exclusively water cala conference 2004lisa's lunch & learn cocktail reception cd release...

The Canadian Aquafitness Leaders Alliance Inc. CALA • 125 Lilian Dr., Toronto, ON, Canada M1R 3W6 Tel: (416) 751-9823 • 1-888-751-9823 • Fax: (416) 755-1832 • [email protected] • www.calainc.org EXCLUSIVELY WATER CALA CONFERENCE 2004 Over 26 sessions to choose from Lisa's Lunch & Learn Cocktail Reception CD Release Giant Aquafitness Party with live Celtic Fiddler/Singer Summer BBQ Networking Trade Show CEC Accreditation Accommodation at $99.00 Early Bird Registration: May 7, 2004 as low as $129 Spa Surprise Package to the first 50 full conference delegates - valued at more than $75.00 each FALL 2003 & WINTER 2004 VOLUME THREE • NUMBER THIRTY-NINE June 25 - 27 at the Ramada Hotel Toronto Airport & the Etobicoke Olympium

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Page 1: EXCLUSIVELY WATER CALA CONFERENCE 2004Lisa's Lunch & Learn Cocktail Reception CD Release Giant Aquafitness Party with live Celtic Fiddler/Singer Summer BBQ Networking Trade Show CEC

The Canadian AquafitnessLeaders Alliance Inc.

CALA • 125 Lil ian Dr., Toronto, ON, Canada M1R 3W6Tel: (416) 751-9823 • 1-888-751-9823 • Fax: (416) 755-1832 • [email protected] • www.calainc.org


Over 26 sessions tochoose from

Lisa's Lunch & Learn

Cocktail Reception

CD Release GiantAquafitness Party with

live Celtic Fiddler/Singer

Summer BBQ


Trade Show

CEC Accreditation

Accommodationat $99.00

Early Bird Registration: May 7, 2004 as low as $129 Spa Surprise Package to the first 50 full conference delegates - valued at more than $75.00 each


June 25 - 27 at the Ramada Hotel Toronto Airport & the Etobicoke Olympium

Page 2: EXCLUSIVELY WATER CALA CONFERENCE 2004Lisa's Lunch & Learn Cocktail Reception CD Release Giant Aquafitness Party with live Celtic Fiddler/Singer Summer BBQ Networking Trade Show CEC







How does one define a Centre of Excellence? Howdoes one evaluate the health and well being of acommunity? Following is a synopsis of a workingproject that began when a seed was planted in theminds of a team of visionaries, inSouth Africa.

While in the Cape Region ofSouth Africa, on a teachingassignment at the University ofStellenbosch, I was invited to aninternational Rhythmical Gym-nastics competition. At the recep-tion following the impressive lineup of routines, I was introducedto the Minister of Sport, Cultureand Recreation of South Africa.After sharing our respective views on how to devel-op excellence in sports, I was invited to a follow upmeeting.

The meeting was both enlightening and uplifting.In a country often associated with political, eco-nomic and health related concerns, I could see,hear and sense the commitment to build a newSouth Africa from many perspectives. One visioninvolved creating a system to develop competentathletes who could “bring national pride to SouthAfrica” in the Olympic arena. The Minister spoke ofhis trip to the Sydney Olympics. What impressedhim was how the Australians had developed“Centres of Excellence” for achievement inOlympic sports at various locations throughout thecountry. This idea appealed to the minister.

My experience teaching 3rd and 4th year bioki-netics and sports science students since 1998, hasenabled me to see the scope and talent amongst


BLEND OF ‘CANADIANA’by Charlene Kopansky, B.Sc., Human Kinetics, B. Ed., B.Sc., Ed., Founder and President of CALA

the youth of South Africa. I have had the opportu-nity to share my expertise in a variety of waterfitness related areas such as: Group Aquafitness,Water Running, Aqua Kick Box, Aqua Recuperation

for Athletes, and AquaAbdominals: Training the BodyCore. Introducing players andcoaches of the university rugbyand national netball teams towater training continues to be arewarding and interesting experi-ence. Athletes, coaches andsports oriented professors alike,recognize that training in waterhas many benefits.

Adding vertical water training tothe ‘training mix’ is a means to improve athleticperformance. There are many benefits including:

1.Ability to recuperate from training hard on landwhile maintaining fitness – a ‘kind of flushing’ ofthe muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fas-cia occurs due to ‘aqua physics’.

2.Opportunity to cross train with no impact,unloading the joints and moving through theresistance of water for a balanced, double con-centric workout.

3.Choice to avoid or prevent injury and overheating.

4.Means to complement existing programs whileadding variety in the refreshing water environ-ment.

University of Stellenbosch is somewhat of a havenfor ‘world class’ athletes. It is common place toobserve athletes from America, Germany, Britain,Sweden, and Norway (to name a few) training inthe gym, the pool, the hills behind the university,the roadways and the track. The Sports Sciencedepartment offers aquatic post rehabilitation for

Outdoor class,Stellenbosch, South Africa

Graded Wilder Exercisetest for Water Running.

When envisioning thedevelopment of Centres of

Excellence in South Africa, thefilm entitled “Field of Dreams”

came immediately to mind.I recall the statement: “If you

build it, they will come.”I know that this is possible in

South Africa and in manyother places in the world –

including Canada.

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athletes and members of the community. Thisprogram provides both a service and a means totrain ‘biokineticists’ in a ‘real world’ setting. It isnot difficult to envision University of Stellenbosch,as an excellent location to design and develop aCentre of Excellence for the purpose of TrainingHigh Level Athletes.

The university setting is ideal for many reasons:

1.Location: ideal climate and affordable living,including housing, food, transport.

2.Facilities: ideal training conditions: fullyequipped gym, indoor and outdoor pools, track,surrounding countryside with mountains, hillsand beaches.

3.Staff: competent and current team including;massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiroprac-tors, sports psychologists, sports medicine doc-tors, university professors and enlightened andeager students studying sports science.

When envisioning the development of Centres ofExcellence in South Africa, the film entitled “Fieldof Dreams” came immediately to mind. I recall thestatement: “If you build it, they will come.” Iknow that this is possible in South Africa and inmany other places in the world – includingCanada.

During the meeting, with the Minister, we dis-cussed a variety of issues. We could both see astrong link between well-equipped facilities whopromote and provide opportunities for excellencein sports and the well being of the surroundingcommunity.

We pondered the following question. How is ahealthy community developed – one that is well -flourishing and thriving with vitality in body, mind

and spirit? We both agreed that, from ‘high level’athletics to recreational activities – a healthy com-munity starts by examples set in the home envi-ronment and the school system.

Let’s look closer to home - Canada. Take a momentto ponder the current state of ‘movement orient-ed’ activities in the Canadian school system. Whatmessages regarding healthy living are delivered byparents or by teachers? Are the ones who deliverthe messages ‘walking the talk’ or ‘practicing whatthey preach’? What does a newborn or youngchild hear, see, feel and sense about the value ofhealthy movement and nutrition? How is wellnessand active living promoted, celebrated and prac-ticed at home?

Throughout the early development stages,humans begin to form values and patterns of livingthat have the potential to stick with them for life.What experiences do young children have thatenable them to choose healthy living as the only‘option’. Progress is currently being made, on thehome front, with new Health Canada initiativesdirected at getting kids more active.

Aside: Why, in the mid 80’s, in Ontario, did physi-cal education get ‘cut’ from the curriculum? I wasa secondary school teacher in Biology and PhysicalEducation, when the shift away from ‘movementas a critical aspect of education’ occurred. I knewit was time to leave a system that did not honourthe health and well being of our young people.

I am writing this article, on the crest of another tripto South Africa. In future meetings with theMinister of Sport, Culture and Recreation, alongwith a team of university professors from the SportScience Department, I plan to set the stage to ful-fill the dream to build healthy communities, with‘Centres of Excellence’ sprinkled throughout SouthAfrica. If all goes to plan, these centres will be opento all those aspiring athletes with a desire toachieve more in the sports arena.

Stay tuned to find out what happens!

University ofStellenboschstudents practiceWater Running form.

Charlene inSouth Africa

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The inspiration for this concept came from DarinDieterich and AJ Green, during a trip to Munich,Germany. They have developed pre-choreo-graphed routines and music to match in a landbased setting. The primary goal of their “VeniceBeach Elementals” program is to motivate as manypeople as possible to participate in the positiveexperience of fitness and enjoy the benefits thatfitness has to offer.

The “Simple Abundance: Progressive Choreo-graphy” concept is specifically designed for waterand includes the base ideas from the ‘elementalsclass format’. Following is the formula to progressa block of choreographed movements from a sim-ple to a complex routine.

1 Start with blocks of four movements.2 Each block has three phases.3 Manipulate the coordination component of fit-

ness, to progress from phase one to phasethree.

4 Give permission for participants to remain inphase one or to move to phase two or three asfitness level, including kinesthetic awarenessimprove.

5 Include teaching tips to enhance form andtechnique to ensure a safe exercise experience.

Following are key technique and leadership tips tointegrate throughout the class.

Technique Tips:• Chin retracted • Scapula set • Abs activated• Pelvis level • Wrist locked • Joints firm

6 Promote body balance by focusing on all themajor muscles.

7 Utilize verbal and visual cues to educate partici-pants about the names and functional signifi-cance of the muscles that are being worked.

8 Encourage participants to make a vital connec-tion between the “body moving, the mindthinking and the spirit feeling” by asking themto actually feel and experience the muscleactions that are being performed.

9 Pay close attention to transitions and fluidity ofthe moves.

10 Keep a close watch on the body alignment ofyour participants while performing your ownmoves with expert execution.

11 Use dynamic, concise verbal cues together withdramatic, clear visual cues. Remember eye con-tact, facial and body expressions help keep theatmosphere light and fun.

TEACHING THE PHASESPhase 1Concentrate on the four base moves. Make surethe participants realize the correct body alignmentand exactly what muscle group is being worked.Let the participants know that these are the basemoves and as the complexity of the movementprogresses from phase one to phase two, they arefree to return to, or remain at, phase one.

Phase 2Add a second muscle group or a variation such asa lever change or sequencing change to the basemoves. Make sure that body alignment stays ‘per-fect’ and range of motion is not sacrificed. On aregular basis, give permission for the participantsto return to phase one at any time.

Phase 3Now the moves are at an advanced level incorpo-rating stability, strength and coordination. Manymuscles are working at the same time to stabilizeothers, you have added a second, maybe even athird muscle group to the base moves. Variationshave been systematically added as well. Give par-ticipants permission to return to phase two orphase one, at any time. Phase three movementsmay not be for everyone. The same can be said for“Power Step Training”, “Hip Hop Funk” moves ormarathon running.


Written by: Charlene Kopansky, B.Sc. Human Kinetics, B. Ed.Assisting: Michelle McLaren, B.Kin., RMT, CALA Trainer

Charlene gets somesun - South Africa

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Block One:Muscle Focus: Hip flexors (rectus femoris, iliop-soas, sartorius)

Phase One: light bounce (L), half tempo (1/2 t)narrow jogormarch (n j’om)wide jogormarch (w j’om)sartorius jogormarch (srt j’om)narrow karate kick (n kk)Arms: unison tricep kickback (uni tri kbk)

Phase Two: anchored (A), 1/2 tn j’om w j’omsrt j’omn kkRhythm change: single, single, repeater (2)Arm change: uni tri kbk arms on the singles andcross back hammer hands (x bk hh) on therepeater

Phase Three: A, quarter tempo (1/4 t)right w hip kick (rt w hip k) left srt j’omrt n kklt n hip kRepeat starting on left side.Alternate (no repeaters)Arm change: all moves with uni tri kbk arms


Between each Phase, insert a “cardio pause“. Thisincludes simple moves to give the mind a break,and keep the body moving. Avoid using the samejoint actions that are included in the Block ofChoreography.

A workshop called Simple Abundance: ProgressiveChoreography is on offer at the “CALA ExclusivelyWater Conference” in Toronto from June 25 – 27th.Learn another three blocks of choreography at thissession – ready to take home and deliver to your par-ticipants.

Phase 1, 2 & 3arms



Phase 2arms

Phase 3

3 4

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Job hunting?

Here are a few suggestions on how to set “you”apart from the rest of the field of applicants, nomatter what your career choice.

- Always write a cover letter introducing yourselfand highlighting how you heard about this jobopening; explain why you would be interested inworking at that particular company or facility, inthis particular position.

- Research the company or facility: concentrate ongetting your facts straight, have the proper titles,and spell your contact’s name correctly.

- Describe what it takes to be an outstandingemployee at this company or facility, and howyou would fit in.

- Describe briefly how you are a team player—what projects you have completed in anotherposition, in a team context—that were highlysuccessful both for the employer and employees.Everyone loves a team player.

- Be careful whose name you drop: make sure thatthey really do know who you are, and recom-mend you.

- Avoid presenting yourself like one of their cur-rent employees—be yourself. Avoid promotingyourself based on another person’s credibility:regardless of their strengths, there are alwaysweaknesses.

- Mention your educational background and howlong you have worked towards obtaining theposition you are applying for.

- Always address your cover letter in a formalmanner, i.e. ‘Dear Mr. Job Opportunity.’

- Always end the letter in a formal manner, i.e.‘Sincerely yours, Good Manners.’

- Always thank ‘Mr. Job Opportunity’ for takingthe time to review your job application.

- Mention an exact time,or a time frame whenyou will follow up onyour submission; makenote of this in your agen-da. Be sure to follow up,exactly on time. This willdemonstrate that you aretrue to your word.

- During your follow-upcall, make sure to havebrief notes in front of you, in case you shouldbegin to get tongue-tied. Ignore backgroundnoises and other distractions.

- If you call and have to leave a message, do notcall back the same day. Should two days passwithout a return phone call, it is acceptable toleave another message. Mention that this is a fol-low-up call, and avoid sounding annoyed; men-tion that you understand how busy ‘Mr. JobOpportunity’ is.

- During conversation, keep your voice level andprofessional and answer questions in a clear, pre-cise manner. Avoid unnecessary comments suchas those relating to ‘telephone tag.’

- When following up, be as polite with the recep-tionist as you are with ‘Mr. Job Opportunity.Upon obtaining an interview, smile when youmeet the receptionist in person and announceyourself with a proud ‘Good morning, my nameis ‘Good Manners’ and I am here to see ‘Mr. JobOpportunity’ for our ‘10 a.m. appointment.’Allow the receptionist to think that he or shemay have met you before, or at least shouldknow your name.

- Have a business card ready for the receptionist topresent to his or her boss when they announceyou. Many people are ‘visual,’ and ‘Mr. JobOpportunity ‘will be more apt to remember yourname during and after the interview.

Good luck!

A FEW THINGS TO IMPROVE YOUR ODDS!by Wendy Kennedy, CALA Certified. The Training Center CPR & Fitness

for job postings

Visit our web site at

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Hi Connie:I attended two of your workshops at the “ExclusivelyWater CALA Conference” in 2003. I teach about 15aqua classes a week. An Aquafitness participant rec-ommended me to his friend who had knee surgery.This individual is currently working with an athleticphysiotherapist. He has accessto a deep-water pool and wouldlike me to teach aquafitness pri-vately to him on Tuesdays andThursdays.

I would suggest a ‘45 minute’class designed specifically forhim. I will also teach him exer-cises to practice on his own. Iwill ask him to fill out theMedical Par Q, an informed con-sent and a Doctors consent formbefore proceeding.

He has osteoarthritis and thebone was shaved and roundedin three places. I will be takingthe CALA Healing Waters: PostAquatic Rehab course in 2004,and purchased the AquaArthritis Catalogue of Exercisemanual for reference. I consideryou an expert in this area and would like assistancewith the following:1) What are the eight main exercises you would rec-

ommend for this client?2) The manual includes the use of equipment. Is

equipment necessary?3) Do I need a warm pool?4) Do you use music while doing Aquatic Post Rehab

in a personal training setting?

Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge.

Lisa Bixel

Hi Lisa,Lucky you! What a great referral. In your position, Iwould ask to speak to his athletic physiotherapist. Thetwo of you need a relationship regarding this man'scare and progress. The physiotherapist will be able totell you where he is with range of motion, whatprogress has been made in therapy, and what goalsremain. The physiotherapist will also be able to provideyou with movement restrictions (if any) for this man.The physiotherapist may not know what the water cando as a rehab tool, or (s)he may be well informed. Askabout the physiotherapist’s background in this areaand let him/her know what you are planning.

In addition to the PAR-Q, age, and relevant medicalhistory, do a thorough postural assessment. Is he walk-ing with assistive devices (cane?) or unassisted? Checkout his gait. ‘Bad’ knees can result in skewed postureand limping issues. If he has these, he will benefit fromsome posture and gait retraining in chest-deep water.

Please find out what the client'sfitness levels are and his usualpreferred pool temp. If he is a fitman and doing well in rehab, hemay be fine with lower pooltemps (mid 80s F. / recreationalpool temp) and a fairly vigorousprogram of aqua jogging com-bined with cross country ski andjumping jack movements. Hemay be somewhat de-condi-tioned as a result of his surgery,so ask him lots of questionsabout his current and previousactivity levels.

Start gently. Progress only whenhe seems comfortable to do more.His goals are an important con-cern for you: is he most concernedabout his ability to walk properly,or is he gearing up for a cycling

race next spring? You need LOTS of information.

As for exercises, check the gait section of the arthritiscatalogue / my arthritis supplement from the CALAconference 2003 which has gait-training activities. Indeep water, your first concern is proper vertical pos-ture and stability. Until he is able to maintain properalignment for a basic jog, ski, and jack, you aren'tready for any vigorous training in deep-water.

Finally, keep careful notes:* of what the physio tells you* of what the client tells you* of what you do in each and every session, including:

a) his comments about how he feels before youstart the session/ how he felt during and after theprevious session

b) your observations of how he is moving / stabilizingduring your session: what movements cause pain &require modification?; what progress do you see?

c) the specific program for your sessiond) your observations and plans for the next session

Well, Lisa, I've probably given you more questions thananswers, but this is how I would proceed. Good luck!

Connie Jasinskas, CALA Master Trainer


The following thoughts were shared between Lisa Bixel, a CALA certified leader andCALA Master Trainer, Connie Jasinskas, via email.

Aquatic PostRehab.

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The CALA “A.I.M.” Concept of Aqua InfusedMartial Arts takes a look at the Eastern Arts - adiverse and wealthy offering of movements andideas that have stood the test of time. The CALA“A.I.M.” concept combines punches, blocks, kicksand ki-haps, with a mindful focus and awareness.The goal is to build strength and agility whilebuilding character. Familiar moves are preformedwith a new attitude, and new moves are addedthat exude a positive energy.

Angela and Shelagh invite you to join them at theCALA Exclusively Water Conference, June 25 – 27, inToronto for the launch of the new “CALA – A.I.M.”concept. Take this opportunity to experience a tasteof Eastern tradition with a Western flair!

What are some of the reasonswhy people practice martial arts?







Some other reasons why people practicemartial arts, in the water:

Safety with BuoyancyVariable Resistance

ComfortStability - Core Strength

Body Awareness

A chat with Angela:Over the last decade, the fitness world has experi-enced an increased popularity in kick box, shadowboxing, and Billy Blank’s craze of “Tae Bo”. Add afew modifications of some traditional aerobicmoves, throw in some jabs and kicks, and you havea whole new fitness class! Having been in the fit-ness world for almost 20 years, I got swept up inkickboxing craze and began to notice that every-one had a different idea of how to teach basic kicksand punches. Plus I was seeing a lot of shoulder,knee and back injuries occurring due to improper

instruction. I wanted to be able to offer kick box atmy facility, however, I wanted to do it in a safe andeffective manner. I enrolled in a Tae Kwon Do pro-gram, under the leadership of a 4th Degree blackbelt master, and embarked on the learning processof proper kicks and punches. After several monthsof training, I felt confident enough to take myknowledge to a ‘group fitness setting’ at my facili-ty, and bam… before I knew it, I had a land kickbox classes with up to 90 people in it! Now, I’mtaking my knowledge of martial arts one step fur-ther… aqua kick box! To my surprise, I have par-ticipants from the age of 16 up to 86 years of age,punching and kicking their way through an hourof aquafit fun!

Thanks to the hard work and dedication ofCharlene Kopansky, CALA now offers a “Centre ofPower Aqua Kick Box” specialty training course. Atthe request of Charlene, Shelagh Noonan, red beltTae Kwon Do from British Columbia, and myself,Angela Curry, red belt (black stripe) Tae Kwon Do,from Nova Scotia, are taking this course one stepfurther… A.I.M.” (aqua infused martial arts). Usingour knowledge of martial arts, Shelagh and I haveput a traditional martial arts spin on the aqua kickbox concept. The magical properties of the watermake for an awesome training environment,whether you are cross-training or simply enjoyingone of many aquafit classes.

As aquafit instructors we all know the benefits ofaquatic cross-training for land-based sport, fitness,and recreation - decreased impact and joint load-ing, increased joint mobility, multi-directionalresistance, and most importantly, more efficientcardiovascular training… just to name a few. Formany years, physiotherapists and rehabilitationspecialists have been using the water for its healingpower. More recently, team coaches, sports enthu-siasts and personal trainers have begun to realizethe benefits of taking his/her ever-loved sports tothe pool. For martial arts enthusiasts, it is a greatway to enhance cardiovascular and muscularendurance which will facilitate speed, power, andeven agility in and out of the water, plus achievean increased mental focus, core strength and con-trol, and overall stability. And…all this without thestress to the joints associated with gravity. Whatmore could you want?

Having been a Tae Kwon Do enthusiast competitorfor many years, I trained 6 days a week, and mybody became well aware of the injuries associatedwith this rigorous training. So much in fact, that Iwas forced to give up my extensive Tae Kwon Dotraining to save my back, knees and shoulders. Too


by Angela Curry CALA Trainer (Nova Scotia)

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many jumps, kicks, punches + gravity and jointloading = injury! Although I don’t compete anymore, I have taken my love of ‘Tae Kwon Do’ tothe pool and with the assistance of buoyancy, anda few minor adjustments associated with the“A.I.M.” program, I can continue to kick, punchand jump to my heart’s content and still be able toget out of bed in the morning. And guess what,when I do throw some jabs and kicks on land, I’mmore powerful, more stable, have a greater rangeof motion, and have become much more aware of“my body in space”.

Martial arts isn’t for everyone, and if I had told myparticipants (especially the older population) that

we were going to do a full out hour of “A.I.M.”,they would probably find an excuse not to attendclass that day. I slowly started adding bits andpieces of the movements into my class each week,and before long we were doing entire aqua kickbox classes. Then I praised my participants forcompleting their first level of training in martialarts! Some of the senior ladies and gents can do abetter side kick in the water than my university agekick box land enthusiasts!

Many of the moves from the CALA movementbank already simulate actual martial arts move-ments. Here are some examples of kicking move-ments:

CALA Move Martial Arts Move Description

Narrow Quad Kick (n q k) Front kick Flex hip and bringing flexed knee to hip levelExtend kneeFlex kneeReturn foot back to ready position

Narrow Karate Kick (n k k) Push kick Flex hip and bring knee up to towards chestExtend knee (knee facing up) by pushing a flexedfoot straight out drawing a parallel line withthe floor

Wide Karate Kick (w k k) Side Kick Flex knee and abduct hip, slightly leaning in(parallel variation) opposite direction

Extend knee (knee facing fwd) by pushing a flexedfoot out to the sideFlex knee by bringing knee back into bodyAdduct hip and extend knee.Return to ready position

Donkey Kick (d k) Back kick Flex hip and bring knee to hip level(modified – no With slight forward hip flexion, extend knee androtation) hip and kick back behind the body with a flexed foot

Return knee and hip to flexed position at hipheight Return foot to floor to ready position

Shelagh and I hope that you will join us in June for a fun filled session on” A.I.M.” You’ll be sure to come awaywith some new ideas, choreography, and usable kicks and jabs that will keep your classes exciting for weeks!

Aquafitness is foreveryone.

Angela modelsher CALA jacket -

Acadia U.

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In 1996, I was working as a bank teller, and I wasunhappy with my job and my life. Then I metCharlene Kopansky and the first time I spoke withher my life took a different direction. I have active-ly participated in Aquafitness for the past fifteenyears. It has been a true inspiration for me and ledme to taking the Instructor Training Course withthe Canadian Aquafitness Leaders Alliance(C.A.L.A).

Since 1996, I have been actively involved in theC.A.L.A annual conferences and trade shows. Youmay remember me from thetrade show a few yearsago; I was the one withthe megaphone - givingaway prizes. This year atthe conference I am host-ing “Lisa’s Lunch andLearn”, a wholesome lunchwith a nutritional lectureand cooking demonstra-tion. I hope to see you allthere.

Currently, I teach 12-15aquafit classes per week. I spe-cialize in CALA Aqua Muscle andGeneral Aquafitness, includingdeep and chest deep water. I amconstantly attending various work-shops and lectures to upgrade my skills. I am look-ing forward to taking the CALA Healing Waters:Aquatic Post Rehab Program in the fall of 2004.

I recently graduated from the Canadian School ofNatural Nutrition as a Registered HolisticNutritionist (RHN). I am committed to guidingpeople towards establishing and maintaining vital-ity and optimal health. I attribute my high-energylifestyle to finding the right balance between exer-cise and nutrition, work and play. My full daysinclude yoga, meditation, aquafitness, watercolourpainting and cooking. I recently began offeringcooking lessons for the new millennium. Look forTips from Lisa’s Kitchen in every issue of theWavelink newsletter.

Watch the C.A.L.A. website (www.calainc.org) forupcoming articles and dates for cooking classes.

Tips from Lisa’s Kitchen

Tip # 1: Building the Immune SystemThis winter has been an especially cold one andthe news around the world of Bird Flu and otherstrains of bacterial and viral-related illnesses isdaunting to say the least. So how do we protectourselves?

As a Holistic Nutritionist I recommend focusing onbuilding your immune system. To enhance yourimmune system, start with the basics:

Exercise – Engage in activity to reduce stress andelevate mood. This puts a positive effect on theimmune response. A positive frame of mind is vitalto healthy lifestyle.Water - Drink plenty of good quality water, spring(if you know the source), distilled or reverse osmo-sis. (6-8 glasses a day)Eliminate anti-nutrients – Avoid refined foods that

rob your body of vitaminsand minerals. Examplesare: white sugar, bakedgoods with white flour,soda pop, poor quality

animal products, fast food,food with hydrogenatedoils (crackers, chips and allprocessed foods).Whole foods – Eat a widevariety of all differentcoloured fruits and vegeta-

bles (preferably raw or lightlysteamed) lots of onions and

garlic; nuts and seeds for theessential fatty acids; barley; kelpand good quality yogurt (all

organic).Digestive system – Make sure you

have 2-3 bowel movements a day by eating a highfiber diet.Relax – Take the time to relax. Practice yoga, taichi, breathing exercises and meditation. A positive‘frame of mind’ is important in building theimmune system.Sleep – Get a good nights sleep and avoid watch-ing the news before bed.Omit – Avoid cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, caffeine.Fresh air and sunshine – Get a daily does of sun forthe Vitamin D.Supplements – Try ‘juicing’ (organic fresh), greendrinks (spirulina), ACES+zinc, glutothione, astragu-lus, ligusticum, acidophilus, Echinacea grape seedextract and goldenseal.Wash your hands frequently – Try not to touchyour face, mouth, eyes.

If you have any questions regarding this article oryour health please contact me at:

“Helping People Be Healthy”Lisa Bixel RHN, Nutritional Consultant

416 494-5952416 388-9237

or email [email protected]

NUTRITION TIPS FROM LISA’S KITCHENLISA BIXEL RHN & C.A.L.A Certified Aquafitness Leader - First Aid & CPR Training

Page 11: EXCLUSIVELY WATER CALA CONFERENCE 2004Lisa's Lunch & Learn Cocktail Reception CD Release Giant Aquafitness Party with live Celtic Fiddler/Singer Summer BBQ Networking Trade Show CEC

For all of you who are new to Aqua Nia and for thoseof you who experienced Aqua Nia (at the CALA“Exclusively Water” Conference in 2003), and wouldlike to know more:

Welcome to Aqua Nia - a personal practice,both a Fitness and Lifestyle Program that is safeand holistic. It addresses the needs of yourbody, mind, spirit, and emotions. All you needto do Nia is a ‘body’ and life energy.

Rich in diversity, Nia is energetically texturedwith the brilliance of Eastern and Western

movements. Nia's approach to fitnessand working out addresses thewhole person, placing attention

on integration, play, sensoryawareness & pleasure.

Nia turns your work-out into ‘bodywork’, making com-fort, pleasure, joy,

and passion a priori-ty. The cardiovascular

conditioning, flexibility,muscle definition, increased

overall agility, natural grace,muscle balance, and strength are agiven.

How does Nia work? Nia uses three tools tostimulate, motivate, and create positive change:Music, Movement, and Magic. Music isused for inspiration and as an energy youlearn to sink into, ride on, and flow with.Movement is used to integrate yourbody, mind, emotions, and spirit. Themagic is you. How you do what you do,how you interact and connect, and how youcreate.

As a science, Nia usessystematic movement,moving the entirebody with deliberatesteps and stances fromthe martial arts,dance, and body inte-gration therapies.Mindful, conscious,sacred, and sensory,the senses of yourbody and pleasureguide and direct yourchoices. “It worksbecause it is natural,organic, and free andbecause you personal-ize every aspect of Niato guide you.”

THE ART OF LISTENING:by Shelagh Noonan, CALA Trainer. This article is a modified excerpt “Nia White Belt Manual”, 2001

Nia adds to the water experience. Like all workin water, it fits all bodies, works for all ages,and can be adjusted to fit the needs of anathlete, a dancer, a teenager, a teacher, anactor, or an executive.

Nia is always layered and exciting becauseit uniquely blends Jazz, Duncan andModern Dance, Aikido, Tai Chi, Tae KwonDo, Yoga, Feldenkrais and AlexanderTechnique. Add the water for the ultimate

sensational experi-ence. With Aqua

Nia, you discovernew ways of mov-

ing that are sacredand safe. Listening toyour body, being con-

scious of how youare moving, provides

a more effectiveway to get fit

and to self-heal. Listening

to the soundsbetween the silence, pro-

vides a deeper connection tomusic. Listening to body and verbal

language in participants, provides achance for respectful communication.

And finally, listening to your own wordsprovides an opportunity to practice impec-cability of speech.”

At the 2004 CALA "Exclusively Water”Conference, June 25 – 27 at the RamadaHotel, Toronto, experience “Aqua Nia: The

Art of Listening: Effective Communication”

The peace and quietof Jasper, Alberta






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Promoting CALA - Statement from aninterested facility manager in Manitoba:“We are thinking about offering CALAtraining and certification at our facility.”Questions submitted to various CALAbased facilities and instructors.

Q - What has the program done for you?

A - Following is what CALA has meant toThe Charlottetown Recreation Complexin PEI. In four years the facility has gonefrom three morning aquafitness classesto ten each week. The participants havebecome stronger, healthier, and happi-er. I took a class of 20 who had beenexercising in the shallow water (waistdepth) for over 20 years, to a client base that exceeds125 in deeper (chest deep and deep) waters. The par-ticipants love the variety that we offer including: aquajogging, aqua cycling, aqua tai chi, aqua cardio, andaqua arthritis. Clients say they love it when they trav-el to other centers that also have a CALA certifiedleader because they understand the cueing, the visualsignals and most of all they know what to expect.They understand their muscles, how to make themwork harder in the water. They understand the princi-pals of the water, knowledge they did not know orunderstand before I was trained by CALA. I could goon.

I worked with the ‘nay sayers’ and I was told manytimes that the participants did not want to change,and yes there were a few who didn’t like it. Howeverthe majority loved the changes. The CALA program issolid and it works. Not one participant could changemy mind that the old way of teaching Aquafitness wasbetter.

It has taken four years for this program to evolve. Iadded aqua tai chi this past fall. I knew the partici-pants were ready for an additional challenge. Everyyear that I attend CALA workshops and conventions, Iam motivated and inspired to add new concepts andteaching techniques and continue to improve myleadership skills and the quality of the program andthe number of participants involved. The team of lead-ers at CRC are dynamic and committed to excellence.

If you have any more questions I would love to answerthem.

Marlene Cairns, Charlottetown, PEI. CALA Certified,Clearly Qualified.

In response to this email: My current staff has somequestions as a result of your email:

Q - “Did you have any Aqua size background beforegoing to CALA?”

A - I took a number of aquafitness class-es from an instructor with no CALAbackground and used my aerobicsbackground to teach aquafitness class-es. I can tell you that I was not happydoing it. I did not know or understandthe principals of the water. Clients hadquestions and I did not always feel con-fident to know the correct answers andor the reasons why I was doing certainexercises. In these times of certificationand educated clients, I would not beteaching aquafitness without theknowledge base provided by CALA.

Q - “You offer a lot of different styles.Do you alternate daily or how do you fit

them all in?”

A - Very easily. On Tuesday and Thursday we offeraqua arthritis classes. On Wednesday, we offer AquaYoga Tai Chi. On Monday and Friday, we offer a vari-ety of classes: cardio, aqua cycling, water running. Bykeeping to that schedule, the aqua arthritis clients canattend classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The‘cardio’ people can attend Monday, Wednesday andFriday. I used to have the ‘chattiest’ clients before Iembraced the CALA style of teaching on deck. Nowthe participants love the ‘no talking’ - focused aquayoga tai chi class on Wednesday. Clients have told methey have cancelled every appointment under the sunjust to make sure they get to that class.

Aquafitness is not always about speed, faster is notalways better. Teaching different types of classes in thewater has captured the attention of my participantsand they love the CALA program.

Note: Ideally the aqua arthritis people need 3 classes aweek of activity, with every other day off - like the car-dio classes, however, lack of pool availability has pre-vented this ideal schedule from happening.

If you have any more questions, I will be thrilled toanswer them. I was in your shoes not so many years ago.Marlene Cairnes.

Another response from the Yukon:I have been forwarded your email regarding an inter-est you have in bringing CALA to your facility. We havebeen offering CALA aquafitness classes at our facilityfor the past 7+ years. Our classes average 20-30 peo-ple each time. The quality of training our instructorshave received from CALA is the reason these classesare so popular. Our customers rave that our classes arefun, energetic and effective. We have had customersfrom out of town who say they can tell we offer CALAQuality by the way we teach and that it is by far thebest class they've done. In addition to our sevenaquafitness classes per week we also offer three aqua






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jogging classes (we had to add another class due topopular demand). This is also a CALA program thathas been very successful for us. We average 30 peo-ple per class ranging in ages and fitness abilities aswell as good representation of both male and female.Many of our aqua jogging participants have said it'sthe best work out they've ever had! It's important tonote that Whitehorse is a community of approxi-mately 20,000 people so we're pretty proud of thenumbers we get. From a revenue stand point withmostly adult admissions, CALA training is well worthit. I think your community will be pleasantly surprisedwith how good aquafit can be. Your instructors willenjoy the courses taught by the CALA Team ofTrainers (Shelagh and Charlene are fantastic!) and willbe motivated to lead great classes.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Best ofluck with your programming.Sharon Denton, Whitehorse, Yukon, CALA Certified,Clearly Qualified.

Another response from Acadia University, NS:As a program coordinator, I want to ensure you thatthe money you will spend to train your instructorswith CALA is a wise investment. CALA is an organiza-tion that is about more than just the certificationprocess. They are committed to providing a highstandard of aquatic leadership through continuededucation and support. Once you become part ofCALA, you become part of a family to help your facil-ity grow and prosper. From day one, CALA has beenthere to answer any questions that I might have, andbelieve me - I have a lot of questions. I have been inthe fitness industry for almost 20 years, and of all thecourses and associations that I have been affiliatedwith, CALA definitely is on the top of the list. Thecourse outline is longer than most Aquafitness train-

ing programs, however, it thoroughly gives youhands-on practical application along with the theorythat is needed to make for a top notch leader. Mostother training courses provide participants with acondensed version of theory and not much practicalapplication and push the participants out the doorwith no mentoring or reputable certification process.

When I came on board at Acadia, there was no con-sistency, growth or variety to the aquafit program.This was very frustrating to both the staff and partic-ipants. Since coming on board with CALA, we havedoubled our aquafit attendance, and the rehabilita-tion centers now recognize the high quality of CALAtraining and refer clients to us to take part in regularaquafit classes for post rehab. We also offer aquaticpersonal training and work with the athletics depart-ments to cross train sports specific groups. Aquafitisn't "just for seniors" anymore and can be adapted toall fitness levels and limitations. 50% of the clienteleare university age students who, once learning theadvantages of training in water verses land, muchprefer to go to an aquafit class rather than a landbased class.The beauty of working with CALA is thatyou learn how to market and improve your clientbase. CALA provides leaders with the ability to lead aclass while educating participants.

I was so impressed with the CALA approach, that Ihave spent the last year working towards becoming atrainer for the program. I was fortunate to meet andbe able to work with Shelagh Noonan over the lastyear and she is an awesome trainer. The two of usjoke - as we are the Canadian Shanghi Noon trainers"east meets west".

I hope this helps with your decision to bring CALA toyour area. It will be well worth it.

RYKA Aqua Fit 2003 shoeAvailable through CALA

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- Molded, removable perforated

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- Sandwich mesh upper with

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Visi t www.calainc.org for an order form!

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Yukon, The Whitehorse Pool, Whitehorse,Foundation Course, July 2003

Emillie BousquetCheri MaloLisa MarinoErin Pasloski

Darcie ProfeitAlex Scott

Cindy UnderhillTrainer: Shelagh Noonan

Ontario, The Willowdale Club –Fitness Institute, Foundation Course,

August 2003Rochelle Bondy (Refresher)

Paula CloughSusan Grout

Linda HardingLaura Holtzman

Laura HuntKatie Kopansky

Julie Melancon (Refresher)Katrina Paivio

Suzy Rozsavolgyi (Refresher)Trista Swanson

Amy Van den BergTrainer: Charlene

Kopansky, Jennie Queen,David Hatch (Apprentice)

Ontario, University of Guelph,Foundation Course, October 2003

Susan CassonRay Coghlin

Deborah DrydenJohn HinneganMargaret IutziKatherine Kane

Jennifer MottashedTanya Strus

Trainer: Pat Richards,Connie Jasinskas

Ontario, Kanata Splash Pool,Foundation Course, October 2003

Gisele CoteNorrine Fawcett (Refresher)

Patricia GarbuioBetty Lusk (Refresher)

Stacey TenbultTrainer: Chantal Laporte

Quebec, Sherbrooke University,Sherbrooke, Foundation Course,

October 2003Joannie Hamel

Genevieve LavoieJezabel Martel-AmesseMarie-Hélène Ostiguy

Karine PerreaultNadia Savard

Trainer: Nancy Shannon

British Columbia, Walnut GroveAquatic Centre, Langley, Foundation

Course, October 2003Cidalia CorreiaAnne ErhardtNatasha FilesDina GodkinLaura HibbsRenee Kelly

Brittany KonkinRachel Neal

Lori Robb-SzaboChandra StoneVirginia SzaboPatricia Thom

Dylan Van RooyenMark Zwanink

Trainer: Shelagh Noonan

British Columbia, The Hills HealthRanch, 100 Mile House,

Foundation Course, October 2003Lynne Rozenboom

(private course)Trainer: Shelagh Noonan

Alberta, Northern Lights AquaticCentre, Slave Lake, November 2003

Pat FremitMelody Hopkinson

Joy McGregorMelanie Reddy

Tawnya TourangeauCarla Young

Trainer: Charlene Kopansky

Quebec, The Chateau Alymer, Alymer,Foundation Course, November 2003Valerie Cyr (private course)

Trainer: Line Marr

Ontario, The Willowdale Club –Fitness Institute, Foundation Course,

January 2004Laura BrownChris Cecile

Janet Chan (Refresher)Shara DowneyHelena GreenDiane MarcksMichael Pitt

Trainer: David Hatch

Nova Scotia, Acadia University,Wolfville, Foundation Course,

January 2004Miscal Avano-Nesgaard

Meghan BadunTyrone Clark

Mitchell CrossmanDanielle DuffieSusan Keeffe

Christine Kelly (Refresher)Brianna Lyttle (Refresher)

Amanda McCarthySherry Swanburg

(Refresher)Kate TrusslerKate Uttley

Miranda NewhookTrainer: Diane Levy and

Angela Curry (Apprentice)

Alberta, Strathmore Aquatic Centre,Strathmore, January 2004Jennifer Anderson

Jessica ColeSonya Elias

Carole EngelLindsay HuskinsNancy OsnessHayley Poirier

Carmen ReinhardtChad RyckmanBrandi Traweger

Trainer: Michelle Mclaren


Alberta, Canmore Aquatic Centre,Canmore, Water Running Course,

0ctober 2003Tracey Cobb

Karen DreaverBonny Edmondson

Dawna EvansCindy FergusonGertie Griffith

Dawn LandaultBeverly Quail

Trainer: Michelle McLaren

Ontario, North Toronto CommunityCentre, Water Running Course,

0ctober 2003Nicole Boyd

Tina HillSharon Kopansky

Audrey LakienKatharine PrestonSuzy Rozsavolgyi

Trainer: Charlene Kopansky

Ontario, The Willowdale Club –Fitness Institute, Water Running

Course, January 2004Simin BassirJulie Cabral

Susan CassonChris Cecile

Angela CurryAmanda Degrace

Susan GroutDavid Hatch

Helen HolthamWendy Huismans

Donnamarie KerbashianOxana Liszczak

Shelagh NoonanMichael PittJane Ridley

Suzy Rozsavolgyi (Refresher)Tara Weiderick (Refresher)Trainers: Charlene Kopansky,

Maryvonne Berthault

Ontario, The Willowdale Club - FitnessInstitute, Centre of Power: Aqua Kick

Box Course, February 2004Odain BarrettSimin BassirChris Cecile

Margaret ColquhounAngela Curry

Amanda DegraceShahin Farrokhbakht

Lisa FleischmannElizabeth FoxDavid Hatch

Helen HolthamDonnamarie Kerbashian

Shelagh NoonanPradeep Ranchod

Suzanne Sawell (Znak)Mary Kay Smola

Liz TildenTara Weiderick

Trainer: Charlene Kopansky

Please contact the CALA office if you notice thatyour name is missing from this list. We do apolo-gize if we missed you this time! Also: Pleaseinform the CALA office if your name has beenspelled incorrectly.



eeeeCALA would like to use email more often and try to decrease our use of paper!!!

Let us know your email address. We also need to know if you have a new email address!

Include your name when you send us your email address: [email protected]


Make a Splash.

Page 15: EXCLUSIVELY WATER CALA CONFERENCE 2004Lisa's Lunch & Learn Cocktail Reception CD Release Giant Aquafitness Party with live Celtic Fiddler/Singer Summer BBQ Networking Trade Show CEC







JULY 10 TO FEBRUARY 1, 2004Marsh Aldridge

Rima AlhajjJaime DohertyAriah EasleyDiane EisnorNatasha Files

Marie-Josee GirardLaura Hibbs

Julia JalowieckaErin Lafferty

Marnie KennedyShannon LongDianne Mayer

France-Andre MayrandBronwen McCannShelley McCarron

Suzanne Sawell (Znak)Alex Scott Sue Sitki

Debbie Sokoloski


Karen HarmatukSharon KopanskyDawn LandaultSusan LeGrice

Heather PeacockKatharine Preston

Beverly Quail



JULY 10, 2003 TO JANUARY 31, 2004Liane Belec

Naymen Ben-MellahSharry Byrd-Wilson

Cheryl Coates Debbie ColeAnne Cooke

Michelle CormackSandra Di PaoloLynn ErichsenCindy EstevaoSuzanne Fahie

Nancy FitzgeraldElizabeth Fox

Pamela GainesMartha Gingerich

Mary GirardTania Green

Phillipa HanesTieke Jhamandas

Mary KloostermanTracy Lewis

Laura LongpreMatthew Lucien

Betty LuskElisa Perri

Julie MelanconNicol MentisSusie Molnar

Pamela NelsonAngel OttemaLynn PhillipsJani Quarles

Diane RobertsonJocelyn TellierDonna Reid

Charlotte SuringarSherry Swanburg

Kristin TittleyNicole Topic

Isa TozziGus Siountres

Sue WoodDonnalee Woodford-Copetti

Please contact the CALA office if you notice that your name is miss-ing from this list. We do apologize if we missed you this time! Pleaseinform the CALA office if your name has been spelled incorrectly.

The CALA certified instructors in Williams Lake.Left to right: Deena Williamson, Patsy Kohnke,

Heather Lay, Janet Huffman and Jennifer Fletcher.


CALA at AcadiaUniversity.

Munich, Germany

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CALA • 125 Lilian Dr.,Toronto, ON, Canada M1R 3W6

Tel: (416) 751-9823 • 1-888-751-9823Fax: (416) 755-1832

[email protected] • www.calainc.org



Be CALA informed. Visit our web site at www.calainc.org on a regular basis.


June 25, 26, 27th 2004Simple Abundance: Progressive Choreography

Aqua Infused Martial Arts Aqua Personal Training

Golf Conditioning Common Sport Injuries

Pumping Water: Flexible Strength Aqua Boot Camp II Aqua Extravaganza I

Osteoporosis: Aquatic Post Rehab Rejuvenation and Relaxation

Giant Celtic Aqua Class Maximum Aqua Abs Aqua Natal Fusion

Water Running and Cycling Training The Art of Listening: Aqua Nia Advanced Aqua Sport Kick Box

Bridging & Linking and Deck Tech Aqua Extravaganza II Stretch into Summer

LAPS Goes Simultaneous Older Adults: Imagine That

Beyond Abs: Training the Inner Core Aqua Yoga Tai Blend Hydro Tri Training

I've Got the Music in Me

Meeting the needs ofVertical Water Training Enthusiasts

Aquatic Post Rehabilitation SpecialistsPilates and Yoga ParticipantsAquatic/Fitness ProgrammersCoordinators and ManagersGroup Aquafitness Leaders

Water Running CoachesMarshal Arts TrainersKick Box Enthusiasts

Aspiring LeadersProgrammers

Check out details and getthe conference brochure at www.calainc.org


AJAX, ONAqua Creative Jam

Location: McLean Community CentreDates: Sat. March 27th 2004 8:00-11:00am

Contact: CALA 416-751-9823 or 1-888-751-9823Web: www.calainc.org

Email: [email protected]



Mark your calendars for Sept. 17-19th 2004Brochure coming soon at www.calainc.org

COMOX VALLEY, BC -CALA Foundation Course

Location: Comox Valley Aquatic CentreDates: March 15-19th 2004

Contact: CALA 416-751-9823 or 1-888-751-9823Web: www.calainc.org

Email: [email protected]

LANGLEY, BC - CALA Foundation CourseLocation: Walnut Grove Community CentreDates: March 26-28th and April 2-4th 2004

Contact: To register call 604-882-0408 barcode 50443Web: www.calainc.org

Email: [email protected]