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Upload: martin-keane

Post on 13-Mar-2016




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Everest Patrol's upcoming activities


What: The Super Cycling Camp is an overnight activity

arranged by the Everest Patrol. We will be cycling from

Overton Primary School to South Newton Guide Camp,

where we will be camping for the night. If enough people are

wanting to, we may cycle back to Overton or get a lift back

to The Summits Centre if people are too tired.

When: 6th March 2pm - 7th March

Cost: £5.00 (Food, Camp fees, charge for maintaining


Parent Help: It would be good if we could get some parent help

to transport the camping equipment to South Newton and

back on Sunday as it will not be possible to cycle

carrying it. Also we may need help on Sunday with getting

the bikes back to The Summit Centre if we don't cycle back.

If you can help with this please email or phone me, details


More Info: 07999566698 / [email protected]

Permission Form: an online permission form will be used, the

URL for it will be emailed to you soon

Evertest Patrol

Be the Best !

What: The Easter Expedition will follow the route of the West

Highland Way a scenic 96 mile route from the outskirts of

Glasgow to the foot of Ben Nevis at Fort William, which should

take 5days. We will be camping along the way and carrying

all equipment needed with us. At the end of the expedition we

will be getting the train from Fort William to Glasgow Cen-

tral, then from there to home. ( If we cannot get a lift to the

start of the West Highland Way we will be getting a train to

Glasgow central, then to Milngavie)

When: Easter Holiday (Date to be decided)

Cost: £5.00 ( Petrol money )

Parent Help: It would be good if we could get some parent help

to transport participants to Milngavie for the start of the

expedition (petrol money will be given to cover costs) If you

can help with this please email or phone me, details below.

More Info: 07999566698 / [email protected]

Permission Form: an online permission form will be used, the

URL for it will be emailed to you soon

Evertest Patrol

Be the Best !