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  • 8/19/2019 Expl NetFund Chapter 01 Intro Edited


    CCNA1-1 Chapter 1

    Chapter 1Chapter 1

    Living in aLiving in a

    Network-Centric WorldNetwork-Centric World

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    CCNA1-2 Chapter 1

    Global AccessGlobal Access

    • The globalization of the nternet has s!cceeded faster thanThe globalization of the nternet has s!cceeded faster than

    an"one co!ld have i#agined$an"one co!ld have i#agined$

    • The #anner in which social% co##ercial% political andThe #anner in which social% co##ercial% political and

    personal interactions occ!r is rapidl" changing to keep !ppersonal interactions occ!r is rapidl" changing to keep !p

    with the evol!tion of this global network$with the evol!tion of this global network$

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    CCNA1-& Chapter 1

    Networks ' (ehind the )cenesNetworks ' (ehind the )cenes

    • Networks are #ore than *!st connecting cables$Networks are #ore than *!st connecting cables$• The" are a co#ple+ and sophisticated co#bination ofThe" are a co#ple+ and sophisticated co#bination of

    protocols% softwareprotocols% software

    and hardware$and hardware$

    , )ec!rit" and rivac")ec!rit" and rivac", 2. + / availabilit"2. + / availabilit"

    , 0!alit" of )ervice0!alit" of )ervice

    , ideo on e#andideo on e#and

    , oice over oice over , 3ed!ndanc" and back!p3ed!ndanc" and back!p

    , 4ission critical applications and !ser e+pectations4ission critical applications and !ser e+pectations

    , WirelessWireless

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    CCNA1-. Chapter 1

    Networks ' The 5arl" a"sNetworks ' The 5arl" a"s

    5arl" co##!nication relied on face-to-face conversations$5arl" co##!nication relied on face-to-face conversations$• The telephone was !sed for voice and the post officeThe telephone was !sed for voice and the post office

    delivered #ost of the written co##!nications$delivered #ost of the written co##!nications$

    • ideo co##!nication was one-wa" !sing the television$ideo co##!nication was one-wa" !sing the television$

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    CCNA1-6 Chapter 1

    Networks ' The 5arl" a"sNetworks ' The 5arl" a"s

    • 5arl" networks were li#ited to character based infor#ation$5arl" networks were li#ited to character based infor#ation$• Co##!nications between co#p!ters was not eas" andCo##!nications between co#p!ters was not eas" and

    re7!ired a host 8no p!n intended9 of reso!rces to acco#plishre7!ired a host 8no p!n intended9 of reso!rces to acco#plish

    the si#plest data transfer$the si#plest data transfer$

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    CCNA1-: Chapter 1

    Networks ' Toda"Networks ' Toda"

    • Toda";s networks carr" #!ltiple t"pes of infor#ation thro!ghToda";s networks carr" #!ltiple t"pes of infor#ation thro!gh

    #an" t"pes of devices -#an" t"pes of devices - SIMULTANEOUSLY SIMULTANEOUSLY $$

    , oice% ideo% A!dio% Te+t% graphicsoice% ideo% A!dio% Te+t% graphics

    )ilver and ia#ondCell hone

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    7/47CCNA1-/ Chapter 1

    Networks ' Toda" ' A Global Co##!nit"Networks ' Toda" ' A Global Co##!nit"

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    9/47CCNA1-> Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We LiveNetworks )!pporting The Wa" We Live

    • n the co!rse of the da"%n the co!rse of the da"%nternet reso!rces cannternet reso!rces can

    help "o!$help "o!$

    • 44 - nstant 4essaging?- nstant 4essaging?

    , nternet 3ela" Chat 83C9nternet 3ela" Chat 83C9• (logs(logs 8Weblogs9?8Weblogs9?

    , ersonal opinions on an" conceivable s!b*ect$ersonal opinions on an" conceivable s!b*ect$

    • odcastingodcasting??

    )haring recordings with a wide a!dience 8Apple iods9)haring recordings with a wide a!dience 8Apple iods9

    • WikisWikis??

    ,  A collaboration tool$ Gives people the opport!nit" to work A collaboration tool$ Gives people the opport!nit" to work

    together on shared doc!#ents$together on shared doc!#ents$

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    10/47CCNA1-1@ Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We LearnNetworks )!pporting The Wa" We Learn

    • 5-Learning5-Learning

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    11/47CCNA1-11 Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We LearnNetworks )!pporting The Wa" We Learn

    • nline disc!ssions and access to reso!rces$nline disc!ssions and access to reso!rces$

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    12/47CCNA1-12 Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We WorkNetworks )!pporting The Wa" We Work

    • (!siness networks evolved to enable the trans#ission of(!siness networks evolved to enable the trans#ission of

    #an" different t"pes of infor#ation services% incl!ding e-#ail%#an" different t"pes of infor#ation services% incl!ding e-#ail%

    video% #essaging% and telephon"$video% #essaging% and telephon"$

    ifferent co#panies !se different t"pes of networks$ifferent co#panies !se different t"pes of networks$

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    13/47CCNA1-1& Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We WorkNetworks )!pporting The Wa" We Work

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    14/47CCNA1-1. Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We WorkNetworks )!pporting The Wa" We Work

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    15/47CCNA1-16 Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We la"Networks )!pporting The Wa" We la"

    • The entertain#ent and travel ind!stries have #ade !se of theThe entertain#ent and travel ind!stries have #ade !se of thenternet to provide online ga#ing% #!sic and #ovienternet to provide online ga#ing% #!sic and #oviedownloads% online travel bookings% hotel and car reservationsdownloads% online travel bookings% hotel and car reservations

    and #!ch% #!ch #ore$and #!ch% #!ch #ore$

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    CCNA1-1: Chapter 1

    Networks )!pporting The Wa" We la"Networks )!pporting The Wa" We la"

    • )o#e of the #ost innovative develop#ents in network)o#e of the #ost innovative develop#ents in networktechnolog" have co#e fro# the increasing de#and fortechnolog" have co#e fro# the increasing de#and for


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    CCNA1-1/ Chapter 1

    Co##!nications ' What is itBCo##!nications ' What is itB

    • Co##!nications can take #an" for#s and occ!rs in #an"Co##!nications can take #an" for#s and occ!rs in #an"different environ#ents$different environ#ents$

    • We establish r!les%We establish r!les% or protocolsor protocols% for co##!nicating with each% for co##!nicating with each


    , dentif" the sender and receiver$dentif" the sender and receiver$,  Agree on the #ethod$ Agree on the #ethod$

    , Co##on lang!age$Co##on lang!age$

    , )peed and deliver" of the #essage$)peed and deliver" of the #essage$

    , Confir#ation that the #essage was received$Confir#ation that the #essage was received$

    • Co##!nications between individ!als is s!ccessf!l if theCo##!nications between individ!als is s!ccessf!l if the

    #eaning of the received #essage is the sa#e as the#eaning of the received #essage is the sa#e as the

    #eaning of the #essage that was sent$#eaning of the #essage that was sent$

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    CCNA1-1= Chapter 1

    Co##!nications - 0!alit"Co##!nications - 0!alit"

    • or data networks% we !se the sa#e basic criteria to *!dgeor data networks% we !se the sa#e basic criteria to *!dges!ccessf!l co##!nication$s!ccessf!l co##!nication$

    • Dowever% there areDowever% there are e+ternal factorse+ternal factors that can affect thethat can affect the#essage$#essage$

    , TheThe 7!alit" of the pathwa"7!alit" of the pathwa" between the sender and thebetween the sender and therecipient$recipient$

    , The n!#ber of ti#es the #essage has toThe n!#ber of ti#es the #essage has to change for#change for# ororbebe redirectedredirected oror re-addressedre-addressed$$

    , The n!#ber ofThe n!#ber of other #essagesother #essages being trans#ittedbeing trans#itted

    si#!ltaneo!sl" on the co##!nication network$si#!ltaneo!sl" on the co##!nication network$, TheThe a#o!nt of ti#ea#o!nt of ti#e allotted for s!ccessf!lallotted for s!ccessf!l


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    CCNA1-1> Chapter 1

    Co##!nications - 0!alit"Co##!nications - 0!alit"

    • There are alsoThere are also internal factorsinternal factors that can affect s!ccessf!lthat can affect s!ccessf!lco##!nication$co##!nication$

    4essage )ize4essage )ize



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    CCNA1-2@ Chapter 1

    Co##!nications - 0!alit"Co##!nications - 0!alit"

    • t is also #ore diffic!lt to deliver a large% b!lk" packaget is also #ore diffic!lt to deliver a large% b!lk" packages!ccessf!ll" and witho!t da#age than it is to deliver severals!ccessf!ll" and witho!t da#age than it is to deliver several

    s#aller packages$s#aller packages$

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    CCNA1-21 Chapter 1

    Network As A latfor#Network As A latfor#

    •  All networks have All networks have 44 basic ele#ents in co##on?basic ele#ents in co##on?

    3!les 8protocols93!les 8protocols9 to govern the handling of the #essage$to govern the handling of the #essage$

    4essages4essages that travel fro# one device to another$that travel fro# one device to another$

    4edi!#4edi!# that is !sed to interconnect devices and canthat is !sed to interconnect devices and can

    transport the #essages fro# one device to another$transport the #essages fro# one device to another$

    evicesevices on the network that e+change #essages$on the network that e+change #essages$

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    CCNA1-22 Chapter 1

    Network As A latfor#Network As A latfor#


     take #an" for#s$take #an" for#s$

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    CCNA1-2& Chapter 1

    Network As A latfor#Network As A latfor#

    4edia4edia on a network can be varied$on a network can be varied$

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    CCNA1-2. Chapter 1

    Network As A latfor#Network As A latfor#

    evicesevices on a network ' Co##on )"#bolson a network ' Co##on )"#bols

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    CCNA1-26 Chapter 1

    Network As A latfor#Network As A latfor#

    3!les3!les on a network see# al#ost endless ' b!t the";re not$on a network see# al#ost endless ' b!t the";re not$

    • ther Application rotocols?ther Application rotocols?

    , N)% DC% TN)% DC% T

    • )o#e ther rotocols?)o#e ther rotocols?

    , TCE rotocol )!ite% 5thernet% 3o!ting rotocolsTCE rotocol )!ite% 5thernet% 3o!ting rotocols

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    CCNA1-2: Chapter 1

    !tting t all Together !tting t all Together 

    1$ Converted to (inar"$1$ Converted to (inar"$

    2$ NC generates signals$2$ NC generates signals$

    &$ assed a#ong LAN devices$&$ assed a#ong LAN devices$

    .$ 5+it the local area 8ro!ter9$.$ 5+it the local area 8ro!ter9$

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    CCNA1-2/ Chapter 1

    !tting t all Together !tting t all Together 

    The #an" interconnectedThe #an" interconnecteddevices worldwide are oftendevices worldwide are often

    represented b" a clo!d$represented b" a clo!d$

    6$ (its are trans#itted to6$ (its are trans#itted to

    devices that interconnectdevices that interconnectthe networks$the networks$

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    CCNA1-2= Chapter 1

    !tting t all Together !tting t all Together 

    :$ assed a#ong local:$ assed a#ong localdevices at the destination$devices at the destination$

    /$ The destination device converts/$ The destination device convertsthe bits into h!#an readable for#$the bits into h!#an readable for#$

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    CCNA1-2> Chapter 1

    !tting t all Together !tting t all Together 

    11   22   33   44


    66   77

     At each of these steps% there are At each of these steps% there are

    protocols that define the r!les forprotocols that define the r!les for

    device co##!nication$device co##!nication$

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    CCNA1-&@ Chapter 1

    !tting t All Together !tting t All Together 

    • f co!rse% it alwa"s helps to know what "o!;re doing$f co!rse% it alwa"s helps to know what "o!;re doing$

  • 8/19/2019 Expl NetFund Chapter 01 Intro Edited


    CCNA1-&1 Chapter 1

    Converged NetworksConverged Networks

    • Traditional telephone% radio% television% and co#p!ter dataTraditional telephone% radio% television% and co#p!ter datanetworks each have their own individ!al versions of the fo!rnetworks each have their own individ!al versions of the fo!rbasic network ele#ents$basic network ele#ents$

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    CCNA1-&2 Chapter 1

    Converged NetworksConverged Networks

    • Technolog" advances are enabling !s to consolidate theseTechnolog" advances are enabling !s to consolidate thesedisparate networks ontodisparate networks onto one platfor#one platfor#$$

    •  A platfor# defined as a A platfor# defined as a converged networkconverged network$$

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    CCNA1-&& Chapter 1

    Converged NetworksConverged Networks

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    CCNA1-&. Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    • The ter#The ter# Network Architect!reNetwork Architect!re??, Technologies that s!pport theTechnologies that s!pport the infrastr!ct!reinfrastr!ct!re

    , rogra##ed services and protocolsrogra##ed services and protocols that #ove thethat #ove the

    #essages across that infrastr!ct!re$#essages across that infrastr!ct!re$

    • There areThere are . basic characteristics. basic characteristics for networks in general tofor networks in general to#eet !ser e+pectations?#eet !ser e+pectations?

    , a!lt tolerancea!lt tolerance

    , )calabilit")calabilit"

    , 0!alit" of )ervice 80o)90!alit" of )ervice 80o)9

    , )ec!rit")ec!rit"

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    CCNA1-&6 Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    a!lt Tolerancea!lt Tolerance

  • 8/19/2019 Expl NetFund Chapter 01 Intro Edited


    CCNA1-&: Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    Circ!it )witched ' Connection-riented NetworksCirc!it )witched ' Connection-riented Networks

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    CCNA1-&/ Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    acket )witched ' Connectionless Networksacket )witched ' Connectionless Networks

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    CCNA1-&= Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    Circ!it )witchedCirc!it )witched acket )witchedacket )witched

    Connection-orientedConnection-oriented ConnectionlessConnectionless

    edicated Circ!itedicated Circ!it )hared Circ!it)hared Circ!it

    G!aranteed level of serviceG!aranteed level of service

    8(andwidth% 0o)98(andwidth% 0o)94essages divided into packets4essages divided into packets

    nefficient !se of 4edi!#nefficient !se of 4edi!# 5fficient !se of 4edi!#5fficient !se of 4edi!#

    )ingle path% no red!ndanc")ingle path% no red!ndanc"a!lt Toleranta!lt Tolerant% #!ltiple possible% #!ltiple possiblepathspaths

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    CCNA1-&> Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet


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    CCNA1-.@ Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    •  A good e+a#ple of A good e+a#ple of scalabilit"scalabilit" is the Tier architect!re of theis the Tier architect!re of thenternet$nternet$

    Tier 2?Tier 2? a" Tier 1 providers fora" Tier 1 providers forconnectivit" and provideconnectivit" and provide

    regional service$regional service$

    Tier 1?Tier 1? )s provide nationaland international connections$8erizon% )print% ATFT% NTT%

    cable s"ste#s% etc$9


    Tier &? rovide service to endTier &? rovide service to end!sers and are !s!all" connected!sers and are !s!all" connected

    thro!gh Tier 2 providers$thro!gh Tier 2 providers$

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    CCNA1-.1 Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    •  Additional providers can be added relativel" easil" with no Additional providers can be added relativel" easil" with nodisr!ption of c!rrent services$disr!ption of c!rrent services$ THAT is scalability! THAT is scalability! 


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    CCNA1-.2 Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    0!alit" of )ervice 80o)90!alit" of )ervice 80o)9

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    CCNA1-.& Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    0!alit" of )ervice 80o)90!alit" of )ervice 80o)9

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    CCNA1-.. Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet

    0!alit" of )ervice 80o)90!alit" of )ervice 80o)9


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    CCNA1-.6 Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet


    Th A hit t f th t t

  • 8/19/2019 Expl NetFund Chapter 01 Intro Edited


    CCNA1-.: Chapter 1

    The Architect!re of the nternetThe Architect!re of the nternet


    5ns!re Confidentialit"?5ns!re Confidentialit"?)trong a!thentication and)trong a!thentication and

    appropriate encr"ptionappropriate encr"ption

    Co##!nication ntegrit"?Co##!nication ntegrit"?igital )ignat!res% Dashingigital )ignat!res% Dashing

     Algorith#s% Checks!# Algorith#s% Checks!#

    5ns!ring Availabilit"?5ns!ring Availabilit"?Co#bating vir!s attacks%Co#bating vir!s attacks%

    irewalls% 3ed!ndantirewalls% 3ed!ndant Architect!re Architect!re

    T d i N t ki

  • 8/19/2019 Expl NetFund Chapter 01 Intro Edited


    Trends in NetworkingTrends in Networking

    , ncreasing n!#ber of #obile !sersncreasing n!#ber of #obile !sers

    , roliferation of network capable devicesroliferation of network capable devices

    , 5+panding range of services5+panding range of services