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Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 1 of 14 Exercise 9.6.3 Solve the wave equation, Eq. (9.89), subject to the indicated conditions. Determine ψ(x, t) given that at t =0 ψ 0 (x) is a single square-wave pulse as defined below, and the initial time derivative of ψ is zero. ψ 0 (x)=0, |x| > a/2, ψ 0 (x)=1/a, |x| < a/2. Solution The initial value problem to solve is as follows. ψ tt = c 2 ψ xx , -∞ <x< , -∞ <t< ψ(x, 0) = ψ 0 (x)= 1 a |x| < a 2 0 |x| > a 2 ψ t (x, 0) = 0 Since the wave equation is over the whole line (-∞ <x< ), it can be solved by operator factorization. Bring c 2 ψ xx to the left side. 2 ψ ∂t 2 - c 2 2 ψ ∂x 2 =0 Factor the operator. 2 ∂t 2 - c 2 2 ∂x 2 ψ =0 ∂t + c ∂x ∂t - c ∂x ψ =0 ∂t + c ∂x ∂ψ ∂t - c ∂ψ ∂x =0 Let u be the quantity in the second set of parentheses. ∂t + c ∂x u =0 ∂u ∂t + c ∂u ∂x =0 As a result of factoring the operator, the wave equation has reduced to a system of first-order PDEs. ∂ψ ∂t - c ∂ψ ∂x = u ∂u ∂t + c ∂u ∂x =0 The differential of a function of two variables h = h(x, t) is defined as dh = ∂h ∂t dt + ∂h ∂x dx. www.stemjock.com

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  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 1 of 14

    Exercise 9.6.3

    Solve the wave equation, Eq. (9.89), subject to the indicated conditions.

    Determine ψ(x, t) given that at t = 0 ψ0(x) is a single square-wave pulse as defined below, andthe initial time derivative of ψ is zero.

    ψ0(x) = 0, |x| > a/2, ψ0(x) = 1/a, |x| < a/2.


    The initial value problem to solve is as follows.

    ψtt = c2ψxx, −∞ < x

  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 2 of 14

    Divide both sides by dt to obtain the fundamental relationship between the total derivative of hand the partial derivatives of h.







    In light of this, the PDE for u reduces to the ODE,


    dt= 0, (1)

    along the characteristic curves in the xt-plane that satisfy


    dt= c, x(ξ, 0) = ξ, (2)

    where ξ is a characteristic coordinate. Integrate both sides of equation (2) with respect to t tosolve for x(ξ, t).

    x = ct+ ξ

    Now integrate both sides of equation (1) with respect to t.

    u(x, ξ) = f(ξ)

    f is an arbitrary function of the characteristic coordinate ξ. Eliminate ξ in favor of x and t.

    u(x, t) = f(x− ct)

    Consequently, the PDE for ψ becomes


    ∂t− c∂ψ

    ∂x= f(x− ct).

    It reduces todψ

    dt= f(x− ct) (3)

    along the characteristic curves in the xt-plane that satisfy


    dt= −c, x(η, 0) = η, (4)

    where η is another characteristic coordinate. Integrate both sides of equation (4) with respect to tto solve for x(η, t).

    x = −ct+ η

    Now integrate both sides of equation (3) with respect to t.

    ψ(x, η) =

    ˆ tf(x− cs) ds+G(η)

    G is an arbitrary function of the characteristic coordinate η. Make the substitution r = x− cs inthe integral.

    ψ(x, η) =

    ˆ x−ctf(r)



    = F (x− ct) +G(η)


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 3 of 14

    F is the integral of −f/c, another arbitrary function. Therefore, since η = x+ ct,

    ψ(x, t) = F (x− ct) +G(x+ ct).

    This is the general solution of the wave equation. Now apply the initial conditions to determine Fand G.

    ψ(x, 0) = F (x) +G(x) = ψ0(x)

    ψt(x, 0) = −cF ′(x) + cG′(x) = 0

    Differentiate both sides of the first equation with respect to x and multiply both sides of it by c.

    cF ′(x) + cG′(x) = cψ′0(x)

    −cF ′(x) + cG′(x) = 0

    Add both sides of each equation to eliminate F ′.

    2cG′(x) = cψ′0(x)

    Divide both sides by 2c.

    G′(x) =1


    Integrate both sides with respect to x, setting the constant of integration to zero.

    G(x) =1


    So then

    F (x) +G(x) = ψ0(x) → F (x) +1

    2ψ0(x) = ψ0(x) → F (x) =



    What we have actually solved for are F (w) and G(w), where w is any expression we choose.

    F (x− ct) = 12ψ0(x− ct)

    G(x+ ct) =1

    2ψ0(x+ ct)

    As a result,

    ψ(x, t) = F (x− ct) +G(x+ ct)


    2ψ0(x− ct) +


    2ψ0(x+ ct)


    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)].


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 4 of 14

    Note that

    ψ0(x− ct) =


    a|x− ct| < a


    0 |x− ct| > a2



    a−a2< x− ct < a


    0 x− ct < −a2

    0 x− ct > a2


    ψ0(x+ ct) =


    a|x+ ct| < a


    0 |x+ ct| > a2



    a−a2< x+ ct <



    0 x+ ct < −a2

    0 x+ ct >a



    Depending what region in the xt-plane the point (x, t) is chosen, ψ(x, t) will be different. Theseregions are obtained by drawing characteristic lines with slopes ±c through

    (−a2 , 0


    (a2 , 0),

    the boundaries of where the initial condition is nonzero.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 5 of 14

    Region I

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region I.

    In this case x− ct < −a2 and x+ ct >a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]


    2(0 + 0)

    = 0.

    This formula is valid for |x| < ct− a2 .


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 6 of 14

    Region II

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region II.

    In this case x− ct < −a2 and −a2 < x+ ct <

    a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]



    (0 +






    This formula is valid for |a2 − ct| < −x <a2 + ct.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 7 of 14

    Region III

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region III.

    In this case −a2 < x− ct <a2 and x+ ct >

    a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]




    a+ 0




    This formula is valid for |a2 − ct| < x <a2 + ct.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 8 of 14

    Region IV

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region IV.

    In this case x− ct < −a2 and x+ ct < −a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]


    2(0 + 0)

    = 0.

    This formula is valid for −x > a2 + c|t|.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 9 of 14

    Region V

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region V.

    In this case −a2 < x− ct <a2 and −

    a2 < x+ ct <

    a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]










    This formula is valid for |x| < a2 − c|t|.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 10 of 14

    Region VI

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region VI.

    In this case x− ct > a2 and x+ ct >a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]


    2(0 + 0)

    = 0.

    This formula is valid for x > a2 + c|t|.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 11 of 14

    Region VII

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region VII.

    In this case −a2 < x− ct <a2 and x+ ct < −

    a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]




    a+ 0




    This formula is valid for |a2 + ct| < −x <a2 − ct.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 12 of 14

    Region VIII

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region VIII.

    In this case x− ct > a2 and −a2 < x+ ct <

    a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]



    (0 +






    This formula is valid for |a2 + ct| < x <a2 − ct.


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 13 of 14

    Region IX

    Suppose the point (x, t) is chosen in region IX.

    In this case x− ct > a2 and x+ ct < −a2 , so

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2[ψ0(x− ct) + ψ0(x+ ct)]


    2(0 + 0)

    = 0.

    This formula is valid for |x| < −ct− a2 .

    Some of the formulas we found can be combined by forming unions of the regions and usingabsolute value signs. The union of regions I and IX, for example, results in the following formulafor ψ(x, t).

    ψ(x, t) = 0 if |x| < c|t| − a2

    The union of regions IV and VI results in the following formula for ψ(x, t).

    ψ(x, t) = 0 if |x| > a2+ c|t|

    The union of regions II, III, VII, and VIII results in the following formula for ψ(x, t).

    ψ(x, t) =1

    2aif∣∣∣a2− c|t|

    ∣∣∣ < |x| < a2+ c|t|


  • Arfken Mathematical Methods 7e: Section 9.6 - Exercise 9.6.3 Page 14 of 14


    ψ(x, t) =


    aif |x| < a

    2− c|t|

    0 if |x| < c|t| − a2

    0 if |x| > a2+ c|t|


    2aif∣∣∣a2− c|t|

    ∣∣∣ < |x| < a2+ c|t|


    The solution in each part of the xt-plane is labelled by color.
