factual program productions · codes and conventions of the documentary genre. news ‘news’...

Factual Program Productions Codes and conventions of the documentary genre

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Page 1: Factual Program Productions · Codes and conventions of the documentary genre. News ‘News’ programming is defined by the frequency and recent nature of the information, ... Documentaries

Factual Program ProductionsCodes and conventions of the documentary genre

Page 2: Factual Program Productions · Codes and conventions of the documentary genre. News ‘News’ programming is defined by the frequency and recent nature of the information, ... Documentaries


‘News’ programming is defined by the frequency and recent nature of the information, and the live nature of the presentation.

Features: Studio news readers, field reporters, live footage, report structure.

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NewsThis news report uses a live anchor to report on location footage from the area being reported on. It uses a very formal and informative style to deliver the accurate information from the story.

Source: BBC News (2016) India: Kolkata flyover collapses ‘killing at least 10’ - BBC news. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdtgNnA4B7Q (Accessed: 13 April 2016).

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Documentaries are informative but fully edited, non-live programs that explore a specific topic with accuracy and realism, non dramatized usually but presented in a captivating way through use of interesting visuals.

Features: Often a celebrity presenter, clear and understandable narrative to the events that are being explained, actual footage when possible.

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DocumentaryIn Search of Dracula is a documentary surrounding the history of the ‘vampire’ story, taking the famous actor Christopher Lee as presenter, and focusing on informing an audience entertainingly.

Source: (unknown) (2015) In search of Dracula (1975 FULL documentary) Christopher Lee. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkhMDowEr2I (Accessed: 15 April 2016).

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‘Docudramas’ are informative programs that - unlike regular documentaries - use traditional film techniques to present a dramatised re-enactment of the events.

Features: Dramatisation of real life events, actors, traditional movie style techniques.

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Docudrama‘Micro Men’ is a Docudrama about the early years of UK computer marketing, and uses actors and full editing to create a - admittedly overly-dramatized - informative documentary.

Source: BBC (2014) Micro men - (Sinclair vs. Acorn BBC docudrama). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hco_Av2DJ8o (Accessed: 14 April 2016).

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‘Docusoaps’ are similar to regular documentaries, except focusing on smaller personal stories or experiences of specific people.

Features: Documentary style filming, small scale stories, less focused on events and more personal experiences.

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DocusoapThe example to the side focuses on the daily lives - however untastefully - of a group of mentally impaired people, the documentary’s focus is very small scale and characteristic of the genre.

Source: KADA Films (2015) The specials episode 1 learning disability docusoap. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKacZMt_viE (Accessed: 14 April 2016).

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‘Infotainment’ programmes are programmes designed to entertain whilst informing, many shows use this format to present news information, and help to entertain and captivate the audience in a news style format.

Features: Studio news presenters, field reporters, live footage, focus on entertainment.

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InfotainmentLast Week Tonight focuses very much on informing the audience in a clear and informative way, but uses humor and gags to entertain during presentations, whilst also still maintaining the ‘news’ format.

Source: LastWeekTonight (2016) Last week tonight with John Oliver: Voting (HBO). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHFOwlMCdto (Accessed: 14 April 2016).

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Reality TV

‘Reality TV’ is often - and quite ironically - characterised by over dramatization and sometimes completely false construction of stories, whilst portraying it as real. More focused on entertainment, as a lot of the information is often skewed or even completely falsely constructed.

Features: overdramatization, documentary style filming, falsely constructed stories.

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Reality TVThis format is incredibly successful in such “masterpieces” as Keeping up with the Kardashians, where dramatic events are created for entertainment, whilst still supposedly being about real people and celebrities.

Source: PUTlN (2016) Keeping up with the Kardashians - rites of passage 3/3. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCVlEMcyhJM (Accessed: 14 April 2016).

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‘Educational programmes’ are defined by their focus on information and accuracy, and their ignorance of dramatic or narrative elements in teaching about world events, unlike documentaries which use a lot of opinionated dramatic elements.

Features: Focus on accurate information, less entertaining style.

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EducationalDiscover Atlas is a program that exists to inform people of environments and cultures around the globe, and uses the format to provide accurate information on the subject at hand.

Source: Jugo san (2015) Discovery Atlas Japan(English). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB6yRxK_fts (Accessed: 15 April 2016).

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‘Wildlife programmes’ are a specific sub genre of

Features: overdramatization, documentary style filming, falsely constructed stories.

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WildlifePlanet Earth is a famous example of this genre, providing a celebrity voice over - David Attenborough - on factual information pertaining to nature.

Source: BBC (2015) Planet earth episode 10 seasonal forests - BBC documentary. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGaIJPubdts (Accessed: 14 April 2016).

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Special Interest

‘Special interest’ shows are documentaries or otherwise focused on a very niché subject matter, and - as such - has a lot of leeway in terms of creative decisions, as it doesn’t have to entertain outside of their very specific audience, though is likely to have a lower budget.

Features: niché subject matter, small audience, great creative freedom.

Note: No source available, as such please enjoy cat banana.

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Special InterestThis incredibly obscure program is for a small audience, but is able to be made due to a lower budget to match the audience.

Source: Nova (2014) Extreme deep underwater caves diving full documentary. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E91O_fN4Mpo (Accessed: 15 April 2016).

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Makeover Show

A program following the reconstruction or redesigning of either the interior or exterior of a family home, often popular as light entertainment similar to that of a Docusoap. Also quite often followed by a hard time limit in order to engage viewers.

Features: A focus on interior and exterior design, some docusoap conventions, some elements of a ‘procedural.’

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Makeover ShowThe famous ‘Extreme Home Makeover’ series falls into this category, featuring both the stories of the building of their home as the ‘procedural’ section, and a more docusoap section with the family.

Source: ABC (2014) Extreme makeover home edition S07E20 beach family. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozOHU7hPwd0 (Accessed: 15 April 2016).

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A ‘Magazine’ show is a program that - ostensibly - follows a specific subject matter factually and accurately, but goes off from that into a variety of different subject matters.

Features: At least one presenter, a variety of different focuses including; light skits, celebrity interviews, and much more.

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MagazineThe classic TV series Top Gear fits into this category quite nicely, providing a variety of entertainment over the course of a single broadcast.

Source: Top Gear (2016) Rescuing Richard from lone wolf mountain - top gear - series 22 - BBC. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKtFJxGzJX8 (Accessed: 26 April 2016).

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Much like a Talk Show, ‘Discussion’ or ‘Debate’ shows feature two or more panelists discussing events or lifestyles; however, unlike a Talk Show, the focus is much more on classical debate and political opinion, rather than light entertainment.

Features: A formal and discussive format, a confrontational and opinionated style.

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DiscussionThe Wright Stuff is a television program that focuses on very informative and debate focused discussion, as seen in this example.

Source: Channel 5 (2013) Scottish independence being discussed on ‘the Wright stuff’ 27/11/2013. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm5EBDa42ck (Accessed: 26 April 2016).

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A show that focuses on analysing and deconstructing a product, service, or piece of entertainment or art, for the sake of both entertainment and information. In many different formats both live and fully-edited.

Features: Analytical form of dialogue, footage or extracts where necessary, either a formal or non-formal mode of speech.

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ReviewWhilst an old example - ‘At the Movies’ is a classic review program from the 90s that informed an audience through the discussion between the two critics.

Source: Syndicated (1997) Siskel & Ebert review Star Wars (special edition 1997). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu8w9pABm5I (Accessed: 26 April 2016).

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Chat Show

A ‘Chat Show’ features a presenter talking too and entertaining the viewers with interviews featuring - usually - noteable celebrities or other entertainers in a casual, more conversational setup usually featuring couches.

Features: Personality driven presenter, celebrity guests, casual style featuring regular conversation in a live-show format, couches (lots of ‘em.)

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Chat ShowConan O’Brian’s show features celebrity guests talking about their lives and interesting stories for a live audience in a casual, jokey environment.

Source: Team Coco (2016) John Bradley on the Craziest Jon Snow theories - CONAN on TBS. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stHZmxE9p6o (Accessed: 15 April 2016).