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________________________________________________________________________________ Kettlebell Express! ULTRA Copyright 2011. Geoff Neupert. All Rights Reserved.  




 WARNING:  This  eBook  is  for  your  personal  use  only.      

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               All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2011 – Geoff Neupert. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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You must get your physicianʼs approval before beginning any of these exercise programs.

These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Kettlebell Express! ULTRA If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

It is strongly recommended that have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you not use Kettlebell Express! ULTRA, please follow your Doctorʼs orders.

All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this workout, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this program are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Donʼt lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Donʼt perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always perform a warm-up prior to all forms of training.





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Introduction I love the double kettlebell exercises. LOVE them. They remind me of the barbell Olympic lifts - the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk and all the related training exercises. Although the single kettlebell exercises are great, the doubles are awesome! I honestly believe that you will never get into the kind of shape - strength, endurance, and otherwise - using kettlebells until you not only learn, but routinely incorporate them as part of your regular training program. Urban legend has it that certain units of the Soviet Special Forces - Spetznaz, preferred to train with a pair of 24kg kettlebells for their PT. Rumor also had it that one of their tests was three sets of 20 Clean and Jerks within a specific time period. I once asked Pavel about this. He gave me a wry smile and a vague answer. Apparently, Spetsnaz is like Vegas - what happens there stays there. Since the two bio-motor qualities that are most applicable and necessary to daily life and activities (and sports when you think about it) are strength endurance and power endurance, double kettlebell drills fit the bill perfectly. (Strength endurance is the ability to perform strength activities repeatedly at a specified level over a given period of time. Power endurance is the ability to perform explosive activities repeated over a given period of time.) And unlike their cousins, the barbell Olympic lifts, the double kettlebell variations are easier on the body to perform repeatedly for reps and sets without wrist trauma, special gear, or lifting areas. Nothing beats Clean and Jerks under the spring sun in your own backyard.

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But, this is not a book on philosophy or rationale, itʼs the “big brother” to Kettlebell Express!, which is a book of kettlebell programs designed to be used with single kettlebells. Nor is it a book on technique. It is a simple book filled with double kettlebell programs that are designed to be done in between 10 and 30 minutes per day, or per training session (workout). All the programs in Kettlebell Express! ULTRA, are designed to be used with a pair of kettlebells or multiple pairs of kettlebells. And it essentially picks up where Kettlebell Express! left off. I truly believe that you can accomplish all your training, fitness, and exercise goals with just a few pairs of kettlebells and you donʼt need to spend hours per week to do so. Double kettlebell exercises and the appropriate application of program design allow you to accomplish large amounts of work in minimal time, which conveniently, is one of the best methods to stimulate adaptation. Speaking of stimulating adaptation – letʼs get started – timeʼs a wastinʼ!

Geoff Neupert Master RKC. NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Durham, NC. 2011

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The Only Warm-Up You’ll Ever Need. For me, warming up is intolerable. I hate it. With a passion. I just want to be able to grin and go. But, since most of us sit on our butts all day long, there is a minimum threshold of warming up you need to do. Hereʼs what I believe constitutes a quick and effective warm-up routine. 1. Childʼs Pose - 10 breaths The purpose here is threefold -

1) Provide a distinct “line” between the rest of your day and your workout 2) Oxygenate your muscles and focus your mind 3) Make sure you are breathing diaphragmatically (and correctly) in order to load the body

• Assume a four-point position (on

hands and knees) • Rock back until your chest is on your

quads and your arms are out in front of you

• Relax there and take 10 deep breaths into your stomach. Your cue is to breathe into your stomach so you can feel your stomach press into your legs as you inhale

2. The Pump - 10 reps Stimulates the vestibular system and unlocks the hip flexors which tighten up from sitting.

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• From kneeling on your hands and knees, extend your legs behind you so you are in a push up position

• Push your hips up in the air and look between your legs • From here, extend your head and look up at the ceiling and push your hips to the

floor – VERY IMPORTANT! Squeeze your glutes together hard as your hips move toward the floor – and exhale

• Look over one shoulder and drive the opposite hip toward the floor – keeping your glutes squeezed very tightly

• Then look over the opposite shoulder the same way • Then push your hips back up to the start position where your hips are up in the

air • Perform 10 reps – 5 reps looking over each shoulder – and alternate between

them 3. RKC Hip Flexor Stretch - 5 reps each side Direct hip flexor work which allows the posterior chain and the core musculature to do the work theyʼre supposed to do when using your kettlebells.

• Start in the half kneeling/lunge position • Reach up in the air with the hand on the same side of

your body as the leg thatʼs in front of you • Squeezing your glute on the leg that is down, drive

your hips forward and exhale • Reach for the ceiling at the same time • Then return to the start • Perform 5 reps and then switch sides

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4. Cross Crawls (Marching In Place) - 10 “steps” each foot Integrates left and right brain together, improving inter - and intramuscular coordination, and resetting the body the way itʼs designed to function.

• While standing, lift your right leg and touch your right knee with your left elbow • Put it back down and lift your left leg and touch your left knee with your right

elbow • Alternate back and forth between the two sides.

This Warm-Up should take you 5 minutes or less.

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I think an important distinction needs to be made here. Anybody can write a workout. Indeed, anybody can write a program I guess. But the point is, workouts are stand-alone events generally with no context. By contrast, a program is a collection of workouts with a singular purpose, for example, to get stronger. Progression is built into programs that allow for overload of the body coaxing it to become stronger over time. It is very important for you to note that Kettlebell Express! ULTRA is a collection of programs, not workouts. There are a variety of programs, each under common goals. There is progression built in to each. The common theme is that you can perform these programs and achieve your goals in a very short, focused, and dedicated time period - between 10 and 30 minutes per training session (workout). Pick a program and pick the time frame you can allot to your workouts and then stick with that program until you reach the end. Because progression is built into the program, you can then look back over the program upon its completion and measure your results. This is called progress and progress produces results. And itʼs those results that we are after, not necessarily the “thrill” of a singular workout. That being said, some of the workouts in each program will be “thrilling” - giving you a distinct sense of accomplishment or achievement, and some of them will be singularly mundane, almost like punching a time clock. Both are necessary simply because - and trust me when I say this - it is impossible to push it to the max each and every workout. You will end up either injured or burned out or both. I know from personal experience...

The Kettlebell Express! ULTRA Programs

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“Which Program Should I Do For Fat Loss /

Getting Stronger / Packing On Muscle / Getting Better Conditioned...?”

Ok, I have a confession to make - I donʼt know which program you should do to achieve your goals. But before you freak out and donʼt think I know what Iʼm doing, let me tell you EXACTLY WHY I just said that. Itʼs very important to your success, so please, please - pay very close attention. Achieving your physique / performance goals is dictated by four very important determining factors. Here they are:

1. Your diet.

2. Your current fitness / strength levels. 3. Your kettlebell skill levels.

4. Your life stressors and your ability to recover.

Letʼs take a closer look... 1. Your Diet. Nobody wants to admit this or really face this down (I know, Iʼve been working with weight loss people in some way shape or form for almost 20 years...) but what you do or donʼt put in your mouth affects whether you lose fat, grow muscle, or gain fat, or get stronger. Itʼs true. I can give a pair of identical twins the exact same workout program (Iʼm thinking of one right now) and make one eat for fat loss and the other eat for muscle gain and the results would astound you.

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One would drop fat and the other would pack on muscle. Itʼs true. In fact, Iʼve noticed and had this corroborated by other professionals, that 80% of your results are determined by what you do, or donʼt, put in your mouth. Think about that for a moment and let that sink in. Intuitively, you know itʼs true. Thatʼs why people can radically change the way they eat and drop a ton of weight without exercising as intensely as you are currently. (In fact, my dad, lost 30 pounds in only 6 weeks after having a triple bypass. How? He radically changed the quantity and type of calories he consumed. His exercise? Walking.) So, if you want to lose fat, at then end of the day, you need to be in an average caloric deficit. That means, that if averaged over the course of time, you would be under-eating. If you want to get stronger, you need to eat just a little more. And if you want to pack on muscle, you need to eat even more. And yes, at the end of the day it really is just that simple. Donʼt let “perceived complexity” stand in the way of achieving your goals. 2. Your Current Fitness / Strength Levels. I am strong. But Iʼm not well conditioned (relatively speaking). You may be the opposite. So, a fat loss program for me may be based on a doing a ton of Swings and Snatches. And the fat would melt off me. But if youʼve been doing that type of program already, youʼre body will most likely need a different stimulus to burn off fat. (This is often true for the women I train - especially RKCs. Men will do better using a higher percentage of ballistics in order to lose fat and women the opposite - more strength-based loading.) And thatʼs the key - the stimulus. Our individual thresholds for change are all different. And that explains why one person can do a program and see amazing results and another follow the same program and get lackluster results.

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So keep that in mind. At the end of the day, all change comes from the concept of “progressive overload” - doing more work than you once did. And thatʼs the really cool thing about being pinched for time with your workouts. You can actually use that “lack of time” to your advantage - and please - pay very close attention here because this will forever change your understanding of progress - You will always make progress if you seek to get more work done each and every

workout session. And the more progress you make, the closer you will come to achieving your goals, regardless of the specifics. So, in order to lose fat, build muscle, get stronger, get better conditioned, seek to do as much of the highest quality work as you can in the given time frame, within the programs in this book. 3. Your kettlebell skill levels. The double kettlebell exercises require a much greater skill level in my opinion than the single kettlebell exercises. Thatʼs for a number of reasons that I wonʼt go into here, but suffice to say, your ability to perform and more importantly, feel confident while performing these exercises, will determine which program you should choose as well. So start easy. Donʼt pick the hardest program you can find. Start where you want to practice. Then build from there. 4. Your Life Stressors And Your Ability To Recover. As I write this, my son is just over one month old. That means that we donʼt get a lot of uninterrupted sleep. That also means that my ability to recover from my workouts is severely compromised. So Iʼm not trying to break any records. Doing so would be stupid and undoubtedly lead to an injury. But what I am doing is making progress where I can. Specifically, Iʼm working all the stuff Iʼve neglected over the last however long. And, in the grand scheme of things, itʼs not particularly taxing, so I am able to recover and make progress. You should do the same.

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For example, youʼll find some “tough-as-nails” programs in here that will challenge your manhood (or womanhood). But if youʼre riddled with injuries, it would be stupid to attempt these types of programs. Choose the gentler ones. Youʼll be kinder to your body and youʼll make faster progress. Trust me on this. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. “So Then, How Do I Use This Book?” Great question and thereʼs an easy answer. But first, letʼs take care of a more important order of business - This is not an instructional manual for kettlebell exercises nor a reference guide for performing them. It is a book of Double Kettlebell Training Programs designed for you to make sustainable progress with as little time investment each week on your part as possible. That being said - 1. Determine what you want to do. Fat loss? Gain muscle? Get stronger? Whatever it is, you need to be clear about it. 2. Find out what you can do. Do you have any injuries that need to be addressed? If you have a bum knee, donʼt pick a program thatʼs got Pistols in it - that would be stupid, right? What are your current strengths levels? Determine those. 3. Determine your resources. You may only have one or two kettlebells. In the long run, that just may not be enough for some of the programs in this book. You may need to buy a heavier, or - Heaven forbid! - a lighter one. Either is OK, just make sure you have resources available to you. And yes, this is Kettlebell Express! ULTRA, which means, every workout is under 30 minutes, but make sure you are honest with yourself and choose workouts that fit your schedule. If you can only work out three times per week for 20 minutes, donʼt choose a 5 day a week program.

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(Note: I know youʼre not stupid - Iʼm telling you all this because I have made these exact same mistakes - somehow lying to myself that I have the time or can make the time. I have always ended up frustrated. Always. Just trying to help you avoid the pitfalls that Iʼve made.) 4. Match the three. Look through this book and find the easiest, thatʼs right, the easiest program for you your specifics, and do it. The easier it is from the start the easier it will be to stick with and the easier it will be to make progress and therefore see the results youʼre looking for. Thereʼs plenty to choose from and every single program in here will make you better than you are as you sit here reading this. I know - Iʼve used them or variations with my clients and myself over the last 20+ years. Youʼll be successful too. So, come on in, the waterʼs fine.

Exercises Used In These Programs All Exercises Are Performed With Double Kettlebells

Swing Front Squat Clean Press

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High Pull Snatch Push Press Jerk Renegade Row

If you need a refresher on what the techniques look like and some concise descriptions, hereʼs free resource for you. (In case the embedded link above doesnʼt work, you can find videos of the above exercises at

Speaking of Time, Letʼs Talk About A Very Important

Topic: Rest Periods... This is a very important topic - rest periods between sets. There is much science to support long rest periods between sets to build maximum strength. There is much science to support short rest periods between sets to build specialized forms of endurance. There is much science to support enforcing certain rest periods and their impact on hormone production, optimization, and output - hormones such as testosterone, IGF-1, insulin, growth hormone, and cortisol: All of which are necessary for growth, development, and maintenance of our bodies. And I used to be very much a big fan of prescribing and enforcing rest periods. But as my own life has become more complicated, I have moved away from enforced rest periods in favor of what is know as autoregulation - you deciding based on the feedback your body is giving you. Now this is a double-edged sword of course. Some people need boundaries and the rest periods keep them on track. And for some of these people, it doesnʼt matter what their bodiesʼ are telling them - theyʼre going to follow that rest period come “hell or highwater.” (I used to be one of those people.) And itʼs a sure way to injury.

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This also means that some people may use the lack of rest periods as an excuse to be lazy and not really do much work at all. What Iʼve found to be optimum is for you to determine on a case-by-case, set-by-set basis what rest you need. As long as you are seeking to do more work each training session you will make progress. And the dirty little secret is that you may have some bad days where you canʼt do as much work as you could the last time and need to rest more. Thatʼs ok. Thatʼs natural. Thatʼs the cyclic, rhythmical nature of life and therefore training. As long as you can measure improvement over a given course of time, youʼll see results. So rest as you see fit, but donʼt be lazy about it.

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Beyond The Basics 2 In the RKC system, we teach the Swing as the basic kettlebell movement. Itʼs the one that all others are built on top of. Master the Swing, and the others are just that much easier to perform. At the RKC Certification, we teach the Instructor Candidates proper Swing mechanics with one kettlebell as the foundation, then we work them up to and test them with the Double Kettlebell Swing to challenge their understanding and grasp of the movement. Not all of them pass. This is because the Double Swing (DSW) is a challenging and rigorous movement. These are programs using just the DSW. It looks easy, but, trust me, itʼs not. • Use a pair or pairs of medium-sized kettlebells. • Total time commitment: 60 minutes (excluding warm-up). 1. BTB 1.1 • Use a pair or pairs of light to medium sized kettlebells • Time commitment: 45 minutes per week (excluding warm ups) Day 1: DSW

• Sets of 10. • As many sets as possible in 20 minutes.

Day 2: DSW

• Sets of 20. • As many sets as possible in 20 minutes.

Day 3: DSW

• Sets of 15. • As many sets as possible in 20 minutes.

• Perform this program for 6 weeks. Then switch to something else. • Start week 1 pretty easy. Week 6 should be your hardest week.

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2. BTB 1.2 • Use a pair or pairs of medium-sized kettlebells. • Total time commitment: 65 minutes (excluding warm-up). Day 1: DSW

• Sets of 7. • As many sets as possible in 15 minutes.

Day 2: DSW

• Sets of 10. • As many sets as possible in 10 minutes.

Day 3: DSW

• Sets of 8. • As many sets as possible in 15 minutes.

Day 4: DSW

• Sets of 12. • As many sets as possible in 10 minutes.

Day 5: DSW

• Sets of 9. • As many sets as possible in 15 minutes.

Perform this program for 4 weeks. Then switch to something else. 3. Beyond The Basics 2 In my private Kettlebell Muscle seminars where I teach people the proper techniques for the all of the double kettlebell exercises, I start the attendees somewhere other than the Double Swing. Hereʼs why: Consider that almost all double kettlebell exercises - the Clean, Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk, Front Squat - all have one thing in common: They pass through the “Rack” position. The “Rack” position - or Rack - is the position where the kettlebells are resting on the shoulders and outside of the arms.

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Therefore, I teach my students how to comfortable in and moving from the Rack. The best exercise I have found for this is the Double Front Squat (DFSQ). The DFSQ is an amazing exercise for total body strength and mobility. Hereʼs a series of programs based on the DFSQ. 4. BTB 2.1 • Use a pair of kettlebells that you can perform 6 strict reps on the DFSQ with. • Total time commitment: 55 minutes (excluding warm-ups) Day 1: DFSQ

• Ladder: 1,2,3,4 • Perform as many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.

Day 2: DFSQ

• Sets of 2 • Perform as many sets of 2 as possible in 15 minutes.

Day 3: DFSQ

• Sets of 3 • Perform as many sets of 3 as possible in 20 minutes.

Perform this program for 4 to 6 weeks, then switch to another. 5. BTB 2.2 • Use a pair of kettlebells you can perform 7-8 strict reps of the DFSQ with. • Time commitment: Approximately 40-45 minutes per week (not including warm-ups) Day 1: DFSQ

• Ladder: 1,2,3,4,5 • Perform as many ladders as possible in 30 minutes.

Day 2: DFSQ

• Perform 2 sets of as many reps as possible. • Rest as needed between those 2 sets.

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Perform this program for 4 weeks then switch to something else. OLAD 3 In Kettlebell Express! I revisited the concept used by strength enthusiasts forever and appropriately coined by Dan John, Senior RKC and Mastersʼ Olympic lifting Champ, “One Lift A Day,” or “OLAD.” The premise is quite simple - pick one lift. Do it and only it on one day of the week, every week, until you stop making progress. Do the same thing with other lifts. Hereʼs OLAD 3.1 6. OLAD 3.1 Hereʼs a 5-day a week template:

Day 1: Double Front Squat Day 2: Double Swing Day 3: Double Clean Day 4: Double Press Day 5: Double Snatch

Hereʼs a 12 week cycle: Use a pair or pairs of kettlebells that are your 5RM (Rep Max) for the Grinds and a pair thatʼs a 10RM for your ballistics and perform the following program:

Weeks 1-4: Grinds: Sets of 3. Ballistics: Sets of 6-8. Weeks 5-8: Grinds: Sets of 4. Ballistics: Sets of 7-9. Weeks 9-12: Grinds: Sets of 5. Ballistics: Sets of 10.

Grinds = 20 minute sessions Ballistics = 15 minute sessions

*Grinds = Slow strength exercies: Double Front Squat, Double Press. Ballistics = Explosive strength and conditioning exercises: Double Swing, Double Clean, Double Snatch

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7. OLAD 3.2 Hereʼs a 3-day a week program that uses a compound movement - the Clean + Jerk, and considers it “one lift,” which is technically ok, since this a considered one lift in contests. • Each workout is 20 minutes. • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes.

Day 1: Double Clean + Jerk Day 2: Double Front Squat Day 3: Double Snatch

Hereʼs another type of loading parameter: Start with a 5RM on each exercise. Weeks 1-4: Day 1:

• Ladders 1,2,3 • As many ladders as possible in allotted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Day 2:

• Sets of 3 • As many sets of 3 as possible in the alloted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Day 3:

• Sets of 2 • As many sets of 2 as possible in the alloted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Weeks 5-8: Day 1:

• Ladders 1,2,3,4 • As many ladders as possible in allotted time period

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• Rest as necessary between sets Day 2:

• Sets of 4 • As many sets of 4 as possible in the alloted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Day 3:

• Sets of 3 • As many sets of 3 as possible in the alloted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Weeks 9-12: Day 1:

• Ladders 1,2,3,4,5 • As many ladders as possible in allotted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Day 2:

• Sets of 5 • As many sets of 4 as possible in the alloted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

Day 3:

• Sets of 3 • As many sets of 3 as possible in the alloted time period • Rest as necessary between sets

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Buying Back Time

Can I let you in on a pet-peeve of mine? I mean this really drives me crazy - Wasting Time. I hate it. For one, I feel like I never have enough time. I always feel like Iʼm racing the clock for something or some reason. So, I rarely goof-off. Itʼs the death of productivity. I know for some of us, our workout times are our refuges, our havens, from the stresses of the outside world. But we can still make them more productive - enabling us to get faster results and therefore more satisfaction. They are time-saving mechanisms, which literally help you buy back your time. This section is devoted to using those mechanisms in our training. Double KBs + Super Sets = Supermen (and Women!) Super sets are the most basic way to save time and structure your workouts to get a large amount of work done. Our very broad definition of a super set is the following: Take one exercise, pair it with another, and alternate sets back and forth between

them. You can rest between sets or not. Bodybuilders have been doing this for decades to get better pumps and stimulation. Weʼll do it to save time. (Itʼs also an amazing way to build work capacity.) Hereʼs an example:

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5 Double Cleans. Rest 30s. Then 5 Double Front Squats. Rest 30s. Repeat for 5 sets of each. Itʼs designated the following way:

A1. Double Clean x5 A2. Double Front Squat x5 Rest: 30 seconds between sets Sets: 5 each

Pretty simple. 8. DKB-SS 1.1 Yeah, I know, very cool program name. Hereʼs a 3-day a week program using just one super set. Itʼs pretty intense so it might be “all” you need. • Each workout lasts 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time is 60 minutes excluding warm ups. Day 1:

A1. Double Swing A2. Double Press

Day 2:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Front Squat

Day 3:

A1. Double Front Squat A2. Double Press

For pure strength, do the following: • Use 5RM for each exercise • Rest as needed between all sets

• Week 1: Sets of 2, as many sets as possible in allotted time

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• Week 2: Sets of 3, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 3: Sets of 4, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 4: Sets of 3 - but only 60% of the sets you performed in Week 2. • Week 5: Find new 5RM OR perform a Rep Max Test with your old 5RM.

*Rep Max Test = As many reps as possible with a given weight with perfect form. For strength-endurance/moderate hypertrophy/fat loss, do the following: • Use a 10RM for each exercise • Rest as needed between all sets

• Week 1: Sets of 6, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 2: Sets of 7, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 3: Sets of 8, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 4: Sets of 7 - but only 60% of the sets you performed in Week 2. • Week 5: Find new 10RM OR perform a Rep Max Test with your old 10RM.

*Rep Max Test = As many reps as possible with a given weight with perfect form. For pure conditioning, do the following: • Use 20RM for each exercise • Rest as needed between all sets

• Week 1: Sets of 12, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 2: Sets of 14, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 3: Sets of 16, as many sets as possible in allotted time • Week 4: Sets of 14 - but only 60% of the sets you performed in Week 2. • Week 5: Find new 20RM OR perform a Rep Max Test with your old 20RM.

*Rep Max Test = As many reps as possible with a given weight with perfect form. 9. DKB-SS 1.2 Hereʼs another 3-day a week program using just one super set. • Each workout lasts 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time is 60 minutes excluding warm ups. Day 1:

A1. Double Swing

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A2. Double Front Squat Day 2:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Press

Day 3:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Front Squat

Use the same loading parameters as DKB-SS 1.1. 10. DKB-SS 1.3 And another 3-day a week program using just one super set. • Each workout lasts 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time is 60 minutes excluding warm ups. Day 1:

A1. Double Press A2. Double Snatch

Day 2:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Push Press

Day 3:

A1. Double Front Squat A2. Double Front Jerk

Use the same loading parameters as DKB-SS 1.1. *Of course, you can just keep switching out each exercise ad infinitum and come with tons of different super sets.

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11. DKB-SS 2.1 Hereʼs a program thatʼs designed to be performed 4 days per week. • Each workout lasts 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time is 80 minutes excluding warm-ups. • You could only train 15 minutes per day if thatʼs all your schedule allowed and still

have a total training time of 60 minutes per week. Day 1:

A1. Double Front Squat A2. Double Press

Day 2:

A1. Double High Pull A2. Double Push Press

Day 3:

A1. Double Press A2. Double Front Squat

Day 4:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Jerk

For strength and power do the following:

• Use your 10RM for each exercise • Work up to 6x6 with each exercise and record the total time • Keep working with 6x6 but decrease the total time it takes to perform each

workout. • When youʼve decreased your work time by 25%, retest your 10RM.

12. DKB-SS 2.2 Hereʼs another program thatʼs designed to be performed 4 days per week.

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• Each workout lasts 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time is 80 minutes excluding warm-ups. • You could only train 15 minutes per day if thatʼs all your schedule allowed and still

have a total training time of 60 minutes per week. Day 1:

A1. Double Front Squat A2. Double Jerk

Day 2:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Press

Day 3:

A1. Double High Pull A2. Double Snatch

Day 4:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Front Squat

Use the same loading parameters as DKB-SS 2.1. 13. DKB-SS 2.3 And yet another program thatʼs designed to be performed 4 days per week. • Each workout lasts 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time is 80 minutes excluding warm-ups. • You could only train 15 minutes per day if thatʼs all your schedule allowed and still

have a total training time of 60 minutes per week. Day 1:

A1. Double Front Squat A2. Double Clean

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Day 2:

A1. Double Clean A2. Double Press

Day 3:

A1. Double Swing A2. Double High Pull

Day 4:

A1. Double Push Press A2. Double Snatch

Use the same loading parameters as DKB-SS 2.1

As I mentioned earlier, you could swap out any of these exercises and create your own programs. Donʼt think youʼre limited to just these. Ok, letʼs go a little deeper down this “time-efficient” rabbit hole, shall we...?

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Circuits: Electrifying Workouts For Shocking Results

When people think of “Circuit Training” they usually think of either some kind of machine circuit at their local “Pump N Tone” fitness center or they think of really high reps and light weights - in other words, something that is relatively easy and mildly (at best) effective. Nothing could be further from the truth. A circuit, by definition, is simply a series of exercises where on set of all exercises is performed before then next and subsequent sets. Thatʼs all. And the fact that “thatʼs all” is very good news for us. It allow us to set our own rules. So imagine doing circuits with heavy or very heavy pairs of kettlebells. You could manage fatigue and get a whole lot of work done in a very short amount of time, couldnʼt you? If you set things up correctly you sure could. And when you follow these programs, you will.

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14. Super Circuit 1 Hereʼs a circuit that uses three (3) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. A1. Clean A2. Front Squat A3. Press Workout II. A1. Clean A2. Push Press A3. Jerk

• Use a 5RM on each exercise • Perform ladders of 1,2,3 of each exercise • Perform as many circuits of these ladders in the allotted time - 20 minutes • Rest as and when necessary • Perform for 4 to 6 weeks then switch programs.

15. Super Circuit 1.1 Hereʼs another circuit that uses three (3) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. A1. Clean A2. Push Press A3. Squat

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Workout II. A1. Clean A2. Push Press A3. Snatch

• Use your 10RM on each exercise. • Perform sets of 6 on each exercise. • Perform as many sets of 6 as possible in the allotted time perod • Rest as and when necessary • Perform for 4 to 6 weeks then switch programs.

16. Super Circuit 1.2 And hereʼs another circuit that uses three (3) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. A1. Front Squat A2. Press A3. Renegade Row Workout II. A1. High Pull A2. Push Press A3. Snatch

• Use your 5RM for each exercise • Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I

+ Workout II) • Perform the following reps for each block:

• Block 1: Sets of 2 • Block 2: Sets of 3 • Block 3: Sets of 4 • Block 4: Sets of 3

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• Block 5: Sets of 4 • Block 6: Sets of 5

• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in each workout • Rest between exercises and sets as and when needed

17. Super Circuit 2 Hereʼs a circuit that uses four (4) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. A1. Renegade Row A2. Clean A3. Front Squat A4. Press Workout II. A1. Clean A2. Front Squat A3. Snatch A4. Renegade Row • Use a 6RM for each exercise • Perform for 4 weeks. • Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I

+ Workout II) • Perform the following reps for each block:

• Blocks 1,3,5: 3 reps • Blocks 2,4,6: 4 reps

• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in the allotted time period

• Rest between sets and exercises as and when needed 18. Super Circuit 2.1

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Hereʼs a circuit that uses four (4) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. A1. Renegade Row A2. Clean A3. Push Press A4. Front Squat Workout II. A1. Snatch A2. Front Squat A3. Push Press A4. Renegade Row

• Perform for 4 weeks. • Use your 10RM for each exercise • Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I

+ Workout II) • Perform the following reps for each block:

• Blocks 1,3,5: 5 reps • Blocks 2,4,6: 7 reps

• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in the allotted time period

• Rest between sets and exercises as and when needed 19. Super Circuit 2.2 Hereʼs a circuit that uses four (4) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I.

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A1. Front Squat A2. Clean A3. Press A4. Renegade Row Workout II. A1. Clean A2. Push Press A3. High Pull A4. Snatch

• Perform for 4 weeks. • Use your 10RM for each exercise • Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I

+ Workout II) • Perform the following reps for each block:

• Blocks 1,3,5: Workout I: 3 reps, Workout II: 5 reps • Blocks 2,4,6: Workout 1: 5 reps, Workout II: 7 reps

• Perform as many sets of the prescribed reps for each exercise in the allotted time period

20. Super Circuit 3 Hereʼs a circuit that uses five (5) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. Workout II. A1. Clean A1. Swing A2. Press A2. High Pull A3. Front Squat A3. Push Press A4. Push Press A4. Snatch A5. High Pull A5. Jerk

• Perform for 4 weeks. • Use your 10RM for each exercise

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• Perform ladders of 2,4,6 • Perform as many ladders as possible in the allotted time period • Rest between sets and exercises as and where needed. 21. Super Circuit 3.1 Hereʼs another circuit that uses five (5) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 20 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. Workout II. A1. High Pull A1. Front Squat A2. Snatch A2. High Pull A3. Front Squat A3. Renegade Row A4. Clean A4. Clean A5. Press A5. Jerk • Perform for 4 weeks. • Use your 10RM for each exercise • Perform 5 reps each set • Perform as many sets of each exercise as possible in the allotted time period • Rest as and when necessary between sets and exercises

22. Super Circuit 3.2 And another circuit that uses five (5) exercises in each circuit. • Workout duration: 30 minutes • Total weekly workout time: 90 minutes • Alternate between Workout I and Workout II on alternate days

Workout I. Workout II. A1. Snatch A1. Swing A2. Press A2. Clean A3. Front Squat A3. High Pull A4. Push Press A4. Push Press

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A5. Renegade Row A5. Snatch

• Perform for 4 weeks. • Use your 10RM for each exercise • Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” (Cycle = Workout I

+ Workout II) • Perform the following reps for each block:

• Block 1: Sets of 5 • Block 2: Sets of 6 • Block 3: Sets of 7 • Block 4: Sets of 6 • Block 5: Sets of 7 • Block 6: Sets of 8

Killer Combinations: Maximum Results, Minimum Time!

What are “Combinations?” They are simply one exercise paired with another, for example, the Clean and Jerk. There are two different forms of combos, a Complex and a Chain -

Complex = A series of compound exercises performed sequentially without rest in which all the reps for one exercise are completed before moving on to the next exercise in the sequence.

For example, 5 Cleans, then 5 Jerks.

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Chain = A series of compound exercises performed sequentially where each exercise is performed once before starting the sequence again: Each time the sequence is performed is considered one repetition.

For example, 1 Clean and Jerk, performed 5 times, or, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Jerk.

23. King-Sized Combos 2 The following is excerpted from Kettlebell Express!

“The only thing possibly “better” than the Snatch is combining it with one or two different exercises. The following program is based around the Snatch, the Front Squat, and the Press. Use a medium-sized kettlebell, one you can Snatch about 10 times each hand without putting the kettlebell down.

Day 1: Snatch + Front Squat

Day 2: Snatch + Press

Day 3: Snatch + Press + Front Squat

• Perform on alternate days - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc. • Perform the Snatch + the exercise listed back-to-back with no rest. • Perform for 20 minutes. • Do as much high quality work as possible in those 20 minutes. • Rest as necessary.

Week 1: Sets of 3 each exercise Week 2: Sets of 4 each exercise Week 3: Sets of 5 each exercise Week 4: Sets of 6 each exercise”

The way to “juice” this up is to use double kettlebell drills. This adds not only a whole new level of difficulty, but a whole new world of results too. For starting guidelines, use a weight you can perform the Double Snatch with for 10 reps.

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Perform each workout as a complex. 24. King Sized Combos 2.1 Perform the same program as “King Sized Combos 2” but instead of using the Press, use the Push Press. 25. King Sized Combos 2.1.1 Perform the same program as “King Sized Combos 2” but instead of using the Press, use the Push Press. • Instead of performing each workout as a complex, perform as a chain. 26. King Sized Combos 2.2 Perform the same program as “King Sized Combos 2” but instead of using the Press, use the Jerk. 27. King Sized Combos 2.2.1 Perform the same program as “King Sized Combos 2” but instead of using the Press, use the Jerk. • Instead of performing each workout as a complex, perform as a chain. 28. “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1 Some might argue that nothing will get you stronger than squatting. I tend to fall into that camp. One thingʼs for sure, based on my experience, if you want your double kettlebell numbers to go up, especially on exercises like the Double Press, you need to get your body stronger – much stronger. The Double KB Front Squat is one of the best exercises

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around for doing just that. It is hard without being heavy, so the joints donʼt take the beating they normally do with barbell squatting. And the DFSQ really stimulates the leg musculature much more so for some than barbell squatting. So the cool thing is that you can get strong and muscular without using a lot of load and without punishing your body in the process. Hereʼs a series of combos that are centered on the most often overlooked and arguably one of the hardest double kettlebell drills - the Front Squat. • Workout duration: 20 minutes, 3 times per week (max) • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes (not including warm-ups)

Day 1: Front Squat + Press Day 2: Front Squat + Clean + Press Day 3: Front Squat + Snatch

• Use a 10RM for your weakest exercise in the combo • Perform as a complex • Rest as necessary between complexes • Perform as much quality work as possible in the allotted timeframe

Week 1: Sets of 4 Week 2: Sets of 5 Week 3: Sets of 6 Week 4: Sets of 5 Week 5: Sets of 6 Week 6: Sets of 7 29. “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1.0.1 Perform “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1 as a chain instead of a complex. 30. “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1.1 • Workout duration: 20 minutes, 3 times per week (max) • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes (not including warm-ups)

Day 1: Front Squat + Push Press

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Day 2: Front Squat + Clean + Push Press Day 3: Front Squat + Push Press + Snatch

• Use a 10RM for your weakest exercise in the combo • Perform as a complex • Rest as necessary between complexes • Perform as much quality work as possible in the allotted timeframe

Week 1: Ladders: 2,3,4 Week 2: Ladders: 1,3,5 Week 3: Ladders: 2,4,6 Week 4: Ladders: 3,4,5 Week 5: Ladders: 1,3,5,7 Week 6: Ladders: 2,4,6,8 31. “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1.1.1 Perform “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1.1 as a chain instead of a complex. 32. “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1.2 • Workout duration: 20 minutes, 3 times per week (max) • Total weekly workout time: 60 minutes (not including warm-ups)

Day 1: Front Squat + Jerk Day 2: Front Squat + Jerk + Snatch Day 3: Front Squat + Press + Snatch + Jerk

• Use a 10RM for your weakest exercise in the combo • Perform as a complex • Rest as necessary between complexes • Perform as much quality work as possible in the allotted timeframe

Week 1: Sets of 3 Week 2: Sets of 4 Week 3: Sets of 5

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Week 4: Sets of 4 Week 5: Sets of 5 Week 6: Sets of 6 33. “You Donʼt Know Squat” 1.2.1 Perform 1.2 as a chain instead of a complex. 34. Desert Island Delight 1 One of the questions asked during the Kettlebell Secrets Interview Series was “If you were stuck on a desert island, and only had to do one exercise, which would it be?” Former Master RKC, Kenneth Jay favored the Double Kettlebell Snatch. I favor the Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk. Hereʼs a Double Clean and Jerk and Double Snatch workout sure to make you want to banish me to a desert island!

Day 1: Double Clean + Jerk

Day 2: Double Snatch

Day 3: Double Snatch, then Double Clean + Jerk, performed as a complex.

• Use moderately heavy kettlebells • Perform on non-consecutive days, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday • Perform for 20 minutes each session. • Do as much high quality work as possible in those 20 minutes. • Rest as necessary

Week 1: Sets of 5 Week 2: Sets of 6 Week 3: Sets of 7 Week 4: Sets of 8 35. Desert Island Delight 2

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In the same vein as Desert Island Delight 1, hereʼs another way you could cook those same exercises using a different loading variation.

Day 1: Double Snatch

Day 2: Double Clean + Jerk

Day 3: Double Snatch, followed by Double Clean + Jerk, performed as a complex.

• Use moderately heavy kettlebells • Perform on non-consecutive days, like Monday, Wednesday, Friday • Perform for 20 minutes each session. • Do as many sets (as much high quality work) as possible in those 20 minutes. • Rest as necessary between sets

Week 1: 1,2,3,4 Week 2: 1,2,3,4,5 Week 3: 2,3,5 Week 4: 2,3,5,10 36. The “Olympic” 2 In Kettlebell Express! I introduced you to the “Olympic.” This is my favorite version of it - using double kettlebell exercises. It most closely mimics the barbell cousins, and therefore, so do the results. In case you donʼt have Kettlebell Express! hereʼs the rationale (and even if you do, itʼs a great reminder): I have a background in Olympic Weightlifting. I was pretty decent at it. I think itʼs the best expression of pure power in athletics. I cannot fully describe to you the sensation of strength, power, and overall physical well-being from doing the Olympic lifts. Plus, the pure athleticism you create is phenomenal. And as far as feeling “in-shape” - nothing can compare to how “in-shape” I felt when I was in peak conditioning for a weightlifting contest. Olympic weightlifting contests two lifts - the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. But the hardest and most demanding on the body - the one that has the potential to really make you strong is the Clean and Jerk. This is a combo program based on the Clean and Jerk and itʼs variations.

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Day 1:

Clean + Front Squat Day 2:

Clean + Press Day 3:

Clean + Front Squat + Press Phase 1: Ladders: 1,2,3,4,5 Phase 2: Sets of 3. Phase 3: Sets of 5. Each phase lasts 4 weeks. Program lasts 12 weeks total.

• Perform as a complex. • Perform for 20 minutes, 3 days per week, on non-consecutive days • Use a kettlebell thatʼs a 7 or 8 rep max (7-8RM) for the Press on for all the

exercises. • Perform 5 reps on each exercise. • Perform as many sets of 5 reps as possible in the allotted time period.

37. The Olympic 2.1 This is the same set up as the original, only youʼll substitute the Push Press for the Press. 38. The Olympic 2.2 Again, same set up as the original, only youʼll substitute the Jerk for the Press. 39,40,41. The Olympic 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Perform all versions of the Olympic as a chain, instead of a complex. The strain on your system will feel quite different, as will the results.

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42. “Massive Back Attack - Boulder Shoulder” Combos One of the coolest and most physically intimidating physiques is a man with massive round shoulders, big traps, a thick neck, and bulging forearms and biceps. This is the program to make you that man. Perform each workout as a complex.

Workout I. Workout II. Swing High Pull High Pull Snatch Snatch Press Press Snatch Push Press High Pull

• Perform each workout for 20 minutes • Perform as much high quality work as possible • Rest as necessary after each complex • Alternate between Workouts I and II on non-consecutive days • Use a 12RM for your weakest exercise in the complex • Consider each cycle of Workouts I and II combined one “block.” • Perform the following reps for each block:

• Block 1: Sets of 5 • Block 2: Sets of 6 • Block 3: Sets of 7 • Block 4: Sets of 6 • Block 5: Sets of 7 • Block 6: Sets of 8

Perform for 4 weeks and then move on to something less taxing, like an OLAD variation. Killer Conditioning Combos

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Hereʼs a series of combos that will test your mettle. Theyʼll also get you in phenomenal shape - lean, well-conditioned, and strong. (And mentally tough, too!) 43. KCC 1 • Perform as a complex Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Swing Front Squat Clean High Pull Clean Front Squat Snatch Front Squat Press Push Press Snatch Jerk 44. KCC 2 • Perform as a complex Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Swing Snatch Swing Snatch Press Snatch Push Press Front Squat Press Push Press Front Squat Jerk 45. KCC 3 • Perform as a complex Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Swing Front Squat Clean Snatch Snatch Press Front Squat Press Front Squat Push Press Front Squat Swing Jerk Snatch Jerk

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For Strength:

• Use 10RM of weakest exercise in each combo to perform combo • Perform as many combos of 4 reps per exercise as possible in 20 minutes • Rest after each combo as needed

For Strength-Endurance:

• Use 15RM of weakest exercise in each combo to perform combo • Perform as many combos of 7 reps per exercise as possible in 20 minutes • Rest after each combo as needed

For Endurance and All Over General Bad-A$$ Conditioning:

• Use 20RM of weakest exercise in each combo to perform combo • Perform as many combos of 10 reps per exercise in 30 minutes • Rest after each combo as needed

Perform one KCC for between 4 to 6 weeks then switch to something else. 46. KCC 1.1 - Perform as a chain instead of a complex. 47. KCC 2.1 - Perform as a chain instead of a complex. 48. KCC 3.1 - Perform as a chain instead of a complex. And when you are really, really starved for time and just feel like you couldnʼt spare more than 20 minutes per week to workout, then you need to do this program. But be careful, itʼs challenging and downright brutal. But youʼll get the job done and make substantial progress. 49. The “In and Out”

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This is the ultimate time-crunched workout.

1. Take a moderately heavy pair of kettlebells. 2. Perform as many Clean and Jerks as possible. 3. Rest. (See Schedule below.) 4. Repeat. 5. Rest. 6. Repeat. 7. Rest. 8. Repeat. 9. Done. Thatʼs a total of 4 sets.

Do this 2 times per week, with 48 hours between workouts, such as Monday - Thursday, or Tuesday - Friday, Wednesday - Saturday, or similar. You get the picture. Hereʼs the schedule -

Workout 1: Rest 60 seconds Workout 2: Rest 50 seconds Workout 3: Rest 40 seconds Workout 4: Rest 50 seconds Workout 5: Rest 40 seconds Workout 6: Rest 30 seconds Workout 7: Rest 40 seconds Workout 8: Rest 30 seconds Workout 9: Rest 20 seconds Workout 10: Rest 30 seconds Workout 11: Rest 20 seconds Workout 12: Rest 10 seconds

This program will take six (6) weeks to finish. Do something much easier as your next program. 50. The “In and Out” 1.2 As if the “In and Out” werenʼt sadistic enough, do the same program, but instead of Clean and Jerks, use Front Squats and Jerks (Perform one FSQ then one JK - thatʼs one rep.) Ouch.

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Wrap Up Ok, thereʼs supposed to be 49 different programs in here, but there are 50 listed. Why? What can I say, I like to over-deliver. Actually, there are more than that because some programs have different variations in them that I didnʼt number. Whyʼd I do that? Just lazy I guess. Plus I wanted to show you what a little creativity could do. And as you can also see, there is no good reason why you cannot make PHENOMENAL progress in strength, conditioning, fat loss, or whatever your goal may be. All you need is the commitment to do so, and a plan to work with. Kettlebell Express! ULTRA has given you the plans - the programs to follow. All you have to do is follow them. Drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know how youʼre getting on from time-to-time. Make sure you include all the things you now have time to do and how your life has changed for the better - because thatʼs my goal in putting this collection of programs together for you. All The Best In Your Training,
