exchanging more than complete data

Exchanging More than Complete Data Jorge P´ erez Universidad de Chile joint work with Marcelo Arenas (PUC-Chile) and Juan Reutter (Univ. Edinburgh)

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Page 1: Exchanging More than Complete Data

Exchanging More than Complete Data

Jorge PerezUniversidad de Chile

joint work with Marcelo Arenas (PUC-Chile) and Juan Reutter (Univ. Edinburgh)

Page 2: Exchanging More than Complete Data


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Carrie Bob

Father(x , y) → Parent(x , y)Mother(x , y) → Parent(x , y)

Parent(x , y) ∧ Parent(y , z) → Gr-Parent(x , z)

Page 3: Exchanging More than Complete Data


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Carrie Bob

Father(x , y) → Parent(x , y)Mother(x , y) → Parent(x , y)

Parent(x , y) ∧ Parent(y , z) → Gr-Parent(x , z)

SourceFather(x , y) → Pateras(x , y)

Gr-Parent(x , y) → Pappoi(x , y)Target

Page 4: Exchanging More than Complete Data


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Carrie Bob

Father(x , y) → Parent(x , y)Mother(x , y) → Parent(x , y)

Parent(x , y) ∧ Parent(y , z) → Gr-Parent(x , z)

SourceFather(x , y) → Pateras(x , y)

Gr-Parent(x , y) → Pappoi(x , y)Target


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Andy DannyCarrie DannyBob Eddie

Page 5: Exchanging More than Complete Data


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Carrie Bob

Father(x , y) → Parent(x , y)Mother(x , y) → Parent(x , y)

Parent(x , y) ∧ Parent(y , z) → Gr-Parent(x , z)

SourceFather(x , y) → Pateras(x , y)

Gr-Parent(x , y) → Pappoi(x , y)Target

Pateras(x , y) ∧ Pateras(y , z) → Pappoi(x , z)

Page 6: Exchanging More than Complete Data


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Carrie Bob

Father(x , y) → Parent(x , y)Mother(x , y) → Parent(x , y)

Parent(x , y) ∧ Parent(y , z) → Gr-Parent(x , z)

SourceFather(x , y) → Pateras(x , y)

Gr-Parent(x , y) → Pappoi(x , y)Target


Andy BobBob DannyDanny Eddie


Carrie Danny

Pateras(x , y) ∧ Pateras(y , z) → Pappoi(x , z)

Page 7: Exchanging More than Complete Data

Exchanging More than Complete Data

Jorge PerezUniversidad de Chile

joint work with Marcelo Arenas (PUC-Chile) and Juan Reutter (Univ. Edinburgh)

Page 8: Exchanging More than Complete Data

We can exchange more than complete data

◮ In data exchange we begin with a database instancewe begin with complete data

◮ What if we have a representation of a set ofpossible instances?

◮ We propose a new general formalism to exchangerepresentations of possible instancesand apply it to incomplete instances and knowledge bases

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

Page 10: Exchanging More than Complete Data


Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

Page 11: Exchanging More than Complete Data

Representation systems

A representation system is composed of:

◮ a set W of representatives

◮ a function rep from W to sets of instances

Vrep−→ {I1, I2, I3, . . .} = rep(V)

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Representation systems

A representation system is composed of:

◮ a set W of representatives

◮ a function rep from W to sets of instances

Vrep−→ {I1, I2, I3, . . .} = rep(V)

◮ Incomplete instances and knowledge bases arerepresentation systems

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In classical data exchange

we consider only complete data

M = (S,T,Σ) a schema mapping from S to T

I ∈ Inst(S), J ∈ Inst(T)

J is a solution for I under M iff (I , J) |= Σ

J ∈ SolM(I )

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In classical data exchange

we consider only complete data

M = (S,T,Σ) a schema mapping from S to T

I ∈ Inst(S), J ∈ Inst(T)

J is a solution for I under M iff (I , J) |= Σ

J ∈ SolM(I )

We can extend this to set of instances:given a set X ⊆ Inst(S)

SolM(X ) =⋃


SolM(I )

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Extending the definition to representation systems


◮ a mapping M = (S,T,Σ)

◮ a representation system R = (W, rep)

◮ U ,V ∈ W

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Extending the definition to representation systems


◮ a mapping M = (S,T,Σ)

◮ a representation system R = (W, rep)

◮ U ,V ∈ W


U is an R-solution of V if

rep(U) ⊆ SolM(rep(V))

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Extending the definition to representation systems


◮ a mapping M = (S,T,Σ)

◮ a representation system R = (W, rep)

◮ U ,V ∈ W


U is an R-solution of V if

rep(U) ⊆ SolM(rep(V))

or equivalently,

∀J ∈ rep(U), ∃I ∈ rep(V) such that J ∈ SolM(I )

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Universal solutions and strong representation systems


U is a universal R-solution of V if

rep(U) = SolM(rep(V))

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Universal solutions and strong representation systems


U is a universal R-solution of V if

rep(U) = SolM(rep(V))

Let C be a class of mappings,


R = (W, rep) is a strong representation system for C iffor every M ∈ C, and V ∈ W, there exists a U ∈ W such that:

rep(U) = SolM(rep(V))

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Universal solutions and strong representation systems


U is a universal R-solution of V if

rep(U) = SolM(rep(V))

Let C be a class of mappings,


R = (W, rep) is a strong representation system for C iffor every M ∈ C, and V ∈ W, there exists a U ∈ W such that:

rep(U) = SolM(rep(V))

Strong representation systems ⇒ universal solutions forrepresentatives in R can always be represented in the same system.

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

Page 22: Exchanging More than Complete Data

Incomplete Instances

We consider:

◮ Naive instances: instances with null values

R(1,N1)R(N1, 2)

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Incomplete Instances

We consider:

◮ Naive instances: instances with null values

R(1,N1)R(N1, 2)

◮ Positive conditional instances: naive instances plusconditions for tuples

◮ equalities between nulls, and between nulls and constants◮ conjunctions and disjunctions

T (1,N1) trueR(1,N1,N2) N1 = N2 ∨ (N1 = 2 ∧ N2 = 3)

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Incomplete Instances

We consider:

◮ Naive instances: instances with null values

R(1,N1)R(N1, 2)

◮ Positive conditional instances: naive instances plusconditions for tuples

◮ equalities between nulls, and between nulls and constants◮ conjunctions and disjunctions

T (1,N1) trueR(1,N1,N2) N1 = N2 ∨ (N1 = 2 ∧ N2 = 3)

Semantics given by valuations of nulls (+ open world):

rep(I) = {K | µ(I) ⊆ K for some valuation µ}

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Strong representation systems for st-tgds

Let M = (S,T,Σ) be specified by source-to-target tgds(st-tgd: φS(x) → ∃yψT(x , y), φS and ψT are CQs)


For every complete instance I there exists a naive instance J s.t.

rep(J ) = SolM(I )

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Strong representation systems for st-tgds

Let M = (S,T,Σ) be specified by source-to-target tgds(st-tgd: φS(x) → ∃yψT(x , y), φS and ψT are CQs)


For every complete instance I there exists a naive instance J s.t.

rep(J ) = SolM(I )


Naive instances are not a strong representation system for st-tgds


Mng(N ,Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y)Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x)

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Strong representation systems for st-tgds

Let M = (S,T,Σ) be specified by source-to-target tgds(st-tgd: φS(x) → ∃yψT(x , y), φS and ψT are CQs)


For every complete instance I there exists a naive instance J s.t.

rep(J ) = SolM(I )


Naive instances are not a strong representation system for st-tgds


Mng(N ,Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y) ?Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x)

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Positive conditional instances are enough


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for st-tgds.

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Positive conditional instances are enough


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for st-tgds.

Mng(N, Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y)Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x)

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Positive conditional instances are enough


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for st-tgds.

Mng(N, Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y) Reports(N ,Alice) true

Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x)

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Positive conditional instances are enough


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for st-tgds.

Mng(N, Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y) Reports(N ,Alice) true

Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x) Self-Mng(Alice)

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Positive conditional instances are enough


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for st-tgds.

Mng(N, Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y) Reports(N ,Alice) true

Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x) Self-Mng(Alice) N = Alice

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Positive conditional instances are enough


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for st-tgds.

Mng(N, Alice) Mng(x , y) → Reports(x , y) Reports(N ,Alice) true

Mng(x , x) → Self-Mng(x) Self-Mng(Alice) N = Alice


Positive conditional instances are astrong representation system for SO-tgds.

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Positive conditional instances are

exactly the needed representation system


Positive conditional instances are minimal:

◮ equalities between nulls◮ equalities between constant and nulls◮ conjunctions and disjunctions

are all needed for a strong representation system of st-tgds

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Positive conditional instances

match the complexity bounds of classical data exchange


For positive conditional instances and (fixed) st-tgds

◮ Universal solutions can be constructed in polynomial time.

◮ Certain answers of unions of conjunctive queriescan be computed in polynomial time.

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

Page 37: Exchanging More than Complete Data

The semantics of knowledge bases

is given by sets of instances

Knowledge base over S: (I ,Γ) s.t.

I ∈ Inst(S)

Γ a set of rules over S

Semantics: finite models

Mod(I ,Γ) = {K ∈ Inst(S) | I ⊆ K and K |= Γ}

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We can apply our formalism

to knowledge bases

(I2,Γ2) is a kb-solution for (I1,Γ1) under M iff

Mod(I2,Γ2) ⊆ SolM(Mod(I1,Γ1))

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

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We study the following decision problem


Input: M = (S,T,Σ) with Σ st-tgds(I1,Γ1) knowledge base over S with Γ1 tgds(I2,Γ2) knowledge base over T with Γ2 tgds

Output: Is (I2,Γ2) a kb-solution of (I1,Γ1) under M?

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We study the following decision problem


Input: M = (S,T,Σ) with Σ st-tgds(I1,Γ1) knowledge base over S with Γ1 tgds(I2,Γ2) knowledge base over T with Γ2 tgds

Output: Is (I2,Γ2) a kb-solution of (I1,Γ1) under M?


Check-KB-Sol is undecidable (even for fixed M).

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We study the following decision problem


Input: M = (S,T,Σ) with Σ st-tgds(I1,Γ1) knowledge base over S with Γ1 tgds(I2,Γ2) knowledge base over T with Γ2 tgds

Output: Is (I2,Γ2) a kb-solution of (I1,Γ1) under M?


Check-KB-Sol is undecidable (even for fixed M).

Undecidability is a consequence of using ∃ in knowledge bases

Check-Full-KB-Sol: Γ1, Γ2 full-tgds (no ∃)

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The complexity of Check-Full-KB-Sol


Check-Full-KB-Sol is EXPTIME-complete.

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The complexity of Check-Full-KB-Sol


Check-Full-KB-Sol is EXPTIME-complete.


If M = (S,T,Σ) is fixed

Check-Full-KB-Sol is ∆P2 [O(log n)]-complete.

∆P2 [O(log n)] ≡ PNP with only a logarithmic

number of calls to the NP oracle.

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)T: E ′(·, ·), Succ ′(·, ·), Clique′(·)

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)T: E ′(·, ·), Succ ′(·, ·), Clique′(·)

I1 and I2 are copies of G , plus a successor relation over [1, n]

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)T: E ′(·, ·), Succ ′(·, ·), Clique′(·)

I1 and I2 are copies of G , plus a successor relation over [1, n]

Γ1: “E has a clique of even size x ≤ n” → Clique(x)

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)T: E ′(·, ·), Succ ′(·, ·), Clique′(·)

I1 and I2 are copies of G , plus a successor relation over [1, n]

Γ1: “E has a clique of even size x ≤ n” → Clique(x)Γ2: “E ′ has a clique of odd size x ≤ n” → Clique′(x)

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)T: E ′(·, ·), Succ ′(·, ·), Clique′(·)

I1 and I2 are copies of G , plus a successor relation over [1, n]

Γ1: “E has a clique of even size x ≤ n” → Clique(x)Γ2: “E ′ has a clique of odd size x ≤ n” → Clique′(x)

Σ: Clique(x) ∧ Succ(x , y) → Clique′(y)

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Hardness is obtained by reducing

the Max-Odd-Clique problem

Given a graph G with n nodes:

S: E (·, ·), Succ(·, ·), Clique(·)T: E ′(·, ·), Succ ′(·, ·), Clique′(·)

I1 and I2 are copies of G , plus a successor relation over [1, n]

Γ1: “E has a clique of even size x ≤ n” → Clique(x)Γ2: “E ′ has a clique of odd size x ≤ n” → Clique′(x)

Σ: Clique(x) ∧ Succ(x , y) → Clique′(y)

(I2,Γ2) is a kb-solution of (I1,Σ1) iffthe maximum size of a clique in G is odd.

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

Page 53: Exchanging More than Complete Data

Minimal knowledge bases as good kb-solutions

What are good knowledge-base solutions?

◮ first choice: universal kb-solutions, but

◮ there are some other kb-solutions desirable to materialize

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Minimal knowledge bases as good kb-solutions

What are good knowledge-base solutions?

◮ first choice: universal kb-solutions, but

◮ there are some other kb-solutions desirable to materialize

X ≡min Y: X and Y coincide in the minimal instances

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Minimal knowledge bases as good kb-solutions

What are good knowledge-base solutions?

◮ first choice: universal kb-solutions, but

◮ there are some other kb-solutions desirable to materialize

X ≡min Y: X and Y coincide in the minimal instances

(I2,Γ2) is a minimal kb-solution of (I1,Γ1) under M if

Mod(I2,Γ2) ≡min SolM(Mod(I1,Γ1))

We consider minimal kb-solutions as the good solutions

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Two requirements to construct

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given (I1,Γ1) and Σ, when constructing aminimal-knowledge base solution (I2,Γ2) we would want:

1. Γ2 to only depend on Γ1 and Σ

Γ2 is safe for Γ1 and Σ

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Two requirements to construct

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given (I1,Γ1) and Σ, when constructing aminimal-knowledge base solution (I2,Γ2) we would want:

1. Γ2 to only depend on Γ1 and Σ

Γ2 is safe for Γ1 and Σ


Γ2 is safe for Γ1 and Σ, if for every I1 there exists I2 s.t.

(I2,Γ2) is a minimal kb-solution of (I1,Γ1)

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Two requirements to construct

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given (I1,Γ1) and Σ, when constructing aminimal-knowledge base solution (I2,Γ2) we would want:

2. Γ2 to be as informative as possiblethus minimizing the size of I2

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Two requirements to construct

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given (I1,Γ1) and Σ, when constructing aminimal-knowledge base solution (I2,Γ2) we would want:

2. Γ2 to be as informative as possiblethus minimizing the size of I2

Γ2 is optimum-safe if for every other safe set Γ′

Γ2 |= Γ′

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Safe sets: data independent target knowledge bases

Unfortunately, optimum-safe sets are not (always) FO-expressible


There exist sets Γ1 (full & acyclic) and Σ (full) s.t.

no FO sentence is optimum-safe for Γ1 and Σ

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Safe sets: data independent target knowledge bases

Unfortunately, optimum-safe sets are not (always) FO-expressible


There exist sets Γ1 (full & acyclic) and Σ (full) s.t.

no FO sentence is optimum-safe for Γ1 and Σ

In our paper:

An algorithm to compute optimum-safe set in SO

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Safe sets: data independent target knowledge bases

Unfortunately, optimum-safe sets are not (always) FO-expressible


There exist sets Γ1 (full & acyclic) and Σ (full) s.t.

no FO sentence is optimum-safe for Γ1 and Σ

In our paper:

An algorithm to compute optimum-safe set in SO

Can we do better? not optimum but useful set?(non-trivial safe set in a good language)

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

1. Unfold Γ1 to get Γ+1

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

1. Unfold Γ1 to get Γ+1

2. Construct Σ− (from T to S) as follows:

for every α(x) → R(x) in Γ+1

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

1. Unfold Γ1 to get Γ+1

2. Construct Σ− (from T to S) as follows:

for every α(x) → R(x) in Γ+1

Rewrite α(x) in the target of Σ to obtain β(x)

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

1. Unfold Γ1 to get Γ+1

2. Construct Σ− (from T to S) as follows:

for every α(x) → R(x) in Γ+1

Rewrite α(x) in the target of Σ to obtain β(x)

Add β(x) → R(x) to Σ−

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

1. Unfold Γ1 to get Γ+1

2. Construct Σ− (from T to S) as follows:

for every α(x) → R(x) in Γ+1

Rewrite α(x) in the target of Σ to obtain β(x)

Add β(x) → R(x) to Σ−

3. Let Γ2 = Σ− ◦ Σ

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We can compute a good safe set

for acyclic tgds knowledge bases

Input: Γ1 acyclic full-tgds, Σ full-tgds (from S to T)

1. Unfold Γ1 to get Γ+1

2. Construct Σ− (from T to S) as follows:

for every α(x) → R(x) in Γ+1

Rewrite α(x) in the target of Σ to obtain β(x)

Add β(x) → R(x) to Σ−

3. Let Γ2 = Σ− ◦ Σ


Γ2 is safe for Γ1 and Σ

(Γ2 is a set of full-tgds with 6=)

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In the paper: a complete strategy for computing

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given Γ1 and Σ:

◮ We compute Γ2 safe for Γ1 and Σ

◮ We then compute minimal set Γ∗ (implied by Γ1) such that

for every I1

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In the paper: a complete strategy for computing

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given Γ1 and Σ:

◮ We compute Γ2 safe for Γ1 and Σ

◮ We then compute minimal set Γ∗ (implied by Γ1) such that

for every I1


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In the paper: a complete strategy for computing

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given Γ1 and Σ:

◮ We compute Γ2 safe for Γ1 and Σ

◮ We then compute minimal set Γ∗ (implied by Γ1) such that

for every I1

chaseΣ( chaseΓ∗(I1))

Page 73: Exchanging More than Complete Data

In the paper: a complete strategy for computing

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given Γ1 and Σ:

◮ We compute Γ2 safe for Γ1 and Σ

◮ We then compute minimal set Γ∗ (implied by Γ1) such that

for every I1(

chaseΣ( chaseΓ∗(I1)),Γ2


Page 74: Exchanging More than Complete Data

In the paper: a complete strategy for computing

minimal knowledge-base solutions

Given Γ1 and Σ:

◮ We compute Γ2 safe for Γ1 and Σ

◮ We then compute minimal set Γ∗ (implied by Γ1) such that

for every I1(

chaseΣ( chaseΓ∗(I1)),Γ2


is a minimal kb-solution for (I1,Γ1).

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks

Page 76: Exchanging More than Complete Data

We can exchange more than complete data

We propose a general formalismto exchange representation systems

◮ Applications to incomplete instances

◮ Applications to knowledge bases

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We can exchange more than complete data

We propose a general formalismto exchange representation systems

◮ Applications to incomplete instances

◮ Applications to knowledge bases

Next step: apply our general setting to the Semantic Web

◮ Semantic Web data have nulls (blank nodes)

◮ Semantic Web specifications have rules (RDFS, OWL)

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Exchanging More than Complete Data

Jorge PerezUniversidad de Chile

joint work with Marcelo Arenas (PUC-Chile) and Juan Reutter (Univ. Edinburgh)

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Formalism for exchanging representations systems

Applications to incomplete instances

Applications to knowledge basesWhat is the complexity of testing kb-solutions?How can we compute a good kb-solution?

Concluding remarks