expresses idiomaticas.pdf

EXPRESSÃO EM INGLÊS - TRADUÇÃO - EXEMPLO A  All right: Em condição satisfatória: "Are you all right?"  Ace: Tirar um "A" em uma prova: "Dave aced in his mathematic test." > As easy as pie: Muito f ácil: "I think this problem is as easy as a pie to solve." As the eleventh hour: No último minuto: "I finished my work at the eleventh hour!" B  To be a piece of cake: Ser muito f ácil: "I thought that geography questions a piece of cake." To be all ears: Estar atento para ouvir o que alguém diz: "Tell me what happened to you, I am all ears." To be broke: Estar sem dinheiro: "I can§t led you money cause I am broke." To be fed up with: Estar sem paciência com alguém ou algum assunto: "I am fed up with my boyfriend excuses." To be on the go: Estar muito ocupado: "I have been on the go the last 15 days." To be on the road: Estar viajando: "I will not go to your birthday party cause I will be on the road during the weekend." To be over: Estar acabado/ terminado: "Our relationship is over." To be used to: Estar acostumado a: "I am used to have dinner very late." Beat: Exausto/ Muito cansado: "I`ve been working very hard last days. I§m beat." Beat around the bush: Evitar dar uma resposta direta: "Just tell me you don §t like my behaviour, don`t beat around the bush." Beat one§s brains out: Tentar com dificuldade entender ou fazer alguma coisa: "Hellen has been beating her brains out of the problem, but she can not solve that." Beats me: Não ter idéia/ conhecimento de algo: "Where did Eddie go?" "Beats me." Blow one§s top: Ficar extremamente nervoso: "He blew his top because of what his boss told him yesterday." Boom box: CD player: "I will buy a new boom box tomorrow." Break a leg!: Boa sorte!: "I know you are going to begin on your new job tomorrow. Break a leg!" Break someone§s heart: Desapontar alguém: "Ann broke Paul§s heart when she said to him she wanted the divorce."  Burn the midnight oil: Trabalhar e/ ou estudar até tarde da noite: "I have burn the midnight oil if I really want to have success on my final test."  Bushed: Muito cansado/ Exausto: "I have to take a rest. I §m really bushed." By oneself: Só e sem ajuda: Evelyn always do the housework by herself." C  Call it a day: Parar de trabalhar por um dia: "You seem to be very tired. I think you§d better call it a day." Catch one§s eye: Atrair a atenção ou interesse de alguém: "She catched John§s eyes at the minute she entered the room." > Catch some Zs: Tirar um cochilo: "Michael was so tired that he decided to catch some Zs."  Change one§s mind: Mudar os planos/ idéias de alguém: "My mother changed her minded and decided to let me go to Sam§s party." Chicken: Covarde: "Mark never reply to James. Mark is a chicken." Chow: Comida: "Is your mother§s chow good?" Chow down: Comer: "Let§s chow down?" Cool it!: Acalmar-se: "Stop quarrelling. Cool it!" Couch potato: Pessoa que passa muito tempo assistindo televisão: "You are gaining weight. Stop act as a couch potatoe and do more exercises."  Crash Course: Curso que oferece muita informação em um curto espaço de tempo: "I have to know how to use internet I want that job...I think I will do a crash course."  Cut it out!: Parar de fazer algo: "You are eating pretty much. Cut it out!" D  Dicey: Incerto: "I don§t know if Lula is going to be succeded in his government. He is in a dicey situation." Do a hang -up job: Fazer um bom trabalho: "Congratulations people. You did a hang-up job."  Down in the dumps: Deprimido/ Triste: "Mary is so quiet. Maybe she is down the dumps."  Drop someone a line: Escrever a alguém: I miss Peter. I think I will drop him a line." E  Easy does it: Ter cuidado: "Try to do exercises calmly. Easy does it."  An egghead: Uma pessoa muito inteligente: "Although he is an egghead, he didn§t get a good grade on his tests." Elbown grease: Trabalho duro/ Esforço: "As the house is very dirty, I think I will clean it with a elbow grease." F  Feel blue: Sentir triste e não deprimido: "I am feeling blue because my pet has dead."  Fire someone: Demitir alguém de seu emprego devido a seu baixo desempenho: "If you don`t do you your job well, I will fire you." Feel puny: Sentir-se doente: "Martha was feeling puny yesterday. Poor girl!" For ages: Por muito tempo: I haven§t seen my family for a long time." G  Get going: Sair/ Deixar um lugar: "I§d better go home. It§s too late." Get it: Compreender algo: "Do you get it what I say?" Get lost: Ir embora: "Get lost! You are disturbing me!" Get on one§s nerves: Irritar alguém: "My brother always gets on my nerves!" > Get a move on: Apressar-se: "If we want to get that plane, we have to get a move on." > Get real: Ser realista: "Get real! We have to take an attitude concerning the subject!" Get up and go: Energia: "Marylin worked very much today. She don §t have any get up and go." A real go- better: Pessoa ambiciosa/ trabalhadora: "I appreciate >real go-better men." Green: Imaturo/ Sem experiência: "Even being green he begun to work there." H  Had better: Dever: "You§d better not drive too fast."  

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l right: Em condição satisfatória: "Are you all right?" ce: Tirar um "A" em uma prova: "Dave aced in his mathematic test." >  

s easy as pie: Muito f ácil: "I think this problem is as easy as a pie to solve." s the eleventh hour: No último minuto: "I finished my work at the eleventh hour!"  

o be a piece of cake: Ser muito f ácil: "I thought that geography questions a piece of cake." o be all ears: Estar atento para ouvir o que alguém diz: "Tell me what happened to you, I aml ears." 

o be broke: Estar sem dinheiro: "I can§t led you money cause I am broke." o be fed up with: Estar sem paciência com alguém ou algum assunto: "I am fed up with myoyfriend excuses." o be on the go: Estar muito ocupado: "I have been on the go the last 15 days." 

o be on the road: Estar viajando: "I will not go to your birthday party cause I will be on theoad during the weekend." o be over: Estar acabado/ terminado: "Our relationship is over." o be used to: Estar acostumado a: "I am used to have dinner very late."  eat: Exausto/ Muito cansado: "I`ve been working very hard last days. I§m beat." eat around the bush: Evitar dar uma resposta direta: "Just tell me you don§t like myehaviour, don`t beat around the bush." eat one§s brains out: Tentar com dificuldade entender ou fazer alguma coisa: "Hellen haseen beating her brains out of the problem, but she can not solve that." eats me: Não ter idéia/ conhecimento de algo: "Where did Eddie go?" "Beats me." ow one§s top: Ficar extremamente nervoso: "He blew his top because of what his boss toldm yesterday." oom box: CD player: "I will buy a new boom box tomorrow." reak a leg!: Boa sorte!: "I know you are going to begin on your new job tomorrow. Break ag!" reak someone§s heart: Desapontar alguém: "Ann broke Paul§s heart when she said to himhe wanted the divorce." 

urn the midnight oil: Trabalhar e/ ou estudar até  tarde da noite: "I have burn the midnight oilI really want to have success on my final test."  

ushed: Muito cansado/ Exausto: "I have to take a rest. I§m really bushed." y oneself: Só  e sem ajuda: Evelyn always do the housework by herself."   

all it a day: Parar de trabalhar por um dia: "You seem to be very tired. I think you§d betterall it a day." atch one§s eye: Atrair a atenção ou interesse de alguém: "She catched John§s eyes at theinute she entered the room." > 

atch some Zs: Tirar um cochilo: "Michael was so tired that he decided to catch some Zs." hange one§s mind: Mudar os planos/ idéias de alguém: "My mother changed her minded andecided to let me go to Sam§s party." hicken: Covarde: "Mark never reply to James. Mark is a chicken." how: Comida: "Is your mother§s chow good?" how down: Comer: "Let§s chow down?" ool it!: Acalmar-se: "Stop quarrelling. Cool it!" ouch potato: Pessoa que passa muito tempo assistindo televisão: "You are gaining act as a couch potatoe and do more exercises."  rash Course: Curso que oferece muita informação em um curto espaço de tempo: "I have tonow how to use internet I want that job...I think I will do a crash course." ut it out!: Parar de fazer algo: "You are eating pretty much. Cut it out!"  

icey: Incerto: "I don§t know if Lula is going to be succeded in his government. He is in acey situation." o a hang -up job: Fazer um bom trabalho: "Congratulations people. You did a hang-up job."  own in the dumps: Deprimido/ Triste: "Mary is so quiet. Maybe she is down the dumps." rop someone a line: Escrever a alguém: I miss Peter. I think I will drop him a line."   

asy does it: Ter cuidado: "Try to do exercises calmly. Easy does it."  

n egghead: Uma pessoa muito inteligente: "Although he is an egghead, he didn§t get a goodrade on his tests." bown grease: Trabalho duro/ Esforço: "As the house is very dirty, I think I will clean it with abow grease."  

eel blue: Sentir triste e não deprimido: "I am feeling blue because my pet has dead." re someone: Demitir alguém de seu emprego devido a seu baixo desempenho: "If you don`to you your job well, I will fire you." eel puny: Sentir-se doente: "Martha was feeling puny yesterday. Poor girl!" or ages: Por muito tempo: I haven§t seen my family for a long time."  

et going: Sair/ Deixar um lugar: "I§d better go home. It§s too late." et it: Compreender algo: "Do you get it what I say?" et lost: Ir embora: "Get lost! You are disturbing me!" et on one§s nerves: Irritar alguém: "My brother always gets on my nerves!" > 

et a move on: Apressar-se: "If we want to get that plane, we have to get a move on." > 

et real: Ser realista: "Get real! We have to take an attitude concerning the subject!"  et up and go: Energia: "Marylin worked very much today. She don§t have any get up ando." real go- better: Pessoa ambiciosa/ trabalhadora: "I appreciate >real go-better men." 

reen: Imaturo/ Sem experiência: "Even being green he begun to work there." 

 ad better: Dever: "You§d better not drive too fast." 

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ard feelings: Sentimentos amargos/ duros: "I prefer not to have hard feelings about my exusband." ard-headed: Inflexí vel: "My boss is a hard-headed person." it the sack: Ir dormir: They were very tired so they went to bed early." >  

ow come?: Por quê?: "How come you weren§t at the wedding?" 

n over one§s head: Estar em uma situação dif í cil de se lidar: "Bonnie can not handle thetuation, it§s over her head." 

nside out: Estar com a parte de fora para dentro e a de dentro para fora/ Estar invertido:Your socks are inside out." > 

n stock: Disponí vel para compra e venda: "My apartment is in stock." n the black: Estar em uma situação econômica dif í cil, mas que não se quer mostrar: "Myompany has been in the black for six months." n time: Pontualmente/ Dentro de um determinado horário >: "Kate was delayed to come out,

ut she arrived in the airport in time." 

ump all over someone: Severamente criticado: "Jake is in bad mood because his fathermped him over." 

ump to conclusions: Tirar conclusões apressadas: "Don`t jump into conclusions Amanda." unk Mail: Email não solicitado: "Nobody send me good emails, just junk mails."  

eep an eye on: Verificar algo regularmente: "I have to keep an eye on my younger brotherhile my mother works." eep an eye out for: Ficar atento: "Sally please keep an eye out for Jerry for me, ok?"  

eep one§s chin up: Permanecer com coragem e confiante perante uma situação dif í cil:Although the economic situation of the country is difficult, the president keep his chin up." eep/Stay in touch: Manter contato: "Faye hasn§t come to my house for months but we keep touch by phone." 

eep one§s fingers crossed: Esperar o melhor: "I don`t know the result of my job interviewut I keep my fingers crossed." d (substantivo): Criança: "Steven has two kids." 

id (verbo): Dizer algo por brincadeira: "Daniel was kidding when he said he hated his olderrother." know-it-all: Sabichona/ Uma pessoa que age como se soubesse de tudo e entendesse de

odos os assuntos: "I can not stand know-it-all people." now something inside out: Saber ou compreender algo totalmente: "That boy knows Biologyside out because he is always studying it." > 


end someone a hand: Ajudar alguém: "My daughter will lend me a hand for cleaning theouse." let-down: Desapontamento: "She was so in love with him that when he said he would stay

or 1 year in another country it was a let down to her." et sleeping dogs lie: Não causar problemas fazendo algo que não é  necessário: "Don`t leteeping dogs lie. They can come to a conclusion for the problem by themselves." ve from hand to mouth: Sobreviver com muito pouco dinheiro: "In Brazil most of the people

ve from hand to mouth." ve and let live: Fazer as coisas a seu modo e deixar que os outros também sigam seus

róprios rumos/ Viver e deixar viver: "James is an open- minded man. He always live at let

verybody live." ousy: Terrí vel/ Muito Ruim: "Maybe there is a war on Middle East." "That is a lousy new."  

acho: Machão - no f í sico e no comportamento: "Larry don`t want to cook at home. He is aeally macho guy." 

ake up one§s mind: Decidir o que fazer/ "Fazer a cabeça de alguém": "I don`t like that kindf people who is always trying to making up someone§s mind." > 


o way!: Absolutamente não: "Mother can I go to the disco with my friend Johnny?" "No wayuly, you are too young for that." osh: Lanche: "Me and my friends always have a nosh at the cafeteria." ow and then: De tempos em tempos/ >De vez em quando: "I see Jessica just now and

hen." uke: Aquecido em um micro ondas: "I always eat food nuke."  uts: Louco: "My sister is getting nuts with her boss."  

n the dot: Em um momento exato/ marcado: "Laura came into the airport on the dot. Shead to take a plane to Paris." n time: Em um horário préestabelecido: "Hurry up! If you want to get on time in yourterview you have to take a shower and dress yourself up quickly!"  nce in a while: Ocasionalmente: "As I know that alcoholic drinks are not good, I just drink

hem once i a while." ver one§s head: Muito complicado ou dif í cil para alguém entender: "Einstein§s theories arever most of people heads."  

ay the piper: Assumir as conseqüências pelos atos de alguém: "Mike haven§t cleaned up thetchen, so I had to paid the piper and stayed up until later yesterday." astic: Cartão de crédito: "We only accept payments in cash, not in plastic." 

ooped: Muito cansado/ Exausto: "I am going to take a nap. I am pooped." op quiz: Uma prova curta e sem aviso: "My History teacher decided to apply a pop quiz to myass." retty: Muito: "Bill Gates is pretty rich." ull someone§s leg: Levar alguém a acreditar em algo que não é  verdade ou é um exagero:

There are some fanatics in the world who are always trying to pull people§s leg." 


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uite a few: Vários: "I like Americans. I have quite a few friends in USA." uick study: Alguém que aprende muito em pouco tempo, com pouco estudo: "Robert doesn§tave to stay many hours studying because he is a quick study."  

ain or Shine: Fazer algo não importando como o clima está  - "Chova ou faça sol.": "I will takehat plane tomorrow, rain or shine." ain Cats and Dogs: Chover muito - "Chover canivetes.": "Let§s wait a little more to go outecause it is rainning cats and dogs." ead someone§s mind: Adivinhar o que alguém está  pensando - "Ler a mente de alguém":

Let§s go for a pizza?" "Sure. It seems you can read my mind." un-down: (1) Estar fraco ou fatigado (2) Estar precisando de reparos: (1) "Are you taking theecessary rest?" I think you are looking run-down." (2) "All my mother§s furniture is so old

hat I think it§s running-down 

ee eye to eye: Ter um mesmo ponto de vista sobre determinado evento ou assunto: "Myather and my mother see eye to eye about politics. They don§t trust them at all." econd nature for someone: Parecer f ácil e natural para alguém: "Make much money it§s easy

o Kevin. It§s his second nature." ee the light at the end of the tunnel: "Ver a luz no final do t únel" - Acreditar que osroblemas de alguém se resolverão: "Our store has been broken for months, but now withank loan, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel." eparate the men from the boys: "Separar o joio do trigo"- Separar os competentes doscompetentes: "This new task will separate the men from the boys in our company."  

ake it easy: Relaxar: "We know you are about to face a difficult test, but try to take it easy,k?" ough: Dif í cil/ Complicado: "Jennifer is simpathetic to strangers, but when we know her betterhe seem to be very tough > 

here, there: Expressão de relaxamento: "There,there. Jeremy is going to come back soon." ght-fisted: Pessoa que não gasta dinheiro facilmente: "My brother-in-law is a good husband

o my sister. His only problem according to her is that he is tight-fisted."  

wo-faced: Pessoa que finge ser amiga, mas na verdade é  inimiga/ Desleal/ Falsa: "I amsappointed with Marianne. I thought she was my friend, but she is a two-faced person." 

nder the weather: Doente: "My grandmother was under the weather the last time I sawer." ntil hell freezes over: Eternamente/ Algo que nunca mudará: "Hannah can dance classic balletntil the hell freezes, but she will dance so well as her sister."  pdate: Atualizar: "My web site was updated last week." sed to (Verb): Uma ação que era verdadeira no passado mas não é  verdadeira no momentotual: "Madonna used to have an apartment in New York. Now she has a big house inondon." 

Wet behind the years: Inexperiente: "Keath is the wet behind the years in our class."  

What for?: Por quê?: "Aren§t you going to try to explain Terry the situation? What for? In mypinion, there is any problem at all in our marriage."  

What§s up?: O que está  acontecendo?: "World is so violent. Sometimes I ask myself what is upith people§s mind?" 

Wishy-washy: Pessoa que não deseja comprometer-se com uma opinião: "Try to be morebjective. Don§t be so wishy-washy." 

es-man: Uma pessoa que concorda com tudo para obter vantagens de alguém: "Steve is aypical yes-man. He never discuss!" ou don§t say!: Verdade?: "Liza entered the college. You don§t say." ucky: Horrí vel/ Muito desagradável: "Food in hospital is yucky." ummy: Delicioso: "Italian food is yummy." 

lch: Nada/ Zero: "How much money do you have in your bank account? Zilch." p your lip: "Fechar a boca" - "Colocar um z í per na boca" - Manter algo em segredo:  

ero in on something: Objetivar ou direcionar atenção para algo: "My friend wanted to zero inn another question to our teacher." >> 

xistem também algumas expressões idiomáticasespecí ficas com cores (color- related idioms).

ejamos algumas delas:  



ue Moon: De vez em quando: "Once in a blue moon I go to the beach." ue Print: Projeto: "He has a new blue print." ut of Blue: De repente/ Sem avisar: "My friend came to visit me out of blue."  rue Blue: Sincero/ Franco: "I like you so much because you are a true blue person." ue: Triste: "Today I am blue." ue Blood: Sangue Azul: "Prince Charles has blue blood." 

lassic Blues: Clássico do blues: "I am going to sing a classic blues now."  ue Funky: Muito deprimido: "Susan is in a blue funky." ue Monday: Segunda - feira cinzenta: "Today is a really blue Monday." ue Movie: Filme pornográfico/ Com cenas de sexo explí cito: My cousin simply adore blueovies." 


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rown out: Perda parcial de eletricidade: "Yesterday occurred a brown out in my city." rown nose: Ligeiramente vulgar: "Kelly is a brown nose girl." 

n a Brown study: Analisar ou estudar seriamente um assunto: "Russians do brown studiesbout ocultism." > 



o be in the black: Estar com a conta bancária positiva: "Fortunately my bank account is in theack again." ack and white: Preto no branco: "I want to see the proposal down in the black and white

efore I sign it." 

ack eye: Olho roxo: "He has been fighting >with a friend and came back with a black eye."  ackout: Perda total de eletricidade: "We had problems to work yesterday because of aackout." ack Tie: Formal: "My boss invited me for a black tie party." ack List: Lista negra: "Melissa is in my black list from now on." ack Market: Mercado negro: "My neighbour buys dollars in the black market." ack Humour: Humor negro: "English sometimes have a black homour." 

he Black Hole of Calcuta: Lugar horrí vel/ "Muquifo": "This place is like the black hole of alcuta." ack and Blue: Hematoma: "He went to the hospital because of a black and blue in his leg."  



ray matter: Massa cinzenta/ Inteligência: "I think gray matter it`s more important thanuscles." ray Area: Área de texto em negrito/ Destacada: "Please students look at the gray area of the




Green Joke: Uma piada suja: "My brother§s friends like to tell green jokes." o have green thumb: Ter jeito para cuidar de plantas e fazê-las crescer: "My mother has areen thumb." hings that are starting to green up: Sinais da natureza que denotam a chegada da primavera:Trees of my street are starting to green up." 



o be in the pink: Estar com boa saúde: "My grandmother is in the pink." he pink dollar: O poder econômico da comunidade gay: "Companies are begining to awake to

he power of the pink dollar." 

nk Collar professions: Profissões tipicamente femininas: "In the past teaching and nurseringere considered tipically pink collar professions." nk Collar Workers: Trabalhadoras/ Empregadas de um escritório: "Pink collar workers use to

e very efficient." o get Pink: Ficar vermelho de vergonha: "He got ashamed and get pink."  nk Lady: Tipo de bebida alcóolica: "My friends like to drink pink lady in their parties."  



o be in the red: Estar com as contas no vermelho: "My bank account is in the red." ed Eye: Corujão: "I always watch the red eye." ed Hot: Estimulante/ Empolgante: "This show is pretty red hot." ed Meat: Carne vermelha: "I haven`t been eaten red meat for years." ut of the Red: Estar em dia com as despesas: "Jack§s expenses are out of red." ed Herring: FALSO: "All the clues investigated by the police were red herring." ed Letter Day: Dia inesquecí vel: "The day I first set foot in LA was a red letter day." ed-Faced: Ficar embarassado com alguma situação: "My father got red-faced with thattuation." ed Tape: Papelada burocrática inútil: "This is all red tape stuff." 



o be white as a sheet: Ficar branco como cera/ Ficar assustado: "Martin was so frightenedhat got white as a sheet." 

White Lie: Mentira branca: "My husband are telling me white lies." White Tie/ party: Festa de gala: "They gave a white party to celebrate their wedding."  

White Collar: Colarinho branco: "Unions hate white collar workers." White Heat: No calor do momento: "In the white heat, we both said things we regrated later." White Elephant: Elefante Branco: "That Office Building is a real white elephant since it has been

mpty." White Flag: Bandeira branca/ Paz: "Enemies showed the white flag and the war ended." 

Whiter than white: Imaculado/Puro: "I was never convinced by whiter than white imageepicted in the press." 

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White hope: Esperança: "We always must have a white hope." White of the eyes: O branco dos olhos: "Don`t shot until you see the white of his eyes."  

White Flight: Vôo para pessoas influentes: "Important singers took a white flight." White Coffee: Caf é   branco: "I always drink >white coffee."