f. formenti - rd51 collaboration meeting february 20th-22nd, 20121 brief cms and atlas upgrade plans...

F. Formenti - RD51 collaboration meeting February 20th-22nd, 2012 1 Brief CMS and Atlas upgrade plans Status and follow up for: Newflex Eltos Techtra Recent contacts with: Tech Etch, CEA Saclay Feedback from Saclay on Cirea and recent CERN- Cirea contact Micromegas license status Messages to retain and conclusions Outline

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Page 1: F. Formenti - RD51 collaboration meeting February 20th-22nd, 20121 Brief CMS and Atlas upgrade plans Status and follow up for: Newflex Eltos Techtra Recent

F. Formenti - RD51 collaboration meeting February 20th-22nd, 2012 1

• Brief CMS and Atlas upgrade plans

• Status and follow up for:




• Recent contacts with: Tech Etch, CEA Saclay

• Feedback from Saclay on Cirea and recent CERN-Cirea contact

• Micromegas license status

• Messages to retain and conclusions


Page 2: F. Formenti - RD51 collaboration meeting February 20th-22nd, 20121 Brief CMS and Atlas upgrade plans Status and follow up for: Newflex Eltos Techtra Recent

CMS Muon upgrade (the numbers)

• Concerns Muon endcap Stations 1 and 2(3 and 4 for later)

• GEM proposed as competitive technology to withstand the high rate requirement for eta>1.6

Station Nbr of modules Module area (containing rectangle)

Total Nbr of modules (w/o spares)

Total GEM foil area (3ple GEMs)

Manufacturing plan

1 18x2x2=72 ~0.43m2 (440x990) 72 0.43x72x3=93m2 Yrs 2014+2015

2 36x2=72 (long)36x2=72 (short)

~2.4m2 (1251x1911)~1.6m2 (1251x1281)

144 (2.4+1.6)x72x3=864m2 Yrs 2015+1016

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About 1000m2 of GEM foils in total216 triple GEM detectors

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• Installation during LS2 (2017-2018)

• Manufacturing plan (GEM foils + assembly + tests and calibration) (2014-2016)

• TP has been submitted for review on February 10th

• TDR by end of year 2012 for approval spring 2013 ?

=> Industrialization and setup of production sites in 2012-2013 <=

CMS Muon upgrade(backward dates) (Data estimated from TP)

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Atlas nSW upgrade project (the numbers)

• Concerns small wheel Muon Stations• Micromegas proposed as competitive

technology w.r.t. MDT+TGC/RPC and CSC

Sector Nbr sectorsNbr chambers/sectorMM layers/chambers

MM layer area(containing rectangle)

Total Nbr MM layers

(w/o spares)

Total MM PCB area Manufacturing plan

Small 8x2=164


From ~0.68m2 (696x980)

To ~1m2 (1420x730)

512 0.88x512=450m2 Yrs 2015+2016

Large 8x2=164


From ~0.96m2 (1036X930)

To ~1.9m2 (2300x835)

512 1.5x512=768m2 Yrs 2015+2016

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About 1200m2 of resistive bulk1024 MM layers

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Atlas nSW upgrade project(backward dates)

• Installation in Atlas during LS2 (2018)

• Commissioning nSW on surface (2017-2018)

• Manufacturing plan (2015-2016)

• Pre production first complete sector 0, i.e. 32 MM layers (2014)

• nSW MoU and TDR during 2013 ?

• Construction of large size MM prototypes and validation in 2012/2013

=> Industrialization and setup of production sites in 2012/2013 <=

(Data from nSW meeting Oct 2011)

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NewFlex status

• Third visit on September 5th, 2011

• Feedback on first single mask 6x6 foil produced => good micro-via quality, tested at CERN OK=> licensing

• Launch production of 20 foil samples 10x10=> received at CERN on December 20th

=> visual inspection OK, cleaning done at CERN

• Company located nearby Seoul (South Korea)

•Specialized in flex circuits, huge production capability (report presentation at RD51 miniweek 21-24 November)

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Preliminary results from 10x10 GEM testsby Archana’s team

(Please follow dedicated presentation at WG1 for more details)

• Tests on 10x10 foils started at CERN beginning February 2012• HV test passed• Gain calibration checked for 2 foils -> performance practically as for CERN GEM • Gain stability test during 1 hour shows ~5% shift -> test is still on-going

Congratulations to Newflex for the excellent samples!!

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8F. Formenti - RD51 collaboration meeting February 20th-22nd, 2012

NewFlex follow up• Prof. Sung Park visited us on February 2nd

• Meeting organized to discuss next steps on technology transfer• Main identified actions:

(NB: the contribution of CMS for the detector qualification is essential)

Items Main action on Proposed time


1) Feedback to Newflex on 10x10 sample quality check Archana’s team -> wk9 Give OK to prototype 30x30

2) One student of Sung at CERN w/Archana’s team Sung, Archana ASAP Learn QA check procedure, take one GEM detector to Seoul, copy test facility locally

3) GEM license signed by Newflex Sung, Hartmut -> wk9 Allow next technology transfer steps

4) Instruct Newflex on how performing GEM foil QA check Rui, Fabio, Michal, Sung

-> wk9 Document GEM cleaning process, document HV test and transfer knowledge

5) Prototype a 30x30 NS2 w/QA check, if 10x10 are OK Rui, Archana’s team (test), Sung

wk10 -> Preparation of the 30x30 NS2 production files

6) Series production of 10x10 w/QA check EM workshop, Sung

t.b.a. Price definition vs. different volumes

7) Prototype 500x1000 Archana, Rui, Sung

30x30 OK -> Support at Newflex’ premises, tooling (t.b.c.)

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Eltos status• Company located in Arezzo (Italy)

•Full fine pitch rigid process technology in house and surface finishing with large board capability(report presentation at RD51 miniweek 21-24 November)

•First time knowledge transfer for non-resistive MMs performed on November 7th-8th 2011

•Two 10x10 MMs “bulked” with local supervision of Rui(PCB and mesh stretching done by them, in-house cleaning)

• Resistive process was presented to Eltos for next sample tries

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Preliminary results from 10x10 MM testsby Joerg’s team



• Very recent results• 1st detector is sparking a lot -> reason is not identified yet (improve cleaning?)• 2nd detector has higher spark rate than the CERN S3 reference (see next slide), but is

usable• Gain calibration

performance very similar to CERN S3 non-resistive reference MMsingle point test, uniformity to be done • 55Fe charge spectra of Eltos’ MM is as good as the CERN reference

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Preliminary results from 10x10 MM testsby Joerg’s team


Max gain for 55Fe is 10000 (≈510V)

Max gain for cosmics is 50000 (≈560V)

Beyond these, chambers spark constantly and HV cannot be maintained

Good start for Eltos, let’s go on with resistive bulk !!F. Formenti - RD51 collaboration meeting February 20th-22nd, 2012 11

(1000 sec ≈ 16 min)

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Eltos follow up• Two days training at CERN were planned for February 9th and 10th,

but delayed last minute because of exceptionally bad weather conditions in Italy• Next slot for training at CERN to be confirmed for wk 13• Next short steps :

(NB: guide from Atlas for the large size optimal roadmap is welcome)

(NB: the contribution of Atlas for the detector qualification is essential) Items Main action on Proposed time Implications

1) Test result of 10x10 std MMs first prototypes Joerg’s team ASAP Give feedback to Eltos

2) Resistive layer training at CERN Rui wk13 Needed step for 99% of applications

3) Fabrication resistive 10x10 MMs Rui, Joerg’s team (test)

wk13 -> Eltos stand alone fabrication to validate knowledge transfer

4) Larger (ex. 500x1000) size resistive MM prototype Joerg, Rui Qualified Res. MM 10X10 ->

Support at Eltos’ premises, tooling (t.b.c)

5) Instruct Eltos to QA procedure for series Rui, Fabio, Michal

Aim at qualified product to be used at CERN w/minimal EM workshop interventions

6) Process improvement for industrialization Eltos, Rui, Fabio Tune MM technology to industrial mass production tools

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Techtra status

• Wroclaw Technology Park is intended for:- Promoting assessment of companies (new and existing) in the high tech field- Renting offices, laboratories and equipments (start a business at lowest costs)- Providing conference and training space, IT infrastructure (develop a knowledge network)

and general commercial, legal, administrative services for market development support

- Example of labs: mechanics, PCB assembly, GEM, cryogenics, vacuum, biology, …- Easy liaisons with local universities

• Techtra was the first company applying for GEM license• Is already producing GEMs w/double mask process• Max possible size 30x30 (mostly produced 10x10 or similar)• Own product: GEM-view standard scanner for x-ray imaging

Few units/yr sold

• Company hosted at Wroclaw Technology Park (Poland) • Visited (by Rui and Fabio) on January 23rd-24th, 2012• Goals: explore industrial support scope

present the single mask process (Rui)• Meeting with Mr. Maciej Chorowski (Polish ILO)

and Mr. Piotr Bielowka (Techtra CEO)

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Techtra next steps• Techtra could offer support for:

cost attractive small/medium series and fast GEM prototype turn around

• Main identified needs: - get experienced with single mask process - improve machines for sizeable production flow and larger width - get confirmation of investment funds from public contribution - train and secure competences (stable minimal manpower)

• Company’s challenge is to develop means allowing preserving active resources:

- GEM only field -> sell foils or detectors to RD51 collaboration? - Industrial applications -> join ventures w/industrial partners (e.g. Eldos)? - Link w/universities -> stage program for students? - Enlarge work abilities -> complete flex manufacturing line (via plating)? - …

Today the current action is with TechtraThere is quite some hard work to organize,but the mission may not be totally impossible if coordinated on time


Polyamide etching

Copper etching

Visual inspection


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3) The tests on the single mask process seems to work well (although not yet perfect).

They are quite optimistic about technological issues.

4) The financial support for machine investment is almost fixed

Techtra last minute news updateReport on last decisions taken at Techtra’s (from Mr. Bielowka message):

1) Move Techtra production line into a completely new locationThe old rooms are to small for machine upgrade, and it is not possible to make them large enough.

2) They have reserved the space in a different building (that belongs to WTP)Mr. Bielowka would like to calculate the necessary space after consultation with Rui, and after selection of all machines

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Tech Etch, CEA Saclay• Rui refreshed contacts with Tech Etch (Mr. David Crary) in January 2012

- Tech Etch declared interest to upgrade to GEM single mask process

- They required instructions to go ahead (issue for Hartmut: license status ?)

- For large sizes they say have to check some machine compatibility (imaging and poly. etching)

- Rui asked quotation for large size (1.2mx0.5m) GEM foil production ranges: 100-1000-10000

Waiting for feedback … to be continued

• CERN workshop aims at investigating for common activities with CEA Saclay- There is very valuable knowledge on MM technology- Can we avoid duplications ? Can we identify common strategies ?

- Recent past actions:

Alain Delbart was invited to contribute to the visit to Eltos

On December 7th, 2011 Fabio flashed a visit to S. Aune’s MM lab (stretching and “bulking”)

A meeting with Alain is being organized (coordination w/Maksym) for future collaborations

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• Mr. Michel Billant E-Mailed to Rui and Fabio for a meeting at CERN on March 12th- to advertise their competence range in the domain and their industrial infrastructure- to show their progress on the bulk process variants and some remaining technical problems- to discuss how getting “qualified” on the basic standard bulk process

A presentation of CIREA to a future WG6 should be organized

News from Saclay (A. Delbart)

CERN-Cirea recent contacts

• Goal for Cirea: learn and control full process,including mesh stretching in house

• 1st activity (TF10PCB – small MM)One sample cannot sustain HVSecond sample has uneven mesh and HV is limited to 600V (in air)If possible, second sample will be tested with gas in a defect free area• 2nd activity (PLV-3 PCB – 610cmx455cm bulk)3 samples will be shipped to Saclay soon for inspectionA meeting in CIREA will be organized to improve the bulk procedure

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Micromegas license status• Micromegas intellectual property defined by 4 patents:

• Need to define an agreement to enable both CEA and CERN to release licenses to industrial partners

• Framework agreement has been drafted:

Sylviane Zaninotti (CEA) will send a copy to Hartmut Hillemanns (CERN) this week to crosscheck

Basic principle is as for GEMs: free license for academic use, minimal royalties for commercial• Self action for them: plan to come to a final document within 1Q12• It would be nice finalizing this administration detail to start a good industrialization approach

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Messages to retain• Atlas and CMS have quite similar global needs in terms of detector

area and practically overlapping in time schedule

• Additionally, there are many others “smaller” MPGD projects that have not been purposely mentioned (typically a few 10’s needing support in a timescale of 3-4 months)

• RD51 has been successful to create opportunities for projectsand many of them can be performed in the CERN EM workshop because still quite manageable in volume and time schedule

• To face large productions we need additional trained industrial partners and there are only 1 or 2 years in front of us

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Conclusions• The industrialization program for GEMs and MMs has began with

Newflex and Eltos

• Other companies are showing interest to our field (thanks RD51!)

• Contribution of Atlas and CMS is important to help driving the next steps and essential to qualify test samples

• Industry needs to be kept “busy” and we have to be aware that this is possible only if we all can invest in adequate manpower dedicated to this program

• EM workshop is missing manpower to progress in the technology transfer task, if we intend to stay behind to the Atlas and CMS schedules(1 process engineer function is most vital)