f home furnishers iv lassive ced. wedrsday attractions ...i'.nil, minn., a dussian, rather tali...

THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S. iintSDAY. IHXUMura 2, 1013. HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN SCIENTISTS TO MEET .Mcinliers of Indiana Academy to Gather letter Part of Week. Scientists from all over the Mate will meet in Indianapolis on Friday and Saturday of this week for the TT T all a I William tLmeru AGED CONSTABLE Aged Couple Farm for 50 Years Q Brown is Dead At Home Here ESI William Kmcry Brown, 73 years old. 4 32 N. Lafayette st., a Civil war .".1st annual session of the Indiana Academy of Science. Wilbur A. Co-rsha- ll. professor of astronomy at Indiana university, the retiring presi- dent, will give his address at an in- formal dinner to be held Friday even ins; at the Clay pool hotel. Near- ly ."0 scientific papers will be read. Some of the more important are: -- Heredity in Man." by Dr. Charles D. Davenport, director of the ex- perimental station at Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.; "Fifteen Years of Mendelism," hy Dr. I.oscoe II. Hyde, professor of zoology, Indiana State Normal school; and "A Resume of the Work on Heredity," by Dr. C. H. Digenmann. dean of the graduate school of Indiana university. J. N. Vail, 70 Years Old, Cap- tures Russian Who Entered Result of Our 45-Sto- re STidicate The Keynot of 44Rie$" AdvcrtisLng SOUTH DET4D 'ND1ANA 306-303-3- C. MICH. STREET New Carlisle Stores. Modern Home Furnishers Red Ced. . f '... .... - iT' ... -- A ar Hoests IV lassive ! veteran and prominent here for ; many y?ars. died Wednesday evening following an illness since June with apoplexy. Mr. Krown was well i know n in the Masonic lodges here ias well as in (I. A. 11. circles. I He was horn in Valparaiso, Ind., March 14. 1S42. He attended Han- over college and Washington-Jefferso- n college, heing a sophomore in the latter college in December of 1861 when he joined the 20th Indi-.an- a volunteer regiment at the age of 19. He hegan his duties at Fort- ress Monroe in Virginia, heing under ; Col. Drown, his uncle. His father, J. C. Drown, formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this jcity, was also in the war. After the war closed Mr. Drown 'returned to Plymouth, Ind.. where he was in the drug business for a few Copper Trimmed $n Attractions of Interest Added To Huge Exhibit am I. N. Vail, constable of NV-.- f ir-li-- r- and deputy sheriff ;it N w ir- - lisie for nearly li" y ars, whu 13 drawing nfir the To year marl-- , proved Wedrsday Morning that h . is able to handle the t ou :;h st of 1 ol be rs. Ccorgf Zethk of SI. I'.nil, Minn., a Dussian, rather tali and he;tvy-K"- t. believing he could ram Iiis live- lihood ee.sicr ly working ni-h- '.s than by days mad' a r.ibl on New Carlisle open handed :uly Wolnrs-l.i- - morning. JIo be'--n at the posi office and broke a few windows en- deavoring to et in I lit failed an I i- xt attempted to enter three pjo-ror- v stör hut failed a'-rai- and l'v i A. c if Jost Like Illustration i 0 Just Tell the Salesman to "Charge It." .years. He married Miss Amanda Attractions of interest arc being added to the exhibits in South Lend's electrical Prosperity week exposi- tion, and this is especially true of the meter department's exhibit. This display has been a point of interest since the opening of the exhibition Monday afternoon, and last night , Pershing of Plymouth Oct. 23, 1866, and but a few weeks ago they cele- - that time he had oniio u the saloon j.' of AV'f rt .-- h'tz to vhich he gained; j mtrarn e an; (iiccff'dt'il in eapturia-- r t'vci bottles (.4 wine. J nraieu meir kuii wedding anni- versary. They moved to Valparaiso where thehy lived until 24 years ago, when they came to this city. Mr. Drown was one of the repre- sentatives sent to the 5Cth anniver ,the aisles were blocked with people Mr. and Mrs. Perry MrlJonald of New Carlisle, who ( elehrated their their ÖOth wfddinsr anniversary. Those who attended from out-of-to- wn were Mrs. Josephine Davis of wrapt in the teature displays of this booth. Kohlen Wv lin:r a nni eryary .umh'y, sary of the Dattle of Gettysburg, July j Dcsides the 350,000 volt jump 1 to 4, IM:.. He has been connected , T,ark w hich lias attracted hundreds er innrriec! Nov. isr,:,, at the j Buchanan ; Mr. and Mrs. James la ne of the hride's parents, Mr. and Frame, Mr. and Mrs. George Myler, Mr.--'. Mathew Myler, and have always Mr. and Mrs. John Hay, Mr. and resided in this (.oui.try. h.ilimr lieJ Mrs. Orville Hay, all of South Hend; a? th old honits-tea- d 47 years. Last! Mr. and Mrs. James Wykoff of Cot-.vpri- n.: they h ft the farm and came . taue Hill; Ievi Wilkerson of Marion, with fraternity orders for many of visitors to the exposition, there years. He originated the (J. A. lt. hj, a small aeroplane, in which the and the Sans of Veterans lodges at t youngsters especially are interested. Nalparaiso; was an honorary mem There is a story in this miniature model. of all Masonic bodies of the city; was thrice past illustrious Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Kuhl of Galien; Mr. and Mrs. Dimer McDonald and to New Carlisle to reside. Mrs. Mc- Donald, who is 71 years old, al- - A Wright pattern, identical to the th-- , ugh not in tne best of health, is daughter Mari. William McDonald one used by Lincoln Deachey. and l'Uilt to a scale with even the most minute parts corresponding to those of the great ilycr, this bi-pla- made master of the Masonic council and a charter member of the Norman Dddy post, being its first commander. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Amanda Drown; two daughters With this completed he went to the Lift1 Shiir-- ' depot but as the hour was early find no trains in su'ht he (ifci.lnl to walk to wherever Iiis de s- tination might have h n 1 1 1 through the work of Constable Vail, Charles I'hiH'ps and Shultz in th" litter's automobile, the Dussian v. as captured at Doding Diairie. Ind. The would-b- e robber w as t.iU":r hark to New Carlisle, where he was placed hchind the hars. lie was brought to South Fend last night, hut asserted his innoe:iee. Two other robberies were report-r- d early Wf dnesday morning in that vicinity .one at the farm ho-.;v- of James Hush, one mile and one-ha- lf ast of New Carlisle fn the Lincoln highway, where two men enter I the house from a hack window. They were .noisy In thfir work and were hesurd hy Dush, who soon put them to flight. The farm house of Jarlitz Ifu.ston, one mile cast of New Car- lisle, waa also entered ly the same rohhers, but they were also foiled to leae without their booty. by l,eon Avery, souin ienu, js con Oertrude and Ddyth; two sons, FredLvideied a marvel of efficient handt- - J. Drown of N t11 Alhnnv I ti i n rwi i m i - si .1 ' 1 u l'.fiol lpvf.r nnl motor H. V. Drown of Goshen; two daugh and Mrs. liest of Lydick; Miss ra Downing of Daporte; Mrs. Leah Mc-Clell- an and Miss Cecil Dartmess of Dolling Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. John Zitier. Mr. and Mrs. James Houston and Mr. f.ad Mrs. J. W. Cauffman of Terre Coupee. Others from a dist- ance who could not attend sent let- ters or telephoned their congratula- tions. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are well known throughout the county and their many friends unite in wishing them many more years of happiness and prosperity. They were pre- - active in the work of the Home Charity rirele, also of the Women's Prlief corps. Mr. McDonald, who is 7." jears old, is a Civil war veteran. having served his country from 1 S t I ti. Im;.", in the 4sth Indiana regi-- i merit. He was with Sheridan in his f. uncus march to the sea. He is an ' honored nu ruber of New Carlisle j Deacon po.-- t of the C. A. K. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are the ' parents of live children, four of whoin are living. They are Mrs. i Vern ViUiDiis.'ii. 1021 Allen st.. this liitv; Dills McDonald. Miss Kowie ters. Mrs. John A. Markham of Wis- consin and Mrs. Daniel 11. Flood of California. - - r( 'jj ' " i are patterned to operate the planes and propeller in the same manner as the larger contrivance. Young Avery was three months making this model. Doss Avery, known locally and throughout this section ab a wizard with things electrical, and patentee of a wireless contrivance, ha con- stituted the smallest self-sf.arll- ng HERE'S EASY MONEY WITH LITTLE EFFORT Opportunity is O.Ten-t- l to Turn Spire .Moments Into Cash Tlirouh Contest. nd Charles McDonald of New Car- - s-n- ted with a beautiful set of china electrical motor believed to be lnl re- - dishes and several other pretty mombrances from the guests. l.sle, .ill of whom were present to assist their parents in celebrating MANY HUNTERS SECURE LICENSES FROM CLERK More than S00 hunting and fishing t T J 7 J 1 jLae L,ute om the county ana permits were Issued fr Notre Dame News An Ornament to Any Room I? this handsome chest, pol- ished to bring out the natural cedar In all its harmonious warm color. Will harmon- ize with any style of furni- ture and the broad copper bands are Just ornamental enough to make the whole chest a distinctive piece of furniture. The Gift Store Here's your opportunity to turn a few spare moments into cash that will come in mighty handy during the holiday shopping season. The week of Nov. 23 to Dec. 5 is being observed throughout the United States as D'ectrical Prosper Captured Alfter Red Cedar Means Death to Moths lied cedar is the best moth preventive known to man. A moth never has a chance to get hi? bearings when en-clos- ed in the pungent odor of red cedar. He is dead before he can flan his wings twice. And vhen the family's clothes come out for the sea- son there is no clinging odor of camphor or moth balls but a delicate perfume of aro- matic red cedar. Your clothes always look bright, fresh and new after a few months in a red cedar chest. Own, Don't. Rent Ycur Storage Vav't Instead of paying rental to a tdornse company why not pay that amount to us each month until you own your own storage vault? A red cedar chesx Ls th best moth killer you can own and then thero is the added convenience of having your things at home where you can easily get at them in an emergency. A red cedar chest is always a prized Xmas gift why not give some friend "her own storage vault"? during the month or Novem! er. so far as is known, this is the largest number ever issued in a single month at the court house. County Clerk George Raab and his deputies during rush days wen kept busy making out the necessary per- mits which priviledge hunters to Applicants for membership in the Extended Chasel Notre Dame council, Knights of ity week. In South Dend this week Columbus, received their first degree is- to be observed w ith a great dis. existence today. This motor, no larger than a penny, sets on the base of a w ine glass under a large globe, and will be shown in action during the balance of the show. It is ex- plained that with most small motors it Is necessary to assist them in starting, but not with the Avery pat- tern. The tango tacks is another fea- ture of the meter booth, a powerful magnet working through a mirrored surface on which two tacks dance and caper about within the radius of magnetism. Steel tilings thrown on the mirror become magnetized and form a sunflower design, rising and falling with the switching on and off of the current. The purpose of the meter booth is primarily to edu- cate electric patrons to read their own meters. The attendance figures for Wednes- day were ;,f(00, according to regis- ters on the turnstiles. , in the council chamber in Walsh hall play of electrical appliances at the il. chae. ClydeJast tr'ca' show- - Inwood bide.. 309 nlKht The degree was exempli-rc- x After . an eb;ht-- m ..irch out the streams and lake f,,ri Msh. Wednesdav preceding Thanks- - ' giving broke the records for the dailv' jS. Michigan st.. machinerv illustrat Thirteenth I. tike and David Luke. lied by the South Dend team, and i i Diver Park, were captured by Of- - Dsuance. ivfore 1 o'clock ;.t noon. the hour at which the clerk's oi!b-- th oäJ Gr. rs O'Connell. Parker and Miller 306-)Oa-)i- SOUTH BIHO opens, in men were waiting for the. pasteboard so that they might fo out MAMA Wednesday night and arrested on a larn'i.v charge. Some good detec- - aim mini on me nonuav. i w,,rk ,,n th ,:irl f th thn' Reports brought la, k by th- - hunt-!"1"1- " ers were to the effect that rabbits oilb-er- s mad the arrest .possible. ing all the ways in which this mighty force has been utilized in the serv- ice of man. Whether you are a user of elec- tricity or whether you simply are in- terested in the v-ri- ways in which this force may be utilized, you will want to take part in the contest which Is announced in this issue of The News-Time- s. Full details are given on another page. You've ot a good chance to win one of the cash prizes which, will be awarded. Names of the winners will be pub- lished in next Sunday's News-Time- s. Lou everywhere were plentiful. ne party j About 7::'.0 o'clock. Mrs j Zilky. cornvr of Dvving a v. and.Mieh- - secureu 4 . At .Nortli Liberty rab'.it hunting expeditions were very suc- - t., reported that corn thieves . ..f,. luatt the meeting was presided over by the members of the Notre Dame council under the leadership of Joseph Smith, grand knight, and C. D. Dockery, deputy grand knight. At the conclusion of the team work a luncheon was served and a smoker was held. The following received the first degree: McDuire, Dowers, Dor-wi- n. Flynn, Keenan, Keplinger, Kuhle. Hannan. Haherer, Ward, W. Miller. Destin. Dogan. Mulhcdland, Dee, Foley, O'Donnell, Cullan, Han- nan. Hanlcy, Uyan, Perkins, Soreti-so- n. Doylan, I'orter, Sackley, Wal- lace, Walter Miller, Murphy, Cara-ga- n. Tobln, Truder, McKlroy, Con-bo- y. Lydon. O'Neill, C.alvin. Meally, O'Callahan, Dohyans, Lcnihan. LODGE NOTES Quail were found near Dike-- ; 1 ' i 14 REAL ESTATE MEN PLAN ORGANIZATION were at work in the Zilky eornlield. The police patrol was sent, but the vk-ito- rs had departed from the corn- - vllle. s So far ns is known only four fa- talities ' occurred in Indiana from hunting acclderts. none of them - i cally, however. TP. is is far b, low the usual toll that results from the! before the waon reached the lield spot. Agents and Dealers In This City to Affiliate With State Association. forth each d'luge of hunters that g. fall after quarry. MUSKDDON. Mich. Harry Wil- liams of Orand Haven, who fell from a Pere Marquette freight train, was found here after he had lain beside the tracks 24 hours. He was taken home. It is believed he will recover THE GREATEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES IM THE WORLD Endorse the Value of such Ingredients as are contained ic FATHER JOHN'S MEDICINE Initiatory and the first degree was given to 27 members at a meeting of the South Dend lodge, No. 29, I. O. O. F.. at the Odd Fellows hall. These members will form the charter list of the now Abraham Lincoln lodge. No. S90, instituted last Friday evening at the Robert Plum lodge rooms. These members will he given the second and third degrees by the Monitor lodee of Mishawaka Friday evening at the Dlum lodge rooms. ntficers ( i'Co'.Miell. Parker and Miller picked up the trail of a horse and buggy in the center of the lield and followed it to Michigan st. The tracks led down Miami st. to Vistula DATE DECIDED UPON IJulletins were sent out from the university yesterday and along with Jan. 17 was decided upon as t'l'!av., east on Vistula av. to Krns'per- - Potatoes are more wholesome baked than in any other form. date f( the Indru.a and or M u hig.m ... r t. a ml across the Krnspcr.ger st. them was a letter to the parents! from the president. Among the things called to the attention of the! parents is that it is lesirable for students to spend their Christmas j Too Late! Too Late! bridge into Diver Park. The p.-.tro- l followed the course of the waon into Pleasant st. and throu.-- h a number of streets and allevs in Diver Park. As the wagon went down an alley back of Thir- teenth st. the buguy was seen just ahead. (Uhcer O'Connell ordered the driver of the bug try to stop, but vacation at home when possible, or i i.ieciric c.o. rate ri'Mnnk' oy trie stai' public utilities ommissiou at the ir meeting at Indianapolis Wednesday. City Atty. Dil F. S.ebirt. represent- ing the city, and Melnerny and Yeag-l- y. rejire. seniing the e b . trie com- pany, were pre-o- nt at he hearing, and hotli iskcd that Jan. 17 he chosen for the htiing, which was criminally set fl)r j.in ;m "' v .' !a chase cif half a block wax neccs- - ... i . .le l lie . .,r.. i,.firii t 1 - riL' iv:i H:ilteil mint. I'M, M, ,l'v i vniuation ol trie Companys property, ... ..,.. until aVout D, c. 10. and t he lU0 J 1..,, L- - (.not ,,f tlL. Klll',r- - V 'r. icfArxJZ.5? ' - i I : 4 . ., , ... :. 1 iiiiv tit i lo iti n k v n i. i ill t'Lt wcoks continuance uns leemeu after tbe two men were arrested. with re latives. The Christmas holi- days, as set by the faculty board of control, have been altered somewhat. Originally the date for closing was Dec. 10, hut it has been changed to Dee. IT, the vacation beginning Fri- day evening. There will he classes on Thursday of the week of Dee. S, thus one day will be made up. At the time of Dishop Hickey's visit at Notre Dame a holiday was promised, being granted at his request, hence the two days addition to the holi- days Classes will resume at 8:15 a. m. on Friday. Jan. 7. There has been considerable ground for com- plaint in past years because stu Fouth Bend real estate men are planning an organization to be af- filiated with the state and the na- tional real estate association. At a recent meeting of the real estate men of the city a committee, com- prised of William X. Bergan, Horace G. Miller and Vernon C. Hastings, was appointed to draft a constitution and by-la- ws for the association. It is expected that the organization will be completed at. a meeting to be held some time next week. Scott R. Brewer, Mate evecMt n - oary, will be present at the meeting. The idea ot a real in .aange for this city took form when several dealers attended the state meeting held at Fort Waj ne in October. That meeting disclosed the large amount of good being accomplished by the organization throughout the state. The state association was formed two years ago and now has a mem- bership of 600 dealers located In the larger cities of the state. A general Invitation is issued to all the real estate men of the city to Join the association. The purpose of those behind the movement is to make th organization beneficial to the purchasers of real estate as well as to the dealers. The exchange will be operated along the lines of operation in other cities where simi- lar organizations have proven valu- able as municipal advertising '.; - - : . y:y M- necessary by both side for the con- sideration of the valuation. Contrary to previous report there was no t'.ght over th continuance. ; lloth of the me n wt; employed as I laborers en the- - Zilky f.".';'in. Accord-- , ir.g to David Luke-- , the oldest of the two. he went to the farm with the ' . horse and buu- - after Clyde, ami wa.J not implicated in the theft. t uv. Ally. ee: irt being as anxious for the two weeks' continuance as were counsel for the elec tric com-- J pany, the time I eing nt;r Ml to in j advance of the trip to Indianapolis.' The instructions on the part of .Mayor ICelelr that no lone adjourn- ment le permitted appears to have 1 ten entirely suprrrluonM. A Body Builder For Throat and Lungs. Best for Colds. Free From Alcohol and Danger- ous Drugs 50 Years in Use-Guara- nteed. The met eminent medical nntrVTitl's recognized all over th1 world as the b'.-- h t in the science of medicine. hue mad- - pah. lie statements tndjrMin the valu- - f ingredients, as we guarant'-- e uv th" j;r:r.ci-pa- l ingredients of I'ath-- r John'.- - i.a . High medieal authorities sty "that tltey. ingredients are beneficial r.o'al !y in v..l,;r.. flihr-rcs'--s which are curable -- .iwi t); - m bi-die- s whic h are connecte-- with r h iv their origin in cd. Is and d'-i!itat:t.- at; 1 w.;.'..r. diseases." To give the ?;ateiner.ts in f :!! ''o-;- I take too raucii hpace. but we w .'.I f :rr.'..-'r- . ... application the list of ini.'r-ci;o- . f i'.i'.b-- : John's Medicine, the name of the ::.!: authorities referred to, wh.it tl. y mv, th-- ' publications arul the date- - of si:;,". The history of the medicine i- -' tr :.- - ! we uarunt"e to Pive f 2 Z "." t .:n- - charitable institution if ao'-- o::,-r- w e. Father John's Medicine is r rr n;-:;!- " ': fur coughs, colds and thro.tt ar.d lun troubles, and to r.ake fb-.-- and s'rr..:i. I is not a patent m-di- t ir.e. and do r-- tain al'-oho- r poi?or.ous dr.. It ! :. in u.-c- - ov r Z ' MEDICINE WAS NAMED BY THE PEOPLE dents did not return promptly after J y- - :'-y .y the holidays. To remedy this evil the faculty has decided to deduct two per ce-n- t from examination re- sults for each recitation misied in January. An entertainment will be given in Washington hall Saturday evening at ; o'clock by Mrs. Courtney. The Original Caution lrAAvctf Substitutes, 1 Pres't Cavanaugh will leave Fri- day morning for Indianapolis where he will be one of the principal speak IM ers at the meeting of the S7 countv CHRISTMAS HONEY FOR YOU Wouldn't you like sonic ex- tra money for our Christ- mas shopping'.' How would a crisp new i.".Co bill sc.it you as a gift ? It would come in handy, no doubt, just now when yeui're pre- paring your list, and lind that there are really so many more to be remembered than you luid thought. We know of no easier way of picking up this extrn mone'y than that mentioned on puc 7 of this issue. Turn to it now and read this of- fer. Veoi'U not need to stir from o;;r home to take ad-van- ta -- 'e of it. That's making money prct-t- c e.t-- y. isn't it ? TCDN To PAC.D 7 NOW. Thomas Edison has constructed a little voice-mi- ll which will work at bidding of the voice. If a mother fixes ono to a crade, the cradle will rock ae the baby cries, and con- tinues to do to In proportion to the outcry. chairmen and members of the Indi- ana historical commission, of which FATHER JOHN'S SO A i Pr. Cavanaugh is a member. He- -, sides being one of the county chair-- i men. he is alo one of the commit-- I tee chosen by Cow Ra'.ston to formu- late plans for the centenary celebra IK S yJZ. S- Vfij tion in 116. Father John's Medicine is a physi ' bin's prescriptio n. Prescribed for the Dev. Father John o'Untn of L.w.-li- , M by ,tr eminent specialist in IS Z'. Father John recommended this prescription to hi par:-b:"n-- rs friends and in this way it became known as Father Juh:.'.- - .D-'..- . The Preen oratorical contest will be held in Washingt on hall this even- ing at 7:3i o'clock. Three orators i:vi:iiy iiomi: ni:i:ds a iwrrn-- i rii corc;ii and cold ki:mi:iy. When seasons change and colds appear when ycu first detect a cold pitting next to cue who has sneezed, then it is that a tried and tested rem- edy should be faithfully used. "I never wrote a testimonial before, but, I know positively that for m-se- lf and family. Dr. King's New Dis- covery is the best cough remedy we ever used and tre have tried tha all." 50c and 1.00. Advt, will have to be eliminated to decide the contest. iat i r lm i - - Try NEWS-TIME- S Want AdsTry NEWS-TIME- S Want Ads Have Neidhart do your picture framing. 114 E. Jefferson Dldv. AdvU Take a package home "I had hoped." writes Uobert Minor, "to take a Lath here, tut a German 'obus' (shell) got there before me!'

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Post on 06-Nov-2020




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Page 1: f Home Furnishers IV lassive Ced. Wedrsday Attractions ...I'.nil, Minn., a Dussian, rather tali and he;tvy-K"-t. believing he could ram Iiis live-lihood ee.sicr ly working ni-h-'.s



.Mcinliers of Indiana Academy to

Gather letter Part of Week.

Scientists from all over the Mate

will meet in Indianapolis on Fridayand Saturday of this week for the

T T T all a IWilliam tLmeruAGED CONSTABLE Aged Couple Farm for 50 Years

QBrown is DeadAt Home HereESI

William Kmcry Brown, 73 yearsold. 4 32 N. Lafayette st., a Civil war

.".1st annual session of the IndianaAcademy of Science. Wilbur A.Co-rsha-

ll. professor of astronomy atIndiana university, the retiring presi-

dent, will give his address at an in-

formal dinner to be held Fridayeven ins; at the Clay pool hotel. Near-

ly ."0 scientific papers will be read.Some of the more important are:-- Heredity in Man." by Dr. CharlesD. Davenport, director of the ex-

perimental station at Cold SpringHarbor, N. Y.; "Fifteen Years ofMendelism," hy Dr. I.oscoe II. Hyde,professor of zoology, Indiana StateNormal school; and "A Resume ofthe Work on Heredity," by Dr. C. H.Digenmann. dean of the graduateschool of Indiana university.

J. N. Vail, 70 Years Old, Cap-

tures Russian Who EnteredResult of Our

45-Sto- re


The Keynotof 44Rie$"




C. MICH. STREETNew Carlisle Stores.

Modern Home Furnishers

Red Ced.

. f '... ....

- iT' ...-- A

ar HoestsIV lassive

! veteran and prominent here for; many y?ars. died Wednesday eveningfollowing an illness since June withapoplexy. Mr. Krown was well

i know n in the Masonic lodges hereias well as in (I. A. 11. circles.I He was horn in Valparaiso, Ind.,March 14. 1S42. He attended Han-over college and Washington-Jefferso- n

college, heing a sophomore inthe latter college in December of1861 when he joined the 20th Indi-.an- a

volunteer regiment at the ageof 19. He hegan his duties at Fort-ress Monroe in Virginia, heing under

; Col. Drown, his uncle. His father,J. C. Drown, formerly pastor of theFirst Presbyterian church of this

jcity, was also in the war.After the war closed Mr. Drown

'returned to Plymouth, Ind.. wherehe was in the drug business for a few

Copper Trimmed $nAttractions of

Interest Added

To Huge Exhibitam

I. N. Vail, constable of NV-.- f ir-li-- r-

and deputy sheriff ;it N w ir- -

lisie for nearly li" y ars, whu 13

drawing nfir the To year marl--,

proved Wedrsday Morning that h .

is able to handle the t ou :;h st of1 ol be rs.

Ccorgf Zethk of SI. I'.nil, Minn.,a Dussian, rather tali and he;tvy-K"- t.

believing he could ram Iiis live-

lihood ee.sicr ly working ni-h- '.s

than by days mad' a r.ibl on NewCarlisle open handed :uly Wolnrs-l.i- -

morning. JIo be'--n at the posioffice and broke a few windows en-deavoring to et in I lit failed an I

i- xt attempted to enter three pjo-ror- v

stör hut failed a'-rai- and l'v

iA. c

if Jost Like Illustration i0

Just Tell the Salesman to "Charge It.".years. He married Miss Amanda

Attractions of interest arc beingadded to the exhibits in South Lend'selectrical Prosperity week exposi-tion, and this is especially true ofthe meter department's exhibit. Thisdisplay has been a point of interestsince the opening of the exhibitionMonday afternoon, and last night

, Pershing of Plymouth Oct. 23, 1866,and but a few weeks ago they cele- -that time he had oniio u the saloon j.'

of AV'f rt .--h'tz to vhich he gained; jmtrarn e an; (iiccff'dt'il in eapturia-- r

t'vci bottles (.4 wine. J

nraieu meir kuii wedding anni-versary. They moved to Valparaisowhere thehy lived until 24 years ago,when they came to this city.

Mr. Drown was one of the repre-sentatives sent to the 5Cth anniver

,the aisles were blocked with peopleMr. and Mrs. Perry MrlJonald ofNew Carlisle, who ( elehrated their

their ÖOth wfddinsr anniversary.Those who attended from out-of-to- wn

were Mrs. Josephine Davis ofwrapt in the teature displays of thisbooth.Kohlen Wv lin:r a nni eryary .umh'y,

sary of the Dattle of Gettysburg, July j Dcsides the 350,000 volt jump1 to 4, IM:.. He has been connected , T,ark w hich lias attracted hundreds

er innrriec! Nov. isr,:,, at the j Buchanan ; Mr. and Mrs. Jamesla ne of the hride's parents, Mr. and Frame, Mr. and Mrs. George Myler,Mr.--'. Mathew Myler, and have always Mr. and Mrs. John Hay, Mr. andresided in this (.oui.try. h.ilimr lieJ Mrs. Orville Hay, all of South Hend;a? th old honits-tea- d 47 years. Last! Mr. and Mrs. James Wykoff of Cot-.vpri- n.:

they h ft the farm and came . taue Hill; Ievi Wilkerson of Marion,

with fraternity orders for many of visitors to the exposition, thereyears. He originated the (J. A. lt. hj, a small aeroplane, in which theand the Sans of Veterans lodges at t youngsters especially are interested.Nalparaiso; was an honorary mem There is a story in this miniature

model.of all Masonic bodies of thecity; was thrice past illustrious

Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Kuhl of Galien;Mr. and Mrs. Dimer McDonald and

to New Carlisle to reside. Mrs. Mc-

Donald, who is 71 years old, al- - A Wright pattern, identical to theth-- , ugh not in tne best of health, is daughter Mari. William McDonald one used by Lincoln Deachey. and

l'Uilt to a scale with even the mostminute parts corresponding to thoseof the great ilycr, this bi-pla- made

master of the Masonic council anda charter member of the NormanDddy post, being its first commander.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Amanda Drown; two daughters

With this completed he went tothe Lift1 Shiir-- ' depot but as the hourwas early find no trains in su'ht he(ifci.lnl to walk to wherever Iiis de s-

tination might have h n 1 1 1

through the work of Constable Vail,Charles I'hiH'ps and Shultz in th"litter's automobile, the Dussian v. ascaptured at Doding Diairie. Ind.

The would-b- e robber w as t.iU":rhark to New Carlisle, where he wasplaced hchind the hars. lie wasbrought to South Fend last night,hut asserted his innoe:iee.

Two other robberies were report-r- d

early Wf dnesday morning in thatvicinity .one at the farm ho-.;v- ofJames Hush, one mile and one-ha- lf

ast of New Carlisle fn the Lincolnhighway, where two men enter I thehouse from a hack window. Theywere .noisy In thfir work and werehesurd hy Dush, who soon put themto flight. The farm house of JarlitzIfu.ston, one mile cast of New Car-lisle, waa also entered ly the samerohhers, but they were also foiledto leae without their booty.

by l,eon Avery, souin ienu, js conOertrude and Ddyth; two sons, FredLvideied a marvel of efficient handt- -J. Drown of N t11 Alhnnv I ti i n rwi i m i - si .1 ' 1 u l'.fiol lpvf.r nnl motorH. V. Drown of Goshen; two daugh

and Mrs. liest of Lydick; Miss raDowning of Daporte; Mrs. Leah Mc-Clell- an

and Miss Cecil Dartmess ofDolling Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. JohnZitier. Mr. and Mrs. James Houstonand Mr. f.ad Mrs. J. W. Cauffman ofTerre Coupee. Others from a dist-ance who could not attend sent let-

ters or telephoned their congratula-tions.

Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are wellknown throughout the county andtheir many friends unite in wishingthem many more years of happinessand prosperity. They were pre- -

active in the work of the HomeCharity rirele, also of the Women'sPrlief corps. Mr. McDonald, who is7." jears old, is a Civil war veteran.having served his country from 1 S t Iti. Im;.", in the 4sth Indiana regi-- imerit. He was with Sheridan in hisf. uncus march to the sea. He is an

' honored nu ruber of New Carlislej Deacon po.-- t of the C. A. K.

Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are the' parents of live children, four ofwhoin are living. They are Mrs.

i Vern ViUiDiis.'ii. 1021 Allen st.. thisliitv; Dills McDonald. Miss Kowie

ters. Mrs. John A. Markham of Wis-consin and Mrs. Daniel 11. Flood ofCalifornia.

- -r( 'jj

' " i

are patterned to operate the planesand propeller in the same manner asthe larger contrivance. Young Averywas three months making thismodel.

Doss Avery, known locally andthroughout this section ab a wizardwith things electrical, and patenteeof a wireless contrivance, ha con-

stituted the smallest self-sf.arll- ng


Opportunity is O.Ten-t- l to TurnSpire .Moments Into Cash

Tlirouh Contest.

nd Charles McDonald of New Car- - s-n- ted with a beautiful set of chinaelectrical motor believed to be lnlre- -dishes and several other pretty

mombrances from the guests.l.sle, .ill of whom were present toassist their parents in celebratingMANY HUNTERS SECURE


More than S00 hunting and fishing t T J 7 J 1jLae L,uteom the county anapermits were Issued fr Notre Dame News

An Ornament to Any


I? this handsome chest, pol-

ished to bring out the naturalcedar In all its harmoniouswarm color. Will harmon-ize with any style of furni-ture and the broad copperbands are Just ornamentalenough to make the wholechest a distinctive piece offurniture.

The Gift Store

Here's your opportunity to turn afew spare moments into cash thatwill come in mighty handy duringthe holiday shopping season.

The week of Nov. 23 to Dec. 5 isbeing observed throughout theUnited States as D'ectrical Prosper

Captured Alfter

Red Cedar Means Death

to Moths

lied cedar is the best mothpreventive known to man.A moth never has a chanceto get hi? bearings when en-clos- ed

in the pungent odor ofred cedar. He is dead beforehe can flan his wings twice.

And vhen the family'sclothes come out for the sea-son there is no clinging odorof camphor or moth balls buta delicate perfume of aro-matic red cedar. Your clothesalways look bright, fresh andnew after a few months in ared cedar chest.

Own, Don't. Rent Ycur

Storage Vav't

Instead of paying rental to atdornse company why not paythat amount to us eachmonth until you own yourown storage vault?

A red cedar chesx Ls thbest moth killer you can ownand then thero is the addedconvenience of having yourthings at home where youcan easily get at them in anemergency.

A red cedar chest is alwaysa prized Xmas gift why notgive some friend "her ownstorage vault"?

during the month or Novem! er. sofar as is known, this is the largestnumber ever issued in a single monthat the court house.

County Clerk George Raab and hisdeputies during rush days wen keptbusy making out the necessary per-mits which priviledge hunters to

Applicants for membership in theExtended Chasel Notre Dame council, Knights of ity week. In South Dend this weekColumbus, received their first degree is- to be observed w ith a great dis.

existence today. This motor, nolarger than a penny, sets on the baseof a w ine glass under a large globe,and will be shown in action duringthe balance of the show. It is ex-

plained that with most small motorsit Is necessary to assist them instarting, but not with the Avery pat-tern.

The tango tacks is another fea-ture of the meter booth, a powerfulmagnet working through a mirroredsurface on which two tacks danceand caper about within the radius ofmagnetism. Steel tilings thrown onthe mirror become magnetized andform a sunflower design, rising andfalling with the switching on andoff of the current. The purpose ofthe meter booth is primarily to edu-cate electric patrons to read theirown meters.

The attendance figures for Wednes-day were ;,f(00, according to regis-ters on the turnstiles.

, in the council chamber in Walsh hall play of electrical appliances at theil. chae. ClydeJast tr'ca' show- - Inwood bide.. 309nlKht The degree was exempli-rc- xAfter . an eb;ht-- m..irch out the streams and lake f,,ri

Msh. Wednesdav preceding Thanks- - '

giving broke the records for the dailv'jS. Michigan st.. machinerv illustratThirteenthI. tike and David Luke. lied by the South Dend team, and ii

Diver Park, were captured by Of- -Dsuance. ivfore 1 o'clock ;.t noon.the hour at which the clerk's oi!b-- th oäJ Gr.rs O'Connell. Parker and Miller

306-)Oa-)i- SOUTH BIHOopens, in men were waiting for the.pasteboard so that they might fo out MAMA

Wednesday night and arrested on alarn'i.v charge. Some good detec- -

aim mini on me nonuav. i

w,,rk ,,n th ,:irl f th thn'Reports brought la, k by th- - hunt-!"1"1- "

ers were to the effect that rabbits oilb-er- s mad the arrest .possible.

ing all the ways in which this mightyforce has been utilized in the serv-ice of man.

Whether you are a user of elec-tricity or whether you simply are in-

terested in the v-ri- ways in whichthis force may be utilized, you willwant to take part in the contestwhich Is announced in this issue ofThe News-Time- s. Full details aregiven on another page. You've ota good chance to win one of thecash prizes which, will be awarded.Names of the winners will be pub-lished in next Sunday's News-Time- s.

Loueverywhere were plentiful. ne party j About 7::'.0 o'clock. Mrsj Zilky. cornvr of Dvving a v. and.Mieh- -secureu 4 . At .Nortli Liberty rab'.it

hunting expeditions were very suc- -t., reported that corn thieves. ..f,. luatt

the meeting was presided over by

the members of the Notre Damecouncil under the leadership ofJoseph Smith, grand knight, and C.

D. Dockery, deputy grand knight.At the conclusion of the team work

a luncheon was served and a smokerwas held. The following received thefirst degree: McDuire, Dowers, Dor-wi- n.

Flynn, Keenan, Keplinger,Kuhle. Hannan. Haherer, Ward, W.Miller. Destin. Dogan. Mulhcdland,Dee, Foley, O'Donnell, Cullan, Han-nan. Hanlcy, Uyan, Perkins, Soreti-so- n.

Doylan, I'orter, Sackley, Wal-

lace, Walter Miller, Murphy, Cara-ga- n.

Tobln, Truder, McKlroy, Con-bo- y.

Lydon. O'Neill, C.alvin. Meally,O'Callahan, Dohyans, Lcnihan.

LODGE NOTESQuail were found near Dike-- ;1 ' i 14


were at work in the Zilky eornlield.The police patrol was sent, but thevk-ito- rs had departed from the corn- -


So far ns is known only four fa-

talities 'occurred in Indiana fromhunting acclderts. none of them - i

cally, however. TP. is is far b, low theusual toll that results from the!

before the waon reached thelieldspot.

Agents and Dealers In This City toAffiliate With State

Association.forth eachd'luge of hunters that g.

fall after quarry.

MUSKDDON. Mich. Harry Wil-liams of Orand Haven, who fell froma Pere Marquette freight train, wasfound here after he had lain besidethe tracks 24 hours. He was takenhome. It is believed he will recover



Endorse the Value of such Ingredients as are contained ic


Initiatory and the first degree wasgiven to 27 members at a meetingof the South Dend lodge, No. 29, I.O. O. F.. at the Odd Fellows hall.These members will form the charterlist of the now Abraham Lincolnlodge. No. S90, instituted last Fridayevening at the Robert Plum lodgerooms. These members will he giventhe second and third degrees by theMonitor lodee of Mishawaka Fridayevening at the Dlum lodge rooms.

ntficers ( i'Co'.Miell. Parker andMiller picked up the trail of a horseand buggy in the center of the lieldand followed it to Michigan st. Thetracks led down Miami st. to Vistula


IJulletins were sent out from theuniversity yesterday and along withJan. 17 was decided upon as t'l'!av., east on Vistula av. to Krns'per- - Potatoes are more wholesome

baked than in any other form.date f( the Indru.a andor M u hig.m ... r t. a ml across the Krnspcr.ger st. them was a letter to the parents!from the president. Among thethings called to the attention of the!parents is that it is lesirable forstudents to spend their Christmas j Too Late! Too Late!

bridge into Diver Park.The p.-.tro- l followed the course of

the waon into Pleasant st. andthrou.-- h a number of streets andallevs in Diver Park. As the wagonwent down an alley back of Thir-teenth st. the buguy was seen justahead. (Uhcer O'Connell orderedthe driver of the bug try to stop, but

vacation at home when possible, or i

i.ieciric c.o. rate ri'Mnnk' oy trie stai'public utilities ommissiou at the irmeeting at Indianapolis Wednesday.City Atty. Dil F. S.ebirt. represent-ing the city, and Melnerny and Yeag-l- y.

rejire. seniing the e b . trie com-pany, were pre-o- nt at he hearing,and hotli iskcd that Jan. 17 hechosen for the htiing, which wascriminally set fl)r j.in ;m

"'v .'

!a chase cif half a block wax neccs- -... i ..le l lie . .,r.. i,.firii t 1 - riL' iv:i H:ilteilmint. I'M, M, ,l'v i

vniuation ol trie Companys property, ... ..,..until aVout D, c. 10. and t he lU0 J 1..,, L-- (.not ,,f tlL. Klll',r- -

V 'r. icfArxJZ.5? ' - i

I : 4 . ., , ... :.1 iiiiv tit i lo iti n k v n i. i ill t'Ltwcoks continuance uns leemeu after tbe two men were arrested.

with re latives. The Christmas holi-days, as set by the faculty board ofcontrol, have been altered somewhat.Originally the date for closing wasDec. 10, hut it has been changed toDee. IT, the vacation beginning Fri-day evening. There will he classeson Thursday of the week of Dee. S,thus one day will be made up. Atthe time of Dishop Hickey's visit atNotre Dame a holiday was promised,being granted at his request, hencethe two days addition to the holi-days Classes will resume at 8:15a. m. on Friday. Jan. 7. There hasbeen considerable ground for com-plaint in past years because stu

Fouth Bend real estate men areplanning an organization to be af-

filiated with the state and the na-

tional real estate association. At arecent meeting of the real estatemen of the city a committee, com-prised of William X. Bergan, HoraceG. Miller and Vernon C. Hastings,was appointed to draft a constitutionand by-la- ws for the association. Itis expected that the organization willbe completed at. a meeting to beheld some time next week. Scott R.Brewer, Mate evecMt n - oary,will be present at the meeting.

The idea ot a real in .aangefor this city took form when severaldealers attended the state meetingheld at Fort Waj ne in October. Thatmeeting disclosed the large amountof good being accomplished by theorganization throughout the state.The state association was formedtwo years ago and now has a mem-bership of 600 dealers located In thelarger cities of the state.

A general Invitation is issued toall the real estate men of the city toJoin the association. The purpose ofthose behind the movement is tomake th organization beneficial tothe purchasers of real estate as wellas to the dealers. The exchangewill be operated along the lines ofoperation in other cities where simi-lar organizations have proven valu-able as municipal advertising

'.; - - : . y:y M-

necessary by both side for the con-sideration of the valuation.

Contrary to previous report therewas no t'.ght over th continuance.

; lloth of the me n wt; employed asI laborers en the- - Zilky f.".';'in. Accord-- ,

ir.g to David Luke-- , the oldest of thetwo. he went to the farm with the

' .

horse and buu-- after Clyde, amiwa.J not implicated in the theft.

t uv. Ally. ee: irt being as anxiousfor the two weeks' continuance aswere counsel for the elec tric com-- Jpany, the time I eing nt;r Ml to in j

advance of the trip to Indianapolis.'The instructions on the part of.Mayor ICelelr that no lone adjourn-ment le permitted appears to have1 ten entirely suprrrluonM.

A Body Builder For Throatand Lungs. Best for Colds.

Free From Alcohol and Danger-ous Drugs 50 Years in Use-Guara- nteed.

The met eminent medical nntrVTitl'srecognized all over th1 world as the b'.-- h t

in the science of medicine. hue mad- - pah.lie statements tndjrMin the valu- - fingredients, as we guarant'-- e uv th" j;r:r.ci-pa- l

ingredients of I'ath-- r John'.-- i.a .

High medieal authorities sty "that tltey.ingredients are beneficial r.o'al !y in v..l,;r..flihr-rcs'--s which are curable --.iwi t); - m bi-die- s

whic h are connecte-- with r h iv theirorigin in cd. Is and d'-i!itat:t.- at; 1 w.;.'..r.diseases."

To give the ?;ateiner.ts in f :!! ''o-;- I

take too raucii hpace. but we w .'.I f :rr.'..-'r- . ...

application the list of ini.'r-ci;o- . f i'.i'.b-- :

John's Medicine, the name of the ::.!:authorities referred to, wh.it tl. y mv, th-- '

publications arul the date-- of si:;,".The history of the medicine i- -' tr :.- - !

we uarunt"e to Pive f 2 Z "." t .:n- -

charitable institution if ao'-- o::,-r- w e.

Father John's Medicine is r rr n;-:;!- " ':

fur coughs, colds and thro.tt ar.d luntroubles, and to r.ake fb-.-- and s'rr..:i. I

is not a patent m-di- t ir.e. and do r--

tain al'-oho- r poi?or.ous dr.. It ! :.

in u.-c-- ov r Z '



dents did not return promptly after J

y--:'-y .y

the holidays. To remedy this evilthe faculty has decided to deducttwo per ce-n- t from examination re-

sults for each recitation misied inJanuary.

An entertainment will be given inWashington hall Saturday eveningat ; o'clock by Mrs. Courtney.

The OriginalCautionlrAAvctf Substitutes, 1

Pres't Cavanaugh will leave Fri-day morning for Indianapolis wherehe will be one of the principal speakIMers at the meeting of the S7 countv



Wouldn't you like sonic ex-

tra money for our Christ-mas shopping'.' How woulda crisp new i.".Co bill sc.ityou as a gift ? It wouldcome in handy, no doubt,just now when yeui're pre-paring your list, and lind thatthere are really so manymore to be remembered thanyou luid thought.

We know of no easier wayof picking up this extrnmone'y than that mentionedon puc 7 of this issue. Turnto it now and read this of-

fer. Veoi'U not need to stirfrom o;;r home to take ad-van- ta

--'e of it.

That's making money prct-t- c

e.t-- y. isn't it ?


Thomas Edison has constructed alittle voice-mi- ll which will work atbidding of the voice. If a motherfixes ono to a crade, the cradle willrock ae the baby cries, and con-tinues to do to In proportion to theoutcry.

chairmen and members of the Indi-ana historical commission, of which FATHER JOHN'S

SOAi Pr. Cavanaugh is a member. He- -,

sides being one of the county chair-- imen. he is alo one of the commit-- Itee chosen by Cow Ra'.ston to formu-

late plans for the centenary celebraIKS yJZ. S- Vfijtion in 116. Father John's Medicine is a physi ' bin's prescriptio n.

Prescribed for the Dev. Father John o'Untn of L.w.-li- , M by ,treminent specialist in IS Z'.

Father John recommended this prescription to hi par:-b:"n-- rs

friends and in this way it became known as Father Juh:.'.-- .D-'..- .

The Preen oratorical contest willbe held in Washingt on hall this even-ing at 7:3i o'clock. Three orators

i:vi:iiy iiomi: ni:i:ds a iwrrn-- irii corc;ii and cold ki:mi:iy.When seasons change and colds

appear when ycu first detect a coldpitting next to cue who has sneezed,then it is that a tried and tested rem-edy should be faithfully used. "Inever wrote a testimonial before,but, I know positively that for m-se- lf

and family. Dr. King's New Dis-covery is the best cough remedy weever used and tre have tried thaall." 50c and 1.00. Advt,

will have to be eliminated to decidethe contest.iat i r lm i - -

Try NEWS-TIME- S Want AdsTry NEWS-TIME- S Want AdsHave Neidhart do your picture

framing. 114 E. Jefferson Dldv.AdvUTake a package home "I had hoped." writes Uobert Minor, "to take a Lath here, tut a

German 'obus' (shell) got there before me!'