experience in developing the mcrl2 toolset · mcrl2, what is it? toolset for veri cation of...

Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset J.F. Groote J.J.A. Keiren F.P.M. Stappers J.W. Wesselink T.A.C. Willemse Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 22 February 2010 1/20

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Page 1: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset

J.F. Groote J.J.A. Keiren F.P.M. Stappers J.W. WesselinkT.A.C. Willemse

Department of Mathematics and Computer ScienceTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven

22 February 2010


Page 2: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

mCRL2, what is it?

Toolset for verification of software

Process algebra based

Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Support for modal µ-calculus with data + time


Page 3: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

mCRL2, overview


Page 4: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations


Process that merges two streams of natural numbers, producing alocally ascending output sequence


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Merge s



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Example: specification


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Merge s


Merge =∑m : N. (r1(m) ·Merge1(m)

+r2(m) ·Merge2(m))Merge1(n : N) =

∑m : N. r2(m) ·Merge3(n,m)

Merge2(m : N) =∑n : N. r1(n) ·Merge3(n,m)

Merge3(n,m : N) = n 6 m→ s(n) ·Merge2(m)+m 6 n→ s(m) ·Merge1(n)


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Example: linear process


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Merge s


Merge(σ, i1, i2 : N)= ∑

m : N. σ = 0→ r1(m) ·Merge(2,m, i2)+

∑m : N. σ = 0→ r2(m) ·Merge(1, i1,m)

+∑m : N. σ = 1→ r1(m) ·Merge(3,m, i2)

+∑m : N. σ = 2→ r2(m) ·Merge(3, i1,m)

+∑m : N. σ = 3 ∧ i1 6 i2 → s(i1) ·Merge(1, i1, i2)

+∑m : N. σ = 3 ∧ i2 6 i1 → s(i2) ·Merge(2, i1, i2)


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Example: property


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Merge s


If the input streams are ascending, then the output stream isascending.Modal formula:

(νX(j1, j2, o:N := 0, 0, 0).∀l:N. ([r1(l)](l ≥ j1 ⇒ X(l, j2, o))∧[r2(l)](l ≥ j2 ⇒ X(j1, l, o))∧[s(l)](l ≥ o ∧X(j1, j2, l))))


Page 8: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Example: parameterised Boolean equation system

Combining LPS and formula, and applying simplifications, we get

νX(σ, i1, i2, j1, j2, o:N) = ∀l:N(σ = 0⇒ l ≥ j1 ⇒ X(2, l, i2, l, j2, o))∧(σ = 0⇒ l ≥ j2 ⇒ X(1, i1, l, j1, l, o))∧(σ = 1⇒ l ≥ j2 ⇒ X(3, i1, l, j1, l, o))∧(σ = 2⇒ l ≥ j1 ⇒ X(3, l, i2, l, j2, o))∧((σ = 3 ∧ i1 ≤ i2)⇒ (i1 ≥ o ∧X(1, i1, i2, j1, j2, i1)))∧((σ = 3 ∧ i2 ≤ i1)⇒ (i2 ≥ o ∧X(2, i1, i2, j1, j2, i2))))

Observe that i1 = j1 ∧ i2 = j2 ∧ o ≤ min(i1, i2) is an invariant, nowthis can automatically be solved, and the property holds forMerge(0, 0, 0)


Page 9: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

History of mCRL2

Based on µCRL

Development started in 2004, using code from µCRL

22 developers with commit access

Currently 240949 Lines of code (obtained using SLOCcount)


Page 10: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Process related issues

1 Rapid turnover of resources

2 Programming not 1st priority

Three kinds of developers:

Scientific programmers: long period of time (3+ years),dedicated time available

(Bachelor + Master) students: short period of time (3-6months), little time for programming

Other staff: long period of time (3+ years), little time forprogramming, not 1st priority

Leads to single components that have been modified by 10 people indisjoint time spans


Page 11: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Commits made per developer


Page 12: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations


Poorly documented code

Lack of user documentation

Most code not maintained by original author(s)

Multiple ad-hoc solution attaining same goal; code duplication

Little attention for refactoring/restructuring code


Page 13: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Code base related issues

1 Adopting an existing code base

Fixes major design choicesBased on ATerm library (having untyped interfaces)Low level of abstractionInheriting other people’s choices/bugsPoorly programmed (heavy use of unsafe type casts)


Page 14: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Code base related issues

2 Poor documentation of code

Hardly any explicit documentation; choices exists in developer’smindsBig trouble when developers leave!

3 Supporting multiple platforms

Was problematic with legacy code


Page 15: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Lessons learned

1 Document properlyFour kinds of documentation:

1 User documentation (aimed at tool users)2 User documentation (aimed at library users)3 Source code documentation (using Doxygen)4 Algorithm documentation (detailed algorithm descriptions)

Documentation is reviewed by another developer


Decrease learning curve for new developersDecrease source code duplication


Page 16: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Lessons learned

2 Perform systematic tests

New components are equipped with unit testsUnit test added for each bugPerformance of tools monitored using real-life examplesTests and performance measurements run automatically on adaily basis, with web reports availableFor performance measurements: historic data, observe trends


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Online regression test results


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Online performance measurements









4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500


r +



e (s


SVN Revision

Time consumption of lps2lts -rjittyc









Page 19: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Lessons learned

3 Enhance reusability of code

Generate code from smaller specificationsUse high level of abstraction:

Transition legacy code from C to C++Use object oriented techniquesUse generic programming techniques (now + future)

4 Use generic, cross-platform libraries (BOOST, wxWidgets)

5 Strictly adhere to C++ standard


Page 20: Experience in developing the mCRL2 toolset · mCRL2, what is it? Toolset for veri cation of software Process algebra based Explicit state model checking + symbolic transformations

Future directions

Systematically generating code from specifications (started)

Allow flexibility in supported input languageAvoid tedious handwriting of uniform sections of codePrevent typo’s and copy-paste mistakes

Perform testing with random inputs

Increase use of generic programming techniques
