faculty of education and teacher training ar- raniry … · d. uin ar-raniry banda aceh, department...


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Page 1: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography


Page 2: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography
Page 3: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography
Page 4: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

iii TABLE OF CONTENT Acknowledgement............................................................................................ i Table of Content ............................................................................................... iii List of Table .................................................................................................... v List of Appendices ........................................................................................... vi Declaration of Originality ................................................................................ vii Abstract ............................................................................................................ viii Chapter I: Introduction 1.1 Background of Study ..................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Questions ........................................................................ 5 1.3 Purpose of the Study ...................................................................... 5 1.4 Significance of the Study ............................................................... 5 1.5 Operational Definition ................................................................... 6 Chapter II: Literature Review 2.1 Speaking as Skill ............................................................................ 7 2.2 The Teaching of Speaking Skill ..................................................... 8 2.3 Types of Speaking Ability ............................................................. 11 2.4 Function of Speaking ..................................................................... 13 2.5 The Problem of Speaking ............................................................... 15 2.6 Language Learning Strategies ........................................................ 28 Chapter III: Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design ............................................................................. 32 3.2 Population and Sample ................................................................... 32 3.3 Research Instrument ....................................................................... 34 1. Questionnaire ............................................................................. 34 2. Interview .................................................................................... 34 3.4 Technique of Data Collection ........................................................ 35 3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................... 35 Chapter IV: Research Analysis and Discussion 4.1 Analysis .......................................................................................... 38 4.1.1 Student Internal Problem in Learning Speaking .................. 38 4.1.2 Student External Problem in Learning Speaking ................. 45 4.1.3 Learning Speaking Sources .................................................. 47 4.1.4 Student Strategy in Learning Speaking ................................ 50 4.2 Discussion ...................................................................................... 51 1. The Problem of Speaking .......................................................... 51 2. Participants’ Strategies in Overcoming their Speaking Difficulty .... 52 Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion 5.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 55

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5.2 Suggestion ...................................................................................... 56 REFERENCE ................................................................................................... 57 APPENDICES AUTO BIOGRAPHY

Page 6: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, All praises belong to Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla, The Most gracious The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent who has given me love and blessing that made me able to finish the research and writing the thesis. Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions. First of all, I present sincere gratitude to my both supervisors Mr. Dr. phil. Saiful Akmal, S.Pd. I., MA and Mrs. Azizah S.Ag., M. Pd for their time, supports, advices and valuable corrections during writing of my thesis. My gratitude also especially to the head of Department of English Language education Mr. Dr. T. Zulfikar, S.Ag, M. ed, special thanks to my academic advisor Mr. Dr. Syarwan Ahmad M.L.I.S, who has given me invaluable advices and encouragement throughout the whole semester in the university, and all the lectures of Department of English Language Education who have taught and guide me during the study. Henceforth, I would like to express my greatest love and thanks to my beloved motivators in the world, my mother Faulina Yacob and my special supporter Yuni Mahza for their wisdom, patience, love and everything that have made me to be the luckiest son and friend in the world and to my old brother and sisters, M. Rezki, Yulina handayani, Zurahmi and Azzahra Shalihah for their endless love who inspired and motivated me all along accomplishing the thesis, I

Page 7: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

love you all. Without their attention and guidance, I would not be able to complete the thesis. The last, I would like to thanks to my dearest friends Chairul Iqbal Aziz, Syukri Rizki, T.M. Abrar, Syamsul Fajar and all of PBI 2012 (especially for unit 3 family) for the inspiration and happiness that we share all along and others I cannot mention, who always cheer me up in completing this thesis. May Allah “Azza wa Jalla bless us and unite even stronger. Amen. Banda Aceh, Januari 18th 2018 The Writer

Page 8: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

v LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Difficult to find an appropriate vocabulary while speaking ............ 39 Table 4.2 Feeling unconfident while Speaking English ................................... 40 Table 4.3 Made pronunciation mistake while speak ........................................ 40 Table 4.4 Afraid of making mistakes while speaking English ........................ 41 Table 4.5 Nothing to say while speaking English ............................................ 42 Table 4.6 Mother tongue influences speaking performance ............................ 43 Table 4.7 Make grammatical mistakes while speaking ................................... 44 Table 4.8 Insufficient support from my surrounding to speak ......................... 45 Table 4.9 Lack of opportunity to practise English in class .............................. 46 Table 4.10 Lecture teaching method impact speaking performance................ .46

Page 9: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

viii ABSTRACT This research is intended to find out the strategies used by the students to overcome their problems in speaking English. In conducting this research, the author used qualitative descriptive method. The participants in this study were the students of semester VII majoring in English Language Education academic year 2017/2018 at UIN Ar-Araniry. 70 participants were chosen to answer 10 questions of questionnaire and 8 participants were selected to answer 3 questions of interview. The Questionnaires were administered to answered the first research question of this study; that is about the about the problems experienced by students in speaking English, while the interview was used to answered the second research question of this study; that is about the strategy used by the student in mastering English speaking. Based on the data obtained from these instruments, the writer conclude that the participant encountered several problems including internal and external problems in speaking English. The internal factors are lack or inappropriate use of vocabularies, lack of confidence, pronunciation mistakes, having no idea, the influence of mother tongue and making grammatical mistakes while speaking English. The external factors include less sufficient support from surrounding, lack of the opportunities speaking in class and strategies used by the lectures in teaching speaking. Several sources were used to improve speaking ability, for an example, Dictionary, Video / Movies, Novels and Music. Moreover, some strategies were applied to overcome the English problems such as Practicing with friends, Listening the English audio and Joining speaking club. Keyword: Strategy, speaking, speaking strategy.

Page 10: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

vi LIST OF APPENDECIES Appendix 1 Surat Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FTK) UIN Ar-Raniry Darussalam Banda Aceh Tentang Pengesahan Pembimbing. Appendix 2 Surat Izin Penelitian dari Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FTK) UIN Ar-Raniry Appendix 3 Research Instrument a. Questionnaire b. Interview Guide Appendix 4 Autobiography

Page 11: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

AUTOBIOGRAPHY 1. Profile Full Name : M. Ridha Mufthi Place,Date of Birth : Sigli/September, 18th 1994 Gender : Male Religion : Islam Nationality : Indonesia Address : Jln Melati no.19, Blok Sawah, Sigli. Phone/Mobile : 0822-7227-4454 Email Address : [email protected] Occupation/Reg. Number : Student/ 231-222-721 2. Parents a. Father : (Alm) Yuanda Usman b. Mother : Faulina Yacob c. Occupation : Civil Servant (Teacher) d. Address : Jln Melati no.19, Blok Sawah, Sigli. e. Phone/Mobile : 0813-6000-7923 3. Educational Background a. SDU Iqro’ Sigli, Graduated Year 2006 b. SMPN 2 Sigli, Graduated Year 2009 c. SMAS Sukma Bangsa Pidie, Graduated Year 2012 d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography is made to be used as necessary Banda Aceh, December, 16th 2018 Writer, M. Ridha Mufthi

Page 12: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

INTERVIEW GUIDE 1. What are the problem(s) that you faced during learning English speaking? 2. What kind of source(s) that you used to improve your English speaking ability? 3. What strategies di you applied to improved your speaking ability?

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Page 14: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography

Questionnaire Response to the following questions by checking at one of the colomns No Questions SA A N D SD 1 You have problems with pronunciation when you are speaking English? 2 You afraid of making grammatical mistakes in speaking English? 3 You think that vocabulary number affects your speaking performance? 4 You have any problems developing the idea when you are speaking English 5 You do not feel confident to speak English during the class or outside the class 6 You affraid making mistake when you speaking English? 7 You do not have enough opportunities to practice English in Speaking Class 8 You have lack environment support to developing speak in English 9 Your mother tounge influence your performance in speaking English? 10 The method that the lecturer uses in teaching speaking affect your speaking performance? SA: Strongly Agree A: Agree N: Neutral D: Disagree SD: Strongly Disagree

Page 15: FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING AR- RANIRY … · d. UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Department of English Language Education Major, Entry Year 2012 and Graduated 2018. This autobiography