factors of brand personality- a study with reference...

FACTORS OF BRAND PERSONALITY- A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO SOFTDRINK CUSTOMERS IN CHENNAI CITY K.JAYASHREE Dr. M. R.VASUDEVAN, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PHD SCHOLOR Associate Professor and Research Supervisor - PG Retired D.G. Vaishnav College, D.G. Vaishnav College, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106. Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106. INTRODUCTION. The personality of the brand is a very important determinant in the emerging marketing arena .It depends upon product used by the customers, price perceived by the customers, geographical basis than the product is sold and a promotional and marketing mix of the manufacturer .(Hendon & Williams, 1985, p.65). The brand personality is a develop among the customers through appropriate advertisement which promotes the marketing of the brand’s through your emotional touch up .The sort of advertisements also promotes the brand image simultaneously. It is learnt from the development of brand image that the brand personality indirectly promotes the brand image and motivate the customers to have strong bonds of connection with their particular brand . (Ogilvy, 1985, p. 14). According to Ogilvy (1985), the brand personality is mounted on the psychology of customers through an attractive price, magnetic packages, cheaper price, style of the advertisement, nature of that replacement and utility of their product. (Ogilvy, 1985, p. 14). It is strongly believed that the brand personality is very important for all the manufacturers to successfully market their products and make it popular among the customers. (Hendon & Williams, 1985, p.65). According to Joseph Plummer (1985), the brand image and brand personality are in trend based ADALYA JOURNAL Volome 8, Issue 11, November 2019 761 ISSN NO: 1301-2746 http://adalyajournal.com/

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K.JAYASHREE Dr. M. R.VASUDEVAN, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PHD SCHOLOR Associate Professor and Research Supervisor - PG Retired

D.G. Vaishnav College, D.G. Vaishnav College,

Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600 106. Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600 106.


The personality of the brand is a very important determinant in the emerging marketing

arena .It depends upon product used by the customers, price perceived by the customers,

geographical basis than the product is sold and a promotional and marketing mix of the

manufacturer .(Hendon & Williams, 1985, p.65). The brand personality is a develop among the

customers through appropriate advertisement which promotes the marketing of the brand’s

through your emotional touch up .The sort of advertisements also promotes the brand image

simultaneously. It is learnt from the development of brand image that the brand personality

indirectly promotes the brand image and motivate the customers to have strong bonds of

connection with their particular brand . (Ogilvy, 1985, p. 14).

According to Ogilvy (1985), the brand personality is mounted on the psychology of customers

through an attractive price, magnetic packages, cheaper price, style of the advertisement, nature

of that replacement and utility of their product. (Ogilvy, 1985, p. 14). It is strongly believed that

the brand personality is very important for all the manufacturers to successfully market their

products and make it popular among the customers. (Hendon & Williams, 1985, p.65).

According to Joseph Plummer (1985), the brand image and brand personality are in trend based


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on the physical attributes, product utility and the overall product nature to reach their minds and

psychology of the customers .

There are two different characteristics of the brand namely physical characteristics and the

functional characteristics. Physical characteristics is directly related to product colour, shape and

its package whereas the functional characteristic depends upon its utility and its impact on

consumer psychology . It is also important to note that the relationship between customer

psychology and the brand’s also desired the brand personality. The emotional attachment of

customers towards a particular product is new to the development of brand personality among

the customers.


Aaker (1997) profoundly stated that the brand personality actually increases the

consumer preference and usage it recalls the emotions in consumer mind as well as brand

personality to increase the level of trust and loyalty towards the product. Brand personality is not

a unique phenomenon, but it is entirely different from brand image and brand identity. It is an

integral part of brand development of the product and brand strategies to attract the consumers.

(Ferling&Forbes 2005). According to (Doyle, 1990) Argues that a distinct brand personality

leads customers to perceive the brand and develop a strong connection towards the product.

Kumar et al., (2006) state that a brand personality should be shaped as a long-lasting and

consistent entity. Besides, it should also be different from other brands and meet consumers’

demands. Hence, the consumers of those products and brands are like the brand spokespersons

that form the basis for suppliers to build brand personality. With the specific brand personality,

consumers of varying personality traits will be attracted and their brand preference will then be

further developed. In addition, a company can maintain a good relationship with customers

through its brand personality (Aaker and Biel, 1993).


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Aaker, (1996) argues brands have their own particular personalities consumers may treat

brands as real human beings. In this case, consumers will expect the people’s words, attitudes,

behaviors or thoughts and so on to meet their respective personality traits Consumers may likely

use the brand and products in line with their own personality traits. In other words, all the

marketing activities are aimed at having consumers to believe and recognize a brand personality,

and reinforcing the communication between the brand and the consumer (Govers and

Schoormans, 2005). Brand personality has more important in many brands and products,

including durable goods, consumable goods, entertainment and luxury goods and so on (Kumar

et al., 2006; Govers and Schoormans, 2005; Mengxia, 2007).

J.Aaker, (1997) confirmed that brand personality mainly comes from three sources: the

first one is the association consumers have with a brand, secondly, the image a company and the

third is about the product attributes, and distribution channels. Personality is a useful variable in

the consumer’s choice of brands. The brands selected by consumers are usually in compliance

with their own personalities. Hence, brand personality offers the functions of self-symbolization

and self-expression (Keller, 1993). It is indicated that brand personality contains demographic

features, such as gender, age and social class, and they may be directly influenced by the image

of the brand users, personnel and product spokespersons, and indirectly affected by product

attributes as well (Levy, 1959).

Milewicz and Herbig, (1994) brand personality is an important component for development of

brand affection, which can in turn reinforce consumers towards the brand. It is well pointed out

that brands have their own personalities, so users may choose the products matching their

preferences and personalities according to perceived product images. A successful brand, which

enables customers to perceive the unique brand personal, then developing a strong binding

relationship with the brand (Kassarjian and sheffet 1991). The crucial element in constituting


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brand personality is to have a clear differentiation in conveying brand personality. The

personality shall be consistently and persistently cultivated over the long run. When trying to

change the way a brand image is conveyed, the original brand personality and value should first

be strengthened in order to reduce to the minimum a customer’s feelings and inconsistency.

(Kumar et al., 2006).


The above-mentioned the reviews regarding branding and brand personality clearly

revealed the two important unaddressed issues namely what are all the factors responsible for the

determination of brand personality and are there demographic variables of customers are playing

a vital role to surmount brand personality among them. Therefore the researcher is interested to

venture upon these two research gaps through the empirical evidences obtained from the opinion

of customers..


1. To identify the factors are responsible for brand personality with respect to soft drinks

customers in Chennai city.

2. To find the influence of demographic variables of customers on the factors of brand



1. The factors of brand personality dimensions do not differ significantly

2. There is no significant influence of demographic variables of customers on brand



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The study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data is collected

through structure questionnaire and the secondary data is obtained from various sources.

Questionnaire design

In order to collect the primary data to assess the effectiveness of brand personality, the

researcher framed questionnaire based on the gaps in the literature. The questionnaire consists of

five parts, namely demographic variables, consumer behavior towards soft drink, brand

personality perceptions, level of satisfaction and brand loyalty towards soft drinks.

The questionnaire consists of optional questions and questions that require answers in

statements modeled on Likert 5 point scale. There are two different types of Likert scales namely

- strongly agree to strongly disagree and highly satisfied to highly dissatisfied.

Pilot study

In order to check the reliability and validity of the questionnaire the researcher conducted

a pilot study in the study area of Chennai city. The researcher conducted and collected 75

samples from different zones from Chennai District, and tested the reliability of the questionnaire

using Cronbach’s alpha method.

The Cronbach’s alpha obtained for 75 responses is found to be above 0.75. It implies that

the questionnaire is highly reliable and that can be used for further main study.


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Sample size

The researcher collected 231 samples from the all the 15 zones of Chennai city.A special

care was taken to cover all types of customers with the different income level.. The convenience

sampling method was applied to collect the data because the researcher eliminated the illiterates

from the survey. The researcher also issued both English and regional language questionnaires to

collect from both rural and urban areas of Chennai District.

Data analysis

After collecting 231 perfect responses, the researcher entered the data systematically and

tabulated them into two for analytical purposes. The researcher used linear multiple regression

analysis, Analysis of variance and t-test.


In this section the researcher considered Influence of the five independent factors of

brand personality on eight dependent factors of customers satisfaction namely product attribute,

quality satisfaction, promotional satisfaction, brand satisfaction, usage satisfaction, perceived

status, health satisfaction and cost satisfaction through multiple regression analysis in the

following section.


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Factor analysis has been applied to analyze a large number of variables by

identifying common and unique sets variance that are referred to as dimensions, factors,

or components. It allows the researcher to summarize and reduce the data. The process of

summary and reduction allows the data to be described by a much smaller number of

variables than the original. In this study, the researcher has taken all the factors

influencing the brand personality towards soft drinks and the results are discussed below.

Table 1

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .655

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 6879.639

Df 300

Sig. .000

From the above table it is found that KMO measure of sampling adequacy is

0.655, Bartlett's Test of Sphericity with approximated chi-square value 6879.63 are

statistically significant at 5 percent level. This indicates all the twenty five variables are

normally distributed and suitable for data reduction.

Table 2

Communalities influencing the brand personality towards soft drinks

Initial Extraction

Advertisement. 1.000 .721

Attractive packages 1.000 .778


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Better quality 1.000 .623

Brand loyalty 1.000 .677

Brand Name 1.000 .617

Color 1.000 .655

Confidence 1.000 .536

Convenience 1.000 .573

Discount offer 1.000 .640

Easy availability 1.000 .647

Foreign brand 1.000 .711

Gift Coupons 1.000 .663

Ingredients 1.000 .533

Lifestyle 1.000 .541

More Energetic 1.000 .756

More Hygienic 1.000 .613

More Quantity & Quality 1.000 .624

Packing 1.000 .646

Popularity 1.000 .647

Prestige 1.000 .793

Pure and fresh 1.000 .709

Reasonable price 1.000 .606

Safe for health 1.000 .705

Smell 1.000 .704

Taste 1.000 .671

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.


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Twenty five variables of brand personality factors exhibit the variance 0.536 to

0.793. This implies these twenty five variables establish considerable variance 53.6 % to

79.3 %. This variance range is statistically significant at 5% level and the segmentation

process can be done for these twenty five variables.

Table 3

Total variance influencing the brand personality towards soft drinks


Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

1 5.544 22.175 22.175 2.699 10.794 10.794

2 2.196 8.786 30.960 2.536 10.145 20.940

3 1.855 7.422 38.382 2.292 9.169 30.109

4 1.561 6.244 44.626 1.892 7.566 37.676

5 1.466 5.864 50.490 1.772 7.087 44.763

6 1.418 5.670 56.160 1.752 7.007 51.770

7 1.227 4.909 61.069 1.733 6.933 58.704

8 1.123 4.491 65.560 1.714 6.856 65.560

9 .930 3.721 69.280

10 .898 3.592 72.872

11 .797 3.187 76.059

12 .775 3.099 79.158

13 .732 2.928 82.086

14 .673 2.691 84.777


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15 .555 2.221 86.998

16 .541 2.164 89.162

17 .470 1.880 91.041

18 .428 1.711 92.752

19 .401 1.604 94.356

20 .344 1.375 95.731

21 .295 1.181 96.912

22 .244 .975 97.888

23 .199 .798 98.685

24 .183 .733 99.418

25 .145 .582 100.000

The twenty five variables are reduced into eight predominant factors with individual

variances 2.699, 2.536, 2.292, 1.892, 1.772, 1.752, 1.733, 1.714 and the variance showed

10.794, 10.145, 9.169, 7.566, 7.087, 7.007, 6.933, 6.856 with the cumulative percentage

65.560. This shows that the twenty five variables of customer satisfaction towards

FMCG factors are reduced into eight predominant factors to represent their respective

underlying variables. The following information clearly explains the variable loadings in

each factor.

Table 4.

Rotated Component Matrixa influencing the brand personality towards soft drinks


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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Safe for health .762

Smell .747

Taste .632

Confidence .593

Prestige .844

Pure and fresh .673

packing .659

More Quantity & Quality .532

Discount offer .772

Ingredients .635

Easy availability .520

popularity .509

Advertisement. .779

Brand Name .542

Brand loyalty .416

Better quality .751

color -.556 .

Reasonable price .516

More Energetic .854

Convenience .441

Attractive packages .845

More Hygienic .425

Lifestyle .407

Foreign brand .801


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Gift Coupons .553

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 19 iterations.

The first factor consist of four variables

Safe for health .762

Smell .747

Taste .632

Confidence .593

This first factor is named as “Health safety”

The second factor consist is of four variables

Prestige .844

Pure and fresh .673

Packing .659

More Quantity & Quality .532

The second factor is named as “Perceived Prestige”

The third factor consist is of four variables

Discount offer .772

Ingredients .635

Easy availability .520


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popularity .509

Third factor is named as “Attractive sales promotion”

The fourth factor consist is of three variables

Advertisement .779

Brand Name .542

Brand loyalty .416

Therefore the fourth factor is named as “Attractive advertisement”

The fifth factor consist is of three variables

Better quality .751

color -.556

Reasonable price .516

Therefore the fifth factor is named as “Physical Attraction”

The sixth factor consist is off to variables

More Energetic .854

Convenience .441

Date for the sixth factor is named as “Energy Recovery”

The seventh factor consist is of three variables

Attractive packages .845

More Hygienic .425

Lifestyle .407

The seventh factor is named as “Attractive Package”


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The eighth the factor consist is off to variables

Foreign brand .801

Gift Coupons .553

The eighth of factor is named as “Brand name”


Brand Personality dimensions are identified by six important factors namely sincerity,

excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness. Similarly, Customer satisfaction

towards soft drinks are influenced by product attribute satisfaction, quality satisfaction,

promotional satisfaction, Brand satisfaction, Usage satisfaction, perceived satisfaction,

health satisfaction and cost satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction towards brand loyalty are

influenced by brand attachment, regular purchase, cost effectiveness

Female customers strongly agree sincerity, sophistication, ruggedness, brand satisfaction,

usage satisfaction, perceived satisfaction, health satisfaction, brand attachment, regular

purchase influence to consume soft drinks. Consumers residing in urban areas, semi-

urban areas strongly agreed to have influenced by sincerity, excitement, ruggedness,

product attribute, quality satisfaction, perceived satisfaction, health satisfaction, regular

purchase, brand attachment. Those residing only in urban areas strongly agreed towards

influenced by competence, sophistication, brand satisfaction, usage satisfaction.

Consumers residing in semi urban areas strongly agreed to have influenced by

promotional satisfaction. Consumers residing in rural areas strongly agreed to have

influenced by cost satisfaction, cost effectiveness.


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