expression and function

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  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Studying gene expression and


  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Mutagenesis and protein engineering

    Possible to generate mutants anddetermine the phenotypes of resultantproteins

    Can be done both in vitro and in vivoEthylnitrourea (ENU) is used to generate

    mutations in vivo (mainly mice)

    The mutations generated are randomIn vitro mutagenesis enables contol of the

    products generated

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function



    Three main types

    Homologous recombination takes place between

    2 highly identical sequences

    Site specific recombination: between sequencesthat have short stretches of homology (invertible

    elements, resolvases, phage DNA intergration)

    Non-homologous (illegitimate) recombination:sequences with no homolgy at all (transiposition,

    xsome deletions, inversions, translocations)

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Mechanism of homologous recombination

    Strands align

    Nicks in the DNAs

    Strands displace to opposite


    Ligation covalently links theDNAs

    (Holliday structure)

    The branch point migrates

    DNA cleaved again, new DNAmolecules formed

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Homologous recombination and gene


    Can be used to generate a gene knock-out

    The method of choice for replacing one allele

    with an engineered construct without affecting

    any other locus in the genome .The DNA sequence of the gene to be replaced

    as well as adjoining region has to be known.

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    Homologous recombination and gene


    Plan to Insert different alleles (both functional and non-functional


    Different genes or reporter genes (e.g. antibiotic resistanceor green fluorescent protein).

    Include some flanking DNA that is identical in sequence tothe targeted locus.

    A negative selection marker (e.g. thymidine kinase, tk)may be added to the replacement vector.

    The negative marker is outside the region of sequencesimilarity between the vector and the targeted locus.

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    Homologous recombination and gene


    Then introduce construct into the cell Heat shock


    Gene gun


    Plant virus

    During cell division

    Construct aligns along the targeted gene

    Recombination takes place within the homologoussequences

    The recombination may take place anywhere within theflanking DNA sequences

    The exact location is determined by events in the cells.

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    Homologous recombination andgene knock-outs

    In this case the negative marker does not get


  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Homologous recombination andgene knock-outs

    Cells that incorporated the construct are selected byrespective antibiotic in medium (positive selection)

    Non-homologous recombination offspring are eliminatedby addition of antibiotic as well as gancyclovir in medium

    Thymidine kinase activates Gancyclovir, a nucleotideanalog, by addition of phosphate.

    Activated Gancyclovir gets incorporated, the cells die

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Homologous recombination and gene


    Sucess of gene knock is affected by ploidyFor haploid organisms, only one round of

    tranformation is necessary

    For diploids, 2 steps involving 2 differentselection markers are desired

    Knock-outs in polyploids are not practical

    (need to use several antibiotics!!)Its difficult to target Multiple copy genes

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Plan for gene knock-out from

    diploid cell in vitro

    Make 2 constructs each with a different marker

    Transform with construct carrying first resistance


    Select with the respective antibiotic

    Transform resultant heterozygotes with second

    construct carrying a different marker

    Select with both antibiotics (use antibiotics withno known cross resistance)

    Confirm correct intergration by southern blots

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Homologous recombination andgene knock-outs

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Homologous recombination to replace one


    Followed by two or more generations of

    selective breeding until a breeding pair are

    isolated that have both alleles of the

    targeted gene inactivated (knocked-out).

    The role of a particular gene is determined

    by observing the knock-out phenotype.

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    Gene knock-out in mice

    2 approaches

    Can transform embryonic stem cells

    Inject construct into newly fertilised egg

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Isolate developing

    embryo at blastocyst

    stage. This embryo is

    from a strain of micewith gray fur.

    Remove embryonic

    stem cells from gray-

    fur blastocyst. Growstem cells in tissue


  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Transfect stem cells

    with construct.

    Select for

    homologousrecombination by

    growing stem cells in

    neomycin and

    gancyclovir.+ neomycin + gancyclovir

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Remove homologously

    recombined stem cells

    from petri dish and inject

    into a new blastocyst thatwould have only white fur.

    Implant several chimeric

    blastocysts into pseudo-

    pregnant, white furmouse.

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Mother will give birth to a

    range of mice.

    Normal white fur and

    Chimeric mice with some oftheir cells derived from

    recombinant stem cells.

    Fur cells from recombinant

    stem cells produce gray


  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Mate the chimeric micewith wild-type white furmice.

    If the gonads of thechimeric mice were derivedfrom recombinant stemcells,

    all the offspring will havegray fur.

    Every cell in gray mice areheterozygous for the

    homologous recombination.

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Gene knock-out in mice

    Mate heterozygous gray

    mice (+/ H) and genotpye

    the gray offspring.

    Identify homozygousrecombinants (H / H) and

    breed them to produce a

    strain of mice with both

    alleles knocked out.

    The pure breeding mouse

    strain is a "knockout

    mouse". .

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Knock-outs in plants

    Discs cut from a leaf

    Incubated with engineered

    Agrobacteria for 24 hrs

    Selection for cells withintergrated constructs

    Addition of shoot inducing


    Transfer to root inducingmedium

    Grow seedling into adult plant

    with transgene.

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Antisence DNA oligonucleotide


    Injecting a cell with antisense DNA oligonucleotidesRNA-DNA hybrids form

    Degradation of hybrid by RNAse H

    Abolished expression of the respective protein by

    depleting the cytoplasm of mRNA

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    The antisense RNA approach

    Similar effect can be

    achieved by engineering the

    cell to generate dominant

    negative mutations

    Can be done by cloningreverse complement of part

    of the gene in tandem


    Resultant RNA folds ontoself to make double strand

    This is the basis for RNA

    interference (RNAi)

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    RNA interference

    A naturally occuring post-transcriptional

    gene silencing phenomenon

    Evolutionariry conserved

    Sequence specific

    We can use RNAi to answer the question:

    Is the gene essential?

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    RNA interference

    RNAi is also known as knock-down

    Applications includeIn vitro and in vivo gene targeting

    for functional studies of genes known to be

    up-regulatedFor identification of drug targets, leading to

    novel therapeutic strategies

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    RNAi has potential in medicine

    Cancers are charaterised by upregulation

    of groth factors and growth factor


    Novel therapeutic interventions would

    target inhibition of such proteins or their

    down regulation

    f f ( )

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Mechanism of RNA interference (RNAi) in

    mammalian systems.

    M h i f RNA i t f (RNAi) i

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Mechanism of RNA interference (RNAi) in

    mammalian systems.

    Long double-stranded RNA molecules (dsRNA), which are expressed from DNA vectors (left red arrow) or directly enter the cell (center

    red arrow), are processed by the Dicer complex resulting in the

    formation of small inhibitory RNAs (siRNAs). Alternatively, to induce RNAi

    these small 2123 bp duplexes are directly delivered into the

    cell (right red arrow). The siRNAs are incorporated into a nuclease-containing multiprotein complex called RISC, which becomes activated

    upon the ATP-dependent unwinding of the siRNA duplex by an RNA

    helicase. The now single-stranded siRNA guides the RISC complex to

    its complementary target mRNA which is then cleaved by the

    endonucleolytical activity of RISC. While the RISC complex is recovered for

    further cycles, the cleaved mRNA molecule is rapidly degraded due to its

    unprotected RNA ends.

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  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    Small interfering RNAs versus small temporal RNAs Double-stranded siRNAs of

    length 2123 nucleotides are produced by Dicer from dsRNA silencing triggers.

    Characteristic of RNase III products, these have two-nucleotide 3' overhangs

    and 5'-phosphorylated termini. To trigger target degradation with maximum

    efficiency, siRNAs must have perfect complementarity to their mRNA target (with

    the exception of the two terminal nucleotides, which contribute only marginally torecognition). stRNAs, such as lin-4and let-7, are transcribed from the genome

    as hairpin precursors. These are also processed by Dicer, but in this case, only

    one strand accumulates. Notably, neither lin-4nor let-7show perfect

    complementarity to their targets. In addition, stRNAs regulate targets at the level

    of translation rather than RNA degradation. It remains unclear whether the

    difference in regulatory mode results from a difference in substrate recognition orfrom incorporation of siRNAs and stRNAs into distinct regulatory complexes.

  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    The degradation of endogenous mRNA in a sequence-specific manner can be

    induced by dsRNA [RNA interfernce (RNAi)], antisense transcription, or viral

    infection. In the current model for posttranscriptional gene silencing by RNAi,

    the ribonuclease III like enzyme Dicer processes dsRNA into small fragments

    (siRNA) of 21-25 nts. The siRNA is incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing

    complex (RISC), which targets and degrades the homologous mRNA. Most of

    the proteins in the RISC (with the exception of Ago2 and Dicer have not been

    identified) but likely contain endonuclease, helicase, exonuclease and

    homology scanning activity.

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    Delivery systems for RNAi

    Constructs incorporated into

    Liposomes: Lipid micelles that fuse with cell membranes

    contents get delivered to the cytosol


    Then injected in mammal




    Intratumoral, e. t. c

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    Polyethylenimine (PEI)-mediated

    siRNA transfer

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  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


  • 8/13/2019 Expression and Function


    T. brucei as a model for RNAi




    Inducible stem-loop or

    opposing T7 promoters

    DsRNA processed by ds

    endonuclease to 21ntfragments with short


    Ds fragments in RISC

    complex; target RNA by


    Target RNA destroyed

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    The first RNAi in T. brucei1998

    Double-stranded RNA with alpha tubulin

    sequences in trypanosomes

    Cells get round and stop growing

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    Advantages of RNAi



    Can target multi-copy genes even if

    they are spread around the genome

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    Disadvantages of RNAi

    The RNA and protein are not eliminated Very often 10-15% of the normal level is

    sufficient. If that is how the RNAi works, no

    change in phenotype will be seen.

    Leakiness - control by tetracycline

    may be incomplete

    Often there is some dsRNA made even in

    the absence of tetracycline. If a small reduction in the protein has

    deleterious effects, no live cells will be

    obtained at all.

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    Disadvantages of RNAi

    Escapersfrom deleterious RNAi

    After tetracycline is added, the cells initially show

    effects but after about 5 days, they recover and look


    During the initial selection, cell lines are obtained but

    the RNAi mysteriously doesntwork.

    The cell lines look great for a couple of weeks of

    culture but after that the RNAi doesntseem to work

    any more

    The cell lines look great and are frozen down. When

    you thaw them out the RNAi no longer works.