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Extension Tasks!

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Post on 31-Aug-2014



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Extension Tasks!

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Advertising and PromotionalThis Photograph on the right hand side part of an advertising campaign by New Zealand Photographer Dean Zillwood. This shows many good techniques in making the photograph look exciting. These include Leading lines, this is seen where the train track comes from one edge of the image to the foreground. This can be seen well as all the action is taking place on it.

This Photograph is a promotional image to show the product to a wider market. Here the camera focuses on the centre of the image making the foreground blurred in the process to make sure all eyes are attracted to the opening of the product.

Should Post production be carried out on these images? Yes, I believe that Post production should be carried out on Advertising a product such as the sweets because it needs to stand out from the competitors and to this it is vital that it remains in the target audience heads meaning bright colours must be used, however when advertising a serious matter bringing awareness to people there should be no use of post production as it is important that it appears real and not fake.

To what extent should post-production be carried out on images and in what context? Very little when concerning the brand or Logo itself as the customers of the product may be expecting or looking out for something different in the location. The context in where the post produced images would be found in magazines or newspapers as well as some hoardings or posters near supermarkets.

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FashionFashion Photography is always edited. It is also mainly edited to be one or two colours removing any other colours or tones. They are edited because the images are viewed by many people throughout magazines.

Should the images be Post produced? Yes, as they are portraying the colours of a certain style and it is used to make the object look like they have no imperfections.

To what extent should the images be post produced and in what context should they be found in? The images should be heavily enhanced through Photoshop because it is part of a theme and needs to stand out if it is on a front cover in order for people to see the product. This Post production should be used in magazines and Exhibitions for the contexts as this is where the majority of their target audience will view the work. Places where the photographs should not be post produced would be if there was a certain theme on of being Natural or Monochrome images that want to best describe the object without the post production.

The images are heavily edited reducing the main colours to two. Post production is needed for this industry to survive.

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Fashion Photography is less important than medical photography, Discuss.

There can be many responses to this argument however I feel that the statement is correct. This is because of what services medical photography gives to the public, and provides a chance to help you see something that cannot be seen instead of making an image that is unnatural.

The services include being able to see micro- and macrography, thermal imaging, time-lapse cinematography, endoscopy, and photography outside the visible spectrum. As well as looking at the insides of the body, as part of the profession the photographs can vary from insurance claims to industrial accidents.

In contrast Fashion Photography does off a service in providing people a nice, eventful image as well being considered as Art that can be enjoyed for a long time. However on the other hand the main difference that separates the two in importance is how useful it is and that one is a necessity and the other people can live without.

For example, Medical Photographers may need to take an image to look for manifestations or diseases that can occur in someone's body. An image that can be reviewed and looked at thoroughly.

So to conclude it is clear that the statement is correct because of what medical photography offers and can provide a much better service than Fashion. However in an Art perspective, Fashion can be seen as very important but not when looking at the two overall.

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PhotojournalismShould Post production be used on these images? Never. Any sort of editing would be frowned at by Photojournalists, this would ruin the image and ultimately what it is trying to get across. This is because it would take all seriousness out of the image and change the feeling of the viewer who is interpreting it.

In what context would you find the images? You would not find the images post produced anywhere in newspapers or Television news, however the images may be edited and uploaded on social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook by other viewers.

Here the image has been framed very well and also as the shot is so close it fits into a grid method very effectively. The Monochrome image suits the theme well as it represents a dark time and a cold feeling towards the picture.

If post production was used for these images, the techniques and expression that is very clear in the pieces would be totally forgotten and the image would be interpreted completely differently.

The image taken is that of a long shot taken with a telephoto lens and the photographer has intended to take it from a candid and observational way to best get across what is happening. The camera has been taken with a very quick shutter speed and the aperture is used in a clever way putting the man protesting in focus and the authorities blurred.

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High Street StudioShould Post production be used these images? No, it shouldn’t because the images are of people and they should be portrayed as how they look especially when they not many viewers are looking at the image.

To what extent should post production be used and in what context will they be found? The images from high street studios should depend on the client. If the client is needing the image for an album cover or poster than enhancing the image to look professional could be acceptable. However when looking at a candid image on the left, I do not see this appearing in any contexts apart from the family use so it would be a waste of materials and time management that can be spent on taking other images.The Post production should not be used when

providing a family portrait because this takes away much a lot of the realism in the image, However it is understandable as the image may take part in a portfolio for the Venture company to display on contexts such as the website or leaflets to hand out about their work.

This image above has been well edited as it has air brushed any things that may stand out such as tone of face. Here, a use of Dodging can be seen in the photograph making the image brighter.

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ArchitecturalShould post production be carried out on these images? Yes as they are viewed by many people and you want to make sure they look eye catching. Over manipulating the image may result in taking any realism out of the photograph however adding light or changing the levels should not be frowned at because it is providing a service for people to look at.

To what extent should the images be post produced and in what context may they be found? The images should not be over edited as it is a observation study of buildings and interior patterns or shapes. However these types of photographs would be found in many architectural magazines such as the one below to advertise property or renew common interest. Other contexts the photographs may be viewed in are Art Galleries, the image on the far right would be commonly found there due to the pattern and style. As well as the tone and two shade of colour.Where should Post production not be


Post production should not be used on images that may be seen in newspapers as this is providing a report. It is rare that an Architectural image may be used to something different then for a client or magazine but caution should always be there for over producing images that are seen in the public domain.

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Should Post production be used on Illustration Photography?

No, This is because it is describing something natural of the world and need to make the reader believe what you are saying, having manipulated images would not bring that across.

To what extent should Post production be used and in what context?

It should not be used at all because in many cases such as the image on the right, the photographs are used to help distinguish the difference between many breeds of animal. Having edited images would not help the reader understand what they look like or the environment they are seen in. The context these images are found in is mainly Books such as the two here and can be found in many instruction books.

The images are of many different varieties of bird. They have been captured by a long lens to zoom into a good way so it is possible to see the features. They are candid images and use Natural light without any post production.

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Medical PhotographyShould post production be used in Medical Photography?

No, it should not be used in Medical photography because again the photography has a purpose of showing a client something they cannot with the human eye and manipulating the image would be seen as false information.

In what context would you find Medical Photography?

The images are found in a variety of contexts such as micrography, macrography and thermal imaging. The photographs are used to help the medical teams see if there is a problem or providing evidence for a problem, such as a car accident. The images may be sent onto another party such as an insurance company to go with a claim.

The images are taken with a very long lens and special equipment to zoom in further then the normal eye can see, therefore artificial light is used to help see. The images are always observational and nothing is moved or altered before the image is taken, this would not give valid results.

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Fine Art photographyShould Fine Art Photography be post produced?

Yes, because if it is needed to go with your theme or idea, or even make your art to how you want it then it should be allowed. Fine Art can be interpreted as anything so post production can be used.

To what extent should post production be used and in what context may it be seen?

Post production should be used in relation to what the artist wants it to represent. Such as the image on the right has above has been added to with the extra brightness on the facial features.

Where should Post production not be used?

It should not be used when in galleries as the many pieces of work are viewed as better without any adjustments as it is seen as taking all the expression away from the image.

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DocumentaryShould Post production be used in Documentary Photography?

No, Post production should not be used in documentary photography because it is real life photographs that are going with a report to be shown to many people.

To what extent should Post production be used and in what context is it found in?

It would be frowned at to have any sort of editing on images that are documenting a life style, person or country. The contexts that documentary images are found in are that of magazines such as National Geographic, the image below on the right is a typical National Geographic image as it is saying a lot from one image, leaving little room for text. The boy above would be found in Websites bringing awareness and newspapers in the event of a disaster happening.

The image is a good image and has a large depth of field, you can tell a lot from what is happening and has a good use of rule of thirds when considering the environment and landscape. This is because of the Foreground with the man, the middle ground with the car and at the background the rocky hill. If post production was used here. The techniques used would go unnoticed and it would not have as much impact to the viewer looking at it.