f ji4i i j i rtt1t - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · accidentally fallen iowa the chimney tho police...

WL A A JTUPATVMAY 18 1904 Fair tnd warmw sjipw YORK FRIDAY MAY 13 1904 WrW IOW by Me JVfaltof Md PubUMnp 4 oc alfon CENTS J v I t J t f I y I I xx 1 NEW Sun PRICE TWO I F I Ji4i b rtt1t > < LOT GIRL DEAD IN CHIMNEY MISS1XG 1031E WA UKR HOUSE Apparent Fell Don Chimney While Play Thousand or People In Hlree Inflamed by Kidnapping and Murdc- Stortcf Chinamans Window Broker Josie McCohlll who was the slxyearol daughter or Mrs Bridget wh disappeared from her home on the top floor n 1839 Third avenue on May 2was found dead yesterday afternoon In the chimney of th house in which she had lived The polio bcllevo that the girl down tho chlmno from the roof and the superficial oxam nations or the body made last nigh showed nothing to Indicate violence Tho body was found about fifteen fee from the top of the chimney or about hal way down the top story Bilcks weT removed in the front room of the top floo nf the house at 1841 next door and tin body was taken out that way It was upright having fallen into the chimno feet first The left arm Wilt crooked tin hand resting on the side of the face Tin right arm was crossed on the breast with the palm of the hand clows to the throat Henry Flynn of 179 East NinotyalxH street and Gerard Strassburg of 160 East Ninetyseventh street had been employee by Senator Frawley the Tammany of the district to assist In running dowi stories that the girl had been kidnapped- The neighborhood had been inflamed bj these stories and all day crowds had line the streets around the house Flynn and Strasuburg were going througl the house at 1841 about 3 oclock In afternoon and were on the upper floon when they found that Mrs Charles Wolf- on the top floor front had been strewing chloride of lime about In an effort to her rooms of a stench that had been grow Ing wprso for a day or two Finding nothing In Mrs Flynns apart- ments to explain what was wrong the twc young men went to the roof and decider to search the chimney They got a stick and poked it down It met no obstruction and they went to hardware shop across th street and got a pole about flfteer feet long This showed that was blocked They pulled up the pole and fastened t hook to the end of it Then they lowered It a second tune and whwi they brought It they pulled up the sleeve of a girls dress and some hair They unmedlntoly went to tho East 104tli street police station and notified Herlihy He sent them Imrk with De- tective Smith and plans wore made to takr out the body It wax decided to break- through the wall of Mrs Wolfs front room n a little mathematical calculation showed that the body would bo about midway between the floor and coiling of her apart- ment In flvUUHUj H root and Fireman was sen f around to the house with an a and pick He made shortS work of breaking Into the chimney and the girls body was found It Iran clothed M the child was when she left home oven to the pink ribbon in her hair There wan no sign of mutilation A few marks on the face wore attributed to the hook whWh the young men had used In the chimney The body was taken at once to the station house Capt Langan of the Detective Bureau and the dflteotivA of the Fat 104th street station began Investigation to find out tf the girl had been killed and then put down the chimney The chimney rises about five feet above the roof and is close to the house front parapet which is two and a half feet high so that the chimney top it readily accessible from the roof The chimney ia used by both houses and has four flues The body was in the flue nearest the street and the parapet The mouth of the flue is about nine inches square The tennntsjin the house aald that all the children in the two houses and there are a number of them make a playground- of the roof in good weather A common game among the children woo to play hide and seek and frequently according to the children one of them got Into the chimney to hide from the others Josie McCahlll often wont to tho roof There was a pet kitten In tho McCaliill family which tho girl played with there According to tenants the kitten for three or four days after the girl was missed meowed and cried on the roof near the chimney Josie was plump about three feet tall and weighed about fclxly pounds To satisfy themselves that the child could have accidentally fallen Iowa the chimney tho police after the body had been taken out got a boy a little larger than the MoCahlll girl and lowered him through the chimney opening TJiis convinced them that the child could nave climbed to tho top of the chimney and fallen in Both Capts Langan and Herlihy said that they felt sure that the girl was acci- dentally killed The police thought that perhaps she had been playing with other children in the house and that some of the other children knew something about tar falling In and had been afraid to tell or were too young to know what to trill They questioned the children but could fad no one who knew or would tell any- thing about it One of the stories told In the house last night waa that a woman called on Mrs McCahlll early yesterday afternoon and said that abe could find the missing girl and that abe had an infallible method of finding lost children Mrs MoCahlll would nothing to do with her She came beau In a few mlnut with a piece of cloth and said that she had to the roof and that the girls body was in the chimney This woman who said her name was Rogers returned to the house last night 8he told the story of having there in this afternoon and said that all the time that the body was In the chimney Some of the bystanders thought she should j ibe and told Policeman Bran nan so took her to the station Capt Herlihy questioned her No one would males a complaint against her how ever and the captain said he saw no reason for holding her and she was released Some may have babbled the chimney to the body had been taken to the station Dr Schneppal of Harlem Hospital examined it He said that the body was so badly decomposed that It was Impossible- to toll definitely what had caused death but was unable to find any marks of vio- lence Courier Jackson said as much An autopsy wilt be made today the b preparations were being wad I I I S- IN Oil at MoCahill and Jell the rid apt gll l th a ben art and abut he r MCA lilt the chimne I bye ben her- S 4 eris iettiai- u ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ In the neighborhood for a mass meetl to raise funds and take steps to run dov the kidnappers about whom much hi been printed The meeting was to ha been hold In Harlem Terraco In East loll street and two bands had been Senator was to preside was t the Tammany headquarters when he ws notified that the body bad been found He had made all preparations to marc to the meeting with the Tammanyltes t tho district Turning to Astemblyma Julius Brosen he said MOot right over there and tell the crow that there will be no meeting Bond brass bands home When Assemblyman Brosen got to meeting It was half filled Most of thos present had heard of the finding of th body Assemblyman Brosen had a type written speech ready which he was pared to read but the people made s much noise In the hall discussing the flndln of the body that he tore up the speech adjourned the meeting Crowds began to gather about the dew girls home The reserves of the Eas 104th street station were ordered out tc clear the avenue but the crowd was to large Uptown and downtown were blocked and twice calls were East Eightyeighth street station for mon reserves By 8 clock lost nlghtthe stree was impassable Reports had been in- dustriously spread that the girl had beei murdered Mutterings were salted agains Wing Lee a Chinaman who has a on the ground floor of the tepement ir which tho McCahills live Threats hot been made against the Chinaman befon and the Chinaman had kept in seclusion al day and locked up the shop It was closet and dark last night but that made no difference to the crowd A woman pushed her way through the crowd and yelled That damn Chinaman killed Josie McCahlll There was a shout trout the crowd and several stones were thrown One of the stones went through the window of the laundry The crowd broke through the police lines Tho oops drew their clubs and drove the mob helterskelter back During all the excitement two docton were attending Mrs McCahlll When told that her daughters body had been fount nho became hysterical and There are four children McCa hill family and tho eldest William who li 22 years old said he thought his sister hoc murdered He said that there was e ring on her finger when she was last peon In the house and he was very onxlou to know if the ring was still there At the Harlem morgue whore the body was taken- It WAS ald that the ring was on the girli finger One story told was that when Flynn nd Strowsburg were trying to got at the liody with the polo theypulled up a mane ock Tho that this was a mis- take that thing that had picked tip on the hook by the young men was the sleeve of the girls dress The crowd stayed around the MoCahillI- OUM until nearly midnight but was gradu illydisperseiHJy tlw police The rewards offered for the recovery of ho girl amounted in the aggregate tots500- f this 1500 was pledged by Senator Fraw py and the rest was offered hy buslnwm men In the district Senator Frawley wild the Investigation of the girls disappear inon would be continued One of the stories told last night came rrom a young woman who lives In 1841 Ihe house next to the McCahills She said that on Tuesday morning she waited for her father to come home I oclock she heard a noise on the ihe told the other tenants and it came from near the chimney Then some one walked across the roof loKoondcd the stairs and wentdown through Ihe house She opened the window and taw a man in light clothes who might have been a plasterer leave tho house and walk lown Third avenue Apparently the vomnn didnt any one In the house ibout it until GOVLD SUES ARCHITECT UlegM That lie quit Work on Plant for Modernized Kilkenny Cattle Howard Clould has begun a suit in the Supreme to recover faoOOO from Ibnor J Haydel the architect of 168 Fifth venue for alleged breach of contract rlr Oouldtt attorneys Raze A Powell lave served a summons In the suit upon ilr Haydol and the latter has instructed Je Forrest DroA to defend the case The suit arises out of tho building of astlo Gould at Sands Point on tho north bore of Long island Mr Gould and his rife visited Ireland a few years ago and rare muoh attracted by the appearance if Kilkenny Castle On their return Mr Gould decided to sect a modern mansion on his Long Island state patterned after Kilkenny Castle nd engaged Mr Haydol to draw plans for uoh a building Mr HaydePs instructions however ompelled him to depart front the lines of Ulkenny aa Mr and Mrs Gould certain rooms of definite according to their own ideas Other the plans prepared- y Mr Haydol were of such a nature he finally he declined to continue specifications Then Mr dould began the present action illeging that Mr Haydel had broken lila on tract by refusing to go on with this rork Mr Haydel drew the plans for the Elliott Shepard house In Sixtysecond street anti the Memorial Church at Scar lorough N Y He won a for his for the latter building at the Paris Exposition TfSrVT DESKttT run arnlna to poldlers Wile Married Native Women In Porte Rico WASHINGTON May 12 Before leaving orto Rico for the United State those en sted men ot and Fifty companies of Coat who ad women in Rico ey would held responsible mill authorities If their children Some men married Porto Alcana hen companies went to island four ears aira Learner Rico for 1 the Fiftysixth Company on learner Tester It U supposed that the f soldiers children are on the Greed coach ueunloa vU Americas mast- orwqne railway to n IXT Nw York bras hired the the hall pre and ors o the laundry faint ben polo p- lat Abut tel a Cour Cute want to from says tat dr for m IFS the FlftyIKth ninth by of and left on the on 7 and seri til 4 K lOA I 1111 i beer 41 Ian Porto notified their commanding ofiloere- V direction the that In May TO woiLl PAm 4D OHIO d ¬ JEROME SUBPOENAS LEWISOBI- T VAXOEnniLT ALSO MAVI- IATEI VAXflKLD VAM- A New John Doe Inquiry It It tiuppou the Witness Will Decline to Ai and Jo to the Court of Appea Again l ewltohn Nerved at Raeetracl District Attorney Jerome received morning from the Secretary State a certified copy of the Canfleld gan bllhg law In the afternoon County D- tootlvo Haordon served upon Jesse Ijewisoh at the Morris Park racetrack a subpcen to testify on Monday morning befoi Special Sessions Justice Wyatt In a John Doe proceeding It was said las night that among a number of subpcena- Usued by Justice Wyatt is one for Roglnal VanderbIlt The object of the proceedlnI- D of course to obtain evidence again Richard A Canfleld arid his gambling bout at East Fortyfourth street Lewlsohn who had gone to the races wit Lillian Russell was In tho betting rin when Reardon walked up him ihe tmbpana Lewtsohn wits surprised did you know 1 was here In Im paid to know where certain people are including you said Reardon with laugh- It is supposed that Lewisghn as he a year ago will again refuse to testify abou his gambling at Canflelda and test constitutionality of the now law whiol declares that a witness of this sort eli be Immune from criminal prosecutioi growing out of his testimony In case hi should take such a course there Is nothing to prevent the Grand Jurys at indictment as it did hereto while Lewi sohns Is pending Lawyer Alfred Lauterbach who is Lewi sohns counsel was notified last night o the service of the subpoena and will oonfc today with Lewisohn Being asked if client would again appeal he said couldnt toll until after he had Lewlsohn and had seen what procedun would bo taken in the courts The of Appeals decided that the law in form was unconstitutional Reginald Vanderbilt is living In Newport and so far as the District Attorney li aware has not been in New York since a- tmbpccna intended for him was b mistake on his brother Alfred of State courts aro not operative outsidt of the State All day Iong3esterday Mr Jerome was pressed with questions as to what he in tended to do now that he had got the lay that hHssold would deliver the gamblers Into hands suppose t spent four inonthi moving heaven and earth get this ure pawed only to sit down and do ing now that Ive got it Of course you do not expect me to you jny programme One thing I will say however is thAt it no time was I ignorant of the scope ol Tie bill and the power It would give me is has been Intimated There was oppo tltlon to It among the gamblers and It certainly would not have good tactics against It certain other powerful Interests which would Mirelj lave been the result had prominent cor- porations now engaged in aiding ilng felonious enterprises realized how the law might bo used It is wonderful how Influence hangn ones attitude Influence and nterest It was manifested In the differ- ent attitude of the legislators toward the inflpld bill and the Prinon bill which the tuber unions backed because made it a nlMlemeanor for anyone to bribe a walking delegate The evidentiary portions of each ili were alike as two peas I drew both Yet while the legislators were greatly wrought up over the Canfleld bill and what hey declared to be Its constitutionality I noticed that they all voted for the Prince till of exactly the same wording And tfr Prince toted against the Canfleld bill is did nearly all New York But Mr Prince deserves of xing reported as standing against the Canfleld bill because he took the rational ground that he didnt think tho gambling lituatlon called for such a law lIla attl tide was wrong but it was vastly different rom that of the who based their ippoaltlon on of constitu ionality of a bill drawn in conformity to he Supreme Courts decision They rotod for the Prince bill however end no mo its constitutionality- While Mr Jerome was talking Reardon ras at Morris Park with his subpoena le and other county detectives have been or several days trolling men who were tailed a year ago as witnesses against Canfleld Before Lewlsohn won in the of Canfleld had been iad obtained from the Supreme Court a change of venue to Binghamton where his rial was set before Justice 8 ewell Fail ng to get an adjournment until the Legis ature had noted on the new bill the Dis riot refused to go on with the rial and Justice Sown dismissed the Indictment This is no bar to a fresh In ilctment for the same offence Mr Je ome so fur M the public knows has not esubmltted the case to the Grand Jury Jthough Joseph Jacobs the great sleuth rbo appeared aa the complainant against Janfleld after the raid In December 1MB- i still on hand VHV4 HAIIROAD COXCESSIOX- irarrlcan Syndicate Gets the Right for a Line From Macao to Canton special Despair la TBE SrN HoNe South China iorning Post announces that an American Hilnese syndicate has obtained a oonces lon granted to the authorities of Macao y a special Portuguese construct a railway from Macao 3 Canton Tho head of the syndicate has ift for America to secure capital and ar inge for the building of the line The Post thinks the line threatens the anunerclal future of Hong Kong If the mericnna to harbor- r to deep sea harbor The Hong Kong Is Indignant t the construction of stow and Canton The local govern ent concurs in the urgent need Kxtra UMvctlvrs at Coney lilaml- Polioe Commissioner McAdoo announced eaterday that there will be a detective ot men at Island on Saturdays and j IN Tat yes- terday to him and hade low a did the g appeal his tat he Curt Bro hit meal tel and doe Democrat lawyer Curt A torney cab 12The Chin dole Macao loon for Bud tem be Dlble we 5 itt been abet rue and- S will held < ¬ WAMnKllhAIV Speaks to a Oreat Audience Says I Policy Will Win In Time fipieliil CaSts Uetpalch lo TUB SUN May 1 Joncph Chamberlain addreid an immense audience at tonight title being his first a pearunoo on the platform since his hoi day He had a rousing reception Mr Chamberlain recounted the progrei and results of tho fiscal campaign whic was begun just a year ago and confident and forcefully reaffirmed that his although was In advance of official would be adopted eventually- He said that he wished the system of referendum existed In Oreat Britain K honestly believed that if the fiscal questlc were referred to a referendum tomorro It would be cnrred by a great majorlt He did not know whether the next electlc would turn on the fiscal question Man prominent topics might obscure It for a time but if it did the coming election its followers would keep at It for the next After reiterating his familiar argument he declared that Great Britain must n longer be a football for foreign nation He wished no ill for foreigncountries he wished good for Great Britain The speech was delivered with youthfi vigor and Mr Chamberlain was applauded fervently TH AttVAXCE TO LHASA Formal Announcement of England Iui pose Tibetans Have Cannon Special CaWt Pupate lo TEa HON LONDON May 12 In the House of today Mr Brodrtck Secretary t State for India announced that tho Brills expedition in Tibet would advance t Lhasa- A despatch from Gyangtse dated Tore day says that Tibetans occupying a six from the British camp at sundown on Monday a persistent fir with a gun carrying a one pound solid hal They now have six or seven guns in positior have got the range and have fired steadil for Several hours A column reconnoitre for four miles out to a monastery on th right whence the approaches to tho fox were discernible Another large gathering of Tibetan- is reported in the Rang Valley The communications with tho rear ar still open LOST ninjFrELscoia TO American Woman Misses SZOOOO Wort After LAnitlnK In Cherbourg SpeCial coN Dfifalclt lo TUB SDK May 12 Mrs Grey an Amen at Cherbourg from New Yorl on Monday last On obtaining possessioi of her baggage on her arrivalin missed a valise containing of jewels The police are searching for the thief The North Herman Lloyd steamshi Wilhelm hence ot 8 for Cherbourg Plymouth ant She carrieda large and dls number of Including Mrs and Miss Vanderbilt Mrs Stewart Mr and Mm and Mrs Juliu- ilelschmann and the Baron and Baronea- I von There was no Mrs irey on the the nature of Mr FIUNCISCO May 12 Mrs Franrp the wife of Charles Gay the sugar planter who yea tho owner the entire if Bamal which contains 100000 acres of the Island is In sugar plantations Island was taken Waiter Murray Gibson who proposed U und on it a colony ss of at Sal jake made Gibson abandon the project SHOCKIXO AlTO ACCIDENT Karpi Rmathcd In tile of Mar cup Occupants Mutilated Special Cable Detpateh lo THB DOVQLAR Isle of Man May 12 turini- odays eliminating trials for British com letltors for the Gordon Bennett oup auto labile race while C Earp and his brother wore travelling at racing speed they col with a wall Both were shockingly purposely collided with the wail n order to stop otherwise he would calorn- tously have overrun the barrier which rail crowded spectators The car abounded a yards smashed tc toms The occupants were hurled eighty yards wore mutilated in a terrible manner Ir Earps brother who was acting aa his is In a condition Us skull is fractured The spectators rem bespattered with blood and one was njured The racing was stopped nALLOOS GAS SET O FIRE twenty Persons Burned In Trying to Rescue an Aeronaut Sptelat Dispatch lo Turn SUN PARIS A balloon named the lurcouf coming from Rambouillet to and steered by Aeronaut Bacon 00 in Rue Edouard Robert Bacon beneath the car Pedestrians rushed to his aid They cut he balloon with a and the gas from a that of them was smoking exploded and urn twenty them riously Chinese Labor In South Africa Sptclal Ditpatch lo Sew LONDON the Rouse of Corn none today Mr Secretary rf State for the Colonies announced that he convention authorizing the itlon of laborers South Africa ould be signed tomorrow IEHIPS ROLL MISSIXO- Us TTieatre Party Had to Get a Box en Tick Harry Lehr accompanied by his wife nd two other drove up last night- i the West in Harlem where reber and Fields are playing Mr Lehr ho wanted a box and the man in the ox office said he had otto to sell A box money and Mr Lehr was evidently of this for he hogan to amble through iris various pockets Fl ally he turned to the two mon In the party ndeaid havent any money One or oth of you wlllliave box The two men went through their clothes nd finally had to admit they hadnt 15 between them Lehr then for tho lanoger the theatre and sold be wanted lie box on credit He got It Later Lehr found hit money In an Inside ocket n rnrti Exlrsrt f Vanilla leader all tile world over Ute DO eUMt Bir- mingham ploy It the party but Com- mons fort opened mis- sion PARS PiUS Par she on and of Honolulu appear IAN wealthy became Part The Moron C tar Injure wit and nl Cal Paris lap ht one Cal 12In HUll couple said cot r Ar n g liE IIIEA 85 LONDON Bremen morning rs Francis day here It dod hopeless Tax I the LC 2 S8 < > FIRE ENGINE KILLS AGED Hit HAHXAUHMACKAl RUN l MAWHOX AlEVUE Was Too Ueaf lo Hear the Engines lit anil Whistle Hones Howled Him the and Tender Wtierli Struck Him Wlf anti Daughter Were at Walden Dr Barnard Mackay 71 years old quite deaf who has been boarding at 0 Madison avenue for the past three month was run over at Twentyseventh utreet Madison avenue last nlgft by Engine I and the tender following It He was killed After dinner night he went for i walk as was his custom and started through Madison Square park returning toward his home at t3 oclock At the corner of Twentyseventh Btree Dr Mackay started to cross from the side of the avenue to his house on the eon side He didnt see the firo engine dash ing north and his deafness prevented hit from hearing the clanging of the bell or th tooting of tIm engine whistle The engine was answering what proved to be a fate alarm from Twentyseventh street Lexington avenue Driver James Rellly of the engine checked his three gray horses but couldn1 bring them to a stop and owe Dr Mackay who was struck of tho middle horse The wheels did no hit the doctor who might have escapee serious Injury had not the horses in rearing made the fire box on the rear drop down crushing the old man as he lay In the street Capt John F Walsh who was on tin rear of the engine jumped off arid tried t drag Dr Mackay from in front of the tender which was following at a swift rate The tender wee too close and when its driver John Rable tried to turn out of the way both wheels on the left side of the tends ran over Dr Mackay Capt Walsh wai also knocked down and narrowly nscapcx being run over Policemen Bceheka and of the Tenderloin station wero the engines and saw the accident They with Capt Walsh picked up Dr and carried him to his home An ambu lance was summoned from the New York Hospital but the man was dead when Dr Mills came Dr MackayH wife and daughter Mar garet are staying at the WaldorfAstoria having recently returned from Palm Beach Fla Word was sent to the hotel and the daughter hurried to her fathers boarding- house She said that she hadnt told lie mother as the was In very bad health We went Beach for mothers health said Miss Mackay and father didnt make the trip so he stayed Ir this We were preparing to move to Lenox for the summer and father woe going with us Dr Mackay lived for many yeaw at 10 East Thirtysixth street His son Archi- bald K who in InUioreal 08tt ju8uicsi at 8 Wall ptreet now occupies that house He was notified and hurried to the Dr Mackays body lay The dead man was bom in England and was the son of the late Col William Mackay of the British Army He studied medicine In Paris and was graduated with Sands and Draper of this city was Miss Auchmuty sister of Col Auch muty Dr Mackay came to this country many years ago but never practised medicine owing to his deafness engaged in any business having n considerable fortune Soon after the accident Capt Cottrell of the Tenderloin station sent Detectives McGuire apd Gallagher out to arrest The driver was found at his engine Fast Thirteenth street He waft taken to the station and with homicide Reilly was by the Ho was one of the men who went to the Baltimore fire In speaking of the accident ho said This is the first time I ever ran over anybody although Ive had some pretty narrow escapes When that alarm came in I turned up Broadway and had trouble headway on of the traffic Madison Twentythird street I saw that clear stretch of asphalt and let the horses have their heads I expected the old man would get out of the way when I first saw himand when realized there was something wrong with him It was too late nonaixa AFTER DODGE Mstrlot Attorneys Deteetlvet Have to Go In Houston HOUSTON Tex May 12 Charles F todge and his party have recently manl ested a disposition to escape the espionage- if New York detectives and have made a number of efforts to leave town which lavo been frustrated Following upon the receipt here of Now York papers containing stories to the effect hat Dodges life was being shortened by dissipation In which ho was Indulging nd for which he was amply supplied with unds from some source Dodge tpm- lorarlly led a more temperate life although r Houston his attending physician says hot he cannot live long In any event and n not likely ever to return to New York o to his Indictment for perjury in the divorce tangle between W Morse and his wife formerly An incident of interest recently was he temporary disappearance of Edward Dodges bodyguard following upon the appearance but who ia sup loaed to be a detective of more ban local reputation a and tumble a man and is appar in excellent training- In his efforts to the detectives The efforts have o driving off in with he driving furiously behind V1000 LEFT TO A RESCUEH- le Saved Mrs Uobbts Life IK Years Ao and She Remembered Him In Her Will CHESTBK Pa May 12 Ernest A Roeber young nina of Colwyn has received a heck for 126000 from the estate of Mm Martha Dobbs of who left him his amount because he saved her life in runaway accident fifteen years received omn days ago a draft for 10000 additional- rom daughter Mrs rmier Itoeber Is conducting a money He said when seen tonight hat thing he now wants to i wife to fortune Already he- ms received NIl proposals none of hem suits him MAN OWN and and and plunge I Deb later car all Dolor Hanever Rely charge acci- dent mi- ng aunt the the pled CalM re Dodge b a a neat market out his 1 Jh In- stantly last wits Pace has been assisted Bradley and has sold 1 ¬ COMMISSIOXER WARE ItESIGXl He li to Oct Slut nf the prnslo- Ufllce and Go Rack to Kansas WASHINOTOM May 12 Commissioner o Pensions Ware who only the other dn celebrated the second anniversary of hi appointment OH Commiteloncr of Pensions has handed his resignation to Presiden Roosevelt to take effect at the President pleasure It was learned today that the President had had the resignation for som time and has been urging Mr Ware ti remain In office until after Novembe elections Mr Ware for one reason o another Is anxious to get back to Kansas and the President knew of this desire time before Mr Wares formal was handed to him Mr Roosovolt does not want to have i vacancy lit the head of the Fensloi Office just at this time when tho necessitj fpr the appointment of a Commieslone would of course bring strong pressuri upon him from tho G A R and he hai not yet given up Mr Ware oai be Induced to after the BECAME FIANCES GlAllDtAX Thlnie Who Is IS Had to Do Ho li Order to Marry Young OraylandL- KSOEDB Minn May marriag of Miss Thime and Albert Gray land The groom is onl 20 years old and consequently was unable to obtain a license without the consent o his parents or guardian Being without a guardian he was barred all around The young woman though nearly twc years younger was over 18 and of lawfu age to get married If she wanted to Neither wanted to wait for the young roan to grow older so Miss Thyme formally and legall fiance and then as his guardian necessary consent so that a mar- riage license could be issued to him Thi document was then made out and Justice of the Peace Hammerly of Sharon township the couple JVIHiEGKAYTO SUCCEED HAJfX Selected for President of the Chit Fwlern lion by the Nominating Committee PHILADELPHIA May 12 The office o president of the National Civic Federation which has been vacant since the death of Senator Marcus A Hanna will be flllec by Judge George Gray The nominally committee of the organization was at a recent some cm to flll the place Tho members of committee Bishop Potter and President John Mitchell of tho United Mine Workers after long deliberation selected Judgi Gray Ills name will be placed before tni federation at Its next meeting The election will not take place unti next fall as It is believed that it might b taken to Indicate that the organization wai projecting the Judge for President of th United States FELOXY IX POLlTJCfi UtTering Vote If Your Mart Gels a Dickinson Indicted Now Former Alderman William Dickinson o irooklyn was indicted yesterday afternooi bribery in writing a letter In September 902 to Street Cleaning Commissioner Wood saying that if Dr Woodbury would one of Dickinsons constituents who had been dismissed Dickinson1 would for an appropriation that Dr Wood iury for the construction of n If Dickinson pleads not guilty to this ndictment tomorrow said Mr Jerom- eI will move to have It dismissed his Is the first Indictment of ins over been found The A xllate DI isbn has decided that the offence charged gamut Dickinson constitutes bribery Now Dickinson was only doing what mbllc officials do right along He Pen and above board about it and after its arrest came storming to my office to now what it meant that he should be in for bribery when all he did was to his vote in case his request for the elnstatement of his discharged constltu nt was Like others he never iad kind of log rolling was i felony If instead of pleading to the In lictment he should adopt dilatory tactics shall press it to a trial MISS WALKERS VERDTCT attained by Martian Who Denies Maxwells Motion for New Trial Supreme Court Justice Marean in Brook rn has denied the application of City uperlntendent of Public Schools William Maxwell for a new trial In the suit brought gainst him by Miss Emma Walker to 110000 or libel A jury warded Miss 750 In denying the mptton Justice Marean Rays that the trial was fair and that ample vldence of actual malice was given The ttter on which the was based con the assertion the defendant plaintiff acquaintance i recent This the Justice was very con evidence of a on part discredit her as a teacher without r reason Justice Marean also verdict was conservative In amount nd declares a just verdict would not- e set aside error of law die Inotly pointed out by exceptions- TO PUNISh TIlE MOROS- rn Wood Gets After the Men WIre killed Seventeen of Our Soldiers WASHINGTON May 12 The following legram from Wadeat Manila regard to the ambushing of American ildlers by Mores was received at the War epartment today While on a reconnoUsanoe to alto All who had been sending In ling trouble F Seventeenth ifantry consisting of thirtynine enlisted Iguason Mindanao on the 8th Inst First Jeut A Woodruff Second Lieut H and fifteen enlisted men ere killed enlisted men wounded The names of the killed and wounded ill be reported by later cable Wood as troops to proceed stud recover odie and arms our to punish offenders No further details wived Townspeople Urged Not to NEBKAH Wls May 12 The local board f health has issued an edict against kissing has asked that the custom Ijedlsconi- nued for the of the t Is urged that the practice Is dangerous n more ways one cause the spread of nt gk us An lou a- long hop ai re 12The lyle ay an orphan adopt marred the our Job ror buy vote want stable bal I mOt dice grant I re- cover dame 1 tine tat the ecu the tat loa meg to a by Hal the Kiss and dir I 1U r I f the resig- nation elec- tions Miss di- rected r en was attacked near Lake Gen I j > DALNY ABANDONED The Russians Blow Up Costly Plus and pocks three Jap Armies Converging on Russians at Liaoygng- RiUDla Great Commercial Port Appar- rntly It to Be Given Up Entirely De- Blroylnc the Dock Is for the Purpose of Making It Useless as a Bate rr the Japs Art Slowly Ing at Uasjunr Port Arthur May Have BOooo Mea The Russians have destroyed the costly piers and docks of Delay and it is also reported that they have destroyed the entire town i This move was to prevent the Japanese from making an easy landing there and using It as a base for operations against Port Arthur or for their campaign to north Russian Generals report to St Peters- burg that three Japanese armies are march ing on the Russian at Llaoyang The presence at of Qsn Pook is taken by St Petersburg to mean thjt the garrison there numbers 90000 men it la estimated if that is so that it would require a force of 00000 Japanese- to capture the place Help came to the besieged garrison at Anju and the Russian attacking It were put to flight The Bits slans are burning towns between Anju and Wlju The Japanese are still landing The force that has disembarked is now estimated at 41000 men Japanese torpedo boots are scouting along the northeastern Corean coast evi- dently looking for any from the Russian Vladivostok DALXY DOCKS DESTROYED Russian Blow Lp Costly Property to Prevent Lao by the Yaps SpicM Clitt Diipalch to Tea SUM ST PKlKnBBCBQ May 12 It ti reported Admiral Alexleff has Informed this that the Russians have blown up the docks and piers at Dalny It b assumed if the report is correct that the sacrifice of works which cost Russia millions of rubles was made to render more difficult a Japanese landing at Dalny or its use as a base by them An unconfirmed rumor comes also that the Russians have destroyed the entire General Staff is informed that Japanese who at Pitsewo are maroV ng slowly The Russlaos lave occupied Sisthoo Bay on the east coast f the Liootung Peninsula opposite Klnchaij and are preparing to offer the strongest esistance to the Japanese They do not ntend to withdraw southward LONDON May 13 In the absence of tows of fresh operation tho reported lestructlon of Dalny fixes the principal ittentlon The possibility of such H- neosure to balk the Japanese from taking advantage of the docks and fl- egardod as sufficient reason he report as true Nothing further has been learned of the losltlon on the Liaotung Peninsula or duo U in possession of the railway The apanese continue to hide all their move nenta impenetrably but various outside re that they are closing upon Arthur and are bringing up their eavy guns on the land side Dalny is a city that was built in a yMP an order of the Czar Before the built It had little population It terminus of the Chinese Eastern Rail ray which was backed by the Russian iovernment and over which trains went through to St Petersburg The city was uilt to fit the conditions which it wu ln- 3nded that the railroad should The territory was leased from y Russia in 1898 and on July 30 1WX the gave the order for the building of the ity There was no waiting for the develop lent of trade warehouses piers ticks railroads banks leatres publio halls and all the Vtbef- 1ulldlngs which would be required hjr- ammunlty of 100000 with trade oommunl itlon with all the Eastern seas were put p as fut army of 25000 could build them The plans for the whole city were ocua- leto before the first spadeful of earth ras lifted and Dalny waa perhaps the only ty In the world where every structure within the boundaries was congruous and roportloned to every other structure The building of the city cost 110000000- pproximately The harbor was the finest i he East Vessels drawing thirty fset- f water could enter at low tide There five enormous piers equipped with lilroad tracks elevators and cranes toq andling merchandise There were two of lesser and two dry docks of them use of naval sis exclusively and the other for repairs o merchant ships Lately work had been begun on a grokt rookwster was to make It possible ships to take and discharge cargoes 10 matter how rough seas were rolling utside The city in on Victoria Bay An Inlet of Bay Tho port Is about twenty ve milm northeast of Port Arthur The ort Arthur branch of the railroad leaves lie main line about ten miles of Delay ne population of the city at lest npru WISH TO STOP JIP LANQIf Jape r tit piton JaPe at ship that tow th laded quay I Port ton was the crt b Czar Home i were pier One whIch for wan back i J I lbs Pitsswo arts indicate s sean I tile yes t rc- i ¬ ¬

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Page 1: F Ji4i I J I rtt1t - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · accidentally fallen Iowa the chimney tho police after the body had been taken out got a boy a little larger than the MoCahlll girl



Fair tnd warmw sjipw

YORK FRIDAY MAY 13 1904 WrW IOW by Me JVfaltof Md PubUMnp 4 oc alfon CENTS


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Apparent Fell Don Chimney WhilePlay Thousand or People In HlreeInflamed by Kidnapping and Murdc-

Stortcf Chinamans Window Broker

Josie McCohlll who was the slxyearoldaughter or Mrs Bridget whdisappeared from her home on the top floor n

1839 Third avenue on May 2was found deadyesterday afternoon In the chimney of thhouse in which she had lived The poliobcllevo that the girl down tho chlmnofrom the roof and the superficial oxamnations or the body made last nighshowed nothing to Indicate violence

Tho body was found about fifteen feefrom the top of the chimney or about halway down the top story Bilcks weTremoved in the front room of the top floonf the house at 1841 next door and tinbody was taken out that way It wasupright having fallen into the chimnofeet first The left arm Wilt crooked tinhand resting on the side of the face Tinright arm was crossed on the breast withthe palm of the hand clows to the throat

Henry Flynn of 179 East NinotyalxHstreet and Gerard Strassburg of 160 EastNinetyseventh street had been employeeby Senator Frawley the Tammanyof the district to assist In running dowistories that the girl had been kidnapped-The neighborhood had been inflamed bjthese stories and all day crowds had linethe streets around the house

Flynn and Strasuburg were going througlthe house at 1841 about 3 oclock In

afternoon and were on the upper floonwhen they found that Mrs Charles Wolf-on the top floor front had been strewingchloride of lime about In an effort toher rooms of a stench that had been growIng wprso for a day or two

Finding nothing In Mrs Flynns apart-ments to explain what was wrong the twcyoung men went to the roof and deciderto search the chimney They got a stickand poked it down It met no obstructionand they went to hardware shop acrossth street and got a pole about flfteerfeet long This showed thatwas blocked

They pulled up the pole and fastened thook to the end of it Then they loweredIt a second tune and whwi they brought It

they pulled up the sleeve of a girlsdress and some hair

They unmedlntoly went to tho East 104tlistreet police station and notifiedHerlihy He sent them Imrk with De-

tective Smith and plans wore made to takrout the body It wax decided to break-through the wall of Mrs Wolfs front roomn a little mathematical calculation showedthat the body would bo about midwaybetween the floor and coiling of her apart-ment

In flvUUHUj H root andFireman was sen f aroundto the house with an a and pick Hemade shortS work of breaking Into thechimney and the girls body was foundIt Iran clothed M the child was when sheleft home oven to the pink ribbon in herhair There wan no sign of mutilationA few marks on the face wore attributedto the hook whWh the young men hadused In the chimney The body was takenat once to the station house

Capt Langan of the Detective Bureauand the dflteotivA of the Fat 104th streetstation began Investigation to find outtf the girl had been killed and then putdown the chimney The chimney risesabout five feet above the roof and is closeto the house front parapet which is two anda half feet high so that the chimney top itreadily accessible from the roof Thechimney ia used by both houses and hasfour flues The body was in the flue nearestthe street and the parapet

The mouth of the flue is about nine inchessquare The tennntsjin the house aald thatall the children in the two houses and thereare a number of them make a playground-of the roof in good weather A commongame among the children woo to play hideand seek and frequently according to thechildren one of them got Into the chimneyto hide from the others Josie McCahllloften wont to tho roof There was a petkitten In tho McCaliill family which thogirl played with there According totenants the kitten for three or four daysafter the girl was missed meowed and criedon the roof near the chimney

Josie was plump about three feet talland weighed about fclxly pounds Tosatisfy themselves that the child could haveaccidentally fallen Iowa the chimney thopolice after the body had been taken outgot a boy a little larger than the MoCahlllgirl and lowered him through the chimneyopening TJiis convinced them that thechild could nave climbed to tho top of thechimney and fallen in

Both Capts Langan and Herlihy saidthat they felt sure that the girl was acci-

dentally killed The police thought thatperhaps she had been playing with otherchildren in the house and that some ofthe other children knew something abouttar falling In and had been afraid to tellor were too young to know what to trill

They questioned the children but couldfad no one who knew or would tell any-

thing about itOne of the stories told In the house last

night waa that a woman called on MrsMcCahlll early yesterday afternoon andsaid that abe could find the missing girland that abe had an infallible method offinding lost children Mrs MoCahlll would

nothing to do with her She camebeau In a few mlnut with a piece of clothand said that she had to the roof andthat the girls body was in the chimneyThis woman who said her name wasRogers returned to the house last night8he told the story of having there inthis afternoon and said that allthe time that the body was In the chimneySome of the bystanders thought she should

j ibe and told Policeman Bran nanso took her to the stationCapt Herlihy questioned her No onewould males a complaint against her however and the captain said he saw no reasonfor holding her and she was releasedSome may have babbled thechimney to

the body had been taken to thestation Dr Schneppal of Harlem Hospitalexamined it He said that the body was sobadly decomposed that It was Impossible-to toll definitely what had caused deathbut was unable to find any marks of vio-lence Courier Jackson said as muchAn autopsy wilt be made today

the b preparations were being wad



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MoCahill and





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In the neighborhood for a mass meetlto raise funds and take steps to run dovthe kidnappers about whom much hibeen printed The meeting was to habeen hold In Harlem Terraco In East lollstreet and two bands had beenSenator was to preside was tthe Tammany headquarters when he wsnotified that the body bad been foundHe had made all preparations to marcto the meeting with the Tammanyltes ttho district Turning to AstemblymaJulius Brosen he said

MOot right over there and tell the crowthat there will be no meeting Bondbrass bands home

When Assemblyman Brosen got tomeeting It was half filled Most of thospresent had heard of the finding of thbody Assemblyman Brosen had a typewritten speech ready which he waspared to read but the people made smuch noise In the hall discussing the flndlnof the body that he tore up the speechadjourned the meeting

Crowds began to gather about the dewgirls home The reserves of the Eas104th street station were ordered out tcclear the avenue but the crowd was tolarge Uptown and downtown wereblocked and twice calls wereEast Eightyeighth street station for monreserves By 8 clock lost nlghtthe streewas impassable Reports had been in-

dustriously spread that the girl had beeimurdered Mutterings were salted againsWing Lee a Chinaman who has aon the ground floor of the tepement irwhich tho McCahills live Threats hotbeen made against the Chinaman befonand the Chinaman had kept in seclusion alday and locked up the shop It was closetand dark last night but that made nodifference to the crowd A woman pushedher way through the crowd and yelled

That damn Chinaman killed JosieMcCahlll

There was a shout trout the crowd andseveral stones were thrown One of thestones went through the window of thelaundry The crowd broke through thepolice lines Tho oops drew their clubsand drove the mob helterskelter back

During all the excitement two doctonwere attending Mrs McCahlll When toldthat her daughters body had been fountnho became hysterical and

There are four children McCahill family and tho eldest William who li

22 years old said he thought his sister hocmurdered He said that there was e

ring on her finger when she was lastpeon In the house and he was very onxlouto know if the ring was still there At theHarlem morgue whore the body was taken-It WAS ald that the ring was on the girlifinger

One story told was that when Flynnnd Strowsburg were trying to got at the

liody with the polo theypulled up a maneock Tho that this was a mis-

take that thing that hadpicked tip on the hook by the young menwas the sleeve of the girls dress

The crowd stayed around the MoCahillI-

OUM until nearly midnight but was graduillydisperseiHJy tlw police

The rewards offered for the recovery ofho girl amounted in the aggregate tots500-

f this 1500 was pledged by Senator Frawpy and the rest was offered hy buslnwm

men In the district Senator Frawley wild

the Investigation of the girls disappearinon would be continued

One of the stories told last night camerrom a young woman who lives In 1841

Ihe house next to the McCahills She saidthat on Tuesday morning she waited

for her father to come homeI oclock she heard a noise on theihe told the other tenants and it camefrom near the chimney

Then some one walked across the roofloKoondcd the stairs and wentdown throughIhe house She opened the window andtaw a man in light clothes who might havebeen a plasterer leave tho house and walklown Third avenue Apparently thevomnn didnt any one In the houseibout it until


UlegM That lie quit Work on Plant forModernized Kilkenny Cattle

Howard Clould has begun a suit in theSupreme to recover faoOOO fromIbnor J Haydel the architect of 168 Fifthvenue for alleged breach of contractrlr Oouldtt attorneys Raze A Powell

lave served a summons In the suit uponilr Haydol and the latter has instructedJe Forrest DroA to defend the case

The suit arises out of tho building ofastlo Gould at Sands Point on tho northbore of Long island Mr Gould and hisrife visited Ireland a few years ago andrare muoh attracted by the appearanceif Kilkenny CastleOn their return Mr Gould decided to

sect a modern mansion on his Long Islandstate patterned after Kilkenny Castlend engaged Mr Haydol to draw plans for

uoh a buildingMr HaydePs instructions however

ompelled him to depart front the lines ofUlkenny aa Mr and Mrs Gould

certain rooms of definiteaccording to their own ideas

Other the plans prepared-y Mr Haydol were of such a nature he

finally he declined to continuespecifications

Then Mr dould began the present actionilleging that Mr Haydel had broken lila

on tract by refusing to go on with this

rorkMr Haydel drew the plans for the Elliott

Shepard house In Sixtysecond street anti

the Memorial Church at Scarlorough N Y He won a for his

for the latter building at the ParisExposition

TfSrVT DESKttT runarnlna to poldlers Wile Married Native

Women In Porte Rico

WASHINGTON May 12 Before leavingorto Rico for the United State those en

sted men ot and Fiftycompanies of Coat who

ad women in Rico

ey would held responsible millauthorities If theirchildren

Some men married Porto Alcanahen companies went to island fourears aira

Learner Rico for 1

the Fiftysixth Company onlearner Tester

It U supposed that thef soldiers children are on the

Greed coach ueunloa vU Americas mast-orwqne railway to n

IXT Nw York

bras hired





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A New John Doe Inquiry It It tiuppouthe Witness Will Decline to Ai

and Jo to the Court of AppeaAgain l ewltohn Nerved at Raeetracl

District Attorney Jerome receivedmorning from the Secretary

State a certified copy of the Canfleld ganbllhg law In the afternoon County D-

tootlvo Haordon served upon Jesse Ijewisohat the Morris Park racetrack a subpcento testify on Monday morning befoiSpecial Sessions Justice Wyatt In a JohnDoe proceeding It was said lasnight that among a number of subpcena-Usued by Justice Wyatt is one for RoglnalVanderbIlt The object of the proceedlnI-D of course to obtain evidence againRichard A Canfleld arid his gambling boutat East Fortyfourth street

Lewlsohn who had gone to the races witLillian Russell was In tho betting rinwhen Reardon walked uphim ihe tmbpana Lewtsohn witssurprised

did you know 1 was here In

Im paid to know where certain peopleare including you said Reardon withlaugh-

It is supposed that Lewisghn as hea year ago will again refuse to testify abouhis gambling at Canflelda and testconstitutionality of the now law whioldeclares that a witness of this sort elibe Immune from criminal prosecutioigrowing out of his testimony In case hishould take such a course there Is nothingto prevent the Grand Jurys atindictment as it did hereto while Lewisohns Is pending

Lawyer Alfred Lauterbach who is Lewisohns counsel was notified last night othe service of the subpoena and will oonfctoday with Lewisohn Being asked ifclient would again appeal he saidcouldnt toll until after he hadLewlsohn and had seen what procedunwould bo taken in the courts Theof Appeals decided that the law inform was unconstitutional

Reginald Vanderbilt is living In Newportand so far as the District Attorney li

aware has not been in New York since a-

tmbpccna intended for him was bmistake on his brother Alfredof State courts aro not operative outsidtof the State

All day Iong3esterday Mr Jerome waspressed with questions as to what he intended to do now that he had got the laythat hHssold would deliver the gamblersInto hands

suppose t spent four inonthimoving heaven and earth get thisure pawed only to sit down and doing now that Ive got it

Of course you do not expect me toyou jny programme

One thing I will say however is thAtit no time was I ignorant of the scope olTie bill and the power It would give meis has been Intimated There was oppotltlon to It among the gamblersand It certainly would not have goodtactics against It certain otherpowerful Interests which would Mireljlave been the result had prominent cor-porations now engaged in aidingilng felonious enterprises realized howthe law might bo used

It is wonderful how Influencehangn ones attitude Influence andnterest It was manifested In the differ-ent attitude of the legislators toward theinflpld bill and the Prinon bill which the

tuber unions backed because made it a

nlMlemeanor for anyone to bribe a walkingdelegate The evidentiary portions of each

ili were alike as two peas I drew bothYet while the legislators were greatlywrought up over the Canfleld bill and whathey declared to be Its constitutionalityI noticed that they all voted for the Princetill of exactly the same wording And

tfr Prince toted against the Canfleld bill

is did nearly all New YorkBut Mr Prince deserves of

xing reported as standing against theCanfleld bill because he took the rationalground that he didnt think tho gamblinglituatlon called for such a law lIla attltide was wrong but it was vastly differentrom that of the who based theirippoaltlon on of constituionality of a bill drawn in conformity tohe Supreme Courts decision Theyrotod for the Prince bill however end no

mo its constitutionality-While Mr Jerome was talking Reardon

ras at Morris Park with his subpoenale and other county detectives have beenor several days trolling men who weretailed a year ago as witnesses againstCanfleld

Before Lewlsohn won in the ofCanfleld had been

iad obtained from the Supreme Court achange of venue to Binghamton where hisrial was set before Justice 8 ewell Failng to get an adjournment until the Legis

ature had noted on the new bill the Dis

riot refused to go on with therial and Justice Sown dismissed the

Indictment This is no bar to a fresh Inilctment for the same offence Mr Jeome so fur M the public knows has notesubmltted the case to the Grand JuryJthough Joseph Jacobs the great sleuth

rbo appeared aa the complainant againstJanfleld after the raid In December 1MB-

i still on hand


irarrlcan Syndicate Gets the Right for aLine From Macao to Cantonspecial Despair la TBE SrN

HoNe South Chinaiorning Post announces that an AmericanHilnese syndicate has obtained a oonceslon granted to the authorities of Macaoy a special Portuguese

construct a railway from Macao3 Canton Tho head of the syndicate has

ift for America to secure capital and aringe for the building of the lineThe Post thinks the line threatens the

anunerclal future of Hong Kong If themericnna to harbor-r to deep sea harborThe Hong Kong Is Indignant

t the construction of stowand Canton The local govern

ent concurs in the urgent need

Kxtra UMvctlvrs at Coney lilaml-

Polioe Commissioner McAdoo announcedeaterday that there will be a detective

ot men at Island onSaturdays and






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WAMnKllhAIVSpeaks to a Oreat Audience Says I

Policy Will Win In Timefipieliil CaSts Uetpalch lo TUB SUN

May 1 Joncph Chamberlainaddreid an immense audience at

tonight title being his first apearunoo on the platform since his hoi

day He had a rousing receptionMr Chamberlain recounted the progrei

and results of tho fiscal campaign whic

was begun just a year ago and confidentand forcefully reaffirmed that hisalthough was In advance of officialwould be adopted eventually-

He said that he wished the system ofreferendum existed In Oreat Britain K

honestly believed that if the fiscal questlcwere referred to a referendum tomorroIt would be cnrred by a great majorltHe did not know whether the next electlcwould turn on the fiscal question Manprominent topics might obscureIt for a time but if it didthe coming election its followers wouldkeep at It for the next

After reiterating his familiar argumenthe declared that Great Britain must nlonger be a football for foreign nationHe wished no ill for foreigncountrieshe wished good for Great Britain

The speech was delivered with youthfivigor and Mr Chamberlain was applaudedfervently


Formal Announcement of England Iuipose Tibetans Have CannonSpecial CaWt Pupate lo TEa HON

LONDON May 12 In the House oftoday Mr Brodrtck Secretary t

State for India announced that tho Brillsexpedition in Tibet would advance t

Lhasa-A despatch from Gyangtse dated Tore

day says that Tibetans occupying asix from the British campat sundown on Monday a persistent fir

with a gun carrying a one pound solid halThey now have six or seven guns in positiorhave got the range and have fired steadilfor Several hours A column reconnoitrefor four miles out to a monastery on thright whence the approaches to tho fox

were discernibleAnother large gathering of Tibetan-

is reported in the Rang Valley Thecommunications with tho rear ar

still open

LOST ninjFrELscoia TO

American Woman Misses SZOOOO WortAfter LAnitlnK In CherbourgSpeCial coN Dfifalclt lo TUB SDK

May 12 Mrs Grey an Amenat Cherbourg from New Yorl

on Monday last On obtaining possessioiof her baggage on her arrivalinmissed a valise containingof jewels

The police are searching for the thief

The North Herman Lloyd steamshiWilhelm hence ot

8 for Cherbourg Plymouth ant

She carrieda large and dlsnumber of

Including Mrs and Miss Vanderbilt MrsStewart Mr and Mm

and Mrs Juliu-ilelschmann and the Baron and Baronea-I von There was no Mrsirey on the the nature of Mr

FIUNCISCO May 12 Mrs Franrpthe wife of Charles Gay the

sugar planter who yeatho owner the entire

if Bamal which contains 100000 acresof the Island is In sugar plantationsIsland was taken

Waiter Murray Gibson who proposed U

und on it a colonyss of at Sal

jake made Gibson abandon the project


Karpi Rmathcd In tile of Marcup Occupants Mutilated

Special Cable Detpateh lo THBDOVQLAR Isle of Man May 12 turini-

odays eliminating trials for British comletltors for the Gordon Bennett oup autolabile race while C Earp and his brotherwore travelling at racing speed they col

with a wall Both were shockingly

purposely collided with the wail

n order to stop otherwise he would calorn-

tously have overrun the barrier whichrail crowded spectators The carabounded a yards smashed tctoms

The occupants were hurled eighty yardswore mutilated in a terrible manner

Ir Earps brother who was acting aa hisis In a condition

Us skull is fractured The spectatorsrem bespattered with blood and one wasnjured

The racing was stopped


twenty Persons Burned In Trying to Rescuean Aeronaut

Sptelat Dispatch lo Turn SUN

PARIS A balloon named thelurcouf coming from Rambouillet to

and steered by Aeronaut Bacon 00in Rue Edouard Robert Bacon

beneath the carPedestrians rushed to his aid They cut

he balloon with a and thegas from a that

of them was smoking exploded andurn twenty themriously

Chinese Labor In South AfricaSptclal Ditpatch lo Sew

LONDON the Rouse of Corn

none today Mr Secretaryrf State for the Colonies announced thathe convention authorizing theitlon of laborers South Africaould be signed tomorrow


Us TTieatre Party Had to Get a Box enTick

Harry Lehr accompanied by his wifend two other drove up last night-

i the West in Harlem wherereber and Fields are playing Mr Lehr

ho wanted a box and the man in theox office said he had otto to sellA box money and Mr Lehr was

evidently of this for he hogan toamble through iris various pockets Flally he turned to the two mon In the partyndeaid havent any money One oroth of you wlllliave boxThe two men went through their clothes

nd finally had to admit they hadnt15 between them Lehr then for tholanoger the theatre and sold be wantedlie box on credit He got ItLater Lehr found hit money In an Inside

ocketn rnrti Exlrsrt f Vanilla

leader all tile world over Ute DO eUMt














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Was Too Ueaf lo Hear the Engines litanil Whistle Hones Howled Him theand Tender Wtierli Struck Him Wlfanti Daughter Were at Walden

Dr Barnard Mackay 71 years oldquite deaf who has been boarding at 0

Madison avenue for the past three monthwas run over at Twentyseventh utreetMadison avenue last nlgft by Engine I

and the tender following It He waskilled

After dinner night he went for i

walk as was his custom and started throughMadison Square park returning towardhis home at t3 oclock

At the corner of Twentyseventh BtreeDr Mackay started to cross from theside of the avenue to his house on the eonside He didnt see the firo engine dashing north and his deafness prevented hitfrom hearing the clanging of the bell or thtooting of tIm engine whistle The enginewas answering what proved to be a fatealarm from Twentyseventh streetLexington avenue

Driver James Rellly of the enginechecked his three gray horses but couldn1bring them to a stop and oweDr Mackay who was struckof tho middle horse The wheels did nohit the doctor who might have escapeeserious Injury had not the horses in rearingmade the fire box on the rear drop downcrushing the old man as he lay In the street

Capt John F Walsh who was on tinrear of the engine jumped off arid tried tdrag Dr Mackay from in front of the tenderwhich was following at a swift rate Thetender wee too close and when its driverJohn Rable tried to turn out of the wayboth wheels on the left side of the tendsran over Dr Mackay Capt Walsh waialso knocked down and narrowly nscapcxbeing run over

Policemen Bceheka and of theTenderloin station wero theengines and saw the accident Theywith Capt Walsh picked up Drand carried him to his home An ambulance was summoned from the New YorkHospital but the man was dead when DrMills came

Dr MackayH wife and daughter Margaret are staying at the WaldorfAstoriahaving recently returned from Palm BeachFla Word was sent to the hotel and thedaughter hurried to her fathers boarding-house She said that she hadnt told liemother as the was In very bad health

We went Beach for mothershealth said Miss Mackay and fatherdidnt make the trip so he stayed Irthis We were preparing to moveto Lenox for the summer and father woegoing with us

Dr Mackay lived for many yeaw at 10

East Thirtysixth street His son Archi-

bald K who in InUioreal 08tt ju8uicsiat 8 Wall ptreet now occupies that houseHe was notified and hurried to the

Dr Mackays body layThe dead man was bom in England and

was the son of the late Col William Mackayof the British Army He studied medicineIn Paris and was graduated withSands and Draper of this citywas Miss Auchmuty sister of Col Auchmuty

Dr Mackay came to this country manyyears ago but never practised medicineowing to his deafness engagedin any business having n considerablefortune

Soon after the accident Capt Cottrell ofthe Tenderloin station sent DetectivesMcGuire apd Gallagher out to arrestThe driver was found at his engineFast Thirteenth street He waft taken tothe station and with homicideReilly was by the

Ho was one of the men who wentto the Baltimore fire In speaking of theaccident ho said

This is the first time I ever ran overanybody although Ive had some prettynarrow escapes When that alarm came inI turned up Broadway and had trouble

headway on of the trafficMadison Twentythird

street I saw that clear stretch of asphaltand let the horses have their heads Iexpected the old man would get out of theway when I first saw himand when realizedthere was something wrong with him Itwas too late


Mstrlot Attorneys Deteetlvet Have to GoIn Houston

HOUSTON Tex May 12 Charles Ftodge and his party have recently manlested a disposition to escape the espionage-if New York detectives and have made anumber of efforts to leave town whichlavo been frustrated

Following upon the receipt here of NowYork papers containing stories to the effecthat Dodges life was being shortened by

dissipation In which ho was Indulgingnd for which he was amply supplied withunds from some source Dodge tpm-lorarlly led a more temperate life althoughr Houston his attending physician says

hot he cannot live long In any event andn not likely ever to return to New Yorko to his Indictment for perjury in

the divorce tangle betweenW Morse and his wife formerly

An incident of interest recently washe temporary disappearance of Edward

Dodges bodyguard followingupon the appearance

but who ia suploaed to be a detective of moreban local reputation a and tumble

a man and is apparin excellent training-

In his efforts to the detectives

The efforts haveo driving off in withhe driving furiously behind


le Saved Mrs Uobbts Life IK Years Aoand She Remembered Him In Her WillCHESTBK Pa May 12 Ernest A Roeberyoung nina of Colwyn has received a

heck for 126000 from the estate of MmMartha Dobbs of who left himhis amount because he saved her life inrunaway accident fifteen years

receivedomn days ago a draft for 10000 additional-rom daughter Mrsrmier Itoeber Is conducting a

money He said when seen tonighthat thing he now wants to

i wife to fortune Already he-ms received NIl proposals none ofhem suits him

















mi-ng aunt






Dodge b



neat market outhis






has been assisted Bradley and

has sold




He li to Oct Slut nf the prnslo-Ufllce and Go Rack to Kansas

WASHINOTOM May 12 Commissioner o

Pensions Ware who only the other dn

celebrated the second anniversary of hi

appointment OH Commiteloncr of Pensions

has handed his resignation to PresidenRoosevelt to take effect at the Presidentpleasure It was learned today that the

President had had the resignation for somtime and has been urging Mr Ware ti

remain In office until after Novembeelections Mr Ware for one reason o

another Is anxious to get back to Kansasand the President knew of this desire

time before Mr Wares formalwas handed to him

Mr Roosovolt does not want to have i

vacancy lit the head of the FensloiOffice just at this time when tho necessitj

fpr the appointment of a Commieslonewould of course bring strong pressuriupon him from tho G A R and he hainot yet given up Mr Ware oaibe Induced to after the

BECAME FIANCES GlAllDtAXThlnie Who Is IS Had to Do Ho li

Order to Marry Young OraylandL-

KSOEDB Minn May marriagof Miss Thime and Albert Grayland The groom is onl20 years old and consequently was unableto obtain a license without the consent ohis parents or guardian Beingwithout a guardian he was barred all around

The young woman though nearly twcyears younger was over 18 and of lawfuage to get married If she wanted to Neitherwanted to wait for the young roan to grow

older so Miss Thyme formally and legallfiance and then as his guardian

necessary consent so that a mar-

riage license could be issued to him Thidocument was then made out and Justiceof the Peace Hammerly of Sharon township

the couple

JVIHiEGKAYTO SUCCEED HAJfXSelected for President of the Chit Fwlern

lion by the Nominating Committee

PHILADELPHIA May 12 The office o

president of the National Civic Federationwhich has been vacant since the deathof Senator Marcus A Hanna will be flllec

by Judge George Gray The nominallycommittee of the organization was

at a recent some cmto flll the place Tho members ofcommittee Bishop Potter and PresidentJohn Mitchell of tho United Mine Workersafter long deliberation selected JudgiGray Ills name will be placed before tni

federation at Its next meetingThe election will not take place unti

next fall as It is believed that it might btaken to Indicate that the organization waiprojecting the Judge for President of thUnited States

FELOXY IX POLlTJCfiUtTering Vote If Your Mart Gels a

Dickinson Indicted Now

Former Alderman William Dickinson oirooklyn was indicted yesterday afternooi

bribery in writing a letter In September902 to Street Cleaning Commissioner Wood

saying that if Dr Woodbury wouldone of Dickinsons constituents

who had been dismissed Dickinson1 wouldfor an appropriation that Dr Wood

iury for the construction ofn

If Dickinson pleads not guilty to thisndictment tomorrow said Mr Jerom-eI will move to have It dismissedhis Is the first Indictment ofins over been found The A xllate DI

isbn has decided that the offence chargedgamut Dickinson constitutes bribery

Now Dickinson was only doing whatmbllc officials do right along HePen and above board about it and afterits arrest came storming to my office tonow what it meant that he should be in

for bribery when all he did was tohis vote in case his request for the

elnstatement of his discharged constltunt was Like others he never

iad kind of log rolling wasi felony If instead of pleading to the Inlictment he should adopt dilatory tacticsshall press it to a trial


attained by Martian Who Denies MaxwellsMotion for New Trial

Supreme Court Justice Marean in Brookrn has denied the application of Cityuperlntendent of Public Schools William

Maxwell for a new trial In the suit broughtgainst him by Miss Emma Walker to

110000 or libel A jurywarded Miss 750

In denying the mptton Justice MareanRays that the trial was fair and that ample

vldence of actual malice was given Thettter on which the was based con

the assertion the defendantplaintiff acquaintance

i recentThis the Justice was very con

evidence of a on partdiscredit her as a teacher without

r reason Justice Marean alsoverdict was conservative In amount

nd declares a just verdict would not-e set aside error of law dieInotly pointed out by exceptions-


rn Wood Gets After the Men WIre killedSeventeen of Our Soldiers

WASHINGTON May 12 The followinglegram from Wadeat Manila

regard to the ambushing of Americanildlers by Mores was received at the Warepartment today

While on a reconnoUsanoe toalto All who had been sending Inling trouble

F Seventeenthifantry consisting of thirtynine enlisted

Iguason Mindanao on the 8th Inst FirstJeut A Woodruff Second Lieut

H and fifteen enlisted menere killed enlisted men wounded

The names of the killed and woundedill be reported by later cable Woodas troops to proceed stud recoverodie and arms our to punish

offenders No further detailswived

Townspeople Urged Not toNEBKAH Wls May 12 The local board

f health has issued an edict against kissinghas asked that the custom Ijedlsconi-

nued for the of thet Is urged that the practice Is dangerousn more ways one

cause the spread of nt gk us

An lou



hop aire

12Thelyle ay

an orphan




our Job




want stable







cover dame


tine tatthe



loameg to







I1Ur I f










en was attacked near Lake


I j



The Russians Blow Up Costly

Plus and pocks

three Jap Armies Converging on

Russians at Liaoygng-

RiUDla Great Commercial Port Appar-

rntly It to Be Given Up Entirely De-

Blroylnc the Dock Is for the Purposeof Making It Useless as a Bate rrthe Japs Art Slowly

Ing at UasjunrPort Arthur May Have BOooo Mea

The Russians have destroyed the costlypiers and docks of Delay and it is alsoreported that they have destroyed the

entire town i

This move was to prevent the Japanesefrom making an easy landing there andusing It as a base for operations againstPort Arthur or for their campaign tonorth

Russian Generals report to St Peters-burg that three Japanese armies are marching on the Russian at Llaoyang

The presence at of Qsn

Pook is taken by St Petersburg to meanthjt the garrison there numbers 90000

men it la estimated if that is so thatit would require a force of 00000 Japanese-

to capture the placeHelp came to the besieged

garrison at Anju and the Russianattacking It were put to flight The Bits

slans are burning towns between Anju

and WljuThe Japanese are still landing

The force that has disembarked is now

estimated at 41000 men

Japanese torpedo boots are scoutingalong the northeastern Corean coast evi-

dently looking for any from theRussian Vladivostok


Russian Blow Lp Costly Property toPrevent Lao by the Yaps

SpicM Clitt Diipalch to Tea SUM

ST PKlKnBBCBQ May 12 It ti reportedAdmiral Alexleff has Informed this

that the Russians have blown up thedocks and piers at Dalny It b assumed

if the report is correct that the sacrifice of

works which cost Russia millions of rubleswas made to render more difficult a Japaneselanding at Dalny or its use as a base bythem

An unconfirmed rumor comes also thatthe Russians have destroyed the entire

General Staff is informed thatJapanese who at Pitsewo are maroVng slowly The Russlaos

lave occupied Sisthoo Bay on the east coastf the Liootung Peninsula opposite Klnchaij

and are preparing to offer the strongest

esistance to the Japanese They do notntend to withdraw southward

LONDON May 13 In the absence oftows of fresh operation tho reported

lestructlon of Dalny fixes the principalittentlon The possibility of such H-

neosure to balk the Japanese from takingadvantage of the docks and fl-

egardod as sufficient reasonhe report as true

Nothing further has been learned of thelosltlon on the Liaotung Peninsula orduo U in possession of the railway Theapanese continue to hide all their move

nenta impenetrably but various outside rethat they are closing upon

Arthur and are bringing up theireavy guns on the land side

Dalny is a city that was built in a yMPan order of the Czar Before the

built It had little population Itterminus of the Chinese Eastern Rail

ray which was backed by the Russianiovernment and over which trains wentthrough to St Petersburg The city was

uilt to fit the conditions which it wu ln-

3nded that the railroad shouldThe territory was leased from

y Russia in 1898 and on July 30 1WX thegave the order for the building of the

ity There was no waiting for the developlent of trade warehouses piersticks railroads banksleatres publio halls and all the Vtbef-1ulldlngs which would be required hjr-

ammunlty of 100000 with trade oommunlitlon with all the Eastern seas were putp as fut army of 25000 could build

themThe plans for the whole city were ocua-

leto before the first spadeful of earthras lifted and Dalny waa perhaps the onlyty In the world where every structure

within the boundaries was congruous androportloned to every other structureThe building of the city cost 110000000-

pproximately The harbor was the finesti he East Vessels drawing thirty fset-

f water could enter at low tide Therefive enormous piers equipped with

lilroad tracks elevators and cranes toqandling merchandise There were two

of lesser and two dry docksof them use of naval

sis exclusively and the other for repairso merchant shipsLately work had been begun on a grokt

rookwster was to make It possibleships to take and discharge cargoes

10 matter how rough seas were rolling

utsideThe city in on Victoria Bay An Inlet of

Bay Tho port Is about twentyve milm northeast of Port Arthur Theort Arthur branch of the railroad leaveslie main line about ten miles of Delayne population of the city at lest npru









tow th


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arts indicate





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