facts about myanmar migration · 2018-05-04 · myanmar has the largest share of outward migration...

Myanmar has the largest share of outward migration of all countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). The Myanmar National Census estimates that 4.25 million Myanmar nationals migrated abroad in 2014. 1 According to the Myanmar National Census, 70 per cent of Myanmar nationals who migrated abroad are in Thailand, 15 per cent are in Malaysia, five per cent are in China, four per cent are in Singapore and two per cent are in the United States. 2 Although unemployment rates are relatively low, many are employed in casual employment, which is poorly paid. According to the Myanmar Labour Force Survey in 2015, while the overall unemployment rate was 0.8 per cent, the aggregate measure of the labour underutilization rate was 6.9 per cent and was higher for females compared to males. Additionally, youth unemployment is relatively high, leading many to seek economic opportunities in larger cities or other countries. Most Myanmar nationals migrate for better economic opportunities. Other migration drivers include being with family and seeking educational opportunities. 8 The majority of remittances received from Myanmar come from Thailand with a total of USD1.85 billion being remitted from Thailand in 2015. On average, Myanmar migrants in Thailand remit between USD150-3,100 a year. 9 Based on a study of two regions in Myanmar, internal migrants remit an average about USD300 per year. 10 Many migrants cannot pay migration fees up front, leading them to go into debt. On average Myanmar migrants end up with a debt of around USD300-500. Often, migrants are not aware of the full extent of their debt and how long they need to repay this. 12 Migrating irregularly makes people far more vulnerable to exploitation as they fear legal repercussions and so are often too fearful to inform authorities when experiencing exploitation. Myanmar migrants have been found to be victims of forced labour (including in the manufacturing, construction, fishing and agriculture industry and domestic work), sexual exploitation and forced begging. Victims of human trafficking and exploitation are often promised lucrative jobs only to be tricked into exploitative conditions. Often victims are also deceived about costs associated with recruitment, placing them into a situation of debt bondage. 13 Costs of arranging irregular migration (including transportation) ranges between USD275-585 although some migrants pay as little as USD3 to cross into Thailand irregularly 11 1 IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar. 2 IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar. 3 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 122. 4 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 100. 5 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. vii. 6 IOM X, Baseline Study: IOM X Roadshow Myanmar (October 2017 – forthcoming). 7 IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar. 8 LIFT, A Country on the Move: Domestic Migration in Two Regions of Myanmar (2016), pp. 21; UNODC. 9 Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 103-105. 10 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 108. 11 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 137. 12 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 138. 13 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 119-123. IOM OIM 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 Around two thirds of labour migrants in Thailand from Myanmar are aged 16-30 years. About 27 per cent are aged 31-45 years. 3 Thailand and Myanmar’s rural border of over 2,400 km is difficult to oversee, allowing for a significant number of irregular migrants. Estimates of irregular Myanmar migrants living in Thailand range from 450,000 to 3 million. 4 Although avenues for regular migration exist, most labour migration to Thailand occurs through irregular channels as migrants believe regular migration channels are expensive and take much longer than irregular migration. 5 A recent survey of over 1,000 Myanmar nationals in Yangon in September 2017 showed that only 53 per cent of respondents are aware that they need a passport, work visa and a contract to migrate to another country for work. 6 There is also vast internal migration with around 9.4 million Myanmar nationals migrating within the country, accounting for around 17 per cent of the population. 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 Malaysia China Singapore 15% 5% 4% 2% Thailand 70% United States 31-45 years old 16-30 years old 27% 73% Immigration VISA 53% 17% $ $ Facts about Myanmar Migration

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Page 1: Facts about Myanmar Migration · 2018-05-04 · Myanmar has the largest share of outward migration of all countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). The Myanmar National Census

Myanmar has the largest share of outward migration of all countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). The Myanmar National Census estimates that 4.25 million Myanmar nationals migrated abroad in 2014.1

According to the Myanmar National Census, 70 per cent of Myanmar nationals who migrated abroad are in Thailand, 15 per cent are in Malaysia, five per cent are in China, four per cent are in Singapore and two per cent are in the United States.2

Although unemployment rates are relatively low, many are employed in casual employment, which is poorly paid. According to the Myanmar Labour Force Survey in 2015, while the overall unemployment rate was 0.8 per cent, the aggregate measure of the labour underutilization rate was 6.9 per cent and was higher for females compared to males. Additionally, youth unemployment

is relatively high, leading many to seek economic opportunities in larger cities or other countries. Most Myanmar nationals migrate for better economic opportunities. Other migration drivers include being with family and seeking educational opportunities.8

The majority of remittances received from Myanmar come from Thailand with a total of USD1.85 billion being remitted from Thailand in 2015. On average, Myanmar migrants in Thailand remit between USD150-3,100 a year.9 Based on a study of two regions in Myanmar, internal migrants remit an average about USD300 per year.10

Many migrants cannot pay migration fees up front, leading them to go into debt. On average Myanmar migrants end up with a debt of around USD300-500. Often, migrants are not aware of the full extent of their debt and how long they need to repay this.12

Migrating irregularly makes people far more vulnerable to exploitation as they fear legal repercussions and so are often too fearful to inform authorities when experiencing exploitation.

Myanmar migrants have been found to be victims of forced labour (including in the manufacturing, construction, fishing and agriculture industry and domestic work), sexual exploitation and forced

begging. Victims of human trafficking and exploitation are often promised lucrative jobs only to be tricked into exploitative conditions. Often victims are also deceived about costs associated with recruitment, placing them into a situation of debt bondage.13

Costs of arranging irregular migration (including transportation) ranges between USD275-585 although some migrants pay as little as USD3 to cross into Thailand irregularly11

1 IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar. 2 IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar.3 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 122.4 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 100. 5 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. vii. 6 IOM X, Baseline Study: IOM X Roadshow Myanmar (October 2017 – forthcoming). 7 IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar.8 LIFT, A Country on the Move: Domestic Migration in Two Regions of Myanmar (2016), pp. 21; UNODC. 9 Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 103-105. 10 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 108.11 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 137.12 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 138.13 UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 119-123.









Around two thirds of labour migrants in Thailand from Myanmar are aged 16-30 years. About 27 per cent are aged 31-45 years.3

Thailand and Myanmar’s rural border of over 2,400 km is difficult to oversee, allowing for a significant number of irregular migrants. Estimates of irregular Myanmar migrants living in Thailand range from 450,000 to 3 million.4

Although avenues for regular migration exist, most labour migration to Thailand occurs through irregular channels as migrants believe regular migration channels are expensive and take much longer than irregular migration.5

A recent survey of over 1,000 Myanmar nationals in Yangon in September 2017 showed that only 53 per cent of respondents are aware that they need a passport, work visa and a contract to migrate to another country for work.6

There is also vast internal migration with around 9.4 million Myanmar nationals migrating within the country, accounting for around 17 per cent of the population.7














United States

31-45 years old

16-30 years old








Facts about Myanmar Migration

Page 2: Facts about Myanmar Migration · 2018-05-04 · Myanmar has the largest share of outward migration of all countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). The Myanmar National Census








United States

31-45 years old

16-30 years old



$ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငျခငးအတြက ပမနလမးေၾကာငးမား

ရေသာလညး ထငးႏငငတြင အလပအကငအခြငအလမးအတြက

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသ အမားစက ပမနေရႊ႕ေျပာငး

သြားလာေနထငျခငးနညးလမးသည ပမနမဟတေသာ

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငျခငး နညးလမးထက ေငြေၾကးပမကနကျခငး၊

အခနၾကန႔ၾကာျခငးမားရသညဟ ယၾကညသည အတြက

ပမနမဟတေသာ လမးေၾကာငးအားျဖငသာ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငမႈ

ျပလပၾက ပါသည။၅


ျမနမာႏငငတြင ျပညတြငးေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသ ျမနမာႏငငသား

၉.၄ သနးခန႔ရၿပး လဦးေရစစေပါငး၏ ၁၇% ခန႔ရပါသည။၇




ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငျခငးအတြက ကနကစရတ မားက

ႀကတငလကငငးမေပးႏငဘ အေၾကြးတငကနမႈမားလညး ရပါသည။

ျမနမာႏငငသား ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသမားသည ပမးမအားျဖင

ေဒၚလာ ၃၀၀-၅၀၀ အၾကား အေၾကြးတင ၾကပါသည။ တစခါတစရတြင

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသမားသည ၎တ႔၏ ေၾကြးၿမ အတမအနကႏင

မညသညအခနအထ ျပနလညေပးဆပရမညကပင မသရၾကေပ။၁၂


ပမနမဟတေသာနညးလမးျဖင ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငျခငးသည

ေခါငးပျဖတ အျမတထတ ခရသညအခနတြင အစးရတာ၀နရသမားအား

တငၾကားရာတြင ဥပေဒေၾကာငးအရ တနျပန အေရးယခရမညက

ေၾကာကရြ႕ေသာေၾကာင လမားက ေခါငးပျဖတ အျမတထတခရေစရန

အခြငအလမးပမ ျဖစေပၚေစပါသည။



ျမနမာႏငငသား ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသမားသည

အတငးအဓမၼအလပခငးေစခရမႈမား (ကနထတစက႐မား၊

ေဆာကလပေရးလပငနး၊ ငါးဖမးလပငနး၊ စကပးေရးလပငနးႏင အမေဖာ

အျဖစ အလပလပကငျခငးမားအပါအဝင) လငပငးဆငရာ အျမတထတမႈမား

ႏင အတငးအၾကပ ေတာငးစားခငးေစမႈမား၏ သားေကာငမားအျဖစ ေတြ႕ရရပါသည။ လကနကးမႈႏင ေခါငးပျဖတ

အျမတထတခရသမားသည မကေမာေလာကေအာငဝငေငြေကာငးသည အလပမား ရရရန

လမလညကတျပထားျခငးခရၿပး ေခါငးပျဖတအျမတထတခရျခငး ျဖစသည။ တစခါတစရတြင လသစစေဆာငးမႈ

ကနကစရတမား လမညာခရၿပး ေၾကြးၿမျဖင တပေႏာငထားခရသည အေျခ အေနက ေရာကရေစပါသည။၁၃


၁။ ျမနမာႏငငသည မေခါငေဒသတြငးရ ႏငငမားအားလးတြင ျပငပထြကခြာ

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာ ေနထငမႈ အမားဆးႏငင ျဖစသည။

ျမနမာႏငငလဦးေရႏင အမအေၾကာငးအရာသနးေခါငစာရငး တြင

ခန႔မနးထားခကအရ ၂၀၁၄ ခႏစတြင

ျမနမာႏငငသားေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသ ၄.၂၅ သနးခန႔ ရသည။၁

၂။ ျမနမာႏငငလဦးေရႏင


ျပညပႏငငမားသ႔ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငး သြားလာေနထငသမား၏

၇၀% သည ထငးႏငင၊ ၁၅% သည မေလးရားႏငင၊ ၅

% သည တ႐တႏငင၊ ၄% သည စကၤာပႏငငႏင ၂%

သည အေမရကနႏငငမား သ႔ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာ

ေနထင ၾကသည။၂

၃။ ျထငးႏငငသ႔


ျမနမာႏငငသားမား၏ သးပႏစပခန႕ သည အသက

၁၆-၃၀ အၾကား ရၾကသည။ ၂၇% ခန႕သည အသက

၃၁-၄၅ အၾကားတြင ရသည။၃


ေကးလကနယစပေဒသသည ကလမတာေပါငး ၂၄၀၀

ေကာ ရညလားၿပး ၾကပမတႏငရန အခကအခမား

ရသညအတြက ပမနမဟတေသာ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငး

သြားလာေနထငျခငးမား ရေနသည။ ထငးႏငငတြင

ပမနမဟတေသာ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာ ေနထငသ

ျမနမာႏငငသား ၄၅၀,၀၀၀ ႏင ၃ သနး

အၾကားရသညဟ ခန႔မနးရပါသည။၄



၂၀၁၇ စကတငဘာလတြင ရနကနၿမ႕၌ေနထငသ ျမနမာႏငငသား

အေယာက ၁၀၀၀ အား ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးဆနးစစမႈ ျပလပခရာ

ေျဖၾကားသအားလး၏ ၅၃% ကသာ ႏငငရပျခားသ႔ အလပလပကငရန

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာရာတြင ႏငငကးလကမတ၊ အလပလပခြငဗဇာႏင

အလပသမား စာခပခပဆဖ႔ လအပေၾကာငးသရပါသညဟ





၁ IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar. ၂ IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar.၃ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 122.၄ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 100. ၅ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. vii. ၆ IOM X, Baseline Study: IOM X Roadshow Myanmar (October 2017 – forthcoming). ၇ IOM Myanmar, General Information – Overview. Available from www.iom.int/countries/myanmar.၈ LIFT, A Country on the Move: Domestic Migration in Two Regions of Myanmar (2016), pp. 21; UNODC. ၉ Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 103-105. ၁၀ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 108.၁၁ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 137.၁၂ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 138.၁၃ UNODC, Trafficking in Persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand (2017), pp. 119-123.

၈။ အလပလကမ ႏႈနးထားသည အထကအေလာကနမကေနေသာလညး

အေျမာကအျမားသည ကပနးအလပက လပကငလကရၿပး လပခလစာလညး

နညးပါးပါသည။ ၂၀၁၅ ခႏစ ျမနမာ လပသားအငအားစစတမးအစရငခစာတြင

အလပလကမႏႈနးထားသည ေယဘယအားျဖင ၀.၈% ရေနခနတြင

လပသားအငအားက အျပညအဝအသးမခႏငသည စစေပါငးႏႈနးထားမာ ၆.၉

% ရၿပး အမးသမးဦးေရသည အမးသားဦးေရးထက ပမားသည။ ထ႔အျပင

လငယ အလပ လကမႏႈနးထားသည ႏႈငးယဥခကအားျဖင ျမငမားေနၿပး

စးပြားေရးအခြငအလမးမားအတြက ၿမ ႕ႀကးမား(သ႔)ႏငငရပျခားမားသ႔

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငမႈက ျဖစေစပါသည။ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငး သြားလာေနထငသ

ျမနမာႏငငသားအမားစသည ပမေကာငးမြနေသာ စးပြားေရးအခြငအလမး မားအတြက

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငၾကျခငးျဖစသည။ ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြာလာေနထငမႈ၏ တစ ျခားတြနးအားမားတြင မသားစႏင

ျပနလညေတြ႔ဆေနထငရနႏင ပညာေရး အခြငအလမးမား ရရေရး တ႔ ပါဝငပါသည။၈

ျမနမာႏငင၏ ေငြလႊလကခရရမႈအမားဆးမာ ထငးႏငငမ ျဖစၿပး ၂၀၁၅

ခႏစတြင ထငးႏငင အတြငးမ ေငြလႊေပးပ႔မႈ စစေပါငး ေဒၚလာ ၁.၈၅ ဘလယ

ရသည။ ထငးႏငငရ ျမနမာႏငငသား ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသသည

ပမးမအားျဖင တစႏစအတြငး ေဒၚလာ ၁၅၀-၃၁၀၀ အၾကား ေငြလႊ

ေပးပ႔ပါသည။၉ ျမနမာႏငငရ တငးေဒသႀကးႏစခက ေလလာေတြ႕ရခကတြင

ျပညတြငး ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာေနထငသမား၏

ေငြလႊပမာဏသညတစႏစပမးမ ေဒၚလာ ၃၀၀ ဝနးကင ရပါသည။၁၀

ပမနမဟတေသာနညးလမးျဖင ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာျခငးအတြက

ကနကစရတမား (သယယ ပ႔ေဆာငခပါဝငၿပး)မာ ေဒၚလာ ၂၇၅-၅၈၅

အၾကားတြင ရၿပး တစခ႕ထငးႏငငသ႔ ပမနမဟတ ေသာ နညးလမးျဖင

ေရႊ႕ေျပာငးသြားလာရာတြင ၃ ေဒၚလာသာ ကနကသညလညးရပါ သည၁၁

