fairy tales autumn/winter 15-16


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Trend book for Autumn/Winter 15-16


Page 1: Fairy Tales Autumn/Winter 15-16
Page 2: Fairy Tales Autumn/Winter 15-16

The definition of a fairy-story -- what it is, or what it should be -- does not, then, depend on any definition or historical account of elf or fairy, but upon the nature of Faërie: the Perilous Realm itself, and the air that blows in that country. I will not attempt to define that, nor to describe it directly. It cannot be done. Faërie cannot be caught in a net of words; for it is one of its qualities to be indescribable, though not imperceptible. It has many ingredients, but analysis will not necessarily discover the secret of the whole. Yet I hope that what I have later to say about the other questions will give some glimpses of my own imperfect vision of it.

For the moment I will say only this: a “fairy-story” is one which touches on or uses Faërie, whatever its own main purpose may be: satire, adventure, morality, fantasy. Faërie itself may perhaps most nearly be translated by Magic - but it is magic of a peculiar mood and power, at the furthest pole from the vulgar devices of the laborious, scientific, magician. There is one proviso: if there is any satire present in the tale, one thing must not be made fun of, the magic itself. That must in that story be taken seriously, neither laughed at nor explained away.”-J.R.R Tolkien “On Fairy Stories.” Tree and Leaf. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965.


Page 3: Fairy Tales Autumn/Winter 15-16

This particular trend concept for Autumn/Winter 15-16 is based on this idea of Fairytales. It is not representative of the fairy stories that we all grew up reading, but rather will be evocative of their moods, and of the feelings they elicit as we delve into their core.There are five different fairy tale tropes that will be used to explain and in-spire this trend. Firstly, Enchanted, then Changeling, followed by Quest, after that we will explore Riddle, and lastly, Malevolence. These are common themes found in almost every fairy tale story, and they touch on all of their important aspects.As we explore a more fantastical Autumn/Winter 15-16 we will look at the ideas of magic, faeries, and true love from a viewpoint of how these things can and will affect you every day.


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Color Palette

1.to subject to magical influence; bewitch: fairytales about witches who enchant handsome princes and beautiful maidens

2.to delight to a high degree: Her gaiety and wit have enchanted us all

3.to impart a magic quality or effect to

These three definitions to the left are the dictionary definitions of the word enchanted. All three of them are a part of this sub-trend. When looking upon the images, fabrics, and colors for Enchanted, you should feel your-self slowly falling under their spell. The soft colors will begin to weave their magic, and gently lay a haziness over you.

To be enchanted, is also to be delighted. The things presented in this trend should make you smile. As you go through this section, it should bring back memories of childhood, when magic was still just a great possibility. To be enchanted is to remember when everything is possible, when fairy tales still were true to your heart.

The last meaning of enchanted: to impart a magical quality or effect to, is the most important as it relates to a trend. Everything needs to feel a little magical, everything needs to be special, and evoke the same feelings that those who read fairy tales as children felt every time they discovered a new story.

The Trend

14 1106 13 3802 12 1605 13 1025 14 5706 18 1648


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Fabrics & Fibers


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Prints & Patterns


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Trims & Access9ries


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Product Ideas


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Page 13: Fairy Tales Autumn/Winter 15-16

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1. a child believed to have been exchanged by fairies for the parents’ true child

2.(in folklore) an ugly, stupid, or strange child left by fairies in place of a pretty, charming child

3.one given to change

The Trend

12 5303 13 4105 16 4703 19 332317 1614 19 3803


When you’re a changeling, things are never what they seem. In its folkloric sense a changeling is a child who was stolen away by fairies, and replaced with a fairy child. To be a changeling on either end is to be lonely. It is to grow and live in a place that is not your own. There is a great sense of mystery that belongs to the changeling. With a changeling, things are never exactly what they seem. A changeling in the modern senseis one who will never stop evolving.For this season the changeling is the one who is willing to try different things. It will be filled with shimmering fabrics that change from one color to another. It is about things that trick the eye, and take more than one look to fully understand.

The changeling will enjoy the opportunity to finally fully express every part of who they are. It is so they can enjoy every aspect of their being completely true to themselves.

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Fabrics & Fibers


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Prints & Patterns


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Trims & Access9ries


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Product Ideas


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Color Palette

1.a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something

2.Medieval Romance. an adventurous expedition undertaken by a knight or knights to secure or achieve something

3.A journey made in search of something

The hero, or heroine’s quest in search of something is an important aspect of every fairy tale. By the end of the quest, they have undergone an important change in mood, and character. By the end of this season, so will everyone who has partaken in their own personal quest.

The aesthetic of quest is more based on the outdoors, and the things that would be required by the hero on his journey. The quest is the pursuit to obtain, and this particular quest is the pursuit to obtain a new style.

Quest is about earthy tones, with shocks of colors you would see as the sun rises and sets. It is also about the connections you can make along your journey. No quest is complete without meeting new people and making new friends. Quest will inspire you to get out and go on a new journey of your own.

The Trend


16 1454 16 1318 13 4108 17 3812 19 3940 19 5406

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Fabrics & Fibers


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Trims & Access9ries


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Product Ideas


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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1.a question or statement so framed as to exercise one’s ingenuity in answering it or discovering its meaning; conundrum

2.a puzzling question, problem, or matter

3.any enigmatic or dark saying or speech

Riddles, a task set for heroes to solve to be able to move forward with their story. From the sphinx to Cheshire cat, riddles have been intrinsic in fairy tales and folklore alike.

In this season riddles are not meant to confuse, but rather to help one look at themselves in a new way. There is a complexity to riddles, it is something more mature than a simple fairy story. Riddles are for those who love logic and games. People who love riddles love to figure things out and piece things together.

That is exactly what this season is about, the piecing together of different things, until the whole picture comes together before them. There is an air of darkness to riddles. Something sinister is lurking just beneath the surface. That is the value of things that are not known, the mystery of a riddle before it’s solved, it is both uncertain, but beautiful.

The Trend


15 0543 15 0751 19 3920 19 3907 18 1442 18 1048

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Fabrics & Fibers


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Prints & Patterns


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Trims & Access9ries


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Product Ideas


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Color Palette

1.wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; malicious

2.astrology having an evil influence

3.the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred

What is a good fairy tale without a good villain? Malevolence embodies that dark side of fairy tales. It’s the evil queens, wicked witches, and all who wish ill intent. The good side of the bad though, is it isn’t afraid to revel in all its richness.

T hose who are most wicked in beloved stories are those that rule in luxury, hidden away from our hero’s eyes. They are lavish in velvet and jewels, and are simmering within a deep red hatred. These are not the evil queens we want to turn away from though, these are the ones we need to emulate.

Malevolence is a dark strength that we are going to fully embodied this season. Coupling deep dark grays, blacks, and reds, with a healthy dose of emerald green jealousy Malevolence fully embodies dark beauty. Don’t be scared, the dark side of the story is just as beautiful as the light.

The Trend


19 1664 19 1525 19 5414 19 4305 19 5004 18 5105

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Fabrics & Fibers


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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Prints & Patterns


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Trims & Access9ries


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Product Ideas


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Autumn/Winter 15-16


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