f c far d9wear thenb - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · ton to arrest negro which they 6 i did the...

H + U wlr q u I a- I THE BEE EARLIWBTOrv KY = I LOCALE I i smeltA Mrs RM Wheat who has been sick for BQveral weeks is improving The public school has boon closed down tilts week on tho account of smallpox AtlornoyQoneral Jr Pratt is at homo in Madisonvlllo attending Cir ¬ suit Cour- tBornTo Mr and Mrs Walte- Favors a girl baby Thursday morn ¬ ing last February 8 1000 On account of tho smallpox sltua tlon mot all tho religious services wore declared off last Sunday Jas 11 Dean has been on tho sick list part of tilts week as tho refcult of a fall reeoived Monday morning Tho local lodge Knights of Pyth Ins has received a number of not members recently T33 strong or- der is gaining ground h Mrs Nanny Pugat ds been very low for several weeks with foyer Her condition has been very serious but It is thought she will recover Joe Mothorshead after several at ¬ tempts was finally successfully van ¬ so successfully that ho was w4rsretired frqm his desk by tho very ac and forced to tako a tem ¬ porary vacation Elder I H Tool preached to the people of St Charles last Sunday Ho was formerly pastor of tho Chris- tian ¬ I church there and is a favorite with tho St Charles people Ho also visited Dawson Springs and devoted his attention while away partly to Missionary matters E J Umstoad who is attendfn Pratt Institute Brooklyn N Y this winter has been recently hay Jng serious trouble with his throat and tho illness has confined him t hifl room and Interfered with his school work Elgio is making flue progress in his mechanical and elec- trical ¬ stuadios at this one of the best institutions In this country Elder I H Tool visited St- Sunday Charles and Dawson on last and Monday and presented a plea for South Kentucky Missionary PlMS1Bro works for tho happiness andftolfaro of tho Q pf St Charles which is being done by some of her public spirited citizens C G Pfatonhauer our local mu ¬ r- m sician and composer has resigned his position in the railroad car shop- at tlttic placo and accepted an offo from the Boa Board Ar Line a i Portsmouth Va where he is to have work in tho shops of that com ¬ pany and to bo given a position in tho Sea Board Air Line Band sopransimxophone U o ono Sawmill floved Mr George W Robinson has shoved his sawmill from the lot near Barnott and Arnolds stable to a lo cation near No9 mines Ho employ a good force of hands and be prepared to do good work as before Mrs Bourland Dead Mrs Patience Bourland and aged lady of Madisonvillo died at th homo of her son T 0 Bourland of that city last Saturday Mrs Bour ¬ land wasthe widow of the late Thos Bourland and was 82 years of ago Sho had been a member of the Bap ¬ tilt Church for many years Funeral services wore conducted by Rev D Whlttinghill The deceased was a relative of Mrs Robt Wood of this place Circuit Court I thoi F jury was instructed to investigate only those cases whore the parties are in jail or under bond and other cases demanding Immediate action Tho grand Jury will complete its work in a few days The petit jury was Impaneled and adjourned until the first Monday in May No Jury I cases have been tried during the term Robbery at Nortonvllle The safe in tho depot at Norton villa was robbed of about forty dol ¬ lars last Thursday A negro Will Johnson is charged with the rob ¬ bery Johnson had been loafing the place for some time Tho door of the safe had been left standing open and tho darkey stole this box 6 containing the money and got away- r I while tho agents back was turned < He also stole a valise and some I clothing from tho baggUgo room Ho loft at once on a south bound train Tho agent yired tho officer at Crof ton to arrest negro which they 6 I did The valise and clothing and i part of the money were recovered Johnson was taken to MadlspRvJlle Fridaynxt lodged in jamb F N r Nd ssow er neE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome 1 ftovAi tuxina POWER eo NEW YORK f PERSONAL Misses Myrtle Lester and Effle visitingr Paul P Price spent Sunday with his parents in Madisonville W IJo and J F Gordon of Madl sonvllfo wore in tho city Monday Thomas Longstaff of this place and B H Harrison and WP Vlck ors of Madisonvillo are attending tho Grand Lodge of the A 0 U V- at Louisville this week Lexington this week Vat D Rutherford of Nebo is hero at work for tho L N Rail ¬ road Company Allen Jorponsoii of Paducah spent a few hours with relatives in tho city Monday Miss Haggle Dovnoy of Evans Ile is visiting friends here Mr Rudd of Owensboro Agent for tho Travelers Accident Insur ¬ anco Co was hero Monday Judgo J P Dempsey Railroad Commlslonors was here Monday Mrs J E Fawcott and children have returned from a visit to relat- ives at Guthrie Miss Nannie Winstcad of Lobo has been visiting her sister Mrs W E Boyd whog Gary has returned homo Rev J W Ligon of Sobrco was weeko Judge JrF Dempsey and Hon W L Gordon and J F Gordon wore in Earllngton on legal business MondayAttorney Jerrold A Jonson has boon attending court this week EHsha Stodghlll and J C Hito have been serving on the grand jury Rev R M WJieat left Wednesday for Warren and Allen coun ¬ Ities whero ho will spend a few days relatives and friends 100 Reward 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at feast one dreaded disease that science has Leon able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh knowns ¬ diseaset Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter ¬ nally acting directly upon tho blood systemtheroby tho disease and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitu ¬ doingUs much faith in Its curative powers that they older Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for testimonials Address J F CUENEY Co Toledo 0 Sold by Druggists 75c 1Halls Family Pills are the best E R Simons Passed Away Mr E R Simons n wellknown and much loved citizen of Madison ¬ villo died at his homo in that city ille ¬ ness Ho was about sixtythree years of ago and leaves a widow and several children He was Christian gentleman a momber of the Cum ¬ berland Presbyterian church Ho was also a Mason in good standing Rev G E Thompson conducted tho funeral services after which he was laid to rest with Masonic honors Self Preservation- Is the first law of Nature For this reason everyone who ls1l1 de sires to become well Those who have impure or impoverished blood turn to Sarsaparllla because they know it will enrich and givethem medicine on the first appearance of steptownrd lacheIndigestion I A Good Record The Ancient Order United Work ¬ men has paid out about 22000 on policies Since it was organized here I a few years ago It lifts boon prompt in the adjustment of all claims and has been a Wonderful help to the widows and orphans of deceased members Tho local lodge is a strong one and has made a fine record Best Way to Invest 25 Cents ANTIOO Miss July 1 1808 NEW SPENOKU MEDICINE Co I want to toll you what I think of Nubian Tea I have used it myself and in my family and it is all that claim for it It 3s the best Liver Medicine I over used It 18 just tho tlIngto take if you feel bad are bilious A B LANCASTER Sold by St Bernard Drugstore l BAKING rOW IR A Pleasant Affair Tho masquerade party given at the home of Mrs Leo Oldham on last Friday evening was quite a su- ccors ¬ Mrs Oldham with tho assis ¬ tanco of MlssesSulllvan andMcGrath entertained in their usual lovely manner Those present were Mr and Mrs Walter McGary Mr and Mrs Arthur Cole Misses Sallie and Mary McGrath Lizzie and Nellie Sullivan Maggie Devnoy Pauline Davis and Nannie Ashby Messrs Ed Rule Taylor Fisher Alvlo Shaver John Devnoy Dan Donahue Wilson Borders George Robinson Degleu McGrath and Frank Orr Nervous Prostration I had nervous trouble for years which at times completely prostrat- ed ¬ mo and made life not worth liv- ing ¬ I tried many physicians and no end of nerve and other remedies without relief MrJ Crows mer ¬ chant Mnlo Iowa persuaded me to try Moneys Sarsaparllla and Iron Tho very first bottle went to tho right spot for I felt a complete chango and now after using six bot ¬ tles in all I am perfectly well Mus LETTIE FISHBU Sold by Campbell Co Orand Lodge fleeting The Grand Lodge of tho Ancient Order United Workmen has been in session at Louisville this week This Is a growing order and tho report from all parts of state make a splen ¬ did showing R H Harrison is the representative from the local lodge Thos Longstaff of this place is a Grand Lodge officer An Editors Life Saved by Cham berlains Cough Remedy During the early part of October 1890 I contracted a bad cold which neglected ¬ ¬ tion had appeared in an incipient state I was constantly coughing and trying to expel something whJch- I could not I became alarmed and after the local doctor a trial bought a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and the result was immediate improvement and after I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy stnteB- S EDWARDS Publisher tho Review Wyant Ill Jfor sale by St Ber- nard ¬ Drugstore Earlington Bon T I Robinson Mortons Gap Geo King St Charles To almost every girl thero somes between girlhood and womanhood a time when she fools prompted by her own vitality to take some share in tho worlds work It accounts for much that is vigorous In church and social life Cornelia Atwood Pratt I Marf oJ1 g and will in itself do much to induce directness Or Ottos Spruce Oum Balsam- A physician can prescribe Dr Ot ¬ tos Spruce Gum Balsam The For ¬ yourCough take Children c for it Large size bottles Price 2oo and 50c For sale by St Bernard Drug Drugstore For a Beautiful Complexion Take Dr Carl stedts German Liver Powder Col Colson Improving Col D G Colsou who was injured in tho ScottColson duel at Frank- fort ¬ is rapidly improving I Volcanic Eruptions Are but Skin Eruptionsrob life of joy Arnica Salvo cures them also 0 Fever Sores Ulcers Boils Felons Corns Warts Cuts Bruises Burns Scalds Chap ¬ ped Hands Chilblains Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Patens and Aches Only 25 cts a box Cure guaranteed Sold by St Bernard Druggistm The smallpox situation in Madi Bonville is in much better shape There are no new cases and tho af- flicted ¬ ones aro convalescent A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything In sight so do drastic mineral pills but both are mighty dangerous Dont dyna ¬ yourbody pills when Dr Kings Now Life Pill which are gentle as a summer breeze do the work perfectly Cures Headaches Constipation Only 2 c- at St Bernard Drugstore Rev Barney Sisk has moved to the Tanner farm near Pea Ridge and will engage In farming A Misunderstanding Misunderstood symptoms of dis ¬ ease lead doctors to treat something olso when the are out of or ¬ der Foleys Kidney Cure will bring you health when other medi ¬ cines hmo failed stampedout tucky towns Dont Irritate your lungs with a stubborn cough when pleasant and effective remedy m found in Coussons Honey ofyTar Price 25 J and 50 cents St Bernard Drugstore u = A Wild Beast at Large Cndis Feb11icopic living between Rock Castle and Wring have boon much terrorized for a tow weeks past by the appearance of a vicious wild animal among them It Imslxvri seen by manyand some claim it is a lion while others con ¬ tend that it is a hyena It has boon to many planes and a great deal of stock has been killed by it There is much excitement in tho neighborhood ARE VO- UBANKRUPT I in health constitution undermined by ex ¬ travagance in eating by disre- garding ¬ the laws of nature or physical capital all gone if so NEVER DESPAIR Tutts Liver Pills will cure you For sick headache dyspepsia sour stomach malaria torpid liver constipation biliousness and all kindred diseases Tufts Liver Pills an absolute cure J B Lindle Is oft duty at the Hecla electric plant temporarily in order to lend a hand to the Health Board in handling tho smallpox sit ¬ uation Bee is an immune and is always ready to lend a hand I think I pain were it not forohamnberlains StnpletonHerminie with rheumatism for several years and havo tried remedies without number but Pain Balm 1s tho best medicine I have got hold of One application immediately relieves the lln For sale by St Bernard Drug si re EarUngton Ben T Robinson Mortons Gap George King St Charles James Nunley of Heelaleft home yesterday via Nashville for Hot Springs Ark whero he goes to re ¬ cuperate Ho has not been well for sometime A TIMELY HINT ceothatyourbloodudci I perfectly healthy condition by the use of Dr arlstcdta German Liver Powder Then you will be free from malaria typhoid fever colds and the grip Dr Carlatedts German Liver Powder the best medicine money can buy For your Cold try Dr Ottos Spruce Gum Balsam Price 25o and 60s a Bottle For sale by St Bernard Drugstore The Baptists titMrflelawill build now church thiySar1tOiCb8t 150001 Tho handsome new Methodist church Qt thnt place is about completed FoleysHoneyand saysChas Pa Cnmpbe 1 Co Col Jo F Foard has been laid up tvlth a bilious attack for several days since his return from Nashville Sunday Children who are troubled with Worms are pale in tho face fretful by spoIls restless In sleep hove blue rings around their eyes bad dreams variable appetite and pick the nose Whites Cream Vermifuge will kill and expel these parasites Price 25c St Bernard Drugstore Mrs Brooks of Hecla who has been visiting for some time at Slaughtersvlllo is home again Piles of People testify to the merit of Banner Salvo guaranteedCampbell A miner claims to hove found gold quartz in Casey county near Dan ¬ vine Always attend strictly to Business areMorloys they always attend Strictly to busi ¬ ness Sugarcoated One a dose Sold by Campbell Co Burlington Capt James R Rash commanding Company A Twentyninth infantry has been in some hot engagements at the head of his company and come off with credit Fatal delays are caused by exper ¬ imenting with cough and cold cu resI Foleys Honey and Tar will prevent- a cold from resulting in Pneumonia Campbell Co Fine Work For flue watch work clock work and call on VGI Barterr Time Inspector Every piece of work warranted l J k A A A A A A A AAA a a o ooa ono u x Q J J QJJ c- r 41 bit HAVE ttl- Sl iouBought all the t 41 bit V b i UNDERWEAR Mi carryrig s = you through this winter 111 E fi v = f Our fall purchase w heavy The winter 3 C so far has been mild consequently our bit tli Underwear Department is too full We bit = are anxious to unload Winter under = d9wear is not very fast selling merchandise i- 4R in spring and summer It must move be b11 4 fore rl i thenb I fifty Cents to 3 a Suit I bit f QUALITY EXCELLENT PRICES GUARANTEED JJ c fBIHoPLoar W MADISONVILLE KY < 9 THE SAME PRICE ON THE SAME THING TO EVERYBODYFti C1 bit cc cwc a acv cc cce r too r o r + r + r Ya r 99 99 a r 9yVT9 Y li f laA 8taf ilPa9t 8 it 4 + l fi PRCE fTeeth extracted free Wednesday April 18 1900 at Earlington e Ky by Neyllle Bros the Real Painless Dentists of Sebree Ky who Icome well recommended this being their fourth trip and will g continue to make regular trips They guarantee their work e for five years TEETH EXTRACTED FREE to ¬ method of extracting known us o invited to be convinced at Hotel 3 L 10lNl i imN 1 II iI i 4 r h fijGLtltD E M r lr r v if SADDLE HIRShS l iBARNETT ARNOLD I LIVERY STABLE HEARSE I iHEAVY HAULING AND CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY oNN NINVN + IONNNNN N4N a BOON TOMANKINDII DR TABLERS BUCKEYE i G Hi z en r p gDJZ1 gr- rJ 0 c J 0 DI J zZ C > C On first day adver tise our new and 4 less teeth and used by alone All are call and Office Lf 9Y f A t Z2 pain PILE 0 1 CURE II A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INS and EXTERNAL PILES WITHOUT PAIN r CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED TUBES BY MAIL 75 CENTS BOTTLES 60 CEJTTS JAMES F BALLARD Sole Proprietor I 310 North Male Strict ST LOUIS HO 111 I II I IM I II II II II 1 I II I II 11 I II I GEORGE O TOyl A Successor t a Isaac DuJ- sLIVERY At tho Old Stand on Main street Just of Depot Pwest KY FirstClass Equipment arid Prompt Service j 1 WORMS FE- EDSTABLE V WHITES CREA- MVERMlFUGEJi lioit in Quantity DcatlaQualit- ra a faro YQr Has l- siox it lrw rmRimadras21f as Zr AXaX DJQcc tSi < 4 nstva > sy K JAMES F BALLASSV St nub 1 + r L i- I r >

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i smeltAMrs RM Wheat who has beensick for BQveral weeks is improving

The public school has boon closeddown tilts week on tho account ofsmallpox

AtlornoyQoneral Jr Pratt is athomo in Madisonvlllo attending Cir ¬

suit Cour-

tBornTo Mr and Mrs Walte-Favors a girl baby Thursday morn ¬

ing last February 8 1000

On account of tho smallpox sltuatlon mot all tho religious serviceswore declared off last Sunday

Jas 11 Dean has been on tho sicklist part of tilts week as tho refcult ofa fall reeoived Monday morning

Tho local lodge Knights of PythIns has received a number of notmembers recently T33 strong or-

der is gaining ground h

Mrs Nanny Pugat ds been verylow for several weeks with foyerHer condition has been very seriousbut It is thought she will recover

Joe Mothorshead after several at ¬

tempts was finally successfully van ¬

so successfully that ho wasw4rsretired frqm his desk by tho very ac

and forced to tako a tem ¬

porary vacation

Elder I H Tool preached to thepeople of St Charles last SundayHo was formerly pastor of tho Chris-tian


I church there and is a favoritewith tho St Charles people Ho alsovisited Dawson Springs and devotedhis attention while away partly toMissionary matters

E J Umstoad who is attendfnPratt Institute Brooklyn N Ythis winter has been recently hayJng serious trouble with his throatand tho illness has confined him thifl room and Interfered with hisschool work Elgio is making flueprogress in his mechanical and elec-


stuadios at this one of thebest institutions In this country

Elder I H Tool visited St-SundayCharles and Dawson on last

and Monday and presented a pleafor South Kentucky Missionary

PlMS1Broworks for tho happiness andftolfaroof tho Qpf St Charles which isbeing done by some of her publicspirited citizens

C G Pfatonhauer our local mu¬r-


sician and composer has resignedhis position in the railroad car shop-

at tlttic placo and accepted an offofrom the Boa Board Ar Line a

i Portsmouth Va where he is tohave work in tho shops of that com ¬

pany and to bo given a position intho Sea Board Air Line Band

sopransimxophone U



Sawmill flovedMr George W Robinson has

shoved his sawmill from the lot nearBarnott and Arnolds stable to a location near No9 mines Hoemploy a good force of hands and beprepared to do good work as before

Mrs Bourland DeadMrs Patience Bourland and aged

lady of Madisonvillo died at thhomo of her son T 0 Bourland ofthat city last Saturday Mrs Bour ¬

land wasthe widow of the late ThosBourland and was 82 years of agoSho had been a member of the Bap ¬

tilt Church for many years Funeralservices wore conducted by Rev DWhlttinghill The deceased was arelative of Mrs Robt Wood of thisplace

Circuit Court

I thoiFjury was instructed to investigateonly those cases whore the partiesare in jail or under bond and othercases demanding Immediate actionTho grand Jury will complete itswork in a few days The petit jurywas Impaneled and adjourned untilthe first Monday in May No Jury


cases have been tried during theterm

Robbery at NortonvllleThe safe in tho depot at Norton

villa was robbed of about forty dol ¬

lars last Thursday A negro WillJohnson is charged with the rob ¬

bery Johnson had been loafingthe place for some time Tho doorof the safe had been left standingopen and tho darkey stole this box

6 containing the money and got away-rI while tho agents back was turned

< He also stole a valise and someI

clothing from tho baggUgo room Holoft at once on a south bound trainTho agent yired tho officer at Crofton to arrest negro which they

6 I did The valise and clothing andi part of the money were recovered

Johnson was taken to MadlspRvJlleFridaynxt lodged in jamb




ssow er neEMakes the food more delicious and wholesome

1 ftovAi tuxina POWER eo NEW YORK


Misses Myrtle Lester and EfflevisitingrPaul P Price spent Sunday with

his parents in MadisonvilleW IJo and J F Gordon of Madl

sonvllfo wore in tho city MondayThomas Longstaff of this place

and B H Harrison and W P Vlckors of Madisonvillo are attendingtho Grand Lodge of the A 0 U V-

at Louisville this week

Lexingtonthis week

Vat D Rutherford of Nebo ishero at work for tho L N Rail ¬

road CompanyAllen Jorponsoii of Paducah

spent a few hours with relatives intho city Monday

Miss Haggle Dovnoy of EvansIle is visiting friends hereMr Rudd of Owensboro Agent

for tho Travelers Accident Insur ¬

anco Co was hero MondayJudgo J P Dempsey Railroad

Commlslonors was here MondayMrs J E Fawcott and children

have returned from a visit to relat-ives at Guthrie

Miss Nannie Winstcad of Lobohas been visiting her sister Mrs WE BoydwhogGary has returned homo

Rev J W Ligon of Sobrco wasweekoJudge JrF Dempsey and HonW L Gordon and J F Gordon worein Earllngton on legal business

MondayAttorneyJerrold A Jonson has

boon attending court this weekEHsha Stodghlll and J C Hito

have been serving on the grand juryRev R M WJieat left Wednesday

for Warren and Allen coun ¬

Ities whero ho will spend a few daysrelatives and friends

100 Reward 100

The readers of this paper will bepleased to learn that there is at feastone dreaded disease that science hasLeon able to cure in all its stagesand that is Catarrh Halls Catarrhknowns¬diseasetHalls Catarrh Cure is taken inter ¬

nally acting directly upon tho blood

systemtherobytho disease and giving tho patientstrength by building up tho constitu ¬doingUsmuch faith in Its curative powersthat they older Ono Hundred Dollarsfor any case that it fails to cureSend for testimonials Address

J F CUENEY Co Toledo 0Sold by Druggists 75c

1Halls Family Pills are the best

E R Simons Passed AwayMr E R Simons n wellknown

and much loved citizen of Madison ¬

villo died at his homo in that cityille ¬

ness Ho was about sixtythreeyears of ago and leaves a widow andseveral children He was Christiangentleman a momber of the Cum ¬

berland Presbyterian church Howas also a Mason in good standingRev G E Thompson conducted thofuneral services after which he waslaid to rest with Masonic honors

Self Preservation-Is the first law of Nature For

this reason everyone who ls1l1 desires to become well Those whohave impure or impoverished bloodturn to Sarsaparllla becausethey know it will enrich andgivethemmedicine on the first appearance ofsteptownrdlacheIndigestion I

A Good RecordThe Ancient Order United Work¬

men has paid out about 22000 onpolicies Since it was organized here I

a few years ago It lifts boon promptin the adjustment of all claims andhas been a Wonderful help to thewidows and orphans of deceasedmembers Tho local lodge is a strongone and has made a fine record

Best Way to Invest 25 CentsANTIOO Miss July 1 1808

NEW SPENOKU MEDICINE CoI want to toll you what I think of

Nubian Tea I have used itmyself and in my family and it isall that claim for it It 3s thebest Liver Medicine I over used It18 just tho tlIngto take if you feelbad are bilious

A B LANCASTERSold by St Bernard Drugstore



A Pleasant AffairTho masquerade party given at

the home of Mrs Leo Oldham onlast Friday evening was quite a su-ccors


Mrs Oldham with tho assis ¬

tanco of MlssesSulllvan andMcGrathentertained in their usual lovelymanner Those present were Mrand Mrs Walter McGary Mr andMrs Arthur Cole Misses Sallie andMary McGrath Lizzie and NellieSullivan Maggie Devnoy PaulineDavis and Nannie Ashby MessrsEd Rule Taylor Fisher AlvloShaver John Devnoy Dan DonahueWilson Borders George RobinsonDegleu McGrath and Frank Orr

Nervous Prostration

I had nervous trouble for yearswhich at times completely prostrat-ed


mo and made life not worth liv-ing


I tried many physicians andno end of nerve and other remedieswithout relief MrJ Crows mer¬

chant Mnlo Iowa persuaded meto try Moneys Sarsaparllla andIron Tho very first bottle went totho right spot for I felt a completechango and now after using six bot ¬

tles in all I am perfectly wellMus LETTIE FISHBU

Sold by Campbell Co

Orand Lodge fleetingThe Grand Lodge of tho Ancient

Order United Workmen has been insession at Louisville this week ThisIs a growing order and tho reportfrom all parts of state make a splen ¬

did showing R H Harrison is therepresentative from the local lodgeThos Longstaff of this place is aGrand Lodge officer

An Editors Life Saved by Chamberlains Cough Remedy

During the early part of October1890 I contracted a bad cold whichneglected¬


tion had appeared in an incipientstate I was constantly coughingand trying to expel something whJch-I could not I became alarmed andafter the local doctor a trialbought a bottle of ChamberlainsCough Remedy and the result wasimmediate improvement and after Ihad used three bottles my lungs wererestored to their healthy stnteB-S EDWARDS Publisher tho ReviewWyant Ill Jfor sale by St Ber-nard


Drugstore Earlington Bon TI Robinson Mortons Gap Geo KingSt Charles

To almost every girl thero somesbetween girlhood and womanhooda time when she fools prompted byher own vitality to take some sharein tho worlds work It accounts formuch that is vigorous In church andsocial life Cornelia Atwood Pratt IMarf oJ1

gand will in itself do much to inducedirectness

Or Ottos Spruce Oum Balsam-A physician can prescribe Dr Ot¬

tos Spruce Gum Balsam The For ¬

yourCoughtake Children c for it Largesize bottles Price 2oo and 50c Forsale by St Bernard Drug DrugstoreFor a Beautiful Complexion Take Dr Carl

stedts German Liver Powder

Col Colson ImprovingCol D G Colsou who was injured

in tho ScottColson duel at Frank-fort


is rapidly improvingI

Volcanic EruptionsAre but Skin Eruptionsrob

life of joy Arnica Salvo cures themalso 0 Fever SoresUlcers Boils Felons Corns WartsCuts Bruises Burns Scalds Chap ¬

ped Hands Chilblains Best Pilecure on earth Drives out Patens andAches Only 25 cts a box Cureguaranteed Sold by St BernardDruggistm

The smallpox situation in MadiBonville is in much better shapeThere are no new cases and tho af-


ones aro convalescent

A Powder Mill ExplosionRemoves everything In sight so

do drastic mineral pills but bothare mighty dangerous Dont dyna¬yourbodypills when Dr Kings Now LifePill which are gentle as a summerbreeze do the work perfectly CuresHeadaches Constipation Only 2 c-

at St Bernard Drugstore

Rev Barney Sisk has moved tothe Tanner farm near Pea Ridgeand will engage In farming

A MisunderstandingMisunderstood symptoms of dis ¬

ease lead doctors to treat somethingolso when the are out of or¬

der Foleys Kidney Cure willbring you health when other medi ¬

cines hmo failed

stampedouttucky towns

Dont Irritate your lungs with astubborn cough when pleasant andeffective remedy m found inCoussons Honey ofyTar Price 25 J

and 50 cents St Bernard Drugstore

u =A Wild Beast at Large

Cndis Feb11icopic livingbetween Rock Castle and Wringhave boon much terrorized for a towweeks past by the appearance ofa vicious wild animal among themIt Imslxvri seen by manyand someclaim it is a lion while others con ¬

tend that it is a hyenaIt has boon to many planes and a

great deal of stock has been killedby it There is much excitement intho neighborhood



in healthconstitution undermined by ex ¬

travagance in eating by disre-garding


the laws ofnature orphysical capital all gone if so

NEVER DESPAIRTutts Liver Pills will cure youFor sick headache dyspepsiasour stomach malaria torpidliver constipation biliousnessand all kindred diseases

Tufts Liver Pillsan absolute cure

J B Lindle Is oft duty at theHecla electric plant temporarily inorder to lend a hand to the HealthBoard in handling tho smallpox sit ¬

uation Bee is an immune and isalways ready to lend a hand

I think Ipain were it not forohamnberlainsStnpletonHerminiewith rheumatism for several yearsand havo tried remedies withoutnumber but Pain Balm 1s tho bestmedicine I have got hold of Oneapplication immediately relieves the

lln For sale by St Bernard Drugsi re EarUngton Ben T RobinsonMortons Gap George King StCharles

James Nunley of Heelaleft homeyesterday via Nashville for HotSprings Ark whero he goes to re ¬

cuperate Ho has not been well forsometime

A TIMELY HINTceothatyourbloodudci Iperfectly healthy condition by the use of Drarlstcdta German Liver Powder Then youwill be free from malaria typhoid fever coldsand the grip Dr Carlatedts German LiverPowder the best medicine money can buyFor your Cold try Dr Ottos Spruce

Gum Balsam Price 25o and 60sa BottleFor sale by

St Bernard DrugstoreThe Baptists titMrflelawill build

now church thiySar1tOiCb8t 150001Tho handsome new Methodist churchQt thnt place is about completed

FoleysHoneyandsaysChasPa Cnmpbe 1 Co

Col Jo F Foard has been laid uptvlth a bilious attack for severaldays since his return from NashvilleSunday

Children who are troubled withWorms are pale in tho face fretfulby spoIls restless In sleep hove bluerings around their eyes bad dreamsvariable appetite and pick the noseWhites Cream Vermifuge will killand expel these parasites Price 25cSt Bernard Drugstore

Mrs Brooks of Hecla who hasbeen visiting for some time atSlaughtersvlllo is home again

Piles of Peopletestify to the merit of Banner Salvo

guaranteedCampbellA miner claims to hove found gold

quartz in Casey county near Dan ¬


Always attend strictly to Business

areMorloysthey always attend Strictly to busi ¬

ness Sugarcoated One a dose Sold byCampbell Co Burlington

Capt James R Rash commandingCompany A Twentyninth infantryhas been in some hot engagementsat the head of his company and comeoff with credit

Fatal delays are caused by exper¬

imenting with cough and cold curesIFoleys Honey and Tar will prevent-a cold from resulting in PneumoniaCampbell Co

Fine WorkFor flue watch work clock work

and call on VGIBarterrTime InspectorEvery piece of

work warranted



A A A A A A A AAAa a o ooa ono u x Q J J QJJ c-


41 bit

HAVE ttl-

Sl iouBoughtall the t

41 bitV b

i UNDERWEARMicarryrig s

= you through this winter 111 Efi v= f Our fall purchase w heavy The winter 3C so far has been mild consequently our bittli Underwear Department is too full We bit

= are anxious to unload Winter under =d9wear is not very fast selling merchandise i-4R in spring and summer It must move be b11

4 forerl i thenbI fifty Cents to 3 a SuitI bit


fBIHoPLoarW MADISONVILLE KY<9 THE SAME PRICE ON THE SAME THING TO EVERYBODYFtiC1 bitcc cwc a acv cc cce r too r or +r +r Ya r99 99 a r 9yVT9 Y

li f laA 8taf ilPa9t 8 it 4 +l fi

PRCEfTeeth extracted free Wednesday April 18 1900 at Earlington

e Ky by Neyllle Bros the Real Painless Dentists of Sebree Ky who

Icome well recommended this being their fourth trip and willg continue to make regular trips They guarantee their worke for five years


method of extracting known uso invited to be convinced at Hotel 3


10lNl iimN 1II iI i 4 r h

fijGLtltD E M rlr r vif SADDLE HIRShS l







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r p gDJZ1 gr-

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On first day advertise our new and 4

less teeth and used by aloneAll are call and Office

Lf 9Y f






CURE IIA New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INS and



JAMES F BALLARD Sole Proprietor I 310 North Male Strict ST LOUIS HO



Successor t a Isaac DuJ-


At tho Old Stand onMain street Just

of DepotPwest KY

FirstClass Equipment arid Prompt Service j 1WORMS



lioit in Quantity DcatlaQualit-ra a

faro YQr Has l-siox

it lrwrmRimadras21fas Zr AXaX DJQcc tSi <

4nstva > sy K JAMES F BALLASSV St nub 1

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