factual writing

Factual writing Beth Geldard

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Post on 11-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Factual writing

Factual writing

Beth Geldard

Page 2: Factual writing

leaflet Leaflets are there to advertise companies or organisations. They are there to inform about products or services .

The types of colours the leaflet is using are warm tones. This is a clear indication that their target audience is aimed for women.Using different shades of pink could illustrate good heath, so its wanting you to pay attention to your body. Another thing it could represent is innocence because people with cancer are vulnerable

They’ve used a medium shot eye level. Using this type of shot you are able to see the type of emotion on the models face. For instance she looks quite serious and people may judge this as being quite a happy article to read about because of the pink.

The Typography, the font being used on the front cover, is bold and clear. Because its curved creates a soft look to article. Using the white to contrast against the back ground makes it stand out more and implies that it is important. Putting a cover headline underneath giving the reader some facts before opening it gives you more of a indication of what you are going to be reading about.

The white text can illustrate

purity, cleansing also it can suggest

a positive or negative


The clarity of the work is clear and easy to read. Having bullet points makes it look like you haven’t got a lot to read. The writer is getting straight to the point giving you facts about cancer. Conciseness using few words for each title, making it simple for the readers. By putting a box around the title makes you want to read it and its making your eyes focus on it. ‘did you know’ making you want to carry on reading what its got to say.

I would say that the leaflet is being bias about the colour choice because within the bullet-points it say ‘women and men can get breast cancer’ and there is noting to indicate that men should read this as well.

Page 3: Factual writing

Instruction manual Instruction manual are there is describe a range of different things telling the reader how to do something.

The typography staying with the style of Batman so its still resembling what you are making. Having the text bold and sharp suggest that batman wants to stand out and maybe showing that he is important. By the letters being so close together could show how he is independent character and he is a individual from everyone else.

I would say the text on the manual is easy to read keeping with the bold font. The colours are plain, just using black and white. This could show that it is straight forward the instructions, there is nothing complicated about it.

Used a different font which is thinner and smaller but the letters are all capitals which still shows that they are important.

The clarity of the images are clear. Having borders around them to singles each one out so they don’t blend together.

The accuracy on the design I would say that they have kept it simple by doing step by step. and only writing a few senses making it easy for the audience to understand.

Register: the words being used are simple The accuracy has been written correct English. But used short and simple senses to target for a younger audience.

I would say it has avoided ambiguity as it is all very clear not saying words like ‘I think’ ‘ it might’ not sounding very confident.

Page 4: Factual writing

How to guides How to guides give the reader advice as well as tips through a variety of tasks.

The typography being used the font is simple. Using white so it stands out from the back ground, but I feel that it is still quite hard to read the text that is a lot smaller. Using different sizes so you know what to read first The diagrams show a

clear indications of how to start and how it looks at the end. Conciseness: the writer has used a lot of words as It looks like the poster is aimed for a older audience. Readers from the age 13- 30 so covering a wide range of different audience. Containing humor to make the reader carry on reading. Using rhetorical questions, making the reader think and engage in what they are reading.

Talking about different social media, implies that they know their audience

It has avoiding ambiguity giving clear steps on what to do and getting straight to point. Only giving small paragraphs so doesn't’t make the reader feel like they have to read a lot.

Using speech marks shows that ‘Duckface’ has been used a lot and there audience will understand what the how to guide is about. Also using capital letter will draw peoples attentions to itI wouldn't’t say this work is bias because It does not favour one thing then the other.

Page 5: Factual writing

Factual journalism Typography of the font is bold and thick making it a clear indication on who the page is going to be about. By her covering over parts of the text suggest that it isn't important and also shows how people will know who is is by just looking at her face. The typography has been displayed in different fonts showing important parts about the text and makes it stand out more. Pulling out quotes or heading to the paragraph you are about to read to make you intrigued about what she is going to be talking about in it

By displaying the text around her and not in rows making it look like you are not having to read as much.

By using the colour pink for the back ground creating a girly theme

to attract a female audience to read this. But it contrast with what

she is wearing. the black and

white making it look like she has a

wild side to her.

She is eye level looking at the camera which

making you feel intimidated by her.

She isn't smiling which makes her

look quite serious which you could

question on what you may be

reading about.