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EXOR Enquiry Manager User Guide March 2014 Version: 4.7 Submitted by: Bentley Systems (UK) Ltd., 9th Floor, 20 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BG

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Enquiry Manager User Guide

March 2014

Version: 4.7

Submitted by:

Bentley Systems (UK) Ltd.,

9th Floor,

20 Gracechurch Street,






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EXOR Enquiry Manager User Guide


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The contents of this document, including system ideas and concepts, are confidential and proprietary in nature and are not to be distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Bentley, Inc.

Document Tracker

Document Details


Enquiry Manager User Guide V4.7.docx

Prepared by:

T.C. Stewart

Manual Name:

Enquiry Manager User Guide

Reviewed by:

I Skinner



Approved for issue by:

T.C. Stewart

Date of Issue:

Nov 2012

Product Manager:

I Skinner

File Name:

Document Centre/Exor/Product Manuals/4.7 Product Manuals/4.7 completed documentation/ Enquiry Manager User Guide V4.7.docx

Document Version Control

Revision Date By Chapter/Page Description

1 Jan 2009 AH All Upgrade

2 Feb 2009 AH All Upgrade

3 Oct 2009 CS Released with 4.1

4 Sept 2010 IS All Minor revisions, Added section on Navigator for 4.3

5 April 2011 IS Various For Version 4.4

Status code description changed (Page 5)

Standard Text details added for (Page 6)

6 Nov 2011 IS P17 Querying claim enquiries as a non-claim user added

7 Oct 2012 IS Various Reference to product option ENQREDIR corrected.

8 Nov 2013 BA/IS All

P 31

Re-formatted into Bentley template

Enquiry Date Recorded description updated.




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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Enquiry Manager .................................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Enquiries – DOC0150 ................................................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 Enquiries Overview............................................................................................................... 3

2.1.2 Understanding Enquiry Status Codes.................................................................................... 5

2.1.3 Enquiry Form Title Banner ................................................................................................... 6

2.1.4 Shortcut Keys ........................................................................................................................ 6

2.1.5 Standard Text ........................................................................................................................ 6

2.2 Querying Existing Enquiries ......................................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Querying Enquiries within the Enquiries – DOC0150 module............................................. 8

2.2.2 Query Enquiries by Enquiry Id ........................................................................................... 10

2.2.3 Query Enquiries using a Combination of Attributes ........................................................... 10

2.2.4 Query Enquiries by Contact Name ..................................................................................... 11

2.2.5 Query Enquiries by Location (Road Group or Road Section) ............................................ 12

2.2.6 Querying Claim Enquiries as a Non-Claim user ................................................................. 13

2.2.7 Viewing an Enquiry within Locator .................................................................................... 14

2.2.8 Query an Enquiry Using a Locator Search ......................................................................... 16

2.2.9 Querying Enquiries Using the ‘Search For’ Tool ............................................................... 16

2.3 Creating a New Enquiry .............................................................................................................. 21

2.3.1 Contact Details Panel .......................................................................................................... 23

2.3.2 Contacts Summary .............................................................................................................. 29

2.3.3 Enquiry Dates ...................................................................................................................... 31

2.3.4 Locating an Enquiry ............................................................................................................ 33

2.3.5 Locate an Enquiry by selecting from the Gazetteer ............................................................ 33

2.3.6 Locating an Enquiry using Locator – NM0572 .................................................................. 35

2.3.7 Updating an Enquiries Easting/Northing ............................................................................ 38

2.3.8 Raising an Enquiry against an Asset ................................................................................... 39

2.3.9 Create a New Asset ............................................................................................................. 42

2.3.10 Further Enquiry Details ....................................................................................................... 43

2.3.11 Enquiry History ................................................................................................................... 45

2.3.12 Enquiry Summary ............................................................................................................... 47

2.3.13 Enquiry Actions .................................................................................................................. 48

2.3.14 Enquiry Standard Actions ................................................................................................... 49

2.3.15 Street Furniture and Motor Vehicle Damage ...................................................................... 50

2.3.16 Damage Costs ..................................................................................................................... 51

2.3.17 Associations ........................................................................................................................ 52




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2.3.18 Items .................................................................................................................................... 53

2.3.19 Current Defects ................................................................................................................... 54

2.3.20 Raise Defects ...................................................................................................................... 55

2.3.21 Raising a Notice in the Street Works Register .................................................................... 58

2.3.22 [Send to Register]................................................................................................................ 72

3 Public Enquiries Reports ..................................................................................................................... 76

3.1.1 Running Reports ................................................................................................................. 76

3.1.2 Templates ............................................................................................................................ 77

3.2 List of Enquiries – DOC0166 ..................................................................................................... 78

3.2.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 78

3.2.2 List of Enquiries – DOC0166 – example ............................................................................ 79

3.3 Enquiry Details – DOC0160 ....................................................................................................... 80

3.3.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 80

3.3.2 Enquiry Detail – DOC0160 – example ............................................................................... 81

3.4 Acknowledgements – DOC0162 ................................................................................................ 82

3.4.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 82

3.4.2 Acknowledgements – DOC0162 -example ......................................................................... 83

3.5 Summary by Status – DOC0164 ................................................................................................. 84

3.5.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 84

3.5.2 Summary by Status – DOC0164 ......................................................................................... 85

3.6 Summary by Type – DOC0165 .................................................................................................. 86

3.6.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 86

3.6.2 Summary by Type – DOC0165 .......................................................................................... 87

3.7 Batch Enquiry Printing – DOC0205 ........................................................................................... 88

3.7.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 88

3.8 Outstanding Enquiry Actions – DOC0167 ................................................................................. 89

3.8.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 89

3.8.2 Outstanding Enquiry Actions – example ............................................................................ 89

3.9 Enquiry Damage – DOC0168 ..................................................................................................... 90

3.9.1 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 90

3.9.2 Enquiry Damage – example ................................................................................................ 90




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1 Introduction

Enquiry Manager by Exor allows an organisation to efficiently manage and respond to, communications from its

customers and the general public. Efficient and effective handling of such a high-profile part of the business is essential in

order to provide a high quality service, to gain the confidence of customers, to raise the public perception of the

organisation and meet pre-defined performance levels.

Enquiry Manager by Exor provides a special module to allow for the input of telephone enquiries and also to accept

input from Data Collection Devices (DCD’s) for enquiries collected in the field. The system automatically generates

reference numbers and target response dates and keeps a log of enquiries for the identification of common causes.

Multiple Contact information can be held against an Enquiry allowing witness, solicitor or any other details all to be

associated with a Enquiry. When implemented with maintenance manager by Exor it is also possible to create a defect

based on the enquiry information, which can subsequently be raised on a Works Order. When implemented with

document manager by Exor it is possible to hold associated information with the enquiry record such as letters,

photographs, and drawings. Once logged, the system can automatically produce acknowledgement letters. Enquiries go

through a series of status changes or actions, each of which is date-stamped and assigned to the relevant person or

organisation. The status history can be viewed at any time for the resolution of questions about an enquiry. When

integrated with Street Works Manager by Exor, Enquiry Manager provides an environment whereby internal works in

the department can be easily integrated with notices as required by the TMA. Delivering the transparency required under

the Act, (between internal works and utilities) thus improving the overall public perception.

Enquiry Manager by Exor can utilise Address-Point™ data supplied by Ordnance Survey, or another body, to carry out

postcode checking when entering new public enquiries. This will not only speed up data entry but will also ensure that

typographical errors are minimised when entering details of a contacts address.

Enquiry Manager by Exor includes a comprehensive standard management reporting suite including individual

performance indicator reports and enquiries by road or street name. In addition a user-friendly interface for ad-hoc queries

and report generation is provided. When used in conjunction with Exor Web Mapping Services users can quickly locate

and resolve enquiries via an on-screen map.




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2 Enquiry Manager

Figure 1 – Enquiries Menu

This chapter describes the form that is used to record, monitor and manage enquiries and complaints. The following form

is detailed.

2.1 Enquiries – DOC0150

Figure 2 – Enquiries

The form description provides you with detailed information about the Enquiry forms in Exor, including:

an overall description of the form

a detailed explanation of each field, including available features (such as List of Values), default values and other


Helpful information for using the form

The following list identifies some of the Enquiry Manager reports. A complete list can be found in Enquiry Manager

Reports (page 76)

Enquiry List

Enquiry Details


Summary by Status

Summary by Type




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2.1.1 Enquiries Overview

This module is used to record enquiries or complaints and record a historical record of their progress. Personal

information relating to the Enquirer, such as Name, Address, Telephone Numbers, Email address, etc can be recorded as

well as information on any number of other Contacts relating to the enquiry. For example, if an enquiry is logged, which

relates to a personal injury claim, there may be Witness's, Solicitors and Insurance Company's associated with the claim,

in addition to the actual Claimant. The details of all parties involved can be added to the enquiry record and viewed via a

summary window.

Postcode checking can be carried out when entering a Contacts address by utilising ADDRESS-POINT™ data supplied

from Ordnance Survey or another third party. This will not only speed up data entry but will also ensure that

typographical errors are minimised when entering details of a contacts address.

ADDRESS-POINT™ is Ordnance Survey's national address database and when used with Enquiry manager by Exor it

acts as an address gazetteer. Whenever a new contact is added to an enquiry the Contacts Postcode and Building number

are entered. Enquiry manager by Exor will search for a match on this combination of Postcode and Building Number

and if found, will return the address details as supplied by Ordnance Survey. The Contacts Name and other relevant

details may then be added.

The Category and Class of an Enquiry can be recorded e.g., a Formal or Informal Complaint. This can be used to

determine which Enquiries are subject to the conditions imposed under the legislation introduced as a result of the

WOOLF report.

Key target response dates can then be generated to monitor the progress of an enquiry.

Enquiries which may contain sensitive information, such as Claims, can be restricted to only those Users you have been

granted a specific User Role, therefore ensuring the confidentiality which some Organisation require.

Standard Actions can be generated for Enquiries based upon the type, nature and current status of the enquiry. These

Standard Actions can be prioritised and target action dates generated as a result. For example, when a written Formal

Complaint is received a Standard Action may be generated to respond to the Enquirer within 5 days. A member of staff

can be assigned to carry out a Standard Action and the progress and compliance with target dates monitored by using the

reports provided by Enquiry manager by Exor. A history of the progress of a Standard Action is also recorded allowing

a full Audit to be conducted.

Damage to Street Furniture or Motor Vehicles can be logged and associated Costs recorded against an Enquiry. This

allows an Organisation to monitor and report on the costs associated with damage to their fleet of vehicles or other assets

within their control.

Enquiries can be 'redirected' automatically to a User or Contact making them the 'Responsible' person, based on the type

and natures of the Enquiry. This may be further restricted by the Road Group or individual Road Section to which the

Enquiry relates. The Enquiry Priority may be similarly 'auto populated'.

Enquiries can also be associated with an Asset (e.g., an inventory item such as a bridge or sign) and the Road Section on

which the enquiry exists. The user may then also Raise Defects based on the information received from the Enquirer in

order to create a subsequent Defects Works Order. The Enquiry Status will be updated to track the Enquiry through

various stages to reflect, for example that a defect has been raised on the Enquiry or the Defect raised on the Enquiry is

now on a Works Order.




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Figure 3 – Enquiries




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2.1.2 Understanding Enquiry Status Codes

Each Enquiry Status Code may have a number of associated ‘Feature Code’s’ that determine the business rules applicable

to that Status. Whilst Status Codes are User definable, it is advisable to contact you local Exor Support Consultant before

adding or removing Status Codes, however Status Codes and their descriptions may be amended locally if required.

The feature codes applicable to an Enquiry Status are as follows.

Feature 1 - New enquiries will be automatically assigned this status.

Feature 2 - Enquiries will be automatically assigned this status in DOC0160 (Print Enquiry Details)

Feature 3 - Status values which allow the Completed Date to be entered.

Feature 4 - Status of enquiry when completed

Feature 5 - Works Order Raised

Feature 6 - Can be updated to Status with feature 5.

Feature 7 - Defect Raised

Feature 8 - Not Used

Feature 9 - Not Used

For example, a status code of RE – Received, could allow Features 1 and 6, setting the status of the Enquiry as

‘Received’ automatically when it is entered onto the system and allowing it to be updated if an associated Defect is placed

on a Works Order. A status code of WI – Work Instructed could allow Feature 7 only, signifying that an associated

Defect is instructed on a Works Order.

Defining new Status Codes and associating the required feature codes to the status codes is carried out using Status

Codes – HIG9110.

Note: A number of status codes have been defined for use when integrating with other products and should be

considered as reserved for the specific functions within those products, they are as follows: Maintenance Manager

DR – Defect Raised.

This indicates a defect has been created from an enquiry following the selection of the [Create Defect] button.

Once a defect has been raised from an enquiry the enquiry status will automatically progress through its life cycle

to completed in line with the defects life cycle through to completion.

WI – Works Instructed.

The defect status code has been changed to Instructed (the defect has been placed on a work order and that work

order has been instructed)

WA – Work Actioned.

The work order line for the associated defect has been passed to the contractor for completion using the CIM


CO – Complete.

Also generally used within enquiry manager to indicate the enquiry is complete.

The defect status code has been changed to Complete.




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NI – Notice Issued.

A TMA Notice has been created following the selection of the [Send to Register] button.

2.1.3 Enquiry Form Title Banner

The title of this form (which appears in the title banner at the top of the window) and each of the subsequent windows

called from within it, can be altered by changing the value defined for System Option ENQTITLE (refer to Enquiry

Manager System Admin Guide).

2.1.4 Shortcut Keys

A set of Shortcut keys is available for use from the main Enquiry form, which will call the following windows.

Short Cut Window Called

ALT + 1 Associated Records (Page 52)

ALT + 2 History (Page 45)

ALT + 3 Summary (Page 29)

ALT + 4 Actions (Page 48).

ALT + 5 Damage (Page 50)

ALT + 6 Current Defects (Page 54)

ALT + 7 Raise Defects (Page 55)

ALT + 8 Contacts Summary (Page 29)

ALT + 9 View Contacts Details

2.1.5 Standard Text

Standard text is defined in form Standard Text Maintenance – HIG4010 and assigned to a user in form Standard Text

Usage – HIG4020. (Refer to the Exor General System Administration manual for further details)

The Standard Text functionality has been defined for the following fields within Enquiry Manager:




Reason for Late Arrival

Reason (Further Details tab)

Status – Reason for Change

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for the selected field right-click with the mouse and

select the [Standard Text] option.




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Figure 4 – Preferences

This will display the Standard Text – HIG4030 form where the relevant text can be selected.

The content of this picklist is defined on a user by user basis and is controlled by the system administrator.

Figure 5 – Standard Text

[Select Value] Will select the selected text and place the text in the current field, any text already in

the field will be overwritten.

[Append Value] Will append the selected text to any text that is in the current field providing there is

sufficient room remaining in that field.

[Cancel] Will cancel the form.




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2.2 Querying Existing Enquiries

Existing Enquiries can be queried within the Enquiries – DOC0150 module using any combination of Enquiry Attributes,

Contact Details or Location. Enquiries may also be queried using the search facilities inherent within the Locator –


Note: If more than one Enquiry is returned by a Query, press the [Summary] button (page 29) on the Floating toolbar

to view all Enquiries returned by the search. The Floating Toolbar can be toggled on/off using the button on

the Menu Toolbar

Figure 6 - Toolbar

2.2.1 Querying Enquiries within the Enquiries – DOC0150 module

Existing Enquiries can be queried using any combination of Enquiry Attributes, Contact Details or Location. Queries may

be restricted to only those Enquiries that are currently open by checking the 'Open Enquiries' radio button (Figure 7) at the

top of the main Enquiry form. This will restrict queries to only those Enquiries with Status Codes that DO NOT have

feature 4 assigned to them. For more information about Status Codes see page 5.

Figure 7 – Radio Buttons

Note: The default setting for this feature is determined by Product/User Option ENQDEFALL as described in the

Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide.

When the Enquiries – DOC0150 module is in ‘Query Mode’ all Queryable Attributes are displayed in Blue (Figure 8).




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Figure 8 - Enquiries

Querying within the Enquiry – DOC0150 module involves the use of the following buttons on the Menu Toolbar or their

associated ‘Hot Key’ (given in brackets)

Figure 9 - Buttons

Several examples of commonly used Queries are given below. These include:

Query Enquiries by Enquiry Id

Query Enquiries using a combination of Attributes

Query Enquiries by Location (Road Group or Section)




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2.2.2 Query Enquiries by Enquiry Id

1. Press the [Enter Query] button on the menu toolbar.

2. Enter the Enquiry Id

3. Press the [Execute Query] button on the menu toolbar.

Figure 10 – Query Id

2.2.3 Query Enquiries using a Combination of Attributes

In this example all Overdue (Status Code = ‘OD’), Highways related (Category =’HWAY’) Enquiries would be queried.

1. Press the [Enter Query] button on the menu toolbar.

2. Enter a Status Code of ‘OD’

3. Enter a Category of ’HWAY’

Before the query is executed the total number of Enquiries that will be returned by the query can be displayed using the

[Count Query Hits] button. This allows the User to cancel and refine the query criteria if needed.

Figure 11 – Query Count

Press the [Execute Query] button on the menu toolbar.




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2.2.4 Query Enquiries by Contact Name

Figure 12 – Query by Contact Name

When querying using the Enquiry Contact name all Enquiries to which the Contact is associated will be returned. This

includes Enquiries where the Contact is not the ‘Primary Contact’. In such Enquiries the Contacts Name may not be the

Contact first displayed. To verify that the required Contact is associated with the current enquiry, press the [Contact

Summary] button (see page 29).

1. Press the [Enter Query] button on the menu toolbar.

2. Enter the Contacts Forename and Surname in the appropriate fields

Note: A List of Contacts can be displayed by double-clicking the Forename field

3. To refine the Query the Contacts Postcode or other Address details can be entered.

4. Press the [Execute Query] button on the menu toolbar.




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2.2.5 Query Enquiries by Location (Road Group or Road Section)

Enquiries may be queried based upon the Road Group or Section to which they have been associated. This may include

Street within your Local Street Gazetteer, maintenance Section, Parish groups or any other Group defined within the Exor


When a Location based query is executed all Enquiries associated with the selected Network Element, that also meet any

other query criteria, will be returned. It is suggested that [Count Query Hits] is used before executing the query. This will

allow the query to be refined should a large number of records match all the query criteria.

The example below will search for all Footway related (Enquiry Class = ‘FWAY’) enquiries on a given Section.

Press the [Enter Query] button on the menu toolbar.

Enter an Enquiry Class of ‘FWAY’.

In the ‘Road’ field, either enter the Unique Name of the required Section/Group or double-click to call the Gazetteer,

from where the appropriate network element can be selected. For full details on the use of the Gazetteer refer to the

Network Manager User Guide.

Press [Execute Query] on the menu Toolbar.

Figure 13 – Query by Location




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2.2.6 Querying Claim Enquiries as a Non-Claim user

As an enquiry progresses from an enquiry into an insurance claim, many organisations prefer that the Claim enquiry

details are only available to a subset of users that are dealing with the claim. This access to a Claim enquiry is controlled

the by CLAIMROLE product option, by giving the appropriate users the role defined within this product option.

However, when querying an individual claims enquiry as a non-claims user, the message 'FRM-4030: Query caused no

records to be retrieved. Re-enter' is returned. The user has no indication that the enquiry has now progressed to an

Insurance Claim and they do not have access to the record.

The product option CLAMRESP allows a more meaningful error message to be presented to the non-claim user when

they attempt to query back a Claim enquiry.

An example of the type of message that may be defined by the system administrator is shown in Figure 14 below.

Figure 14 – Information Message




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2.2.7 Viewing an Enquiry within Locator

Figure 15 – Locator Button

The currently selected Enquiry can be displayed within Locator (Web Mapping) by pressing the [Show Map] button

(Figure 15) on the menu toolbar.

When the Show Map button is pressed a List of all GIS Themes to which the User has Role based access and that have the

Enquiry – DOC0150 module defined as Theme Functions will be displayed. This List will include Network based

Themes such as ‘Type 1 and 2 Streets’, ‘Maintenance Sections’ etc that the Enquiry Module uses to zoom to a location

when creating or relocating an Enquiry using the [Get from Map] button (page 35). To zoom to an Enquiry an Enquiry

Theme MUST be selected from list, i.e., not a Network based Theme.

Figure 16 - Themes

When the appropriate Theme is selected, Locator will be called, the map will zoom to and centre on the selected Enquiry.




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Figure 17 – Enquiry on a Map

If the selected Enquiry does not have x,y coordinates a message will be displayed saying that ‘No themes available for

current module’ (Figure 18).

Figure 18 – Information Message

In these cases the Enquiry cannot be displayed on a map.

Note: XY values can be added to an Enquiry using the LOV adjacent to the ‘Northing’ field in the ‘Associated

Network’ panel. See page 38 for full details.

Figure 19 – XY Values




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2.2.8 Query an Enquiry Using a Locator Search

Enquiries can be found using Locator – NM0572 by either using the ‘Search For’ facility to query on Enquiry Attributes

or by selecting the required Enquiries directly from the Map window using one of the ‘Feature Selection Tools’ available.

2.2.9 Querying Enquiries Using the ‘Search For’ Tool

The ‘Search For’ facility within Locator – NM0572 allows Enquiries to be queried using their attribute values. The

results are displayed within a Results Grid and may be subsequently exported in a Client PC in either CSV or XML


Note: Enquiries may only be queried within Locator if they have been defined as an ‘Exor External Asset’. This is

automatically created when a Spatial Layer is created for Enquiries within the GIS Layer Tool – GIS0020.

Note: Refer to the Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide for more details about the ‘Enquiry Manager External


To search for Enquiries within Locator, select ‘Public Enquiries’ from the list of searchable Item Types and enter the

required query criteria in the appropriate attributes. To execute the search press the [Search] button at the bottom of the


The example below shows a search for Enquiries relating to Complaints about Carriageway Defects.

Note: The name of the Item Type may vary for different Customers.




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Figure 20 – Search Criteria




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The results of the Search will be displayed in the ‘Results Grid’ window (Figure 21).

Figure 21 – Search Results

To view an Enquiry on the Map, select the required record and press the [Display] button on the form

Figure 22 – Select Item for Map Display




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The Map will Zoom and center on the selected Enquiry.

Figure 23 – Zoom to Item

To view the Enquiry details choose the Enquiries – DOC0150 option from the list of available Functions, called by

pressing the Functions List button.

Figure 24 – Selected Functions

This will call the Enquiries – DOC0150 module where the details of the Enquiry can be viewed or maintained as





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Figure 25 – Display Enquiry Module

For full details on the use of Locator – NM0572 refer to the Locator and Web Mapping User Guide.




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2.3 Creating a New Enquiry

The Enquiries – DOC0150 form comprises of a main window, which includes a Contact information section, a series of

Tab Canvas windows and a Floating Toolbar that can be toggled on/off using the button on the main menu toolbar.

New Enquiries can be created by entering the appropriate details as described in this section.

Note: Enquiries may also be created via the Locator – NM0752, or any other Module in which the Exor Web Mapping

is embedded.

Figure 26 - Enquiries

Id (Display Only)

A unique system generated Enquiry Id will be displayed when the Enquiry Type is entered.

Status (Required, Default) List

Enter a valid status code. These codes will have been previously defined using Status Codes – HIG9110. When an

Enquiry Status is changed and saved, a pop up window will be displayed where the reason for the change may be entered.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

The default value is defined by enabling Feature 1 for an Enquiry Status using Status Codes – HIG9110.

The status code will automatically be updated when actions such as raising a Defect or a Street Works Notice are


Note: The Status Code can be used as a parameter for generating Standard Actions (see page 48).

The [Navigator] button will display all records associated to the selected enquiry in a tree format as shown below:




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Figure 27 - Navigator

As can be seen, Navigator displays a summary of associated records, double-clicking on any of the records in the tree will

display the full details of the record in the appropriate form.

Full details of the use of navigator can be found in the Navigator and Query Builder User Guide.

Source (Required, Default)

Enter the source of the Enquiry. Enquiry sources will have been previously defined using Domains – HIG9120. The

Domain is named COMPLAINT_SOURCE.

The default value for new Public Enquires is set up in Product Options – HIG1930 by setting a valid value for

DEFSOURCE (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

Recorded By (Display Only, Default)

The initials and name of the current User will be displayed.

Outcome (Required, Default) (List)

This field is to allow the recording of NI14 requirements. Enter the outcome of the enquiry. Outcomes will have been

previously defined using Domains – HIG9120. The Domain is named OUTCOME_OPTIONS.

When the Outcome field is changed and saved, a pop up window will be displayed where the additional information can

be entered as required. Changes to the Outcome field will be stored in the Enquiry History prefixed with ‘NI14’.

Figure 28 – Reason Popup

Note: The Product Option ENQOUTCOME must be set to ‘Y’ for the field to be displayed in the Enquiries form.

Responsibility Of (Optional, Default) List

An Enquiry may be made the responsibility of any Exor User or any ‘Contact’ belonging to an Organisation that is

defined in Product Option ENQINTORG.

The list of available Users or Contacts will be restricted depending on the value define for Product Option

ENQRESPLOV. If this option is set to ‘Y’ the list is restricted to those Exor Users with the same Admin Unit or a

subordinate Admin Units, as the current User. If the Option is set to ‘N’ all current Exor Users will be available.

The default value is the initials of the User Logging the Enquiry.




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When the ‘Responsibility Of’ value is changed the Admin Unit of the Enquiry will be changed to that of the ‘Responsible


Note: If Product/User Option ENQREDIR is currently set to '1 or 2' the 'Responsibility Of' field may be automatically

updated based on the criteria set up in Enquiry Redirection – DOC0157.

Admin Unit (Required, Default)

The Admin Unit of the Enquiry will be set to the Admin Unit of the User logging the Enquiry. If the ‘Responsibility Of’

field is changed to an Exor User (as opposed to a Contact), the Admin Unit of the Enquiry will be changed to that of the

User. If the ‘Responsibility Of’ value is set to a ‘Contact’, the Admin Unit remains unchanged.

If the Enquiry is ‘located’ by adding a ‘Road Element’, the Admin Unit will be changed to that of the Road group or

Section associated with the Enquiry.

Note: If using the ‘Auto redirect’ functionality the Admin Unit will be changed to the Admin Unit of the User to whom

the Enquiry is redirected.

Note: Admin Unit picklist will be restricted to the ‘Responsibility of’ Users Admin Unit hierarchy, to ensure the

‘Responsibility of’ user will have access to the enquiry, once recorded.

Where product option ENQAURDID = 'Y' (ie. Admin Unit based on the Road), The list of Users available in the

‘Responsibility of’ field will be restricted to those users within the Admin Unit hierarchy of the Road.

2.3.1 Contact Details Panel

The Contacts section of the form is used to record or associate people, Organisations or people within an Organisation,

with an Enquiry. To associate more than one Contact with an Enquiry click on the 'Title' field and press the [Create

Record] button on the menu toolbar after the Enquiry has been saved.

The contacts section of the form 'shares' information with the Contacts – HIG1815 module (refer to Enquiry Manager

System Admin Guide) and any changes made to a Contact record within Contacts – HIG1815 will be reflected within the

Enquiry – DOC0150 form if that Enquiry Contact is displayed.

Figure 29 – Contact Details

An Enquiry can have many associated Contacts, but only 1 may be displayed on the main Enquiry window at any time. A

scroll bar is provided on the contact section of the form to scroll through the Contact Records.

Alternatively the [Contacts Summary] (page 29) button can be used to display a summary of all contacts linked to the

current Enquiry.

If a Contact if removed from an Enquiry by pressing the [Delete Record] button on the menu toolbar a warning will be

displayed (Figure 30).




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Figure 30 – Warning Message

To remove the Contact from the Enquiry press the [OK] button.

To view the Contacts for an Enquiry either use the Scroll Bar on the right hand side of the Contacts section or

press the [Contact Summary] button on the form (page 29).

To edit a Contacts details, ensure the required contact is the displayed and press the [View Contact Details]

button on the form. This will call the Contacts – HIG1815 form, where the Contact details may be amended.

Title (First Field) (Optional) List

Enter the Contacts Title e.g., MR, MRS, DR. Titles will have been previously defined using Domains – HIG9120. The

relevant Domain value is CONTACT_TITLE.

Name (Second Field) (Optional) List

Enter the Contacts First Name.

Double -licking in this field will display a list of Contacts already logged in the system. If the required Contact details

already exist on the List of Values, select the required record. If the [Cancel] button is pressed, the Contact details can be

entered within the main form. In this case a new Contact record will be created.

Name (Third Field) (Optional)

Enter the Contacts Surname.

If the Product Option ENQCONSUM is set to ‘Y’, when the 'First Name' and 'Surname' fields are entered, a search will

automatically be carried out to determine whether they match that of any Contacts already held within the system. If a

match is found a summary window will be displayed. If the Contact being added to the system already appears on the

summary, press the [Select] button on the summary window to retrieve the details or press the [Cancel] button to close

the summary window and carry on entering the contact information.




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Figure 31 – Contact List

If the Product Option ENQCONSUM is set to ‘N’ this functionality will be disabled. This functionality may be disabled

if the customer has a very large data set due to the number of records that will be retrieved.

Type (Required, Default) List

Enter a Contact Type for the person or Organisation e.g., Witness, Claimant etc. Contact Types will have been previously

defined using Domains – HIG1920. The relevant Domains are CONTACT_ORG_TYPE and


The default value for new Enquires is set up in User Options – HIG1838 by setting a valid value for ENQCONTYPE

(refer to Enquiry Manager Admin Guide).

Ref (Optional)

If the Contact has a reference Number relating to the Enquiry it can be entered here.

Organisation (Optional) List

If the Contact is an Organisation or a person within an Organisation, enter the Organisations name. If this is the only field

entered within the contact section, a search will automatically be carried out to determine whether there are any other

contacts that match Organisation name entered. If a match is found a summary window will be displayed. If the Contact

being added to the system already appears on the summary, press the [Select] button on the summary window to retrieve

the details or press the [Cancel] button to close the summary window and carry on entering the contact information.

Postcode (Optional)

Enter the Postcode of the Contacts Address. If Product Option ENQFREEPC is set to Y, UK Postcode validation will

take place. This means that any spaces within the postcode will b removed. For example, if a postcode of EX12 5OR was

entered with a space in the middle of the string, the space will be automatically removed and the Postcode will be

displayed as EX125OR.




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Number (Optional)

Enter the Building Number of the Contacts Address (This may include numbers and/or letters, e.g., 51A). If ADDRESS-

POINT™ Postcode checking is being utilised, a search will be carried out for the matching address details for this

Postcode and Building number combination and the resulting address fields will be displayed. If Postcode checking is not

being utilised or a match is not found enter the remaining address details manually.

Note: That Product Option – ENQPCODE must be set to 'Y' of ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is to be used.

Building (Optional)

Enter the Building Name of the Contacts Address.

Note: That if ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is being used, the Building Name will be displayed if


Sub (Optional)

Enter the Sub Building Name if appropriate.

Street (Optional)

Enter the Street Name of the Contacts address.

Note: That if ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is being used, the Street Name will be displayed if applicable.

Dependant Street (Optional)

Enter the Dependant Street Name of the Contacts address.

Note: If ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is being used, the Street Name will be displayed if applicable.

Locality (Optional)

Enter the name of the Locality or sub district name of the Contacts address.

Note: If ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is being used, the Locality will be displayed if applicable.

Town (Optional)

Enter the Postal Town name of the Contacts Address.

Note: If ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is being used, the Post Town Name will be displayed if applicable.

County (Optional)

Enter the County Name of the Contacts Address.

Note: If ADDRESS-POINT™ Postcode checking is being used, the County Name will be displayed if applicable.

Email (Optional)

Enter the Contacts E-mail address. This email address will be used if Alert Manager is used and the alert is to generate an

email to either the Primary Contact or All Contacts for the selected enquiry.

Home Phone No. (Optional)

Enter the Contacts home phone number.




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Work (Optional)

Enter the Contacts Business Phone number.

Mobile (Optional)

Enter the Contacts Mobile Phone number.

Flag (Optional) List

If Required, enter VIP code. These codes will have been previously defined using Domains – HIG9120. The relevant

domain is CONTACT_VIP.

Primary Contact (Checkbox)

If the Contact being entered is a Primary Contact, click in the Primary checkbox. This is mainly used for ordering the

Contacts within an enquiry and for reporting purposes.

Note: The first Contact added to an enquiry will automatically be checked as the Primary Contact. If this is not the case

click in the check box to remove.

Property Type (Optional) List

Enter the 'Type' of property for the Contacts Address, e.g., 'Backcourt'. Property Types will have been previously defined

using Domains – HIG9120. The relevant domain is PROPERTY_TYPE.

When entering a Contacts details a Search may be conducted on any known portion of the Contacts Address. To carry out

a search enter the known details (wildcards may be used) and press the [Search] button. If any matches are found the

Contacts Summary window will be displayed from where the required Contact may be selected.




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Figure 32 – Address Summary

To view a summary of the Contacts linked to an Enquiry press the [Contacts Summary] button on the contact section of

the form.

To view or edit a contacts detail, ensure the required Contacts details are displayed and press the [View Contact Details]

button on the contacts section of the form.




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2.3.2 Contacts Summary

Figure 33 – Contacts Summary

The Contacts Summary window is called from the main Enquiry window by pressing the [Contacts Summary] button on

the contacts section of the form.

It displays a Summary of the Contact Details linked to the current Enquiry.

The following details are displayed:

The Organisation name if the Contact belongs to an Organisation

The Contacts title

The Contacts First Name

The Contacts Surname

The Contact Type e.g., Claimant, Witness etc.

The Building Number of the Contacts address

The Street Name of the Contacts address

The Postcode of the Contacts address.

VIP Flag

To find a particular Contact within the summary window do the following:

Press the [Enter Query] button on the menu toolbar.

Enter some selection criteria e.g., Contacts 'Surname' or 'Postcode'.

Press the [Execute Query] button on the menu toolbar.

To select a Contact from the summary press the [Select] button on the summary window.

Category (Required, Default) List

Enter an Enquiry Category e.g., CLAM (Claim) or CORR (Correspondence). These codes will have been previously

defined using Document Types/Classes – DOC0110 (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

The default value for new Enquires is set up in User Options – HIG1838 (refer to the Enquiry Manager System Admin

Guide) by setting a valid value for ENQCAT.




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If defects are to be raised directly from the Enquiry form, the Enquiry Category must be associated with a Treatment and

Defect Type using Enquiry Treatment Types – MAI1320 Defect and Inspection Manual)

Note: The Category can be used as a parameter for generating Standard Actions (page 48).

A description of the Category will be displayed in the adjoining field

Class (Required, Default) List

Enter the Enquiry Class. This is the Category Sub-Class and must be a valid code for the selected Category entered. The

Enquiry Class will have been previously entered and associated with an Enquiry Category using Document

Types/Classes – DOC0110 (refer to the Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

The default value for new Enquires is set up in User Options – HIG1838 by setting a valid value for ENQCLASS.

Note: The Class can be used as a parameter for generating Standard Actions.

A description of the Category will be displayed in the adjoining field

Enquiry Type(Required, Default) List

Enter a valid code for the Enquiry Type. A description will be displayed in the adjacent field. The list of values displayed

will be determined by the Enquiry Category selected. Enquiry Types are defined and associated with Enquiry Categories

using Document Types/Classes – DOC0110 (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

If defects are to be raised directly from the Enquiry form, the Enquiry Type must be associated with a Treatment and

Defect Type using Enquiry Treatment Types – MAI1320 (Maintenance Manager User Guide). The default setting is set

up using Product Option – ENQDEFNQT (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide)

Note: The Enquiry Type can be used as a parameter for generating Standard Actions.

Location (Optional)

Enter the location of the Enquiry e.g., Outside House No 1. This will be used later if an acknowledgement letter is printed

using Acknowledgements – DOC0162.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

Description (Optional)

Enter a description of the nature of the Enquiry e.g., Rocking Manhole Cover. This will be used later if an

acknowledgement letter is printed using Acknowledgements – DOC0162.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

Action/Remark (Optional)

Enter the description of any actions or remarks arising from the enquiry.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

Injuries (Optional)

Enter details of any Injuries sustained by the Claimant.




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Note: This field will only be enabled if the Category entered matches that defined for Product Option –


Damage (Optional)

Enter details of any damage caused to street furniture or vehicle etc.

Note: This field will only be enabled if the Category entered matches that defined for Product Option –


2.3.3 Enquiry Dates

The dates recorded for an Enquiry may be validated against each other by setting Product Option ENQVALDATE to ‘Y’.

When set to ‘Y’ the following validation is carried out.

Incident Date must not be after Date Recorded, Correspondence Date or Correspondence Received Date

Correspondence Date must not be before Incident and not after Correspondence Received or Date Recorded

Correspondence Received Date must not be before Incident or Correspondence Date and not after Date Recorded

Date of Acknowledgement must not be before Incident, Correspondence or Correspondence Received Date

Completion date cannot be before Date Assigned

If set to ‘N’, then no date validation is carried out.

Date Recorded (Display Only)

The Date and Time the enquiry was logged will be displayed. This date and time is dependent on the Product Option –

ENQRECDATE (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

Incident Date & Time (Optional, Default)

Enter the Date and Time on which the Enquiry Incident occurred. The entry format must be DD-MON-YYYY HH:MM.

The default value for new Public Enquiries is the date and time recorded.

Correspondence Date (Optional)

Enter the Date of the original Correspondence from the Claimant or Enquirer, e.g., the Date written on a Letter or e-mail

etc. If the Enquiry Class entered is the class which indicates the enquiry is subject to the conditions imposed as a result of

the WOOLF report (defined by Product Option ENQWLFCLAS (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide)) this

Correspondence date will be used in the calculation of the WOOLF dates.

Corr Received Date (Optional)

Enter the date on which the original correspondence was received.

WOOLF 1/Follow Up1 (Display Only, Optional)

If the Enquiry Class entered is the class which indicates the enquiry is subject to the conditions imposed as a result of the

WOOLF report (defined by Product Option ENQWLFCLAS (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide)) the first

WOOLF date will be automatically calculated and the result displayed. It will calculate the date on the basis of the

'Correspondence Date' field plus the number of days defined for Product Option – ENQWLFDAY1 (currently 21 days).

If the enquiry is not subject to WOOLF, enter a follow up date for the enquiry.




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Acknowledgement (Optional)

Enter the date the complaint or enquiry was acknowledged.

WOOLF 2/Follow Up 2 (Optional, Display Only)

If the Enquiry Class entered is the class that indicates the enquiry is subject to the conditions imposed as a result of the

WOOLF report (defined by Product Option ENQWLFCLAS (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide)) the

second WOOLF date will be automatically calculated and the result displayed. It will calculate the date on the basis of the

'Acknowledgement' field plus the number of days defined for Product Option – ENQWLFDAY2 (currently 60 days)

If the enquiry is not subject to WOOLF, enter a second follow up date for the enquiry.

WOOLF 3/Follow Up 3 (Optional, Display Only)

If the Enquiry Class entered is the class which indicates the enquiry is subject to the conditions imposed as a result of the

WOOLF report (defined by Product Option ENQWLFCLAS (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide) the third

WOOLF date will be automatically calculated and the result displayed. It will calculate the date on the basis of the

'Acknowledgement' field plus the number of days defined for Product Option – ENQWLFDAY3 (currently 90 days)

If the enquiry is not subject to WOOLF, enter a second follow up date for the enquiry.

Note: The display of the WOOLF associated fields may be switched off by setting Product Option ENQDATES to ‘N’.

Priority (Optional) List

Enter the Enquiry Priority. This will be used to generate a Target date for Completion of the Enquiry. Enquiry Priorities

will have been previously set up using Enquiry Priorities-DOC0132 (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

If defects are to be raised directly from the public enquiries from defect priorities must also be associated with defect

priorities using Enquiry Defect Priorities – MAI1325 (Maintenance Manager User Guide).

Note: If Product/User Option ENQREDIR is currently set to '1 or 2' the 'Priority' field may be automatically updated

based on the criteria set up in 'Enquiry Redirection – DOC0157.

Target Date (Optional, Display Only)

If a Priority is entered a Target date for the completion of the Enquiry will be calculated and displayed.

Note: Note: the Product Option ENQTARCALC will define how the target date is calculated. If set to ‘INCIDENT’

the incident date will be used, if set to ‘RECORDED’ the date recorded will be used for the calculation.

Complete Date (Optional)

Enter the date and time the enquiry was closed. (This can only be done when the status code is one which has its feature 4

set to 'Y'). It must be entered in the form DD-MON-YYYY HH:MM.

If defects have been associated with the enquiry the 'Complete Date' will be set when all associated Defects are put on

Works Orders and the last of those Works Order Lines has been completed.

If product Option ENQCMPDATE is set to 'Y' the Completion Date will be set to today's date when the status is updated

and has feature 4 enabled

An enquiry may be linked to a Road Section or a Road Group within Enquiry Manager. This allows reporting and

monitoring of enquiries based on geographical areas using Road Groups and also allows for Defects to be raised against

the selected Road Section (see page 55 for more information on Raising Defects from an Enquiry).




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Note: User Option ENQASSET must be set to 'Y' to enable for the current highways User to use the 'Road Type' and

'Road' fields.

Reference No (Optional)

Enter an enquirer reference number if required.

Date/Time Arrived (Optional)

If Enquiry Manager is being used to record the Date and Time an Inspector/Contractor etc, arrived on site to inspect or

action an Enquiry it can be entered in the form of DD-MON-YYYY HH:MM.

Reason for Late Arrival (Optional)

If recording the Date and Time an Inspector or Contractor arrived on site, any additional text can be entered in this field.

This can include details such as the reason for their late arrival.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

2.3.4 Locating an Enquiry

An Enquiry may be ‘located’ by associating it with a network Section or group. The Enquiry will not have a linear offset

relative to a network section so may only be viewed on a map by its XY coordinates. These are displayed within the

‘Associated network’ panel at the bottom right hand side of the main form.

An Enquiry can be associated with any network element within the Exor system. Common examples include, Parish

Groups, Inspection Routes, LSG Streets and Maintenance Sections. If a Defect is to be raised from the Enquiry, it MUST

be ‘located’ on a Maintenance Section.

An Enquiry’s location may be selected from the Gazetteer or established using the Web Map window within Locator.

Note: An Enquiry ‘located’ by selecting a network element from the Gazetteer will have no XY coordinates and will

therefore not be displayable within either Spatial Manager or Locator – NM0572.

Note: XY Coordinates for such Enquiries can be selected using Locator – NM0572 as an LOV as described on page


To ‘Locate’ an Enquiry on a network section or Group Product Option ENQAzSSET must be se to ‘Y’.

2.3.5 Locate an Enquiry by selecting from the Gazetteer

An Enquiry may be ‘located’ by either entering the Unique Name of the network element to which the Enquiry is

associated or by selected it from the Gazetteer.

When the Unique Name is entered the Description and Type of the network element will be displayed. Figure 34 shows an





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Figure 34 – Associated Network

If part of the Road Name or Description is known, a gazetteer search can be carried out to find all network elements with

either a Road Name or Description matching the partial name entered. This is done as follows:

Enter the partial name in either the Road Name or Description (no wildcard character is required.

Press the [F9] key to call the Gazetteer

The Gazetteer will be called in ‘Advanced’ mode irrespective of the GAZMODE system option (see the Network

Manager user Guide) and all elements where the Name OR Description match the partial name entered will be displayed.

Figure 28 shows an example where a value of ‘EAST ST’ has been entered in the Name field. The Gazetteer is seen to be

displaying all elements where the Unique OR Description begin with ‘EAST ST’

Figure 35 - Gazetteer

Select the required location for the Enquiry.

Note: The Gazetteer can also be called by double-clicking the ‘road name field’ without entering any values.

When a new enquiry is logged and associated with a Road Section or Road Group a search is conducted for any Enquiry's

already logged which may potentially be a duplicate. If a match is found the Enquiry Summary window (Figure 36) will

be called and the matching enquiry's displayed. The criteria for a matching enquiry is:

The Status Code not set to one with Feature 4 associated (i.e., Not a 'Closed' enquiry)

The Enquiry Category, Class and Type is the same

Road Section or Road Group is the same or




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The Enquiry is raised against the same Asset

The Date Recorded is the same

Note: The search is conducted when the [Save] button is pressed.

Figure 36 - Summary

If the Enquiry being logged is a duplicate of one already entered, select the duplicate Enquiry from the list and press the

[Save Contact] button. The Contact details of the current Enquiry will be added to the selected ‘duplicate’ Enquiry. When

this is done a new Enquiry IS NOT created.

If the Enquiry is not a duplicate press [Cancel] to save the new Enquiry

2.3.6 Locating an Enquiry using Locator – NM0572

Enquiries may be located or re-located by selecting the appropriate location on the Map. This is done using the [Get from

Map] button adjacent to the ‘Road Description’ field.

Figure 37 – Get From Map

When the [Get From Map] button is pressed, the Locator – NM0572 module is called.

The location to which the Map window will zoom and centre, is determined using the following precedence rules:

If a Postcode and Building Number have been entered for the Contact the map will zoom and centre on the XY

coordinates for that address point

If a Road Section or Group, e.g., an LSG Street or Maintenance Section has been added and the Section or Group has a

spatial representation, the map will zoom and centre on the network element irrespective of whether or not a Postcode and

Building Number have been entered




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If neither a Postcode nor Road Section/Group has been entered, the map will zoom and centre to the last map extent for

the User session

Figure 38 – Locator Tools

The standard Locator search and navigation tools are available to allow the exact position of the Enquiry to be

established. To ‘locate’ the Enquiry select the ‘Set Enquiry Location’ option from the ‘Feature Edit Menu’ (Figure 38).

The mouse cursor will change to a ‘cross hair’. To locate the Enquiry, click on the required location within the Map


The system will attempt to derive a Network location by snapping to an available Layer. Only the visible Layers (defined

within the Layer Control tool) which have been defined as ‘Snapping Layers’ for the Enquiry theme (in GIS Themes –

GIS0010) will be used by this ‘snapping’ process. A list of all Network Elements (Datum’s or Groups) within a defined

snapping tolerance (defined in GIS Themes – GIS0010) from the Visible Active Layers is displayed to allow the User to

select the appropriate Network element to which to Snap and derive its location. An example is shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39 – Select Network

The following details are displayed within the ‘Confirm New Feature Creation’ window.

Network/ Group Type of Element

Element Name

Element Description

Theme or Layer name of snapping theme

Perpendicular distance to the Element from the click position

Offset measure along the Element at the ‘snapping’ point

Units of measurements




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Figure 40 – Update Display Width

The displayed width of a column can be changed by dragging the boundary of the column heading until it is the required


Each Section within the List may be ‘highlighted’ on the Map in turn by checking the ‘Select’ option. This allows the

User to select the correct Section on which to locate the Enquiry (Figure 41).

Figure 41 – Hilighted Selection

To locate the Enquiry and derive a Network Location using the Snapping facility select the appropriate Network Element

by checking the ‘Select’ checkbox and press the [OK] button.

If the User clicks on the Map window outside the defined snapping tolerance or there are no Visible Active ‘Snapping

Layers’ available a message will be displayed advising the User that no Network could be found within Tolerance (Figure


Figure 42 – Information Message

When the required Section is selected, the details will be displayed within the Enquiry – DOC0150 module. This

includes the Road Unique name, Description and XY coordinates of the point at which the User clicked the map. An

example is shown in Figure 43.




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Figure 43 – Network Details

Note: Any existing associated Network will be deleted. For example, if an LSG Street was initially selected as the

‘Enquiry’ location but has subsequently been ‘snapped’ to a Maintenance Section, the LSG Street association

will be lost.

2.3.7 Updating an Enquiries Easting/Northing

Easting (Optional)

This is the East-West Grid Reference. The Grid coordinates for an Enquiry can be add or amended by selecting from

locator which can be called by pressing the LOV button adjacent to the ‘Northing’ filed.

Northing (Optional)

Enter the North-South Grid Reference. The Grid coordinates for an Enquiry can be add or amended by selecting from

locator which can be called by pressing the LOV button adjacent to the ‘Northing’ field.

To add or update the XY coordinates of an Enquiry press the ‘Drop Down List’ icon adjacent to the ‘Northing field’. This

will call the Locator – NM0572 module from where the XY values can be selected on the Map.

Figure 44 – Locator Tools

When Locator is called the standard search and navigation tools are available to help locate the extent of the Enquiry. To

select the XY position for the Enquiry use the ‘Send X,Y value to application’ option on the ‘Feature Edit Menu’ (Figure

44). The mouse cursor will change to a ‘cross hair’. To select the X,Y coordinates for the Enquiry click on the required

location within the Map window.

A pop-up will be displayed (Figure 45) showing the X and Y values selected. If these are correct, press [OK] or [Cancel]

to reselect.




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Figure 45 – Information Message

When the [OK] button is pressed the Locator – NM0572 module will be closed and the coordinates will be displayed as

shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46 – Easting & Northing Details

Press the [Save] button on the menu toolbar.

To return to the main Enquiry Window press the [Close] button on the Further Details window.

2.3.8 Raising an Enquiry against an Asset

An Enquiry may be raised against any Asset stored within the Exor database or Asset data stored in other external

Applications that have been defined as External Asset Types. This allows Enquiries to be raised against Items such as Bus

Stops, Parks, Grass Verges and Buildings etc. These Enquiries may subsequently form the basis of a Defect or Work


Note: To ‘Locate’ an Enquiry on a network Section or Group, Product Option ENQASSET must be se to ‘Y’.

Enquiries may also be created against an Asset directly from within Locator – NM0572 or any other Exor module that

has the web map embedded within.

If an Enquiry needs to be raised against an Asset that does not yet exist within the Exor database, one may be created

using the [Create] button (see page 42).

When raising an Enquiry against an Asset, the required Item is selected from Locator – NM0572.

Before Locator is called, using the [Find] button, the Asset Type must first be entered or selected from the List. Figure 47

shows an example where ‘BS – Bus Stops’ are to be searched.




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Figure 47 – Associated Asset

When the [Find ] button is pressed the Locator – NM0572 module will be called from where the required Asset can be

selected and passed back into the Enquiry – DOC0150 form. The selected Asset Type will automatically be set as the

‘Query Asset’ Type.

The Locator search can be restricted to a specific extent of network by selecting a Section in the Road field before the

[Find] button is pressed.

Figure 48 shows an example where BS – Bus Stops are being searched for on a specific Section.

Figure 48 – BS Search

When the search is executed the required Asset can be either selected from the Results Grid by ticking the appropriate

record or can be selected from the map using the ‘Feature Selection Tool’. To select the Asset and pass it back into the

Enquiry – DOC0150 press [OK].




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Figure 49 – Selected Asset

The following details are displayed in the Enquiry – DOC0150 form for the selected Asset.

Asset Type

Asset Type Description and Asset Primary Key

Start and End Offsets


If the selected Asset is located, the ‘Road’ field will be populated with the Section on which the Asset is located. Figure

50 shows an example.

Figure 50 – Asset and Road details

For full details on the use of the Locator – NM0572 module refer to the Locator and Web mapping User Guide.




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2.3.9 Create a New Asset

If the Asset on which the Enquiry is to be raised does not yet exist within the Exor database it may be created using the

[Create] button (Figure 51).

Figure 51 – Create Asset

When pressed, the Asset Maintenance – NM0590 module will be called from where the new Asset can be created. When

the new Asset is saved and the form is closed the Asset details will be passed back into the Enquiry – DOC0150 Form

allowing the Enquiry to be raised against the Asset.

Note: Before the [Create Asset] button is pressed the Enquiry must first be saved.

For full details on the use of the Asset Maintenance – NM0590 module refer to the Asset Manager user Guide.




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2.3.10 Further Enquiry Details

Figure 52 – Further Details

Further details can be recorded about the Enquiry using this Tab.

Estimated Cost (Optional)

Enter the Estimated Cost of the Claim.

Advance Cost (Optional)

Enter the Advanced Cost the Claim

Actual Cost (Optional)

Enter the Actual Cost of the Claim.

From (Optional)

This can be used to define the period for licensed 'works' for example, skips left on the highway, which requires a permit.

Enter the start date.

To (Optional)

This can be used to define the period for licensed 'works' for example, skips left on the highway, which requires a permit,

this end date is inclusive. Enter the end date.

Insurance Claim (Check Box)

Check this box if an Insurance Claim has been made.

Pem Id (Optional)

Enter a reference number for the claim or enquiry. If Product Option ENQUIRYSEQ is set to 'Y' then this number will be

generated from a sequence.

Police Notified (Check Box)




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Check this box if the Police were notified of the incident.

Date Notified (Optional)

If the police were notified, enter the date on which the notification occurred.

Litigation (Check Box)

Check this box if the Claim has resulted in litigation

Reason (Optional)

If litigation has resulted enter the reason for the litigation.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

Summons Received (Check Box)

Check this box if a summons has been received.

Determination (Optional) List

Enter a valid determination. Determinations will have been defined using Domains – HIG9120. The relevant domain is


Notes (Optional)

Enter any relevant notes

No of Petitioners (Optional)

Enter the number of petitioners.




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2.3.11 Enquiry History

Figure 53 – Enquiry History

This window is a query only window and can be called by pressing the [History] button on the Floating Toolbar. When

you enter this window, the following details of the history of the selected enquiry will be displayed:

Status Code

Changed By

Date/Time Changed

Reason for change

Type History






Date History

Recorded Date

Incident Date

Correspondence Received Date

Acknowledgement Date

When a change to the Status field is made a pop-up window will be displayed when you attempt to commit your changes

to the database. You are required to enter the reason for the status change in this pop-up window before being allowed to

commit your changes.




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When a change to the Outcome field is made a pop-up window will be displayed allowing the user to add additional

information as required. The text for the history is prefixed with ‘NI14’ to indicate that it is the NI14 field that has been


The history of an Enquiry will be updated whenever the following fields are changed:


Responsibility Of


Enquiry Type

Enquiry Category

Enquiry Class

Correspondence Date

Acknowledgement Date

Incident Date










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2.3.12 Enquiry Summary

Figure 54 – Enquiry Summary

This window is a query only window and can be called by pressing the [Summary] button on the Floating Toolbar. It

displays all of the currently selected Enquiries and orders them by the number of days to the target date.

The 'Days left to target date' will be set to 0 when the completed date is entered and will be moved to the bottom of the


The full detail of an enquiry can be viewed/edited by selecting the required enquiry and pressing the [Detail] button.




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2.3.13 Enquiry Actions

Figure 55 – Enquiry Standard Actions

This window displays the Standard Actions associated for the Enquiry.

Note: Product Option ENQA4CTIONS must be set to 'Y' to use the [Actions] button.

Enquiry Standard Actions will only be generated if Product Option ENQAUTOACT is set to 'Y'. If this option is set to

'Y', additional Standard Action may be added to the Enquiry manually by pressing the [Create Record] button on the

menu toolbar and entering the required details.

If Product Option ENQAUTOACT is set to 'N', Standard Actions may only be added manually.

The criteria for generating Standard Actions against an Enquiry will have been previously set up using Enquiry Standard

Actions – DOC0155 (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

An Enquiry may generate many Standard Actions depending on its nature. An example may be where a formal complaint

is received. This may generate an action such as 'Send an Acknowledgement letter to the Complainant'. As the complaint

is progressed its Enquiry Status will be changed accordingly. The new Enquiry Status may then also generate further

Standard Actions.

The Number of outstanding Actions, i.e., those actions which have no 'Completion Date', associated with a Enquiry is

displayed on the Title Bar of the main Enquiry window. A full list of outstanding Actions can be viewed using report

Outstanding Actions – DOC0167.

As a Standard Action is progressed a historical record is kept of the changes that occur to it. The history of a Standard

Action will be updated whenever one of the following fields is updated.



Date Assigned




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Completion Date

Target Date

The History for each Standard Action is displayed within the Action History panel.

2.3.14 Enquiry Standard Actions

When this window is opened any Standard Actions already associated with the Enquiry will be displayed. To add a new

Standard Action, press the [Create Record] button on the menu toolbar.

Code (Required)

Enter a Unique code to identify this Standard Action. A maximum of 4 characters are allowed

Description (Required)

Enter a description of the Standard Action to be carried out e.g., SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER TO


Assignee (Optional) List

Enter the name of the person or department assigned to carry out this Action. Only people or departments that have had

their details set up in the Contacts – HIG1815 form (refer to the Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide) and belong to

the Organisation defined in Product Option INTERNORG will be available for selection in this field.

Priority Id (Optional) List

Enter the priority code for this Standard Action. This priority will be used to calculate a Target Date for the Standard

Action when it is generated from a Enquiry. Priorities are set up using Enquiry Priorities – DOC0132 (refer to Enquiry

Manager System Admin Guide).

Status (Optional) List

Enter a Status Code for the Standard Action. Status codes will have been previously set up using Status Codes –

HIG9110 and using Domain Code COMPLAINT.

Access (Optional)

Enter the Role a User must have to be able to edit this Standard Action when it is generated against a Enquiry.

Seq (Optional)

Enter a sequence number for this standard action. This will determine the display order of Action generated against an


Parallel (Check Box)

Check this box if the Standard Action can be done in parallel with the previous Standard Action. If this is unchecked the

Actions must be carried out in order.




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2.3.15 Street Furniture and Motor Vehicle Damage

Figure 56 – Enquiry Damage

The Damage Tab is used to record damage to street furniture and vehicles and any associated costs.

Note: Product Option ENQDAMAGE must be set to 'Y' to use the [Damage] button.

The cost of the Damage and any Establishment and Administration costs etc. for each damaged item of street furniture or

vehicle can be recorded using the Damage Costs panel.

Damage and Damage costs may be reported on using the Enquiry Damage – DOC0168 report.

Furniture Type (Optional) List

Enter the Furniture Type damaged. Furniture Types will have been previously defined using Domains – HIG9120. The

relevant Domain is named ENQ_FUTRNITURE_TYPE.

Furniture Details (Editable)

The description of the Furniture Type selected will be displayed. This can be overwritten or changed if required.

Vehicle (Optional)

Enter the Type of Vehicle.

Vehicle Reg. (Optional)

Enter the Vehicle Registration

Vehicle Owner (Optional)

Enter the name of the vehicle owner.




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2.3.16 Damage Costs

Figure 57 – Damage Costs

The Damage Costs panel is used to record the cost of damage to street furniture and vehicles.

Costs Types may be selected from a list set up using Enquiry Standard Costs – DOC0156 (refer to the Enquiry Manager

System Admin Guide) or be manually entering a description and cost manually. If a Cost Type is selected from the list of

values the associated standard cost may be amended if required.

Administration or Establishment costs which are calculated as a percentage of the overall cost may be calculated and a

running total of all damage costs recorded by using the [Calc % Cost] button on this window.

To record a cost against an item of damaged Street Furniture or vehicle do the following:

Select the required item

Double-click in the 'Cost Type' field and select a Standard Cost Type from the List or enter the required Cost Type


If a Cost Type has been selected from the list edit the monetary cost or enter the monetary cost is the cost type has been

entered manually.

Enter any required notes or comments.

To add another Standard Cost for the currently selected damaged item press the [Create Record] button on the menu

toolbar. A running total of the overall cost of the damaged item will be displayed in the 'Total' box at the bottom of the


To calculate a percentage total for Administration costs etc do the following:

1. Click in the next available 'Cost Type' field and enter the cost type description e.g., Administration Charges.

2. Click in the Percentage Box and enter the %age value e.g., 15

This can be a negative value e.g., -15

3. Click on the [Calc % Cost] button.

4. Press the [Save] button on the menu toolbar to save the changes.

The cost of the new item will be displayed in the 'Cost' field and the Total Box will be updated accordingly.




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2.3.17 Associations

Figure 58 – Associated Data

Having successfully registered an Enquiry, it is possible to associate many different types of information to that enquiry.

If a defect is raised using the [Raise Defect] button on the Enquiry form, the defect and its related inspection record are

automatically associated to the enquiry. The Status of the enquiry will be changed automatically to reflect the raising of a


If the defect is subsequently issued on a works order, the works order will also be associated with the enquiry and the

enquiry Status set to reflect this. If an Asset type is entered on the Enquiry form this will also be automatically associated

with the enquiry.

Associating other Defects, Works Orders, other Public Enquiries, Contracts etc. will allow the Enquiry management staff

to see all of the detail relating to the enquiry allowing a more definitive and informed resolution to questions about an


When you enter this window, any already associated records will be displayed. To associate another record press [Create

Record] or press [F6].

Record Type (Required) List

Enter the type of record to be associated with the enquiry.

Record ID (Required) List

Enter the Id the of record to be associated with the enquiry.

Record Name (Display Only)

The record name or description will be displayed.




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2.3.18 Items

Figure 59

The Items tab is only accessible if a Contract has been defined for the Category/Class and Type combination of the

Enquiry (defined using Document Category/Class/Types – DOC0110, refer to the Enquiry Manager Admin Guide).

This allows costs etc to be calculated for any Works associated with the Enquiry.




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2.3.19 Current Defects

Figure 60 – Current Defects

Current defects located on the Enquiry Section can be viewed by pressing the [View Defects] button on the floating


This will allow the Enquiry management staff to decide if a relevant defect has already been raised to repair the subject of

the enquiry. The following details of the defects will be displayed:

Defect Reference Id


Defect Type


Date Inspected

Initiation Type

Repair Type

Repair Due date

Defect Status

Works Order Number

Asset Id

Reference Number

Defect Type

The full detail of a Defect can be viewed by selecting the required Defect and pressing the [Defect Details] button.




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2.3.20 Raise Defects

Defects may be raised directly from the Enquiry form by pressing the [Raise Defects] button on the floating toolbar,

provided that the product option ENQSTODEF is set to ‘Y’.

(The defect will also take account of the other product options detailed within the Enquiry Manager System Admin

Guide). More than one Defect may be raised against any Enquiry.

If a Defect raised via an Enquiry is subsequently included on a Defects Works Order, the Enquiry Status will be

automatically updated to reflect this. When all of the Defects associated with an Enquiry have been Completed the Status

of the Enquiry will similarly be updated to reflect the change. See Integrated Product Status Codes (Page 5)

To raise a defect you must enter Asset and/or Road Section information as part of the Enquiry. Prior to raising a defect

you should also satisfy yourself that there is not already a relevant defect raised against the Asset or Road Section by

viewing the Current Defects window (page 54).

To raise a defect press the [Raise Defects] button. This will automatically create a Defect record, a Repair record and an

Inspection record of Initiation Type ‘PE’ (these records will automatically be associated with the Enquiry.) BOQ items

will be created if the relevant Product Option is set (refer to Enquiry Manager System Admin Guide).

If more than one treatment has been defined for the Enquiry Type selected or more than one Defect Priority defined for

the Enquiry Priority selected, you will be prompted to select the required option as in Figure 61.

Figure 61 – Select Activity/Treatment Type for Enquiry




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Figure 62 – Chainage & XSP

When a Defect is raised from within Enquiry Manager a ’dummy’ inspection record is also created to which the Defect is

associated. A dialogue window will be displayed to allow the appropriate Inspection Details to be entered.

Start and End Chainages (Required, Default)

The Start and End Chainages for the Inspection record should be entered. These will default to 0 and the length of the

Section respectively. The Start and End Chainages of the Inspection record created will correspond to these values.

Validation is carried out to ensure the End Chainage is not greater than the Section length.

Inspected By (Required, Default) List

This is the ‘Exor Users’ Initials to be used as the Inspector for the Inspection Record.

The ‘Inspected By’ value within the pop up dialog will default to the ‘Responsibility of’ value within the PEM record IF

that person is also a User within the Highways System. If the ‘responsibility of’ person is not a Highways User but is a

‘Contact’ the default value will be NULL. An LOV of valid Highways Users is available.

Date (Required, Default)

This is the Date for the Inspection and Defect records. This will default to the current system date.

Time (Required, Default)

This is the Time for the Defect record. This will default to the current system time.

Defect Details

This panel will only be displayed if product Options Option USEDEFCHND or USEDEFCHNL (depending on whether

DoT or Local Road being used) are set to Y.

Chainage (Optional)

This is the chainage of the Defect and is validated against the values entered for the range of the Inspection ‘From’ – ‘To’





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XSP (Cross Sectional Position) (Optional)

This is the XSP of the defect.

The Status of the Enquiry will be updated to reflect the raising of a defect.




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2.3.21 Raising a Notice in the Street Works Register

Some activities in the highway require information to be sent to the local ‘Street Works Register’. The Traffic

Management Act (TMA) will introduce new responsibilities on Highway Authorities for those activities that are

‘Registerable’. The following is an extract from the TMA code of practice (issued under consultation):

5.8. Registerable Works

5.8.1 Works as designated in 5.8.2 have to be recorded on the Register. Street works notified by undertakers in

accordance with the provisions laid down in the regulations and chapter 6 of this Code of Practice shall be recorded in

the register by the street authority. Any works which are not notified in accordance with the provisions in the

NRSWA as set out in Chapter 6 are unlikely to be picked up by the street authority and included on the Register. It is

therefore self evident that as far as street works are concerned only those works which are notifiable will in fact be

Registerable, and although strictly speaking the two definitions are not legally the same, to all intents and purposes

they are the same thing in practice. However, NRSWA does not require local authority road works to be notified in

the same way, although they do need to be registered. Therefore, how a local authority registers its own works is a

matter for it to decide, but it is strongly recommended that they use the same process.

5.8.2 The requirement is to register, for all works promoters -

all works that involve the breaking up or resurfacing of any street, (but see below for pole testing involving


all works that involve the opening of the carriageway or cycleway of traffic sensitive streets at traffic sensitive


all works that require the use of any form of temporary traffic control as defined in the Code of Practice for

Safety at Street Works and Road Works.

all works that reduce the number of lanes available on a carriageway of three or more lanes.

all works that require a temporary traffic restriction order or notice or the suspension of pedestrian crossing


all works that require a reduction in width of the existing carriageway of a traffic sensitive street at a traffic

sensitive time.

Non Registerable

Traffic Census Surveys

Traffic census surveys have deliberately not been included as disclosure of this information prior to a census

taking place can encourage a change to the normal pattern of traffic flows.

Pole testing

Pole testing involving excavation does not require registration via the noticing system in advance of work

commencing as per other types of excavation, unless one or more of rules 2 – 6 above, apply. However in all

circumstances the work must be registered within 10 days of completion

5.8.3 Regulations provide that the register must record the following information:

Particulars of all notices under sections 54, 55 and 57 served to the highway authority relating to street works

in any street which is a maintainable highway;

Particulars of all notices given under sections 54, 55 and 57 served on street managers relating to street works

in any street which is not a maintainable highway;

Particulars of all directions given under section 56 or 56A;

Particulars of all notices, consents and directions published or given by a street authority under section 58 or





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Particulars of all notices served by an undertaker under section 58A;

Particulars of all notices served by a street authority under section 66;

Particulars of all notices given by a street authority under s72(3);

Particulars of all notices given under section 74 [or 74A];

Description and location of street works for which plans and sections have been submitted under Schedule 4

to NRSWA (streets with special engineering difficulties);

Particulars of notices given by any relevant authority under Schedule 4 to NRSWA;

Details of every street for which the local highway authority are the street authority;

Details of every street which is a prospectively maintainable highway;

Details of every street, of which the local highway authority is aware, which is a highway but for which they

are not the street authority;

Details of every street, or part of street, which is a) a protected street; b) a street with special engineering

difficulties or c) a traffic-sensitive street or proposed designations;

Description and location of both street authority works for road purposes and any such works that are


Particular of consents under s61, along with any conditions, or directions under s62;

Particulars of street works licences, including details of conditions and changes of ownership;

Information under section 70(3) and (4A) as to completion of reinstatements;

Particulars of apparatus notified to the street authority under section 80(2);

Every notice of works under section 85(2);

Details of road closure and diversions where an order under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act

1984 is required.

The road category of each street.

5.8.4. Registerable and notifiable works

There is a difference between Registerable works and notifiable works. The difference is not great in practice as

far as street works are concerned, but Registerable works are those which should be registered under s 53 of

NRSWA, which includes some highway authority road works, and notifiable works are those which require

notices under ss 54, 55 and 57 of NRSWA, which are utility street works.

5.8.5. Bar holes

Bar holes are used to detect and monitor gas leaks. When bar holes are carried out and it is known that no further

street works are required (such as when a gas leak is reported but none detected), a registration should be sent

within 10 days, once final monitoring checks have been established. The bar holes will count as a single

excavation and reinstatement for registration purposes.

An immediate (i.e., emergency) notice must be sent within two hours of the commencement of any other

Registerable street works activity (i.e., excavation, or any other activity defined in 5.8.2) associated with the bar

holes. In this latter case, these bar holes will not count as further excavations and reinstatements for the purposes

of registrations.

All bar holes must be reinstated and registered when work on site is complete.

Enquiry Manager allows ’Work Items’ to be sent to the Street Works Register using the [Send to Register]

button on the Enquiry Floating Toolbar (Figure 55).

Note: Street Works Manager by Exor MUST be implemented to send ‘Work Items’ to the Street Works Register




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The Enquiry Location must be either a Street within your ‘Local Street Gazetteer’ or a Maintenance Section. If an LSG

Street is selected the Street Works Notice will be raised against the selected Street. If a Maintenance Section is selected, a

spatial query is performed to return the street on which the enquiry is located.

The example below shows a request or a Skip License which needs to be sent to the Street Works Register.

Figure 63

Using the ‘Further Details’ Tab enter the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates for the activity. This will be used for the estimated start

and end dates for the activity when it is sent to the ‘Register’.




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Figure 64 – From/To Dates

To raise a Notice press the [Send To Register] button on the Floating Toolbar. When pressed, this will call Send Notice

to Register – TMA1800 form. This allows you to review and update the data before sending it to the Street Works


Figure 65 – Send Notice to Register

Any of the details may be amended before pressing the [Send to Register] button to complete the Notice Registration





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Figure 66 – Recipient Details

This section of the form will display details of the USRN and notice type of the notice to be sent.

Only one notice per Enquiry can be sent to the Street Works Register. The bottom left hand corner of the Upper Section

will display ‘Record 1 of 1’. Only those ‘notices’ that are ‘checked’ as selected (Figure 66) will be sent to the register.

USRN (Default) List

The USRN and street name will be displayed.

If the Enquiry has been located on a Maintenance Section and not a Street within the Local Street Gazetteer, a spatial

query will be performed to return the USRN that corresponds with the selected Maintenance Section.

Figure 63 shows that the Enquiry has been located on a Section named ‘1200D20903/00166 – Plassey Close, but the

Notice will be raised against a Street with a USRN of 43201745 – Half Moon Street. If the Street displayed is not the

expected Street, press the ‘drop down list’ button next to the USRN (Figure 67). This will call View Streets – TMA1340

in query mode.

Figure 67

In the ‘Street’ field enter the required street name.

Select the [Execute Query] button.

Highlight the required street from the list returned.

Press the [Select Street] button to return the street to the ‘Send Notice to Register’ form.




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Notice Type (Default) List

The notice type will default to the notice type that the TMA Register would expect to send at that point in time.

Relevant notice types that can be sent through the interface are:

0200-Initial Notice

0210-PAA (Major)/Permit Application (Non-Major)

0300-Confirmation Notice

0310-Permit Application

0400-Actual Start Date

0600-Works Stop

Choice of Notice (Checkbox)

This checkbox will be ticked if there is more than one notice type that can be sent. For example:

The street is on a permit and a NRSWA regime. The choice will be either for an 0200 or 0210 notice.

There is a choice between sending an 0300 notice or going straight to an 0400 notice.

Promoter (Default) List

The promoter will default to the current user organisation as defined in My Districts – NSG0130. This can be amended as


District (Default) List

The promoter will default to the current user organizational district as defined in My Districts – NSG0130. This can be

amended as required.

Works Reference (Default)

A generated TMA works reference will be displayed.

Selected (Checkbox)

This checkbox will be ticked unless another user is updating the record in TMA. Only those ‘notices’ that are ‘checked’ as

selected will be sent to the register.

This cannot be selected once the ‘Dealt With’ checkbox has been selected.

Dealt With (Checkbox)

This checkbox will be unchecked unless another user is updating the record in TMA. The checkbox will be ticked

automatically once the notice has been sent successfully to the register.




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Figure 68 – Work Details

Recipient Org/Dist (Display Only)

These fields will display the primary recipient of the given notice type based on the USRN that the notice is for.

Note: For 0200 and 0210 notices the primary recipient of the notice is derived from the street ASD. If there are a

number of interested parties in the street, copy recipients are identified and included on the notice but not shown

on the form.

Note: For other notice types the primary and copy recipients of the opening 0200/0210 notice are identified and those

are the ones included on the notice. As before, copy recipients may be included on the notice but not shown on

the form

Works Category (Default) List

For Initial notices this will display the default works category, as set up in the [Defaults] button. This can be amended if

required. If changed it will update the estimated start date field.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.

Number of Phases (Default)

For Initial notices this will display the default value as set up in the [Defaults] button. This can be amended if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.




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Works Description (Default)

For Initial notices this will display the enquiry description. This can be updated if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.

To use the standard text that has been set up by the administrator for this field right-click with the mouse and select the

[Standard Text] option (Figure 4).

Location Description (Default)

For Initial notices this will display the location of the enquiry. This can be amended if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.

Estimated Start Date (Default)

The estimated start date will be displayed. This can be updated.

The system will use the value entered in the ‘From’ date in the Further Details tab in the Enquiries form.

If this is left blank the system will derive the estimated start date based on the following:

Get the earliest start date from the date the [Send to Register] button was pressed.

Work out what the default duration is for the category of works being noticed from metadata.

Work out the TMA notice period for the category of works/notice type being produced

Estimated End Date (Default)

The estimated end date will be displayed. This can be updated.

The system will use the value entered in the ‘To’ date in the Further Details tab in the Enquiries form.

If this is left blank the system will derive the estimated end date based on the works category and estimated start date.

Actual Start Date (Default)

For Initial notices this will be null.

For other notices it’s the current value from the works/phase.

If that value is null then the value will default to the estimated start date. This can be updated.

Actual End Date (Default)

For Initial notices this will be null.

For other notices it’s the current value from the works/phase.

If that value is null then the value will get defaulted to the estimated end date. This can be updated.

Estimated Insp. Units (Default)

For Initial notices this will display the default value, as set up in the [Defaults] button. This can be amended if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.

Actual Insp. Units (Default)

For Initial notices this will default to null. This can be updated.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.




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Works Restricted

Working Hours

Parking Suspensions

Footway Closure (Checkbox, Default)

For Initial notices this will display the default value, as set up in the [Defaults] button. This can be amended if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.

Notes (Default)

This field is populated with relevant details as to how the estimated start/end dates are derived when the form is invoked

with the intention of sending an initial notice.

Can also contain a message about locking – should there be a locking issue.

Note: The notes do not change as you change attribution of block items i.e., they are static and a way of informing the

end user how the original values on the record were derived.




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Figure 69 – Contacts

Promoter Contact (Default)

For Initial notices this will display the default value, as set up in the [Defaults] button. This can be amended if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.

Contractor Contact (Default)

For Initial notices this will display the default value, as set up in the [Defaults] button. This can be amended if required.

For other notices it is the current value from the works/phase.




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Figure 70 - Coordinates

Easting(X) and Northing(Y) (Default)

For Initial notices this will default to the x/y value of the enquiry record (if entered) or the start of the street.

To update the co-ordinates do the following:

Select the [Get from Map] button; this will take you to Locator

Select send multiple point to application, digitise a new line, double-click the mouse to end selection.

This will return you to the form and display the new co-ordinates.




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Figure 71 – Permit Conditions

This tab will only be available if the street requires a permit type of notice.

On entering this tab, all checkboxes will be unchecked and the condition text will be null.

The relevant permit conditions that apply to the notice should be ticked and condition text added.




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Figure 72 - Enquiry

Id (Display Only)

This will display the unique system generated enquiry Id.

Description (Display Only)

This will display a concatenation of Road Section Unique Identifier, Location, and Description.




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Figure 73 – Validation Results

The Validation Results part of the form will display restrictions or other activities that apply to the Street.

This works in the same way as the validation warnings in TMA1001. This will display the errors and warnings for the

selected notice. The highlighted error will have a more descriptive text in the ‘Additional Information’ window.

The errors and warnings are refreshed as the user moves from notice to notice or by the selection of the green refresh

button at the top right of the results part of the form.




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Figure 74 – Default Values

Select the [Defaults] button to display the defaults window. These defaults are set for the selected set of notices in the

current session.

Note: To permanently change the defaults for the system you will need to speak with Support because the following

table will need updating – TMA_SEND_TO_REGISTER_GATEWAYS.

The [Apply Defaults] button will cycle through all the notice records selected and update the relevant attributes with the

default values set.

2.3.22 [Send to Register]

To continue the process, press the [Send to Register] button.




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Figure 75 – Send to Register

Figure 76 - Results

The ‘Results’ window is displayed when the [Send to Register] button is selected.

Each notice that has been checked as ‘Selected’ will have a record displayed in the results window.




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The ‘Success’ field will be checked to show that t the attempt at registration was successful.

When successfully registered the ‘Dealt With’ checkbox for the notice record is ticked so it cannot be re-noticed.

If the ‘Success’ field is not checked the notice will have to be reviewed and amended.

The [< Back] button takes you back to the Send to Register – TMA1800 form where amendments can be done.

The [Exit] button will close the form and return to Enquiries – DOC0150.

If the data is acceptable and passes validation the Results window will list the notice raised as ‘Successful’. (Figure 77).

Figure 77 – Successful Result

If any ‘Errors’ occur the ‘Success?’ checkbox will not be ticked. (Figure 78).

Figure 78 - Failure

The [Associations] tab on the Enquiry form will show that a TMA notice has been raised. The ‘Record Name’ field will

display the notice Id.

Figure 79 - Associations

When a Notice is raised from an Enquiry, the Enquiry Status is automatically changed to ‘NI’ – Notice Issued. The Street

Works Notice can be viewed by pressing the [TMA Register] button for TMA works or [SWR Register] for NRSWA

notices on the floating toolbar.




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Figure 80 – Floating Toolbar

This will call the Works – TMA100 or Maintain Works – SWR1190 form showing details of the notice raised.

Figure 81 - Works




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3 Public Enquiries Reports

This chapter provides examples and the required selection criteria for the Public Enquiries Reports.

The reports illustrated in this chapter are:

Enquiry List – DOC0166

Enquiry Details – DOC0160

Acknowledgements – DOC0162

Summary by Status – DOC0164

Summary by Type – DOC0165

Batch Enquiry Printing – DOC0205

Outstanding Actions – DOC0167

Enquiry Damage – DOC0168

3.1.1 Running Reports

The majority of reports within highways by Exor are accessed using a standard window called the Generic Reporting

Interface (GRI). Whilst the selection criteria for each report will change from report to report, the way the reports are run,

viewed and printed remains constant.

Below is an example of the Generic Reporting Interface.

Figure 82 – Generic Reporting Interface

The title of the report is displayed at the top of the window.

There are three buttons down the left hand side, they are as follows:




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Run Report When the selection criteria have been entered, this will run the report and place the

output in the report previewer.

Save Parameters The Parameters for reports that have to be constantly re-run or have complex

selection criteria can be saved to a file and re-used. You will be prompted to enter a

file name. Each user can have their own set of saved parameters.

Load Parameters Previously saved parameters for the selected report can be loaded directly into the

GRI. You will be prompted to enter a file name, if you have a number of saved

parameters, double-clicking the field will result in a list of saved parameters being


3.1.2 Templates

As well as the standard reporting facilities users are able to create and define their own report templates, using Microsoft

Word. This template facility is incorporated within document manager by Exor (Document Manager User Guide).

Templates can be used to print data relating to any object including public enquiries in a user-defined format. The

resulting word document is automatically linked, as a new document, to the database object for future reference. This

facility also allows the user to define a number of different templates against the same database object to cater for varying

report styles and operational outputs. Typical uses are the production of standard responses to letters of complaint or

enquiry from the public.




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3.2 List of Enquiries – DOC0166

This report produces a listing all Enquiries that match the selection criteria specified in the parameters. Each Contact

linked to an Enquiry will be reported on.

3.2.1 Attributes

Admin Unit (Required, Default) List

Select an administrational unit to be used for this report.

Doc Type (Required) List

Select the Document Type to be reported on.

Doc Class (Optional) List

Select the Document Class to be reported on.

Enquiry Type(Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Types will be reported on.

Road Type (Optional) List

If required, enter an individual Road Group type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the

chosen Admin Unit will be reported on.

Road Id (Optional) List, Gaz

If required, enter an individual Road Id to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the chosen

Admin Unit will be reported on.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.

Enquiry Status (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry status to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry statuses will be reported on.

Enquiry Source (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry source to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Sources will be reported on.




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Enquirer (Optional) List

If required, enter the name of the Enquirer to be reported on. This will report on all Enquiries that the Enquirer is

associated with. If this attribute is left blank all Enquirer's will be reported on.

Enquiry Ref (Optional) List

If required, enter the individual Enquiry Reference to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry’s will be

reported on.

3.2.2 List of Enquiries – DOC0166 – example

Figure 83




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3.3 Enquiry Details – DOC0160

This report displays the full details of an Enquiry including any associated Defects for Enquiries that match the selection

criteria specified in the parameters. When an enquiry is included on this report its Status is automatically updated in

accordance with feature 2 in Status Codes – HIG9110.

3.3.1 Attributes

Admin Unit (Required, Default) List

Select an administrational unit to be used for this report.

Category (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry category to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Categories will be

reported on.

Enquiry Type (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Types will be reported on.

Road Type (Optional) List

If required, enter an individual Road Group type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the

chosen Admin Unit will be reported on.

Road Id (Optional) List, Gaz

If required, enter an individual Road Id to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the chosen

Admin Unit will be reported on.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.

Enquiry Ref. (Optional) List

If required, enter the individual Enquiry Reference to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry’s will be

reported on.

Associated Refs required (Optional) Y\N

If required, enter either Y or N to indicate whether associated references are required.




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Items required? (Optional) Y\N

If required, enter either Y or N to indicate whether items are required.

3.3.2 Enquiry Detail – DOC0160 – example

Figure 84




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3.4 Acknowledgements – DOC0162

This report produces an Acknowledgement letters, addressed to the Contacts flagged as the Primary Contacts in

Enquiries – DOC0150, for those Enquiries that match the selection criteria specified in the parameters.

3.4.1 Attributes

Admin Unit (Required, Default) List

Select an administrational unit to be used for this report.

Doc Type (Required) List

Select the Document Type to be reported on.

Doc Class (Optional) List

Select the Document Class to be reported on.

Enquiry Type (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Types will be reported on.

Road Type (Optional) List

If required, enter an individual Road Group type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the

chosen Admin Unit will be reported on.

Road Id (Optional) List, Gaz

If required, enter an individual Road Id to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the chosen

Admin Unit will be reported on.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.

Enquiry Status (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry status to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry statuses will be reported on.

Enquiry Source (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry source to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Sources will be reported on.




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Enquiry Ref. (Optional) List

If required, enter the individual Enquiry Reference to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry’s will be

reported on.

Responsibility Of (Optional) List

If required, enter the person responsible for the enquiry for the report.

3.4.2 Acknowledgements – DOC0162 - example

Figure 85




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3.5 Summary by Status – DOC0164

This report produces a summary of Enquiries ordered by Enquiry Status. The report includes Enquiry Type and Enquiry

Source for those Enquiries that match the selection criteria specified in the parameters.

3.5.1 Attributes

Admin Unit (Required, Default) List

Select an administrational unit to be used for this report.

Road Type (Optional) List

If required, enter an individual Road Group type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the

chosen Admin Unit will be reported on.

Road Id (Optional) List,Gaz

If required, enter an individual Road Id to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the chosen

Admin Unit will be reported on.

Enquiry Status (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry status to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry statuses will be reported on.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.




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3.5.2 Summary by Status – DOC0164 - example

Figure 86




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3.6 Summary by Type – DOC0165

This report produces a summary of Enquiries ordered by Enquiry Type. The report includes the Enquiry Status and

Enquiry Source for those Enquiries that match the selection criteria specified in the parameters.

3.6.1 Attributes

Admin Unit (Required, Default) List

Select an administrational unit to be used for this report.

Category (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Types will be reported on.

Doc Class (Required) List

Select the Document Class to be reported on.

Enquiry Type (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Types will be reported on.

Road Type (Optional) List

If required, enter an individual Road Group type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the

chosen Admin Unit will be reported on.

Road Id (Optional) List,Gaz

If required, enter an individual Road Id to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all road types within the chosen

Admin Unit will be reported on.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.




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3.6.2 Summary by Type – DOC0165 - example

Figure 87




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3.7 Batch Enquiry Printing – DOC0205

This report is used for the batch printing of Template Reports. Templates must first be set-up as detailed in the Document

Manager User Guide.

Product Option BATMAXPRN is used to specify the maximum number of Enquiries to be printed in a single Batch Print

run. It displays a warning if this number is exceeded when requesting a batch run, with the option to abandon or continue.

To run the process press the [Merge] button.

3.7.1 Attributes

Admin Unit (Required, Default) List

Select an administrational unit to be used for this report.

Responsibility Of (Optional) List

If required, enter the person responsible for the enquiry for the report.

Doc Type (Required) List

Select the Document Type to be reported on.

Doc Class (Required) List

Select the Document Class to be reported on.

Enquiry Type (Optional) List

If required, enter the enquiry type to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry Types will be reported on.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.

Enquiry Ref. (Optional) List

If required, enter the individual Enquiry Reference to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Enquiry’s will be

reported on.

Letter Template (Required) List

Enter the template name to be used for the Batch Printing Process.

File Name (Required)

Enter the file name to be used for the Batch Printing Process..




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3.8 Outstanding Enquiry Actions – DOC0167

This report produces a summary of Enquiry Standard Actions associated with an Enquiry. The report can be limited to

Outstanding Actions i.e., those with no 'Date Complete' entered or can include all actions.

The report can also be limited to those Standard Actions that were not completed within the target date for the Action

3.8.1 Attributes

Enquiry Ref (Optional) List

Enter the Enquiry Reference to be reported on. If left blank all Enquiries will be reported on.

Action Code (Optional) List

Enter the Standard Action Code to be reported on. If left blank all Enquiries will be reported on.

Assignee (Optional) List

Enter the Assignee (person within the internal organisation) to whom Standard Actions have been associated.

From Date (Optional)

If required, enter the earliest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries recorded after this date

will be included in the report.

To Date (Optional)

If required, enter the latest ‘Date recorded’ to be included on the report. Only those Enquiries before this date will be

included in the report.

Action Status (Optional) List

If required, enter the action status to be reported on. If this attribute is left blank all Action statuses will be reported on.

Outstanding (Required) Y/N

Enter 'Y' to include only those Standard Actions, which have not yet been completed.

Late Completion (Required) Y/N

Enter 'Y' to include only those Standard Actions, which have been completed but not within the target date.

3.8.2 Outstanding Enquiry Actions – example




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3.9 Enquiry Damage – DOC0168

This report provides details the damage and associated costs to Street Furniture an Vehicles linked to an Enquiry.

3.9.1 Attributes

Enquiry Id (Optional) List

Enter the Enquiry reference Id of the Enquiry to be reported on. If this is left blank all enquiries will be reported on.

Type (Optional) List

Enter the Enquiry Cost Type to be reported on. If this is left blank all enquiries will be reported on.

3.9.2 Enquiry Damage – example