extraction of fetal cardiac signals from an array of

Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array of Maternal Abdominal Recordings Reza Sameni Directed by: Christian Jutten Mohammad B. Shamsollahi GIPSA-lab, INPG, Grenoble, France Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran July 7, 2008, Grenoble, France

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Page 1: Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array of

Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array ofMaternal Abdominal Recordings

Reza Sameni

Directed by:

Christian JuttenMohammad B. Shamsollahi

GIPSA-lab, INPG, Grenoble, France

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

July 7, 2008, Grenoble, France

Page 2: Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array of


1 out of 125 babies are born with heart defects[Mar, 2005, Minino et al., 2007, AHA, 2008]

Early detection of cardiac abnormalities help medicationsand precautions during delivery

Most defects manifest in the heart-rate and morphologyof electrical and magnetic cardiac signals

But, we don’t have direct access to the fetus and the fetalsignals recorded from the mother’s abdomen are veryweak with high interferences

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Page 3: Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array of

Problem Definition

Objective: The noninvasive extraction of fetal cardiac signals from an array ofelectrodes recorded from the abdomen of a pregnant woman






x(t) =


y(t) =


A set of electric or

magnetic recordings

Noisy observation signals Processed signals

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1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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The Electrocardiogram

Electrocardiogram (ECG): Overall electrical activity of the heart recordedfrom the body surface

The R-peaks of the ECG are used to extract the heart-beat


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What is the Vectorcardiogram?

Vectorcardiogram (VCG): A 3D representation of the ECG,reconstructed from 3 ECG leads

VCG of orthogonal ECG leads give dipole approximations for bodysurface potentials: φ(t) ≈ a1s1(t) + a2s2(t) + a3s3(t)

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State of the Art


1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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State of the Art

History of Fetal Electrocardiography

1906: M. Cremer observed the fetal ECG using string galvanometers[Cremer, 1906]

1950’s: Improvements in measurement and amplification techniques[Lindsley, 1942]

1970’s: Introduction of signal processing techniques in this domain[Farvet, 1968, Widrow et al., 1975]

1990’s: Application of multichannel signal processing in this domain[van Oosterom, 1986, Kanjilal et al., 1997, Zarzoso et al., 1997]

The problem has since been considered in biomedical and signalprocessing communities....

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State of the Art


Fetal heart-rate analysis [Wakai, 2004] Fetal ECG morphology analysis

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State of the Art

Different Measurement Techniques

Echocardiography: sonograghy of the heart using ultrasound[Wladimiroff & Pilu, 1996, Drose, 1998]

Phonocardiography: heart sounds using acoustic microphones[Zuckerwar et al., 1993, Varady et al., 2003]

Magnetocardiography: magnetic fields of cardiac signals[Kariniemi & Hukkinen, 1977, Stinstra, 2001]

Electrocardiography: electric fields of cardiac signals

Invasive: measurable during labor only [Outram et al., 1995, Lai & Shynk, 2002]

Noninvasive: measurable throughout pregnancy [Cremer, 1906, Lindsley, 1942]

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State of the Art

Previous Processing Techniques

Direct Fetal ECG Analysis: Used in early studies; only possible in highsignal-to-noise ratios[Larks, 1962]

Adaptive and Matched Filtering: Partially effective; require referenceelectrodes[Farvet, 1968, Widrow et al., 1975, Park et al., 1992, Outram et al., 1995, Shao et al., 2004, Martens et al., 2007]

Linear Decomposition: Rather effective; decompose the signals ontofixed or data-driven basis functions[Li et al., 1995, Khamene et al., 2000, Akay et al., 1996]

[van Oosterom, 1986, Zarzoso et al., 1997, Cardoso, 1998, De Lathauwer et al., 2000]

[Barros & Cichocki, 2001, Zhang & Yi, 2006, Li & Yi, 2008]

[Vigneron et al., 2003, Jafari & Chambers, 2005]

Nonlinear Decomposition: Rather effective but empirical; require priorinformation [Schreiber & Kaplan, 1996a, Schreiber & Kaplan, 1996b, Richter et al., 1998, Kantz & Schreiber, 1998, Kotas, 2004]

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State of the Art

Limitations and Challenging Issues

Weakness of fetal signals

Strong maternal ECG and respiration interference

Movements of the fetus and electrode positioning

Multiple pregnancies (twin, tripling, ...)

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1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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Overview of the Proposed Methods

Multichannel ECGModeling

Bayesian ECGFiltering Framework

MultidimensionalAspects of the ECG

Periodic ComponentAnalysis

Subspace Decompositionby Deflation

? ?





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Signal Processing Facts About the ECG

As a Signal Source:The heart is a distributed source and not a punctual one

Cardiac signals have infinite dimensions

Minor dimensions are dominated by noise/interferences

As a Waveform:Different ECG leads have different shapes (morphologies)

ECG channels are pseudo-periodic signal synchronous with the heartbeat

These facts should be considered in modeling and processing the ECG

[distributed source 25]

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework


1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Kalman Filters

Objective: To model the temporal dynamics of the ECG and to use thisdynamics in a Bayesian filtering framework for ECG denoising

The Kalman filter provides the best linear minimum mean square error(MMSE) estimate for xn.

The linear Kalman filter:{

xn+1 = Anxn + Bnwnyn = Hnxn + vn

yn: noisy observation vector xn: desired state vector

KF Equations 21

The Extended Kalman Filter:{

xn+1 = f (xn, wn, n)yn = g(xn, vn, n)

EKF Equations 23

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Kalman Filters

Objective: To model the temporal dynamics of the ECG and to use thisdynamics in a Bayesian filtering framework for ECG denoising

The Kalman filter provides the best linear minimum mean square error(MMSE) estimate for xn.

The linear Kalman filter:{

xn+1 = Anxn + Bnwnyn = Hnxn + vn

yn: noisy observation vector xn: desired state vector

KF Equations 21

The Extended Kalman Filter:{

xn+1 = f (xn, wn, n)yn = g(xn, vn, n)

EKF Equations 23

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Cardiac Phase Signal

Cardiac phase signal: θ(t) ∈ [−π, π]

The R-peak is considered at θ(t) = 0

θ(t1) = θ(t2)⇐⇒ t1, t2 correspond to identicaldepolarization/repolarization states of the heart

Phase wrapped ECG

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Single-Channel ECG Modeling

Modified McSharry’s model: [McSharry et al., 2003, Sameni et al., 2005]



θ = ω

s = −∑




∆θiexp[− (∆θi)2



ω = 2π × HR and ∆θi = (θ − θi)mod(2π)

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Multichannel ECG Modeling8>>>>>>>>>>><>>>>>>>>>>>:

θ = ω pseudo-periodicity

x = −X


αxi ω

(bxi )2

∆θxi exp[−

(∆θxi )2

2(bxi )2

] channel 1 morphology

y = −X


αyi ω

(byi )2

∆θyi exp[−

(∆θyi )2

2(byi )2

] channel 2 morphology

z = −X


αzi ω

(bzi )2

∆θzi exp[−

(∆θzi )2

2(bzi )2

] channel 3 morphology

Synthetic multichannel ECGSynthetic VCG loop

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

State-State Representation of the ECGProcess equation:

θk+1 = (θk + ωδ)mod(2π)

sk+1 = −N∑







) + sk + η

ω = 2π × HR, ∆θi = (θk − θi )mod(2π), δ = 1/fs and η is process noise

Observation equation:{φk = θk + uk coarse ECG phaseyk = sk + vk noisy ECG

(Linearized KF Equations 22)

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Single-Channel Denoising Scheme

The Kalman filter uses the a priori information from the ECG dynamicsand the noisy observations to estimate the true ECG

dynamic model noisy ECG estimated ECG


θk+1 = (θk + ωδ)mod(2π)

sk+1 = −NX


αi ω


∆θi exp(−∆θ2



) + sk + η

�φk = θk + ukyk = sk + vk


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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Application: Maternal ECG Cancellation

We can remove maternal ECG contaminants using the Kalman filter andKalman smoother 1

(1) Original noisy fetal ECG

1This data has been taken from the DaISy database [De Moor, 1997]

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Application: Maternal ECG Cancellation

We can remove maternal ECG contaminants using the Kalman filter andKalman smoother 1

(1) Original noisy fetal ECG

1This data has been taken from the DaISy database [De Moor, 1997]

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Application: Maternal ECG Cancellation

We can remove maternal ECG contaminants using the Kalman filter andKalman smoother 1

(1) Original noisy fetal ECG (2) EKS of the maternal ECG

1This data has been taken from the DaISy database [De Moor, 1997]

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Application: Maternal ECG Cancellation

We can remove maternal ECG contaminants using the Kalman filter andKalman smoother 1

(1) Original noisy fetal ECG (2) EKS of the maternal ECG

(1) - (2) Residual fetal signal

1This data has been taken from the DaISy database [De Moor, 1997]

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Application: Maternal ECG Cancellation

We can remove maternal ECG contaminants using the Kalman filter andKalman smoother 1

(1) Original noisy fetal ECG (2) EKS of the maternal ECG

(1) - (2) Residual fetal signal Fetal signal after post-processing

1This data has been taken from the DaISy database [De Moor, 1997]

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Confidence Intervals

Several fetal ECG beats before and after the post-processing EKS,together with the ±σ and ±3σ confidence envelopes

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Methods An ECG Modeling and Denoising Framework

Summary of Findings of Part I

We can generate realsitic multichannel maternal/fetal ECG signals

The Kalman filter based on this model outperforms classical filters


ECG enhancement

ECG cancellation

Limitation: During maternal/fetal PQRST-complex overlap, multichannelprocessing is required

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Page 32: Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array of

Methods Linear Multichannel ECG Processing


1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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Methods Linear Multichannel ECG Processing

Multichannel ECGObjective: To find linear transforms of the form y(t) = Bx(t) with propertiessuch as: uncorrelatedness, independence, periodicity, etc.

The DaISy dataset [De Moor, 1997]

[Kanjilal et al., 1997, Zarzoso et al., 1997, Cardoso, 1998, De Lathauwer et al., 2000, Barros & Cichocki, 2001, Zhang & Yi, 2006, Li & Yi, 2008]

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Methods Linear Multichannel ECG Processing

Issues of Interest

Why do linear transforms extract multiple ECG components?

What do these components correspond to?

Can we relate these components with multipole expansions?

A typical segment of independent componentsextracted from ECG signals

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Methods Linear Multichannel ECG Processing

Interpretation of the Extracted Components

3D VCG x − y plane

x − z plane y − z plane

Scatter plot of a VCG and column vectors of a mixing matrix estimated by JADE

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Methods Linear Multichannel ECG Processing

Summary of Findings of Part II

Dimensionality of the ECG; theoretical and practical

Multidimensional properties of cardiac signals vs. VCG loops

Impact and necessity of preprocessing for fetal ECG extraction

Limitation: ICA is not ideal for ECG decomposition; a transform thataccounts for periodicity is more appropriate

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Page 37: Extraction of Fetal Cardiac Signals from an Array of

Methods Periodic Component Analysis


1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Periodic Component Analysis (πCA)

Objective: To find a special linear transform y(t) = Bx(t) fordecomposing ECG signals into periodic components

The components should be ranked according to their relevance

Method: Gather measures of ECG pseudo-periodicity in C1 & C2, andfind a B to diagonalize them:

BC1BT = I , BC2BT = Λ

→ Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition (GEVD) of (C1, C2)

The method is related to algebraic ICA methods, such asAMUSE and SOBI → how to choose the time-lags?

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Periodic Component Analysis Algorithm

Algorithm:1 Detect the R-peaks of the ECG of interest (a priori information)

2 Calculate the ECG phase signal θ(t)

3 Calculate the time-varying lag τt = min{τ |φ(t + τ) = φ(t), τ > 0}

4 Calculate Cx = Et{x(t)x(t)T} and Cx = Et{x(t + τt)x(t)T}

5 B ← GEVD(Cx , Cx)

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example I: Fetal ECG Example

The DaISy dataset [De Moor, 1997]

Components extracted with JADE

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example I: Fetal ECG Example

The DaISy dataset [De Moor, 1997] Components extracted with JADE

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example I: Fetal ECG Example (continued)

Extracted periodic components, withmaternal ECG beat synchronization

Extracted periodic components, withfetal ECG beat synchronization

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example I: Fetal ECG Example (continued)

Extracted periodic components, withmaternal ECG beat synchronization

Extracted periodic components, withfetal ECG beat synchronization

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example II: Twin Fetal MCG

Typical MCG channels

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example II: Twin Fetal MCG (continued)

Algorithm:1 Preprocess the data

2 Removing maternal MCG using πCA

3 Finding coarse estimates of fetal MCGs using ICA

4 Refind maternal MCG using maternal/fetal πCA

→ Cx = Cmx − (C f1

x + C f2x )

5 Refind fetal ECG through post-processing

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Example II: Twin Fetal MCG (continued)

A segment of extracted components

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Methods Periodic Component Analysis

Summary of Findings of Part III

πCA finds pseudo-periodic signals ranked in order of relevance

It uses GEVD that is a fast and accurate algorithm

Limitation: Requires the R-peaks as prior information

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation


1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation


Objective: To decompose (degenerate) mixtures of signal andnoise/artifact, without prior knowledge of the subspace dimensions andwithout reducing the data dimensions

x(t) = xs(t) + xn(t)

y(t) = Bx(t) = B[xs(t) + xn(t)] = ys(t) + yn(t)

Full-rank noise is limiting for linear methods and can be amplified incomponents extracted by ICA

Solution: Break the linearity by combining single-channel denoising andmultichannel decomposition

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation


1 The desired signals in different channels are dependent→ Processing gain is achieved through multichannel analysis

2 We have some a priori information about the desired signals→ The desired and undesired parts can be roughly separated usinglinear/nonlinear filters

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Subspace Decomposition by Deflation


Iteration stopping criterion



/Linear/Nonlinear DenoisingL L

N-LInput array Output array

B B-1

The iterative subspace decomposition procedure

Linear decomposition: based on non-stationarity, spectral contrast,periodicity, etc. → Generalized eigenvalue decomposition (GEVD)

Denoising: based on a priori information

Applications: EEG, EMG, MCG denoising, or etc.

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Application in Maternal ECG Cancellation


mECG cancellationusing Kalman filter


first L components

recursion stopping criterion

array recordings contaminated with

maternal ECGarray recordings without maternal ECGlast N-L


periodicity measurematernal ECG phase

The iterative procedure for maternal ECG cancellation

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example I: Maternal ECG Cancellation fromDegenerate Mixture 1

Original1 This dataset has been recorded by Dr. Evelyn Huhn and provided by Dr. Raphael Schneider

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example I: Maternal ECG Cancellation fromDegenerate Mixture (continued)

Iteration 1

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example I: Maternal ECG Cancellation fromDegenerate Mixture (continued)

Iteration 2

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example I: Maternal ECG Cancellation fromDegenerate Mixture (continued)

Iteration 3

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example I: Maternal ECG Cancellation fromDegenerate Mixture (continued)

Original (blue) and denoised (red)

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example II: Invasive vs. Non-Invasive Fetal ECGExtraction

1 Invasive fetal scalp ECG recorded during labor 1

1This data has been recorded by Dr. A. Wolfberg and provided (confidentially) by Dr. G.D Clifford

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example II: Typical Results

Fetal ECG recorded invasively from a scalp lead ECG

Fetal ECG extracted non-invasively from 22 abdominal leads

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Example II: Typical Results

Fetal ECG recorded invasively from a scalp lead ECG

Fetal ECG extracted non-invasively from 22 abdominal leads(with post-processing)

[Ensemble Averages 24]

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Methods Subspace Decomposition by Deflation

Summary of Findings of Part IV

Decomposition of (degenerate) mixtures of signal/interference subspaceswithout dimension reduction

Limitation: Requires prior information; not applicable to totally blindscenarios

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Conclusion and Perspectives


1 Background

2 State of the Art

3 MethodsAn ECG Modeling and Denoising FrameworkLinear Multichannel ECG ProcessingPeriodic Component AnalysisSubspace Decomposition by Deflation

4 Conclusion and Perspectives

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Conclusion and Perspectives


The main developments of this study include:

Realistic multichannel ECG modeling

Bayesian framework for ECG denoising

Study of multidimensional aspects of ECG

Periodic Component Analysis

Subspace decomposition by deflation

Much improvement was achieved using pseudo-periodicity priors

The performance is limited when the priors do not hold→ highly pathologic cases

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Conclusion and Perspectives


Clinical:Clinical verification of the proposed methods

Study of pathologic cases

Theoretical:Calculation of theoretical performance bounds for ECG processing

Theoretical aspects of the deflation method: convergence and stability

Experimental:Fetal ECG tracking for continuous monitoring

Development of fetal monitoring systems

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Conclusion and Perspectives

Byproducts of the Developed Methods

General functions for preprocessing and power-line cancellation

An open-source ECG toolbox (OSET), available at: http://ecg.sharif.ir/

Removing ECG artifacts from other biosignals: EEG, EMG, etc.

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Conclusion and Perspectives

Related Publications

Multichannel ECG Modeling:1 conference papers: CinC’081 journal paper: EURASIP JASP’07

Bayesian ECG Filtering Framework:3 conference papers: EMBS’05, CinC’05, CinC’062 journal paper: IEEE TBME’07, IOP PM’08

Multidimensional Aspects of the ECG:3 conference papers: MaxEnt’06, ISSPIT’06, ICArn’06

Periodic Component Analysis:2 journal paper: IEEE TBME’08, IEEE TBME’09

Subspace Decomposition by Deflation:1 conference paper: EUSIPCO’082 patents: [in progress]

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Conclusion and Perspectives


Thanks for your attention!

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Conclusion and Perspectives


Thanks for your attention!

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Conclusion and Perspectives

Classical Kalman Filter Equations

1) Time propagation:

x−n+1 = AnxnP−n+1 = AnPnAT

n + BnQnBTn

2) Kalman gain:

Kn = P−n HTn [HnP−n HT

n + Rn]−1

3) Measurement propagation:

xn = x−n + Kn[yn − Hnx−n ]Pn = P−n − KnHnP−n

where xn is the estimated state vector, Qn = E{wnwTn } is the model noise

covariance matrix, and Rn = E{vnvTn } is the observation noise covariance


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Conclusion and Perspectives

Linearized ECG Equations

Defining: �θk+1 = F0(θk , ω, k)zk+1 = F1(θk , zk , ω, αi , θi , bi , η, k),


∂zk= 0




∂zk= 1


∂θk= −X










Similarly, the linearization of the state-space equations with respect to the process noisecomponents yields:


∂ω= δ


∂η= 1 i ∈ {P, Q, R, S, T}








∂η= 0


∂αi= −δ







∂bi= 2δ











∂θi= δ










∂ω= −








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Conclusion and Perspectives

Extended Kalman Filter Equations

{xn+1 = f (xn, wn, n)yn = g(xn, vn, n){

xn+1 ≈ f (xn, wn, n) + An(xn − xn) + Fn(wn − wn)yn ≈ g(xn, vn, n) + Cn(xn − xn) + Gn(vn − vn)

An =∂f (x, wn, n)



Fn =∂f (xn, w, n)



Cn =∂g(x, vn, n)



Gn =∂g(xn, v, n)



x−n+1 = f (x+n , w, n)


rn = yn − g(x−n , v, n)∣∣∣v=vn

Kn = P−n CTn [CnP−n CT

n + Rn]−1 x+

n = x−n + KnrnP−n+1 = AnP+

n ATn + Qn P+

n = P−n − KnCnP−n

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Example II: Ensemble Average of the Results

Ensemble average of the fetal scalp leadECG

Ensemble average of the processed fetalECG

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The Heart as a Distributed Signal Source

The ECG is a projection of the distributed cardiac source onto a distancefunction


ρ(x, t)

x1 x2



xr reference electrode

x′ dx′Φ(x, t) =

∫ρ(x′, t)|x− x′|


φi(t) = Φ(xi , t)− Φ(xr , t) =∫ρ(x′, t)D(xi , x′)dx′

Multipole expansion: φi(t) = limL→∞





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