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FAISALABAD BOARD-2014 Roll No. ___________________ Time: 30 Minutes Signature of the Candidate: Marks: 20 ___________________________ English (Objective Part) Group-2 Note: Four answers are given against each question in columns A, B, C, D. select right answer and on the separate answer sheet, fill A,B,C or D with pen or marker in front of that question number. Sr# Questions A B C D 1 At every place are shrieks in stock. Laughs Cries ا ن چ ا، رونSmiles ا انHappiness ῝᨞ 2 Now, of my three score years and ten. Eight ٓ اFifty س Sixty ساTwenty 3 Clark: (after a slight pause I’ve left Fay, Harry.) و ╧Warning Speed ر⍾رBreak و╧Thinking 4 Spelding: Whatever the exact quotation is, I stand by the sentiment. ذ چMeaning Attitude روEmotions ت ا ن ذ چOpinino را5 Man: No one can come in. now try to calm yourself. Cover ا ن پ ن ڈAvoid Relax Enjoy ا ن ⺑ ا6 May I even be deprived of a decent burial. Lodging ا ن ذ ○م نFuneral Spying ا ⚮نᶰᆽ Residence 㺥㯶 ر7 I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted. ا ن اوம㍞ Smashed ا ن ر Destroyed ا ہ ⚮ن Degraded ا ا⚮ن رGlorified ا ن ڑ ب8 Let us therefore compel the wretch to dig her rave. شسCoward ڈل ڑ بHero ڈر Rascal شسGentleman ڈٓ ا䀤Ỽ 9 Mr. James was the caretaker of public hall. اEngineer اDesigner ا ڑ ب ڈBuilder ر Keeper ا10 “Because it’s immoral ”, he told her. چ اPainful ڈہNice ⊚ہMoral چ اAmoral چ ا(b) Possible answers are given to each statement. Tick the correct one. (5) Questions Answers 11 What does the play “The Oyster and the Pearl” demonstrate? Faith in the basic goodness of human nature Suffering and poverty of human beings Child labour Simplicity of rural life 12 How many years are required to tell the story of travel? One hundred Two hundred Five hundred Seven hundred 13 What were the names of two nurses who were on duty in the hospital? Nasreen and Jamila Shehnaz and Gill Zakia and Surraya Zahida and Kausar 14 He hit on a most extraordinary ambition, to be appointed: An inspector A magistrate A clerk A court acrobat 15 What did they see on the Martian hills? The old cities Flower beds Steam of fresh water A deep valley (c) Possible answers are given to each statement. Tick the correct one. (5) Questions Answers 16 He --- of age after two years. Come Comes Will come Is coming

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Roll No. ___________________ Time: 30 Minutes Signature of the Candidate: Marks: 20 ___________________________

English (Objective Part) Group-2 Note: Four answers are given against each question in columns A, B, C, D. select right answer and on the separate answer sheet, fill A,B,C or D with pen or marker in front of that question number. Sr# Questions A B C D 1

At every place are shrieks in stock.






ا ، چ الن

ر و ن



رکسما ن




Now, of my three score years and

ten. سیب


ا ھٹ




سا ھٹ




Clark: (after a slight pause I’ve left

Fay, Harry.) و ہفق




ر اتفر


و ہفق




Spelding: Whatever the exact quotation

is, I stand by the sentiment. ہب

چ ذ




ر و ہی



ن ا

چ ذ


ر ا ےئ


Man: No one can come in. now try to

calm yourself.





ن اھ








فطل ا اھٹن


May I even be deprived of a decent

burial. دتنیف



ری وہن

ایقم ن ذ





اج یس رکن


ر اہشئ


I have a dream that one day every

valley shall be exalted. ا

رمہبت ا و اچن وہن







ابتہ رکن



ر ا رکن




ڑب تمظع


Let us therefore compel the wretch to

dig her rave. ش



ڈ ل



اہبڈ ر





رشفی ا ڈ یم


Mr. James was the caretaker of public


رگنا وکس


ا رئنیجن


ا رنئ






رگنا وکس


“Because it’s immoral”, he told her. ریغ


ا چ


فیلکت ڈ ہ





ا چ



ریغ ا چ

(b) Possible answers are given to each statement. Tick the correct one. (5) Questions Answers

11 What does the play “The Oyster and the Pearl” demonstrate?

Faith in the basic goodness of human nature

Suffering and poverty of human beings

Child labour Simplicity of rural life


How many years are required to tell the story of travel?

One hundred Two hundred Five hundred

Seven hundred


What were the names of two nurses who were on duty in the hospital?

Nasreen and Jamila

Shehnaz and Gill

Zakia and Surraya

Zahida and Kausar


He hit on a most extraordinary ambition, to be appointed:

An inspector A magistrate A clerk A court acrobat

15 What did they see on the Martian hills?

The old cities Flower beds Steam of fresh water

A deep valley

(c) Possible answers are given to each statement. Tick the correct one. (5) Questions Answers

16 He --- of age after two years. Come Comes Will come Is coming

17 I ----- you for a long time. Do not see Did not see Have not seen

Has not been seeing

18 They ----- here a month before. Come Comes Came Coming 19 She ---- done her work

satisfactorily. Do Done Had Doing

20 When he saw me, I ---- to college.

Went Was going Would go Had gone

English Subjective Part Group – 2 Section ( A)

Question from Book - 1

1. Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?

ےک ےجہل ا و ر ر و ےی وک اجر احہن

ا ر ہم ےن ویٹسر ڈ

ا وخوگشا ر )ن

ویکوکس ایخل ایک؟ ( ن

Answer: Norma considered his tone offensive because she did not want to attend anybody. But, he insisted on meeting her. Moreover, he was an unbidden guest.

ن ذ ہی و ہ ا ن : ا

م ا ر ہم ےن ا ر و ےی وک اجر احہن ایخل ایک ویکویک و ہ اچ یھت و ہ ر اہیھت

اھت یھت الن ا ن


2. What did they want to grow? ا ےتہ ےھت؟ : ا ل

و ہ ایک ا اگن

Answer: They wanted to grow peach trees, onions and other vegetables on the Mars but these things grew in

odd manner. ںیم ا ںیگیھت : ا

ا ےتہ ےھت ہی زیچںی تہب بیجع ا دنا ر

ا و ر ڈ و رسی زبسن ا وکس ا اگن

، ایپر



و ےک ڈ ر خ

و ہ رمخی ا ر

3. What was the reaction of the woman when the boy tried to snatch her purse?

ے یک وکشش یک؟: ا ل


پ ھن چ

اک ایک ر ڈ لمع اھت خ ت ڑلےک ےن ا اکس س



Answer: The woman kicked right him square in his jeans. Then, she picked the boy up by his shirt front and

ordered him to pick up her purse. امر ییھت رھپ ا س ےن ڑلےک وک ا اکرل ڑکپا ا و ر ا مکح ڈ ن ا و ہ ا اکس س ا اھٹےئیھت : ا


ھ ال

ن پ ٹ ےن ا یکس



4. What was the view point of the parents of Gorgios? س ےک و ا دلنی اک : ا ل پ

ن خ

ایک ہطقن رظن اھت؟اگر

Answer: Gorgios thought that only determination was required to gain success. While his parents thought that both determination and opportunity were required for success.

س اتچ اھت رصف ہتخپ ا ر ا ڈ ہ یہ دصقم وک ن ا ےن ےک ےئل رضو ر ی اھت ہکبج ا و ا دلنی ایخل رکےت ےھت ہتخپ ا ر ا ڈ ہ ا و ر ومعق ڈ و : ا پ

ن خ

ونوکس یہ اکایمیب ےک ےئل رضو ر ی ےھتیھت اگر

5. Why did the Qazi issue the decree to shed the blood of a boy? ایک؟

اہبےن اک ا عالوکس

اقیض ےن ویکوکس ا ن ےچب اک وخوکس

Answer: The Qazi issued the decree to shed the blood of a boy because he wanted to get his bile for the health of the king.

6. Why are the locusts compared with bad weather? ڑ ے وممس اقمہلب ویکوکس ایک ایگ ےہ؟: ا ل ب ڑکمویوکس اک

Answer: Both locusts and bad weather destroy the crops. Like bad weather, they also come suddenly at any

moment. ی : ا


ا ےت ںیہیھتوممس ا و ر ن

ڈ ل ڈ و ونوکس یہ ولصفوکس وک ابتہ رک ڈ ےتی ںیہیھت رخا وممس یک رطوس و ہ یھب ےحمل ا ن

7. What should be the criterion of judgment for a person? ا ےئہ؟ صخش یک ھک اک ایعمر ایک :

ا ل ربمن6 وہن

Answer: The criterion of judgment of a person should be his character not the colour of his skin. It should be his

ability not his connections. یھتا ن صخش یک ھک اک ایعمر ا اکس رکڈ ا ر : ا


ا ےہ ہن ا یکس ر تگنیھت ہی ا یکس اقتیلب وہین ےہہن ا اقلعت


8. Why did the people come out on the Mall? ر ویکوکس ا ےئ؟ ہ ولگ امل ن ا

Answer: It was the intense cold that forced the people to come out on the Mall to walk actively so that they might keep themselves warm by walking.

ا و ہ لچ رھپ رک ا ےنپ ا وک رگم ر ھک ںیکسیھت : ا


ہی تخس رسڈ ی سج ےن ولوگوکس وک یتسچ ےنلچ ےک ےئل امل ا ےن ےک ےئل وبجمر ایک ن

9. Why didn't Jim welcome Della when he stepped in? ت مج ا ن ا وت ا س ےن ن ال اکخ

ا ابقتسل ویکوکس ہن ایک؟ڈ

Answer: When he stepped in, he saw Della without her beautiful hair. He did not welcome her because he had bought beautiful combs for her hair.

ن ا ولوکس : ا


ن ال وک ا وخوصبر

ایھگنکوکس رخن ذ ی ںیھتیھت خ ت و ہ ا دنر ڈ ا لخ وہا وت ا س ےن ڈ


ا دمن ذ ہن اہک ویکویک ا س ےن ا ن ا ولوکس ےک ےئل وخوصبر


ےک ریغب ڈ اھکییھت ا س ےن ا وخس

3. Short Questions (Plays)

1. What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car? ےن وبجمر ایک؟

ےھت وہنجوکس ےن ا ا یکس اکر وھچر


و ہ وکےسن احال

Answer: These reasons are following. First, her car ran short of gas. Secondly, she was being chased by the killer.

لی ںیہیھت ا ن وت ہی ا س یک: ا


ڈ ر وس


ل ا اکس اھچیپ رک ر اہ اھتیھت ہی و اہ


ن اکر ںیم سیگ یک یمک وہ یئگ یھت ڈ و رسا ا ن اق

2. What was the condition of the girl when she entered the bus station? خ ت و ہ سب اٹس ںیم ڈ ا لخ وہیئ؟: ا ل


تل ڑلیک یک ایک اح

Answer: When the girl entered the bus station, she was in a very bad condition. She was sobbing.

ںیم یھت و ہ ایکسسوکس ےل ر یہ یھت : ا


تلڑ ی احب خ ت و ہ سب اٹس ںیم ڈ ا لخ وہیئ وت و ہ تہب

3. How much advance is the civilization of Kreton than that of the earth? ںیم یک ذہتبی سک دقر رتیق ن ا ہتف ےہ؟

یک ذہتبی ر


ن پ


Answer: Kreton tells that the people of earth are backward in science and technology. While, the people of his planet have knowledge about this universe.

ےک قلعتم: ا


نیم ےک ولگ سا سنیئ ا و ر انکیٹولیج ںیم امسپدنہ ںیہیھت ہکبج ا ایسر ے ےک ولگ ا س اکانئ

ا ےہ ر


نیم ےک ولوگوکس وک اتبن



ن پ

ملع ر ےتھک ںیہیھت رک

4. What is the theme of study of Kreton? ےک اطمہعل اک ایک دصقم ےہ؟


ن پ


Answer: His aim is to study the inhabitants of the earth and the progress in science and technology made by them. This is

his favourite theme of study. ا ےہیھت ہی ا اکس دنسپن ذ ہ ہلغشم ےہیھت : ا

ی ولوگوکس ےن رتیق یک ا اکس اطمہعل رکن

مپ ٹ

ا اکس دصقم ولوگوکس اک ا و ر سا سنیئ ا و ر انکیٹولیج ںیم ر

5. Who is Roger Spelding? ےہ؟

گ وکوکس


ن لذسپ ر ا رج

Answer: Roger Spelding is a T.V announcer. He broadcasts from his own form house. In his broadcast, Roger Spelding says that the flying object is actually a meteor. It is not a secret weapon.

رتشطی ا لص ںیم ا ن اہش: ا


ںیم و ہ اتہک ےہ ا ر


ا ےہیھت ا ینپ رشنن ا




ا و رسن ےہیھت و ہ ا ےنپ افر م اہو س رشنن ا

گ ا ن یٹ و ی ا ن


ن لذسپت ےہیھت ہی ا ن ہیفخ ایھتہر ےہیھت ر ا رج




6. What are the main interests of the children of the town O.K. Bye the Sea? ا و ےکیھتن ا یئ ڈ ا یھتیس ےک وچبوکس یک ا مہ ڈ ایپسچلوکس ایک ںیہ؟: ا ل

Answer: The children of the town are dull, naughty and careless. They have no interest in studies rather they are

interested in games. نہ، رشا ر یت : ا

ا و ر ال و ا ہ ںیہیھت ا یکن ڑپاھیئ ںیم وکیئ ڈ یپسچل ہکلب و ہ ولیھکوکس ںیم ڈ یپسچل ر ےتھک ںیہیھتےبصق ےک ےچب دنک ر

7. Who is Miss McCutcheon? ےہ


و وکسچ نک

؟سم کم

Answer: She is a school teacher. She considers her job boring because she wants to teach intelligent students. However, the children of the town are dull and naughty.

ا مہ ےبصق ےک ےچب دنک و ہ : ا


ا اچ ےہیھت ن

ت وملعوکس وک ڑپاھنل نیہ طا

نہ ا و ر رشا ر یت ںیہیھتا ن ل رچیٹ ےہیھت و ہ ا ےنپ اکم وک ا اتک ڈ ےنی و ا ال یتھجمس ےہ ویکویک و ہ ر


4. Short Questions (Poems)

1. How does the poet feel when he hears the rain falling on the leaves? ا ےہ؟



وک رگےت وہےئ سپ


ت و ہ وتپوکس ن ا ر سا رع وک اسیک اتگل ےہ خ



Answer: When the upper leaves trickle down water to the lower leaves, they create noise. The poet is greatly impressed to

hear this sweet noise. ا ےہیھتخ ت ا و یک حطس و ا ےل ےتپ ن ا ین: ا


وک نس رک تہب اتمرث وہن

ا رع ا س یھٹیم ا و ا ر


وک ےچین و ا ےل وتپوکس یک رطف ےتجیھب ںیہ وت و ہ وشر دیپا رکےت ںیہیھت س

2. How cherry has been personified? م وس افینیئ ایک ایگ ےہ؟: ا لسطک

ریچی وک

Answer: The poet has personified cherry as if it were his beloved. The way the poet loves his beloved, in the same the poet loves cherry.

ا ےہ ا یس رطوس و ہ ریچی تبحم: ا


ا رع ا ینپ وبحمہب تبحم رکن


م وس سسطخ

ے و ہ ا یکس وبحمہب وہیھت س



ا رع ےن ریچی وک ا ےسی افینیئ ایک ےہ


ا ےہیھت س



3. What does the title of the poem signify? (O where are you going?) ےہ؟


سک زیچ یک عالمت

مظن اک ونعا وکس

Answer: The title of the poem signifies the importance of struggle in life. A man, who remains determined,

always succeeds in his life. دنیگ ںیم اکایم ر اتہ ےہیھت: ا

ےہیھت ا ن ا ڈ یم زعم ر اتہ ےہ ہشیمہ ر


دنیگ ںیم وکشش یک ا تیمہ یک عالمت


مظن اک ونعا وکس

4. Who shared the moans and lessened the groans of the people of two cities?

ا ر ی ا و ر اممت وک سک ےن ن ا اٹن اھت ن ا مک ایک اھت؟ : ا ل

ڈ و ونوکس رہشو وکس ےک ولوگوکس ےک رگہی ر

Answer: The destruction which the two cities faced was faced by these people alone. None came to help them.

ولوگوکس ےن: ا

ڈ و وکسو وکس رہشو وکس ےن ایک اھت ا وکس

اہنت یہ ا اکس سا انم ایک اھتیھت ا یکن دمڈ ےک ےئل وکیئ ا ن ا اھتیھت و ہ ابتیہ اکسج سا انم ا وکس

5. Without whose love is Bullah in loss? ںیم ےہ؟

ھا اصقنوکس

ن ل

سک یک تبحم ےک ریغب

Answer: Without God’s love, Bullah is in loss. After his friend’s death, Bullah is ready to leave this world but soon God’s love overpowers him and he becomes satisfied to think that God is with him.

ھا ا س ڈ این وک: ا

ن ل

ےک دعب


یک وم


ںیم ےہیھت ا ےنپ ڈ و ست

ھا اصقنوکس

ن ل

ذ ا یک تبحم ےک ریغب

ذ ا ا سا ھت چ

ا ےہ چ


رک نئمطم وہ اجن

ت ا اجیت ےہ ا و ر و ہ ہی وسلذ ا یک تبحم ا س اغ

ےن ےک ےئل ایتر ےہیھت چ



6. Why is the soul of Europe empty of concord? وکس ےہ؟ویر یک ر و وس مہ ا یگنہ اخیل ویک: ا ل

Answer: The soul of Europe is empty of concord because it has no unifying source. On the other hand, the Muslims have Mecca which is a symbol of harmony.

ر ہعی ےہیھت ہکبج ڈ و رسی رطف املسمونوکس ےک ن ا س مکہ ےہ مہ : ا

ےہیھت ویر یک ر و وس مہ ا یگنہ اخیل ےہ ویکویک ا ںیمس دحتم رکےن و ا ال وکیئ ر


ا یگنہ یک عالمت

SECTION-2 Q. 5. Write a letter to your younger brother to inquire about his new school. OR Write an application to the principal for the change of subjects.


The Principal,

Government College,

(City) A.B.C.

Subject: Request for the Change of Subjects


Most respectfully, I beg leave to state that I am one of the First Year students of your college. On

the advice of my parents, I took up Biology, Chemistry and Physics. But after two months, I have

realized that the subject of Biology is not up to my taste. I tried to comprehend it but failed badly.

Now, I have convinced my parents to let me choose Mathematics because I want to become an

engineer in future. My parents have also acceded to my request.

I request you to let me choose Mathematics instead of Biology. I shall be very thankful to you for

this favour because your favour can surely save my career.

Yours obediently,


Q. 6. Write a story on the moral: “Pride hath a fall” OR “Union is strength.”


Story telling is as old as man. It has been one of the greatest sources of preaching moral values

because every story is written with some moral purpose. All the prophets, the saints, religious scholars and

teachers have been adopting it as a source of preaching any kind of morality. If one follows the lesson

preached in the story, one can avoid many perils and problems. The story “A Foolish Stag” also gives us a

sublime moral lesson.

Once, a stag felt thirsty. He went to a nearby stream. When he began to drink water, he saw his

reflection in the clear running water. He was delighted to see the beauty of his horns. But when he saw

his legs, he became displeased. He began to curse his legs. When he was lost in his thoughts, he saw

some hounds coming towards him. He was terrified. He began to run to save his life. His legs were of

great help to him and he reached a jungle. But in the jungle, his horns were caught in the thick bushes.

He tried to free himself but all in vain. In the meantime, the hounds reached there. At this moment, he

thought that he was in the wrong. They caught the stag and tore him into pieces. His horns of which he

was so proud became the cause of his death. We learn from the story, “Pride hath a fall.”


ا اہکین انسن

ر اہکین یسک االخیق ن ا ایبن رکن ان۔ ہی االخیق ادقار یک غیلبت رکےن واےل میظع زراعئ ںیم ےس ای زرہعی ےہ ویکہکن ہ

ا ےہ انتج ہک ان

دصقم ےک تحت یھکل اجیت ےہ۔ امت م ربمغیپ، اوایلء، اانت یہ رپان

ذہ یسک یھب مسق یک االخایقت یک غیلبت ےئلیک اےس ای زرہعی ےک وط

ر رپ اامعتسل رکےت رےہ ںیہ۔ ارگ وکیئ صخش اہکین ںیم ایبن ےئک ےئگ قبس یک ریپوی رک اتیل ےہ وت وہ تہب ےس اسملئ اور ذمیبہ رامنہ، اور ااست

ای ںیمہ یھب" ویبوقف ن ارہ اھگنسای " اہکین رطخات ےس چب اتکس ےہ۔


ے وک ایپس یگلیھت و االخیق قبس دیتی ےہ۔ العھگ


رک ےہ ا ن ن ا ر ہ

م یبی دنی ایگیھت خ ت ا س ےن ن ا ین ا ن ڈ ہعف اک رقہ ا ن

ے وہےئ ن ا ین ںیم ا انپ سکع ڈ اھکییھت و ہ ا ےنپ


ب ہن

وہا یھت ا س ےن وگنیسوکس یک وخوصبر یت انیپ رشو ع ایک وت ا س ےن اصف


ا وخس

ا ںیگن ڈ ںیھکی وت و ہ تہب ن

وہا یھت خ ت ا س ےن ا ینپ ن


ڈ ھکی رک تہب وخس

ا رشو ع رک ڈ ن ا یھت خ ت و ہ ا

ا وگنوکس وک نعل نعط رکن

ا ا ینپ ن


اچبےن ےک ےئل ا س ےن ڈ و ر

ینپ وچوکس ںیم مگ اھت وت ا س ےن ھچک اکشر ی وتکوکس وک ا ینپ رطف ا ےت وہےئ ڈ اھکییھت و ہ وخزفڈ ہ وہ ایگیھت ا ینپ اجوکس

ی اھج


ےن ںیم ا ےئل تہب دمڈ اگر وہںیئ ا و ر و ہ ا ن لگنج چنہپ ایگیھت لگنج ںیم ا گنیس

ا ںیگن ا س ےک ڈ و ر

ویوکس ںیمرشو ع رک ڈ ن ا یھت ا یکس ن

ا ڈ ر

سنھپ ےئگیھت ا س ےن ا ےنپ ا وک ا ر

و وکس ےن ن ا ر ہ گنسہ

ب اکشر ی ےتک و اہوکس چنہپ ےئگیھت ا س ےحمل ا س ےن و ہ یطلغ اھتیھت ا

ےھ وک ڑکپا ا و ر ا ڑکٹے رک ڈ ےئیھت ا س ےک گنیس رکا ےن یک وکشش یک ن ا لکل ےباکر یھت ا یس ڈ و ر ا وکس



اک ن ا عت


" رغو ر اک رس اچینیھت" مہ ےتھکیس ںیہ اہکین نج ا تہب رخف اھت ا یکس وم

MORAL: 1. All that glitters is not gold. ا وہیت

ر یتکمچ زیچ ن 1. ۔ ہ

2. Appearances are often deceptive. ا ےہ


م بی وہنفر


کث ر ا ہا

۔ ط .2

3. Pride hath a fall. ا ےہیھت


3. رغو ر اک رس اچین وہن

4. Do not find fault with the ways of nature. . اکنول


ےک اکوموکس ںیم صقن مت






Story telling is as old as man. It has been one of the greatest sources of preaching moral values

because every story is written with some moral purpose. All the prophets, the saints, religious scholars

and teachers have been adopting it as a source of preaching any kind of morality. If one follows the

lesson preached in the story, one can avoid many perils and problems. The story “A Farmer and His sons”

also gives us a sublime moral lesson.

Once there was an old farmer. He had three sons. They always quarreled among themselves. The farmer

was much worried. He wanted to see unity among his sons before his death. One day, he sent for his sons.

He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them to break it. His sons tried their best to break the sticks but

failed. The farmer laughed at their efforts. Then, he untied the bundle of sticks and asked his sons to break

the sticks. This time, they broke the sticks easily. It was a great time for the farmer to advise his sons. He

said to his sons that the sticks were strong when they were tied together but they were breakable when they

were separated. His advice had a great effect on his sons. After this, they never quarreled. The farmer also

recovered his health. We learn from the story, “Union is strength.”


ا اہکین انسن

ر اہکین یسک االخیقن ا ایبن رکن ان۔ ہی االخیق ادقار یک غیلبت رکےن واےل میظع زراعئ ںیم ےس ای زرہعی ےہ ویکہکن ہ

ا ےہ انتج ہک ان

دصقم ےک تحت یھکل اجیت ےہ۔ امت م ربمغیپ، اوایلء، اانت یہ رپان

ذہ یسک یھب مسق یک االخایقت یک غیلبت ےئلیک اےس ای زرہعی ےک وط

ر رپ اامعتسل رکےت رےہ ںیہ۔ ارگ وکیئ صخش اہکین ںیم ایبن ےئک ےئگ قبس یک ریپوی رک اتیل ےہ وت وہ تہب ےس اسملئ اور ذمیبہ رامنہ، اور ااست

ای ںیمہ یھب" ای اسکن اور اےکس نیت ےٹیب " اہکین ےہ۔رطخات ےس چب اتکس


اھتیھت ا س االخیق قبس دیتی ےہ۔ الع

اھ اسکوکس

رک ےہ ا ن وبر

ےک نیت ےٹیب ےھتیھت و ہ ا سپ ںیم ڑلےت ا ن ڈ ہعف اک ر

اھتیھت و ہ ا ےنپ وٹیب

تہب اشیوکس

ےن ےک وکس ںیم ا افتق ڈ انھکی اتہ اھتڑگھجےت ر ےتہ ےھتیھت اسکوکس

ال اجیھبیھت ا س ےن ا ڑکلویوکس اک ا ن اھٹگ ڈ ن ا یھت ا س ےن ا ا وتر ا س ےن ا ےنپ وٹیبوکس وک ن

ا ن ڈ وکس

ےن یک ا

ےن ےک ےئلےئل اہکیھت ا وٹیبوکس ےن ا وتر

ا وتر

ا یکن وکوششوکس اسنہیھت رھپ ا س ےن ڑکلویوکس اک اھٹگ وھکال ا و ر ا ےنپ وٹیبوکس

ا اکم وہ ےئگیھت اسکوکس

اہکیھت ا س ن ا ر ینپ وپر ی وکشش یک ن


ےک ن ا س ہی ا ن ا اھچ ومعق اھتیھت ا س ےن ا وکس

ڈ ن ا یھت ا ےنپ وٹیبوکس وک تحیصن رکےن ےک ےئل اسکوکس

و وکس ےن ڑکلویوکس وک ا سا ین وترہ

ب ڑکلن ا وکس تہب وبضمط ںیھت خ ت و ہ ا یھٹک دنبیھ وہںیئ ا

ل ںیھتیھت ا یکس تحیصن ےن ا وٹیبوکس تہب ا رث ایکیھت ا ےک دعب و ہ یھبک یھب ا سپ ںیم ہن ڑلن ےن ےک اق

یک یھب تحص احبل وہ یئگیھتںیھت رگم خ ت و ہ دحیلعہ ںیھت وت وتر

مہ اہکین ےتھکیس ےیھت اسکوکس

ڑ تک ےہ" ںیہ ب " یھت ا افتق ںیم

MORAL: 1. Union is strength. ڑ تک ب 1. ےہیھتا افتق ںیم

2. United you stand, divided you fall. مہ دحتم ںیہ مہ ڑھکے


اجںیئ ےگ (وہزمکو ر ) ںیہ ا رگ مہ دحتم وت مہ رگ(وبضمط) خ ت ن

7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context. Since to look at things in bloom Fifty springs are little room, About the woodland I will go To see the cherry hung with snow.

Answer: REFERENCE: These lines have been taken from “Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now.” It is written by A.E. Houseman. CONTEXT: In this poem, the poet praises the beauty of cherry tree. He starts to love it at age of twenty and regrets that remaining years are not enough to enjoy its beauty.

ا ےہیھت :رتہمج


یک وخوصبر یت یک رعتفی رکن



ا رع ریچی ےک ڈ ر خ


ا ےہ ا س مظن ںیم س


ا ےہ ا و ر ا وسفس رکن


ا رشو ع رکن

ن ا یق ےک اچپس سا ل ریچی یک وخوصبر یت فطل و ہ سیب سا ل یک رمع ںیم ریچی تبحم رکن

ا اھٹےن ےک ےئل اکیف ںیہیھت

EXPLANATION: In these lines, the poet shows his love for the cherry tree. He regrets that life is too short to enjoy its beauty. He has spent first twenty years of his life without enjoying the beauty of this tree. Coming 50 years are not enough to enjoy the beauty of cherry tree. He wants to go to the forest to have a look at it covered with snow. This is the only thing which can alleviate his sense of loss of 20 years.

دنیگ ا یکس ینعی ریچی یک وخوصبر یت فطل ا : رتہمج

ا ےہ ہی ر


ا ےہیھت و ہ ا وسفس رکن


ا رع ریچی ےک ےئل ا ینپ تبحم اک ا اہظر رکن


الونئوکس ںیم س

ےہیھت و ہ اتہک ےہ ا س ےن ےلہپ اھٹےن ےک ےئل تہب رصتخما وکس

یک وخوصبر یت فطل ا اھٹے ریغب زگا ر ڈ ےی ںیہیھت ا ےن و ا ےلاچپس سا ل ریچی یک وخوصبر یت فطل ا اھٹےن ےک ےئل اکیف



م ڈ ےنھکی سیب سا ل ا س ڈ ر خط

ن ےکھ وہےئ ا ن

ڑ ف ڈب ںیہیھت و ہ ا

ا اتہ ےہیھت یہی و ہ و ا دح زیچ ےہ

ےک ا اسحس ںیم یمک رک یتکس ےہیھت ےک ےئل لگنج یک رطف اجن

ا سیب سا ل ےک اصقنوکس

(b) Punctaute the following extract from Book-1. are you sura laura asked the father quietly laura wept we re stranded on the mars forever and ever Answer: “Are you sure, Laura?” asked the father quietly. Laura wept. We’re stranded on the Mars, forever and ever.” (C) Use any five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own. (5) 1 Accept


ایلیھت .He accepted my advice وبقل رکن

ا س ےن ریمی تحیصن وک اموکس

Except یلع ےک عالو ہ ست وم ڈ ےھتیھت .All were present except Ali ا ےئ

2 Cattle و وکس ںیم رچ ر ےہ ںیہ .The cattle are grazing in the fields ومیشی





Kettle و ہ ڈ یچگی ںیم ڈ و ڈ ھ ا ن ا ل ر یہ ےہ .She is boiling milk in the kettle ڈ یچگی

3 Gaol ا لیج ںیم ر اھک ایگیھت .He was kept in gaol لیج

Goal .Industrial progress is our main goal دصقم یتعنص رتیق امہر ا ا مہ دصقم ےہیھت

4 Liar ا

ا ےہیھت .He is a liar وھجن

و ہ ا ن وھجن

Lawyer ریما ن ا ا ن و لیک ےہیھت .My father is a lawyer و لیک

5 Moral الیق

الیق قبس ایک ےہ؟ ?What is the moral lesson of the poem ا چ

مظن اک ا چ



.The morale of our cricket team is very high رجا امہر ی رکٹک میٹ اک ومر ا ل تہب ا و اچن ےہیھت

6 Soar ا

.Our country is soaring economically ا و اچن وہن دنلب وہ ر اہ ےہیھت

امہر ا کلم دبیش احلط

Sour .The grapes are sour اٹھک ی

ے ںیہیھت اہھت ہن ےچنہپ وھت وکر


۔ا وگنر

7 Yoke ا ےہیھت .The yoke is made of wood ا ا


ا ڑکلی اک انب وہن

Yolk ر ڈ ی

ے یک ڈ


ر ڈ ی اھکےن اک وشنیق ےہیھت .He is fond of eating yolk ا ن

ے یک ر


و ہ ا ن

8. Translate the following passage into Urdu. (15)

The diners discussed the crops and the weather which was favourable for the green things but not for wheat. Suddenly, at the sound of drum beat in the court everybody rose from the seats except a few ones who still had the food in their hands. After the drum beat had ceased, the drum beater called out to the people who were now attentive and impatiently waiting for him to call out the public announcement.

و وکس اھتہکبج دنگم ےک

ےن ولصفوکس ا و ر وممس ابتڈ ہل ایخل ایک زبسویوکس ےک ےئل ومر


ا اھکےن و ا ےل رضحا

ےکسا ھت یہ ولگ ا ینپ وتسشنوکس ا ھٹ ڑھکے اھکن

وھل ےنجب یک ا و ا ر

نحص ںیم ڈ

و وکس اھتیھت ا ن

ےئل ومر

عذ ڈ وھل اجبےن و ا ےل ےن ولوگوکس وک اکپر رک وتمہج ایک نکپا اھتیھت ڈ وھل اجبےن

دنچ ولوگوکس ےک ےکنج اھھت ںیم ا یھب اھکن

اک ا اظتن ا وتمہج ےھت ا و ر ےب ربصی ا یکس رطف وہےئ ا ےئ ا وکس

اعم ا عالوکس