fabricated emails vol.1 by know islam

Fabricated Emails Presented to you by Know Islam www.knowislam.co.za for more info email [email protected] Part I Fabricated Ahadith/Quranic/stories/fairy tales Ayahs in chain Emails You may forward this to all those you wish to inform them of the gravity of forwarding shady emails. If a Hadith is fabricated and was not mentioned by Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the person who fabricated the Hadith as well as all those who convey the Hadith are deserving of the severe warning of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “To fabricate my words is not like fabricating any other person’s words. The person who fabricates my words should prepare an abode/a seat for himself in the fire of hell.” (Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith #: 1291) Unfortunately, due to wide spread ignorance, e-mails containing false information and fabricated Ahadith are widely circulated. The creators of such e-mails as well as those who forward them to others should take heed of the severe warning of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. It is therefore imperative that one exercises caution when one receives e-mails of such a nature wherein there is no authentic reference mentioned. Such e-mails or pieces of information should be referred to reliable and learned scholars for verification. Jamiat KZN & Know Islam There would be nothing wrong if virtues substantiated by the Qur‟aan and Hadîth were to be propagated by e-mail or other means, in fact it would be deserving of reward. However, the practice of making up of virtues or “good luck” for certain activities is impermissible. This practice has no basis in Islam. Neither writing these unsubstantiated e- mails nor forwarding them can be deemed permissible. In fact, such actions can result in bid'ah and bid'ah leads one to destruction. The only virtues and rewards for Istighfaar/Zikr that we can believe in are those which have been narrated from Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, if a person really wants to write e-mails, he should forward an aayah of the Qur'aan or an authentic narration regarding zikr and its reward as mentioned in the books of Ahadith, without adding his own masaala (spices). May Allah Ta'aala protect our Imaan and our Aqaa'id. AND ALLAH KNOWS BEST Mohammed Yusuf Seedat Azaadville 26 February 2004 5 Muharram 1424 Hazrat Fatima''s Miracle (Dont avoid) A YOUNG GIRL HAD A VERY SERIOUS ILLNESS. NOTHING COULD CURE HER. LAYLETELQADR... THE GIRL WAS ASLEEP. AND IN HER DREAM BIBI FATIMA (OUR PROPHET''S (PEACE BE UPON HIM) DAUGHTER) GAVE THE YOUNG GIRL SOME WATER Our response: These are fabrications and have no basis in Islam or the Shariah. Please delete and refrain from circulating these. PDF file name is 2362_001 FOR ALL MUSLIMS TO READ. This is a letter from Saudi Arabia & Addressed to All Muslims…produce 20 copies of this letter and spread it to all Muslims…a man called Kalvern….many doors opened for him Abdul Salaam left in the drawer in his office & lost his job…found it & made 20 copies and was „suudenly‟ employed again and in a higher job. With regards to sending to 20 people and good luck & bad luck, getting a job just by making 20 copies is all signs of people with weak Imaan! This has no basis in Islam & the Shariah. Producing 20 copies & so on & one''s way ''opening up'' is kufr. Who can depend on a piece of paper when we should depend on the ONE who gave us the PAPER in the first place. That is ALLAH SWT. These are emails usually distributed by the Christians. We should

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Page 1: Fabricated Emails Vol.1 by Know Islam

Fabricated Emails

Presented to you by Know Islam

www.knowislam.co.za for more info email [email protected]

Part I

Fabricated Ahadith/Quranic/stories/fairy tales Ayahs in chain Emails

You may forward this to all those you wish to inform them of the gravity of forwarding shady emails. If a Hadith is fabricated and was not mentioned by Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the person who fabricated the Hadith as well as all those who convey the Hadith are deserving of the severe warning of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “To fabricate my words is not like fabricating any other person’s

words. The person who fabricates my words should prepare an abode/a seat for himself in the fire of hell.” (Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith #: 1291) Unfortunately, due to wide spread ignorance, e-mails containing false information and

fabricated Ahadith are widely circulated. The creators of such e-mails as well as those who forward them to others should take heed of the severe warning of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. It is therefore imperative that one exercises caution when one receives e-mails of such a nature wherein there is no authentic reference mentioned. Such e-mails or pieces of

information should be referred to reliable and learned scholars for verification. Jamiat KZN & Know Islam

There would be nothing wrong if virtues substantiated by the Qur‟aan and Hadîth were to be propagated by e-mail or other means, in fact it would be deserving of reward. However, the practice of making up of virtues or “good luck” for certain activities is

impermissible. This practice has no basis in Islam. Neither writing these unsubstantiated e-mails nor forwarding them can be deemed permissible. In fact, such actions can result in bid'ah and bid'ah leads one to destruction. The only virtues and rewards for Istighfaar/Zikr that we can believe in are those which have been narrated from Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, if a person really wants to write e-mails, he should forward an aayah of the Qur'aan

or an authentic narration regarding zikr and its reward as mentioned in the books of Ahadith,

without adding his own masaala (spices). May Allah Ta'aala protect our Imaan and our Aqaa'id. AND ALLAH KNOWS BEST Mohammed Yusuf Seedat Azaadville 26 February 2004 5 Muharram 1424


These are fabrications and have no basis in Islam or the Shariah. Please delete and refrain from circulating these.

PDF file name is 2362_001 FOR ALL MUSLIMS TO READ. This is a letter from Saudi Arabia & Addressed to All Muslims…produce 20 copies of this letter and spread it to all Muslims…a man called Kalvern….many doors opened for him Abdul Salaam left in the drawer in his office & lost his job…found it & made 20 copies and was „suudenly‟ employed again and

in a higher job. With regards to sending to 20 people and good luck & bad luck, getting a job just by making 20 copies is all signs of people with weak Imaan! This has no basis in Islam & the Shariah. Producing 20 copies & so on & one''s way ''opening up'' is kufr. Who can depend on a piece of paper when we should depend on the ONE who gave us the PAPER in the first place. That is ALLAH SWT. These are emails usually distributed by the Christians. We should

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Fabricated Emails delete them as soon as they come our way & not even entertain the idea that there is ''good

luck'' in them. Our response:

There would be nothing wrong if virtues substantiated by the Qur‟aan and Hadîth were to be propagated by e-mail or other means, in fact it would be deserving of reward. However, the practice of making up of virtues or “good luck” for certain activities is impermissible. This practice has no basis in Islam. Neither writing these unsubstantiated e-mails nor forwarding them can be deemed permissible. In fact, such actions can result in bid''ah and bid''ah leads one to destruction. The only virtues and rewards for Istighfaar/Zikr that we can believe in are those which have been narrated from Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa

sallam. Therefore, if a person really wants to write e-mails, he should forward an aayah of the Qur''aan or an authentic narration regarding zikr and its reward as mentioned in the books of Ahadith, without adding his own masaala ( special spices). May Allah Ta''aala protect our Imaan and our Aqaa''id.

The Month of Rabi-awal wish some & you'll never taste the fire of Jahannum/Hell


Yesterday I received an email which read: -----Original Message----- From: XXXXX XXXXX[ MTN - Innovation Centre ] Sent: Thursday, 19 June 2008 4:22 PM Subject: Month of Rabi-awal Forgiveness is an attribute of the Strong!"

MUBARAK the month of Rabi-awal has started, the Prophet (SAW) said whoever is the first to give another person the news about this month. The fire of hell is Haraam for them. Salaams 2 All Our response: to these fabricated emails is you will certainly taste the HELL FIRE for attributing things to the Prophet (SAW) which he (SAW) never even mentioned. If he did say this where is your proof? ALLAH SWT tells us in the Glorious Qur''aan: „Say! Bring forth your evidence if you

are truthful‟ (Quran, The Cow, verse 111) -----Original Message-----

From: Faizal Ally Sent: Thursday, 19 June 2008 4:30 PM To: XXXX XXXX [ MTN - Innovation Centre ] Subject: RE: Month of Rabi-awal

First & foremost you got the date wrong as we are in: Jumaadal Ukhra 1429 H & NOT Rabi''ul Awwal. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh brother in Islam, Wouldn‟t we all wish that we can commit all the sin & vice in the world & simply wish someone Rabi‟ul Awwal & the fire of hell is Haraam for us? Whoever thinks this is true is short sighted and at a loss. This Deen (religion) came with sacrifice, hardship, death, blood, hunger & do we simply think

that by wishing one another Rabi‟ul Awwal we will be spared from the fire. Nay! We are indeed stupid if we think this. We commit so much sin & wrong & do not seek forgiveness from those we‟ve wronged and also from those who we‟ve hurt, we gamble, we listen to music & steal etc. In this Deen there are NO SHORTCUTS to Jannah. Jannah has a price and one sister said: “I know what I am doing; Paradise has a price and I hope this will be the price for

Paradise.” Hawaa Barayev, The Sword of the Hijab. And later she was dead. Our response:

We have not come across a „Hadith‟ in which it is mentioned that the fire of Hell is Haraam upon the first person who gives the news about Rabi‟ul Awwal which renders this email an outright fabrication. This Hadith is fabricated and was not mentioned by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the person who fabricated the Hadith as well as all those who convey the Hadith are deserving of the severe warning of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “To fabricate my words is not like fabricating

another persons words. The person who fabricates my words should prepare an abode/a seat for himself in the fire of hell”. (Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith #: 1291)

Page 3: Fabricated Emails Vol.1 by Know Islam

Fabricated Emails Unfortunately, due to wide spread ignorance, emails containing false information and

fabricated Ahadith are widely circulated amongst contacts. The creators of such emails as well as those who forward them to others should take heed of the severe warning of Rasulullah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). It is therefore imperative that one exercises caution when one receives emails of such a nature wherein there is no authentic reference mentioned. Such emails or pieces of information should be referred to reliable and learned scholars for verification.

Angel's Failure to honour the Beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) One day Hadrat Jibrail (alayhi as-salaam) came to the Most Beloved Prophet Muhammad

Mustafa (Peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him) and narrated a strange event: 'I had a chance to visit Khoe Quaf (mountain) where I heard wailing. On further investigation I saw an angel whom I had seen in heaven. This angel lived in honour and glory, 70,000 angels waited on this angel. With every breath of this angel Allah Almighty created another angel. On the Night of Ascension when the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him) passed by the throne of this angel, he (the angel) was sitting on

it and he did not show respect to him [i.e. did not recite Durood Shareef as the Beloved

Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him)] as he passed by. Consequently, Allah Almighty threw him in disgrace. Now he requested me to recommend his case to Allah Almighty. I appealed to Allah Almighty who said that the angel will have to recite Durood Shareef upon the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him) for it to be forgiven. On hearing this verdict the angel started reading Durood Shareef and gradually and quickly his wings and feathers

developed and the angel soared into the skies and resumed his throne.' Our response: We have not come across any Hadith like this. We therefore advise that the contents should not be circulated as they seem to be blatantly fabricated. May Allah save us from being involved in such fabrications. Ameen


Once Moosa (AS) asked Allah Taala: O Allah ! you have granted me the honour and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person? Allah Taala

replied, O Moosa during the last period I am going to send an ummat, who will be the Ummat of Mohammed (SAW) with dry lips , parched tongues, emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets, with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger- will call out to me (in dua) they will be much much closer to me than you O Moosa! while you speak to me

there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting Ummati of Mohammed (SAW) Our response: It is a Fabrication and must be deleted & NOT circulated.

Just a reminder, today is the 15th Ramadaan Dua-e-Jameela If you have the time about 10 minutes before MAGRIB read Dua-e-Jameela

(11 times Darood sherieff first) As reprted by Hazrath Jibraeel AS to Nabi Saw "If any of your Ummah reads the 'Dua -e-Jameela' on the 15th Ramadaan, just before breaking fast, then Allah SWT will forgive all their sins even if it is equivalent to the foams of the oceans."

This is recorded in the Book of Dua-e-Jameela May Allalh Azzawajjal give us all the Toufeeq to take advantage of this

amal. Inshallah Ameen. Our response: Despite extensive research and combing of the books of Hadith, no source has been located for Dua e Jameelah. Many Ulama have tried to locate a source for this but have not found anything. Therefore, it should be avoided. It is narrated in Sahih Muslim on the authority of Abdullah ibn Mubarak (Rahimahullah) that he

said: “Isnaad (having an authentic source for matters pertaining to religion) is Deen itself. Therefore, be careful of your sources of Deen”

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Fabricated Emails In another narration he says: “Isnaad (having an authentic source for matters pertaining to

religion) is Deen itself. Had there been no Isnaad, everyone would have introduced into the religion what he/she wished”

Departing of the soul or Recite the Ayatul Kursi after any Farz salaat and they have stated that whoever recites this, their rooh will be taken out as you would take out a strand of hair from a pile of flour. IT IS SAID WHEN THE ANGEL OF DEATH IS TAKING THE ROOH SOUL I heard this by myself on so many occasions during the lectures delivered by various Muftis sahabs, back home in India, most of them from Darul Ul Uloom, Deobandi seminaries. I know

there are bitter feelings / hatred among the muftis from various disciplines ( Tablighi, ahle hadees, sunnat jamat ...........). This is so pity that I heard one followers to criticize others openly with bitter and foul languages in South Africa. I haven't seen this type of practice in India (Im sure they do happen in India too, May b I wasn't come across these instances). I wanted to know how serious this issue is, to tamper with hadees, sunnats for proclaiming one's practice is superior to others, especially people in the cadre of huffaz,

Aleem, Mufti.

Our response: We have not come across any authentic source for the virtue of Ayatul Kursi in question; We have not come across a narration to this effect. i.e, If read after every Fardh Salah, a persons Rooh will be extracted like how a strand of hair is extracted from a pile of flower. The Sunnah and practice of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) holds far more virtue than the practice of any person, be he a Hafiz, Alim or Mufti.

Day of Judgment - 6 lines single star in the sky When there is only a single star left in the sky. At that very moment, the path of forgiveness will close. The writing in the Quran will vanish. The sun will lower itself with the earth. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 'Who ever delivers this news to

someone else, I will on the Day of Judgement make for him a place in Jannat.' Please pass this to every Muslim you know.

Our response: We have not come across this “Hadeeth”. This is not authentic & must be deleted & not forwarded. It seems like it is a chain e-mail. It should be deleted and not sent to others. Nabi (S.A.W.)

has mentioned. “Whosoever falsely attributes anything to me should prepare his place in Hell fire.” (Mishkaat) We should be extremely careful when attributing anything to Rasulullah (S.A.W.) and when narrating Ahadeeth.


Suddenly, there was a person said salaam. "May I come in?" he asked. But Fatimah did not allow him enter the room. "I'm sorry, my father is ill," said Fatimah turned her body back and closed the door. She went back to her father who had opened his eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who was he, my daughter?" "I don't know, my father. It was the first Our response:

This is not authentic. Do not circulate.

Dialogue between the traveler and the Prophet (saw). Traveler: I do not want azaab to be written in my account. Prophet : behave well with your parents Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person. Prophet: fear Allah always. Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.

Prophet : recite quran every morning and evening. Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened.(roshan and munawer) Prophet: never forget death

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Fabricated Emails Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.

Prophet: always treat fellow creatures well. Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.

Prophet: always have faith in only Allah. Traveler: I never want to be humiliated. Prophet: be careful of your actions. Traveler: I wish to live long. Prophet: always do sile rahm. (goodness towards blood relations) Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase. Prophet : always be in wudhoo.(wajuh)

Traveler: I wish to stay free of adhaab in the grave. Prophet: always wear pure (paak) clothes. Traveler: I never want to burn in hell. Prophet : control your eyes and tongue. Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven. Our response:

We have not come across an authentic source for this.

NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THIS. IS THIS THE RELIGION OF PEACE? STEALING BREAD IN IRAN No religion can ever justify y such hideous crime ... Pass it on ....let the world know wat happening in the name of religion... Pass this to all for public awareness

Our response: This is a fabrication.

Allah Ta‟ala states in the Qur‟aan, “As for a man or woman who commits theft, cut off the hands of both to recompense them for what they earned, a deterrent from Allah. And Allah is Mighty, Wise”. (Surah Al-Ma‟idah, Verse: 38). For theft (Sariqah) to be established according to Islamic Law, the following aspects must be found:

1) The stolen property or item must be privately owned by an individual or group. 2) The stolen property or item must be secured as in a locked house or security guard. If the item was not properly secured, there will be no Hadd (Islamic punishment) for such theft. 3) The thief was not allowed access or usage of this item at all. i.e, he was not allowed to even borrow the item.

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Fabricated Emails 4) The item or property must be stolen in a discreet manner. ie; it must not resemble looting

property. 5) The thief must be Baligh (mature) and sane.

6) The stolen item must be to the value of atleast 10 Dirhams. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah)

EVERY LEAF EVERY FISH WHAT A REWARD Once Jibrail (Alaihissalam) came To the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and said Allah ( S.W.T) has given me the knowledge to count: Every leaf on earth,

Every fish in the sea, Every star in the sky and Every particle of sand on earth,

But there's only one thing that I can not count. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) asked Jibrail {A.S} What is it, Jibrail (A.S) replied .....

When one of your Ummah recites Durood o salaam to you the blessing Allah showers upon that person which becomes impossible for me to count. SubhanAllah! I request you to read Durood at least once now and send this to all the Muslims you know InshaAllah you will get sawab-e-jariyah, Ameen. Our response: This is a fabrication.

IT IS SAID WHEN THE ANGEL OF DEATH IS TAKING THE ROOH SOUL It is said that when the angel of death is taking the rooh (soul) out of the body whom passes away....it is a painful experience. They say that when the dead awake on Qayaamat, the effect of the rooh being taken out will still be there. Therefore, ALLAH has told us to recite the Ayatul Kursi after any Farz salaat and it is stated that whoever recites this, their rooh will be

taken out as you would take out a strand of hair from a pile of flour. How light would that feel,

mashaAllah! May Allah save us from any sort of pain and may He let us die with Imaan in our hearts and save us from the azaab. There is no word as beautiful as Allah. No example as beautiful as Rasulallah (SAW), No lesson as beautiful as Islam No song as melodious as Azan.

No charity as meaningful as Zakat. No encyclopaedia as perfect as Al Quran. No exercise as perfect as Namaz. No diet as perfect as fasting. No journey as perfect as Hajj. Let's realize that Islam is for ever beautiful and perfect, please forward this message to get the sawaab of passing on knowledge. This is most common among us..... most of us talk

during Azan...Read this mail..

Our response: We have not come across any authentic source for the virtue of Ayatul Kursi in question; We have not come across a narration to this effect. i.e, If read after every Fardh Salah, a persons Rooh will be extracted like how a strand of hair is extracted from a pile of flower. The Sunnah and practice of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) holds far more virtue than the practice of any person, be he a Hafiz, Alim or Mufti.

Azaan/ adhaan – stop doing everything The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan, even reading the Quran, the person who talks during the Azaan will not be able to say the Kalima AShahada on

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Fabricated Emails his/her death bed.... Please pass this message to Muslims...READ THIS DUAA FOR BETTER

LIFE. Allahumma- inni- ala-Zikr-ika-wa Shuk-rika wa husni-ibad-atika.

YA KAREEMU YA AVALU YA AKIRU YA QASIMU YA MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) Send this to fellow Muslim brothers and sister you know. Our response: Reciting the words in this manner is not permissible. These words should be uttered with the intention that one is calling Allah and no one else. Ya Qasimu Ya Muhammad should most definitely be omitted.

Allah humma salli ala muhammadin waala aali muhammadin kama salaita ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema inna ka hameed um majeed. Allah hummabarik ala muhammadin wa ala aali muhammadin kamabarakta ala Ibraheema wa alaaali Ibraheema innaq ka hameed um majeed. Send this to at least 20 people. each time someone prays this durood shereef you will get sawaab(blessings) too..inshallah! Mainly after you read namaz read both ten times. GO ON


Our response: This Durood (Salaat) is recorded in the authentic books of Hadith. By one being a means of reciting it, the reciter and the one who encouraged the recital will receive the reward. There is no mention in the Hadith that this particular Durood should be read 10 times or sent to 20 people. This is where the problem comes in as you now turn something good into something bad.

BLACK BEADS Would you please clarify something for me? Iis it true that once when the Prophet Mohamed SWA was out in the desert with his family etc his daughter Bibi Fatima had to go out of the tent for a call of nature. She felt that someone was following her, so she rushed back to her father Prophet Mohamed SWA and told him what should she do? He told he that if she wore black

beads it will show that she was a married woman Our response:

It is a fabrication & baseless story.

We can do it noble month of Muharram It for our benefit, lets try.......

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa-Raghmatullahi Wa-Barakatu Sheilk Our Islamic new year has arrived with the very noble month of Muharram. Muharram is one of 4 months that have been designated as holy according to the Islamic calendar, the other three being - Dhul-Qa'adah, Dhul-Hijjah and Rajab. The Prophet is reported to have said: "The best fasts after the fasts of Ramadan are those of the month of Muharram." Although fasting in Muharram is not compulsory, one who fasts in this month is entitled to a great reward by Allah Almighty. Fasting on the 10th day of Muharram, called

Ashura, is particularly important, as it is reported to lead to great rewards. A person does not have to fast for the whole month. On the contrary, each fast during this month has merit. Muharram is also rich in historic events... It was during Muharram that Allah Ta'ala: > * created the heavens and the earth (10th of Muharram/Ashurah)

> * created Nabi Adam (Alaihis-Salam) and pardoned him of his mistake, > * allowed Nabi Nuh's (Alaihis-Salam) Ark to land successfully on Mount Judi

> * saved Nabi Ibrahim (Alaihis-Salam) from fire > * rescued Nabi Musa (Alaihis-Salam) from Pharaoh > * gave His infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets (10th of Muharram/Ashurah) > * and delivered many of them (His Prophets) from the clutches of their enemies (10th of Muharram/Ashurah)

By reading up on and pondering the lessons behind these historic events we can learn (and teach our families) many valuable lessons of Allah Ta'ala's gifts and blessings on us

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Fabricated Emails (humanity)... Lessons of admonition, mercy and forgiveness; good counseling; sacrifice;

selflessness; patience and seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. The following acts are desirable on the day of Ashurah:

> * To observe fast on this day - preferably the 9th & 10th/10th & 11th of Muharram > * To give as much charity as you can afford > * To perform Nafl Salaah > * To recite Surah Ikhlas 1000 times > * To visit and be in the company of pious Ulema > * To place a hand of affection on an orphan's head

> * To give generously to one's relatives > * To put surma in one's eyes > * To take a bath > * To cut one's nails > * To visit the sick > * To establish friendly ties with one's enemies

> * To recite Dua-e- Ashurah (let me know if you'd like me to email the dua to you!)

> * To visit the graves of Awliyas and other Muslims The Fast of Ashurah On the 9th and 10th of Muharram, one should fast. If it is not possible to fast on both days, then every effort should be made to fast on the 10th of Muharram, as there is great reward for this fast. (Muslim Shareef). Nabi Abdullah bin Masood (Radi Allah Anhu), a Companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad

(Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) reports the following saying of the Messenger of Allah Ta'ala, "Whosoever prepares ample food and drink for his family on this sacred day and delights in feeding them generously, Allah Ta'ala will increase His provisions for that year and place much blessings and good therein." Dua-e-Ashurah - An insurance for a year's Life Nabi Imam Zainul Abidain (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that whoever recites this dua (Dua-e- Ashurah) on the 10th of Muharram, any time after sunrise and before sunset, or listens to its

recitation from someone else, Allah Ta'ala will certainly make it an insurance for a years' life for him, by keeping death away from him. However, if one is to become the victim of death in

that year, they will by some strange coincidence not remember to recite it. Nafl Salaah for the Eve of Ashurah On the eve of Ashurah offer 4 rakats Nafl Salaah as follows: In every rakat after Surah Fateha recite "Ayatul Kursi" once and Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After completing this Salaah recite Surah

Ikhlas 100 times. Allah Ta'ala will purify such a person of all their sins and grant them endless bounties and blessings in paradise. On the eve of "Ashurah" offer 100 rakats Nafl salaah. In each rakat recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times after Surah Fateha. After Salam recite first `Kalimah' 100 times. Allah Ta'ala will forgive all the sins of such a person. Insha-Allah. Let us not forget our brothers & sisters in Palestine, oppressed and fighting to defend themselves, their families and Masjiedul Aqsa. May Allah Ta'ala grant them the strength to defend their land, their homes and all of our heritage. May Allah Ta'ala grant them Sabr, to

patiently persevere during these difficult times, knowing that Allah (swt) has not forsaken them and may they be granted victory and peace once more, Insha-Allah, Ameen! Please recite: > Lailahaillalah, Allahu Akbar and Surah Al-Ikhlas x3 > I ask that you please pass this request to all your friends and family,

> requesting that they too keep the Palestinians in their duahs, > Insha-Allah.

> May Allah Ta'ala accept all our duahs and good deeds, keep us and our > families steadfast in prayer, strengthen our Eeman, grant us Ihsaan, > good health, Barakah, Geyr and Taqwa Insha-Allah, Ameen! Fi amaanillah (I leave you in the protection of Allah Ta'ala) Wasallaamu Alaykum Wa-Raghmatuallahi Wa-Barakatu Our response:

The contents of the email contain major discrepancies. Some details have no basis whilst there are some that are established through reliable Ahadith.

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Fabricated Emails There is no specific Salaah to be performed on the day of Aashuraa. The list of desirable acts

have no basis in the Hadith. We suggest that the email be discarded. The attached document may be practiced upon (refer to MUHARRAM-Edited)

4 the one that loves and cares for you

Our response: Starting from left to right 1) This is authentic and recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith #: 6409 2) Authentic. Recorded in Tirmizi, Hadith #: 3800 3) Unable to locate the virtue of receiving the reward of ten trees being planted in paradise by

reading the Dua just once. The Hadith we have managed to locate states that a person will be rewarded with one tree in Jannah every time he recites the Dua. Ibn Majah, Hadith #: 3939 4) Authentic. Recorded in Nasai, Hadith #: 1305 5) Authentic. Recorded in Tirmizi, Hadith #: 3802 6) Authentic. Recorded in Sahih Muslim, Hadith #: 7027

Subject: The mouth that says Ameen shall laugh forever

PLS READ WITH FAITH. This is an awesome prayer. Believe it and you shall be blessed. The problem with many of us is that we don't believe that Allah will open a window and pour out blessings that we won't have room to receive them. I dare anyone to try Allah. He is true to His word. Allah cannot lie and His promises are sure.

Three things will happen to you this coming week: (1) You will find favour with someone you don't expect; (2) You will be too relevant to be ignored; (3) You will encounter Allah and you will never remain the same again. My prayer for you today: The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil, the hands that will send this message to others shall not labor in vain, the mouth saying Amen to this prayer shall laugh forever.

Remain in Allah's love as you send this prayer to everybody on your list. Have a lovely journey of life! Trust in the Almighty with all your heart and He will never fail you because He is AWESOME!

If you truly need a blessing, continue reading this email: O Allah, most Gracious and Loving , I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister,

brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in you. O Allah, I send up a prayer request for blessings for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything. I thank you in advance for your blessings.

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Fabricated Emails O Allah, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt's burdens. Release Your

wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me , for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk In Your word and

have the faith of a mustard seed that You will pour out blessings. I thank You now Allah for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know You are not done with me yet. In Allah's name I pray. Amen. Our response: Replace Allah with god and you'll see that this is a kaafir "god-loves you" chain email that was (probably with good intent although ignorantly) changed where Allah replaced god... when do Muslims walk in Allah's Word?? when do Muslims say Amen?

absolute nonsense email...purely Christian shouldn‟t be forwarded to any Muslim... For all these feel good emails that talk about reward for this and that i refer this hadeeth: Ibn 'Abbas, radiyallahu 'anhu, said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "Were people to be given according to their claims, some would claim the wealth and blood of others. But the burden of proof is upon the claimant and the taking of an

oath is upon the one who denies (the allegation)." (al-Bayhaqi, Bukhari and Muslim)

wassalaamu alaikum Khalid – Pure Islam

Subject: The mouth that says Ameen shall laugh forever PLS READ WITH FAITH. This is an awesome prayer.

Believe it and you shall be blessed. The problem with many of us is that we don't believe that Allah will open a window and pour out blessings that we won't have room to receive them. I dare anyone to try Allah. He is true to His word. Allah cannot lie and His promises are sure. Three things will happen to you this coming week: (1) You will find favour with someone you don't expect; (2) You will be too relevant to be ignored;

(3) You will encounter Allah and you will never remain the same again. My prayer for you today:

The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil, the hands that will send this message to others shall not labor in vain, the mouth saying Amen to this prayer shall laugh forever. Remain in Allah's love as you send this prayer to everybody on your list. Have a lovely journey of life! Trust in the Almighty with all your heart and He will never fail you because He is

AWESOME ! If you truly need a blessing, continue reading this email: O Allah, most Gracious and Loving , I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in you. O Allah, I send up a prayer request for blessings for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe

and trust in you is more powerful than anything. I thank you in advance for your blessings. O Allah, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt's burdens. Release Your wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me , for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk In Your word and have the faith of a mustard seed that You will pour out blessings. I thank You now Allah for the

recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know You are not done with me yet.

In Allah's name I pray. Amen. Our response: The email should be discarded. There is no basis for it in the Qur'an or Hadith. From Pure Islam:

Replace Allah with god and you'll see that this is a kaafir "god-loves you" chain email that was (probably with good intent although ignorantly) changed where Allah replaced god... When do Muslims walk in Allah's Word??

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Fabricated Emails When do Muslims say Amen?

Absolute nonsense email...purely Christian & shouldn‟t be forwarded to any Muslim... For all these feel good emails that talk about reward for this and that I refer this

hadeeth: Ibn 'Abbas, radiyallahu 'anhu, said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "Were people to be given according to their claims, some would claim the wealth and blood of others. But the burden of proof is upon the claimant and the taking of an

oath is upon the one who denies (the allegation)." (al-Bayhaqi, Bukhari and Muslim) wassalaamu alaikum Khalid @ pure Islam

18 Amazing Answers of Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be Upon Him Dialogue between a traveler and the prophet (saw) A traveler once came to the mosque to see

the prophet. After greeting the prophet he was asked where he was from. The traveler

replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the prophet. Traveler: I do not want azaab to be written in my account. Prophet: behave well with your parents Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person. Prophet : fear Allah always. Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.

Prophet : recite quran every morning and evening. Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened. (roshan and munawer) Prophet: never forget death Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessing. Prophet: always treat fellow creatures well. Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.

Prophet : always have faith in only Allah. Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.

Prophet: be careful of your actions. Traveler: I wish to live long. Prophet: always do sile rahm. (Goodness towards blood relations) > > Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase > Prophet : always be in wudhoo.

Traveler: I wish to stay free of adhaab in the grave. Prophet : always wear pure (paak) clothes. Traveler: I never want to burn in hell. Prophet : control your eyes and tongue. Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven. Prophet: always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility. Traveler: I want people to respect me always.

Prophet : never extend your hands of need at people. Traveler: I want to always be honored. Prophet : never humiliate or put down anyone. Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by fishare qabr.(squeezing in the grave) > Prophet: recite sura e mulk often.

Traveler: I want my wealth to increase. Prophet: recite sura e waqia every night.

Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on day of judgment. Prophet: do zikr of Allah from dusk to night. Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during namaaz. Prophet: always do wudhoo with concentration and attention > > Please pass to all of your Relatives and Friends, Jazkum > Allahu Khairan Katheera.

Our response: We haven‟t come across any authentic source for this

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Hi All, I know looking at these pictures are heartbreaking, some don't even bother viewing the pics

but at least just add your name to the petition below Africa Muslim Party has launched an online petition to have Israel charged for war crimes and genocide at the International Court of Justice Please sign the petition by clicking on the below link: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/amp17jan/petition.html If you feel strongly against it, as we do, sign a petition, so that we may take the Zionists Israeli Government to the International Court in The Hague.

We the people of South Africa wish to bring the Zionist Israeli Government to book by bringing criminal charges of Genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in the International Court of Justice in the Hague Please sign the petition by clicking on the below link: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/amp17jan/petition.html If you cannot access the petition, please add your name to the

list below and when it reaches 50 names please forward the mail to:

[email protected] Much Appreciated, Nuraan Abrahams AMP Youth League How to set it up: * Click on Forward

* SIGN YOUR NAME AT THE BOTTOM . * Then send it to everyone you know. THE NAMES: >> 1.Abdul Ghakeem Saiet >> >> 2.Sabiegah Saiet >>

>> 3. Fatimah Bardien >>

>> 4.Natheer Bardien >> >> 5 Moegsien Sulaiman >>

>> 6 Abiedah Sulaiman >> >> 7 Faa-iez Sulaiman ETC Our response: What a wasted email. A waste of time an energy yielding no result whatsoever irrespective if it comes from the „Africa Muslim Party‟ (by the way who are they again?)

Assalaamu alaikum Like i said previously "fantastic effort! once the petition reaches the required number, the law abiding Israelis will see the fault of their ways and come to the Hague to face the International Court of Justice

Why stop here? Lets get a petition against Bush and Blair and the Russians and the Indians?

Then we can all have a merry party at the Hague after they all get convicted of crimes against humanity! The fact that the jews ignore and are in violation of more than 70 UN resolutions has slipped the mind of the one who initiated this exercise in futility!" And "while i understand the need within the hearts of sincere Muslims for wanting to do something for our brothers and sisters in occupied Palestine, i strongly believe that initiatives

like these are a complete waste of time and a diversion from the way of Islam in case we forgot, the illegitimate state of Israel is in violation of more than 70 UN resolutions not forgetting that they do not recognise the ICJ!

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Fabricated Emails so calling on Muslims to vote or petition for the charging of Israel with crimes against

humanity (which is known anyway) is to divert Muslims from the way shown to us by Allah and Rasulullah (saw)

whether we choose to ignore or choose to remain silent on the issue, it is clear: "And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: 'Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You, one who will protect; and raise for us from You, one who will help'." 4:75 wassalaamu alaikum khalid

one eyed baby born in Israel Dajjal I came to a shock upon receiving an email with the following contents .. astaghfirullahilazim .. a one-eyed child born in Israel recently.. na'uzubillahi minzaliq .. Alert Ummah, there is a 90% chance that we will see the Jewish Dajjal in our lifetime !! <http://mossavi.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/dajjal.jpg> dajjal

One of the prominent events preceding the Day of Judgement is the appearance of Dajjal. We

have been apprised of many aspects of Dajjal both in the Qur'an and the Ahadis. In fact, the Muslims have been more informed about the Dajjal by the Holy Prophet than previous nations by their respective prophets. Dajjal will appear somewhere between Iraq and Syria , after the Battle of Istanbul takes place. The name in the Ahadis is Constantinople , which is the former name of Istanbul . Dajjal will be a Jew. His distinguishing feature is that he will be one-eyed and the word "Kafir" or "unbeliever" will be written on his forehead. That he is a

Jew is confirmed from another hadis, which says that his followers will be mainly of Jewish religion. Dajjal will be a powerful personality in this world. He will attract loads of people; his voice will be heard in the East and the West. The latter, given the present day communication technology in the form of satellite television and Internet, doesn't seem surprising. The main aim of Dajjal will be to try and convince people that he is God Almighty. He will try and deviate people from the Right Path and join his ranks. To achieve that end and to convince people with true faith, he will kill and then re-create the same person. This will

prove to be sufficient to gain him more followers, especially the ones who have weak faith. But we must remember at all times, that he will definitely not be anywhere near God. Dajjal will

travel the whole world. The only place where he will not be able to enter is Makkah and Madinah. "It will at this very time that Allah will send Christ, son of Mary. He will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there will

fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-believer who smells the odour of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he is able to see. He will then search for him (Dajjal) until he catches hold of him at the gate of Ludd and kills him." www.ShariahProgram.ca <http://www.shariahprogram.ca/> Our response: Your email below refers;

The picture of the one eyed child is not Dajjaal. Refer to article below: THE DAJJAAL The Dajjal will appear as the end of the world approaches. The time he stays will be a time of immense trial for all humanity. Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) told us that, 'No tribulation on the face of the Earth since Allah created the children of Adam will be greater

than the trial of the Dajjal. Verily, no prophet was sent who did not warn his people of the Dajjal, and I am the last of the prophets, and you are the last of the nations, and so he will

inevitably appear among you." (ibn Majah, ibn Khuzaymah, and al-Hakim). Most of the Dajjal's followers will be from the Jews: "Seventy thousands of the Jews of Isfahan will follow the Dajjal, wearing cloaks." (Muslim). The Jews will believe that he is a miracle from Allah, that he will return to them their Kingdom. They will call him the Messiah, son of David. WHEN WILL HE APPEAR ?? Just before the appearance of the Dajjal, the Muslims will be at the peak of their military

power. It seems that the Dajjal's purpose will be to destroy the Muslims' power. At that time, Muslims will make a peace treaty with the Christians, and together they will conquer and win, but the Christians will then break the treaty. Prophet Muhammad, (Sallallaahu Alayhi

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Fabricated Emails Wasallam), informed us, "You will make a peace treaty with them [Christians] and together

you will invade an enemy beyond Rome. You will be victorious and take much booty. Then, you will camp on a hilly pasture when one of the [Christians] will come and raise a cross and

say: 'Victory to the Cross', so one of the Muslims will come and kill him. Then the [Christians] will break the treaty and prepare for al-Malhamah." (Abu Dawud). AL MALHAMAH As this battle between Muslims and Christians approaches, men will abandon Christianity to embrace Islam in large numbers. They will become the best of Muslims, and the remaining Christians will pursue them aggressively. Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "The Hour will not come until the [Christians] camp at al-Amaq or Dabiq. An army,

composed of the best people on Earth at that time, will come out of Madinah to meet them. When they arrange themselves in ranks, the [Christians] will say: 'Do not stand between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight them.' The Muslims will say: 'No! by Allah, we will not stand aside and let you fight our brothers.' Then they will fight. One third will run away and Allah will never forgive them; one third will be killed and will be the best of the martyrs in the sight of Allah; another third, who have never been subject to trials, will win

and conquer Constantinople. After they hang their swords on the olive trees and begin to

divide the booty, Satan will shout to them that the Dajjal has taken their places amongst their family. They will run out but will find that it is not true. However when they reach ash-Sham (the area of present day Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon), the Dajjal will appear. While they are preparing to fight him, and drawing up their ranks, Salaat time will come and then, Eesa the son of Maryam will descend." (Muslim). Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has talked at length about this battle - how

terrible it will be and the great sense of sacrifice the Muslims will display. He said, "The Hour will not come until people will not be able to divide inheritance, nor rejoice over booty." Pointing toward ash-Sham, he said: "An enemy will gather forces against the Muslims, and the Muslims will gather forces against them.' A companion asked: 'Do you mean the [Christians]?' He said: 'Yes, and at that time there will be terrible fighting. The Muslims will prepare a detachment to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, both sides will take booty but none will be victorious, and the detachment

will perish. Then the Muslims will prepare another detachment to fight to death, and not return unless they are victorious. They will fight until night intervenes, both sides will take booty but

none will be victorious. On the fourth day, the Muslims who are left will return to fight, and Allah will make their enemy to be defeated. There will be a battle the like of which has never been seen, so that even if a bird were to pass between the rank, it will fall dead before it reaches the end. Out of a family of one hundred, only one man will survive. So, how could he

rejoice over any booty or divide any inheritance?"' (Muslim) IDENTIFYING THE DAJJAAL The Dajjal will claim that he is Allah. He will perform mighty acts to convince people of his claim. But, every true believer, whether literate or illiterate, will be able to read the word kafir on his forehead, as stated by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). He (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has also described his physical appearance as: short, fat, red-faced, bow-legged, with curly hair and one-eyed. One of his eyes is extinguished, and is

neither protruding nor deep-seated, but resembles a floating grape. "If you are confused, know that your Lord is not one-eyed, and that no one will be able to see the Lord [in this world]." (paraphrased from Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad and Abu Dawud). And in the narration related by Muslim and Bukhari, the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) told us that, "There has never been a Prophet who did not warn his people against the one-eyed Dajjal. Verily he

is one-eyed and your lord is not one eyed. On his forehead will be written the letters Kaf, Fa', Ra, i.e., the root letters for 'kafir' or 'unbeliever').” These words will actually be written

between his eyes on the forehead. He will move with great swiftness around the Earth, "like a cloud driven by the wind.” (Muslim) Also, Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has informed us, "He [the Dajjal) will have two flowing rivers. One will appear to be pure water, and the other will appear to be flaming fire. Whosoever lives to see that, let him choose the river that seems to be fire, then let him close his eyes and drink from it, for it will be cold water" "...and the cool water will be

fire." (Bukhari). The Dajjal will acquire assistance from devils: “He will say to a Bedouin: 'What do you think if I bring your father and mother back to life for you'? Will you bear witness that I am your

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Fabricated Emails Lord?' The Bedouin will say, 'Yes', so two devils will assume the appearance of his father and

mother and will say: 'O son follow him, for he is your Lord.‟” (ibn Majah, ibn Khuzaymah, and al-Hakim).

Animals and objects will execute his orders: "He will come to people and call them, and they will believe in him and answer his call. Upon his order, the sky will rain, and the Earth will produce crops. Their animals will graze on these crops, and will come back with their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. Then he will go to other people and will call them, but they will reject his call. He will depart from them and then they will suffer great famine and will possess nothing in the form of wealth. He will pass by the wasteland and say: 'bring forth your treasures' and its treasures will follow him like swarms of bees." (Muslim).

His time will be filled with extreme trials as Allah created him to be a test for people. Only those whose faith is strong will resist the great temptation and might of the Dajjal. He will rule on Earth for forty days but they would not be like other days. They are: "Forty days, and one of these days will be like a year, another day like a month, yet another like a week, and the rest will have the same length as normal days. The companions who were always concerned about the matters of faith and worship, asked Prophet Muhammad: 'O Messenger of Allah, for

the day which is like a year, will one day's prayer be sufficient?' He said: 'No, you must

estimate the time and observe the salah.‟” (Muslim). This means that the day will truly be lengthened, and it will not be due to the people's imagination. Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be no town the Dajjal will not visit, except Makkah and Madinah, for all their gates will be guarded by angels surrounding them. So he will camp at the salt-marsh (near Madinah). Madinah will be shaken by three tremors, after which every disbeliever and hypocrite will leave it." (Bukhari and

Muslim). The Dajjal will finally be destroyed by Prophet Eesa (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) who will descend to Earth and spread peace. THE DAJJAAL IS ALIVE AND IS IMPRISONED ON A REMOTE ISLAND Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) once gathered the Muslims in the masjid and said: "I have kept you here because Tamim ad-Dari, a Christian man who has embraced Islam, told me something which agrees with what I have told you about the Dajjal. He told me

that he had sailed in a ship with thirty men from Banu Lakham and Banu Judham. The waves tossed them about for a month, then they came near an island at sunset. They approached

the island on the ship's rafts, and landed. They were met by a beast that was so hairy that they could not tell its front from its back. They said: 'Woe to you! What are you?' It said: 'I am al-Jassasah.' They said: 'What is al-Jassasah?' It said: 'O people, go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you,‟” Tamim said that when it named a person

to us we were afraid lest it be a devil. Tamim said: "We quickly went to the monastery. There we found a huge man with his hands tied up to his neck and with iron shackles between his legs up to the ankles. We said: 'Woe to you, who are you?' It said: 'You will soon know about me. Tell me who you are.' We said: 'We are people from Arabia. We sailed on a ship, but the waves have been tossing us about for a month, and they brought us to your island, where we met a beast which was so hairy that we could not tell its front from its back. We said to it: 'Woe to you what are you?' She said: 'I am al-Jassasah.' We asked: 'What is al-Jassasah?' and

it told us: 'Go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you.' So we came to you quickly, fearing that it might be a devil.' The man said: 'Tell me about the date-palms of Beisan.' We said: 'What do you want to know about them'?' He said: 'I want to know whether these trees bear fruits or not.' We said 'Yes'. He said: 'Soon they will not bear fruits.' Then he said: 'Tell me about the lake of Tabariyah (in Palestine).' We said: 'What do you want

to know about it?' He said: 'Is there water in it'?' We said: 'There is plenty of water in it.' He said: 'Soon it will become dry.' Then he said: 'Tell me about the spring of Zughar.' We asked:

'What do you want to know about it'?' He asked: 'Is there water in it, and does it irrigate the land'?' We said: 'Yes, there is plenty of water in it, and the people use it to irrigate the land.' Then he said: 'Tell me about the illiterate Prophet [Muhammad], what has he done?' We said: 'He has left Makkah and settled in Yathrib (later Madinah).' He said: 'Do the Arabs fight against him'?' We said 'Yes'. He said: 'How does he deal with them'?' So we told him that Prophet Muhammad had overcome the Arabs around him and that they had followed him. He

asked: 'Has it really happened?' We said yes. He said: 'It is better for them that they follow him. Now I will tell you about myself. I am the Dajjal. I will soon be permitted to leave this place: I will emerge and travel about the Earth. In forty nights, I will pass through every town,

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Fabricated Emails except Makkah and Madinah, for these have been forbidden to me. Every time I try to enter

either of them, I will be met by an angel bearing an unsheathed sword, who will prevent me from entering. There will be angels guarding them at every passage leading to them.'”


Subject: Recent miracle in Egypt! > Broadcasted in CBS... > A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible > and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year old daughter. > The girls were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an

> uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family member died. When > they went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand - > ALIVE! > The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be executed > at the end of July. > The older girl was asked how she had survived and she says:- 'A man

> wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came

> every day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister,' > she said. She was interviewed on Egyptian national TV, by a veiled > Muslim woman news anchor. She said on public TV, 'This was none other > than Jesus, because nobody else does things like this!' > Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He really > was crucified, and it's clear also that He is alive! But, it's also

> clear that the child could not make up a story like this, and there is > no way these children could have survived without a true miracle. > Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what to do > with this, and the popularity of the Passion movie doesn't help! With > Egypt at the centre of the media and education in the Middle East , you > can be sure this story will spread. Christ is still controlling and > turning the world. Please let this story be shared.

> The Lord says, 'I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. > (Jeremiah 17)

> Please forward to all on your list and God will reward you > abundantly....spread the Good News! > Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom. I almost > deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end

> God, when I received this e-mail, I thought... > I don't have time for this... And, this is really inappropriate during > work. > Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is.... Exactly, what has > caused lot of the problems in our world today? > We try to keep God in church on Sunday morning... > Maybe, Sunday night...

> And, the unlikely event of a midweek service. > We do like to have Him around during sickness.... > And, of course, at funerals. > However, we don't have time, or room, for Him during work or play... > Because... That's the part of our lives we think... We can, and should,

> handle on our own. > May God forgive me for ever thinking...

> > That... There is a time or place where... > HE is not to be FIRST in my life. > We should always have time to remember all HE has done for us. > If, You aren't ashamed to do this.... > Please follow the directions.

> Jesus said, 'If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before > my Father.' > Not ashamed?

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Fabricated Emails > Pass this on ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT!!

> Yes, I do Love God. > HE is my source of existence and Savior.

> He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be > nothing. But, with Christ, HE strengthens me. (Phil 4:13) > Send this to as many people as you feel like ! > I pray, for everyone who sends this to their entire address book, they > will be blessed by God in a way special for them. > And send it back to the person who sent it, to let them know that indeed > it was sent out to many more.

Our response: Repected Brother/Sister in Islam Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh It is not the first time nor is it the last where people have fabricated incidents and information to convince people of their religion. Such emails should be discarded. And Allah Knows Best.


Suhail Tarmahomed Fatwa Dept.


Our response: Repected Brother/Sister in Islam Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh We have not come across any mention of this in any of the reliable compilations of Hadith. And Allah Knows Best.