fabulous four the zulu tribe

THE ZULU TRIBE We got the information : https://www.google.gr/search? q=Zulu&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=923&site=webhp&source=lnm s&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEkZTJqN3JAhVI7xQKHXmECGc Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=alIhCh6KxIGQUM%3A

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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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Page 2: Fabulous four the zulu tribe

LOCATIONThe 9 million Zulu-speaking people live mainly in KwaZulu-

Natal Province of South Africa. Some are also scattered throughout the other provinces. KwaZulu-Natal borders on

Mozambique in the north, Eastern Cape in the south, the Indian Ocean in the east, and Lesotho in the west. The capital city is Pietermaritzburg. KwaZulu-Natal is semi-

fertile with a flat coastal plain, highlands to the west, and numerous rivers and streams. The subtropical climate

brings lots of sunshine and brief, intense rain showers. While many Zulu still live in traditionally structured rural

communities, others have migrated to urban areas. However, links between urban and rural residents remain

strong. A mixture of traditional and Western ways of life is clearly evident in the lives of almost all Zulu people.



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DAILY LIFEThe Zulu family is patriarchal; a man is both the head of the family and the figure of authority. It is not unusual for young

men to have as many girlfriends as they wish. If they can afford it, they can take more than one wife when they decide to get

married. Traditionally, women were not supposed to go out and work, since they were a man's responsibility. Nowadays the status of Zulu women is slowly improving with more women

receiving an education. Marriage is exogamous; marriage to any person belonging to

one's father's, mother's, father's mother's, and mother's mother's clan is prohibited. If it happens, the ukudabula

(literally, "cutting of the blood relationship") ritual is performed.


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FOOD The Zulu culinary repertoire encompasses some forty

dishes, mostly vegetarian (although the Zulus love meat). Maize, tubers and pumpkin are mostly eaten in

different forms. Tomatoes, cabbage and onions are popular when available.

Eating is hygienic, each member using his own plate and utensils. Hands are washed before eating and

mouths are washed after.




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CLOTHINGMen clothing

The amaShoba are cow tails worn on the upper arms and below the knees to give the appearance

of greater bulk to the body.

Women ClothingA single maiden will wear only a short grass skirt embellished perhaps with beads whilst an engaged girl will cover her breasts and allow her hair to grow.


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CRAFTSZulu Baskets

A variety of materials are used to construct vessels - clay, grass and telephone wire.

However where clay is scarce, baskets are made using the split leaves of the iLala palm. Soaking

the leaves in a natural colourant made from dung or other natural pigments creates patterns.

The patterns advertise the maker of the basket and often incorporate traditional designs. The vessels are sealed with moist maize flour that

causes the grass to swell.


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SangomaWhereas the Inyanga treats physical disease, theSangoma is concerned with the psychic world but may use similar media. The sangoma is charged with ascertaining the cause of bad events, of protecting the clan against evil spirits and of exposing antisocial individuals.



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PROBLEMSThe Zulu terms ubuntu and hlonipha summarize everything about human rights. However, it is evident that some individuals in Zulu society, particularly women and children, enjoy fewer human rights than others




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King Goodwill Zwelithini, the traditional leader of the Zulus, has asked for an end to the violence against foreigners

that has plagued South Africa since the end of March.


