fall 2012 quest magazine

fall 2012 ENTREPRENEURSHIP On the Last Frontier 4 Carving New Paths 8 Making Connections 10

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The Fall 2012 issue of The College of Idaho's Quest magazine featuring the entrepreneurship of some of our graduates.


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On the Last Frontier 4

Carving New Paths 8

Making Connections 10

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from the president’s desk

marvin henberg

Entrepreneurship The College of Idaho has a long history of turning out creative business thinkers and actors. In fact, “creative thought in action” comes as close to being synonymous with

“entrepreneurship” as any phrase I can conjure. At many institutions of higher education, a schism exists between business and the liberal arts. Proponents of one kind of education trot out caricatures of the other. Those who favor business education characterize the liberal arts as impractical at best and irrelevant at worst. Proponents of the liberal arts style business education as uninspiring at best and greedy at worst. Fortunately, The College of Idaho faculty is full of innovative thinkers immune to such simplistic name calling. Our PEAK (Professional, Ethical, Articulate and

Knowledgeable) Curriculum is tangible evidence of their creativity. PEAK welds professional education and the liberal arts into a seamless whole. It recognizes that creativity is as essential to business enterprise as it is to art, music, literature or science. In educating students across a broad spectrum, PEAK prepares them to be entrepreneurs in life—adaptable, engaged and innovative. This issue celebrates the many alumni of the College who have made their mark in business while simultaneously introducing Dr. Scott Johnson, the new director of the Department of Business and Accounting. The 21st century is and will continue to be dominated by international competition and by trade among nations. Dr. Johnson’s international experience will help us to develop in each of our graduates a global consciousness. Dr. Johnson is as excited about partnering with faculty outside of business as he is about developing the business

curriculum precisely because he understands that cultural understanding is the best medium for promoting business internationally. As you read along, please note the examples of creative thought in action that our alumni have carried out in the business world. Ponder the diversity: a winemaker and retailer, a chimney sweep, a beverage delivery man, a local mover, a banker, and an entrepreneur whose unexpected business venture unfolded in the far reaches of the Alaskan north. I expect that few if any of these individuals, while students at the College, foresaw themselves taking these particular routes in life. They instead exhibited adaptability, engagement and innovation so that as the world changed around them, they changed in response. Whereas change might have overwhelmed others, they responded with creativity and leadership. Creative thought in action requires both depth of reasoning and a bent for practical application of the fruits of reasoning. Thus I close with a nod to the kind and quality of internships the College provides. Our internship opportunities span the globe, from Caldwell to Bangladesh—exactly as does our new thinking about PEAK and business education for the 21st century.

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16 19


Editor: Jordan Rodriguez Assistant Editor: Dustin Wunderlich Editorial Board: Louie Attebery ’50, Jan Boles ’65, Jake McClean ’06, Alan Minskoff,

Rachel Moore ’96, Sally Skinner ’78, Michael Vandervelden Contributing writers: Jan Boles, Brodi Etheredge, Larry Gardner ’63, Ryan Gibson,

Kendra Knighten, Jordan Rodriguez, Mike Safford, Dustin Wunderlich Contributing artists/photographers: Jan Boles, Michael Capell, Brodi Etheredge,

Larry Gardner, Ryan Gibson, Reinaldo Gil, Joe Jaszewski, Kendra Knighten, Frank Kovalchek, Jordan Rodriguez, Mike Safford, Dustin Wunderlich

Design: Michael Capell with Brittanie Campos Cover: Wells Fargo executive

Mary Monroe ’78, by Joe Jaszewski with Michael Capell (more on page 25)

Departments 14

College News C of I creates physician assistant program; Students advocate

for Idaho salmon; Students fight poverty in Bangladesh;

John Danielson ’76 fulfills entrepreneurial destiny

18 Yote Notes

Soccer teams join forces; Volleyball, cross country teams rack up league titles

20Alumni News

Meet your National Alumni Board; Homecoming 2012 in photos

22Class Notes

24Campus Notes

26 Alumni Profile

27 Alumni Calendar


Business Venture on the Last Frontier by Jordan RodriguezAlumnus Richard Hazen ’69 finds success in the Alaskan north

8 Carving Their Own Path by Brodi Etheredge & Jordan Rodriguez

Alumni bring creative business ideas to life

10 Making a Connection by Dustin Wunderlich

College of Idaho alumni help students pursue their dreams

12 Photo Essay

Coyotes around the globe



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Business Venture on the

Last FrontierAlumnus Richard Hazen ’69 finds success in the far reaches of the Alaskan north

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What qualities make a successful entrepreneur? Innovation, hard work and business acumen certainly rank near the top of the list. But above all else, building one’s own business requires a certain courage and sense of adventure. Few things in life are certain, and creating a business where once none existed carries undeniable risk.

Richard Hazen isn’t one to back down from adventure. His college education

and early career took many twists and turns, but when his opportunity came, he

set off on an ambitious journey and created Educational Management Associates,

Inc., an Alaska-based technology and business service firm.

Much has changed since Hazen founded his company, which has made millions

of dollars and expanded throughout Alaska and into the Lower 48 over the past

three decades. But all the while, Hazen has steered his business with one essential


“The key to running a business is fitting people’s needs,” Hazen said. “I know it

sounds simple, but it’s true. Things change as the years go by, but if you are able

to provide products and services that people need, you can make a success of it.”

Like many entrepreneurs, Hazen traveled an unpredictable road, making

multiple detours before arriving at success. In many ways, that road began with

his choice to attend The College of Idaho.

A SERIOUS STUDENT Richard Hazen grew up in Nampa, not far from the College. As high school

graduation neared, many of his friends opted for public universities. But Hazen

never wavered in his desire to attend the C of I.

“I felt like at other schools, there was too much of an emphasis on socializing,”

Hazen said. “I was interested in getting an education. I wanted to make the

most of it, and that’s why I chose The College of Idaho.”

Hazen even gave up sports—he was a track and field star in high school—in

order to concentrate on his studies at the College. He majored in zoology and

also studied chemistry and math.

“Richard was an excellent student,” said Bruce Schatz, a retired C of I

chemistry professor. “He was always very engaged in his studies. It doesn’t

surprise me at all that he’s done quite well for himself—if you’re successful as a

student in chemistry, it opens a lot of doors for you.”

Hazen originally planned to go into medicine. His great-grandfather had

been a doctor and several of his friends had begun careers in medicine. But the

Vietnam War made getting into medical school exceedingly difficult, and by

his junior year, Hazen had changed his mind. He graduated with a bachelor’s

degree in 1969, spent a year on active duty in the Army National Guard and then

moved on to graduate school at the University of Nevada-Reno.

While studying chemistry at Nevada, Hazen discovered a knack for teaching.

He enjoyed teaching undergraduate chemistry so much that he decided to turn

his career focus to education.

“There was just something about teaching that I really enjoyed,” Hazen said.

“I never finished my chemistry dissertation. I guess, as it turns out, I didn’t

really end up needing it.”

Retired C of I biology professor Pat Packard ’49 wasn’t surprised to see Hazen

turn his attention toward education. As a student in Packard’s microbiology

class, Hazen had displayed many of the characteristics vital for a successful

career in teaching.

“Richard was one of those good, solid people who always is there, but never

takes the spotlight,” Packard said. “I thought of him as the type who would have

continued in the teaching profession because he never put himself first—he was

always giving others a push from behind.

“You never can tell what’s going to happen in the future, but a good liberal arts education prepares students for a myriad of possibilities. It’s great to see all the different places students end up.” —Bruce Schatz, retired C of I chemistry professor

Top: Richard Hazen’s senior picture from the Trail yearbook. Below: Caribou photographed by Hazen at Mount McKinley. Opposite page: Alaska’s Worthington Glacier (photograph by Frank Kovalchek).

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“I think the most important thing students learn at the College is that the

world isn’t all about them. Richard certainly seemed to have that figured out

earlier than most.”

ADVENTURES WITH BETH After leaving Reno, Richard and his wife, Beth, embarked on an overseas

adventure. Both secured jobs as teachers in Australia, and for three years, Richard

taught chemistry and statistics at Toorak Teacher’s College.

Students in one of Hazen’s statistics classes took a particular interest

in Richard’s experiences back in the U.S.—in particular his former night job at

Harrah’s Casino in Nevada.

“They liked to get me off topic,” Hazen said. “They wanted to know all about

casinos and how the games worked. But I told them we needed to stay focused

on the material so they could pass. At the end of the term, every single student

passed the exam, and many of them requested a second year of statistics.

People at the university were very surprised. Nobody had ever asked for more

statistics before.”

The Hazens also did their share of traveling and sightseeing throughout

Australia. Kangaroos and wallabies were common sights, and on one backpacking

trip in Tasmania, the couple even crossed paths with a Tasmanian devil.

“He went and stuck his head in a hole and thought he was hidden from us,”

Hazen said. “We wanted to get a picture of him, so I grabbed him by the tail and

pulled him out. He wasn’t happy about the situation; it’s something I probably

wouldn’t repeat. But we loved our time in Australia. We learned a lot and made

some lifelong friendships. We still go back every few years.”

After three years, the Hazens returned to the U.S. The couple bought a small

motor home and set out on a cross-country tour, starting in Boise and making

stops to visit old friends in Reno and California, tour Carlsbad Caverns and

other national parks and check in with a former student in Texas. The Hazens’

travels eventually took them as far as the Florida Keys, all the way up the coast to

northern Maine and eventually back down through the Appalachian Mountains

and the Midwest.

Whether they were running into old friends or making new ones, the trip was

an unforgettable experience for Richard and Beth.

“That was a great year,” Hazen said. “It’s a small world. It’s amazing how often

you run into someone you know from somewhere a long ways away.”


Richard had several opportunities to take jobs during the Hazens’ motor home

excursion, but he kept his options open. Shortly after returning to Idaho, Richard

was offered a job teaching math at Bethel Regional High School in Alaska.

“I was acquainted with the principal of the school,” Hazen said. “He had told

me about all the hunting and fishing he’d done, so my original thought was

that we’d go up there for eight months for the adventure of it. We said if we

didn’t like it, we would move on, but that was 37 years ago.”

There was plenty of adventure near Bethel, a small town accessible only by

a 400-mile flight from Anchorage. Hazen’s tales of the Alaskan wilderness

are seemingly endless. He caught

all five species of salmon—and 200

fish total—in a single day on the

Kanektok River. He was evacuated

via helicopter after heavy rains

flooded his group’s fishing camp

and grounded their seaplane. He

even loaded a shell into the chamber

of his handgun as a pack of wolves

approached within 10 feet of his

tent one night.

“A howl that close is very spine

tingling,” Hazen said. “Fortunately,

[the wolves] went around us. “There

have been some scary moments, but

Alaska is a spectacular place. There

have been times we’ve watched

15,000 caribou walk by in a single

Founding EMA took a lot of work, but the success of the company has allowed Richard Hazen to spend more time with his family, including worldwide travel with his wife, Beth.

“Certainly, the education I got at the College taught me how to think. If it’s just a matter of following a cookbook, anybody can do that. You need to learn how to think for yourself first, and that’s what’s great about The College of Idaho.” —Richard Hazen ’69, President and CEO of Educational Management Associates, Inc.

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day. There are big moose and grizzly bears all over the place. It’s a very exciting

place to live.”

Richard and Beth also enjoyed teaching in Bethel, where the population was

90 percent Yupik Eskimo. The experience reminded them of their days teaching

students in Australia, and with Beth expecting the couple’s first child, the

Hazens decided to stick around.

After a year at Bethel High, Hazen was offered a job as business manager for

the Lower Kuskokwim Regional School District, a huge district that covered

40,000 square miles and 25 different villages. Hazen didn’t have any accounting

experience, but true to form, he decided he was up for a new challenge.

“The business aspect was mostly logic—it’s debits and credits, and everything

has to add up,” Hazen said. “I tried not to make things more difficult than they

had to be.”

After a year, the business manager position was upgraded to assistant

superintendent for the district. Hazen didn’t know it at the time, but the stage

was set for his entrepreneurial breakthrough.

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS While performing his assistant superintendent role, Hazen came across a

new opportunity. Most Alaskan school districts were set up on a service bureau

program that handled financial and payroll accounting functions, but relied

on remote batch processing. This resulted in long delays in receiving financial

reports. Hazen found a better option. At a business conference, he had met the

creators of Comprehensive Information Management of Schools (CIMS), a fund

accounting software program that had been implemented at Alpine School

District in Utah. CIMS’ smooth turnaround process and instant access to data

made it a superior option to what was being used in most of Alaska’s public


Hazen saw a business opportunity that was too good to pass up. Thanks to

oil royalties brought in after completion of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System,

Alaska’s state budget increased from approximately $900 million in 1977 to

more than $9 billion in 1978.

In 1979, Hazen left a job making $87,000 per year and went into business

for himself.

“My dad thought I had gone soft in the head,” Hazen recalls. “But I knew

this was something that people needed. The program had been so successful in

the districts where we’d introduced it, and the state was quite well-off. It just

seemed like a win-win situation.”

It didn’t take long to get Educational Management Associates up and

running. Hazen immediately secured CIMS as a business partner. The programs

he had helped install were running on IBM computers, so he also negotiated a

contract with IBM to sell the necessary hardware to clients. Hazen’s company

wrote state requirements to go along with CIMS and provided installation,

training and ongoing support services to each of its school district customers.

“CIMS worked so well for what we were doing that we went to other districts

and started helping them implement it,” Hazen said. “Within four years, we had

70 percent of the schools in Alaska operating on the CIMS program.”

Before long, Hazen had no choice but to expand.

“It doesn’t take long for people to look at what we do and see that the

information is good,” Hazen said. “The business just continued to grow from there.”

Today, EMA has grown to serve not only school districts, but also independent

businesses, medical groups, governmental agencies and cities throughout

Alaska and the Western United States. As technology and business needs have

evolved over the years, EMA has updated its services to meet the demands of its

ever-growing client base.

BUSINESS OWNERSHIP In the early years of EMA, Hazen worked long hours managing the business,

including travel to remote areas of Alaska. Over time, 20 employees were added

to the EMA staff, allowing Hazen to spend less time working directly with

clients and more time growing the company. After 33 years in business, Richard

and Beth have settled into a comfortable life of semi-retirement. Hazen still

serves as president and CEO of the company, working approximately 40 hours

each month. Most of his work these days involves oversight of the company and

meeting with clients. The Hazens live in Anchorage during the summer months

and spend their winters in Tucson, Ariz.

“I think more than anything, I’ve enjoyed being in a position to make

decisions about the business,” Hazen said. “I like being able to change our

products and services to fit what people need. But there are other benefits,

too. Being my own boss and being able to schedule my own time off—that’s

something that has been a great blessing for Beth and me.”

Looking back on his education at The College of Idaho, Hazen sees few classes

that relate specifically to what he’s done with his career. But he credits the

College with providing the foundation upon which his teaching, administrative

and, ultimately, successful entrepreneurial careers were built.

“Certainly, the education I got at the College taught me how to think,” Hazen

said. “If it’s just a matter of following a cookbook, anybody can do that. You

need to learn how to think for yourself first, and that’s what’s great about The

College of Idaho.”

Schatz, who first saw Hazen’s potential more than four decades ago, echoes

that sentiment.

“You never can tell what’s going to happen in the future,” Schatz said. “But

a good liberal arts education prepares students for a myriad of possibilities. It’s

great to see all the different places students end up.”

For Richard Hazen, that place is near the top of the world. It certainly is not

what he planned when he graduated from the C of I more than four decades ago,

but like many successful entrepreneurs before him, Hazen was quick to adapt.

And when opportunity knocked, he swung the door wide open and embraced it.

It has been quite an adventure—a journey worth the risk.

JORDAN RODRIGUEZ is the editor of Quest.

The Hazens moved to Alaska “for the adventure of it.” They have not been disappointed.

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LIZ WALLACE ’90 Swept Away Professional Chimney Sweeps, Sun Valley

Like many College of Idaho students, Liz Wallace ’90 explored a wide

variety of subjects, majoring in English literature and earning minors in

biology and French.

Wallace did not take a single class on chimney sweeping. But as it turns

out, cleaning people’s fireplaces is good business, and two decades later,

Wallace has carved out a successful niche as co-owner of Swept Away

Professional Chimney Sweeps in Sun Valley.

“I always thought I would go to graduate school, but I never quite

made it there,” Wallace said. “Chimney sweeping wasn’t on my radar—I

don’t think it’s on anybody’s—but it’s a good business. There are a lot of

fireplaces up here.”

Wallace, a Caldwell native, moved to Sun Valley after graduation and

began working for Swept Away founder Byron Goheen. She honed her craft

for 13 years, and when Goheen passed away in 2003, Wallace and business

partner Kimberly Rogers took the reins.

Even as a business owner, Wallace enjoys getting her hands dirty. A

typical day consists of cleaning five to eight residential chimneys,

although Wallace can clean as many as 30 per day in condo complexes.

With the abundance of vacation homes in the Sun Valley area, there is

plenty of sweeping to do.

“I enjoy the work,” Wallace said. “I like doing something that keeps

me outside and keeps me moving. I don’t f ly onto roofs and I don’t do

much singing and dancing either, but I really appreciate the freedom and

flexibility of owning my own business.”

That f lexibility allows Wallace to moonlight as a snowboard instructor

at Sun Valley Resort during the slower winter months. Overall, life as a

chimney sweep is enjoyable—though not as adventurous as one might

think. Wallace’s brooms have yet to find anything scarier than a bird or

stranger than a golf ball.

“I fear the day I find a raccoon,” Wallace said with a laugh. “It’s funny

how things work out. I loved my time at the College. I certainly didn’t

learn anything about chimney sweeping, but a liberal arts education

really teaches you how to think. I definitely have no regrets.”

MATT BLAZEK ’00 The Beer Guys, Eagle

After being drafted to play professional soccer out of college, owning

a business was the last thing on C of I alumnus Matt Blazek’s mind.

CARVING THEIR OWN PATHAlumni bring creative business ideas to life


Careers seldom go as planned, but The College of Idaho strives to prepare students who thrive no matter where

professional life takes them. Alumni Liz Wallace ’90, Matt Blazek ’00 and Beth Brigham ’86 are among those who

embody this entrepreneurial spirit. Through creativity, hard work and a few unlikely forks in the road, these

entrepreneurs have established themselves as successful business owners. They are living proof that when life gives you

lemons, you can always open a lemonade stand.

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“I had always dreamed of starting up my own business,” said Blazek,

who still holds C of I records for goals (69) and points (173). “But at the

time I really just wanted to play soccer. It wasn’t until after I left the draft

and got married that I realized I didn’t want to work for the man.”

It took a few years before Blazek decided to dive into building a business,

but he used those years to shape his inspiration and motivation. Finally, the

time to act on his dream came when he was laid off from his job at FedEx.

“It was motivation over time,” he said. “As FedEx warned us that we were

going to be laid off, I really started to pursue the business. I was let go in

September of 2011 and by January 2012, I had started The Beer Guys.”

Locally operated out of Blazek’s home in Eagle, The Beer Guys is a

delivery company that serves the entire Treasure Valley. From kegs to six

packs, The Beer Guys deliver customers’ preferred beverages straight to

their doorsteps. With help from his family, Blazek is able to serve Boise,

Nampa, Caldwell and the surrounding areas from 2 p.m. until 2 a.m.

“The day usually starts with keg orders for the weekend,” Blazek said.

“Then we take phone orders, charge to a credit card from the house, and

then make the delivery.”

Structured on a simple and efficient model, The Beer Guys has become

a booming business, and Blazek hopes someday to franchise out to other

states. And he credits his experience at The College of Idaho as pivotal to

his entrepreneurship in more ways than one—his inspiration for The Beer

Guys began during parties at the College, and he acknowledges his C of I

professors as always being supportive of his academic career and future


“When I first started I maybe had ten cases of beer on the garage f loor,”

Blazek said. “Now I have a huge walk-in cooler full of beer, a trailer and

an off-premise license that allows me to cater at different events such as

Eagle Fun Days.”

To learn more about The Beer Guys, visit www.thebeerguys.biz.

BETH BRIGHAM ’86 and JULIE MOORE Cross Town Movers, Boise

As an undergraduate studying education at The College of Idaho, Beth

Brigham never imagined she would run a moving business. Even after she

earned her MBA, owning a company seemed farfetched.

“I never thought I would have my own business,” Brigham said. “But it’s

been such a great experience. When you are responsible for every little

detail of running a company, you definitely learn a lot.”

Brigham’s opportunity came in 2004, when she and her husband, C of I

alumnus Doug Brigham ’87, purchased Cross Town Movers with business

partners Alan Moore ’74 and his wife, Julie. The couples are full partners,

but Cross Town has been Beth and Julie’s project from the start.

“The moving business is pretty male-dominated,” Brigham said. “I

think, as women, Julie and I look at things a different way. We’ve really

focused on building relationships with our staff and our customers. When

we help people move, we want to treat their stuff like it’s our own.”

Based in Boise, Cross Town Movers deals exclusively with Treasure

Valley customers. The company has grown to include ten 26-foot trucks,

one van and 34 full-time employees who do an average of 120 jobs per

week for families, businesses, apartment complexes, retirement homes

and storage facilities.

“We are the largest local moving company in the Valley,” Julie Moore

said. “We are most proud of the fact that we are dependable. There is

always a back-up plan to complete our jobs in a timely manner, thanks to

our exceptional managers and crew.”

Cross Town was founded in 1985, but is has grown considerably under

Brigham and Moore. The partners have leaned on each other for support

while striving toward their shared goals of cultivating a strong team of

employees and building good rapport in the community.

It has been an adventure, but both women agree the rewards have far

outweighed the challenges.

“When we first started out, there was definitely a steep learning curve,”

Brigham said. “We lost a lot of sleep over it, but after eight years, it just

runs so smoothly. Like any business, we have our ups and downs, but

every day is a new day at Cross Town Movers.”

To learn more about Cross Town Movers, visit www.crosstownmovers.net.

BRODI ETHERIDGE is a C of I junior and Quest’s fall intern.

Beth Brigham ’86 (left) and Julie Moore have been business partners since 2004.

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For Matt Smith ’01, an internship at a RehabAuthority clinic in Nampa

proved to be a defining moment in his experience as a College of Idaho

student. It solidified his desire to pursue a career in physical therapy, a

career which eventually brought him back to Caldwell, where he established

RehabAuthority’s new clinic in October 2011.

That internship was made possible by fellow C of I alumnus and

RehabAuthority CEO Kevin Hulsey ’88, who arranged the internship and served

as Smith’s supervisor.

“It was a really fun, enjoyable atmosphere,” said Smith, who returned to work

for RehabAuthority in 2004 after earning his doctorate in physical therapy.

Today, Smith is sharing his knowledge with a new generation of College of

Idaho students, including current senior Aly Hall.

“We met and talked about what I wanted to get out of the internship and

what I wanted to experience,” said Hall, a health sciences major. “It was so

nice in my internship to have a role model who had come out of The College of

Idaho. Matt is a terrific teacher and helped to make my experience there even

more incredible. What amazed me was, when I walked into the clinic, I knew

this was what I wanted to do the rest of my life.”


Hall had been thinking about a career in physical therapy for some time but

she, like many students, wasn’t sure if it was the right path for her. So during

her junior year, Hall sought help finding an internship through Dora Gallegos,

director of the College’s Center for Experiential Learning.

Smith had just opened RehabAuthority’s Caldwell clinic, making it the

perfect opportunity for Hall to gain some practical experience and discover

whether physical therapy was a good fit. While Hall said she learned much from

Smith and other RehabAuthority staff about the day-to-day work that physical

therapists do, the internship also helped her think about the bigger issues

involved in choosing a career.

“Professionalism is a big key with any job you have and Matt is a great role

model for professionalism,” Hall said. “Whether it’s how you interact with a

patient or how you work with your colleagues, professionalism is showing

yourself through a profession.

“Since I was 5, I always said that my goal in life was to help people significantly

every single day. I didn’t necessarily want to be a doctor, but I wanted to be

someone who could help people heal, emotionally and physically, and now

I’ve seen how physical therapy can allow me to do that.”

For students like Hall, being connected with an alumnus who is working in

their field of interest is one of the best opportunities to go beyond an ordinary

internship and have an experience that is truly meaningful.

Terra Feast ’02, curator of education at Boise Art Museum, has worked with

more than a dozen interns from the C of I since she began working for the

museum in 2005.



Top: Mike Tankersley ’11 (right) talks things over with intern Joe Lehmann at Signs2U in Boise. Above: Matt Smith ’01 (right) works with intern Aly Hall (left) at RehabAuthority’s Caldwell clinic. Opposite page: Terra Feast ’02 (left) with intern Hillary Bodnar at the Boise Art Museum.

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“We match students to their interests and we also match them to the needs

of the museum,” Feast said. That means some internship experiences are more

focused on education, while others involve conducting research and even

helping with the day-to-day operations of the museum.

“We are really focused on making sure they are experiencing something that

is realistic in terms of what is going to happen when they are out in the job

market,” Feast said. “We see ourselves as helping interns understand what it

is to be in a career.”

In December 2011, senior history major Hillary Bodnar started an internship

at Boise Art Museum conducting research in support of the “Eastern Traditions/

Western Expressions” exhibit, which remains on display through Jan. 6.

“It was a combination of history, art and education working in a museum

setting,” Bodnar said. “Those were three of my four areas of study, so it was a

perfect fit.”

Bodnar’s research focused on finding out more about the art and artists

represented in the exhibit, which includes both traditional Asian art and

contemporary works by American and Asian-American artists. That information

has been used in BAM’s educational programs for children and other groups.

“As an education minor, after working with the Boise Art Museum it seemed

much more plausible that I could work in an educational role in a museum

because it combines a lot of the things I enjoy,” Bodnar said.


Alumnus Mike Tankersley ’11 always had a passion for graphic design, and it

led him to start Signs2U, a sign manufacturing company in Boise, while he was

finishing up his final courses at the C of I.

After becoming an adviser to the College’s Delta Tau Delta chapter in 2008,

Tankersley said he had a conversation with the late business professor Michael

Erickson about how the College was encouraging more students to obtain


“I thought it was a good idea and I started talking to a couple of students

about their internship experiences,” Tankersley said.

From those conversations, he developed his own internship program for

Signs2U. The program is designed to make sure C of I students gain a more

in-depth grasp of how a business actually runs.

“The biggest thing is, especially if you go into corporate America, you don’t

know exactly what you’re going to be doing,” Tankersley said. “The biggest

problem students face is they go into their careers where they think they know

what it’s going to be like, and the reality is they have to do a lot of other things.”

Signs2U has hosted C of I interns during each of the past three summers,

most recently Joe Lehmann, a junior creative writing major.

Lehmann helped manage the company’s social media, wrote new copy for its

website and created a more focused advertising campaign in the Boise market

with Google AdWords during his internship.

While Signs2U already was using Google AdWords, Lehmann helped revise

the campaign with the goal of finding new customers. That goal came to

fruition, and Google notified Signs2U that it was the most successful business

of its type using AdWords in the Boise market.

“It definitely helped doing my internship with a C of I alumnus because he

knew what undergrads like me are going through,” Lehmann said. “It also

really helped foster a sense of inspiration because you see them running a

successful organization. He’s using everything he learned (at the College) to

run a successful business.”

For Tankersley, hosting interns has provided a chance to give back to his alma

mater. At the same time, he noted that every C of I intern has, as with Lehmann’s

Google AdWords campaign, contributed to the success of his business.

“What I have learned on the business side is young blood is crucial for a

small business,” Tankersley said. “You get so stuck onto what is, and young

eyes always have new ideas about how to do something. There has not been

a single intern who has not had an idea that benefitted our company in some

way, usually on the expansion side.”

Like Tankersley and Feast, Smith looks forward to working with more

C of I interns in the years to come at RehabAuthority. Smith has even worked

with kinesiology professor Jim Fennell to start a lecture series on campus for

students interested in physical therapy careers.

“The College of Idaho puts out good kids and that’s the thing that’s important

to me,” he said. “If we can have a hand in making their lives better, that’s

really rewarding to me. If I can help them not make mistakes that I’ve made

five times, that’s great. I want to see them succeed.”

DUSTIN WUNDERLICH is the assistant editor of Quest.

LinkedIn group connects alumni and studentsAlumni and students have a new way to connect with one another via the social networking website LinkedIn. The College of Idaho Alumni-Student Network was launched earlier this year by the Center for Experiential Learning and Office of Alumni Relations.

“This network has been created as an extension of the Coyote Connections program, which helps current students find internships and jobs,” said C of I alumni coordinator Jake McClean ’06. “It’s a way to better connect our alumni with one another and with current students. Alumni can play an important role in helping current students start their careers, and LinkedIn is a great way to help alumni keep them in touch with what former classmates are doing in the professional world.”

To join The College of Idaho Alumni-Student Network, search for the group page on LinkedIn and submit a request to join. Members will have the ability to connect and share information instantly with all other members of the C of I group.

Alumni who have questions about the LinkedIn network should contact McClean at (208) 459-5306 or [email protected].

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Coyotes around the Globe

The College of Idaho prepares its graduates for success, no

matter where life takes them. The College currently has alumni

working and thriving in all corners of the globe, with every

continent represented by at least one Coyote.

faces and places

South America: Tara Wensel (’09) lives in Santiago, Chile, where she works in The Office of Corporate Social Responsibility for Deloitte, an auditing and consulting firm that is the world’s largest professional services company. Wensel majored in business with an emphasis in marketing and a minor in Spanish at the College and recently completed a three-year stint as director of the Boone Fund in the C of I Office of Development.

North America: Barry Rowan (’79) lives just outside of New York City in Rumson, N.J., where he works as executive vice president, chief financial officer, chief administrative officer and treasurer for broadband telephone provider Vonage. Rowan joined Vonage in 2010 and led two comprehensive refinancing efforts that have driven a $200 million turnaround for the company. His success with Vonage recently was featured in CFO Studio Magazine. Rowan graduated summa cum laude with degrees in business administration and chemical biology from the C of I.

Antarctica: Travis Guy (’06) works as a research scientist for the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs in Antarctica. Guy is part of the NSF’s United States Antarctic Program team at McMurdo Station for the August 2012–March 2013 season. Guy studied pre-med biology, conservation ecology and exercise science at the C of I. “I have been on all seven continents, and I have done science on six of them,” Guy said. “And a huge part of that is my education and the opportunities The College of Idaho afforded me.”

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Africa: Sara Packebush (’09) recently concluded a two-year commitment as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi. Packebush served as a secondary school math and science teacher in a rural village and directed a Malawi-wide leadership camp for more than 80 students. Packebush taught the villagers how to do the chicken dance and play Uno, while members of the community taught her how to start a fire, speak the local language and carry buckets of water on her head.

Asia: Alison Rabe (’10) lives in Cambodia on a Boren Fellowship, which provides American graduate students with $30,000 to support study and research in areas that are critical to U.S. interests. Rabe first fell in love with Southeast Asia during a study abroad course at the C of I. She is working toward a law degree at the College of William and Mary and aspires to work for the U.S. government in Cambodia.

Australia: Amy Barnhouse (’92) lives in Australia, where she teaches at the University of Ballarat near Melbourne. Barnhouse, who studied history at the C of I and went on to earn a law degree from Willamette University, is a lecturer in law at the university’s Business School, where she teaches Fundamentals of Law and Fundamentals of Dispute Resolution. Barnhouse says transitioning from practicing law to teaching law has been a “dream come true.”

Europe: Pam Dunlap (’82) lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where she is executive vice president and global head of internal audit for Royal Philips Electronics. Dunlap joined Philips in 1998 and currently manages six offices around the world from the company’s headquarters. Dunlap’s job often keeps her on the road, but she recently took the time to explore 42.2 kilometers of Europe on foot by completing the Amsterdam Marathon.

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In The College of Idaho’s new PEAK

curriculum, gaining a foundation of

professional experience is a required part of

every student’s experience.

For Dr. Scott Johnson, the College’s new

director of business and accounting programs,

that requirement meshes perfectly with his

desire to help students develop a sustainable

competitive advantage in the workforce.

Toward that end, Johnson is looking to

enhance collaboration between his and other

academic departments, and he’s working to

strengthen relationships between the College

and the wider community.

“Integrating business and the liberal arts

is something that we can do very well at The

College of Idaho,” Johnson said. “We want to

remove silos and bring lessons from political

economy, history, sociology and other

disciplines into our business courses.”

Greater community involvement will come

in part from a Business Advisory Council

composed of area business and community

leaders, particularly alumni.

“It will be a channel where we can receive

advice and ideas, support for internships,

arrange guest speakers to visit classes, and

provide our students with a little more

mentoring for career preparation,” Johnson

said. “Our alumni can play a huge role in helping

our next generation of students thrive.”

The department also plans to re-establish the

College’s Students in Free Enterprise chapter—

recently renamed Enactus by the national

organization—this academic year. The

organization will help students carry out

community-oriented projects and gain

hands-on experience.

Johnson joined the C of I after most

recently serving as a senior lecturer and

employer liaison for the business school at

the University of Greenwich in London, and

his areas of expertise include leadership

development, social enterprise and

community-based business, and international

and cross-cultural issues. Before entering

academe, he held positions in marketing and

sales at companies including AT&T, IBM and


In joining the C of I faculty, Johnson

also is returning to some family roots. His

grandparents had a farm in Marsing and his

father attended the College in the late 1940s.

college news C of I partners with ISU to offer physician assistant program

With 26 academic majors, 55 minors and a master’s of education program, The College of

Idaho prepares its students to succeed in a wide variety of professional fields.

Beginning in fall 2014, the C of I will add physician assistant—one of America’s fastest-

growing careers—to the list of options. The College has partnered with Idaho State University

to bring ISU’s two-year Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program to Caldwell. The schools

formalized the agreement during an Aug. 30 ceremony, expanding a program that has graduated

more than 500 physician assistants on ISU’s Pocatello and Meridian campuses since 1995.

“Idaho needs more highly skilled medical professionals as its population continues to grow,”

C of I President Marv Henberg said. “The College of Idaho has a strong track record of educating

students who go on to successful careers in medicine. Partnering with Idaho State University is a

natural fit that takes advantage of both institutions’ strengths and resources.”

Physician assistants are highly skilled health practitioners who work under physician

supervision to provide patient care services. The Idaho Department of Labor estimates that the

state’s number of PA positions will increase by more than 40 percent between 2008 and 2018

thanks to a projected shortage of physicians, an aging population and implementation of the

Affordable Care Act of 2010.

“We are delighted to expand our Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program to The College

of Idaho campus,” ISU President Arthur C. Vailas said. “This collaboration will enable ISU

and the C of I to meet the increasing demand for physician assistants in Idaho and improve access to quality health care for citizens living in our underserved


PA students at the C of I will be linked via immersive distance learning technology with students in Pocatello and Meridian. Full-time faculty based in each

location will facilitate a high level of interactive and hands-on learning. During their second year in the program, PA students will participate in a series of clinical

rotations in appropriate medical contexts.

For more information about the joint PA program, visit www.collegeofidaho.edu/physician-assistant.

Business gets a boost Scott Johnson aims to strengthen business department’s ties to community

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in rural Bangladesh. However, within these tragic realities there is hope. PEP and other development agencies around the world are shifting their focuses to female empowerment through education and employment opportunities.I met some of the most loving and passionate women I have ever encountered in the Bangladeshi countryside, and I am so excited to see what they are capable of achieving once given the opportunity. Within The College of Idaho classroom, I studied the possibilities. In Bangladesh, I observed the potential.

To learn more about Kendra and Ryan’s experiences, visit www.psdintl.org or www.collegeofidaho.edu/blog/bangladesh.

Ryan GibsonThe experience of working with an NGO and living in an underdeveloped country for three months greatly shaped—and in part confirmed—my perspective concerning development strategies and poverty.

A particularly transformative experience for me was meeting with residents of a cluster village in northern Bangladesh. PEP founder WilliamChristensen had stationed social workers in this area for many years in an attempt to aid the villagers and ultimately achieve self-sustaining development. The poor villagers in this area were commonly malnourished and structural barriers including low levels of job creation and poor or expensive healthcare hindered them from lifting themselves out of poverty. PEP understood that through land ownership and small-scale grants, the villagers would have a greater opportunity to improve their lives.

The cluster village that we visited could only be reached by walking along dikes in rice patties, just outside a more developed village. This cluster village, consisting of 19 families living around a small pond, was the first group we visited. After planting small fruit trees with the villagers, Kendra and I sat with our translator and approximately 30 people and discussed the

difficulties they faced living in poverty. Just before we left, an extremely outgoing and delighted older woman brought Kendra and me cookies. I was astounded that these families who owned so little—and many of whom ate one or fewer meals per day—excitedly sacrificed what little they did have in order to give us the best experience we could have in their country. This humbling experience connected me with the villagers in a way that I never expected. I will never forget those families, their commitment to communal development, and the familial love they showed toward us.

Kendra Knighten Throughout the developing world, women are disproportionately affected by the hardships of poverty. Ryan and I spent the majority of our summer meeting impoverished Bangladeshi families, and this was a truth we could not ignore. Perhaps most notable was a discussion we had with 11 impoverished women from Netrokona. Sitting upon the floor of a patio at the Netrokona PEP office, the women told us their stories.  Within all 11 of these households, the men controlled 100 percent of the family’s income. Each of the women had been married between the ages of 10 and 14—even though it is “illegal” for women to be married before the age of 18—and each woman had her first child within one year of being married. Cumulatively, the women had 37 children. Only one of the deliveries had taken place with medical assistance, and none of the pregnancies had been aided with prenatal care. Two of the women still suffer severe abdominal pain resulting from childbirths that occurred months ago. When asked why they did not seek medical help, many said their husbands were unwilling or unable to pay for the expenses.  To see and hear these first-hand accounts of female inequality was a heartbreaking component of nearly every day Ryan and I spent


This summer, College of Idaho students Kendra Knighten and Ryan Gibson traveled to the south Asia nation of Bangladesh to complete an internship with Partners

for Sustainable Development International. The two students—both majoring in political economy—spent 12 weeks in Bangladesh working with a non-governmental

organization called Poverty Eradication Program (PEP), which seeks holistic development through small-scale grants provided to poor villagers.

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Students take salmon campaign statewideFrom Pocatello to Coeur d’Alene and from Boise

to Redfish Lake, two College of Idaho students

traveled the state this summer to introduce

Idahoans to Lonesome Larry—the “most interesting

fish in the world.”

Lonesome Larry’s story is both heroic and tragic

said Annie Morrison, a senior environmental

studies major who led the Idaho Rivers United-

sponsored campaign alongside classmate Joe

Pickett, a mathematics and physical sciences major.

Twenty years ago, Lonesome Larry was the

only sockeye salmon to survive 16 dam crossings

and return to spawn in Redfish Lake. His story

highlighted the decline of Idaho’s native salmon,

so bountiful that early settlers named the lake after

the bright-red fish.

“For his 20-year anniversary, IRU sent us all

around the state to talk to people about the issues

affecting wild salmon and about why wild salmon

are important,” Morrison said. “Salmon are still very,

very endangered. When something is a problem for

so long, people tend to forget about it, so the idea

is to keep it fresh and keep people caring.”

Morrison dressed up in a Lonesome Larry mascot

suit and talked to Idahoans at state landmarks and

festivals, documenting her adventures on Larry’s

official blog at www.lonesomelarry.org.

Bill Sedivy, IRU’s executive director, said

Morrison and Pickett played a key role in the

organization’s Wild Salmon Legacy campaign.

“Annie and Joe have become really conversant in

the history of salmon in Idaho and why they are so

important to our state’s ecology and economy,” Sedivy

said. “They ran the Lonesome Larry campaign with

tremendous energy and a lot of passion.”

For Morrison, getting more people interested in

preserving one of Idaho’s natural treasures was a

rewarding experience.

“It takes some guts to put on the suit that first time,

but I really enjoyed it,” she said. “I love talking to

people about protecting our environment. You have

an excuse to talk with everyone when you’re wearing

a fish suit.”

Hear more from Morrison and Pickett on the

College’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/goyotes.

An artist’s rendering of the C of I Athletics and Outdoor Education Center.

college news

College plans new Athletics and Outdoor Education Center Students at The College of Idaho soon will enjoy the benefits of a new Athletics and Outdoor Education Center. School officials are finalizing the center’s location and other details, but the new building is expected to include a new weight room, cardio workout equipment, a sports medicine clinic, teaching and coaching space, locker rooms, coaches’ offices and space for outdoor education programs. The facility—anticipated to be complete in 2014—will be used by the recently reinstated C of I football team, but it also will serve other Coyote athletics teams, the Outdoor Program and the student body as a whole. “Lifelong fitness and reverence for nature are good things to cultivate in education,” C of I President Marv Henberg said. “This exciting new building will provide training and support facilities for the College’sathletics teams while also enabling us to strengthen the outdoor education program for all students.” Fundraising for the Athletics and Outdoor Education Center began with the football announce-ment in May. As of Nov. 1, the College had raised more than $480,000 in addition to funds provided by the City of Caldwell to renovate Simplot Stadium, where the football team will play its home games. In addition to improving facilities for Coyote athletics, the Athletics and Outdoor Education Center will provide increased exercise space for the campus community as well as a new home for the C of I Outdoor Program. Academically, there are plans to establish a PEAK minor in outdoor leadership and to create more opportunities for faculty to incorporate the Idaho outdoors into the curriculum. Athletic Director Marty Holly says the center will be an exciting addition for the entire campus. “Obviously, we can’t really have a football team without this facility,” Holly said. “But this building is going to give us so much more workout space, training space, teaching and coaching space and locker room space that all students can enjoy. This is going to be a win-win that helps everybody.”

Annie Morrison (left) and Joe Pickett (above) enjoyed many adventures as Lonesome Larry, including a swim at Redfish Lake, beach volleyball at Payette Lake and riding a mechanical bull at the Weiser Fiddle Festival.

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The career of College of Idaho alumnus John Danielson ’76 has followed a long and winding path. Many choices led him from the halls of corporate power to life as an award-winning winemaker. But fittingly, the Vale Wine Company owner finds himself following in the entrepreneurial footsteps of his father and grandfather before him.

Danielson spent his formative years in the tiny Idaho town of Cambridge. His grandfather and father owned the town general store and John Deere dealership for 84 years—Danielson’s grandfather bought into the business in 1914, purchased it outright in 1939 and passed it down to Danielson’s parents, who ran it until the 1990s. The family also has owned a ranch near Cambridge since 1865.

During his first three years at the C of I, Danielson clung to his roots, working each summer on a sheep and cattle ranch near Cambridge. When the owner died during

Danielson’s junior year, he found himself jobless. Larry Harris, a job placement officer at the College, secured John an internship with Albertsons. Danielson went on to spend 23 years with the grocery chain, retiring as corporate treasurer in 1998 at the age of 45.

“I never thought I would end up in a supermarket company,” Danielson said. “But I started working at the Nampa store and during the spring of my senior year they asked me if I wanted to work in the office, so I moved to the corporate offices on State Street.”

In retirement, Danielson focused on his family, but the business wheels still turned in his mind. After moving back to Cascade, Danielson launched a consulting business and earned a master’s degree in business education. He returned to the Treasure Valley in 2005, and a group of wine aficionados convinced him that winemaking was the next big thing in Idaho.

“But the only wine I had ever made was in my garage,” Danielson admits. “And it wasn’t very good.”

The group asked Danielson to manage the

operation, but he felt uncomfortable shooting from the hip. He headed to California to earn an oenology and viticulture certification and in 2006, Vale Wine Company was founded as a small vineyard in Vale, Ore.

“We started the vineyard, worked it for the three years it takes the vines to mature, and then sold it in 2010 when we figured out that the vineyard site in Vale was just too cold to grow the red varietals that we wanted—and that it’s pretty tough to be a grower, winemaker and marketer.”

Danielson gave up on growing grapes, moved his operation to the Treasure Valley and began focusing on making wine. With the Snake River Valley designated as an American Viticultural Area, there were plenty of local growers who could supply Vale Wine Company with quality grapes. Danielson’s wines started winning awards almost immediately, including gold medals for a 2008 Syrah, a 2008 Riesling and a 2010 Viognier.

After much trial and error, Danielson’s second career has turned out just as successful as his first—and perhaps a bit more rewarding.

“Having done it now, I would like to go back and teach some entrepreneurial classes,” Danielson said. “I watched my parents and grandparents, but until you actually do it yourself, you don’t realize how many different hats you have to wear. That’s the challenge and the allure. [Operating Vale Wine Company] is probably the hardest job I have ever done. You have to develop the discipline to realize there is an end to the day at some point.”

To learn more about Danielson and the Vale

Wine Company, visit www.valewineco.com.

LARRY GARDNER is a 1963 C of I graduate and freelance writer.



Alumnus John Danielson ’76 transitions from

corporate executive to successful winemaker.

Hear Danielson and other C of I alumni involved in the Idaho wine industry talk about their experiences during Homecoming on the C of I YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/goyotes.

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It has been almost three decades since the world’s most popular sport dug its cleats into The College of Idaho campus. Founded in 1984 under the direction of Greg Timm, soccer has provided an outlet for athletic

and academic excellence at the College while also opening opportunities for international students to get involved with athletics. The soccer program also has been quick to evolve, and the 2012 season brought another big change. For the majority of the program’s history, the men’s and women’s soccer teams have been coached separately. But after women’s coach Niki Taylor resigned in January, Athletic Director Marty Holly decided to put both teams under the direction of men’s coach Brian Smith. Although the single-coach model hadn’t been seen since the early 1990s, Holly felt it was the right solution for the Coyotes. “As we sat down with Marty to figure out how we were going to fill the spot for the women’s team, I suggested the possibility of working with both groups,” Smith said. “I’ve spent a lot of time working with coach Taylor and the women’s team in previous years, and I’ve coached a lot of the girls in club soccer and high school. After looking at the coaching relationships and comparing schedules between the teams, I decided it was a challenge I wanted to take on.” From the outside looking in, balancing both teams may seem like a difficult task. But Smith says his only major challenges have been keeping up with

administrative work and making sure all 52 players’ needs are met. Overall, the Coyote coach couldn’t be happier with the outcome. “In the past both teams got along, but there was a little disconnection between the two,” Smith said. “Now there is a real camaraderie between both groups, which has been really neat to see. Overall, I believe it has brought the teams closer and made the entire program stronger.” Freshman defender Sydney Woods echoes Smith’s belief that combining the programs has created a strong relationship. “It has worked out really well having Brian Smith coach both teams,” Woods said. “I feel like there is a greater sense of unity.” In addition to creating strong connections between players, Smith understands the importance of soccer in the C of I community. He believes that the diverse mix of international students at the College—including soccer players Natasha Rooney (Australia), Yan Gioseffi and Joao Cardoso (Brazil), Emilio Yomaha (Argentina) and Chenjerai Simpson (Antigua)—has enhanced C of I athletics as a whole. “We have such a broad base of international students at the College,” Smith said. “And for most of these kids, soccer was a game they played growing up. We have a handful of international students on our teams and it has been really neat to see different parts of the world come together through the game and represent our school.” Smith looks forward to building the Coyotes into contenders for a national championship, though he and his players know there still is much work to do. But if the past 28 years are any indication, this is a program that will be up for any challenge. “I’d like to see us continue to develop into a consistently competitive program,” said senior midfielder Ben Tjaden. “I’d love to see us take advantage of the opportunity we have to play [matches] on campus. But there is a lot to look forward to as a Yote.”

yote notes


Senior midfielder Kayla ‘Bigs’ Bigelow booms a direct kick against Concordia.

Senior midfielder Stephen Frandin attacks during an October home game versus Evergreen.

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For the fifth time in seven years, The College of Idaho volleyball team reigns supreme in the Cascade Collegiate Conference. The Coyotes’ furious first-set rally sparked a three-set victory over Eastern Oregon in the championship match Nov. 10, clinching a berth to the NAIA National Championships. The No. 15 Coyotes (21-6) have made five consecutive trips to nationals. After the CCC Tournament victory, C of I middle blocker Torrey Hulsey was named Cascade Conference Player of the Year. The senior from Sutter, Calif., ranks second onthe team with 250 kills and 78 blocks, whileleading the team with a .287 hitting percentage. Joining Hulsey on the All-CCC team is senior Jessica Peacock, who leads the Yotes with 294 kills and 31 aces. Middle blocker Liz Myers and setter Sierra Porter received honorable mentions, while Liz Mendiola won Coach of the Year honors for the seventh time in her 12 years with the program. “I’m extremely proud of the girls,” Mendiola said. “Our goal every year is to contend not only for a conference title, but also for a national championship. And when a player

wins an individual honor, it also speaks to the strength of our team and the quality of teammates Torrey has around her.” The C of I also captured first-place hardware at the Cascade Conference Cross Country Championships Nov. 3 at Lents Park in Portland, Ore. A school-record performance by individual champion Hillary Holt helped the women’s team capture its fourth league title in five seasons.

Holt outdistanced two-time defending champion Karlee Coffey of Eastern Oregon by 13 seconds in a course-record time of 16 minutes, 52 seconds. Holt also was named the CCC Women’s Cross Country Athlete of the Year, while teammates Sara Johnson, Sora Klopfenstein and Andi Hayes made the All-CCC team and Pat McCurry was honored by his peers as Coach of the Year.

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Effective this school year, The College of Idaho no longer will sponsor men’s tennis as a varsity sport. Men’s tennis will continue as a club sport at the College, and coach Cisco Limbago will instruct and support the team while maintaining his role as head coach of the varsity women’s tennis team. Men’s tennis was reinstated as a varsity sport at the College in 2009, but scheduling proved difficult because the Coyotes’ home league, the Cascade Collegiate Conference, does not sponsor varsity tennis. College of Idaho President Marv Henberg and Athletic Director Marty Holly both said the move was not related to Title IX or the College’s recent addition of football. “Men’s tennis is not supported in our conference, so it only makes sense to reconstitute it as a club sport,” Henberg said. “There is nothing in this decision that expressed anything but the utmost appreciation for our student-athletes or for Coach Limbago and all he means to the College.”

Henberg noted that athletic scholarships of former varsity players will be honored. As a club sport, men’s tennis will be led and operated by students, with funding coming from student government. Other club sports —most notably men’s lacrosse—have thrived at the C of I over the years.


Champions again: Volleyball, cross country teams capture league titles

C of I introduces new athletics website The College of Idaho proudly unveiled its new

home for Coyote Athletics, www.yoteathletics.com,

this summer.

The new website, launched Aug. 8 and created

with the help of developer SIDEARM Sports,

is the product of months of work by the C of I

athletics office, with assistance from information

technology and the offices of marketing and

communications, admission, alumni relations

and development. Additional content will be

added to the website throughout the school year.

“YoteAthletics.com continues to be a work in

progress,” said C of I sports information director

Mike Safford. “But we are excited to offer Coyote

fans around the country expanded coverage

of our athletic teams on this new site. When

completed, we believe YoteAthletics.com will be

one of the premier small college athletic sites in

the country.”

YoteAthletics.com will give Coyote fans

unprecedented access to the College’s 19

intercollegiate teams. News stories, dynamic

photo galleries, streaming video, online polls

and social media platforms are key components

of the new site, along with the opportunity to

showcase some of the College’s top athletic

sponsors. Fans will be able to receive instant

updates with SMS messages, while prospective

students and student-athletes will enjoy a sharp,

attractive and more informative website.

The College of Idaho volleyball team celebrates its Cascade Conference tournament triumph inside the J.A. Albertson Activities Center. The victory helped the Coyotes clinch their fifth consecutive trip to the NAIA National Championships.

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Diana Dron ’75, President C of I major: Biology Current city/occupation: Santa Ana, Calif. Partner in the

law firm of Monteleone & McCrory, LLP. Favorite C of I memory: There are so many great memories of time spent with wonderful friends that I cannot chose just one, so I will say: rooming with Marilyn, short sheeting beds with Krys, a driving vacation of Idaho with Marianne, dinners with Bob, Jeff and Larry, and playing touch football on the front lawn of Hayman. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: This is one of the ways I am able to give back to the College and hopefully make a difference. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? It sharpened my ability to think critically and broadened my interests to learn. And, living on campus gave me the opportunity to try new things such as student government.

Tom Keene ’80, President elect C of I major: Business administration

Current city/occupation: Ogden, Utah. Director of finance at SMG/Ogden Eccles Conference Center. Favorite C of I memory: Meeting Karen Ailes, who I married in 1979. We both graduated in 1980. Second favorite was seeing the last football game the C of I played in 1977. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: To return some of what I got during my years at the C of I earning a degree and getting to know other students and professors. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? The experience I had while at the C of I was much more important than the classes I took. The most important thing the College gave me was learning how to think, how to write and how to lead.

Erica Sarrazolla ’93, Immediate past president C of I major: Business administration

Current city/occupation: Boise. Financial advisor for Edward Jones Investments. Favorite C of I memory: Playing on the College’s first women’s soccer team and the many trips in vans to Portland, Ore. for games. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: I have always wanted to stay connected with the College and pay forward to current students opportunities that were afforded to me as a student. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? I have been able to use the diverse experiences and knowledge I acquired during my years at the C of I to continually build on in my life. My liberal arts education has come in use in so many ways, and I am grateful for it.

Jenni Carrier ’99, Secretary C of I major: Psychology Current city/occupation: Meridian. Interior Designer.

Favorite C of I memory: Spring of 1996. The Yotes were headed to the basketball championship game, I was practicing hard with coach Cisco Limbago for my first collegiate tennis match, I loved my first psychology class with John Thuerer and I had just met a very cute boy who asked me out. The Yotes won the game for the title, the tennis match was so much fun, I ended up changing my major to psychology and that boy—we ended up getting married! Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: First, I was honored to be considered for the role, but I decided to serve on the board as a tribute to my late father. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? I was not a great test-taker. The College taught me that in life, answers are everywhere. I finally stopped worrying about what might be on the “test” and just enjoyed the research.

James Hank Kvamme ’12 Young Alumni Representative C of I major: Environmental studies, political economy focus

Current city/occupation: Boise. Graduate assistant for the Department of Public Policy and Administration at Boise State University. Favorite C of I memory: Wearing the Coyote mascot costume and crowd surfing during the rivalry basketball game against NNU. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: I felt it was an opportunity to give back to the great institution of The College of Idaho. The school offered a great education, strength-ened my networking and communication skills, and provided special relationships with people that I will never forget. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? The College presented me with opportunities to grow in a number of fields. Taking classes from Jasper LiCalzi and Kerry Hunter showed me how to look at political and social issues from numerous angles in order to identify possible alternatives. Acting as a Resident Assistant taught me how to work with a staff and communicate with residents and peers. And the overarching diverse culture of C of I exhibited principles and values of honor, integrity and commitment that I hope to apply to my life and endeavors ahead of me.

James Bewley ’01 Treasure Valley representative C of I major: Biology Current city/occupation:

Caldwell/Middleton. Optometrist with Family Eyecare Specialists. Favorite C of I memory: There are too many to count. Meeting my wife, Bethany (Bruce) Bewley ’03 at a party in the Delt

house has to be the best. The faculty and staff, classmates, dorms, the SUB, winter fests, spring flings, togas, cabarets, spaghetti dinners and trips to Jackpot are all great memories as well. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: I feel that I benefited from the donation of money, time and energy of the alumni who attended before I was at the College. I now have an opportunity to set an example for current students and young alumni to remain active in the College once they have moved onto their professional and adult lives. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? Professionally, the C of I allowed me to apply, interview and ultimately get accepted to several optometry schools in the United States on my first year as an applicant. I was one of the youngest members of my optometry class and have been able to get started in my career at an earlier age than many of my colleagues. I really appreciated the opportunity to get my undergraduate degree done in four years.

Jeff Shinn ’73, Idaho representative C of I major: Political science Current city/occupation:

Boise. Budget director for College of Western Idaho. Favorite C of I memory: Late-night studying for poli-sci tests with David Boyd at Golden Pheasant. Other stories not appropriate for mixed audiences. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: It is another path I can take to assist the College and its alumni. How has the C of I made a difference in your life? It has allowed me to stay connected with many influential people in Idaho, especially in state government, where I was employed for 35 years.

John Kubas ’70 Pacific Northwest representative C of I majors: English

literature/history Current city/occupation: Danville, Calif. Business owner. Favorite C of I memory: Time spent in the SUB with Dr. Specht, Dr. Cooke, Professor Higdem and other faculty discussing academics, politics and life in general. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: I am entering a new stage in my life, retiring from business through the sale of my business. I am not retiring from life. It is now my time to give back to those who have given so much to myself and my family. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? My time at the C of I help me formulate the moral and ethical standards I ran my business by and have lived by.

David Bonine ’97, Eastern United States/international representative C of I majors: English/history

Current city/occupation: Washington, DC. legislative director for Senator Jim Webb. Favorite C of I story or memory: Midnight Frisbee golf on an ad hoc course through campus. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: I care deeply about the College and its continued success; I’m pleased that it has retained its essential character even as exciting changes are coming. I would like to do my part to keep alumni connected and engaged to the school. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? My time at the College not only laid the educational framework for the rest of my life, but it is also where I formed my deepest friendships and most lasting connections. It prepared me well for the educational and professional challenges I have faced since.

Ken Wagers ’84 Western United States representative C of I majors: Business

administration/accounting & finance Current city/occupation: Boulder, Colo. Director for Kelmar & Associates, LLC. Favorite C of I memory: Jeff Miner and I were roommates for three years in the same exact room in Hayman Hall. At the end of our sophomore and junior years, we’d disassemble our room and put it in storage. As the next school year started, we’d re-assemble it exactly like it was when we left. I think people thought we never moved out! Living on campus all four years, and having Jeff as a great roommate made college an incredible experience. Why you choose to serve on the National Alumni Board: My years at The College of Idaho have made a lasting difference in my life. The C of I has also been part of my family for a long time—both of my parents graduated from the College, and my dad, John Wagers, served on the Board of Trustees. Three of my cousins also have attended. I’d like to help give back to the College. How has the C of I made a difference for you or in your life? The experiences I had at The College of Idaho couldn’t have been replicated at a larger school. The relationships I had with professors, friendships with other students and opportunities in student organizations made a big difference in preparing me for graduate school, work and life in general. I attribute much of my success to my years at the College.

To contact your regional NAB representative, please visit www.collegeofidaho.edu/national- alumni-board or call the Office of Alumni Relations at (208) 459-5770.

Getting to Know The College of Idaho National Alumni Board

alumni news

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Let’s Do Lunch Mark your calendars for the

Ada County Luncheon series, a great way to reunite with alumni and friends while staying connected to the College. Four luncheons

are held each school year at Treasure Valley businesses, with guest speakers from

campus providing the latest C of I news. Join us for our two remaining 2012–2013


January 9 at Micron (Boise) March 13 at Meridian

City Hall To host a luncheon next school year,

call alumni relations at

(208) 459-5770

Distinguished Alumni Award: Dr. Richard Moore ’80 Dr. Richard Moore is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in total joint arthroplasty for the knee, hip and shoulder. Since 1989, Dr. Moore has run a private practice at Ada Orthopedic Clinic, completing more than 15,000 surgical procedures in that time. Dr. Moore specializes in procedures for patients engaged in high performance activity. He has performed surgery on professional mountain climbers and skiers, including Olympic- and World Cup-class ski athletes. His work has helped improve the lives of thousands of patients both in Idaho and around the world.

Distinguished Young Alumni: Abbey Griffitts ’02 Abbey Griffitts is a first-grade teacher at Highlands Elementary in Boise. Griffitts strives to provide individualized instruction that meets each of her students’ needs. She has co-designed and implemented a multi-level reading program for her students, as well as a science curriculum that engages students through hands-on learning. Since 2010, Griffitts also has served as an adjunct education professor at the C of I. Griffitts embodies and is passing on to future generations the College’s spirit of lifelong learning.

Alumni Service Award: Dr. Mary Barinaga ’91 Dr. Mary Barinaga is a doctor of family medicine at the Family Medicine Health Center in Boise. Barinaga also serves as a faculty member and attending physician for the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho and as an assistant dean of regional affairs for the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) in Boise. In addition to her busy career, Barinaga volunteers her time as a physician at Garden City Community Clinic, St. Maries Volunteer Free Clinic and the Ironman Triathlon in Coeur d’Alene.

Alumni Service Award: Gene Ralston ’67 and Sandy Ralston ’69 Husband and wife Gene and Sandy Ralston are owners of Ralston & Associates, a biological and environmental studies consultation firm they founded in 1977. Now semi-retired, the Ralstons focus on volunteer search and recovery work. Using their boat and high-tech sonar equipment, the Ralstons have dedicated hundreds of hours to helping people recover the bodies of loved ones lost in water accidents. The Ralstons have helped many families find closure through their selfless use of time and resources.

Family Heritage Award: The Pasley Family Robert E. Pasley ’30 was the first to attend the College, where he met his wife, Mildred Lawrence ’33. Others who have attended and supported the C of I through the years include Belle Pasley Bates ’56, Helen Batt Pasley ’44, R.C. Pasley ’45, Cherie Pasley Clayton ’68, Marlie Pasley Killen ’70, Doug Pasley ’73, Scott Pasley ’73. John Killen ’73, Scott Killen ’01, Mary Juntilla Pasley ’75, John W. Pasley ’09, Jane Pasley Alexanderson, Robert Alexanderson, Tina Alexanderson ’73, Mary Anne Pasley Kennevick, Jack Kennevick ’54, Gertrude Kerby Moore ’05, Ruth Kerby Pasley, Barbara Moore Mathisen ’50, Dr. Peter Van Patten ’75, Brian Luke Moore ’74, Debbie Dunlavy Moore ’74, Mary Lynn Moore Hasan ’76 and James D. Ruark ’41.

College honors 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award winners

Homecoming check out more Homecoming photos on the C of I Flickr page: www.flickr.com/thecollegeofidaho

(above)Runners take off in the inaugural Coyote 4K Classic race.

(right) Chris Sherman ’06 gets some quality time with the Yote.

(below) Alumna Shawn Harrison ’87 chats with students during the Coyote Connections social.

(above) The “Coyote Crazies” student section gets pumped for the NNU rivalry basketball game.

(right) Students Jenette Noe and Renée Howells participate in the Chalk Art Festival.

(from left) Distinguished Alumni Award winners Gene Ralston ’67, Sandy Ralston ’69, Mary Barinaga ’91 and Abbey Griffitts ’02 celebrate with C of I President Marv Henberg (second from right).

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Want to submit a class note? Quest would love to hear from you. Share your news at www.alumniconnections.com/yotes. Or, email us your information at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing about your accomplishments.


Jan Boles (’65) recently published a historical booklet titled A Public Silence Broken: The Murderer Harry Orchard’s Forgotten Family. The booklet tells the story of Florence and Olive Horsley, the wife and daughter Harry Orchard abandoned before he assassinated Gov. Frank Steunenberg and became one of Idaho’s most infamous criminals. Boles’ findings currently are on display at the Robert E. Smylie Archives he oversees on the second floor of Sterry Hall. A Public Silence Broken also is posted on the C of I website. In September, the booklet received front-page coverage in the Idaho Statesman.

George Venn (’67) recently released his seventh book, a memoir titled Keeping the Swarm: New and Selected Essays. The book is a collection of 11 personal essays “packed with sweetness and stinging from 50 years of writing about the Northwest.” Venn was an English major at the C of I, where he also played varsity tennis and was active in choir, theatre and Prospectus literary magazine. He enjoyed a long career as a literary historian, editor, linguist, educator and Pushcart Prize-winning poet, retiring in 2002 as a writer-in-residence and English professor at Eastern Oregon University. Keeping the Swarm, which features a photo by C of I archivist Jan Boles (’65) and various references to Professor Louie Attebery (’50) and other C of I characters, is available through the publisher’s website at www.wordcraftoforegon.com.


Teri Degler (’70) is a top-selling author in Canada. Her latest release, The Divine Feminine Fire: Creativity and Your Yearning to Express Your Self, is a book about “the creative, transformative power that exists within each and every one of us.” The book, published by Dreamriver Press, is available through Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. Degler studied English at the C of I and earned a master’s degree from the University of New Mexico. She resides in Toronto with her husband and daughter.

The Rev. Steven Hammond (’72) is the 2012 winner of the Athena Award, an honor that recognizes professional excellence, service to the community, and assisting women in attainment of their professional goals and leadership skills. Hammond serves as the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Alpena, Mich., and also works as a licensed physician assistant. He helped establish the Alpena Free Clinic, which has provided free health care to more than 2,000 uninsured individuals.

Gerry Nutt (’75), a lifelong teacher, coach, administrator and advocate of high school activities, retired as athletic director of Middleton High School in 2011. During an exemplary 36-year career, Gerry held leadership positions in many professional organizations, including the Idaho Athletic Administrators Association and the Idaho State Coaches Association. He was honored as Idaho Coach of the Year in track and football as well as Idaho Athletic Director of the Year. Nutt served the Idaho High School Activities Association in numerous positions, directing state tournaments and sitting on the Board of Directors and Classification Committee. In August, he was inducted into the IDHSAA Hall of Fame in Boise.

Marcia Wing (’76) has been honored by the Idaho State Bar for her work on the Bar’s Professional Conduct Board, which hears formal complaints against attorneys. Wing has served three terms on the board, which considers sanctions against lawyers accused of breaking the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct. Wing worked at Moreton & Company before her retirement. She is active in many organizations including Rotary Club, the Learning Lab, C of I Alumni Relations and Chamber of Commerce Leadership Boise.


Graydon Stanley (’80) has been hired as vice president for student services at North Idaho College in Coeur d’Alene. Stanley, who also earned his master’s degree in school counseling from the C of I in 1986, previously served as dean of students at the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls.


Jack Cafferty (’97) and Ashley (Syphers) Cafferty (’97) celebrated the arrival of a baby son, Jett Jameson Cafferty, on Sept. 21. Jett weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. He is Jack and Ashley’s second child, joining his older brother, 3-year-old Jasper. Jack is the director of development at the C of I and the family lives in Boise.

Matt Ellsworth (’99) has accepted a new position as the government affairs manager at Northwest Mining Association in Spokane, Wash. Ellsworth has spent the past 13 years working in various capacities for United States Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter (’67).

Neva Geisler (’94) has joined Create Common Good, a social enterprise company that uses food to change lives by providing job training to refugees and other populations with barriers to employment through experiential programs relating to food and food service. Geisler will serve as director of community engagement for Create Common Good, utilizing her wealth of experience working with community outreach, engagement and corporate partnerships.

Michael Pearson (’97) has been hired as the financial executive officer for the Idaho Department of Fish & Game. Pearson currently lives in Meridian with his wife, Gillian, and two fantastic children, Jack and Ginny.

Sean Rogers (’94) recently completed a 14-state musical tour. Rogers’ arrangement of “Silent Night” for solo hand bells and piano was published by SONOLOGY music, and his arrangement of “The Church’s One Foundation” will be published in April. Rogers recently finished his third solo CD of improvisations, titled Spirit.


Alan Barber (‘06) recently completed his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences and

pharmacogenomics at the University of California-San Francisco. Barber’s dissertation produced several major pieces of work, including a software package of his own creation called

Pythoscape, which is used as a tool to sort, organize and develop hypotheses using sequencing data. He also was involved on an award-winning collaborative project with the Herschlag Lab at Stanford University studying more than 1.5 billion years of enzyme evolution and helped author a paper on the evolution of apoptosis with the Wells Lab at UCSF. Upon graduation, Barber was hired as a computational scientist at the South San Francisco company Nodality, which makes personalized medicine diagnostics for immune-related disorders. Barber will work with staff immunologists to translate what they discover into statistical models and software.

Molly (Bullard) Lipps (’07) was married to Michael Lipps on August 25, 2012. Bullard studied English and was a USCSA All-American skier at the C of I. The couple resides in Salt Lake City.

Travis Guy (’06) recently finished a six-month backpacking trip from Tierra del Fuego in Argentina to Cusco, Peru, via the Andes Mountains. Guy deferred graduate school acceptance

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to the Yale School of Forestry and the University of Florida Zoology program as he accepted the position of research scientist with the National Science Foundation for the United States Antarctic Program at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, for the August 2012–March 2013 season.

Tyler Mallard (’07) has been hired as a government affairs liaison at Risch Pisca, PLLC, Law and Policy in Boise. Mallard joins Risch Pisca after working as assistant to the governor’s legal counsel and special assistant to Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter (’67). While in the governor’s employ, Mallard worked on issues including natural resources, military and veterans’ affairs, juvenile corrections, alcohol beverage licensing and wolf delisting.

The Rev. David Bruce Rose (’04) participated in training Air National Guard chaplains and chaplain assistants in sexual assault prevention and response this September in Tennessee. Rose currently is director of the marriage, family and child counseling program at Fresno Pacific University Biblical Seminary in California.

Kristyn (Price) Rutland (’03) and Lauren Bourgeau (’11) have teamed up in Sun Valley as coaches of The Community School Cutthroats high school volleyball team. Third-year head coach Rutland was a volleyball All-American at the C of I in 2002, while first-year assistant coach Bourgeau was a three-year player for the Coyotes.

Kristi (Wilson) Running (’04) has joined the faculty of the University of Idaho College of Law as a legal research and writing instructor in Moscow. Kristi and her husband, Mitch Running, were married July 14. She graduated summa cum laude with a degree in business/international political economy and history from the C of I and went on to earn her law degree from the U of I in 2008. After graduating from law school, she served as a judicial clerk to the Idaho Supreme Court and as an associate attorney in the Boise law firm of Elam & Burke.

Tim Talbott (’00) was joyfully married to Brooke Radloff in June 2009. The couple ventured into parenthood in July 2010 with the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Kaira. They have lived in Petaluma, Calif. for the past year while Tim works as a client service representative at Private

Ocean, a wealth management firm. Brooke and Tim also recently invented and are now marketing an eco-friendly cat toy (www.greencattoy.com), which they refer to as their “pet project.”


Dayne Filer (’12) has been selected for an appointment to the Research Participation Program for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development. His work will take place at the National Center for Computational Technology at Research Triangle Park, N.C. The program is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. Upon completion of his appointment, Filer plans to return to school and pursue an MD/Ph.D.

Amanda Frickle (’12) in November was one of 32 young Americans to be named a Rhodes Scholar. Frickle, who studied history and political economy at the College, becomes the seventh C of I graduate to win the oldest and most celebrated international fellowship award in the world. Frickle plans to pursue a career in social justice advocacy and will attend the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom as part of the Class of 2013. Her proposed course of study at Oxford is a graduate program in women’s studies, with a specific interest in applying that knowledge to advocacy for LGBT and women’s rights in the United States and Latin America.

Izaac Garsez (’12) recently completed his first season of professional baseball in the Chicago Cubs organization. Garsez, a Caldwell native, began the year with the

Mesa Cubs of the Arizona Rookie League before getting called up to play for the hometown, Class “A” Boise Hawks. The 6-foot-1, 210-pound outfielder appeared in 25 games for Boise, batting .228 with three triples, one home run, 17 runs scored and seven RBIs as the Hawks advanced to the Northwest League Championship Series.

Geoffrey Hill (‘12) has been hired as the principle second violin player for the Boise Philharmonic Orchestra. He now overlooks the entire second violin section within the orchestra and participates as a member of the Philharmonic Quartet.  

The following alumni and friends of the College have passed away. When you learn of the death of a College of Idaho alumnus or alumna, please email the information to: [email protected].


Alta Lake (’46)

Bertha Newman (’48)

William Rankin (’41)

Robert Skinner (’41)

William Sower (’49)


Clyde Archer (’53)

Dr. Wayne E. Crill (’57)

Kwang-Sae Lee (’56)

LuAnn Maupin (’58)

Lois Newbill (’57)

Barbara Newman (’55)

Mary Thomas (’55)

Lewis Wampler (’58)

1960s Harley Dawson (’63)

Pauline Hibbs (’64)

Gary Shurtleff (’61)

Marion Steppe (’60)

Lois Timmons (’67)

Robert Wheeler (’67)


James Wickham (’71)


Michael Flynn (’85)


Clara Akichika

James Blevins

Jeanne Martin Skyrm Hayman

Richard Murray

Connie Ottenhoff

Aaron F. Salisbury

Timothy Schink

Raymond Smelek

Dorothy Wright

in memoriam

Izaac Garsez holds the C of I career record with 30 triples. He also ranks among the top-five in career runs, hits, home runs, RBIs and stolen bases.

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Amy (Rhoades) Mansell (’10) was featured in the Oct. 3 pink, breast cancer awareness edition of the Idaho Statesman. Amy, who survived a battle with breast cancer in 2007 and returned to finish her highly successful athletic career as a softball and soccer player with the Coyotes, gave cancer awareness and survival advice to readers.

Campus Notes


Dr. Scott Knickerbocker (English and environmental studies) has released a new book titled Ecopoetics: The Language of Nature, the Nature of Language. The book explores how

poets not usually considered nature poets express humanity’s relationship with nature while also probing the complex relationship between artifice and the natural world in the work of modern American poets—in particular Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop, Richard Wilbur and Sylvia Plath. Ecopoetics, published by University of Massachusetts Press, was released in October.

Christine Mabile (swimming coach) recently competed at the Masters Summer Nationals swim meet in Omaha, Neb. The meet was held at Century Link Center, the same pool used for the U.S. Olympic Trials. Mabile competed in five events and collected three top-10 finishes, placing seventh in the 50-meter backstroke, eighth in the 100-meter backstroke and ninth in the 50-meter breaststroke. The competition featured several former Olympians, including 2000 gold medalist Misty Hyman.

Jan Summers Duffy, an archaeologist and curator of Egyptology at the

Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, recently had an article published in the popular British magazine Ancient Egypt. The article, titled Beauty, Purity, Preservation and Durability: Artifacts of Stone, examines stone artifacts found in tombs—in particular the famous Tomb of Tutankhamun, KV62—in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. It appears on pages 44–49 of the August/September 2012 (Vol. 13, No. 1) issue of the magazine.

Dr. Brent Wells (music) and The College of Idaho Chorale and Chamber Singers will perform at historic Carnegie Hall in New York City next spring. The C of I group performs Sunday, March 24, at Isaac Stern Auditorium alongside renowned choral composer Eric

Whitacre as part of the Distinguished Concerts International New York City Concert Series. The group will spend five days in New York preparing for the concert and enjoying the city’s many historical and cultural landmarks. To learn how you can help support the students’ experience at Carnegie Hall, email: [email protected].

Dr. Deb Yates (education) recently conducted a teaching workshop at The Community School in Sun Valley. Yates, who is on sabbatical working on alternative education research, led an orientation session for a cohort of interns as part of the newly created Teacher Training Academy, an alternative teacher preparation program. One of Yates’ interns was C of I alumna Sarah Higgins (’12), an American history and education major who graduated in May and currently is a master’s in education candidate.

The College of Idaho’s website earned an “A” grade and was in the top 100 of all college websites rated this year by

the My College Options 14th Annual Enrollment Power Index program. This research-based analysis uses scientific methods and prospective student focus groups to rate the ability of admissions websites to move students from inquiry to applicant to enrollee. It is part of the National Research Center for College and University Admissions.


This summer, a group of 14 C of I students traveled to China on a custom-designed study abroad experience with political economy professor Dr. Robert Dayley and history professor Dr. Jeff Snyder-Reinke as part of the Asian Studies course “China: Trade, Commerce, and Culture.” The group spent a full month in China, studying the country’s historic Tea Horse Road in Yunnan Province and Tibet. To check out a collection of photo essays authored by the students and a link to more than 130 photos from China, visit: www.collegeofidaho.edu/china-2012.

Laura Barbour spent most of her summer break gaining valuable research experience through an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) funded by the National Science Foundation. Barbour, a senior majoring in environmental studies with a conservation biology focus, spent 10 weeks working at an elevation of 9,500 feet with the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Gothic, Colo. As one of 10 REUs selected out of 130 applicants, Barbour studied high-altitude ecology, investigating the impacts of selection by pollinators and seed predators on the hybrid zone dynamics of two closely related Rocky Mountain phlox wildflowers. She co-authored a paper on the subject, wrote a research paper and presented her findings during the REU student symposium.

Felicity Jones was named the women’s basketball Preseason Player of the Year in the Cascade Conference. Jones, a

senior forward, averaged 13.2 points, 5.2 rebounds and 2.3 steals per game last year, helping lead the Coyotes to the CCC tournament championship. Senior guard Katelin Shannon also made this year’s preseason All-CCC squad.

Austin Mendiola was named to the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association’s 2012 scholar athlete team. The sophomore midfielder was the first freshman in school history to earn All-Conference honors last season.

Gabe Osterhout recently served as a page at the Republican National Convention in Florida. In a summer interview with the Idaho Statesman, the politically inclined freshman from Boise said he aspires to become governor of Idaho.

campus notes

Caitlin Skufca (page 25).

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Caitlin Skufca recently competed in the Xterra USA Championship Triathlon in Ogden, Utah. Skufca completed the 1.5 kilometer swim, 28K mountain bike and 10K trail run in 3 hours, 54 minutes and 17 seconds, finishing second in the female 20–24 age group. Skufca, a native of New York, is a member of the C of I ski team.

Shealene Zitny was recently hired to stage manage for the Opera Idaho production of Falstaff, which played in October at the Egyptian Theatre in Downtown Boise. Zitny, a senior theatre and math double major, has stage managed several shows at The College of Idaho over the past three years. The Opera Idaho show was her first professional gig.


Melissa Gutowski (’12) has been hired as a technical operations specialist in the Office of College Relations. Gutowski, a native of Vancouver, B.C., attended the C of I and in May 2012 earned her degree in business and accounting. As a student, Gutowski worked with several branches of College Relations, serving as a Coyote Caller for the Office of Development and interning for the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Heidi Rutledge Jewell has been hired as a gift accountant and donor relations coordinator in the Office of Development. Jewell is a native Idahoan who earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Boise State University in 1997. She has public accounting experience in both tax and audit and most recently worked as an internal auditor for Blue Cross.

Katie (Murphy) Miller (’10) has been hired as director of the Boone Fund. Miller graduated from the College in 2010 with a degree in business and the arts. Prior to joining the College, she worked in retail banking with Wells Fargo and also was part of the administration and accounting office for Stein Distributing in Boise.

Fred Warr (’96) has been hired as director of information technology. Warr has more than a decade of experience as a senior level IT manager. Most recently, Warr served as IT director for New Mexico State University at Grants. Warr received his bachelor’s degree from the C of I in 1996 and went on to earn an MBA in technology management from the University of Phoenix.

campus notes

Ann Kuck (’75) recently retired after 21 years as The College of Idaho’s registrar. In 1993, Kuck and two of her predecessors, D. Jeanne DeLurme and William Wallace, were photographed by Steve Grant in front of Sterry Hall. C of I archivist Jan Boles (’65) captured a similar scene this summer as Kuck passed the torch to her successor, Susan Hines, the College’s sixth registrar.

From the Cover: Mary E. Monroe (’78) is a senior vice president and relationship manager in the commercial banking arm of Wells Fargo in Boise. She works downtown in the Wells Fargo Building, where she is responsible for managing, maintaining and enhancing a complex portfolio of large corporate and middle market lending relationships. Mary earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the C of I in 1978 and went on to earn an MBA from Marquette University and certification from Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle. She lives in Boise with her husband, Ernie, and her son, Ted.

New College Relations hires Heidi Rutledge Jewell, Katie Miller (’10) and Melissa Gutowski (’12).

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STATSname Elizabeth Salmons

years at the college 1934–35 favorite professor Anna Eyck (English)

professionRetired Nurse

Elizabeth Salmons has seen just about everything in her 95 years, but the two she spent at The College of Idaho during the depression-ravaged 1930s remain dear to her heart. Quest caught up with Salmons to discuss the good old days in Caldwell and the C of I scholarship she established to ensure future Idahoans have access to education.

Quest: I understand you grew up on a farm in the Magic Valley area. What brought you to The College of Idaho? That was back in 1934, and it was still depression time. We did live on a farm, and it was a tough life. I wanted to go to school so I wouldn’t be stuck on the farm my whole life. I had encouragement from a couple girls I knew who were attending the College. My father was a big promoter of education and I could just barely afford to go, so I went.

Quest: What did you enjoy most about your time at the College? I had a wonderful time there. I enjoyed living in the dorms—I lived in Finney Hall. That was quite an experience for a little farm girl. I remember we had some very good professors. It was interesting to listen to them, even in the required courses. I was part of the Myra Tella sorority, which no longer exists. This was back when Reverend Boone was president. He was the great father. I remember taking a zoology course that I really enjoyed. And I played on a women’s field hockey team as well.

Quest: What was Caldwell like in those days? It was a long way into town [from the College]. We didn’t go very often because we didn’t have money

to spend. We got most of what we needed right at the school. I waited tables in the dining room at Finney Hall, which I enjoyed. We were poor, but we never did without food.

Quest: Where did you go next? I moved to Pennsylvania in 1937. I had a cousin there who was in nursing school, and I decided that was what I wanted to do. Back in those days, the education was done at the hospital. I did my nursing school at Pennsylvania Hospital, which was the first hospital in the country. It started during the [Thirteen] Colonies.

Quest: Did your years at the C of I help you at nursing school?Oh yes. It sure made it easier for me to get accepted. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to go to the College. I don’t think I made as much of it as I could have when I was there, but that’s youth.

Quest: How are you enjoying your golden years? For the last 25 years, I’ve lived in a senior retirement community here in Pennsylvania, and it’s been like one long vacation. I like to walk. I enjoy people. Up until about three years ago, I was assisting others in the community with transportation. I had a car, a Buick with a big trunk to hold the walkers and wheelchairs. I enjoyed helping people; it was kind of a throwback to nursing.

Quest: You have set up a scholarship at the College that goes specifically to someone who grew up in Idaho. Why is that important to you? The College was such a good experience for me. I met so many interesting people. One was a special friend of mine, Eileen Haag from Filer, who I kept in contact with for all these years until she passed away two years ago. I just know there are a lot of students in Idaho who live on farms and have to work through school and aren’t necessarily “A” students. I know what that’s like, so I wanted to make [the scholarship] available to people who might not be able to go to the College without a little extra help.

Quest: What would you say to a student attending the C of I thanks to your scholarship? Plug along. It will be worth it, all the rest of your life.

alumni profile

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fall 2012 • page 27

Save the date

December 16: Fifth annual Alumni & Friends Holiday Casino Party: Join us at Beside Bardenay in Boise for food, fun, casino games, prizes and an open bar—all for just $30.

February 22: Annual C of I Scholarship Gala: Spotlight on Athletics. Join us at the downtown Boise Centre on the Grove as we celebrate the College and raise money for student scholarships. For tickets and information, call (208) 459-5025 or visit www.collegeofidaho.edu/gala.

For a full schedule of events, please visit the Alumni Calendar at www.collegeofidaho.edu. Event dates are subject to change. For more information or to RSVP for specific events, email [email protected] or call (208) 459-5770. We look forward to seeing you soon!


11 Half Century Luncheon (Simplot Dining Hall)

13 Alumni Book Club Club featuring Little Century

by Anna Keesey, hosted by Laurie Henberg

(President’s House)

16 Alumni & Friends Holiday Casino Party

(Beside Bardenay, Boise)


9 Ada County Luncheon (Micron, Boise)

15 Half Century Luncheon (Simplot Dining Hall)

19 Alumni Destination Event: Sundance Film

Festival (Ogden, Utah)

30 GOLD Happy Hour (Sockeye Brewery, Boise)


7 Alumni Book Club (Willowcreek Grill, Eagle)

19 Half Century Luncheon (Simplot Dining Hall)

22 Annual C of I Scholarship Gala (Boise Centre

on the Grove)

MARCH 2013

2 Annual Softball/Volleyball Dinner Auction

(J.A. Albertson Activities Center)

13 Ada County Luncheon (Meridian City Hall)

19 Half Century Luncheon (Simplot Dining Hall)

20 C of I Alumni Night at the Idaho Steelheads

hockey game (Boise)

24 C of I Choir at Carnegie Hall (New York City)

alumni calendar

The C of I volleyball team recently completed its 33rd season of varsity competition. The Coyotes have become a Cascade Conference powerhouse, winning nearly 80 percent of their matches and capturing five CCC Tournament titles during the past decade. But the C of I volleyball tradition began more than 40 years ago as a club team, as evidenced by this 1972 photo of the Yotes in Kirkpatrick Gymnasium.

Page 28: Fall 2012 Quest Magazine

2112 Cleveland BoulevardCaldwell, Idaho 83605

Today’s students may not comprehend

the meaning behind this 1957

photograph. This is the telephone

switchboard for Finney Hall. Any

incoming call first came to the

switchboard. The operator then

directed the call to a telephone that

most likely was the only phone on

a floor. The President had an office

phone, but that was an exception. If

Betty on the second floor of Finney

Hall received a call, then everyone in

the building knew about it. And woe

unto anyone placing unauthorized long

distance calls from campus—such calls

were budget busters and grounds for

serious consequences.

Quest is published by The College of Idaho. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.Editorial offices are located in Sterry Hall, 2112 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605-4432. Telephone 208.459.5529. Email: [email protected]. Opinions expressed in Quest are those of the individual author and do not neccesssarily reflect the views of the College administration or the Board of Trustees.

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