faculty of law

Why women should take law as a profession?? Because it gives respect, recognition and an

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Faculty of Law, MITS university Exclusively for women


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Why women should take law as a profession??

Because it gives respect, recognition and an

esteemed social status.

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Mody Institute ofTechnology and Science

Faculty o f Law

Become tomorrow’sAchievers

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LAWFaculty Of Law

Promoting women education and selfdevelopment


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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Why choose Law at M ITS

To became an expert lawyer in future. Be a part of high-tech innovations by professionals. Offers undergraduate, postgraduate and Doctorate

programs. Opportunity to take participate in research projects. Regular visits to the Supreme Court , High Court and

other reputed legal institutions.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Get a chance to study abroad through the MITS study abroad programs for law students in Germany, France, Israel and Spain.

Get summer training opportunities. Be a part of world class library and computer labs. Apart from 24 hour internet services, the "Online Legal

Data Base Multi-User (manupatra.com) is alsoavailable.

Comprehensive career development program just for law students that spans everything from resume writing, to internship and co-op placements.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

It offers Scholarships to the students having excellent academic record and rewards them to appreciate their hard work.

Helps in enhancing your leadership skills. All the classrooms of law are designed as per AICTE

norms and regulations with interactive and participative interface that makes grasping lessons easier for the girls.

FOL alumni include leaders in the fields of law, as well as doctors, business people, financial professionals, educators and others.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Ins p iring women to opt for legal courses

MITS has a separate Faculty Of Law, whichgives them a proper understanding ofeverything from legal point of viewexclusively for women.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

MITS provides professional training to the girls and tries its level best to ensure they emerge as most efficient professionals of the industry.

MITS c ampus is a n ep i t ome of t r anqu i l i t y . It is ISO 14001:2 00 4 certified university campus. The w holecampus is w i-fi enabled.

P artic i p a tion in the n a tio n al and i n t ern a tio n al Moo t - Cou r ts and Sem i na r s outs i de the c amp u s gi v es an e xposu r e t o the s tu d e n t t o d e v elop o v e r al l pe r sonal i t y .

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

The best thing about MITS is that it has a grievance redressal system that manages all kinds of grievances and improves accordingly.

MITS has its su g g e s tion b o x. Who e v er is r el a t ed t o the i n s t i tu t e , he is f r ee t o gi v e h i s su g g e s t i ons and if r equ i r ed, MITS a c ts upo n them.

The s tu d e n ts of M ITS made p r ou d b y br i ngi n g a c c olades to university in various sports events .

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

FOL Aca dem ics

The Faculty of Law has been set up in MITS with anaim of making girls expert in the legal field.

FOL is the division of the Mody Institute of Technology & Science that encourages growth of the girls as efficient legal leaders of the industry.

The c ur r icu l um of the F a c u l ty of L a w of the Mody In s ti t u t e of T echnology & S c ie n ce is c omp le t el y based on the model curr i cul u m of the Bar Council of In d ia, N e w De l hi

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

The Faculty of Law also helps the students to get internship in summer breaks under district and session judges, advocates of High Courts, NGO,research institutes like ILI, bodies like NHRC, PUCL etc.

F OL in MI T S has g ot a n i cel y b u i l t ' M oo t - Cou r t' f or giving prac tical training to the students .

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Co u rse s offered

FOL offers three types of courses: Integrated courses• B.A. LL.B• B.B.A.LL.B• B.Com.LL.B• B.Sc.LL.B

Post graduate course• LL.M

Doctorate• Ph.D.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Fa c ulty Research

MITS also gives a chance to the faculty members to grow. Several research projects are taken in order to groom the faculty members and assure their enhancement of knowledge.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

FOL Pla c eme n ts

The Mody Institute of Technology and Science aims at providing better career opportunities to the girls by introducing latest study techniques in FOL.

As per p r escri b ed c ou r se s tructu r e of B . A .LL . B. /B.Com.LL. B. /B.B . A .LL. B., internship or the prac ticaltraining program of 20 weeks during five years iscompulsor y for all students .

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

T o assess the emp lo y ab i l i ty of the gi r ls of the Mody In s ti t u t e of T echnology and Science , the r e a r e se v e r al r oun d s of i n t e r v ie w s th a t a r e c ond u c t ed .

The T r ain i ng & Placeme n t Depart m e n t of M ITS un d er t a k e v arious a c ti v it i es with the he l p of w h i ch the gir l s of the i n s ti t ut i ons a r e ensu r ed succes s ful c a r ee r s.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Why recruit from MITS? ?

MITS plays a great role in making its girl students ready for theindustry.

The students of the Faculty of Law participate in the Moot-Court competitions to enhance their legal skills.

The FOL students are dynamic enough to change according to the changing market scenario.

Recent developments have also been introduced such as I.P.R.,Cyber Law, Mass Media Law, Patent Law, etc.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Students Life at FOL

The FOL of MITS offers the right platform for pursuinglegal education with standard Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Doctoral programs dedicated exclusivelyto women.

The girls are also trained in physical activities and are allowed to go for industrial training to be aware of the corporate dynamics.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

F OL gi v es gir l s an opportu n it y t o e xp l o r e th r ough the i r s tu d ies as w el l as b y part i cip a ti n g in d i f f e r e n t c o - curr i cular a c ti v it i es.

E v er y y ear the Fi r s t y ear s tu d e n ts of Coll e g e a r e t a k en f or Su p r em e Cou r t V i s i ts i n cl u d i ng v i s i t t o Ind i an L a w In s ti t u t e and ISI L .

Industrial and Factory visits are also conducted as partof curriculum.

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

E x cu r sion t ou r s a r e o rg ani z ed on s tu d e n t deman d . These tours are organized usually at the semester end inorder to ma ke sure that c urriculum of the college is notdisturbed.

The s tu d e n ts of M ITS h a v e made us p r ou d b y br i ngi n g a c c olades t o o ur Uni v e r si t y in v arious sports e v e n ts in N a tio n al L e v el.

Page 20: Faculty of Law

Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Besi d es i n sp i r i ng w omen t o s tu d y and be a w a r e of the modern t r ends and d y namics of the c orpo r a t e w orl d , MITS also ma k es a g oo d a t t em p t t o k eep the gir l s i nt act with the sp i r i tual l i f e s ty l e as w el l .

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Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh-332311, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan, IndiaPhone: +91 1573 225001 (12 lines) Fax: +91 1573 225041

Contac t Details

Contact UsMITS-FOLContact Details (Admissions)(Session 2013-14)Phones: (01573) 225001(12 Lines) Fax : 225883 (FOL)e-mail : c o n t act @ mit s u n i v e r sit y .a c . i n

For General Inquires related to admission/ counseling contact at following numbers:Phone: 09414047320, 09214288009, 09214288010 , 01573 - 225875Fax: 01573 - 225883E-mail: de an.fol@mitsun iversity.ac.in