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Nebraska ChapterameriCaN publiCWorks assoCiatioN

Nebraska WatereNviroNmeNt assoCiatioN

Nebraska seCtioNameriCaN WaterWorks assoCiatioN

November 6-8, 2013Younes Conference Center

Kearney, Nebraska



CONTENTSAPWA Program Pages 2-4AWWA Program Pages 5-11NWEA Program Pages 12-20Registration Information Page 21Credit Hours Page 21Registration Form Page 22Blank Pages for Notes Page 23-24

2013 – Sustaining & Adapting

Welcome to the 2013 Annual Nebraska Section of American Water Works Association, Nebraska Chapter Public Works Association and the Nebraska Water Environment Association Fall Joint Conference.

Once again, we are meeting in Kearney and a second time at the spacious Younes Center. Last year we had a record number of exhibitors and our usual well supported crowd of attendees. This year we will spread out and grow into our new conference home.

Our theme for 2013 is “Sustaining & Adapting.” It isn’t getting any easier. Every year there seems to be more regulations and technology innovations that we need to learn about and incorporate into best management practices. Throw on top of that an aging workforce, infrastructure becoming due for renewal and uncertain weather, leaves you with only one option - buckle down and have at it.

Thanks to all the associations hard working members for their help in putting together this conference. Be sure to catch up with long time friends, meet new fellow professionals and spend some time visiting with the vendors, without whom this conference would not be possible.

David Lathrop Conference Coordinator



7:30-8:30 Past Presidents' Breakfast - SoZo Restaurant at the Holiday Inn

7:30-8:30 Registration

8:30-8:45 Opening Comments Dennis J. Smith, NE Chapter President

8:45-9:15 APWA Audit Miki Esposito, Lincoln Public Works

9:15-10:00 The State’s Role in Emergency Response Earl Imler, Nebraska Emergency Management Agency

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

10:30-11:15 OPPD Sustainability Program Dean Mueller, OPPD

11:15-12:00 State of the State Moe Jamshidi, NDOR

12:00-1:30 Joint NSAWWA & APWA Luncheon - Diamond 9 & 10

1:30-2:30 Hazard Mitigation Lalit Jha & Jeff Hanson, JEO

Urban Drainage JD Johnson & Miles Simmons, JEO

2:30-2:45 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

2:45-3:45 Winter Maintenance Bruce Drewes, Idaho LTAP (retired)

3:45-4:30 APWA Chapter Meeting - Diamond 4

5:30-7:00 Social Hour and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

7:00-9:00 APWA Banquet - Ruby 6

9:00-12:00 3rd Annual Texas Hold'em Tournament (at the Holiday Inn following banquet)

APWAWednesday, November 6, 2013


Morning Session - Diamond 4 Moderator: Tera Vasicek

Afternoon Session - Diamond 4 Moderator: Dennis J. Smith








Nebraska Chapter APWA Officers

President Dennis J. Smith Vice-President Brock Beran Secretary Tara Vasicek Treasurer Dennis Wilson Delegate Joe Soucie Co-Delegate Allen Schoemaker Director Mike McIntosh Director Greg Oliverius Director Matthew Rief Director Karl Fredrickson Past President Mark Christiansen

APWA Committees (Chair in bold)


Mark Christiansen


Tara Vasicek

Fleet Services

Jim Chiles

Emergency Management

Shawn Ovenden

Engineering and Technology

Dave Goedeken

Mid American Public Works Conference

Joe Soucie Mark Christiansen Allen Schoemaker

National Public Works Week/Publicity

Kathleen Alexander


Kathleen Alexander

Nebraska Chapter APWA Information2013 Fall ConferenceOn-Site Registration Form

Membership: □ NWEA □ APWA □ AWWA Name: ____________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ New Member □ Yes □ No

Young Professional (Age 35 and under) □ Yes □ No

Check Banquet Registration Options Selection Selection NWEA Conference □ $100 □ NWEA APWA Conference □ $100 □ APWA AWWA Conference □ $100 □ AWWA Full Conference □ $170 Extra Lunch Tickets □ $20 each X __ = $ ____

Extra Banquet Tickets:NWEA - $35 each X ____ = $ ______ APWA - $35 each X ____ = $ ______ AWWA - $35 each X ____ = $ ______

Optional Scholarship Fund Donation (Suggested Minimum $5) $ ______Organization: □ NWEA □ APWA □ AWWANWEA Lapel Pin (WERF Fund) $5 $ ______

Total Enclosed $ _______________

Make check payable to AWWA





Nebraska Chapter APWA Information


Mark Christiansen


Brock Beran

Sewer Maintenance Collections System Workshop

Gary Kuhn

Solid Waste Management


Snow Plow Rodeo

Greg Goldman Rod Ripley Dan Freshman Dave Shivley Dave Goedeken Joe Soucie Don Neary Roger Petersen Dale Tedder Rich Weber


Karl Fredrickson

Utilities and Public Right of Way

Mike McIntosh

Water Resource Management

Marc Rosso

Winter Maintenance

Greg Goldman

AWWA, APWA & NWEA 2012Registration Information

Program Pre-Registration On-Site RegistrationAPWA $90* $100*AWWA $90z $100z

NWEA $90w $100wFull Conf. $165l $170l

Additional Banquet Tickets $35Additional Lunch Tickets $20

* Includes Wed. lunch & banquetzIncludes Wed. lunch, banquet & Thurs. lunchwIncludes Thurs. lunch & banquetl Includes all lunches and all banquets

To guarantee a room at the conference rate, make your reservation prior to October 8, 2012. You must tell the hotel you will be attending this conference to receive the conference rate.Wingate Inn - Reservations Number: (308) 237-4400Per contract room rates are $89.95 (suite $119.95) for One - Four Persons. Tax not included.Hampton Inn - Reservations Number: (308) 234-3400Per contract room rates are $89.95 (suite $119.95) for One - Four Persons. Tax not included.Fairfield Inn - Reservations Number: (308) 236-4200Per contract room rates are $99.95 (suite $139.95) for One - Four Persons. Tax not included.

NDHHS Water Operator CEU Hours:Grades 1-4 = Up to 9 hours

Grade 6 = 2 hours (backflow challenge attendance)

An additional 0.5 hours for Grades 1-4 that compete in Meter Madness Contest

NDEQ Wastewater Operator CEU Hours:8.5 Hrs

Continuing Education Hours

Conference Hotel Information


7:30-8:30 Registration

8:30-9:00 Keynote Address David Rager, AWWA Dignitary

9:00-9:30 Insitu Tracer Testing for Determination of Effective Inside Pipe Diameters Tom Nevins, Kirkham Michael9:30-10:00 Advancements in Horizontal Collector Well Design Matt Richart, Black & Veatch

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

10:30-11:00 Integrated UF/RO Membrane Treatment Plant – Council Bluffs, IA Teresa Konda, HDR11:00-11:30 Turning Data into Action to Drive System Optimization and Performance Jeff Neemann, Black & Veatch

11:30-12:00 Best Practice for Installing PVC Pipe Larry Schmidt, Diamond Plastics Corp

9:00-9:30 Adapting to Mother Natures’ Attitude Problem Brian Gongol, D. J. Gongol & Associates

9:30-10:00 Climate Change Impact on Water, Land & Ecosystems Rick Wilson, USGS & Nebraska Water Science Center

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

10:30-11:00 WARN - A National Perspective Kevin Morley, AWWA

11:00-11:30 Republican River Water Updates Michael Clement, Lower Republican NRD

11:30-12:00 Collaborating to Find Winning Water Solutions Lorre McKeone, NEWBA

AWWAWednesday, November 6, 2013

Morning Session B - Diamond 3 Moderator: Rick Melcher


Morning Session A - Diamond 5Moderator: Mary Poe


Morning Session - Diamond 5Opening RemarksJohn Olsson, NSAWWA Director

Morning Session A (cont'd) - Diamond 5Moderator: Chad Roberts


NWEA Information

Nebraska Water Environment Association Officers

President Keith Kontor President Elect Roger Protzman Vice President Mike Milius WEF Delegate Todd Boling Secretary Tom Miller Treasurer Bill Riley NWOD Delegate Matt Kautz Director-at-Large Scott Aurit Director-at-Large Dave Sykora Past President Kathleen Alexander

NWEA Committees (Chair in bold)

NWOD Advisory & Training

Matt Kautz Russ Irwin Brad Barber Mike Milius Larry Beavers Lori Paulsen Tony Bilek Rob Pierce Todd Boling Jack Robbins Jim Condon Marc Rosso Steve Crisler Todd Sukup John Ford Rocky Timm Lynn Garton Paul Trout


Roger Protzman Brittany Travers Kathleen Alexander Joe Dabbs Ruel Anderson Chris Johnson Brian Bakke Keith Kontor Shannon Bartelt-Hunt Daryl Kottwitz Tony Bilek Mike Milius Gary Brandt Tom Miller Todd Boling Amit Shrivastava Steve Crisler Ron Sova








9:00-9:30 Arsenic, Nitrate & Uranium in Nebraska & Kansas Blake Birkel, JEO

9:30-10:00 Stromsburg - Fe, Mn & As Chris Miller, Miller & Associates

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

10:30-11:00 Advancing Your Knowledge, Skills and Abilities as a Water Operator Mike Wentink, DHHS

11:00-11:30 Protecting Quality of Source Water Through Well Head Protection Luca DeAngelis, HDR

11:30-12:00 Not Just Your Father’s Chlorine Safety: A Lesson in Modern Chemical Safety Technologies Greg Gaffney, Severn Trent

12:00-1:30 Joint NSAWWA & APWA Luncheon - Diamond 9 & 10

1:30-3:30 AWWA Business & Board Meeting - Ruby 6

1:30-7:00 Exhibitor Hall Open & Poster Viewing - Crystal Ballroom

1:30-3:30 Backflow Knowledge & Ultimate Backflow Challenge

3:00 Children Poster Competition - Voting Closes - Ballroom Pre- Function Area

3:30-4:45 Top Ops Competition - Diamond 5

4:45-5:30 Meter Madness - Diamond 5

5:30 Water Tasting Competition - Diamond 5

5:30 -7:00 Social Hour and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

7:00-9:00 NSAWWA Banquet - Diamond 9 & 10

9:00-12:00 3rd Annual Texas Hold'em Tournament (at the Holiday Inn following banquet)

AWWAThursday, November 8, 2012

Session C: - Ruby 6 Moderator: Doug Woodbeck


Afternoon SessionsA, B and C




Todd Boling Lori Paulsen Jim Condon Keith Kontor Steve Crisler Daryl Kottwitz Joe Dabbs Kirk Pfeffer Russ Irwin


Marc Rosso Jon Harger Kathleen Alexander Jim Mahony Mike Arends Tom Miller Todd Boling Roger Protzman Lyle Christensen Ron Sova Joe Dabbs Dave Sykora Jason Gilbert


Bill Riley Rob Pierce Larry Beavers Todd Sukup Pete Lies

Life Membership & Quarter Century

Tom Miller Keith Kontor

Industrial/Hazardous Waste

Tom Miller Jason Gilbert Michael Behrens Brian Gorman Dave Beyersdorf Keith Kontor Mike Carnes Dr. Tian Zhang Mike Conzett


Kirk Pfeffer Lyle Christensen Kathleen Alexander Keith Kontor Todd Boling




NWEA Information


AWWAThursday, November 7, 2013

7:30-8:30 Past Chairs Breakfast - SoZo Restaurant at the Holiday Inn

8:30-9:30 NDHHS Field Staff Q&A

9:30-10:00 The Basics of Water Storage Ben Day, Olsson & Associates

10:00-10:30 Break & Tour Exhibits & Posters - Crystal Ballroom

8:30-9:00 What's the Best-Case Worst-Case Scenario? Brian Gongol, D.J. Gongol and Associates

9:00-9:30 Discharges: St. Louis County Experience Jami Cerone, HDR

9:30-10:00 Inlet/Outlet Piping for Distribution Reservoirs Tom Nevins, Kirkham Michael

10:00-10:30 Break & Tour Exhibits & Posters - Crystal Ballroom

10:30-11:30 Water/Wastewater Utility Bench Marking David Rager, AWWA Dignitary

11:30-12:00 DHHS Regulatory Update Jack Daniel, NDHHS

12:00-1:30 Joint AWWA/NWEA Luncheon - Diamond 9 & 10 Rick Warner, WEF Dignitary

Session A: - Diamond 3 Moderator: Eric Lee


Morning Session B: - Diamond 5Moderator: Mike Wentink


Morning Session A and B (cont'd) - Diamond 5Moderator: Rob Pierce



Arthur Sidney Bedell Award

Tom Miller Norm Jackman Todd Boling Ron Sova

William D. Hatfield Award

Jerry Clark Tom Miller Mike Arends Russell Irwin Joe Dabbs

Collection System

Roger Coffey Jim Theiler Chris Koenig Kyle Tonjes

Great Plains Management Conference

Lucas Billesbach Bruce Dvorak Kathleen Alexander Chris Johnson Scott Aurit Jose Labrador Brian Bakke Tom Miller Shannon Bartelt-Hunt Jennifer Morales Blake Birkel Kirk Pfeffer Gary Brandt Amit Shrivastava Jim Condon Ron Sova Shannon Bartelt-Hunt

Governmental Affairs

George Hunt Lyle Christensen Todd Boling Pat Nelson Gary Brandt Mike Milius

Public Education

Aaron Dressel Marty Grate Mike Arends Debra Leigh Todd Boling Bill Riley Mark Carnes Todd Sukup Jim Condon Brittany Travers John Ford

Young Professionals

Derek Gardels Jake Deaver Scott Aurit Chris Johnson Brian Bakke Sujatha Nagulapally Lucas Billesbach




NWEA Information

Activate the QR code to provide feedback for presentations and activities for NSAWWA.








Nebraska Section American WaterWorks Association Officers

Chairperson Eric Lee Chairperson-elect David Lathrop Vice-Chairperson Doug Woodbeck Secretary Chad Roberts Treasurer Ben Day Director John Olsson Trustee Milo Rust Trustee Mary Poe Trustee Eric Melcher Trustee Jim Shields Past Chair Rob Pierce

AWWA Committees (Chair in bold)

Archive and History

Kevin Tobin


Eric Lee


Dennis Watts Doug Woodbeck Rob Pierce Chad Roberts Jack Satur


Ben Day

Cross Connections

Rich Koenig Doug Meyer Chad Roberts Leroy Kramer Rob Pierce Terry Vail


John Keith Rob Pierce Steve Kelley Michael Wentink Nick McElvain

Nebraska Section AWWA Information


Scott Wilbur Award

Jake Hansen Christopher Hiserote Mike Arends Jeff Hubby Todd Boling Mike McBride Mark Carnes Roger Protzman Curt Christiansen Bob Riede Joe Dabbs Dave Sykora John Ford

Student Activities

Dr. Xu Li Daryl Kottwitz Kathleen Alexander Fred Scarpello Roger Helgoth Dr. Tian Zhang


Chris Johnson Roger Protzman Lyle Christensen


Wayne Woldt Bruce Dvorak Kathleen Alexander Debra Leigh Brian Bakke Jim Mahony Gary Brandt Roger Protzman Mike Conzett Dr. Xu Li Dr. Tian Zhang

Arthur Sidney Bedell Award Recipients

1955 William F. Rapp 1992 Debra L. Leigh 1958 Victor J. Lechtenburg 1993 C. Dale Jacobson 1961 Theodore A. Filipi 1995 James L. Condon 1964 Oliver Barklage 1997 Steve Crisler 1966 Floyd J. Sanks 1998 Mohamed Dahab 1969 W. James Wells, Jr. 1999 Glenn Dostal 1972 E. Bruce Meier 2000 Daryl Kottwitz 1975 Joseph Thissen 2002 Joe Dabbs 1978 Carl W. Schweiger 2003 Jay Ringenberg 1981 Earle W. Schweiger 2005 Roger Helgoth 1983 Terrance A. O’Brien 2007 Tom Satchell 1984 Art Meyer 2008 Charles Plummer 1986 Leonard R. Lowder 2009 Todd Boling 1987 Donald Hillrichs 2010 Ron Sova 1989 Clinton L. Weber 2010 Ron Sova 1990 Dennis Hirschbrunner 2012 Norm Jackman









NWEA Information





Nebraska Section AWWA Information

Fall Conference

David Lathrop John Keith Chad Roberts Tony Bilek Rob Pierce Mike Wentink Eric Lee Mary Poe Doug Woodbeck

Fuller Award

Mike Wentink Glenn Dostal Larry Andreasen Dennis Watts Tony Bilek

Manufacturers and Associates Council

Tony Bilek Chris Johnson Jon Harger Tom Miller


Marc Rosso Rob Pierce Tony Bilek Rich Robinson Bruce Dvorak Chris Miller


Rob Pierce Teresa Konda Tony Bilek Doug Woodbeck

Public Information

Mary Poe Brian Gongol Jami Cerone Eric Obert


Brian Gongol Marc Rosso Teresa Konda Mike Wentink Mary Poe


Milo Rust Eric Melcher Roger Coffey Pete H. Neddo Pat Heath Rob Pierce Dale Kaliff Doug Pollack Steve Kelley Jack Satur Anthony Martinez Tom Menke Gerardo E. Martinez






Hatfield Award Recipients

1958 Loren Brannen 1992 Paul Dammann 1961 Elijah Coffman 1993 David Meisinger 1964 Otto W. Kuck 1995 John Ford 1968 Joseph L. Noble 1997 Bruce Bates 1971 Eldor Schuerman 1998 Joe Dabbs 1974 Earle W. Schweiger 1999 Robert Gray 1977 Donald Hillrichs 2001 Richard McClemons 1980 Orville Klein 2002 Jim Swan 1983 James O. Sell 2003 Bill Terry 1984 William R. Coffman 2005 Larry Beavers 1986 Karl Wlaschin 2007 Russ Irwin 1987 Gary C. Lund 2008 Tom Singkofer 1989 Patrick J. Franklin 2009 Jerry Clark 1990 Steven C. Lamborn 2010 Michael Arends 2011 Randy Wilson

Burke Award Recipients

1983 Omaha Works of the Western Electric Co. Industrial Waste Treatment Plant 1984 Falls City Wastewater Treatment Plant 1985 City of Seward Wastewater Treatment Plant 1987 Hastings Utilities Pollution Control Center 1988 Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Omaha 1990 Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Omaha 1991 City of Omaha Sewer Maintenance Division 1994 Norfolk Pollution Control Facility 1997 Lincoln Wastewater System Sanitary Engineering 2000 City of McCook Wastewater Treatment Facility 2003 Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Omaha 2006 Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Omaha

Laboratory Award Recipients

1996 Rick Shibata 1999 Lumir Sukovaty 2002 Lori Paulsen 1998 Mary Jo Crowl 2001 John M. Ford 2004 Timothy Burns 2007 Tim Lindeen

Safety Award -2012

Gold Silver Omaha Papillion Creek Seward WWTP Norfolk WPC & Industrial: Tyson Fresh Meats - Lexington Industrial: Tyson Fresh Meats, Dakota City

NWEA Information






Nebraska Section AWWA Information


Jon Zellars John Miriovsky Larry Andreasen Charles Haas Chris Koenig Lynn Wegehaupt

Small Systems

Eric (Rick) Melcher David Lathrop Ken Ekeler Doug Allen Jim Green Marty Norton Dave Jundt Milo Rust Steve Kelley

Research/Student Activities

Dr. Xu LiDr. Mohamed Dahab

Dr. Bruce DvorakDr. Tian Zhang

Water for People

Chris New Teresa Konda Ben Day Tim Mundorf Glenn Dostal Craig Reinsch Patrick Harlan Brittany Travers

Water Utility Council

Jerry Obrist John Olsson Jim Shields Chad Roberts Glenn Dostal Marc Rosso David Lathrop Milo Rust

Young Professionals

Justin Stine Jeff Hubby Rory Sudbeck Brittany Travers Craig Reinsch David Stuart Teresa Konda Jake Miriovsky Andrew Synhorst

Quarter Century Operators Club

1983 Otto W. Kuck 2000 David R. Brandert 1984 Orville Klein Paul Dammann 1985 Floyd Sanks Lester Evans Earle W. Schweiger William Hamilton Urban Weinke Gerald A. Indra 1987 James O. Sell Rick L. Sibert 1989 Bruce Bates Jay Whalen 1990 Lavern W. David Allan L. Williams F. J. Hauck 2001 Harlan Simmerman 1991 Raymond J. Carver Richard Greenwood Donald C. Hillrichs Robert Gray Arnold E. Rise Dave Petrocchi James A. Swan Steve Crisler 1992 Larry F. Betts 2002 Tim Gilbrandson Donald D. Dike Richard McClemons Johnny G. Rudder Gary McCoy 1994 Karl Wlaschin Thomas Barnett 1995 Paul Sorenson Gerald Pesek Tyler Konasek 2003 Ralph Badger 1996 Pat Lund Pat Franklin Jerry Stump Ken Jones 1997 Rick Shibata 2007 Todd Boling Daryl Meiners Marsha Louthan Gerardo Talero Gary Lund 1998 Larry Beavers Jim Mackel Jim Waszgis Cindy Pospisil 1999 Gary Cooper Joe Dabbs John Hauschild 2011 Curtis Kizzire Ted Pratt Paul Trout Tom Singkofer

Scott Wilbur Award Recipients - 2012

Industrial Medium Facilities Tyson Fresh Meats, Lexington BeatriceWWTF WWTF North Platte WWTF Tyson Fresh Meats, Dakota City Scottsbluff WWTF WWTF Fremont WWTF Norfolk WWTF Large Facilities Northeast WWTF Omaha-Missouri River WWTP Columbus WWTF Omaha-Papillion Creek WWTP Lincoln Theresa Street WWTF Small Facilities Wilber WWTF York WWTF






NWEA Information







Nebraska Section AWWA Information

George Warren Fuller Award Recipients

1941 D.L. Erickson 1983 Cliff Summers 1950 John C. Detweller 1984 Donald L. Lees 1951 Lorenzo D. Wright 1985 Arley L. Goodenkauf 1951 H.E. Morris 1986 Dr. Dewey R. Andersen 1954 John W. Cramer 1988 George Fairfield 1956 Bert Gurney 1989 Richard Robinson 1957 John W. Kruse 1990 Burton A. Johnson 1959 William J. Sommers 1991 Jerome Obrist 1960 Ralph H. Lancaster 1992 Orville R. Davidson 1961 M. L. Siervers 1993 Merlin Lindahl 1962 Lowell Edwards 1994 Dennis Hirschbrunner 1963 George H. Beard 1995 Paul Dammann 1964 Emil C. Wagner 1996 Lynn Wegehaupt 1965 Theodore A. Filipi 1997 Don Franklin 1966 Ralph H. Trester 1998 Steve Kelley 1967 Vern Livingston 1999 John Miriovsky 1968 Frank Phelps 2000 Terry O’Brien 1969 E. Bruce Meier 2001 Rich Koenig 1970 R.H. McLeod 2002 Jack Daniel 1971 Joseph P. Laferla 2003 Joel G. Christensen 1972 Floyd Sanks 2004 Chris Koenig 1974 Richard D. Hawes 2005 Charles Haas 1975 Robert D. Catton 2006 Mari Matulka 1977 Milton Launer 2007 Tony Bilek 1978 Wayne Bitting 2008 Mike Wentink 1979 Joseph J. Rossbach Jr. 2009 Glenn Dostal 1980 Dean McNiven 2010 Larry Andreasen 1981 Mark Hammer 2011 Dennis Watts 1982 Joseph L. Gerlt 2012 John Olsson

Section Outstanding Volunteer Award

2004 Chris Koenig 2008 Steve Kelley 2005 Not Awarded 2009 Tony Bilek 2006 Ben Day 2010 Mari Matulka 2007 Kathleen Alexander

10:30-11:00 Clean Green Nebraska: Communities Sharing Stormwater Knowledge and Resources for a Common Cause JB Dixon, FHU

11:00-11:30 NPDES Stormwater Updates and Common Issues Reuel Anderson, NDEQ

11:30-12:00 Start-up Planning for Phase 1 Major CSO Projects (Missouri River WWTP, Leavenworth Lift Station, and South Interceptor Force Main) Scott Aurit, HDR

10:30-11:00 Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs at Springfield, MO and Manhattan, KS BNR WWTP’s Pat McCole, Carollo Engineers

11:00-11:30 Phosphorus Removal How-To Jeff Keller, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company

11:30-12:00 Nutrient Removal Perspective, Improvements and Operations at Sidney, NE WWTF Todd Sukup, City of Sidney and Mike Milius, Olsson Associates

Morning Session A (cont'd): - Diamond 5Storm Water Pollution PreventionModerator: Ron Sova

Morning Session B (cont'd): - Diamond 4BNRModerator: Chris Johnson

NWEAFriday, November 8, 2013 (cont'd)



12 13

NWEAThursday, November 7, 2013

7:30-8:30 Registration

8:30-9:00 WEF Vice President-nominee, Paul Bowen

9:00-9:30 Assessing Wastewater Infrastructure Needs (AWIN) and Program Activities Steve Goans, NDEQ

9:30-10:00 USEPA - Water Program Regulatory Updates Glenn Curtis, USEPA

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

10:30-11:00 Envision Infrastructure Rating System Derek Gardels, HDR

11:00-11:30 Energy Audit Measures John Hay, Siemens Industry, Inc.

11:30-12:00 Energy Efficiency Improvements – Norfolk WPC Mike Milius, Olsson Associates

12:00-1:30 Joint AWWA/NWEA Luncheon - Diamond 9 & 10 WEF Vice President-nominee, Paul Bowen

10:30-11:00 Development of a Rapid Filtraton System for Testing Total Suspended Solids Jessica Branigan, UNO Student

11:00-11:30 Sorption/Desorption of Hormones in Soils Yong Qi, UNL Student

11:30-12:00 Internalization of Human Pathogens into Lettuce Leaves Following Irrigation with Wastewater Yuping Zhang, UNL Student

12:00-1:30 Joint AWWA/NWEA Luncheon - Diamond 9 & 10 WEF Vice President-nominee, Paul Bowen

Opening Session: - Diamond 4Regulatory UpdatesModerator: Todd Boling

Morning Session A - Diamond 2Resource ConservationModerator: Mike Milius


Morning Session B - Diamond 4Student Paper PresentationsModerator: George Hunt, HDR


NWEAThursday, November 7, 2013 (cont'd)

1:30-3:30 Top Ops Competition - Crystal Ballroom Brian Bakke, HDR Tom Miller, Electric Pump

1:30-3:30 Vendor Product Showcase, Exhibit Hall Booths - Diamond 4

3:30-4:30 NWEA Business Meeting - Diamond 4 Keith Kontor, NWEA President

5:30-7:00 Social Hour and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

7:00-9:00 NWEA Banquet - Diamond 4 & 5 NWEA President, Keith Kontor

8:30-9:00 The Good, the Bad and the Muddy Overcoming Installation Challenges on the Stevens Creek Phase III Interceptor Sewer Brian Clow, Carollo Engineers

9:00-9:30 City of Lee’s Summit Pilot I/I Removal Program in the Public and Private Sector Pat Young, HDR

9:30-10:00 Design and Construction of 54-Inch Interceptor for the City of Grand Island, Nebraska Richard Henderson, Black & Veatch

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

8:30-9:00 Hastings Utilities – Water Pollution Control Facility Improvements Amit Shrivastava, HDR

9:00-9:30 2013 Upgrades to the Lexington, Nebraska WWTP Nitrogen Removal Facilities Thomas T. Satchell, SEH

9:30-10:00 Albion, NE WWTF: From Concept to Construction Ethan Joy, JEO Consulting Group, Inc.

10:00-10:30 Break and Tour Exhibits - Crystal Ballroom

Morning Session A: - Diamond 5CollectionsModerator: Jim Theiler

Morning Session B: - Diamond 4Treatment Facility ImprovementsModerator: Brittany Travers

NWEAFriday, November 8, 2013