eye health: are you color blind?


Upload: oliverdylan

Post on 20-Jun-2015



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Color blindness is a very bad effect for your health. If you are suffering from this disease, please contact us.


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Are you color blind? It is really simple to discover based on the graphic attached with this post. The proper reply is at the bottom on this adding. Read more.

Color blindness is the name of the condition where someone loses and has a small power to notice shade, and sense differences in shades. Unlike what the name recommends, it is not a genuine blindness. Color blindness influences thousands of people globally, yet is more prevalent among Caucasian men. The incidence for at least some type of color blindness is as great as 10% in men Caucasians.

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There is no recognized permanent treating the condition. But, scientists or Optometrists have aided their individuals control the condition by making them wear unique lenses. Although this can help in treating several types of coloring blindness, it could affect further color-recognition more difficult. The patients are suggested precautions in performing tasks or actions where coloring perception is crucial, e.g.; flying an aircraft, playing sport, and operating industrialized tools.

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Several technical improvements in recent years have helped those plagued by the Color Blindness condition. These are apps for the hand held products or smart phones. By using these programs, those suffering from the condition may see the photos captured by digital cameras or those shared by some with an adjustment of colors by utilizing unique algorithms.

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Or, the proper answer is… 74. If you read 21, 71, 24, 11 and some other two digit number, you could be suffering from a degree of color blindness. You might like to visit your eye doctor for a detailed analysis.Bottom line is: Eye or vision wellbeing contains power to detect or notice colors clearly. 1 in 10 adult Caucasian males suffer from coloring blindness. You are one?

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