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GH F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1. Find the compound interest on Rs.6000 at 20% p.a. for 2 years, compounded annually. 1) Rs.2600 2) Rs.2400 3) Rs.2640 4) Rs.2480 5) Rs.2550 Sol: R 1st year 20% 2nd year 20% + 4% Ans: 3 2. In what time will Rs.8000 become Rs.9261 at 5% per annum compounded annually? 1) 5 yr 2) 3 yr 3) 4 yr 4) 2 yr 5) 6 yr Sol: P = 8000; compound intrest in 1st year 5 = × 8000 = 400 100 Interest 1st year 400 = 400 2nd year 400 20 = 420 3rd year 400 20 20 1= 441 1261 Amount = 8000 + 1261 = 9261 N = 3 years Ans: 2 3. A sum of money amounts to Rs.1210 in 2 years and Rs.1331 in 3 years a compound interest (interest being compounded annually). Find the rate percent of interest per annum. 1) 8% 2) 10% 3) 10.5% 4) 11% 5) 20% Sol: In 3rd year P 1210 A 1331 C.I 121 121 R = × 100 = 10% 1210 Ans: 2 4. Rohan earns an interest of Rs.400 over 2 years on a simple interest basis and Rs.420 at the same interest rate on compound inter- est basis. What is the compound interest for 2nd year? 1) 230 2) 250 3) 220 4) 200 5) 225 Sol: S.I C.I I 200 200 II 200 200 + 20 400 420 Ans: 3 5. The simple interest on a certain principal for a time period of 2 years at 16% p.a. is Rs.1280. If the same principal is invested at 10% p.a. compound interest compounded annually, what will be the amount after 2 years? (in Rs.) 1) 800 2) 900 3) 4840 4) 630 5) 1050 Sol: 32% 1280 121% 4840 Ans: 3 6. A person lent Rs.4000 to another person at certain rate of C.I after 2 years he got amount Rs.5760. Have he lent the same sum for the same time at the half of the previous rate of interest, how much amount he would have get? 1) Rs.4800 2) Rs.4840 3) Rs.4750 4) Rs.4640 5) Rs.5000 Sol: C.I = 5760 - 4000 = 1760 1760 % = × 100 = 44% (For 2 years) 4000 R R = 20%; = 10% 2 100% 4000 121% 4840 Ans: 2 7. A man invests Rs.5000 for three years at 5% p.a. compound interest reckoned yearly. Income Tax at the rate of 20% on the interest earned is deducted at the end of each year. Find the amount at the end of the third year. 1) Rs.5624.32 2) Rs.5423.32 3) Rs.5634 4) Rs.5976.32 5) Rs.5630 Sol: P = 5000 I 250 - 50 = 200 II (250 + 10 = 260 - 52) = 208 III 250 + 10 + 10.4 = 270.4 - 54.08 = 216.32 Amount = 5000 + 200 + 208 + 216.32 = 5624.32 Ans: 1 8. The simple interest received on a sum of Rs.12600 at the rate of 8% in T years is Rs.5040. Find the compound interest received on the same sum in (T-3) years at the rate of 16.66% p.a. compounded annually. 1) Rs.4550 2) Rs.4650 3) Rs.4450 4) Rs.4750 5) Rs.4800 5040 Sol: % = × 100 = 40% 12600 40 T = = 5 years; (T - 3 = 2 years ) 8 C.I P = 12600; R = 16.66% I 2100 II 2100 + 350 4550 Ans: 1 9. Abhiram invested Rs.X at the rate of 15% p.a. on compound interest for two years and gets total interest of Rs.5805. If Abhiram invested Rs.(X + 14000) for another two years at additional rate 15%, then what will be the compound intrest on that investment? 1) Rs.22080 2) Rs.24000 3) Rs.25200 4) Rs.26080 5) Rs.20080 Sol: C.I = 15 + 15 + 2.25 = 32.25% 32.25% 5805 X = 100% 18000 C.I P = 32000; R = 30% I 9600 II 9600 + 2880 22080 Ans: 1 10. B borrowed Rs.5,000 from A at 6% p.a. sim- ple interest and lends it to C at compound interest of 10% p.a. If B collects the money back from C after 2 years and repays A, the profit made by B in the transaction is...... 1) Rs.600 2) Rs.1,050 3) Rs.500 4) Rs.450 5) Rs.1,150 Sol: % = 21% - 12% = 9% 9 Profit = × 5000 = 450 100 Ans: 4 11. Veer invested Rs.2,75,000 on simple interest at the rate of 7% p.a. for two years and Rs.Y on compound interest at the rate of 10% p.a. for two years. If total simple interest obtained in two years is equal to compound interest only on second year then, find Y 1) Rs.3,50,000 2) Rs.3,00,000 3) Rs.4,00,000 4) Rs.2,50,000 5) Rs.4,50,000 Sol: S.I C.I I 7% 10% II 7% 11% 14% of 2,75,000 = 38500 which is equals to 11% of C.I 11% 38500 100% 3,500,00 Ans: 1 12. The simple interest occurred on a sum of money at the rate of interest 5% per annum for two years is Rs.410. The compound interest is the same as simple interest as occurred on other sum of money at the same rate of interest and the same time. Find the difference between the two sums of money principal. 1) Rs.80 2) Rs.90 3) Rs.150 4) Rs.100 5) Rs.180 Sol: S.I C.I 10% 410 10.25% 410 100% 4100 100% 4000 Difference = 100 Ans: 4 13. A money-lender borrows money at 4% per annum and pays the interest at the end of the year. He lends it at 6% per annum com- pound interest compounded half yearly and receives the interest at the end of the year. In this way, he gains Rs.3344 a year. The amount of money he borrows, is.... 1) Rs.1,20,000 2) Rs.1,50,000 3) Rs.1,80,000 4) Rs.1,60,000 5) Rs.1,85,000 Sol: 6.09% - 4% = 2.09% 2.09% 3344 100% 1,60,000 Ans: 4 14. The difference in simple interest and com- pound interest on a certain sum of money in 3 years at 20% p.a. is Rs.640. The sum is... 1) Rs.5000 2) Rs.8500 3) Rs.8250 4) Rs.6000 5) Rs.4000 Sol: S.I C.I I 20% 20% II 20% 20% + 4% III 20% 20% + 4% + 4% + 0.8% 60% 72.8% Difference = 12.8% 12.8% 640 100% 5000 Ans: 1 15. If a certain sum of money double itself in 3 years at certain rate of C.I. In how many years does it 16 times itself at the same rate of C.I? 1) 12 yr 2) 15 yr 3) 9 yr 4) 6 yr 5) 10 yr 3years 3 years 3 years 3 years Sol: x 2x 4x 8x 16 x After 12 years does it 16 times itself Ans: 1 16. The compound interest on a sum of money for 2 years is Rs.832 and the simple interest on the same sum for the same period is Rs.800. The difference between the compound interest and simple interest for 3 years is..... 1) Rs.48 2) Rs.66.56 3) Rs.98.56 4) Rs.36.72 5) Rs.108.45 32 Sol: R = × 100 = 8% 400 S.I C.I I 400 400 II 400 400 + 32 III 400 400 + 32 + 32 + 2.56 1200 1298.5 Difference = 98.56 Ans: 3 17. Rahul invested Rs.16,800 in scheme 'A' for 4 years. Scheme 'A' offers simple interest @ 8 p.c.p.a. for the first two years and com- pound interest @ 10 p.c.p.a. for the next two years. What will be total interest earned by Rahul after 4 years from scheme 'A'? 1) Rs.6336 2) Rs.6092 3) Rs.6216 4) Rs.6448 5) Rs.6400 Sol: S.I C.I I 8% 10% II 8% 11% 16% + 21% = 37% 37 Total interest = × 16800 = 6216 100 Ans: 3 18. A man gave 50% of his savings of Rs.84,100 to his wife and divided the remaining sum between his two sons A and B of 15 and 13 years of age respectively. He divided it in such a way that each of his sons, when they attain the age of 18 years, would receive the same amount at 5% compound interest per annum. The share of B was..... 1) Rs.20,000 2) Rs.20,050 3) Rs.22000 4) Rs.22,050 5) Rs.24,000 5 3 5 5 Sol: P 1 ( 1 + ) = P 2 ( 1 + ) 100 100 P 1 21 2 441 P = ( ) = P 2 20 400 P 84100 841 P 2 400 P 20,000 Ans: 1 Writer Ch. Sudheer Chakravarthi, Sreedhar's CCE COMPOUND INTEREST Compound Interest (C.I) is most common con- cept in our daily life. C.I. calculated annually, half-yearly and quarterly. C.I is the interest calculated on the principal and the interest accumulated over the previous period. C.I = Amount - principal R n Amount = P ( 1 + ) 100 Where P = Principal R = Rate of Interest n = no. of years In competitive exams, the weitage of com- pound Interest is 2-3 marks. This topic is very useful in our daily routine as well. It is useful in Data Analysis and Data Sufficiency. Special Quantitative Aptitude Model Questions ¸ôí£æ¨ ví£AòÅ¡ ›í@ö˺x... D ð¼Múà í£K¤Ûõ ví£ê¶uÚÛÙ n ÏÙè…óŸªû ÓÚ¥ìOª D ò°uÙÚ ÓÞ¥bîªq n ÏÙTxùà What will be the amount after 2 years? Bank Exams 44 = × 6000 100 = Rs.2640 Îë]ô¢) Øù£ëÅ]Ù n- ÷³Üu ëÅ]ô¦tõª- * Øù£ëÅ]Ù EJÌù£d ÷u÷-ú£–šíj ÷«vêŸî¶ª í£E à¶óŸ«L. * Øù£-ëů-EÚ¨ ÍA êŸÚÛª\÷ ë]ªù£pÄ-L-ê¦õª ÑÙè¯L. * ú£÷ª-ô¢–-÷Ù-êŸÙÞ¥, Íð§óŸªÙ ö˶ÚÛªÙè¯, Dô¢+- Ú¥õÙ í£E à¶óŸ«L.- * øŒKô¢ ëÅ]ô¢t vÚ¨óŸª-õÚÛª ÎåÙÚÛÙ ÚÛL-TÙ-àŸ-ÚÛ«- è[ë]ª, @÷-ÚÛ-é°-õÚÛª E-à¶-óŸª-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª.- * Øù£ëÅ] EôÁ-ëů-EÚ¨ ÞœªJ-Ú¥-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª.- à¦ö° Øù£-ëůõª šíj ëÅ]ô¦t-õìª ÚÛLT ÑÙè[÷±.- Øù£-ëůõ ÷K_-ÚÛ-ô¢é #Ú¨êŸq vÚ¨óŸ«-Q-õêŸ Îëů-ô¢ÙÞ¥ Øù£-ëů-õìª û¦õªÞœª ô¢Ú¥-õªÞ¥ ÷K_-ÚÛ-JÙ-à¦ô¢ª.- ÍN: 1. ô¢þ§-óŸªì #Ú¨êŸq Øù£-ëůõª (Chemotherapeutic drugs)/- ú£«¤Ût-@N Nû¦-øŒ-Ú¥õª (Antimicrobials) 2. ÷ªûÁ#Ú¨êŸq Øù£-ëůõª (Psychotherapeutic drugs) 3. øŒKô¢ ëÅ]ô¢t-Q-õê¦ Øù£-ëůõª (Pharmacodynamic drugs) 4. @÷ ÑêŸpìo v›íô¢ÚÛ öË¶ë¯ EôÁ-ëÅ]ÚÛ Øù£- ëůõª (Metabolic stimulant or inhibitor drugs) ô¢-þ§-óŸªì #Ú¨êŸq Øù£-ëůõª/- ú£«¤Ût-@N Nû¦-øŒ-Ú¥õª- øŒK-ô¦-EÚ¨ E-à¶-óŸª-ÚÛªÙè¯, ö˺í£-LÚ¨ ví£î¡¶-PÙ- #ì ú£«¤Ût-@-÷±-õìª ìPÙ-í£-â˶›ú Øù£ëůõìª - cú£«¤Ût-@N Nû¦-øŒ-Ú¥õªe- ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- a) óŸ«Ù-æ©-ñ-óŸ«-æ¨ÚÂq: - ÏN ô¢þ§-óŸªì í£ë¯ô¦–õª.- DEo í£²JhÞ¥ öË¶ë¯ ð§¤¨-ÚÛÙÞ¥ ÚÛ”vA÷ª ô¢þ§-óŸªì àŸô¢uõ ë¯yô¦ êŸóŸ«ô¢ª à¶þ§hô¢ª.- ÍA êŸÚÛª\÷ Þ¥èÅ[-êŸö˺ ú£«¤Û-@-÷±õ šíô¢ª-Þœª-ë]-õìª EôÁ-CÅ-þ§hô³ öË¶ë¯ í£²JhÞ¥ ìPÙ-í£-â˶-þ§hô³.- Ñë¯:- šíEq-L-ûÂõª:- Í÷«-Ú¨q-ú‡-LûÂ, ÎÙíƇ-ú‡-LûÂ, Ú•xÚ¥q-ú‡-LûÂ, ÎÚ¥q-ú‡-Lû ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- šúðƧö˺ þ¼pJ-ûÂõª:- šúíÆ£-ö˵-Ú¨qûÂ, šúðƧ-vè¯-Ú¨qöËÀ, šúíÆ£-ö˺-·Þ—x-ú‡ûÂ, šúíÆ£-ö˺-EóŸªÙ îµ³ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- ç˵væ°-šúj-Ú¨x-ûÂõª: ç˵væ°-šúj-Ú¨xûÂ, è¯Ú¨q-šúj-Ú¨xûÂ, NªûÁ- šúj-Ú¨xû ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- ÷«vÚÁ-ö˵j-èÂõª:- ÓJ-vêÁ-i-ú‡ûÂ, Í>-vêÁ-i-ú‡ûÂ, Ú¥xJ-vêÁ-i-ú‡û ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- ÓNª-ûÁ-·Þ—x-ÚÁ-šúj-èÂõª:- wšúdð¼d-i-ú‡ûÂ, Eóµ«-i-ú‡ûÂ, â˵Ùæ°-i-ú‡û ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- ðƼxôÁ-Ú¨y-ûÁ-ö˺-ûÂõª:- ú‡vð¼-ðƼx-Ú¥q-ú‡ûÂ, ×ðƼx-Ú¥q-ú‡ûÂ, û¦ôÂ-ðƼx-Ú¥q-ú‡û ë]-ö˵j-ìN b) jô¢-úÃ-N-û¦-øŒ-Ú¥õª (Antivirals): j-ô¢úà ڥô¢ÚÛ î¦uëÅ]ªõ #Ú¨-êŸqö˺ î¦è˶ Øù£- ëů-õìª -cjô¢úà Nû¦-øŒ-Ú¥õªe- ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- Ñë¯: Íú‡-ÚÁx-NôÂ, Íò°-ÚÛ-NôÂ, ·ôîªè˵-ú‡-NôÂ, ö°- ú‡-ÚÁx-Nô ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- c) ÷ªö˶-J-óŸ«-E-ôÁ-ëÅ]-Ú¥õª (Antimalarial): ÷ª-ö˶-JóŸ« î¦uCÅ #Ú¨-êŸqö˺ Ñí£-óµ«-TÙචØù£ëů-õìª -c÷ªö˶-JóŸ« EôÁ-ëÅ]-Ú¥õªe- ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- Ñë¯: ÚÁxôÁ-Ú¨yûÂ, Ú¨yûµjûÂ, Ú¨yE-è…ûÂ, ðƼx-Ú¨yû ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- d) óŸ«Ùæ©-šú-í‡d-ÚÂõª (Antiseptics): l ÏN ú£«¤Ût-vÚ¨-÷³õ šíô¢ª-Þœª-ë]-õìª EôÁ-CÅ- þ§hô³ öË¶ë¯ î¦æ¨E û¦øŒìÙ à¶þ§hô³.- l Þ¥óŸ«õª, ÚÁêŸõª, í£±Ùè[ªx, ôÁÞ¥-EÚ¨ Þœª·ôjì àŸô¢tÙ Ñí£-J-êŸ-õÙšíj óŸ«Ùæ©-šú-í‡d-ÚÂ-õìª í£²êŸÞ¥ í£²þ§hô¢ª.- Ñë¯--ô¢é: F -cè˵æ°döËÀe- Íû¶ óŸ«Ùæ©-šú-í‡dÚ ÚÁxôÁ- ·Új¬q-L-ûÁöËÀ, ç˵Jp-E-óµ«-öËÀõ NªvøŒ÷ªÙ.- F Ú•Eo ú£ñª(ö˺x Gæ¨-óŸª-ûÁöËÀ Íû¶ óŸ«Ùæ©-šú- í‡d-ÚÂìª ÚÛõª-í£±-ê¦ô¢ª.- F Îõ\-öËÀn-Fô¢ª NªvøŒ-÷ªÙö˺ 2n- 7%- ÷´õÚÛ Íóµ«-è…ûÂ, ð»æ°-ù‡óŸªÙ Íóµ«-è˵jè vë¯÷-é°Eo ÚÛJ-T›úh ë¯Eo -cÍóµ«-è…û æ¨ÙÚÛaôÂe- ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- DEo <÷³ EôÁ-ëÅ]-ÚÛÙÞ¥ Þ¥óŸ«-õšíj í£²þ§hô¢ª.- F ò˺JÚ Î÷ªx NMì áõ vë¯÷éÙ ÚÛÙæ¨ö˺ ›ú ñõ-ì óŸ«Ùæ©-šú-í‡dÚÂÞ¥ í£E-à¶-ú£ªhÙC.- e) vÚ¨Nª-ú£Ù--ô¢-Ú¥õª (Disinfectants): R Ñí£-J-êŸ-ö°-õšíj vÚ¨÷³-õìª û¦øŒì٠ඛúÙ- ë]ªÚÛª Ñí£-óµ«-TÙචô¢þ§-óŸªì í£ë¯-ô¦–-õìª vÚ¨Nª-ú£Ù--ô¢-Ú¥õª ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- Ñë¯: 70%- ÏëǵjöËÀ Îõ\-öËÀ áõ-vë¯-÷éÙ, šïj°vèÁ-áû šíô¦-·Új¬qèÂ, íƇû¦öËÀ, ÚÁxôÁ-·Új¬q-L-ûÁöËÀ, ð»æ°-ù‡óŸªÙ í£ô¦tÙ-Þœ-û¶æÀ, ÚÁxJû vë¯÷éÙ, ðƧô¦t-L“-šïj°è áõ-vë¯-÷éÙ îµ³ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- F 37-40%- ðƧô¦t-L“-šïj°è áõ-vë¯-÷-é°Eo -cðƧô¢t-LûÂe- ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- DEo @÷ ú£ÙñÙëÅ] ì÷´-û¦-õìª Eõy à¶óŸª-è¯- EÚ¨ Ñí£-óµ«-T-þ§hô¢ª.- f) PMÙ-vëÅ]-û¦-øŒ-Ú¥õª (Antifungals): Z PMÙ-vëÅ]-Ú¥-ô¢ÚÛ î¦uëÅ]ªõ #Ú¨-êŸqö˺ Ñí£-óµ«- TÙචØù£-ëů-õìª PMÙv-ëÅ]-û¦-øŒ-Ú¥õª ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- Ñë¯: ·Úå-Ú•-ì-â˺öËÀ, ÚÁxwç˵j-÷ª-â˺öËÀ, íÆ£²Ú•-ì-â˺öËÀ îµ³ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- j) í£±ô¢ª-Þœª-î¦uCÅ EôÁ-ëÅ]-Ú¥õª (Anthelmintics): p Ú•Eo í£±ô¢ª-Þœªõª øŒK-ô¢Ù-ö˺ڨ à¶J î¦uëÅ]ª-õìª ÚÛL-T-þ§hô³.- Oæ¨ #Ú¨-êŸqö˺ î¦è˶ Øù£-ëů- õìª -cí£±ô¢ª-Þœª-î¦uCÅ EôÁ-ëÅ]-Ú¥õªe- ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.- Ñë¯: ÎöËÀ-ò˵Ù-è[-â˺öËÀ, ò˵Ù-è[-â˺öËÀ, Õ÷-ôÂ-- Ú¨dû ë]-ö˵j-ìN.- h) ¤ÛóŸª-î¦u-CÅ-E-ôÁ-ëÅ]-Ú¥õª (Antituberculars) : c iÚÁ-ò°u-Ú©d-JóŸªÙ å«uñ-ôÂ-ÚÛªu-ö˺-ú‡úà Íû¶ ú£«¤Ût-@-÷±õ ÷õx ¤ÛóŸª-î¦uCÅ ú£ÙvÚÛ-Nª-ú£ªhÙC.- ¤ÛóŸª-î¦uCÅ EôÁ-ëÅ]-Ú¥õª Ð ú£«¤Ût-@-÷±-õìª ìPÙ-í£-â˶-þ§hô³.- Ñë¯: JðƧÙ-í‡-ú‡ûÂ, Ïþ¼-E- óŸ«->èÂ, ÏëůÙ-ñ«u-æ°öËÀ, šíô¦->-ì-ièÂ.- ÷«CJ ví£øŒoõª 1. 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Dô¢ +- E-vë]ìª ÚÛL-TÙචú£îμ« t --ì-Ú¥-ô¢ªõª! Dô¢ +- E-vë]ìª ÚÛL-TÙචú£îμ« t --ì-Ú¥-ô¢ªõª! Dô¢ +- E-vë]ìª ÚÛL-TÙචú£îμ« t --ì-Ú¥-ô¢ªõª! Dô¢ +- E-vë]ìª ÚÛL-TÙචú£îμ« t --ì-Ú¥-ô¢ªõª! Dô¢ +- E-vë]ìª ÚÛL-TÙචú£îμ« t --ì-Ú¥-ô¢ªõª! Dô¢ +- E-vë]ìª ÚÛL-TÙචú£îμ« t --ì-Ú¥-ô¢ªõª! ð¼MúÃ, ÏêŸô¢ ð¼æ© í£K¤Ûõ ví£ê¶uÚÛÙ Ó.-šíÆxNªÙÞÂ

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1. Find the compound interest on Rs.6000 at

20% p.a. for 2 years, compounded annually.

1) Rs.2600 2) Rs.2400

3) Rs.2640 4) Rs.2480 5) Rs.2550

Sol: R

1st year 20%

2nd year 20% + 4% Ans: 3

2. In what time will Rs.8000 become Rs.9261 at

5% per annum compounded annually?

1) 5 yr 2) 3 yr 3) 4 yr 4) 2 yr 5) 6 yr

Sol: P = 8000; compound intrest in 1st year

5= × 8000 = 400



1st year 400 = 400

2nd year 400 20 = 420

3rd year 400 20 20 1 = 441 1261

Amount = 8000 + 1261 = 9261

∴ N = 3 years Ans: 2

3. A sum of money amounts to Rs.1210 in 2

years and Rs.1331 in 3 years a compound

interest (interest being compounded annually).

Find the rate percent of interest per annum.

1) 8% 2) 10% 3) 10.5% 4) 11% 5) 20%

Sol: In 3rd year

P 1210

A 1331

C.I 121

121R = × 100 = 10%

1210 Ans: 2

4. Rohan earns an interest of Rs.400 over 2

years on a simple interest basis and Rs.420

at the same interest rate on compound inter-

est basis. What is the compound interest for

2nd year?

1) 230 2) 250 3) 220 4) 200 5) 225

Sol: S.I C.I

I 200 200

II 200 200 + 20

400 420 Ans: 3

5. The simple interest on a certain principal for a

time period of 2 years at 16% p.a. is Rs.1280.

If the same principal is invested at 10% p.a.

compound interest compounded annually,

what will be the amount after 2 years? (in Rs.)

1) 800 2) 900 3) 4840 4) 630 5) 1050

Sol: 32% → 1280

121% → 4840 Ans: 3

6. A person lent Rs.4000 to another person at

certain rate of C.I after 2 years he got amount

Rs.5760. Have he lent the same sum for the

same time at the half of the previous rate of

interest, how much amount he would have


1) Rs.4800 2) Rs.4840 3) Rs.4750

4) Rs.4640 5) Rs.5000

Sol: C.I = 5760 − 4000 = 1760

1760% = × 100 = 44% (For 2 years)


R∴ R = 20%; = 10%


100% → 4000

121% → 4840 Ans: 2

7. A man invests Rs.5000 for three years at 5%

p.a. compound interest reckoned yearly.

Income Tax at the rate of 20% on the interest

earned is deducted at the end of each year.

Find the amount at the end of the third year.

1) Rs.5624.32 2) Rs.5423.32

3) Rs.5634 4) Rs.5976.32 5) Rs.5630

Sol: P = 5000

I 250 − 50 = 200

II (250 + 10 = 260 − 52) = 208

III 250 + 10 + 10.4 = 270.4 − 54.08 = 216.32

Amount = 5000 + 200 + 208 + 216.32

= 5624.32 Ans: 1

8. The simple interest received on a sum of

Rs.12600 at the rate of 8% in T years is

Rs.5040. Find the compound interest received

on the same sum in (T−3) years at the rate of

16.66% p.a. compounded annually.

1) Rs.4550 2) Rs.4650

3) Rs.4450 4) Rs.4750 5) Rs.4800

5040Sol: % = × 100 = 40%


40T = = 5 years; (T − 3 = 2 years )


C.I ↓ P = 12600; R = 16.66%

I 2100

II 2100 + 350 4550

Ans: 1

9. Abhiram invested Rs.X at the rate of 15%

p.a. on compound interest for two years and

gets total interest of Rs.5805. If Abhiram

invested Rs.(X + 14000) for another two

years at additional rate 15%, then what will

be the compound intrest on that investment?

1) Rs.22080 2) Rs.24000 3) Rs.25200

4) Rs.26080 5) Rs.20080

Sol: C.I = 15 + 15 + 2.25 = 32.25%

32.25% → 5805

X = 100% → 18000

C.I ↓ P = 32000; R = 30%

I 9600

II 9600 + 2880

22080 Ans: 1

10. B borrowed Rs.5,000 from A at 6% p.a. sim-

ple interest and lends it to C at compound

interest of 10% p.a. If B collects the money

back from C after 2 years and repays A, the

profit made by B in the transaction is......

1) Rs.600 2) Rs.1,050 3) Rs.500

4) Rs.450 5) Rs.1,150

Sol: % = 21% − 12% = 9%

9Profit = × 5000 = 450

100 Ans: 4

11. Veer invested Rs.2,75,000 on simple interest

at the rate of 7% p.a. for two years and Rs.Y

on compound interest at the rate of 10% p.a.

for two years. If total simple interest obtained

in two years is equal to compound interest

only on second year then, find Y

1) Rs.3,50,000 2) Rs.3,00,000

3) Rs.4,00,000 4) Rs.2,50,000

5) Rs.4,50,000

Sol: S.I C.I

I 7% 10%

II 7% 11%

14% of 2,75,000 = 38500 → which is equals

to 11% of C.I

11% → 38500

100% → 3,500,00 Ans: 1

12. The simple interest occurred on a sum of

money at the rate of interest 5% per annum for

two years is Rs.410. The compound interest is

the same as simple interest as occurred on

other sum of money at the same rate of

interest and the same time. Find the difference

between the two sums of money principal.

1) Rs.80 2) Rs.90 3) Rs.150

4) Rs.100 5) Rs.180

Sol: S.I C.I

10% → 410 10.25% → 410

100% → 4100 100% → 4000

Difference = 100 Ans: 4

13. A money-lender borrows money at 4% per

annum and pays the interest at the end of

the year. He lends it at 6% per annum com-

pound interest compounded half yearly and

receives the interest at the end of the year.

In this way, he gains Rs.3344 a year. The

amount of money he borrows, is....

1) Rs.1,20,000 2) Rs.1,50,000

3) Rs.1,80,000 4) Rs.1,60,000

5) Rs.1,85,000

Sol: 6.09% − 4% = 2.09%

2.09% → 3344

100% → 1,60,000 Ans: 4

14. The difference in simple interest and com-

pound interest on a certain sum of money in

3 years at 20% p.a. is Rs.640. The sum is...

1) Rs.5000 2) Rs.8500 3) Rs.8250

4) Rs.6000 5) Rs.4000

Sol: S.I C.I

I 20% 20%

II 20% 20% + 4%

III 20% 20% + 4% + 4% + 0.8%

60% 72.8%

Difference = 12.8%

12.8% → 640

100% → 5000 Ans: 1

15. If a certain sum of money double itself in

3 years at certain rate of C.I. In how many

years does it 16 times itself at the same rate

of C.I?

1) 12 yr 2) 15 yr 3) 9 yr

4) 6 yr 5) 10 yr

3years 3 years 3 years 3 years

Sol: x → 2x → 4x → 8x → 16 x

After 12 years does it 16 times itself

Ans: 1

16. The compound interest on a sum of money

for 2 years is Rs.832 and the simple interest

on the same sum for the same period is

Rs.800. The difference between the

compound interest and simple interest for

3 years is.....

1) Rs.48 2) Rs.66.56 3) Rs.98.56

4) Rs.36.72 5) Rs.108.45

32Sol: R = × 100 = 8%



I 400 400

II 400 400 + 32

III 400 400 + 32 + 32 + 2.56

1200 1298.5

∴ Difference = 98.56 Ans: 3

17. Rahul invested Rs.16,800 in scheme 'A' for

4 years. Scheme 'A' offers simple interest

@ 8 p.c.p.a. for the first two years and com-

pound interest @ 10 p.c.p.a. for the next

two years. What will be total interest earned

by Rahul after 4 years from scheme 'A'?

1) Rs.6336 2) Rs.6092 3) Rs.6216

4) Rs.6448 5) Rs.6400

Sol: S.I C.I

I 8% 10%

II 8% 11%

16% + 21% = 37%

37Total interest = × 16800 = 6216

100Ans: 3

18. A man gave 50% of his savings of Rs.84,100

to his wife and divided the remaining sum

between his two sons A and B of 15 and 13

years of age respectively. He divided it in

such a way that each of his sons, when they

attain the age of 18 years, would receive the

same amount at 5% compound interest per

annum. The share of B was.....

1) Rs.20,000 2) Rs.20,050 3) Rs.22000

4) Rs.22,050 5) Rs.24,000

5 3 5 5

Sol: P1 (1 + ) = P2 (1 + )100 100

P1 21 2 441 P = () = P2 20 400 P

84100841 P →


400 P → 20,000 Ans: 1


Ch. Sudheer Chakravarthi,

Sreedhar's CCE

COMPOUND INTERESTCompound Interest (C.I) is most common con-

cept in our daily life. C.I. calculated annually,

half-yearly and quarterly. C.I is the interest

calculated on the principal and the interest

accumulated over the previous period.

C.I = Amount − principal

R nAmount = P (1 + )100

Where P = Principal

R = Rate of Interest

n = no. of years

In competitive exams, the weitage of com-

pound Interest is 2-3 marks. This topic is

very useful in our daily routine as well. It is

useful in Data Analysis and Data Sufficiency.


Quantitative Aptitude

Model Questions

¸ôí£æ̈ ví£AòÅ¡ ›í@ö˺x...D ð¼Múà í£K¤Ûõ ví£ê¶uÚÛÙ n ÏÙè…óŸªû ÓÚ¥ìOªD ò°uÙÚ ÓÞ¥bîªq n ÏÙTxùÃ

What will be the amount after 2 years?

Bank Exams

44= × 6000


= Rs.2640

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