extreme sport english

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  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Sport English



    Con tanta agua que desciende por los regazos de las montaas colombianas es natural

    que existan muchos escenarios para la prctica del emocionante deporte de aventura

    llamado rafting.

    With so many water that descends for the laps of the Colombian mountains it is naturalthat many scenes exist for the practice of the exciting sport of adventure called rafting.


    Para conseguirlo y como es lgico en todo inicio, se probaron distintos materiales, en

    busca de una embarcacin que otorgase mayor estabilidad y una mejor maniobrabilidad.

    Las pruebas ms afortunadas se realizaron con botes neumticos del ejrcito. Fue en

    1938 cuando se realiza el primer descenso del ro Colorado en un bote neumtico.

    To obtain it and as it is logical in any beginning, different materials were proved, in

    search of a craft that was granting major stability and a better maneuverability. Theluckiest tests were realized by rubber dinghies of the army. It was in 1938 when the first

    decrease of the river realizes Colorado in a rubber dinghy.


    Estos ros son, quiz, los ms buscados por deportistas extremos de Colombia y del


    These rivers are, probably, most looked by extreme sportsmen of Colombia and of the



    El equipo necesario para la prctica de ste deporte lo facilitan las empresas

    especializadas. Sin la experiencia necesaria es muy peligroso tratar de realizar un


    The equipment necessary for the practice of this one deports the specialized companies

    facilitates it. Without the necessary experience it is very dangerous to try to realize a



    En la medida que vamos desplazndonos ganamos velocidad lo que har de este

    recorrido toda una Aventura cargada de mxima adrenalina. Tambin se pueden

    construir sobre caones y barrancos.

  • 7/27/2019 Extreme Sport English


    El Canopy hoy en da forma parte de los principales atractivos de parques de aventura en

    todo el mundo y en desarrollos eco tursticos ya que es una actividad para nios y

    adultos y no importa mucho tu condicin fsica para realizarla.

    In the measure that we go moving we gain speed what will do of this tour the whole

    Adventure loaded with maximum adrenaline. Also they can be constructed on cannons

    and ravines.

    The Canopy nowadays forms a part of the principal attractions of parks of adventure in

    the whole world and in developments echo tourist since it is an activity for children and

    adults and it is not important very much your physical condition to realize it.


    Hoy, el Canopy Tour ha incursionado en diversas reas que de otra manera les hagan

    inaccesibles por los turistas, incluyendo proporcionando giras a travs de caones,

    cuevas y regiones montaosas, donde ver a estos fenmenos naturales sera por lo dems

    bastante difcil debido al entorno.

    Today, The Canopy Tour has ventured into various areas that would otherwise make

    them inaccessible by tourists including providing tours through canyons, caves and

    mountainous regions where seeing these natural phenomenons would be otherwise quite

    difficult due to the surroundings.