .


Walalua ...Walanae...EwaMUl .

Parl City.Honolulu .

Lines of Travel.

& Co.



8 :ot8:179 t 9?

5:506: 156 : 50I


A. M.

q 48fo": Ju: oo

S "8


8 :o7

Oon'l l'ass.

P. M.

J I 101 : 4)4:oj4 S4J

10 :oq10 1 59it : )4

P M.

a: w1 : ss4 i

: 16


Q. Dknison, Suporlntondont


Annexationof theIslands !


O. L.




o -





w. fi. x. uckui



Tho Official

in Pictures

ILlliaiiislksTtai!lowing aro boiiio of tho viowh :

0 andlng of Troops.

Presenting Nowland's Resolution to

Dolo by .Sowall.

Loworlng of ono Ping and tho Raising

of tho othor.Last Hbot of tbo 21 Minting tlio Plag.

AU incidents connoctod with tho s.


At tho old stand In Fort street.


F ANTON SEVERIN, PROP'RrntorlnffanilarirewotkatreclaUy. Hne ISLAND

The fmt workmanship. at the

Amateur and koJak work tolicaea,lowest prices.


MIKADOPhotographGalleryI dot"gFwiZ'

PurejVlillcrrU.n Tilirnilltll'H



violation ih ai- -

ways tiroikirod to supply PUItK MH.b

ami CHKAM In any quantities, nnv n.irt of tho city.

KlUCSII ISI.AN1) llU'rrKH always 01.



lr' r'T'i'"f(P ' 'Tf 7


Francisco:MOANA August K

ALAMEDA Scptombcr 1






&General Oceanic


lloes Travel.



For San

We Stanisliip (Jo't

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Pres. 8. II. KOSE.Sec.

Cnpt. J. A. KING, PortSnpt.

Stmr. "KINAU.CLARKE, Commander,

Will louve Iloriolnla every l'un.ily at 10

ii'i'louK A. H., touohlng Ht Lnkainn, Mini-lno-

Bay And Mukonn tbe sumo day;Mahnkonn, Knwnlhao nnd Laupnboehoethe following day, arriving al Hilo nuWednesday.

Itetnrnlng, will gall from Hilo ovenFriday Ht 8 o'clock p. u., touching atLanpahoohoo, Mnhukona and Kawaihntsstue day ! Mnkem , Mualnea liny andLuhftlim the following day; arriving atllonolnla riundsy a M.

" Will call nt Pohoikl, Pnna, ontrip ol each mutitb, urrlvlip

tliero on the niornlni; of the duy ofsailing from Hlln to Honolulu.

TIih popular rouio to the Volcano levlu Hilo. A good currlugo road tbeentlio dirtaucu.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p. u.,tonohing at Kahnlul, liana, UamoannrKlpahnln, Maul. Itetnrnlng arrives atUonolnln Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nan, Kanpo, on second triiof each month.

f"No Freight will be received aftei4 p. m. oi day of sailing.

- Oirapany reserve the Hch ttmake chaages in tho timo of departure nncarrival of its steamors withont notico anrit will not be responsible for any oonocrjnoucoB arising therefrom.

ConsignneB must be at tho Landings ttreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight af teiit haB boon lauded.

Livo Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengononlesR placed in the care of Pursers.

Packages containing porsonnt oflects,whothor shipped as bnugngo or freight,if tho contonts tboroof oxcood $100.00 invalue, niiiKt lmvo tho valuo thorcofplainly statod and nmrkoil, nnd thoCompany will not bold Itxolf llublo forany loss or dnumgo in oxcoss or tinssum oxcopt mo goods uo siupou unuorn spoclnl contract.

All oinnloyoos or tno tompany nroforblddou to rocolvo freight without

a shipping rccolpt thorofor intho form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon byshlpporxupon application to tlio pursors of thoCompany's Stoamors.

Shlppors aro notlllod that if froight isshipped without such roeoipt, it will bosololy at tho risk of tho shipper.

I'rtHBongoru are roqnesteu to purcbasiticket before embarking. Those failing t(do bo will be subject to an additionalohargo of twenty-liv- e per cent.

cvan dRilarmg.

D.indriilT will not euro itsolf. Tobo froo of ityou must troat yourlmir and nciilp with Hoinoroiuody

Our Dandruff Killerprepared nnd sold only by us U

Warranted to Cure 1

Paoheco & Fernandes,Arlington Block, Hotol Stroot.


AJJltlonal, nJ the latest Shipping News, will betounJ on (lie eighth page.

MOVLMKNTtl (IF hTI.AMI.KH.St.'anicrs due and to siill tomorrow

and for tho next six days are us fol-lows:

Aiutivi:."TPAMniis Kiiom Due.Upolu Kolialn ami Komi Sept t!nGaelic China and Japan .....Si'jit i3Coptic San Kraiiclvo Sept illLeliuu Moloknl and Lannl Sept 12 J

Kmiuu Maul and Hawaii Sept l!"

WO Hull Kiiuiii Sept IBClatidln- e- Mnnl Sept 'i"MauimLoa Maul nndlIavall...Sept 30

Dfcl'AlCT.STEAklEIIS. Hn fAII.fLeluia Moloknl nnd Lnnal...Sept II)

MnunaLoa Maul and Hawall.Sept'JOKitinti Maul and Hawaii Sept !(

Cluudlne Maul SeptalW G Hull Kauai SepfJOUpolu Kohula and Kona SeptalGaelic San Francisco Sept !MCoptic China and Japan Septal

lnformnllon Concttrnlritr Lltflils.The Sau Francisco Marine

Record of Soptombor 7 coutaiustho following:

Information, dated March 30,1898, has boon received from thoHawaiian Goverument Surveythat tho Qovorntnont maiutaiuri asmall harbor lijjlit near Laujia-hooh- oo

point, north coast of Ma-wa-

alsti out at KnunHkikiu barbor, south coast of .uolokii.

It is proposed to cstabli'ha2nd order lihtou Mukapuu head,the extromo eastern poiut ofOahu.

Private liuhls aro maintsinod atnumerous haibnrs aud landinuHon the various islands, principal!)by two steam-lr- p rompanius, butas a genoial rule tbot-- liplits arelighted only when certain Htciun-er- s

Hre due. (N M. 35, 1898).

Chronic Dlnrrlloea Currtl.Tins in to certity that I have

had chrouio diar linen ever sincelio wnr. I utt so wenk I could

liardly wa k or do auyiiiiu(j, Oneottle. ot CliMmlu'rliiiirH Colic,

Ctiolora and Diurlneii llomeihcurrd mo hound and well.

J. It. Gilds, Fincn-t'e- , Va.I had chronic diarrhoea for

twelvo yearn. Throe hollies ofOlminberlnin's Colic, Cluhra audDiatrhooa Houipdy cniod mo.

S. L. Shaver, Fineustlo. Va.Both Mr. Gihbs and Mr Sliavei

aro prominent fa'iuera and residonear Finciixtlo, Ya. They tirocured tho remedy from Mr. V. E.CHsper, ti druggist of iliat plnco.who is well acq on' n ted itli lliein

nd will voui'litheir statements,dealers, Benson,General AgeutH.

for the truth olFor salo by allSmith & G'l.,



Fatnlllos desiring tender roasts,juicy steaks ami chops shouldcall on tho

Central Meat Market


Wo innko a specialty of family tradeand sell tlio host at reasonablefigures.

H. E. GARES, Propriety.211 NuuanuSt. Tolophono lot,

CityMeatMarketJOSEPH TINKER, Propr,

Family and Siiii'I'inq IJutchkk.

f Poultry and tho cholcestof meats kept,j VegotabloH fresh ovory morning.(.AU ordors quickly dollvorod.



J. AValleii, : : Manaqku

Wliolesalo and Retail


Naw C&2itractors,

Refrigerated Poultry-- ANI


Jlefoopolita Netit do.

Telephone 46.

The Kiunu'H passenger space inab ut "up to the limit."

The cU' r Waialua sails thiBaft ruoou fur Kauai iim s.

The 0. h Strgout will fortho Sotiud in lialniht tomorrow.

'I lie st. timers from Kauai b iugn--- of oscoediiij by bad wua huron that island.

The brig Lnrline arrived iuKshului from Sn Frnucisco,September 17.

lh Kiiiniii- - cortainly doing goodwnik. Sho fooled ovorbtiy ..mlcamo in beforo miduight Saturdny.

The hark S. 0. Allon sailed outof the harbor with a full caro olsugar duritiu tho protjross of theraces Saturday nftoinoon.

Tho Mauua Loa will not sailuntil Wedusd'ty, a day lalor thanher usual time This delay is otiaccount of tho crew of tho Maun aLoa having been given a holidaySaturday.

Pursor Grubo of tho W. G.Hall reports as follows on BUuarleft on Kauai: K S. M., 1G00:"Diamond" W, 1500; K. P., 32u0;U. M., 3200: G. & 11.. 71: li. L.P., 1800. Total of 11,371 bafcs.


From Hilo and way ports, perKiuau, Seitt 18 John F.u-(juh- ar,

W S W ire, F WiiUlron,Mrs G H Uuitmau, H It Hiich-coek- ,

wife and tnreo children, 0H Brown, 1) Lycurgus, MiiS ESoley, 0 S Siuitli, Mrn Sonknwa,C 1 G F Little, Goo Kui, Kongt hong, Mi-- s Belle Vida, M rAuuie Hall, Master Willie Hall,Mis Geo F ltouton, T W Gay,jeo J Campbell, Mis Wolfenueu,

V U Corn well.From Kauai ports, per stmr W

G Hall. Srfpt 18- -0 Gay, L Kahlnaiiiii, Miss E IIiilu, Mr. FilUr

ifo aud six children, W Uorlowil,, MthB Mint. Miss K u, o

L Kaulukou, Chns Dement, Judge1'etereou, E Li McCiaiiahan, MissGrau, Mrs W H Uice, Jr.

From Kauai, per Btmr Mikaliala, S.ptl8 LA Sheldon.

Frmu Su Francisco, pr barkAlbert, Sept 17 Mra Leouaidslid son, (Seo ltohuitsou, MisIt Mr Butler, Win Tay-lor, Win Ttithio, Miss D Swoel,Mr DiuHinoro.

From Kapaa, per stmr JamesMskee, Seit 18 - Uoo 11 Fnirchild.

From Maui ports, per smrClauiiiue, Bojit 18 --II A Baldwin, wife, infant and servaut, DConway, A Hocking, Mib 0 HDickey, Mtss Dickey, Miss 0Moshiuho, V J Coieniau and wife,Mrs Young aud child, C EL. Ice,

II Howell, Geo Cooper, Awatia,Itev S Knpu, Mis L Akaun, DKali ult-li- Mrs Abbott, Mrs L LLaPiutro, Mister E L Pierre,

V 11 G AriiHinauii, Mrs Baik-- r,

D II Kahaulolio, Geo Duuu, wifeand 2 children, and 03 dock.


From Maui and Hawaii ports,per stmr Manua Loa, 108090 bags migar, 13'J bags coITop,10 head cu'tle, 30 hogs, 9 bdlebuiiloH, aud 150 jikgH sundries.

luotn Maui ports, por smrClaudino, St jit 18211 bags potatoos, 180 bags coru, 20 hogs, 37head cattle, 152 pkgs sundries.

From Kauai, pur stmr Mika-luil- a,

Sept 1 - 1 14 skB puddy.

r'nim Enui, por stmr W GI H, Sept 13 110 head Niihau

sheep, H v terhouse, 21 bdlehidos, H nackfeld.

From Maui aud Hawaii ports,per stmr Kiuau, Sept 18 3J0 sk

puds, 175 sks corn, 25 head cat-

tle, 10 hot 8, 2 horses, 7 bdlslndoo, 130 pkus sundries.

Kiiiniu hiiire Miialr.

Tho baud will play iu Emmaetiuaro nt tho UBual hour this ovon-iug- .

Tho following program 1ms

btou arrangod:1'AUT I.

Overture-Po- et and Peiu-an- t SuppoKlimlo-I- ii IHvimao ........PetrellaOraud Selectloii- -I Murtlri... DonizettiI)iict--O- ii tliu Moonlit rsircain muwi

(lelbelThe' MIskvh Annie and M.niilo Ka-lioli- o.

1'AUT II.Ctirnet Solo-O- ld Folks at Tlonio

llernurtlMrVVjIianes Kreilter.

Maroh-Tl- io Oar.lon (now) NerRorDetlleated to llrlgadler General King.Walt.- - IaiI Ilium (now)Kaiitusla-Th- e llattlo of Man la

iMUW) HchlelllarthTho btar .Spangled llanuer.

Amorioaii S rvice,Masonic Temple. lilejlioue111.

'ipijij TTPiirK7 1

rWTTnrTWTWBWMMMnmMinWWilBWl lmWBMiniWWWilBlll WWII ajfr tntmm ,aa

Miscellaneous. 1


Agents for following

BICYCLES:The Well-know- n-

The. Unexcelled- -

The Up-to-Da- te-

The Juvenile Elf i 116

Also Bicycle siaoli asEtc.

If you don't know what you want, our bicycle man,

R. C. Geer, will help you out.






Tires, Rims, Spokes, Lamps,


A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING WATER.for Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Disoasna of tho Kidneyand Bladder, Skiu Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.vCornor Port and Hotel Streets.

Hirano! Hirano! Hirauo!

A Natural and Etfbrvescoiit Mineral Water.Bottled in its natural .state at Hirano Spring!?.

Highest Award World's Fair in 1893, Medal and Diploma.

"An Alkaline Water, Avoll-carbonat- ed and woll-bottlo- ri,

permanent in quality, clear and sparkling, goodwater." So said the ofliuinls at the Fair.

For Sale oyW. O. PEACOCK CO.,Ltu


Notice.CIIAHl.l'iS CliAltK, IiS(., has this

day boon apiiolnlod u Notary Public for

tho First Judicial Circuit of tho Ha-

waiian Ihlands.J, A. lvlrtl,

Mlnlhtor of tho Interior.Interior Oiuco, Sept. U, 1808. 1017-- nt

NoticeOn and after Monday, September in,

1898, all local mulls for tho Island of

Oahu will closo at tho PostOlllco at fl a.m. dully, Sundays excepted.


JOS. M. OAT,Postmaster Of nornl

MeOllUinua O. iiio, uuiu. i w t i

1 1 1 U,l..!n.i VttnU JXUUanU Bireeiu, wuniuH "jlay, week or month. TormB!md 60 conta por night. $1,jl.2C por week.


0 06

- lifjf

- .


a tablo



Irrigation Notice.Holders of water privileges, or thorn

paying water rates, aro hereby noti-fied that the In urs for Irrigation pur-poses aro fro .i (Ho 8 o'clock a. m. anJfrom I to (I ck p. in.

II. Holders of water privileges ontho hl; t . of Punchbowl above Greenstreet, mid In Ktiiiuiiu Valley aboveSchool street aro hereby untitled Unitthey will not bo restricted to tho Irri-gation hours of H to8a. in. nutl I to0 p. m., out will bo allowed to IrrttrotowlieiioverHUlllclent water Isavallalileprovided that tney tio not tHy thowatei for irrigation purposes for morethan four hours In evorv twot.

ANDREW nROWN,Supt. Honolulu NVutur Worki

Approved: J. A. KINO.Minister of I nturlor.

Honolulu, II. I., Sept. 7, 18W1010-t- f



W.1 ' J Xi ('ifo - k )utSi.i. .CU. . J.1 0..t-j,V-(- .m.JMtSimJki- ,- : 'tMMIUiJ'i ,'SL.4 ,i. :irJ.--'




f JUST ARRIVED: f(M vllCvlllUUl KJ LU. U vWj W

f ' Chiffonieres, ?


Tables, ?

Parlor TablesEtc. !

T jAJI -

? Side Boards,China

? ExtensionLibrary

f Chairs,?TADfiWilV

Wardrobes, S

fviuum ui lvuiuuiJ "Waverlsy Block W





And want you to help burn them. If you lmvo notgot a riflo or sliot-jru- n to burn tlioni in, wc cun furnish youtho required nrtieles in that lino, also. Wo lmvo a linostock of sinolioless ami black powder shot-gu- n cartridges;also powder, shot, shells, wads, and loading tools for thosewho wish to load their own ammunition.

Shot-gun- s, Hides. Rovolvers, Air-gun- s, &e., &o.

KiT Island orders tilled.

a- -



Our SolidRUBBERTIRESAre unequalled for resilience amidurability. We utilize nil tholatent Improvements, besides pe-

dal devices of our Endlesswiri'H located within the rubber athigh tension securely the rubber In tho channel.

E. 0. HALL & SON, Limited,Corner "Fort and Kino: Streets.

SCHU IMC A. TXT " SCarriage and Harness Repository

promptly.Fokt stki:i:t, aiiovk Cluh Staiimis.


imperial Wheels!Best Bicycle for general made in the United States.

See for yourself and be convinced.



own.- -




S- -

Telephone 565.


THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., SEPTESfGM Iff, 1898.tiiJiywwwn wpcitf r.rjf


CuresPormnnontly euros

Scrofula,which Is ouo ot tho worst atfllctlons ot tho human race, andcomes Irom Impure blood.

Salt Rheum,a torment to tho flceh, a dlsflgurcment to tho body, and idrain on tho ayatom, alao duoto vitiated blood.

Pimples,which so disfigure tho skin, andmako tho human faco dlvlnoanything but a thing of beauty,but which aro Nature's adver-tisement of foul blood.

Hood's SarsaparillaIs tho liest-- ln fact tho Ouo True IlloocI 1'urlflcr.80I1I by all dniRRlsti. tl six for $5.

Hood's Pill; ?.ct I'srmonlotiily withHood's SnrsaparuLi.


Hawaiian Islands, iiHi.AMtorOMii', Honolulu. J

To thoMarshal of tlio Ilnwallnn Isl-ands or IiIh Ivpnty: Greeting:

Whereas a Ill-e- l has lioon lllod hi thoCircuit Court of tho l'lrst Circuit InAdmiralty, by II H Oolegiovo, of saidHonolulu, agalut the Amerlrau steam-shi- p

"City of Columbia," hor tacklo,engines, boilers and apparels, tho wildvessel now Isdng In tho port of Hono-lulu. Island of Ouhtl. and within tlmjurisdiction of tbN Honorablo Court,and against all Mrson Inlorvoncd forthoir Interests therein, In causo of eon-tra- ct

civil and niuiUliuo for breach of anagrccuiolit as sot out In tho llbol on llloIn this Court mid for tho recovery ofdamages for breach of said contract andagreement and praying for an attach-ment to Issue agaiust tho said stcamhlp"City of Columbin," hor tackles,

boilers mid amurcls. and that aJudgment may bo entorod and decrooin.ulo for the sum of Two ThousandDollars and costs for the breach of .saidcontract and agreement.

Now, therefore, you aro horeby com-manded to attach tho said steamship"City of Columbia" hor tackle, engines,boiler and apparel and detain tho MineIn your custody and until (lie furtherorder of this Court respecting the samoby publication dally until the return dayas provided by the Statute, and to givenotleo hereof to alt persons In generalwho lmvo or nrctend to lmvo any right,titlo or Interest In tho said steamship orproorty to Ikj and appear beforo theCourt, on SATlMtDAY, tho Mth day ofSeptember, A 1) 1HU8, at 10 o'clock Inthe forenoon, at the Judiciary Iluildlng,at Honolulu, then and there to showcanso If any thoy have why tlio prayorof said llbol or process as prayed forshould not bo granted mid what youshall do In tlm premises do you then amithere mako return thnrcof together withtills writ.Witnoss tlio Honorablo A Terry, First

Judgo of tho Circuit Court of theFirst Circuit at Honolulu, II I ,this day of September, A I1803.



Notice.In pursuauco of tho within Order of

Court, tlio Steamship "City of Colum-bia," together with her tackle, ougino,holler and apmrol, has Im'oii attached.and all persons Interested In tlio abovoproceedings aro horoby notified to boand appear boforo tlio Circuit Court oftoo lirst Circuit, Judiciary Iluildlng, onthe iilth day of Sontollllior. A I) 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day,to show causo, If iiny thoy lmvo, why tlioprayer oi mo auovo Hiaioil line! sliouktnot bo granted according to tho Lawsand Statute in Much case mado and pro- -

vinou, A h II1IUW.N,Marshal, Itopublio of Hawaii.

Honolulu, dim, Soptombor II, 1693.


Ilusllieid Nl"iv Willi Pew lll.lil.-- r

No H !.Nothing startling took plnco od

"ohaDgu" this raoruiug. In factbuyers soem few or else thoyfire holding off for something tomm up In tbo aliBoiico of Col.Fisher, the lit-- t wiib called by GeoU. Curler. Although 110 bids havebeen mado during sessions tueroscorns to bo a demand for theAmerican Sugar Oo.'s AssessableStock. S135 was bid for Oahuassessable with uouo offeredBrewer & 0.'h stock is still atSG00, Ewa $125 Wft8 askedfor Olowitlu mid Hawaiian Electrio had no tnk-r- s nt S250. Nonlcs took plnco during the session

nor wero nny reported from thoptroet.

1'orniL'ii Olllco Truphy.

Co. G, N. G. II., will soon litwotho opportunity thpy nro nnxiouBIv nwfiiting, to innkn tlioir thirdand Goal winning of tho ForeignOffioe trophy. Col. Fisher said today, in aiuwer to a question, thatprouauiy arrnnjjeniHnts could bnmado to have thp shoot a woekfrom uext Stunlay.

Hnnolul Mes-eug- i r Service do-livr-

mosngod and prtckMuesTolephono 378.


Tor aJJIIIonal Shipping News see seventh pace.


J hSi go- -? moi cooDAY. J? SSj 3 B

p n re s

,11.11). p.m. In. in. 10 5.50 5.31:11.1012.47

Tuesday 0 0.51 0.2011.67 2.00

Wednesday 01I7KI 7 Vn t, .If..'.Thursday.., '22' 0.01 0.30 0.42 C.22

Friday '23 10.121 11.20 1.51

Saturday 24 11.12 a.m. 0.50. 3.30p.m.

Sunday..., .....25 12.22 0.32 7.27 5.22

The Standard tlmo whistle sounds at12h. O111. OS. (iiildnlglit), Greenwichtime, which Is Hi. 30m. p. 111. of Ha-waiian Standard time.

Diamond Head Signal Station, Sopt10, 1 pm Weather clear, wlndi freshX K.

Weather Iturenu, Puunliiiu, Sept 10.

Temneraturo Morning nilnlimini,71: Midday maximum, 81.

Barometer, 0 a in, 30.00. Italnfall,do, .02.

Humidity 01 pur centAIUUVALH.

Saturday, Sept 17.

Slinr Lelilia, Itenuelt, troui .Moiokaland T.anai.

Stmr Mlknhala, Thompson, fromWulniea.

riuir Iwa, Townscnd, from Ma-ken- a.

Am bk Albert, Orllltths, fron SanFrancisco.

Stmr Kluau, Clarke, from Hawaiimid Maul ports.

Sunday, Sept 18.

Stmr .lames Mukcc, Tullett, fromKapaa.

Stmr Kauai, Hrulin, from LalminaStmr W O Hull, llaglund, from

Kauai iorts.Stmr Claudlnc, Cameron, from Ma-

ui portsIT S Transport Senator, Patterson,

from Manila.


Saturday, Sept 17.

Am bk S C Alien, Johnson, forSan Francisco.

Sunday, Sept 18.

Am bktuu Wrestler, Xlelscn, forItoyul Heads,

Monday, Sept 10.

Stmr Wulalealc, Miwhcr, for Kahu-kuun- d

ruualuu. 4 p 111.

Stmr Mlkahala, Thompson, forlCllauea, Kalllihvai and

Huualei nt 4 p 111.

Stmr Maul, Freeman, for Pmiu-lin- u,

Kukalatl, Ooktila, I.aup.ihoelioeand Papaloa, at 5 p 111.

Stmr Lehuii. llennett, for Moiokalmid Lanal, at 5 p m.


Stmr Klnau, Clarke, for usual Mauland Hawaii ports at 10 a 111. (Kaiiim-kak- al

and Luuimhoelioe, mall and passengers only.)

Stmr James Mnkee, Tullett, forKapaa, at 4 p 111.

Stmr Kauai, llruhn, for Lalmina at4 p m.

Stmr W G Hall, Haglund, forKauai ports, at 5 11 111.

Stmr Iwu, Townscnd, for Ma-ken- a,

nt 2 pm.Stmr Claudlnc, Cameron, for Maul r p m.

l.v ni:vv iUAUTt:itH.

Wnvcrlry Club Now at Corner Illhlml Hotel Ktreeti.

Tho Wnvbrloy Club is nowsottlod in tho naw quar-

ters at tho cornor Bethel and Hotelstreets. Shades and curtains adorntho windows and tho billiard andpool tables lmvo bcon nowly cov-ore- d

and put in first class condi-tion.

Tho Wnvprloy Club Art GalWyof famous Spanish-Americ- an WinPictures is now open to memborsand their frionde.

Tho uow library is now in ordor,and mouthers can obtain soiuo excellent books. A largo assortmentof books of reforonco aro on theshelvos. The newspaper andporiodical list contaius of somoiho host productions of Amoricauand Europe.

Members should invito thoirfriends to inspect tho now clubrooms.

The Columbia Cine.

Judgo Perry on Saturday ovor-rul- od

oxcoptioiiB by Mr. Hatchfor liboleo to jurisdiction of tholibels 011 tho steamer Columbia.Whou asked to fix tho amount ofi bottomry bond, the Court

tho responsibility of re-leasing tho vossol on a bottomrybond. Judgo Porry was willingto lmvo thrt hoarinq proceedon a mutual waiver of time,and tho parties lmvo agreed toWodnesday, or tureo days beforooturu day. Kinney & Ballou and

G. A. Davis sppeateil fur tho twobelrt respectively, and Elatch and

Oxyploss fur the libellant, CaptainMiluor.


They Organize Chamber of Commerce

and Memorialize.

Coffee Planters Also Organize -P- rospects of

Japanese Strike Trial On Con-

tract Labor Lav.

The Ililo Ghambor of Commercehas orgauized with tho followingofficers : J. "V Mason, president;L. Turner, first vico-preside-

Dr. P. Rico, second vice-presid-j

J. T. Stacker, secrotary; N. 0.Willfong, treasurer; H. 0. Austin,auditor; 0. A. Galbrailh, P. Souziand E. G. Hitchcock, directors.

Tho tiist businosB of this bodyas tho consideration of a memo-

rial to tho Commission. Quito adiscussion aroso over tho franchisH proposition. Tho plea finally adopted was for 0 properly bucIiducational qualificition.

Trouble is already browingamong the plantation laborers andit seems only a question of thoamount of inlliiouco tho Japaneseconsul has whother n strike will boordered. A plantation mauager inthis district received a lettor by thoMauua Loa that a striko had beotoidored but the Japanoso consulcalled it off for tho present. Ewaplantation has had to increase thepay of tho laborers to $15 pormonth, nod it is probablo otherplaces will have to follow suit.

At a meeting of the CoffeePlanters of Olaa held at the

of Dr. Bussol last Sunday, the following officers woreelected: Presidont, Dr. N. Bup-co- l;

Vice-Presid- ent, F. Sonzn;Secretary, A. Supo; Troasurer,Ohas. Eagan. Tho membors dis-cussed tho advisability of hnvinca committee appraiso tho land'and it is probablo this will bedono.

Tho trustees of tho Hilo FirstForeign church tendered a rocep-'io- n

to Boverond and Mrs. J. A.Ornnn in tho church parlors lastFriday night.

Mrs. Luononstein has rented ahouse in Alameda and will go tohousekeeping. J. R. Wilson andfamily aro keopinij house in thsame locality as Mrs. Loebenstoin.

Mossrs. Fulchor and Campbollwho did much toward inducingtho owners of tho City of Col u inhia to make Hilo a port of call havehpon mado agpnts for the PucetSound and Hawaii SteamshipCompany and lmvo establishedthemselves as manufactures brok-o- rs

in tho Spreokel's Block.On Tuesday thoro was heard in

ho District Court a case whioh isure to attract attention throughout theso Islands and tho UnitedStates. Tho Honomu Sugar Co.filed a complaint acainstoneof itsPolish contract laborers, nlleginpthat tho man was guilty of thecrime of breaking his contract.When the caso was called At-torney Carl S. Smith aroseand informod tho Court that heappeared for tho prisoner and thatho wished to move that tho casbo dismissed because the law un-der whioh it was brought was con-trary to tho Constitution of theUuited States. Tho motion

and tho prisonor wbbfound guilty as charged and or-dered back to work. Upon

to comply with tho ordor,Judge Hapai ordered tho mau tojail, thore to remain till ho shouldconsent to fulfill bis contract. Mr.Smith filod notice of appeal to thoSupremo Court and ho will go toHonolulu and represent tho pritoner in that forum next Friday

With tho advent of tho Pug'etSound and Hawaiian Steamshiplino tho banana industry has beengiven a fresh impetus uuditsoomsprobablo that within tho nextsixty days hundreds of acres ofuerotoforo idle laud will be plantk1 in bananas and pineapples.The fact that the lino was to bestarted was communicatod to thepeople of San Ftaucisco throughthe Soattlo and Tacoma news-papers, and dealers in fruit iuCalifornia lmvo rovived thoir in-or-

in the Hawuiiau product.Hawaii Hornld.

BORN.WlUailT--A- t Wnlmea, Kiuial, Sept.

17, 1808, to tho wlfo of WalterWright, u daughter.

COCKKl'l'-- In this city, Sept. 0, 1898,to the wlfo ot 1. L. Cockett, adaughter.

If you want a nico Rubber tirohack with a careful driver ring upClub Stablo Hack Stand Tol. 311),jind wo guarantee you will besatisfied.

. .. j.. ......J-- , ,U'n..l.r, .:" 11.. .4. Irf' - J " '"--

mJSSyaaTyTi gg8KaamvBri3tgragott?

Fft --r,'fr:'!;2age,ri tCT


ftfflfe S IN SUMMER?

nKVU wWo never did : bat we have

Been tho clothingat this timeof tho year so covered withdandruff that it looked as ifit had been out In a regularsnowstorm.

A& No need ol this snowstorm.

As tho summer sun would melt thofalling snow, so will

Ayer's Hair Vigormelt these flakes of dandruff In tho scalp.It goes further than this : It prevents theirformation.

It has still other properties : it will restorecolor to gray hair In just ten out of everyten cases.

And itdocs oven moro : it feeds and nour-ishes the roots of tho hair. Thin hair be-

comes thick hair; nnd short hair becomeslong hair.

ruEr-AitE- nv

Dr. J. I!. Aer & Co., IjowcII, Mass., U.S.A.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.,Solo Agonts for tho Ilopubllo of Hawaii.


Honolulu Comroandery No. i, K. T.ASl'KOIAI, MKWINO of tho abovo

Commnndorv will bo hold nt their Asy-lum in the MasoiiloToinpIo,THI.S( KVKNINIJ, Soptombor Jit, nt 7:.10o'clock. All vlsltlnt-SI- r Knit-lit- s cour-teolls- ly

Invited to attend. WORK INTKMl'Mi W. (I. ASHM5V,

I0 Iteeordor.HONOLULU CHAPTER No. l"

It. A. M..Jloefs every third Tliursiliiv evening InMasonic Teiuplo All visiting compan-ions cordiallr Invited.

HKNUYILCOOl'KIt, II. I'.JV. O. ASH I,K Secretary. 1010

Honolulu Com mandkmy No l.K.T.Moots In Mnsonlo Tomplo on tho secondI'liursday evening of eacli month. All'visiting Sir Knights courteously Invited.

HKNKV li COOl'KH, li C.W. G.ASHLJjY, Iteeordor. 1010

OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.iMeets ovory Thursday ovonlng at theirCustlo Hall, 4'joif .,n street, at 7::!0.Mombors of Jlystle Lodge N(s 2, andvisiting brothers, cordially luvltod.

l'or ordor C. (J.CHAULia KIllDKlt,


1010 K. f 11, ,in, s.


Tho stage for Kaneohe, Heela, Wal-kan- e,

I'unaluu, Lalo, Kithuku and waypoints, will leave Postolllee, Hethelstreet side, at 0 a. 111. (.Sundays except-ed), calling for passengers and pack-1- 1

ires at Lovetov .( Ci.V TC 10 M. .........street.

Wj&tages will make the return trliifrom Kahuku dally. 10IO


Announces tlio opening of herclasses In



And tho Higher Hriuiches of Vocal Art

Appointments made by mall, box308, or by telephone, 14(1 lO'O

Paltinnm Pictures are Permanent.

WANTS.wTANTCD.Siilicitiir for business In Hilo. ArrlvlinmeJIatek ..V V, , 7 lt..ii.n :, !'j Hf, MMiuiiii unid lOIQ

UMNTLD iIiIikhnfrlviui'4


- ani. .Caviller..' ",',"';,?"'",J rpenrnce, ana ace. inconhJt-nv- iu Kl.Trtd . II ilktln uflice. 101I1

7ANTLI)-- A pusltlon by nn American. U first.....,.,.. . . ..II fli, m.m in of all klnt.. Hstof Mirenn.. AJJrts. "A."uullttin oince. ioi8-j- t

Ca or iiiivmni, """J. L. Kailll, I. .Ill Ullr ..lln.nnJ

from Ivauai jeatordnj', reporta acase of contempt in tho CircuitCourt at Lihuo on Friday.

j.uo casu or uumou rw) V8Mrs. I'allU amn nnrl nilmn fcovery of certain lands was beingVf ","'' uuniy. hiiouMr8. ralmlama took tlio stand,uer uusoanu retired to the back oftllO COUrt rnnm nnrl flinrn mnilosiKiis to his wifo as to whethorbho should answer iu tho nllirmn-tiv- e

or negative.Tho uext day Pahulama got ton

days unpiisoumont at hard labor.

