fall 2013 by-election

UWSA By-Election 2013 By-Election Nomination Package  All Bylaws and Policies governing the UWSA election can be found on  www.uwsa.ca under the About the Alliance tab under gover nance. General Informati on To participate in the 2013 B y-Election, the following information must be read and the attached forms must be filled out and submitted to the UWSA Office (CAW Student Centre Room 209) in a sealed envelope by Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 6:00pm at the UWSA Office. Please ensure to have your submission s igned and time-stamped. The following positions are to be contested in the 2013 By-Election: 1 Board of Directors’ Position 1 Senate Position 1 Medicine Representative Position 2 Business Representative Positions 3 Human Kinetics Representative Positions 1 Nursing Representative Positions 1 Education Representative Position 1 First Year Representative Position If you are running for either of these bodies, please be aware of your obligation to be available during the abov e named times. Furthermore, please understand that your responsibilities as a councilor or board member also include s itting on one of six  governance committees on the off wee ks of your governance meeting. You are, therefore, expected to attend one meeting per we ek. For more information, please email the Vice President Equity & Administration, Shaista Akbar, at [email protected] Nominations The Nomination Form consists of three separate pages. They are the General Information Section, the Nominator Section and the Nominee Section. All three pages need to be fully completed and handed in together in a sealed envelope to the UWSA Office for nominee consideration. The nomination packa ge must be time-stamped by 6PM on Thursday, October 17 th , 2013 to be considered. The UWSA Office is open Monday-Thursday from 9AM-6PM and on Fridays from 9AM- 4PM. You may hand in y our nomination package du ring these times.

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UWSA By-Election2013 By-Election Nomination Package

 All Bylaws and Policies governing the UWSA election can be found on

 www.uwsa.ca under the About the Alliance tab under governance.

General Information

To participate in the 2013 By-Election, the following information must be read and theattached forms must be filled out and submitted to the UWSA Office (CAW StudentCentre Room 209) in a sealed envelope by Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 6:00pm at theUWSA Office. Please ensure to have your submission signed and time-stamped.

The following positions are to be contested in the 2013 By-Election:

1 Board of Directors’ Position 1 Senate Position

1 Medicine Representative Position2 Business Representative Positions3 Human Kinetics Representative Positions1 Nursing Representative Positions1 Education Representative Position

1 First Year Representative Position

If you are running for either of these bodies, please be aware of your obligation to beavailable during the above named times. Furthermore, please understand that your responsibilities as a councilor or board member also include sitting on one of six

 governance committees on the off weeks of your governance meeting. You are, therefore,expected to attend one meeting per week. For more information, please email the VicePresident Equity & Administration, Shaista Akbar, at [email protected]


The Nomination Form consists of three separate pages. They are the GeneralInformation Section, the Nominator Section and the Nominee Section. All three pagesneed to be fully completed and handed in together in a sealed envelope to the UWSA Office for nominee consideration. The nomination package must be time-stamped by 6PM on Thursday, October 17th, 2013 to be considered.

The UWSA Office is open Monday-Thursday from 9AM-6PM and on Fridays from 9AM-4PM. You may hand in your nomination package during these times.

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Nomination Period will begin October 3rd, at 9am(when the UWSA office

opens) and last until October 17th until 6pm (when the UWSA office closes).

The All Candidates’ Meeting will take place immediately after the end of the

nomination period, October 18th, at 6pm. The location will be updated atuwsa.ca/elections.php. This meeting must take place at least nine days before the firstday of voting.

Campaign Period shall take place from October 21st, at 12:01am, to November 3rd,at 11:59pm.

 Voting Days: Tuesday November 5th, at 9am until Wednesday November 6th at 9pm.

The last day for Voluntary Withdrawal is November 6th. Any candidates who arepart-time students as of this date shall immediately be disqualified.

Unofficial Results will be available Wednesday, November 6th at 10pm. Results willbe posted on the door of the UWSA office within 24 hours.

Last Day to appeal results shall be Friday November 8th at 9pm (48 hours after


Polling Stations

 VOTING IS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT www.uwindsor.ca/uwsavote

However, there will be poll stations open at the following locations from 9:30am – 6:30pm:

CAW Student CentreHuman Kinetics Building

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 Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria are mandatory requirements for candidate eligibility: 

1)  Be a Member in Good Standing at the time of the Electiona.  Meeting the requirements of your degreeb.  Full-Time Undergraduate Student

2)  Nominators must be Members of the UWSA (including Full-Time UndergraduateStudents, students on a cooperative education semester or current UWSA executive members).

3)   You may only contest one position during an election (i.e. if you are running forInternational Representative, you cannot run for Senate Representative or any 

other position).

4)  The Nomination Form, consisting of the last two pages in this package, must bedetached and submitted in a sealed envelope to the front desk of the UWSA Office

and time-stamped no later than October 17th at 6PM. Please retain the first twopages of this package for your information. Nomination forms must be submittedto front-desk attendant to ensure it is date-stamped as no envelopes left under thedoor after hours will be accepted. If you cannot drop your form off duringbusiness hours, please email [email protected] to make alternatearrangements.

5)   All candidates or their delegate must attend the All Candidates Meeting to be held

in Ambassador Auditorium (2nd Floor CAW Student Centre) October 18th, at6PM. Please Note: If you do not attend this meeting or send a representative in your 

 place, you will not be considered a candidate. If you, or your delegate, arrive morethan 10 minutes after the meeting starts, you will be considered absent, and subsequently disqualified from the election. 

The Office of the Chief Returning Officer For questions or concerns, please contact Vice President Equity & Administration Shaista Akbar  by email at [email protected]

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 UWSA By-ElectionNominee Information

 Application Due: October 17th

, 2013 at 6pm. 

First Name: _____________________________________________

Last Name: ______________________________________________

 Address: ________________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________

Student Number: _________________________________________

Faculty: _________________________________________________

Program: ________________________________________________

 Year of Study: _______

Position nominated for_______________________________________________

In signing this form I confirm that I am a member of the University of WindsorStudents’ Alliance (“UWSA”) as defined in Article 1 of the UWSA Constitution. Igrant authorization to the UWSA or its agents to verify both my program andacademic standing through the Office of the Registrar of the University of  Windsor. Further, I affirm that I have read and understand the informationcontained in this nomination package, have familiarized myself with all UWSA 

governing documents including the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, andhereby accept the nomination accompanied below.

Nominee Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________ 

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UWSA By-ElectionNomination FormNominator Sections

Nominator One

1.  I, ___________________________ (Nominator Name), being a member with the UWSA, hereby nominate ____________________ (Nominee Name)to run for the position of ___________________________ (Position Name)in the upcoming UWSA General Election.

2.  I affirm that ____________________________ (Nominee Name) is notcontesting any other position with the UWSA in this upcoming election.

3.  I authorize the Chief Returning Officer to confirm my status as a member withthe UWSA through UWSA records and records of the University of Windsor.

 __________________________ _________________________Nominator Name Nominator Student Number

 ___________________________ ____________________________Nominator Signature Date (Month, Day, Year)

Nominator Two

1.  I, ____________________________ (Nominator Name), being a memberin good order and standing with the UWSA, hereby nominate _____________________ (Nominee Name) to run for the position of  ___________________________ (Position Name) in the upcoming UWSA Election.

2.  I affirm that ____________________________ (Nominee Name) is notcontesting any other position with the UWSA in this upcoming election.

3.  I authorize the Chief Returning Officer to confirm my status as a member withthe UWSA through UWSA records and records of the University of Windsor.

 __________________________ _________________________Nominator Name Nominator Student Number

 ___________________________ ____________________________Nominator Signature Date (Month, Day, Year)

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UWSA By-Election ElectionNomination FormNominee Section

1. I, __________________________ (Nominee Name), being a member in good orderand standing with the UWSA, hereby accept the nomination to run for the position of 

 __________________________ (Position Name) in the upcoming UWSA Election.

2. I affirm that I am not contesting any other position with the UWSA in this upcoming

UWSA Election.

3. I affirm that I am in Good Standing with the University of Windsor (at least 5.0 GPA).

4. From the list below, I qualify as a member of the UWSA because I am ____ (letter


a) Registered at the University of Windsor as full-time undergraduate students;

 b) Registered in a co-operative education work term or internship through the

University of Windsor;c) Serving as the President or a Vice-President of the UWSA.

5. I recognize and affirm that I am responsible for all volunteers and employees who assist

me in my campaign.

6. I recognize that I will not be accepted as a Candidate if I do not attend the All Candidates

Meeting or do not send a representative in my place.

7. I recognize that completion of this Nomination Form does not guarantee my acceptance

as a Candidate.

8. I recognize and affirm that it is my personal responsibility to familiarize myself with the

Election Rules provided to me by the Chief Returning Officer or an agent of the Chief 

Returning Officer, which includes such things as limits on campaign materials and

expenditures and penalties for election violations.

9. I authorize the Chief Returning Officer to confirm my status as a member in good order

and standing with the UWSA and all other claims above through UWSA records and

records of the University of Windsor.

 _______________________ _______________________Nominee Name (Print) Nominee Student Number

 _______________________ _______________________Nominee Signature Date (Month, Day, Year)