exercises for lesson 10 and 11 henle fyl

Lesson 10 Nomen: _____________________ Verb Conjugations Verb Principal Parts: timeo, __________________________________________Present Stem: ___________ Verb Meaning: _____________________________________________________Present Indicative Singular Plural 1st * 2 nd 3 rd *________________________________________ Imperfect Indicative Singular Plural 1st * 2 nd 3 rd *________________________________________ Future Indicative Singular Plural 1st 2 nd * 3 rd *________________________________________ Verb Principal Parts: terreo, ___________________________________________Present Stem: ___________ Verb Meaning: ___________________________________________________________Present Indicative Singular Plural 1st 2 nd * 3 rd *________________________________________

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Exercises 135 thru 155 Henle FYL


Page 1: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Lesson 10 Nomen: _____________________

Verb Conjugations

Verb Principal Parts: timeo, __________________________________________Present Stem: ___________

Verb Meaning: _____________________________________________________Present Indicative

Singular Plural

1st *




Imperfect Indicative

Singular Plural

1st *




Future Indicative

Singular Plural


2nd *



Verb Principal Parts: terreo, ___________________________________________Present Stem: ___________

Verb Meaning: ___________________________________________________________Present Indicative

Singular Plural


2nd *



Page 2: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Imperfect Indicative

Singular Plural



3rd *


Future Indicative

Singular Plural



3rd *


Verb Principal Parts: habeo, _________________________________________Present Stem: ___________

Verb Meaning: ___________________________________________________________Present Indicative

Singular Plural

1st *




Imperfect Indicative

Singular Plural



3rd *


Future Indicative

Singular Plural



3rd *


Page 3: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Drills w/2nd Conjugation Nómen: _____________________________________

Datum: _____________________________________

Present Tense.

1. times. ___________________________________________ 7. habet _______________________________________________

2. moneo __________________________________________ 8. timent ______________________________________________

3. mones __________________________________________ 9. monemus __________________________________________

4. terrent _________________________________________ 10. monent ____________________________________________

5. monetis ________________________________________ 11. terret ______________________________________________

6. monet __________________________________________ 12. habent _____________________________________________

Imperfect Tense.

1. monebant ______________________________________ 7. monebamus _______________________________________

2. terrebat ________________________________________ 8. timebat ____________________________________________

3. monebam ______________________________________ 9. monebas ___________________________________________

4. habebant _______________________________________ 10. monebat __________________________________________

5. timebant _______________________________________ 11. terrebant _________________________________________

6. monebatis______________________________________ 12. habebat ___________________________________________

Future Tense.

1. monebunt ______________________________________ 6. monebo _____________________________________________

2. timebo__________________________________________ 7. habebit ______________________________________________

3. monebis ________________________________________ 8. terrebunt ___________________________________________

4. monebitis ______________________________________ 9. timebimus __________________________________________

5. monebit ________________________________________

Page 4: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Practice with the 2nd Conjugation, cont.


1. Times. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Ducem monebit. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Hostes terrebat. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Fratrem monebant. _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. Imperium habent. _________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Populum terrent. __________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Partem habebat. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Equitatum timebitis. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Fill in the required personal signs; translate.

1. Clamor hostium milites Romanos non terre________, quod Romani fortes sunt. __________________


2. Multi homines in pace fortes sunt; in bello autem hostes timebu________. _________________________


3. Servi propter metum dominum monebu________. _____________________________________________________


4. Metus Dei homines malos terre________. _________________________________________________________________


5. Propter gratiam Caesaris Galli Romanos moneba________. ___________________________________________


6. Omnes homines vulnera et mortem time________. _____________________________________________________


7. Legiones magnam armorum copiam habeba________. _________________________________________________


Page 5: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 140. Practice with 2nd Conjugation Nomen: ___________________________________

1. Omnes homines rés difficiles timent. ___________________________________________________________________


2. Propter rem gravem centuriónés imperatorem monebunt. ________________________________________


3. Clamor hostium locis difficilibus et angustis legionés terret.________________________________________


4. Réx malus rés alienas habet. _____________________________________________________________________________


5. Populus Rómánus perícula gravia et rés difficiles nón timebat. ____________________________________


6. Multae gentés arma nón habent. _______________________________________________________________________


Exercise 141. Review Date: _____________________________________

1. Give the Nominative Plural of:

legio ______________________________________ flumen ______________________________________________

corpus ____________________________________ centurion __________________________________________

facilis _____________________________________

2. Translate: They are eager for victory and renown.


3. Translate & explain/parse the case of castra:

Frúmentum in castra portabat.




Page 6: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 142 Pearl Harbor

¶1 1The enemy were always preparing (for) war because they were eager for empire and fame and

victory. _____________________________________________________________________


2However, they were fearing the American forces; they were fearing the American sailors and

soldiers. _____________________________________________________________________


3The leading men of the enemy were warning and terrifying the nation: “The Americans are

eager for empire. ______________________________________________________________


4They have a large supply of arms and a large number of sailors and soldiers. ______________


5They will attack the harbors and towns. 6And so, we shall prepare a supply of arms and of all

things. ______________________________________________________________________


7We shall fight with the legions of the enemy and we shall conquer.” 8And so, they were

preparing (for) war. ____________________________________________________________



1In America, however, there was peace. 2The American people were not eager for war; the

generals were not desirous of the glory of war. ______________________________________


Page 7: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

3Not many leading men were warning the Senate and the people. ________________________



1On December 7, 1941, the enemy made an attack on Pearl Harbor. 2They killed many sailors

and soldiers. _________________________________________________________________


3There was war! 4Now, however, we are conquering the enemy; we are terrifying the tribes of

Japan. ______________________________________________________________________


5Brave sailors and soldiers are fighting for America. 6They are fighting in places unfavorable

and full of great dangers; _______________________________________________________


but they are eager now for victory, the reward of courage. 7They will conquer the enemy!



Page 8: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Lesson 11.1 Nomen: __________________________

Declension/Conjugation Worksheet

Decline the first person pronoun and give its meaning:

Singular Plural






How is the prep phrase “with me” constructed? __________________________________________

How is the prep phrase “with us” constructed? ___________________________________________

Conjugate “video”: Present Tense Verb Meaning: ________________________

4 Princ. Parts: ______________________________________________ Present Stem: ________________

Singular Plural

1st Person *

2nd Person

3rd Person

* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Imperfect Tense

Singular Plural

1st Person

2nd Person

3rd Person *

* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Future Tense

Singular Plural

1st Person

2nd Person

3rd Person *

* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 9: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Henle Exercise 145 Nomen: ___________________________________

~ A Letter from a Centurion to his Mother ~ Due: ______________________________________

Use boxes, arrows, and any markings that help you translate accurately.

¶ 1

1. Ego nunc (cum exercitú) (in Galliá) sum. _________________________________________________

2. Magnus exercitus (in Galliá) est quod Gallí (cum Rómánís) pugnant. __________________________


3. Caesar, homo fortis, est imperator omnium legionum. _____________________________________


4. Caesarem ego laudo quod dux bonus est — omnia videt; omnia parat. ______________________



¶ 2

1. Ego (in perículó) nunc nón sum. _________________________________________________________

2. Nós (in castrís) sumus. ________________________________________________________________

3. Hostés castra Rómána nón oppugnant quod fortés nón sunt. ________________________________


4. Galba mécum (in castrís) est. ____________________________________________________________

5. Homó bonus est et mihi amícus. _________________________________________________________


¶ 3

1. Nós saepe pugnábámus (cum Gallís) et superábámus. ________________________________________


2. Itaque nunc (multí Gallí) serví sunt et nóbiscum (in castrís) sunt. _______________________________


3. Nóbís frúmentum dant. ________________________________________________________________

4. Impedímenta (in castra) portant et multás rés nóbís parant. ____________________________________


Page 10: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL


1. (Post prímam victóriam) mé Caesar (in castrís) (propter virtútem et fidem) laudábat. _______________


2. (Prímá lúce) hostés (in nós) impetum fécérunt. ______________________________________________


3. Et ego et Galba (in prímá acié) pugnábámus et (multí Gallí) nóbíscum pugnábant, sed nós nón

terrébant, nón superábant. _____________________________________________________________



4. Caesar nós vidébat. __________________________________________________________________

5. Itaque Caesar nós (propter virtútem) laudábat. _____________________________________________


6. (Magnam glóriam) ego nunc habeó. ______________________________________________________


7. Laudásne fílium? Valé! ______________________________________________________________

Page 11: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 146 — Express all italicized pronouns. Nómen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

1. He is warning me. ____________________________________________________________________

2. We shall warn the Senate. ______________________________________________________________

3. I am seizing the hill. ___________________________________________________________________

4. He sees us. __________________________________________________________________________

5. I praise the Holy Spirit. ________________________________________________________________

6. They are fighting on behalf of me. ________________________________________________________

7. He is fighting with me. _________________________________________________________________

8. Will he give me a reward? ______________________________________________________________

9. Does God give us grace? _______________________________________________________________

10. They were fighting with us. _____________________________________________________________

11. The Christians are praying for me. ________________________________________________________

12. Holy Jesus prays for us. ________________________________________________________________

13. We shall see the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in heaven. ______________________________


14. Many brave soldiers are fighting with me.__________________________________________________


15. Does God give us grace? _______________________________________________________________

Page 12: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Lesson 11.2 Nomen: __________________________

Declension/Conjugation Worksheet

Decline the second person pronoun and give its meaning:

Singular Plural






How is the prep phrase “with you” constructed? _________________________________________

How is the prep phrase “with y’all” constructed? _________________________________________

Conjugate “teneo”: Present Tense Verb Meaning: ________________________

4 Princ. Parts: ______________________________________________ Present Stem: ________________

Singular Plural

1st Person *

2nd Person

3rd Person

* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Imperfect Tense

Singular Plural

1st Person

2nd Person

3rd Person *

* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Future Tense

Singular Plural

1st Person

2nd Person

3rd Person *

* ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 13: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 147 Practice with 1st & 2nd Person Pronouns Nomen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

Express all the pronouns.

1. I shall give (to) you (s.) a reward. _______________________________________________________________________


2. The Lord fights for you (pl.)._____________________________________________________________________________


3. God will give you (pl.) a reward, heaven. ______________________________________________________________


4. I was warning you (s.). ___________________________________________________________________________________


5. The master is calling you (s.) ____________________________________________________________________________


6. The Lord is with you (s.). _________________________________________________________________________________

7. You (pl.) will praise the victory of Christ. ______________________________________________________________


8. You (s.) will warn the leader. ____________________________________________________________________________

9. Does the fear of death move you (s.). __________________________________________________________________


10. We shall pray for you (pl.). _______________________________________________________________________________


Page 14: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 148 Nomen: __________________

An Examination of Professed Christians by a Roman Judge Due: _____________________ (Much of this has been suggested by actual trials as recorded in Acts of the early martyrs.)

Watch footnotes. Watch word order as it is not always typical.

The proconsul, the judge, is seated. A group of Christians is brought in.

Proconsul (addressing the first of the group): Esne tu Christianus? _____________________________________

Christian: Ego Christianus sum. _______________________________________________________________________________

Proconsul (addressing a 2nd Christian): Et tu – esne tu Christiana? _______________________________________


2nd Christian: Christiana et1 ego sum. Omnes nós Christiani sumus. __________________________________________


Proconsul: Quid? Vos omnes Christiani estis? ________________________________________________________________

1st Christian: Sumus. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Proconsul: Cur vos deos Romanorum nón laudatis? __________________________________________________________

1st Christian: Nós deos Rómánórum nón laudámus quod veri2 nón sunt. _____________________________________


Proconsul: Vos moneo! Si3 (if) deos Rómánórum laudabitis, praemia vobís dabó –(threateningly) sed . . .



2nd Christian: Metus mortis et vulnerum nós nón movet. Nós laudámus Dominum Caelí et terrae, “Régem

Régum et Imperatorem Omnium Gentium.” 4 Chrístus pró nóbís orabat. 5 Gratia Chrístí in nóbís est. Itaque

quid nós terrébit? Te nón timemus. ______________________________________________________________________________




Proconsul (scornfully): Chrístus! Quis est Chrístus? Rómání Chrístum occiderunt quod malus homo erat.




1 et here means also. 2 verus, a, um = true. 3 si = if. 4 These words were actually spoken at Carthage by a Christian martyr named Speratus.

Saturninus was the examining official. 5 At the Last Supper Christ expressly prayed for all believers: Yet not for these [the Apostles] only do I pray, but for those also who through their word are to believe in Me. John 17:20-21

Page 15: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

1st Christian: Chrístus est Fílius Deí et tamen frater omnium hominum. _____________________________________


Proconsul (impatiently): Cúr vos imperatorem Romanum nón laudatis?____________________________________


1st Christian: Nós semper imperatorem Romanum laudámus sed caedem hominum sanctorum nón laudámus

neque laudabimus. Tamen pró imperátóre semper oramus et orabimus. Nós Chrístiání – sicut Chrístus nós

monebat – pró omnibus hominibus, pró régibus, principibus, militibus, servis oramus. _________________________





Proconsul: Vos tamen moneo! Post mortem (sarcastically) quid vos habebitis? _____________________________


1st Christian: Tu nós nón movebis. Fidem et véritátem Chrístí nós tenémus et semper tenebimus. Chrístus

est salus hominum. In Chrístó est spes omnium gentium. Post mortem magnum praemium nóbís dabit; nós

cum Chrístó in Caeló Patrem et Fílium et Spiritum Sanctum videbimus in saecula saeculorum. ________________





Other Christians: Amen! _____________________________________________________________________________________

Proconsul: Ubi est Deus Christiánórum? Ego Deum Christiánórum nón videbam neque video. ______________



2nd Christian: In omni loco est sed nunc nós Deum nón videmus. Deus corpus nón est. Tamen post mortem

tu videbis, neque tibi praemium dabit. ___________________________________________________________________________



Page 16: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Proconsul (angrily): Mehercule!1 Monetisne vos mé? Metus Deí Christiánórum mé nón terret neque terrébit.

(solemnly) Ego autem imperium habeó! Vos terrebunt militum Rómánórum gladii! ___________________________



Christians: Gladius nós nón terret neque imperium mundi. Imperium autem Deí nós terret et movet. In Deó

est salus. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Proconsul (firmly): Estisne omnés Chrístiání? ________________________________________________________________

Christians: Nós sumus Chrístiání omnés. ______________________________________________________________________

Proconsul: Itaque omnés hos (these) Chrístiánós “gladió animadverti placet.”2 ______________________________


Christians: Deó grátiás! Pró te orabimus. [The Christians are taken away.] Chrístus nós in Caelum vocat!__



1. “Mehercule!” – By Hercules! (a common Roman exclamation)

2. This is a technical legal phrase meaning: “It is decreed that all these Christians be punished by the sword.”

Page 17: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Nomen: _____________________________ Hodie est: _____________________

Conjugating/Declining . Lesson 11.3

Conjugate the new verb sustineo, sustinēre in each of the tenses asked for.

1. Verb Parts: __________________________________________________________________________

Verb Meanings: _____________________________________________________________________

Verb Stem: ____________________________ Tense: Present ___________________________

* ______________________________________________________

2. Verb Parts: __________________________________________________________________________

Verb Stem: ____________________________ Tense: Imperfect _________________________

* ______________________________________________________

3. Verb Parts: __________________________________________________________________________

Verb Stem: ____________________________ Tense: Future ____________________________

* ______________________________________________________




Page 18: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

4. 3rd Person Pronouns ~ Decline and give their meanings beside them.

Masculine: Singular Plural

Feminine: Singular Plural

Neuter: Singular Plural

Decline fines, finium: Meaning:____________________ Gender:________ Plural-Only Noun

* _____________________________________________________




















Abl *

Page 19: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 151 Nomen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

Watch for plural nouns and verb tenses.

1. Caesarem laudabas. Itaque is tibi praemium dabit._____________________________________________


2. Caesar agmen hostium nón videt. Monebisne eum? ____________________________________________


3. María sancta erat. Itaque Deus ei praemium dedit. _____________________________________________


4. Hostés in híberna impetum fécérunt. ________________________________________________________


4b. Mílités autem fortés impetum eorum sustinebant. ______________________________________________


5. Jésús est Fílius Deí. Itaque eum Chrístiání laudámus. __________________________________________


6. Amícus est in perículó. Itaque pró eo orabimus. ______________________________________________


7. Hostés oppidum occupant. Tenebuntne id? __________________________________________________


8. Hostés bellum parant, sed impetum eorum sustinebimus. ________________________________________


9. Caesar ducés Gallórum in híberna vocat; sed ei nón sunt amici senatus et populí Rómání. ______________



10. Matres bonae sunt. Virtus earum magna est. _________________________________________________


11. Caesar est imperátor Rómánus, sed senatus virtútem ejus nón laudat. ______________________________


12. Caesar oppidum Gallórum occupabit, sed tu eos nón monebis. ___________________________________


13. Multí hominés sancti sunt. Eis Deus praemia dabit. ____________________________________________


14. Chrístus est Fílius Deí et nunc in Caeló cum eo est. ____________________________________________


Page 20: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

15. Mílités semper in perículó sunt. Itaque pró eis oramus. _________________________________________


16. Caesar in castrís est. Ei servus gladium dat. __________________________________________________


17. Omnés Gallí in armis sunt. Spem victóriae in virtute posuérunt. __________________________________


17b. Equites eorum fortés sunt. Copia frumenti in oppidís eorum est. __________________________________


17c. Et pontes et collés tenent. Ea Caesar audivit; eos tamen nón timet. ________________________________


Page 21: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 152 Nómen: _____________________________________

Hodie est: __________________________________

1. The Senate praises Caesar because he fights for the Roman people in the territory of the

Gauls. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. The roads are good. The Romans constructed them. _______________________________________________


3. Caesar was fighting with the Gauls in their territory. He was seizing their towns and

cities. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


3a. The Gauls were not withstanding his attacks. ________________________________________________________


4. We praise Christ and Mary, His mother. She was holy. ____________________________________________


4a. God gave her a great reward. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. The Gauls were not friends of the Romans. ___________________________________________________________


5a. The Gauls were not giving them grain, and they were not praising them. ______________________


5b. The Gauls were fighting with them. ____________________________________________________________________

6. Christ is the light of the world and the Salvation of all men. ______________________________________


6a. We praise Him now on earth, and with Him we shall praise God in heaven forever. __________



7. We praise the Roman legions on account of their victories. They were fighting for the

Senate and the Roman people. __________________________________________________________________________


Page 22: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

7a. The Gauls were fighting with them but they conquered the Gauls. Caesar was their

commander in chief and was praising them on account of their courage and reliability.




7b. Therefore the Senate gave them great rewards. _____________________________________________________


8. The enemy is carrying grain and arms into the town. Will they hold it? _______________________


9. The Gauls are preparing a camp. In it they will fight for the common welfare of Gaul.



9a. Nevertheless, they will not hold it. Caesar will overcome them and seize it. ____________________


10. The winter quarters of the Romans were in the territory of the enemy. The enemy was

attacking and seizing them. _____________________________________________________________________________


11. The Gauls often made an attack on the Roman columns, but the Romans were

withstanding their attacks. ______________________________________________________________________________


Page 23: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 153 Nomen: _____________________________

1. We often pray for ourselves. __________________________________________________


2. He prays for himself.________________________________________________________

3. You pray for yourself. _______________________________________________________

4. They pray for themselves. ____________________________________________________

5. They praise him. ___________________________________________________________

6. The legion prays for itself. ___________________________________________________

7. I pray for myself.___________________________________________________________

8. He sees them. _____________________________________________________________

9. You pray for yourselves. _____________________________________________________

10. She does not praise him. _____________________________________________________

11. She prays for herself. _______________________________________________________

12. We have the grace of God in us. _______________________________________________


Page 24: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 154 Nomen: _____________________________

Practice with 3rd person reflexives. Hodie est: ___________________________

1. Holy men do not praise themselves. __________________________________________________________


2. Mothers praise not themselves but (their) sons. _________________________________________________


3. Men often do not see themselves as we see them. ________________________________________________


4. a. Christians often pray for themselves and for all men. ___________________________________________


Carefully identify the parts of speech in the following sentence:

4. b. For God gives them and all men grace on account of their prayers. ________________________________



5. Now Jesus does not pray for Himself, but for us, for He is in heaven and is also the Brother of all men. ____



6. The Gauls often killed themselves after the victories of the Romans._________________________________


Page 25: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Exercise 155. Name: ______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Virtus Rómána et Virtus Chrístiána ______________________________________________

The Romans had many virtues and the best of the Romans were upright and idealistic men. Among these

was the famous Roman orator and politician, Marcus Tullius Cicero. But they were not Christians and therefore

the great Christian virtue of humility was unknown to them. They did not, of course, have our personal

devotion to Christ nor our loving submission to God. Their ideal was a natural one, good in many ways, but far

inferior to the supernatural ideal which shines forth in our Master and our Model, Jésús Christ.


Márcus Tullius Ciceró, órátor1 magnus et bonus, véritátem et virtútem saepe laudábat. Dé2 virtute, “Virtús

propter sé,” inquit, 3 “laudátur.” 4 In órátiónibus hominés bonós saepe laudábat, malós autem nón laudábat.

Multa perícula sustinébat; mortem et gladiós nón timébat; nómen populí Rómání semper laudábat.





Ciceró tamen Christianus nón erat. (Post éjus mortem Chrístus in terram vénit.) Itaque Ciceró, glóriae cupidus,

sé saepe laudábat. Omnés Rómání saepe sé laudábant. Senátus sé laudábat. Etiam imperátórés et ducés Rómání

sé laudábant. Hominés sáncti autem nón sé sed Deum laudant, sicut María, Máter Jésú, sé nón laudábat. Ea post

Annuntiátiónem6 órábat:







1 órátor, oratoris: an órátor, 2 dé, prep. w/ablative; ‘concerning’ 3 inquit: he said, 4 laudátur: is praised, 5 Ciceró lived 106-43 B.C. 6Annuntiátó, Annuntiátiónis: the

Annunciation by the Angel Gabriel.

Page 26: Exercises for Lesson 10 and 11 Henle FYL

Magnificat1 anima2 mea Dominum __________________________________________

. . . quia3 fecit4 mihi magna . . . __________________________________________

et sánctum nómen éjus (est). __________________________________________

Ciceró et omnés Rómání spem in sé posuérunt. Chrístiání autem spem nón in sé sed in gratia Chrístí ponunt. 5



Ciceró multa et gravia perícula sustinébat quod et bonus erat et glóriae cupidus. Chrístiání autem perícula

sustinent quod Chrístum sécum habent. Chrístiání enim Jésúm Chrístum in sé “portant.” Itaque nómen

Christiánórum erat etiam “Christophorí.” 6





1magnificat: doth magnify. 2 anima mea: my soul. 3quia=quod. 4fécit: he has done. 5pónunt: place. 6 Christophorus is from a Greek word meaning ”Christ-bearer.”

Our name Christopher is derived from this.