faith that endures persecution

Faith that Endures – Enduring Persecution Dr. Robert Patton

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Faith that Endures – Enduring Persecution

Dr. Robert Patton

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Martyrdom is not the norm

Persecution is normal in believers About 0.8% are martyred The Bible is written to the

persecuted to strengthen other persecuted

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What martyrdom does! It reveals the reality of persecution

and the power and danger of the gospel

It inspires us to see that the gospel is worth dying for & wakes us up – Example of Stephen in Acts 6-7

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Why kill the martyr? They “rescue their god” Lies Sometimes jealousy of the

martyr’s influence The martyr is often

uncompromising Demonic hatred against Christ05/03/23 Les 1 Santa Jejej 4

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Who kills the martyrs? Often violent men with a low view

of the value of human life

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Martyrs Inspire a closer walk with God See the grandeur of the Christian

life However, God sometimes spared

the prophets so that they could continue their ministry – such as Jeremiah

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Persecution comes slowly Rarely persecution comes like we

expect Often we don’t see it coming We are partially responsible for its

appearance. Evil triumphs because moderates do nothing

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Five steps in persecution

Vacuum – Extremists move into the area when moderates fail

Villain – in India, the Christians. So the BJP decided on one god, Ram, one book, the Bhagavad-Gita, and one philosophy – Hindutva (India only for the Hindus) 70% of Hindus are lower class, and they worried about them rejecting caste – so must stay in caste

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Five steps in persecution

The lies – the more brazen, the better Timing is important

A mob – usually carefully orchestrated, not spontaneous. They accused the Christians of forced conversions and disturbing community harmony, and got support of police

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Five steps in persecution

The megaphone – make the lie loud enough and often enough to drowned out any other voice

Rewriting school books with lies

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What is good about persecution? The church is doing something right.

In India, they were reaching the lower castes who were no longer willing to prop up the Hindu house built on them. And the church is 70% Dalits

Hinduism is based on purity, and the lower castes are “impure”. You must stay in your caste for salvation

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What is good about persecution? Persecution serves the cause of

the gospel More acceptable to speak about

religion Some are turned off by the extremists

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Types of persecution Persecution from ideology

Can’t usually hide from it Claims to be the only truth

When reinforced by government – totalitarian state

Much less true today than in 1955

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Types of persecution Persecution from government

Fear of loss of power by a totalitarian government

Fear when large groups assemble without government permission. They cannot stand independent groups

The state claims to be able to control all aspects of life – this is where the clash occurs

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Types of persecution Persecution from family

Disownment from the family Beatings from the family, especially the


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Types of persecution Persecution from the culture

Punishment of the local community by evil spirits because they are ignored by a Christian

Thus the culture persecutes

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Types of persecution Persecution from the church –

often by jealous individuals who use the state to get rid of competition

Persecution by corrupt individuals – to make money from bribes to release them

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Types of persecution Persecution from over boldness –

like tract bombing May end up causing problems for

the regular Christians living in the area

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Human Rights under article 18 To believe your religion – profess

a religion of your choice or even not profess a religion

To practice your religion – cannot be limited to just a state approved religion

To spread your religion

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Human Rights under article 18 To believe your religion – profess

a religion of your choice or even not profess a religion

To practice your religion – cannot be limited to just a state approved religion

To spread your religion

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Human Rights under Article 18

The individual has the right of changing the religion – no Muslim country has agreed to this

The individual has the right to transmit their religion to their family

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Problem with human rights Should be based on Christian

principles, but now becoming secular and relative

False assumptions Governments do the persecution Changing laws will reduce persecution All forms of persecution can be

eradicated05/03/23 22

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The Christian life involves

Dependence on others Powerlessness Uncertain future Being pursued

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Christians pursued They do not pursue us but Christ Persecution is universal – world,

flesh, and the devil

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Who pursues and persecutes? Rulers – lots of power Priests – most likely and jealous of

loss of power Merchants- interfering with profits Mobs – to do the work of others Family – often extended family

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Why does persecution occur? We are identified with Christ The world is against Christ; thus it

is against us All Christians can experience some

sort of persecution from at least one of the five sources listed above

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Why the world hates Jesus Light in darkness reveals the self-centered

worship of self rather than Christ Light came into the world, and men loved

darkness rather than light They persecute Jesus because they FEAR

the light Persecution comes when we confess Christ

with our lips or life05/03/23 1 Santa Jejej 27

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Satan causes persecution It may be direct demonic attack More often, Satan uses an

intermediary, who may not realize he is being used – a ruler, priest, family member, thug, wealthy person

Powers are human institutions which enslave rather than free

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Definition Persecution is the suffering or pressure ,

mental, moral, or physical which authorities or individuals or crows inflict on others, especially for opinions or beliefs, with a view to their subjection by recantation, silencing, or, as a last resort, execution.

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Practices of persecution Hate Exclusion Insult Rejection

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Broad definition Christian persecution is any

hostility experienced from the world, as a result of one’s identification with Christ. This can include hostile feelings, attitudes, words, and actions

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The New Testament calls a wide range of actions persecutions

Persecution should be the universal experience of all Christians

Persecution is a consequence of a spiritual battle

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Principles The history of the church has

considered persecution universal Still people under severe

persecution need our help We need a broad definition to be

able to address some of the causes of persecution.

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Major sources of persecution Religious nationalism

Governments us religion to establish identity and legitimacy

Often priests will join in – Hinduism in India, Buddhism in Sri Lanka, etc.

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Islamic extremism Saudi money & Wahabism Boost from Western training &

weapons to fight against Russia Disgust with secularism

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Islamic extremism Governmental persecution as

policy – Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Maldives

Communal violence flamed by Islamic clerics

Direct attack by militants

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Islam – no theology of defeat

The victory of the west is an affront to the glory of Allah and must be stopped and Allah vindicated

In Islam, defeat = disgrace. Thus Jesus could not have died on the cross

But more Muslims are persecuted by Muslim extremists than by Christians

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Totalitarian governments Actually FEAR Christians because

they will not be dominated All who will not be dominated are

enemies of the state

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Secular intolerance The idea that all religions are

basically equal is really the imposition of secular humanistic philosophy on the believer.

It is intellectual arrogance, and unwillingness to accept the FACTS of Christianity – but look at them as prejudices

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Secular intolerance Religion is private, and not to

come into the public sphere, which is to be run on secular values

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Latin America – sources of persecution Caciques – local thugs Revolutionaries Religious extremists Paramilitary groups (often under

drug lords) Governments Witches & Satanists05/03/23 Les 1 Santa Jejej 41

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Middle East Dramatic drop from 15% to 4%

Christian due to Population pyramid Exodus from persecution

Islam was shamed by losses during World War I

Now they want to capture the glory again

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Persecution middle east Where Shari’a law reigns – no

churches, Christians are persecuted/hunted

Liberalism – Still illegal to convert from Islam Some toleration, but conversions may

trigger violent reactions

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Persecution middle east Extremism

Honor killings Blasphemy laws – imprisoned by simply a report

of it occurring mandating death for apostacy Frequent mob violence

Secular states – most tolerant – Turkey & Indonesia. Usually ostracism rather than killing for conversion

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Pakistan Extremists use blasphemy law, and

even trying to change it is dangerous

Christians persecuted as an excuse

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Saudi Arabia Extreme Wahabism No worship of any type except

Islam in Arabia They export these by building

mosques and staffing them with extremist leaders

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Africa War – especially between the

Islamic north and Christian south Some Islamic nations feel

compelled to make them an Islamic state

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Nigeria Although Shari’a law has been

declared unconstitutional, it has been implemented in the north, with great problems

More martyrs than virtually any other country in the world

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Eritria More pastors than virtually any other

country Held in metal containers without charges Many have died Marxist government – originally allowed

Orthodox, Lutheran & Catholics but not evangelicals

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Asia – Hindu zone (India & Nepal) Much persecution – Hindus fear

that many Dalits and Sudras will convert and undermine their system

Some atrocities – more like refusing them to use wells – some starved because they could not work & get water too

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Asia – Communists – China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea North Korea – like a Stalinist state

with draconian punishment China – some dissidents punished,

but not as much as formerly Vietnam – Christian community

growing; 4x Catholics vs. protestants

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China Most house churches 50-70 members;

otherwise forced to join the state church Government suspicious of anything that is

not registered and under control Vietnam – more persecution for the

evangelicals Laos – mostly Khmu tribe are believers

and are persecuted05/03/23 Les 1 Santa Jejej 52

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Muslim zone- Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia Indonesia has problems but is

officially not a Muslim-only country. Some violence has been experienced

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Crises in China with the church

Political legitimacy – Communists parrot communism but push economic reforms

Social instability – jobs making many migrants

Discipleship crisis – not enough to properly disciple new converts

Social needs will increase with pressure on the churches to help

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Sri Lanka Radical Buddhist monks organized –

they were losing power and money They used lies, intimidation, mobs,

media, and even murder Many church buildings were

destroyed, but the church continues to grow

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Europe Secularization is partially a result of

reacting against the religious wars between Catholics and Protestants, and also some with Orthodox

Some escaped to the USA – Pilgrims also did some persecution. Two did not William Penn, Quacker Roger Williams, Baptist

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Two problems in the West Religion is privatized and thus

excluded from the public sphere

Religion is relativized – a matter of taste – as part of the human rights revolution

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Persecution in the west Anti-minority churches Anti-Christian elites Anti-absolutes culture

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Anti-minority churches Primarily Roman Catholic and

Orthodox churches Russia – no church which is less than

15 years in Russia can continue

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Anti-Christian elites Secular elites against Christians Avid “gay” activists We see attacks against various

small businesses -

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Anti-absolute culture lies to challenge We have the freedom of choice to

be who we want and to do what we want

Marriage can be between ANY two people, and lasts only as long as they are happy

We’ll live in harmony if we tolerate the beliefs of others

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Anti-absolute culture lies to challenge Art should break traditional norms

and challenge outworn beliefs Christian beliefs are a private matter Entertainment is a way to fulfill

personal desires God accepts us as we are, and there

are many ways to God

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USA Job pressure to be politically

correct They want to replace religious values

with secular values Educational pressures to accept

liberal agenda Constitutional attempts to drive

religion from public life05/03/23 Les 1 Santa Jejej 63

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Things to avoid when helping Overheaded rhetoric and publicity

We succeed with truth, not exaggeration Tactical polarization – saying that my

approach is the best or only approach to the problem

Propaganda parroting – repeating what information you have been fed

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What to do? PRAY Prayer makes us closer to God

ourselves Prayer makes us part of the body of

Christ Prayer actually changes things during

the persecution True prayer is costly

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Telling the truth publically Get permission first from the

individual or his family Talk with the local church leaders

and get their agreement Last resort, because it may

compromise further ministry Don’t give intelligence to the

authorities05/03/23 Les 1 Santa Jejej 66

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Problems getting publicity Secular press under-estimates

importance of religion Difficult to document Political correctness, which views

Christians as persecutors Many are afraid to tell the truth

because of reactions

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Private representation Not official, but quiet

representation Trust – avoid publicly giving shame Personal letters

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Legal intervention Even when unsuccessful, it may

give ammunition for political pressure from the outside

Embarrassment effect against authorities

Empowering effect

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Illegal intervention Occasionally demanded when obeying

God rather than man – e.g. Bible smuggling

Often the illegal may stimulate the legal; they make new laws to allow what should be happening

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Political pressureIndividual to individual can work sometimesState to state

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Positive engagement with Christians helping build society Business men can do this Others can work together

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Principles for donors Personal contact with the

persecuted Get real information The persecuted want us to get the

message more than get our money Prayer should be an absolute


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Principles for donors Integrity

Morally straight Not pushing the founder or his family Board is independent and sound –

diverse, not just elderly lawyers Internal & external audit?

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Principles for donors Integrity

Morally straight Not pushing the founder or his family Board is independent and sound –

diverse, not just elderly lawyers Internal & external audit?

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Principles for donors Teamwork with other groups, because

of the complexity of persecution Address the long-term causes of

persecution Aware of the complexities of the

situation Is there experience over the long haul

without constant turnover?05/03/23 Les 1 Santa Jejej 76

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Principles to donors Expect effective organizations to

have some scars and controversies But are they defensive, or confident Do they cut down other groups using

other tactics?

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Lessons from the persecuted Faith model – am I walking the way

of the cross? Faith warning – Am I in enough

trouble for Jesus? Faith boost – Is my God big


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The way of the cell – Wang Mingdao You need time to simplify and take time

to know God We don’t know how God will use us, but

we are always in His care, even when things don’t make sense

The persecuted are aware of those idols (persons/ideas) demanding worship, which we don’t recognize in the USA

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God works through the yielded life God builds his kingdom not on our

achievements, but on our sacrifices God takes the yielded life, not the

fulfilled life. Those who try to save their lives lose them, but those who lose their lives for His sake find them…

We must die first to receive resurrection power

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Persecution empties us We can be filled with Christ

because we have been emptied of self

The persecuted model dying to self for Christ, but also being filled with His joy

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Am I in enough trouble for Jesus? Idols – anything replacing God

being in first place Our culture is hostile to Christ A radical life in Christ will be


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We struggle against Our reluctant hearts The blinding allure of the world

system The lies of the devil

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The persecuted have a BIG God Their crises force them to rely on

God Two ways

Deliverance Endurance

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