
What is a responsive website and do you need one? © Scorchsoft.com Exploiting the internet of things Page | 1 EXPLOITING THE INTERNET OF THINGS These days everything is connected. This eGuide aims to give you the most important information that you will need in order to take advantage of the internet of things (IOT). The internet of things is the concept of building internet connectivity into every day products and services. Suite 306B, The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B18 6NF www.scorchsoft.com +44 (0)121 4690009 [email protected]

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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These days everything is connected. This eGuide aims to give you the most important information that you will need in order to take advantage of the internet of things (IOT). The internet of things is the concept of building internet connectivity into every day products and services.

Suite 306B, The Big Peg,

120 Vyse Street, Birmingham,

West Midlands, B18 6NF


+44 (0)121 4690009

[email protected]

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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Market Statistics

There is predicted to be 26 Billion

internet connected objects by 2020 (source)

China’s government is expected to

invest more than $600 Billion in

the Internet of Things through to

2020 (source)

IOT: The Concept

To put it simply, the “Internet of things” (IOT)

is the idea that all products and services are

connected to t he internet in some way. You

will already be familiar with smart phones and

computers having internet connectivity, this

just takes things one step further by bringing

internet connectivity to other device types that

aren’t normally online.

By bringing connectivity to new products you

extend their capabilities, drive unique

differentiated value and have the opportunity

to introduce new lucrative business models.

By reading this document we hope to leave

you much better informed about how to

approach connecting your products to the

internet. We will be covering the common

questions that we hear around security,

scalability, costs and implementation


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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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It’s often the case that you may already have a product or device that you have successfully

commercialised and brought to market in your own way, without the need for internet connectivity.

Before getting into the technicalities of exactly how to implement an internet of things product, it is

wise to first evaluate the business case for it. Most importantly how the IOT effects the following:

The differentiated value that you can deliver to your customers.

Costs that can be saved.

Processes that can be streamlined / improved / error removed.

New business models that can be implemented (e.g. monthly subscription models).

To answer some of these questions you should first understand the possible benefits that can be

had from leveraging the internet of things with your products/devices:

Where to begin

Real time monitoring

Many products need ongoing maintenance.

Being able to check and monitor devices

online from any place can reduce engineer

workload and improve response rates to


Real time notifications

Events that happen on your device can

trigger events as and when they happen

such as sending an email or SMS


Remote control

It isn’t just about sending data off to a web

dashboard, you can also leverage 2 way

communications to your devices. For

example you could change a devices

settings, or restart it from the other side of

the world.

Hardware and software as a


As everything can be controlled and

monitored via a central server this can give

you the ability to charge for access to your

product on a monthly basis. Should a user

end their subscription then the device or

service can be automatically switched off.

Machine to machine triggers

If you have a web service that allows for 2

way communication to your devices, then

you can create an application interface

(API) into it that allows for other online

services to automatically communicate and

pull data about your devices or users.

For example you may want your CRM

system to know when a user’s device last

failed, or you may want your device to know

about data that you have stored in your

internal ERP system. You could even put a

button into a spreadsheet that makes your

device to something when someone

presses it.

Big data analysis

In collecting lots of data you have the

potential to learn things about your products

and services that would otherwise not be

possible. For example, trends in data may

be able to indicate when a fault is likely to

happen, or even when a customer is likely

to want to repeat-buy. This is an intangible

benefit where the opportunity grows with the

diversity of your data.

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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Crude IOT structure

This is a crude representation as to how your average internet of things device will look from an

architectural perspective.

The device that you want to connect to the internet will have to have a means to do so, this is

typically done by adding a piece of network connected hardware (WIFI / GSM / 3, 4, 5G) to it. This

device reads data from the product and sends it in a standards compliant format to a web services

API (application interface, think of it like a shop keeper into your system) over the internet. The API

accepts the data and stores it or processes it within the web service. Once the web service has the

data it is able to display information, metrics and controls to the end user via an app or website.

There are many possible adaptations to the above structure to deal with topics such as spreading

load over multiple servers or content delivery networks for global distribution, or other methods of

communicating with the end user (e.g. push notifications). From our experience it is a good starting

point to build upon as it clearly separates the roles and responsibilities between the

hardware/product, software and web development teams.

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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Security Considerations

With any system connected to the internet, there are security risks (and security is key!). If the parts

of the process where your device connects to the internet are not secure then there is a risk that

someone could use these an entry point into your product or system. This could allow a hacker to

read data from other peoples’ devices and data, or worse control someone else’s device from a

remote location. Just imagine the implications of something like a cooker being turned on and left

on. Here are some ways to tighten up the security of your internet of things system:

Fall-back mechanisms

This is often the most overlooked but from

our perspective most important security

consideration. Plan for the worst case

scenario first and have a system in place

that expects it to happen and deals with it

even if it never does.

For example with the cooker being turned

on, you could have a mechanism on the

device itself to always automatically turn off

if it has been switch on for an hour or more.

Then have a process to not allow a cooker to

be turned back on that has already been

switched on for a long time.

This way even if the system were to be

hacked the fall-back mechanism would

reduce the likelihood that the exploit could

be used with malicious intent.

Encrypt your messages

There are proven methods to encrypt the

messages being sent to and from a device

once a secure connection has been made.

HTTPS (TLS/SSL) is one example used to

secure connections between a user’s web

browser and your web application over the


If data is properly encrypted then it is

extremely difficult (as in it could take

thousands of year years of computation time

to crack) for someone to decrypt and read

the data being sent and received.

Securely authenticate access


In the same way that you need to enter your

username and password to log into a web

service you can have a similar process to

allow your web service to securely

communicate with your devices. Unless

someone has the right login credentials they

cannot communicate with the device.

This is supported by the message encryption

topic as encryption ensures that nobody can

read the password data being sent to the

device as part of the authentication process.

Zone restriction and other checks

There are other general checks and balances

that can be done to further tighten the security

of the system and make it harder to gain

access. The idea being that the more tick

boxes you have, the harder it is to lie to tick

them all. Here are some examples of things

that can be checked:

Unusual behaviour (e.g. frequency of

messages sent).

IP address (The location of the

communicating device on the internet)

Message formatting and size (is

everything structured correctly)

For more common checks you may be

interested in the OWASP web service security

cheat sheet.

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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Though there is often the ability to generate recurring revenue streams, there are also up front and

recurring costs that you will need to consider in your commercial plan. Here are the typical main


Planning for new costs

Product cost of sale

Your products will need to be extended to

have monitoring internet connectivity

capabilities at a hardware level. This means a

higher cost of manufacture per unit.

Internet, data & carrier

If you are able to connect via WIFI then you

may be able to avoid these. If your device

connects over the telephone network then you

will need to consider the monthly costs

associated with line rental as well as the

variable costs associated with the amount of

data being sent and received. You may also

want to optimise or place limits on the amount

of data transmitted to stop these costs

growing higher than expected.

Server architecture

As a web service is responsible for reading

and communicating with your devices this will

need to sit on a web server (or architecture of

servers). As the number of devices

communicating and the number of users using

the service grows, so will your requirement for

more data storage and faster servers.

Merchant services

If you are automatically taking online

payments then you will need to pay a

percentage of these to your bank or merchant

services provider. This normally works out at

1.5% - 3.5% per transaction depending on

provider, nature of service and sales volume.

Maintenance and development

The software layers that sit on the device

and the web service need to be written. In

general this is considered to be an upfront

cost however you should also plan for the

ongoing maintenance work that is likely to

be needed on the software. It can vary but

typically we would recommend that you

plan for approximately 15-20% of the

projects build cost in maintenance over

the course of each year. You should also

plan for the ongoing development work

required to support continuous

improvement of the service alongside

your product lifecycle.


You will need to make sure you are

properly insured to create an internet of

things application aligned with your

product. Some products or business

models may be cheap to insure however it

will depend on the risk associated with

what would happen if the security or

system failed in some way.

Support and training

You should try and reduce the need for

manual support and training as possible

by having a great user interface design

and digital support resources. However,

you are developing software that allows

users to interact with your products. In

doing this you will naturally introduce the

need to support and train your users.

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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Phasing it in

Once you have decided that you want to build internet connectivity into your product there are a few

steps to take before it will be ready deploy into the real world. Here is a high level overview of a

typical pre-launch process:

Decide on core functions

What data do you want your device to report?

How do you want your web service to be able to

interact with it? Why? What value are you driving

to your customer?

You need to answer questions like this first

before you can plan around how to enable them.

Plan the product extension

In general it is much harder make changes to

the way that the hardware and software function

on the product itself compared with the web

service that is interacting with it. Getting the

structure of this right first will ensure you don’t

run up large unforeseen costs later. That being

said you should also design with change in mind

in case you need to build in a new feature or bug

fix before (or even after) launch.

Decide on your transport


Is the device going to connect via cable, WIFI or

3/4/5G? Have you considered the costs of each

option? If you are going the sim card route then

you will need to negotiate with network providers

(potentially globally) based on your predicted

data usage. To do this you will need at least a

rough idea of the structure and amount of data

that is needed to be send to/from your device

and the central web application

Design the web application

With the capabilities of the device identified you

can now move onto planning how this will be

represented via your web service. You should try

to do this before developing internet connectivity

functions into the product as you may identify

useful functions or features that you had not

thought about. These idea may require

extensions to the hardware or software sitting on

the product.

Development and prototyping

At this point hardware and software development

on both the device and web service can begin.

This process should be iterative, agile and

involve a lot of prototyping. Hardware, software

and web teams should have the means to

communicate with each other quickly to prevent

stalling the development process.

Beta testing

If possible you should provide prototype

hardware and access to the web application to a

group of real world users. This is an opportunity

to see how the new device connectivity works in

the real world and to identify issues that can be

corrected before the public launch. You should

also run tests to cope with the predicted real

world load on your infrastructure.

Supporting services and materials

When the product hits the ground running you

need to make sure that you have the business

structure and support materials in place to

facilitate a successful launch. Staff need training

and your public facing website should contain

resources and materials that help new customers

with any support queries.

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What is a responsive website and do you need one?

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Looking to embrace the internet of things within your business?

All of the research points to it: The internet of this is a

massive growing opportunity as we move forwards

into the future. If you bring products and services to

market that aren’t internet enabled then how can you

afford to not explore this avenue? Especially

considering it is also an option open to your


Scorchsoft are a digital development agency with

experience implementing global ‘internet of things’

services via both web and mobile techologies.

Would you like help in enabling your products to be

part of internet of things? Even if it is just exploratory,

please don’t hesitate to email us on

[email protected] or call on 0121 4690009. We

would be happy to help you develop and implement a

successful IOT strategy.

The Internet of Things is a $19

trillion global opportunity over

the next decade. (source)

The global internet of things

market is expected to show a

compound annual growth rate of

31.72% from 2014 – 2019 (source)

By 2017 the average mobile user

will provide data streams to over

100 apps and services every

single day. (source)


+44 (0)121 4690009


[email protected]

Registered Address

Suite 306B, The Big Peg 120 Vyse Street

Birmingham, B18 6NF

Company Number

07246693 Registered in England and Wales





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