fair visitors and our home patrons are wecorled...

TT 7 7 T p I I 4CO THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 7 1909 I L ss and Phone 38 Phone 38- 2te811m P Invents Fr r eople From 7I3O 1O By BONNIE BURNHAM pm THE WEEKS EVENTS 4 MONDAY Meeting of Nomads hostess Mrs Mallory Kennedy on North DeSoto street TUESDAY Meeting of the East Hill Eufhre club hostess tMrs L M Da vis on Lee street Meeting of the Tuesday Bridge club hostess Mrs I H Aiken on North Palafox street + Meeting of the Married Ladies Euchre dub hostess Mrs M L Roch on East Government street Meeting of the Five Hundred club hostess Mrs Dan Murphy- on Hayne street WEDNESDAY Meeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church 9- 3m + 4 9 Progressive euchre at the Progress club 8p m Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess Mrs Wm Ma 4 Ibrie at No 914 East Strong street 4 THURSDAY 4 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs G Rupert on Ro xaana street 4 I FRIDAY 4 Meeting of the Social Card club hostess Mrs W Burch on 4 East Belmont street 9 44 +++ t +++ 4P4P ++ ++ 4 4 44 t 4 9 REFLECTIONS OF A WOMAN 9 4 1 Most men are just awfully rich if they can afford to waste 4 4 money after they are married 9 4 Our idea of a very satisfactory wife is one who absolutely 4 4 refused to purchase ties and cigars for her husband 4 4 4 A soft answer has no effect generally upon a soft person 4 9 4 After a woman makes up her mind of course it doesnt take 4 her long to make up her face 4 9 9 A girls weakness for pretty stockings is apt to abide with her 4 4 until long after she breaks into the grandmother class 4 When two women commence to talk over the back fence his + Satanic majesty hears a lot about their neighbors that he never 4 even suspected before 1 < > Hes a mean person wholl snore in church and keep other + people awake 4 Philosophy will help some people even to endure the trials of matrimony > 4 4 4 Anyway the average grass widow escapes the annoyance of 4 Being everlastingly told what a fine man her husband was 4 4 4 4 In the nature of things a wedding isnt a wedding if it proceeds without a hitch < 4- e 4 e 4 4 THE CAMEL AS A TEACHER- The camel at the close of day Krteels down upon the sandy plain To have his burden lILted off And rest to gain My soul thou too shouldst to thy knees When daylight draweth to a close And let thy Master lift thy load And grant reP Scp Else how could thou tomorrow meet VIth all tomorrows work to do If thou thy burden all the night Dost carry thru The camel kneels at brealc of day To have his guide replace his load Then rises up anew to take The desert road So thou shouldst kneel at mornings dawn That God may give thee dally care Assured that He no load too great Will make thee bear Anonymous REVIVAL SERVICES AT WEST HILL BAPTIST CHURCH There will be revival services this week at the West Hill Baptist church beginning tomorrow night and to bo conducted by the pastor the Rev Mr E E Rice All are In- vited to be present MISS EDNA WALTZ- ENTERTAINED IN HONOR OF HER 17TH BIRTHDAY- One of the pretty events of the week was a birthday party given on last Friday night at the home of Mr and Mrs G H Waltz at No 100S East Jackson street uh honor of the neventeoath anniversary of the bIrth of their daughter Miss Edna Many guests were present as the young hostess is held in high esteem among hosts of her friends In the younger I THE PURE FOOD STORE PopCornT- he regular old fashioned kind that you read about our forefathers popping before the big open fire It pops just as well or better over the ordinary cook ¬ ing stove heater or gas range Delicious- and amusing in the popping 20ounce package 10 cents- I I Sol Cahn CO Agents Nunnallys Candles 4 Phonea 17201721 4 I set The parlor had been done In pink and green floral effects having been used while the dining room pre ¬ sented a cool and refreshing bower- of loveliness in southern smilax and cut flowers The course of cream caKes and sweets was also attractive- and tempting- Miss Waltz received a number ot Wetly gifts and many congratula ¬ tions relative to the happy occasion- TO ATTEND SYNOD AT PLANT CITY FLA The Rev tIre Julian S Slbley leaves during the early part of the week for Plant City Fla where he I will attend synod He will be gone for several days p I BROWNING CLUB MET YESTERDAY- The Browning club held a line meeting yesterday at the home of Mrs Boucher on East Brainard street An Interesting discussion was conducted on Brownings various I hidden meanings in the Ring and the Book AT CHRIST CHURCH TODAY The Rev Mr Tyndell of Marietta- Ga will fill the pulpit today at Christ church in the absence of the Kev A Arnold Royce who is in New Or ¬ leans Rev Mr Tyndell is a minister- of high recommendations and will be heard with unusual Interest today S AT THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH TODAY The usual interesting services will take place today at the First Chris ¬ tian church and all are invited to be present The Rev Mr Thos Lennox will be in charge and will have for his subject this morning Loyalty- of Service and for tonight The Christian Armor Special music has also been arranged SISTERS OF MERCY THANK THEIR FRIENDS- The recent baby show given under the auspices of the Sisters of Mercy at the Armory haIl was a most sue i cessful affair and the Sisters ask The I Journal to express their thanks to the gentlemen for the use of the hall the ladies who worked so zeal ¬ ously Prof Seels orchestra and all who contributed to make the supper and entertainment a success S MUSIC AT SACRED HEART CHURCH AT THE 930 MASS Director Prof Henry Seel 1 Aspergos Gregorian Sanctuary Choir and Chorus 2 Introit Propruim Tozer I Messrs Lannon Knipper Johnson Hayes and Seel S Kyrie in two voices Hoberlein Sanctuary Choir 4 Gloria Hamna Double Quartette Male Voices 5 Credo Gregorian 6 Offertory Propruim Chorus Tozr I 7 Mobt Violin Solo Selected Prof Seel S Sanotus Benediction Agnus Del Hamna Quartette I 9 Recessional Holy God- Chorus EXHIBITS ARE BEING RECEIVED AT THE FAIR GROUNDS All day yesterday numerous exhib ¬ I its poured In at the fair grounds with the result that the outlook appears exceedingly bright for Pensacolas I ibig show which Is to attract all due attention this week Miss Margaret McIntyre was present at the grounds I l yesterday placing the exhibits and 1 a a Sd MADE WELL AND- STRONG By Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable CompoundB- ardstown K I suffered from ulceration otl1erfemale troubles for j on M a long time Doc- tors had failed to help me Lydia E- PinkhamsVegeta y r Compound was j 1 i recommended and > I decided to try it J J It cured iny trouble and made me well + and strong BO that- I d r I can do all my own r + < work Mrs JOS- EPH ¬ V G J1ti HALL Bards 7 < I town Ky Another Woman Cured Christiana TennH I suffered from the worst form of female trouble sc that at times I thought I could not live and my nerves were in a dreadful condition Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound cured me and made me feel like a different woman E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is worth its weight in gold to suffering womenMns MARY W 3 If you belong to that countless army- of women who suffer from some form- of female ills dont hesitate to try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com- pound ¬ made from roots and herbs For thirty years this famous remedy has been the standard for all forms of female ills and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements fibroid tumors ulceration inflammation ir ¬ regularities backache and nervous prostration If you want special alvicewrite- forlttolUrsPlnkhamLynnlUass free and always helpful NEW YORKS LATEST STYLESI- n MIlHnery just arrived Call and see them Wilkins Millinery ParlorsB- lount Building I noting them correctly She will re ceive exhibits tomorrow from 7 until 9 oclock and those who wish to en- ter should make no further delay This is an opportunity for any num- ber of bright brainy women to show their enterprise and one whicii should be grasped by all who wish to show this mark of energy and pro- gress ¬ AT THE GASDEN STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY Today is Rally Day at the Gadsduh Street M E Sunday school and the program as prepared for the day will be especially interesting to all The new orchestra will furnish suitable music and other talent will foe heard from during the morning All per- sons ¬ interested in Sunday school work are Invited to he present and especially all those who have at one Health and Beauty Culture Massage Manicuring Scalp Treat ¬ ment Chiropodist Freckles and Wrinkles Re ¬ movedS- uite 388390 Brent Building Phone 333 Seasonable Dishes and- Relishes New Mackerel Shredded Codfish Roll Corn Beef Cranberries Mince Meat Plum Pudding Sweet and Sour- PICKLES We are agents for Lowneys Famous Can ¬ dies A fresh shipment inGERELDS GROCERY CO 111 N Palafox St Phone 192 I Souvenirs For Fair Visitors I You will want something dainty and worth while to take home from the Tri I County Fair this week Here are some suggestions Handsome Hand Painted Book Marks Hand Painted Artistic Calling Lists Beau ¬ tiful Desk Blotters also Sou ¬ venir Sofa Cushions and everything in this particular- line of highgrade art Call in during Fair Week Youll be greatly pleased Mrs HV Rendall The Clutter Music Store time been identified with the Gads < en Street Sunday school but for some reason have dropped out This will of course carry out the Idea cl Rally Day to a greater perfection- AT ST MICHAELS TODAY The following is the program for the musical service of the high mass today at St Michaels 1030 MissH Cantata Rev T H Kennedy celebrant Asperges Gregorian Chorus Kyrle Rosewis Chorus Gloria Rosewig Miss iMaiuie Dmanuel and Miss An- nie Maher T Burns Trabue bue Sublett soloist and Chorus Offertory Selected Mrs John D Foreman Sanctus Rosewig Chorus BenediclusGounodCh- orus Agnus Dei Rosewig Chorus The following are among the chorus Miss Mamie Emanuel Miss Ellie Baker Miss Marie Dubuisson Miss Sophie Emanuel Miss Susie Hargis iMiss Alberta Villar Miss Kate Cusachs Miss Florence Bob Miss May Hall Miss Annette DI Lustro Miss Annie Mayer Messrs Thos II Johnson T Burns Tra ¬ bue Sublette George Harvey 15 Johnson E J Hayes Mrs R C Forest organist ChasT Herbert director FIRST M CHURCH LADIES- TO HAVE EXHIBIT AT THE TRICOUNTYjiFAJI t A Ung of Sie building association of the First M E chiirc was held yesterday at Halmau hall and plans made for the exhibit whicn svLq ki- VI I A 74 I POWER to work depends upon power to sleep and power to sleep depends almost solely upon your mattress So when you buy a mattress ask for the C LUXYOURY and then you are sure of getting the best The cb I is the very best that money- can buy It is built of the highest grade of soft elastic felt covered with the best grade of ticking that comes from the looms and the work ¬ manship is the embodiment of care and perfection The felt has been so thoroughly treated that the mattress has that I sweet pure smell that pertains to everything that is abso ¬ lutely clean Price 1275 EverY Luxyoury insured Ask your dealer- MY BEDMY PARADISE IIIRSCH SPITZ UJ C CO AtlaaU j- J F r 1 the ladies are to make at the fair this week This exhibit is to be especially interesting from every standpoint and the ladies are to be congratulated upon their enterprise- and ability in the matter FLINCH CLUB ENJOYED PLEASANT TIME YESTERDAY- The members of the New City Flinch club enjoyed a happy outing yesterday across the bay the launch Lena having conveyed the party to Santa Rosa island The game was played at the pavillion and a fine lunch served amid the interesting surroundings The return was made late last evening the event having been voted one of the most pleasant- in the history of the club MR JOHN MKENZIE DIES IN WOODSTOCK CANADA Friends of Mr John McKenzie- who with his sister and brother Mr and Mrs Stilton Cole left here for McDavid Fla last June to make a new home will regret to learn of hIS sudden death which took place Wed- nesday ¬ at his old home In Woodstock Canada where he was visiting He will be very kindly remembered hay- ing ¬ been a devout member of the Presbyterian church where he was- a regular attendant The Coles are still in McDavid A PITEOUS CALL TO EVERY MOTHERS HEART There is a wee tiny bit of human ¬ ity a new born baby whose parents- are penniless and who were there- fore ¬ unable to prepare for its coming which is demanding the attention oi every prosperous full grown Pensa colian today The Associated Charities in fact has been called upon the father the little stranger who has In the line of all the rich dainty things usually awaiting the coming of even the every day baby excepting per- haps ¬ a few stray rags with which to swathe its helplessness Mothers who have had the pleasure- of preparation for events of this kind sweetening perhaps the long after stretch of years with the won ¬ derful thins maternity probably know just how this pauper mother has felt when every hand has been turn ¬ ed against her and her popr hands could not secure the materials even from which she would fashion the tiny garments- The baby is a wee wee thing but a responsibility which rests heavily indeed upon the God fearing noble hearted people of Pensacola- It needs clothingan entire outfit in short for a newly born infant This is a simple appealone that should reach the hearts of those who are able to give and to understand- the real need expressed The outfit should be sent tomorrow- to Secretary Charles P Hall of tlie Associated Charitiestomorrow at the latest A BEAUTIFUL BRIDGE FOR MRS COCHRANE Friends of Mrs Cochrane who al- though ¬ a Mobile lady is well known here will be interested in the follow- ing I The first large card party of the season was the brilliant bridge par ¬ ty given on Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs John T Cochrane or Mobile by Mrs George A Searcy and Mrs George R Rau says the Tus caloosa TimesGazette There were thirteen tables the assemblage con ¬ sisting of a lovely array of Tusca loosa women the invitations being tGtilo married set The guests and the notably gracious hos- tesses ¬ and the lovely guest of honor herself a former Tuscaloosa girl with hosts of admirers made an oc ¬ casion of notable brilliancy and charm The ibeautiful Searcy home on Greensboro avenue was never more attractive There was a veritable wealth of flowers and ferns and palms used artistically in the decora- tions ¬ of a house that needs little in the way of adornment ever In the parlor pink roses predominated and in the library there were crimson flowers only salvioas and dahlias and red roses making the room rich and splendid In the dining room there were quantities of yellow chry- santhemums ¬ these gorgeous autumn queens setting off the lovely apart ¬ ment most harmoniously and invit- ingly Palms and ferns were in all the rooms and added to the charm or the whole place The bridge game was an absorb- ingly ¬ interesting one and at its con- clusion ¬ it was found that Mrs Hen ¬ derson M Somerville of New Yorlc was the fortunate winner of the prize a superb handpainted vase The consolation a beautiful plate went to Miss Anna Taylor Donono and a dainty bonbon dish was pre ¬ sented to the guest of honor Mrs Cochrane The prizes were the ar- tistic ¬ handiwork of Mrs Sarcy After the games there was served- at tables an elegant luncheon the salad course being accompanied vy- an ice and succeeded by coffee the refreshments carrying out a color scheme of pink and white In the hall frappe was served as the guests arrived Miss Anna Taylor Donoho serving Mrs Cochrane wore an exquisite gown of cashmere de sole in the col ¬ or of ashes of roses NOMADS WILL MEET TOMORROW Mrs S P Mallory Kennedy will be hostess tomorrow at the regular meeting of the Nomads Following- is the program 1 Roll call 2 The Rialto Mrs Gunter El more 3 Liberal Arts Mrs Walker An ¬ derson 4 Reading The Merchant of Venice leader Mrs Mallory Ken- nedy ¬ DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY TO MEET NOV 16TH The regular meeting of the laugh ters of the Confederacy will be post- poned ¬ next week on account of the TriCoanty Fair The meeting will take place instead on the 16th at the bivouac LITTLE MARY LAMAR GAVE BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Mary Lee Lamar the three yeArold daughter of Mr and Mrs- C W Lamar entertained a number- of charming tots at a birthdar party Oft Friday afternoon Those present Continued on Page Twentyone> COMPARISON I LUZIANNEC- OFFEE Always FRESH in its airtight can Always PURE Always STRONG Always PROPERLY BLENDED Always of UNIFORM QUALITY Always satisfactory Poundcost a little higher but cup cost very much lower BULK or Loose COFFEEO- ften stale from exposure Often contains dust Seldom strong Nev- er ¬ uniform Haphazardly blended Never satisfactory to any one who whats best Poundcost a little lower but cutcost very much higher Make a wise mans choice between the two l I THE RE1LYTAYLOR CON- EW I ORLEANS U S A IQ cec0c8cee8CGeeeGC3c6ceoG Q Q P FROM A GENTLEMAN TO A LADY I Dainty Monogram Stationery is an ideal Christmas Gift g which carries with it only a sentiment of friendship Visiting Cards engraved in fashionable style are also a most acceptable present 5 We have just completed a beautiful line of Xmas Cards I in exclusive Steel Engraved designs Send for our sam pies and prices I j P STEVENS ENGRA VING CO Atlanta Georgia SaeoeaeoGcoweeoeEoec o Fair Visitors and Our Home Patrons Are Wecorled Here 4 I ii > 1 1 i 4 tf I 1 I t 4I l f- 1cO + W2 R xfftfgSIKJJt VfrrL 7- IC i nM 4 I Ji- ta j- pi i7- I i I A man whose clothes fit him well and give him the distinction of carefully studied style is well dressed in Pensacola in Chicago in Paris or in London Clothes which fall short in these qualities are as bad in one country as anotherunless in any countryand- are quickly passed by Men of discriminating fashions are wearing today- in the streets and clubs of London clothes made in America by 4 1 1 SteinBlochan- d bearing the SteinBloch label Never before in her history has England witnessed such a sight- It is a tribute worth while that SteinBloch are the only tailors in America who meet the Englishmans stand ¬ ards It means that Englishmen as well as Americans- have recognized in them the passport of the gentleman- as indicated by the style and fit of his clothes Their price is convenient to your purse and to your selfrespect- The full Fall and Winter collection of suits and over ¬ coats is at your disposal in your own home town to be examined and tried on at Aa Henry White Bro PENSA COLA S AUTHORITY- on MENS and BOYS WEAR Corner Pal fox and Intendoncia Streets Subscribe For The Journal 4

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Page 1: Fair Visitors and Our Home Patrons Are Wecorled Hereufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00346/0331.pdf · TT 7 7 T I p I 4CO THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 7 1909

TT 7 7 Tp



ss andPhone 38 Phone 38-

2te811mP InventsFr r eople From



MONDAYMeeting of Nomads hostess Mrs Mallory Kennedy on North

DeSoto streetTUESDAY

Meeting of the East Hill Eufhre club hostess tMrs L M Davis on Lee street

Meeting of the Tuesday Bridge club hostess Mrs I HAiken on North Palafox street

+ Meeting of the Married Ladies Euchre dub hostess Mrs ML Roch on East Government street

Meeting of the Five Hundred club hostess Mrs Dan Murphy-on Hayne street

WEDNESDAYMeeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church 9-

3m+ 49 Progressive euchre at the Progress club 8p m

Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess Mrs Wm Ma4 Ibrie at No 914 East Strong street4 THURSDAY4 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs G Rupert on Ro

xaana street4 I FRIDAY 4

Meeting of the Social Card club hostess Mrs W Burch on4 East Belmont street

9 44+++t+++4P4P++ ++44 44 t


41 Most men are just awfully rich if they can afford to waste 4

4 money after they are married9

4 Our idea of a very satisfactory wife is one who absolutely 44 refused to purchase ties and cigars for her husband 4

44 A soft answer has no effect generally upon a soft person 494 After a woman makes up her mind of course it doesnt take 4

her long to make up her face 49 9

A girls weakness for pretty stockings is apt to abide with her 44 until long after she breaks into the grandmother class 4

When two women commence to talk over the back fence his+ Satanic majesty hears a lot about their neighbors that he never4 even suspected before 1 <>

Hes a mean person wholl snore in church and keep other+ people awake 4

Philosophy will help some people even to endure the trials ofmatrimony > 4

44 Anyway the average grass widow escapes the annoyance of4 Being everlastingly told what a fine man her husband was 44 44 In the nature of things a wedding isnt a wedding if it

proceeds without a hitch <

4-e 4 e 4 4


The camel at the close of dayKrteels down upon the sandy plain

To have his burden lILted offAnd rest to gain

My soul thou too shouldst to thyknees

When daylight draweth to a closeAnd let thy Master lift thy load

And grant reP ScpElse how could thou tomorrow meet

VIth all tomorrows work to doIf thou thy burden all the night

Dost carry thru

The camel kneels at brealc of dayTo have his guide replace his load

Then rises up anew to takeThe desert road

So thou shouldst kneel at morningsdawn

That God may give thee dally careAssured that He no load too great

Will make thee bearAnonymous


There will be revival services thisweek at the West Hill Baptistchurch beginning tomorrow nightand to bo conducted by the pastorthe Rev Mr E E Rice All are In-vited to be present


One of the pretty events of theweek was a birthday party given onlast Friday night at the home of Mrand Mrs G H Waltz at No 100SEast Jackson street uh honor of theneventeoath anniversary of the bIrthof their daughter Miss Edna Manyguests were present as the younghostess is held in high esteem amonghosts of her friends In the younger



he regular oldfashioned kind thatyou read about ourforefathers poppingbefore the big openfire It pops just aswell or better overthe ordinary cook¬

ing stove heater orgas range Delicious-and amusing in thepopping 20ouncepackage 10 cents-


Sol Cahn CO

Agents Nunnallys Candles

4 Phonea 17201721



set The parlor had been done Inpink and green floral effects havingbeen used while the dining room pre ¬

sented a cool and refreshing bower-of loveliness in southern smilax andcut flowers The course of creamcaKes and sweets was also attractive-and tempting-

Miss Waltz received a number otWetly gifts and many congratula ¬

tions relative to the happy occasion-


The Rev tIre Julian S Slbleyleaves during the early part of theweek for Plant City Fla where he I

will attend synod He will be gonefor several days

p I


The Browning club held a linemeeting yesterday at the home ofMrs Boucher on East Brainardstreet An Interesting discussionwas conducted on Brownings various

I hidden meanings in the Ring andthe Book


The Rev Mr Tyndell of Marietta-Ga will fill the pulpit today at Christchurch in the absence of the KevA Arnold Royce who is in New Or¬

leans Rev Mr Tyndell is a minister-of high recommendations and will beheard with unusual Interest today



The usual interesting services willtake place today at the First Chris ¬

tian church and all are invited to bepresent The Rev Mr Thos Lennoxwill be in charge and will have forhis subject this morning Loyalty-of Service and for tonight TheChristian Armor Special musichas also been arranged


The recent baby show given underthe auspices of the Sisters of Mercyat the Armory haIl was a most sue i

cessful affair and the Sisters ask The I

Journal to express their thanks to thegentlemen for the use of thehall the ladies who worked so zeal¬

ously Prof Seels orchestra and allwho contributed to make the supperand entertainment a success



Director Prof Henry Seel1 Aspergos Gregorian

Sanctuary Choir and Chorus2 Introit Propruim Tozer I

Messrs Lannon Knipper JohnsonHayes and Seel

S Kyrie in two voices HoberleinSanctuary Choir

4 Gloria HamnaDouble Quartette Male Voices

5 Credo Gregorian

6 Offertory PropruimChorus

Tozr I

7 Mobt Violin Solo SelectedProf Seel

S Sanotus Benediction Agnus DelHamna

Quartette I

9 Recessional Holy God-Chorus


All day yesterday numerous exhib ¬I

its poured In at the fair grounds withthe result that the outlook appearsexceedingly bright for Pensacolas

I ibig show which Is to attract all dueattention this week Miss MargaretMcIntyre was present at the grounds I

l yesterday placing the exhibits and 1a

a Sd



STRONGBy Lydia E PinkhamsVegetable CompoundB-

ardstown K I suffered fromulceration otl1erfemale troubles forj on M a long time Doc-

tors had failed tohelp me Lydia E-PinkhamsVegeta

y r Compound wasj 1 i recommended and

> I decided to try itJ J It cured inytrouble

and made me well+ and strong BO that-

Id r I can do all my ownr + < work Mrs JOS-


V G J1ti HALL Bards7 < I town Ky

Another Woman CuredChristiana TennH I suffered from

the worst form of female trouble scthat at times I thought I could notlive and my nerves were in a dreadfulcondition Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound cured me and mademe feel like a different womanE Pinkhams Vegetable Compound isworth its weight in gold to sufferingwomenMns MARY W 3

If you belong to that countless army-of women who suffer from some form-of female ills dont hesitate to tryLydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com-pound


made from roots and herbsFor thirty years this famous remedy

has been the standard for all forms offemale ills and has cured thousands ofwomen who have been troubled withsuch ailments as displacements fibroidtumors ulceration inflammation ir¬

regularities backache and nervousprostration

If you want special alvicewrite-forlttolUrsPlnkhamLynnlUassfree and always helpful


n MIlHnery just arrivedCall and see them

Wilkins MillineryParlorsB-

lount Building I

noting them correctly She will receive exhibits tomorrow from 7 until9 oclock and those who wish to en-ter should make no further delayThis is an opportunity for any num-ber of bright brainy women to showtheir enterprise and one whiciishould be grasped by all who wish toshow this mark of energy and pro-gress



Today is Rally Day at the GadsduhStreet M E Sunday school and theprogram as prepared for the day willbe especially interesting to all Thenew orchestra will furnish suitablemusic and other talent will foe heardfrom during the morning All per-sons


interested in Sunday schoolwork are Invited to he present andespecially all those who have at one

Health and BeautyCulture Massage

Manicuring Scalp Treat¬

ment Chiropodist

Freckles and Wrinkles Re¬


uite 388390 Brent Building Phone 333

SeasonableDishes and-

RelishesNew Mackerel

Shredded CodfishRoll Corn Beef

CranberriesMince Meat

Plum PuddingSweet and Sour-

PICKLESWe are agents for

Lowneys Famous Can¬

dies A fresh shipment



111 N Palafox StPhone 192

ISouvenirs For

Fair Visitors I

You will want somethingdainty and worth while totake home from the Tri


County Fair this week Hereare some suggestions

Handsome Hand PaintedBook Marks Hand PaintedArtistic Calling Lists Beau ¬

tiful Desk Blotters also Sou ¬

venir Sofa Cushions andeverything in this particular-line of highgrade art

Call in during Fair WeekYoull be greatly pleased

Mrs H V RendallThe Clutter Music Store

time been identified with the Gads< en Street Sunday school but forsome reason have dropped out Thiswill of course carry out the Idea clRally Day to a greater perfection-


The following is the program forthe musical service of the high masstoday at St Michaels

1030 MissH CantataRev T H Kennedy celebrant

Asperges GregorianChorus

Kyrle RosewisChorus

Gloria RosewigMiss iMaiuie Dmanuel and Miss An-

nie Maher T Burns Trabuebue Sublett soloist and

ChorusOffertory Selected

Mrs John D ForemanSanctus Rosewig

ChorusBenediclusGounodCh-orusAgnus Dei Rosewig

ChorusThe following are among the

chorus Miss Mamie Emanuel MissEllie Baker Miss Marie DubuissonMiss Sophie Emanuel Miss SusieHargis iMiss Alberta Villar MissKate Cusachs Miss Florence BobMiss May Hall Miss Annette DILustro Miss Annie Mayer MessrsThos II Johnson T Burns Tra ¬

bue Sublette George Harvey 15

Johnson E J Hayes Mrs R CForest organist ChasT Herbertdirector


A Ung of Sie buildingassociation of the First M E chiircwas held yesterday at Halmau halland plans made for the exhibit whicn




A 74 I

POWER to work dependsupon power to

sleep and power to sleepdepends almost solely uponyour mattress So when youbuy a mattress ask for theC LUXYOURY and thenyou are sure of getting thebest The


is the very best that money-can buy It is built of thehighest grade of soft elasticfelt covered with the bestgrade of ticking that comesfrom the looms and the work ¬

manship is the embodiment ofcare and perfection The felthas been so thoroughly treatedthat the mattress has that I

sweet pure smell that pertainsto everything that is abso ¬

lutely clean

Price 1275EverY Luxyoury insured

Ask your dealer-





Fr 1

the ladies are to make at the fairthis week This exhibit is to beespecially interesting from everystandpoint and the ladies are to becongratulated upon their enterprise-and ability in the matterFLINCH CLUB ENJOYEDPLEASANT TIME YESTERDAY-

The members of the New CityFlinch club enjoyed a happy outingyesterday across the bay the launchLena having conveyed the party toSanta Rosa island The game wasplayed at the pavillion and a finelunch served amid the interestingsurroundings The return was madelate last evening the event havingbeen voted one of the most pleasant-in the history of the club


Friends of Mr John McKenzie-who with his sister and brother Mrand Mrs Stilton Cole left here forMcDavid Fla last June to make anew home will regret to learn of hISsudden death which took place Wed-nesday


at his old home In WoodstockCanada where he was visiting Hewill be very kindly remembered hay-ing


been a devout member of thePresbyterian church where he was-a regular attendant The Coles arestill in McDavid


There is a wee tiny bit of human ¬

ity a new born baby whose parents-are penniless and who were there-fore


unable to prepare for its comingwhich is demanding the attention oievery prosperous full grown Pensacolian today

The Associated Charities in facthas been called upon the father thelittle stranger who has Inthe line of all the rich dainty thingsusually awaiting the coming of eventhe every day baby excepting per-haps


a few stray rags with which toswathe its helplessness

Mothers who have had the pleasure-of preparation for events of thiskind sweetening perhaps the longafter stretch of years with the won ¬

derful thins maternity probably knowjust how this pauper mother hasfelt when every hand has been turn¬

ed against her and her popr handscould not secure the materials evenfrom which she would fashion thetiny garments-

The baby is a wee wee thing buta responsibility which rests heavilyindeed upon the God fearing noblehearted people of Pensacola-

It needs clothingan entire outfitin short for a newly born infant

This is a simple appealone thatshould reach the hearts of those whoare able to give and to understand-the real need expressed

The outfit should be sent tomorrow-to Secretary Charles P Hall of tlieAssociated Charitiestomorrow atthe latestA BEAUTIFUL BRIDGE FORMRS COCHRANE

Friends of Mrs Cochrane who al-though


a Mobile lady is well knownhere will be interested in the follow-ingI

The first large card party of theseason was the brilliant bridge par ¬

ty given on Tuesday afternoon Inhonor of Mrs John T Cochrane orMobile by Mrs George A Searcy andMrs George R Rau says the Tuscaloosa TimesGazette There werethirteen tables the assemblage con ¬

sisting of a lovely array of Tuscaloosa women the invitations being

tGtilo married set Theguests and the notably gracious hos-tesses


and the lovely guest of honorherself a former Tuscaloosa girlwith hosts of admirers made an oc¬

casion of notable brilliancy andcharm

The ibeautiful Searcy home onGreensboro avenue was never moreattractive There was a veritablewealth of flowers and ferns andpalms used artistically in the decora-tions


of a house that needs little inthe way of adornment ever In theparlor pink roses predominated andin the library there were crimsonflowers only salvioas and dahliasand red roses making the room richand splendid In the dining roomthere were quantities of yellow chry-santhemums


these gorgeous autumnqueens setting off the lovely apart ¬

ment most harmoniously and invit-ingly Palms and ferns were in allthe rooms and added to the charmor the whole place

The bridge game was an absorb-ingly


interesting one and at its con-clusion


it was found that Mrs Hen ¬

derson M Somerville of New Yorlcwas the fortunate winner of theprize a superb handpainted vaseThe consolation a beautiful platewent to Miss Anna Taylor Dononoand a dainty bonbon dish was pre ¬

sented to the guest of honor MrsCochrane The prizes were the ar-tistic


handiwork of Mrs SarcyAfter the games there was served-

at tables an elegant luncheon thesalad course being accompanied vy-an ice and succeeded by coffee therefreshments carrying out a colorscheme of pink and white In thehall frappe was served as the guestsarrived Miss Anna Taylor Donohoserving

Mrs Cochrane wore an exquisitegown of cashmere de sole in the col ¬

or of ashes of roses


Mrs S P Mallory Kennedy will behostess tomorrow at the regularmeeting of the Nomads Following-is the program

1 Roll call2 The Rialto Mrs Gunter El

more3 Liberal Arts Mrs Walker An ¬

derson4 Reading The Merchant of

Venice leader Mrs Mallory Ken-nedy



The regular meeting of the laughters of the Confederacy will be post-poned


next week on account of theTriCoanty Fair The meeting willtake place instead on the 16th at thebivouac


Little Mary Lee Lamar the threeyeArold daughter of Mr and Mrs-C W Lamar entertained a number-of charming tots at a birthdar partyOft Friday afternoon Those present

Continued on Page Twentyone>



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