exotic foods articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Africa, Kenya Tags: Nairobi A Taste Of Kenya In Ugali Kenya is a country where there are very many tribes living together, and over the years each have adapted the eating habits of the other. It is therefore not uncommon to find a meal in Kenya with cooking styles from different corners of the country. Ugali still remains the number one staple food for the Kenyan people and is popular with all the tribes. Though the consistency and floor combination is different for people living in the different parts the name and the style in which it is cooked is the same. This is an exotic Kenyan dish that is eaten with meaty stews or leafy vegetables as a main meal. In popular restaurants like the ones in Nairobi, ugali is served with game meat and soups from around the world. There is no denying that a meal of ugali is not only delicious but satisfying. Your visit to Kenya is incomplete if you have not had a serving of ugali and roast goat meat. The flour composition is left to individual choice because different people wish to draw certain benefits from various foods. The nature of ugali cooked can be varied to suit the meal type being prepared. A breakfast meal for example can be made from plain maize meal flour because it will be accompanied by a hot beverage. If ugali is being prepared for lunch or dinner it is mixed with either cassava or millet to make it a heavy meal. Maize in Kenya from which ugali is made can be referred to as the country’s staple food because a lot of other dishes are made from it in various forms. http://www.google.co.ke/imgres? start=140&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&rlz=1C1SKPL_enKE500KE500&biw=1280&bih=923&t bm=isch&tbnid=I467asE5eT0h4M:&imgrefurl=http://www.groupon.com/deals/ kenyan-cafe-and-cuisine-1&docid=NQR2qa9cP3_SjM&imgurl=http:// s3.grouponcdn.com/images/site_images/2228/6957/ IMAGE_Kenyan_Cafe_and_Cuisine_grid_6.jpg&w=440&h=267&ei=deb4UIuPAYTLhA eklIHwDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=951&vpy=114&dur=2223&hovh=175&hovw=288&tx= 98&ty=103&sig=114857551305506676411&page=5&tbnh=168&tbnw=264&ndsp=37&v ed=1t:429,r:52,s:100,i:160

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Post on 31-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Africa, Kenya

Tags: Nairobi

A Taste Of Kenya In Ugali

Kenya is a country where there are very many tribes living together, and over the years each have adapted the eating habits of the other. It is therefore not uncommon to find a meal in Kenya with cooking styles from different corners of the country.

Ugali still remains the number one staple food for the Kenyan people and is popular with all the tribes. Though the consistency and floor combination is different for people living in the different parts the name and the style in which it is cooked is the same. This is an exotic Kenyan dish that is eaten with meaty stews or leafy vegetables as a main meal. In popular restaurants like the ones in Nairobi, ugali is served with game meat and soups from around the world. There is no denying that a meal of ugali is not only delicious but satisfying. Your visit to Kenya is incomplete if you have not had a serving of ugali and roast goat meat.

The flour composition is left to individual choice because different people wish to draw certain benefits from various foods. The nature of ugali cooked can be varied to suit the meal type being prepared. A breakfast meal for example can be made from plain maize meal flour because it will be accompanied by a hot beverage. If ugali is being prepared for lunch or dinner it is mixed with either cassava or millet to make it a heavy meal. Maize in Kenya from which ugali is made can be referred to as the country’s staple food because a lot of other dishes are made from it in various forms.


Page 2: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Africa, Ethiopia

Tags: Addis Ababa

Food Secrets Of The Injera

The exotic foods of Ethiopia are a world secret that is only known with the eating. The spicy food that is eaten in Ethiopia is characterized by a hot mix of spices, meat, vegetables and grains which are simmered together under low heat to blend in the various ingredients.

The fact that the Ethiopian population is divided almost equally into Christian and Muslim religious affiliations greatly affects the national cuisine. One characteristic that is universal in this country regardless of what religion you subscribe to is the breaking of Injera and eating together from one large plate an action that signifies solidarity, unity, loyalty and brotherhood. Don’t be surprised when someone holds food in their hands and brings it up to your mouth to eat because they mean to strengthen the bond of making new acquaintances. To demonstrate how religion has impacted the exotic food of the Ethiopians you need to observe how the cuisine changes during the period of lent to predominantly vegetarian.

Apart from large towns like Addis Ababa that are near cosmopolitan, most of the food in Ethiopia is home grown and consists mainly of vegetables. Farming in Ethiopia is done on a subsistence scale by most people. The exotic Ethiopian food is rich in nutrients and taste as evidenced by a look at a complete serving of the various foods prepared. Ethiopian fermented honey is a key component of every meal and so is the injera which is a key characteristic of every meal. The injera is the pancake of Ethiopia that is made from sour dough which gives it a light texture and exotic flavor.


Page 3: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Africa, South Africa

Tags: Johannesburg

Blended Taste Of Spiced Bitong

There are so many nationalities living in South Africa no wonder it is called the rainbow nation. This blending is also seen on the types of dishes prepared and eaten. Not only have the cooking styles been inter-adopted but the ingredients have been too.

It is safe from the lifestyle of people living in major towns like Johannesburg that South African cuisine mainly consists of starch and an accompanying stew. This is the same in many regions of the country and is characterized by meat and fish in many dishes. The fact that the country is surrounded by the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, make it an automatic hub for fish and sea foods. The staple meat dish of the South Africans is the bitong spiced and an equivalent of dried jerky. For a developed nation like this it is not amusing that they have food eating only in social gatherings.

South African food is served with large portions of fruit vegetables and spiced soups. It is not uncommon to have cassava and local fruit included in your food as part of a meal because the locals believe that no dish can be complete without them. This is especially true when spicy sea food is served. Yellow rice is a staple too among the South Africans and in most cases it is used as a side dish that has been eaten since ancient times by the locals. Exotic food in South Africa is never short of variety because it is grown in plenty and there are many ways of preparing it.


Page 4: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Africa, Uganda

Tags: Kampala

Enjoying Matoke In Different Forms

We all know plantain bananas to be the staple food of the Ugandan people and this until today is characteristic of the major meals in this country. The Ugandan cuisine is predominantly traditional owing to the fact that most dishes are made from locally grown foods.

It is amazing how the Ugandan people have turned the banana into an emblem of food art and every now and then new recipes are shared that teach new ways of cooking bananas. Food is just a small part of the rich Ugandan culture which is showcased in the language unification, manner of dressing and preparation of cooking foodstuffs. Since there are various tribes in Uganda, it is expected that the cuisines of one tribe will be different from the other. While the preparation may be different the use of fruit, bananas and yams is a factor that unifies them all.

The cooking of Ugandan food requires great skill but with a bit of mastery everyone can become an expert cook. The next time you are in Kampala, ask for a dish of matoke made from bananas and is cooked in peanut sauce, bean stew, meat or fresh fish. This is the staple food that the Ugandans are so popular for. Matoke is prepared as a main meal and usually is accompanied by any stew but to eat like a true Ugandan one should consider the use of fish in dishes. The fish here is either smoked or sun dried after it has been salted and is one of the scrumptious meals in the Ugandan cuisine.


Page 5: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Africa, Nigeria

Tags: Lagos

Experience Fufu The Nigerian Style

The roots of the Nigerian cuisine have a come a long way from the ancient times when food preparation was related to traditions, culture and artwork. In spite of the fact that the Nigerians have had foreign influence it has not significantly affected the exotic cuisines in any way.

If you come across a Nigerian living in a foreign country you will realize that most ancient foods they prepare have a twist from the exotic. A perfect example of how food carried to other parts of the world is the Nigerian fufu made by the ancient American slaves. The main reason for variations in preparation methods has been the availability of the required exotic ingredients. The ancient Nigerian people had grain based meals and most of their food was made from starch. A wide range of flours are available from millet, teff, sorghum, cassava and barley from which nutritious porridges are made.

You can see a hint of Europe in the food that is eaten in Nigeria in the recent past as compared to that which was eaten a few decades back. The use of pepper, peanuts and corn to prepare food is a borrowed aspect of the European cuisine into Nigeria. Although there is no community among the four which coexist together in Nigeria that can boast of producing the national cuisine chili sea foods as a general rule are appreciated in all Nigeria and are served in many hotels in Lagos. The use of marinate as a method of preparing food is very common in this country and gives food the much needed flavor.


Page 6: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, Thailand

Tags: Bagkok

Mouthwatering Exotic Curries Explored

If you are looking for a reason to visit Bangkok then you only need to think about the food which offers a blend of taste. If you are used to eating sweet food separately from bitter food exotic Thai cuisine offers a blend of tastes in a single dish.

The defining characteristic of Thai food is in the usage of herbs and spices to give food a distinct flavor. The Thai people are keen on strong flavors and such items like fresh coriander, lemon grass and lime juice are used to enhance the taste of food. It goes without saying that rice in this country continues to remain a staple food. The rice is often accompanied by food pastes and curries all of which are prepared to give added flavor to the food.

The Thai people have a rich culture is dynamic and it comes out clearly in the food that they eat. Try and eat a portion of raw beef, deep fried insect larvae or fermented fish paste to realize how rich this cuisine is. This is a culture that has not been using very friendly ingredients and people often find it interesting. It is good to understand that the styles of cooking the Thai dishes is similar to that of many Asian continent countries but the demarcation lies in the fact that the cuisine is simply interesting. Many hotels in the world offer Thai cuisine and so it is important to experience the cuisine at home before you branch out. You will find these foods irresistible and exciting in the mouth.


Page 7: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, Sri Lanka

Tags: Colombo

Spice Up You Cup Of Milk

As breath taking is the island of Sri Lanka is so it the food that these people eat. A 30 mile chain of shoal is the only feature that separates this country with India which is on the other side of the Indian Ocean.

The geographical location of Sri Lanka and its proximity to India has a direct influence on the food that is eaten here. Colombo had been previously inhabited by the British, Dutch and Portuguese who brought along cooking styles and food combinations from their own countries. The Sri Lankan exotic food types are therefore blends that the local people adopted to suit their taste and ready availability of ingredients. As a general rule food eaten in Sri Lanka is hot and spicy and highlights a blend of flavors from major parts of the world. It is true to therefore say that Sri Lanka enjoys a cuisine that is a blend of many others of the world’s best.

The features of the Sri Lankan food are both evident in the vegetarian and meaty dishes. Even short easy to prepare appetizers and salads have an exotic feel of the exotic food and the rich history behind it. Sri Lanka is rich in food spices which are readily used to enhance the flavors of dishes which are eaten there commonly. By simply appreciating the effect of spices on the food we eat, you will realize that Sri Lankan cuisine is a work of a rt. This is a cuisine so richly ground that they have spices to put in milk to enhance its taste for those people who do not take plain milk.


Page 8: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, Japan

Tags: Tokyo

Taste Of Donburi In Small Servings

When you come across Japanese food you will automatically be able to identify what you are looking at because of the basis arrangement and composition. A Japanese dish is only complete if it has white steam rice and pickles along with clear soup.

The first time you get to Tokyo will be enhanced by the offering of food laid out in an interesting arrangement. There can be no exotic Japanese food that does not include rice and this forms one pillar of the three that Japanese food is made of. This three sided food presentation is given the same name as is the first course in Japanese meals served nowadays. You will soon notice that a full course of a Japanese meal is served on a three legged stool a practice that even restaurants follow to this new age. The food variety is as rich as the food and cultural influence. The use pickle in cooking is a sure sign that the impact of flavor has an influence on the way food tastes and looks like.

A characteristic feature of the way that Japanese eat their food is the containers that they eat from. Rice will always be served in a small bowl and whatever is being eaten co compliment the rice has its own plate or bowl which is small for the various individual portions. This eating style is not limited to hotels only because many homes also have incorporated this into their normal eating plans. Since most Japanese utensils are used for other functions as well like serving varying dishes, it is important to different the bowls according to the function.


Page 9: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, China

Tags: Shanghai

Sushi For Your Taste Buds Pleasure

The Chinese people are known for their peculiar eating habits as is evidence from the food they eat. Many people term the Chinese cuisine as disgusting because they are known to eat things that other human being around the world do not eat.

A lot of speculation surrounds the types of foods which the Chinese eat and although some of them are gruesome, a couple of them are totally true. The true parts however are told in a manner to suggest that the food is bad or that all the Chinese people eat such kinds of foods. Many Chinese eating habits and especially those that the world considers strange stem from the fat that recent economic history has been an influencing factor. Modern city dwellers now throw away some animal parts that had previously been seen as palatable for people who used to adore them as children. In the modern day china it is illegal to kill dogs and cats for food and the few restaurants that sell these kinds of meat have breeders to do the rearing.

The Chinese cuisine like we have been made to know is not eaten every other day but only on special occasions. It is common for people from other parts of the world to find some country’s food to be disturbing and even unpalatable to say the least. A walk through a food market in the busy town of shanghai is aimed at discovering that the Chinese just like any other civilization of the world has funky foods which they use to make their every day meals.


Page 10: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, India

Tags: Mumbai

Peda Sweets Always In Season

There is no other food cuisine in the world that is researched as much as the Indian cuisine is and food lovers are always looking for new recipes from India to try out. The exotic foods of the Indians are characterized by sugary and hot spicy foods.

Knowledge on the cooking and preparation of Indian foods is shared readily on the internet using videos and step by step sights. The good thing about cooking Indian food is that the instructions are easy to follow and adapt to current life situations. Perhaps the most challenging part about Indian cuisine is the sourcing of pieces to be used for various Indian dishes. The rich Indian cuisine provides more than one starchy food offering variety even if you choose a new one every day. The local town of Mumbai must stock spices in many different forms to be found in grocery stores and supermarkets.

The Indian population is divided between the Hindu Indian and the Muslim Indians which makes this nation’s eating habits to be very interesting because what is not eaten by religion will be eaten by the other. A classic Indian vegetarian dish is all spiced up to give the dish an edgy taste that leaves one wanting for more. Non vegetarian foods are prepared in a way that brings out the flavor of the food and decorates the broth with an overwhelming taste of the main dish. Indian food is characterized by soup and if possible the soup should be made to be a thick consistency. Continued effort at looking for new recipes leaves one with a huge collection that are indeed hard to break.


Page 11: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, North America, Mexico

Tags: Mexico

Meaty Fajitas For Big Appetites

Mexico is one of the countries that boast a rich cultural heritage and it has even been recognized by the UN as having a cultural heritage. The same is evident in their food which has deep traditional structures and an example is the use of mole for holidays and occasions.

Staple food of the Mexican people is beans, chili peppers and native corn eaten together with the exotic meats of the regions mostly caught from the wild. Were it not for the influence of the Spanish people, Mexico would not be enjoying domesticated animal meat like it is today. Spices and herbs are used predominantly by the Mexican people to add taste to their food and enhance the flavors of meats and other foods. While it may seem as though most of the foods cooked in Mexican have their origin in other countries the Mexican cuisine is prepared and cooked in the ancient methods of the Mexicans though the dairy products used in cooking are borrowed.

Exotic Mexican food is known for the use of spices and rich flavors which is greatly influenced by the interaction between Native American and European cultural fusions. What we see today as the Mexican cuisine is in fact a blend of various cuisines since the French have a hand in the introduction of baked bread. Mexico exotic foods is served in restaurants and just by observing which ones get the most clients you are able to know which one offers the highest quality foods. Some rare foods that are a delicacy in Mexico include the spider monkey, deer and rattlesnake.


Page 12: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Europe, France

Tags: Paris

Steak Frites Or Native Foods

The French are famed for their posh style of cooking and though tasty other nationalities complain that they never get full in their stomachs. When you eat French food however you know that you are eating the best because of how predominantly involved with food.

Exotic French food is all about good selection of ingredients and people eating this way can be termed as aware of their health needs. This is the main reason why French food is very expensive and more so exotic ones which are rich in taste and aroma. The French are very particular with eating the right kinds of food combinations and this can be seen from the way they balance their meals. Fresh foods characterize most of the food eaten in the cosmopolitan city of Paris and this is in regard to the high quality of foods. So the next time you are in France don’t be surprised that they serve you little food but you pay dearly for it.

The French cuisine has a rich Middle East influence that started with the sharing of banquets of food during the French revolution. Frequent exchanges led to liking of each other’s food and in time the French became experts in the Middle East foods. Off course they blended this into what was already doing giving birth to what is referred to as the French cuisine. Pastries are a large part of the foods cooked by the French and they are so in line with them that they introduced other countries to their ways of cooking certain foods.


Page 13: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Europe, Greece

Tags: Athens

Bread Make The Greek Way

Anyone who lived in the last 3 millenniums in ancient Greece can attest to the fact that it was largely dominated by oils, wine and bread. There was nothing much to put together into a cuisine because ingredient that were indigenous to the Greek at the time were few.

It is through contact with other world civilizations that the variety of ingredients used by the Greek in their food today found their way onto their tables. This interaction also fostered an exchange into the way food was prepared and cooked. Even in the war scenario in Athens that exposed the Greeks to other world civilizations important lesson were learnt and the Greeks were able to compile a self identifying cuisine which they are known for to date. Exotic to this civilization are wines which they have perfected over time and form an important element of their meals. No meal is complete for a Greek if it is not accompanied with a drink of wine.

The soil in Greek is nothing much in way of cultivation and it is limiting to the cultivation of wheat and other drought resistant cereals like barley. It is safe to say then that the major economic activity for these people was livestock keeping and farming in the dry lands. On a brief description the Greek foods make use of a lot vegetables and domesticated meats. Greek cuisines are composed of fresh foods and original tastes of food. So great are the strides made in blending with other cuisines that foods made by the Greek are divided into sub categories of the main cuisines in existence.


Page 14: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, Lebanon

Tags: Beirut

Pickels Appetizer Demystified

If you want to have a taste of everything that the Middle East has to offer then Lebanese cuisine s what you should be considering. Mediterranean foods characterize the greatest portion of these foods making them to have abundant servings of vegetables and little amounts of meat.

Many people might be able to identify with Lebanese food from the common world renowned appetizer which is eaten with Arabic bread. The appetizer includes a selection of pickles, salads and various clicks all brought together to form and excellent flavor. From the surrounding sea water comes forth an abundance of sea foods and fresh fruits which are eaten everyday as part of Lebanese cuisine. These foods are made available to large towns like Beirut to serve the tourism industry effectively. The exotic foods of Lebanon are prepared in unique ways mastered through interaction with experienced native cooks who incorporate modern techniques.

The balancing of European cuisines and spices from the east has resulted in a rich blend which is what the Lebanese cuisine is made up of. A splash of Arabic influence makes foods prepared in this country mouth watering and enticing. Foods in this collection can only fit into the famous term they are given of health foods because all meals are made to balance through the kinds of ingredients used. Exotic foods used in ancient Lebanon are still used today though not as much as they were before. This result in mouthwatering dishes filled with fruit, vegetables, yoghurt, chick peas and nuts among others mostly grown in subsistence farms and open fields.


Page 15: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, North America, United States of America

Tags: California

The Burger Goes Worldwide

The American cuisine is as influential as the country’s foreign policy and entertainment industry. Though it seems as though America has succeeded in making its foods known to the world the general feel is that Americans do not have a cuisine they can call their own.

Common foods eaten in America are processed and contain high sugar the characteristics of a fast moving society. Food as we know is has been transformed into a substance that can last up to months on ends seated on the shelves of a supermarket store. The American economy is characterized by high population and high rate of industrialization throughout the country. Great innovations are therefore welcome in ways in which perishable foods can be stored whether in their raw state or as cooked foods. Popular components of the American cuisine have their roots in other countries making them replicas of other innovators.

It is not clear when the American society changed from own cuisine to others they consider suitable for the economic state but it is obvious that the impact to society has been great. From Washington DC to California, nothing sells like the burger and nothing is as popular as meat loaf in home settings. The American cuisine is special and invented upon a need for needed comfort. This was created with the working man or woman in mind because they to needed to eat and had families to feed. The popular name for this cuisine is fast foods because they do not limit you on the place of eating making life more bearable if you are tied down by other issues.


Page 16: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Food, Europe, Italy

Tags: Genoa, Bologna

Alluring Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca

Virginia Woolf once said that one cannot think well, love well or sleep well if one has not dined well. In my opinion, one has not really dined well till he or she has sampled the world renowned spaghetti alla puttanesca.

This mouth watering dish, mostly found in cities like Genoa and Bologna, was invented in Italy by Sandro Petti, a partial owner of the Rancio Fellone which is a popular Ischian restaurant in Italy. It gained popularity around the mid 20th century, mainly because of its uniquely assembled ingredients and also because it was mentioned in a 1961 Italian novel. It is mainly made up of spaghetti, olives, anchovies, pepper and capers which complement each other to create a whole new experience for those sampling the dish for the first time and to keep those who have had it before going back for more. The recipe for this exotic cuisine is quite simple. Heat some olive oil in a pan, add the garlic and let it cook for about a minute then add chopped tomatoes, oregano, olives, chopped pepper and puree then let it simmer. When the sauce becomes thick, mash the tomatoes with a cooking stick and season according to one’s desire.

Cook the spaghetti separately in salted water but leave it hard enough to bite. Once it is cooked, add it to the sauce and stir gently over low heat. After 3 minutes, the sauce will have coated the spaghetti. It is best served with cheese though it is also quite good with cheese or tuna. Spaghetti alla puttanesca is an exquisite dish for all occasions. Try it today!

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Page 17: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, South America, Caribbean Islands

Tags: Santo Domingo, Havana, San Juan

Mouth Watering Jambalaya

Since time immemorial, exotic food has been the key to celebrating various occasions world wide. Be it family gatherings or just a simple night out with someone that one is affectionate about, exotic cuisine can be counted on to put the event in motion.

Jambalaya is one of the most recognized exotic dishes. It originates from various parts of the Caribbean islands like Santo Domingo, Havana and San Juan, and is alarmingly similar to the famous saffron colored paella from Spain. The main ingredients of the dish are the meats; the stock; the vegetables and the rice. There are two different types of jambalaya. The first type is the Creole jambalaya. It is arguably the most common type of jambalaya. This is probably because it is easy to make, yet very filling. To enjoy this delicious meal, all one needs to have is meats, celery, peppers, rice and stock. The meats, which in most cases are chicken and sausage, are fried with celery, peppers and onions in butter. Tomatoes and vegetables are then added to the mixture and thereafter the seafood may be added. Stock and rice is added then the meats and vegetables are almost ready then it is allowed to simmer for about five minutes.

The Cajun jambalaya is cooked a little differently from the Creole jambalaya. A cast iron pot is used to brown the meat then it is later used to cook the jambalaya. The bits of meat that stick to the pot give it its brown color. Also, no tomatoes are used when cooking it. The two dishes have a similar flavor. It is mainly served as a main course meal.

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Page 18: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Asia, India

Tags: Delhi

Spicy Chicken Tandoori

The chicken tandoori is an Indian cuisine discovered in the 1920s. The main ingredients for preparing this delicacy are chicken, yoghurt and tandoori masala.

To prepare it, one must marinate the chicken in the yoghurt then season it with the tandoori masala to make it spicy and bring out its flavor. Most cooks add cayenne pepper or red chilly powder to give it its red hue which is very appealing to the eye. If one is not a fan of chili, turmeric can be used to give the chicken an orange color which is equally appealing. Traditionally, it is cooked in a clay oven which is also referred to as a tandoor in India. It can also be prepared on a barbecue grill.

The origin of this Indian delicacy is quite interesting. It lies with two cooks, Kundan Lal Jaggi and Kundan Lal Gujral. They first ran a restaurant in Motti Mahal which is now Peshwar in Pakistan. There was a partition in 1947, and Gujral and Jaggi found themselves fleeing to India to escape all the violence. They chose to settle in Delhi in an area known as Daryaganj. They had to eke out a living so they opened up a restaurant and kept trying new things to keep their customers coming. Their creation impressed the first Indian prime minister and he made it a regular dish at all official banquets he attended. Its popularity then spread like wild fire. Delicacies like chicken tikka masala is said to have been derived from chicken tandoori. It is mainly eaten as a main course meal and can be found in Indian restaurants all over the world.

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Page 19: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Foods, Europe, Italy

Tags: Piedmont

Tantalizing Panna Cotta

One of the things that make Italy famous is their food. The Panna cota is one of the many Italian delicacies that everyone should make a point of sampling.

It is said to have originated from the city of Piedmont in northern Italy, though one can never be too sure because similar dessert is served in Greece and France. The mouth watering dessert is recognized all over Italy. It is relatively easy to make, and is ideal when one wants to have a snack or has just had a sumptuous meal. All one needs to do to enjoy this delicacy is to mix cream, sugar and milk in a pan and let it simmer for a short while then add gelatin in the mixture and mix it in. the dessert should then be allowed to cool until it is set then it will be ready to eat. It may be served with a variety of foods like such as wild berries, coulis or chocolate sauce. Historically, this dessert was either eaten plain or eaten with hazelnuts or any other sweetened fruit. Sugar is said to have been added to the recipe a few years ago because it was a very expensive commodity at the time of the discovery of this exquisite cuisine. The only sugar in supply was imported. It has undergone many changes over time and is now referred to as a gelatin dessert which can be vanilla flavored and garnished with berries to make it appetizing.

It can either be served at room temperature of served chilled.

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Page 20: Exotic Foods Articles

Category: Exotic Food, Canada.

Tags: Quebec, Warwick

The Heart Attack In A Bowl

Poutine, what others would best describe it as a “heart-attack in a bowl”, happens to be one of the best food recognized by Canadians. Poutine consists of gravy, French fries and cheese curds.

The word “Poutine” is of French and Canadian origin whose pronunciation of poutine is ‘peu-tin’. It sprung up from Warwick, Quebec in 1957, where it got its name by Fernand Lachance, a restaurateur. The inventor of poutine left off what many would have called a calorific impact that significantly made the town of Warwick, the exceptionally best producer of cheese curds distributed all over Canada. Poutine’s popularity has then picked up tremendously and become widespread throughout Canada. Bars, restaurants and famous ski resorts in Canada serve poutine.

Poutine would give a mélange finger-licking taste. It is calorie-rich and swamps the mouth in a saucy, cheesy, fried potato mix that would leave one fighting over the last drop. Gravy comes in a healthy dustless powder form mixed with water. It then comes out in a rich and dark brown coloration like molasses and just at the right uniformity when served. It brings out a flavorful taste which can best be described as ‘magical’. The French fries must be hand cut to narrow finger-like structures and then fried in pure lard to bring out the unique eccentric taste. Lastly, the fresh white cheddar cheese curds are the most significant part of good poutine. They give a squeak feeling in your teeth while eating. Most restaurants serve poutine in a Styrofoam bowl designed to preserve the heat in and melt the cheese. It was on April 29th that the catering staff served poutine, being the unlikely dish, at the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. CNN travel ranked poutine the 44th best world food.

Picture link: http://www.theknockoffeconomy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/poutine.jpg