exit poll analysis

Exit poll analysis As a test to find out different marketing techniques when i went to watch the Bridget jones’s baby film I created an exit poll on survey monkey and handed these out, these are the results I found. The first question sked n my survey was “how old are you” 25% answered under 16 and 75% answered 6-18 which shows what time of people went to go and watch the Bridget jones’s baby film, as nobody answered over 18 showing younger audiences were going watching it. The second question in my survey was “what is your gender” 100% of people answered female, this how’s what type of film this is, its aimed at females mostly as you can see all females were in the cinema watching the film. The third question I asked in my survey was “what is our favorite genre of

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Post on 20-Feb-2017




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Exit poll analysis

As a test to find out different marketing techniques when i went to watch the Bridget jones’s baby film I created an exit poll on survey monkey and handed these out, these are the results I found.

The first question sked n my survey was “how old are you” 25% answered under 16 and 75% answered 6-18 which shows what time of people went to go and watch the Bridget jones’s baby film, as nobody answered over 18 showing younger audiences were going watching it.

The second question in my survey was “what is your gender” 100% of people answered female, this how’s what type of film this is, its aimed at females mostly as you can see all females were in the cinema watching the film.

The third question I asked in my survey was “what is our favorite genre of film?” 50% answered comedy, 25% answered horror and 25% answered romance, which again shows that audience type as the film is a comedy romance, and all together 75% of my survey answered comedy romance.

The fourth question on my survey was “Where do you see movies advertised” 25% answered twitter and 25% answered Facebook and 50% answered TV, this shows what type of marketing techniques for films are now used as most people answered to do with social media and nobody answered billboards / busses which is usually the way we would think of them being advertised.

The fifth question on my survey was “where did you see Bridget jones baby movie advertised?” 25% answered Facebook, 25% answered billboards/busses 25% answered trailer and 25% answered TV, again this shows how the marketing techniques are used through social media.

The sixth question on my survey was “what attracted toy to watch Bridget jones’s baby rather than Blair witch”? 25% answered movie poster, 25% answered trailer and 50% answered that they enjoy this film, this shows that other than people liking the film, movie posters and trailers persuaded people to watch it through these marketing techniques.

The seventh question was “would you change anything about the film?” 100% answered no maybe suggesting the film was really good.

The eighth question was “what form of social media do you use the most?” 75% answered snapchat and 25% answered twitter.

The ninth question was how often do you go to the cinema a month? 75% answered 1-5 times and 25% answered 6-15 times.

The tenth question I asked was “what do you do in your spare time?” 50% answered shopping, 25% answered going to the cinema and 25% answered other, showing the type of audience for this film, mostly girls enjoying shopping and cinemas.