fa15 cs188 lecture 08 pl semantics and inference.pptx-2

7/23/2019 FA15 CS188 Lecture 08 PL Semantics and Inference.pptx-2 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/fa15-cs188-lecture-08-pl-semantics-and-inferencepptx-2 1/25 Announcements Upcoming due dates Tuesday 9/22 11:59 pm HW 3 (edX) (thanks to campus IT meltdo !"ida# 9$%5 5:&& pm '"oect 1 iscussion *ections  eek 9$%%+%3, o-cial sign+up .o" section *ign up in pe"son at section I. o/e".ull, p"io"it# goes to those ho sign up and a"e "egiste"ed .o" tha I. #ou don0t sho up in pe"son, #ou ma# get umped to anothe" sectio '"oailit# *essions Weekl#, until e0"e done ith p"oailit#2 W 9+1& am, %99 o"# W 4+ pm, 531 o"# Wo"ksheets a"e posted on edX s#llaus 6# o-ce hou"s: !"ida# 9am 511 *oda7 6onda# 11am 31&

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Upcoming due dates Tuesday 9/22 11:59 pm HW 3 (edX) (thanks to campus IT meltdo

!"ida# 9$%5 5:&& pm '"oect 1

iscussion *ections  eek 9$%%+%3, o-cial sign+up .o" section

*ign up in pe"son at section

I. o/e".ull, p"io"it# goes to those ho sign up and a"e "egiste"ed .o" tha

I. #ou don0t sho up in pe"son, #ou ma# get umped to anothe" sectio

'"oailit# *essions Weekl#, until e0"e done ith p"oailit#2

W 9+1& am, %99 o"#

W 4+ pm, 531 o"#

Wo"ksheets a"e posted on edX s#llaus

6# o-ce hou"s: !"ida# 9am 511 *oda7 6onda# 11am 31&

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* 188: A"ticial Intelligence

'"opositional ogic

*emantics and In.e"ence

Inst"ucto": *tua"t ;ussell

Uni/e"sit# o. ali.o"nia, <e"kele#

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=noledge ase > set o. sentences in a .o"m

language ecla"ati/e app"oach to uilding an agent (

s#stem): Tell  it hat it needs to kno (o" ha/e it Learn t


 Then it can Ask  itsel. hat to do?anse"s shou."om the =<

Agents can e /ieed at the knowledge lei@e@, hat the# know, "ega"dless o. ho


Knowledge base

Inference engine

Domain-specific facts

Generic code

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Syntax : What sentences a"e alloedD

Semantics: What a"e the possible worldsD

Which sentences a"e true in hich o"ldsD (i@e@defnition o. t"uth)


α2 α3

*#ntaEland *emanti

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'"opositional logic *#ntaE: ' ∨ (¬G ∧ ;)7 X1 ⇔ (;aining ⇒ *unn

'ossile o"ld: '>t"ue,G>t"ue,;>.alse,*>t"ue

*emantics: α ∧ β is t"ue in a o"ld iJ is α t"ue an(etc@)

!i"st+o"de" logic *#ntaE: ∀E ∃# '(E,#) ∧ ¬G(Koe,.(E)) ⇒ .(E)>.(#)

'ossile o"ld: Lects o1, o%, o37 ' holds .o" Mo1

holds .o" Mo3N7 . (o1)>o17 Koe>o37 etc@

*emantics: φ(σ) is t"ue in a o"ld i. σ>o  and φ h

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In.e"ence: entailment

Entailment : α O> β (Bα entails βC o" Bβ .ollo

αC) iJ in e/e"# o"ld he"e α is t"ue, β is als I@e@, the α+o"lds a"e a suset o. the β+o"lds Pm⊆ models(β)Q

In the eEample, α% O> α1 

(*a# α% is ¬G ∧ ; ∧ * ∧ W α1  is ¬G )



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In.e"ence: p"oo.s

A p"oo. is a demonstration o. entailment e

and β  6ethod 1: model-checking

!o" e/e"# possile o"ld, i. α is t"ue make su"e thatoo

L= .o" p"opositional logic (nitel# man# o"lds)7 n"st+o"de" logic

6ethod %: theorem-proving *ea"ch .o" a seuence o. p"oo. steps (applications

inerence rules) leading ."om α to β 

F@g@, ."om ' ∧ (' ⇒ G), in.e" G # odus !onens

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In.e"ence ("eminde")

6ethod 1: model-checking

!o" e/e"# possile o"ld, i. α is t"ue make su"e thatoo

6ethod %: theorem-proving *ea"ch .o" a seuence o. p"oo. steps (applications

inerence rules) leading ."om α to β  Sound  algo"ithm: e/e"#thing it claims to p"o/


"omplete algo"ithm: e/e"# that is entailed ca


' iti l l i t Th

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'"opositional logic s#ntaE: The g"udetails

Ri/en: a set o. p"oposition s#mols X1,X%,S

(e o.ten add T"ue and !alse .o" con/enience)

Xi is a sentence

I. α is a sentence then ¬α is a sentence

I. α and β a"e sentences then α ∧ β is a sent

I. α and β a"e sentences then α ∨ β is a sent

I. α and β a"e sentences then α ⇒ β is a sen

I. α and β a"e sentences then α ⇔ β is a sen

And p@s@ the"e a"e no othe" sentences2

' iti l l i ti

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'"opositional logic semantics: un/a"nished t"uth

function '+T;UFD(α,model) returns t"ue o" .a

  if  α is a s#mol then return ookup(α, mode  if  Lp(α) > ¬ then return not('+T;UFD(A"g1(α),model))

  if  Lp(α) > ∧ then return and('+T;UFD




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; ⇒ ( ⇔ U) (i. it0s "aining, #ou sta# d"# i. and onl# i. #

um"ella) 6odel >t"ue, ;>.alse, U>t"ue S@

.alse ⇒ (t"ue ⇔ t"ue)

.alse ⇒ t"ue


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*imple theo"em p"o/ing: !o"a"d c

!o"a"d chaining applies 6odus 'onens to g

ne .acts: Ri/en X1 ∧ X%  ∧ S Xn  ⇒  and X1, X%, S,  Xn 


!o"a"d chaining keeps appl#ing this "ule, a

ne .acts, until nothing mo"e can e added ;eui"es =< to contain onl# defnite clause

(onunction o. s#mols) ⇒ s#mol7 o"

A single s#mol (note that X is eui/alent to T"u

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!o"a"d chaining algo"ithm

function '+!+FTAI*D(=<, ) returns t"ue o" .alse  count V a tale, he"e countPcQ is the nume" o. s#mols in  in.e""ed V a tale, he"e in.e""edPsQ is initiall# .alse .o" all s 

agenda V a ueue o. s#mols, initiall# s#mols knon to e

while agenda is not empt# do p V 'op(agenda)

  if  p >  then return t"ue

if  in.e""edPpQ > .alse then in.e""edPpQVt"ue

  for each clause c in =< he"e p is in c@p"emise dodec"ement countPcQ

if  countPcQ > & then add c@conclusion to agreturn .alse

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!o"a"d chaining eEample: '"o/

' ⇒ G

∧ 6 ⇒ '

< ∧  ⇒ 6

A ∧ ' ⇒ 

A ∧ < ⇒ 








.alse< .alse


.alse6 .alse

'  .alse




 A B



xxxx true



xxxx true



xxxx true




xxxx true



xxxx true



L $x  x 

xxxx true

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'"ope"ties o. .o"a"d chainin

 Theo"em: ! is sound and complete .o" deni

=<s *oundness: .ollos ."om soundness o. 6odus

(eas# to check)

ompleteness p"oo.:

1@ ! "eaches a Eed point he"e no ne atomic sentences %@ onside" the nal inferred  tale as a model m, assigning


3@ F/e"# clause in the o"iginal =< is t"ue in m

'"oo.: *uppose a clause a1∧@@@ ∧ak ⇒  is .alse in m 

 Then a1∧@@@ ∧ak is t"ue in m and  is .alse in m 

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*imple model checking

function TT+FTAI*D(=<, ) returns t"ue o" .alse  return  TT+HF=+A(=<,,s#mols(=<) U s#mols(),)function  TT+HF=+A(=<,,s#mols,model) returns t"ue o

if  empt#D(s#mols) then if  '+T;UFD(=<,model) then return '+T;UFD(,moelse return t"ue


  ' V "st(s#mols)  "est V "est(s#mols)  return  and ( TT+HF=+A(=<,,"est,model Y ' >

 TT+HF=+A(=<,,"est,model Y '

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*imple model checking, cont

*ame "ecu"sion as

ackt"acking L(%n) time, linea" space

We can do much ette"2

#1%true #1%false

#2%true #2%


     1     1     1

     1     1 &




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*atisailit# and entailmen

A sentence is satisfable i. it is t"ue in at le

o"ld (c. *'s2) *uppose e ha/e a h#pe"+e-cient *AT sol/

can e use it to test entailmentD *uppose α O> β 

 Then α ⇒ β is t"ue in all o"lds Hence ¬(α ⇒ β) is .alse in all o"lds

Hence α ∧ ¬β is .alse in all o"lds, i@e@, unsatisa

*o, add the negated conclusion to hat #ou

test .o" (un)satisailit#7 also knon as "edu

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onuncti/e no"mal .o"m (

F/e"# sentence can e eEp"essed as a con#

clauses Fach clause is a dis#unction o. literals

Fach lite"al is a s#mol o" a negated s#mo

on/e"sion to ! # a seuence o. standa

t"ans.o"mations: ; ⇒ ( ⇔ U) (i. it0s "aining, #ou sta# d"# i. and onl#


; ⇒ (( ⇒ U) ∧ (U ⇒))

 ¬; / ((¬ / U) ∧ (¬U / ))

(eplace biconditional b) two implications

(eplace α ⇒ β  b) ¬α * β 

Distribute * o*er ∧ 

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F-cient *AT sol/e"s

' (a/is+'utnam+ogemann+o/eland) is the co

mode"n sol/e"s Fssentiall# a ackt"acking sea"ch o/e" models

some eEt"as: Early termination: stop i.

all clauses a"e satised7 e@g@, (A ∨ <) ∧ (A ∨ ¬) is satisA>t"ue

an# clause is .alsied7 e@g@, (A ∨ <) ∧ (A ∨ ¬) is satisedA>.alse,<>.alse

!ure literals: i. all occu""ences o. a s#mol in as+unsatised clauses ha/e the same sign, then gi/e that /alue

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' algo"ithm

function '(clauses,s#mols,model) returns t"ue o" .alsif  e/e"# clause in clauses is t"ue in model then return t"

  if  some clause in clauses is .alse in model then return .a  ',/alue V!I+'U;F+*6<L(s#mols,clauses,model)  if  ' is non+null then return '(clauses, s#molsZ',modelY'>/alue)

',/alue V!I+UIT+AU*F(clauses,model)

  if  ' is non+null then return '(clauses, s#molsZ',modelY'>/alue)

' V !i"st(s#mols)7 "est V ;est(s#mols)  return or('(clauses,"est,modelY'>t"ue),  '(clauses,"est,modelY'>.alse))

- i

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a[/e implementation o. ': sol/e \1&& /a"iale

FEt"as: ]a"iale and /alue o"de"ing (."om *'s)

i/ide and conue"

aching unsol/ale sucases as eEt"a clauses to a/oid "e

ool indeEing and inc"emental "ecomputation t"icks so th

step o. the ' algo"ithm is e-cient (t#picall# L(1)) IndeE o. clauses in hich each /a"iale appea"s ^/e$+/e

=eep t"ack nume" o. satised clauses, update hen /a"iales

=eep t"ack o. nume" o. "emaining lite"als in each clause

;eal implementation o. ': sol/e \1&&&&&&& /a"

*AT l i i

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*AT sol/e"s in p"actice

i"cuit /e"ication: does this ]*I ci"cuit com

"ight anse"D *o.ta"e /e"ication: does this p"og"am com

"ight anse"D

*o.ta"e s#nthesis: hat p"og"am compute

anse"D '"otocol /e"ication: can this secu"it# p"oto


'"otocol s#nthesis: hat p"otocol is secu"e .



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Lne possile agent a"chitectu"e: knoledge

in.e"ence ogics p"o/ide a .o"mal a# to encode kno

A logic is dened #: s#ntaE, set o. possile o"condition

ogical in.e"ence computes entailment "elatamong sentences

eEt: a logical 'acman agent

< k i

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<"eak ui_

enite clauses a"e a

special kind o. <ooleanconst"aint

In.e"ence ith deniteclauses # ! (o" ') islinea"+time

In.e"ence in t"ee+st"uctu"ed *'s is linea"+time

Is the"e a connectionD

ot uite2

A complete sea"c

ala#s nds a soeEists

A complete in.e"ealgo"ithm ala#sp"oo. i. the ue"#

an e use compalgo"ithms to uiin.e"ence algo"ith

 es2 *&>=<, R > ue"#
