family forum newsletter fall 2014

VOLUME 4 The Family Advisory Council of Regional Mental Health Care London and Southwest Center for Forensic Mental Health Care Family Forum Newsletter Fall 2014 Inside this issue 1. Time for change—moving forward 2. RMHCL Legacy event / Parkwood Institute 3. Results from Family Experience Survey 4. Regional Mental Health Care goes smoke-free 5. Upcoming events 6. A family member’s perspective on the Family Education Course 7. Mental health services for families 8. Calendar of events Time for changemoving forward by Laurel Lamarre Fall is now upon us and as I write this, I am realizing this will be the final Family Forum Newsletter produced at my current work site as well as the last time the Family Education course will be held here in this building. This November, patients and staff at Regional Mental Health Care London will be moving to the new Mental Health Care Building. Many changes for the majority of us. The Family Resource Centre and all of our services for fami- lies will be moving along with patients and staff to the new Mental Health Care Building at 550 Wellington Street, as part of Parkwood Institute. The location of the family resource centre is very central inside the new building and is close to the front lobby, a prime location to help families and friends! In this issue you will find information on the upcoming opening of the new site and the closure of the building at 850 Highbury Avenue. I am also sharing with the readers the survey results of the Family Experi- ence Survey results and the project that has been put in place with the hope of having a positive impact on the family’s rating of overall quali- ty of care. Another exciting event that I am pleased to inform you of is the first-ever conference of the provincial body of the Ontario Family Council Advisory Network titled “Partnering with Family Caregivers – A Shift in the Recovery Paradigm”. The goal of this confer- ence is to bring important information to key mental health stakeholders who work with family caregivers in hospital and community partnership models. More details can be found on page 5 and please remember the deadline to register is September 24. The last bit of change that I wish to mention is the upcom- ing retirement of Integrated Vice President, Mental Health Services, Sandy Whittall whose last day will be November 21, 2014. On be- half of the Family Advisory Council we wish her well and thank her for supporting the council and believing in the im- portance of families within mental health care. I leave you with this quote on change by Marga- ret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever did.” And remember, if nothing ever changed, there would be not butterflies!

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Page 1: Family Forum Newsletter Fall 2014

VOLUME 4 The Family Advisory Council of Regional Mental Health Care London and Southwest Center for Forensic Mental Health Care

Family Forum Newsletter

Fall 2014 Inside this issue

1. Time for change—moving forward

2. RMHCL Legacy event / Parkwood Institute

3. Results from Family Experience Survey

4. Regional Mental Health Care goes smoke-free

5. Upcoming events

6. A family member’s perspective on the Family

Education Course

7. Mental health services for families

8. Calendar of events

Time for change—moving forward by Laurel Lamarre

Fall is now upon us and as I write this, I am realizing this will be the final Family Forum Newsletter produced at my current work site as well as the last time the Family Education course will be held here in this building. This November, patients and staff at Regional Mental Health

Care London will be moving to the new Mental Health Care Building. Many changes for the majority of us.

The Family Resource Centre and all of our services for fami-lies will be moving along with patients and staff to the new Mental Health Care Building at 550 Wellington Street, as part of Parkwood Institute. The location of the family resource centre is very central inside the new building and is close to the front lobby, a prime location to help families and friends!

In this issue you will find information on the upcoming opening of the new site and the closure of the building at 850 Highbury Avenue. I am also sharing with the readers the survey results of the Family Experi-ence Survey results and the project that has been put in place with the hope of having a positive impact on the family’s rating of overall quali-ty of care.

Another exciting event that I am pleased to inform you of is the first-ever conference of the provincial body of the Ontario Family Council Advisory Network titled “Partnering with Family Caregivers

– A Shift in the Recovery Paradigm”. The goal of this confer-ence is to bring important information to key mental health

stakeholders who work with family caregivers in hospital and community partnership models. More details can be found on page 5 and please remember the deadline to register is September 24.

The last bit of change that I wish to mention is the upcom-ing retirement of Integrated Vice President, Mental Health Services, Sandy Whittall whose last day will be November 21, 2014. On be-half of the Family Advisory Council we wish her well and thank her for supporting the council and believing in the im-portance of families within mental health care.

I leave you with this quote on change by Marga-ret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever did.”

And remember, if nothing ever changed, there would be not butterflies!

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Join us on Sunday, September 28, from 1 to 5

pm for the mental health care legacy event on the grounds of the current Regional Mental

Health Care building, 850 Highbury Ave. This free event will mark the end of an era that be-

gan nearly 145 years ago. Join us as we mark the legacy of care with historical exhibits, gold-

en oldies music, vintage cars, horse and car-riage rides and refreshments.

For more information on this event, visit:



It is time to erase the line between mental and physical health care.

This November two of Ontario's longstanding health care facilities — Regional Mental Health Care London and Parkwood Hospital — are com-ing together in one location under a new name: Parkwood Institute.

As part of the St. Joseph's Health Care London family of services, Parkwood Institute will be a

vibrant academic health care community that will build on collaboration in physical and men-

tal health care, teaching and research and ad-vance the understanding that conditions of the

body and mind go hand-in-hand.

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In November 2013, Regional Mental Health Care London [RMHCL] and the Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care [Southwest Centre] completed the annual Family/Most Significant Visitor Experience Survey to identify areas of accomplishment and opportunities for improvement. The survey was conducted by National Research Corporation Canada (NRCC), an outside company, through mailed-out questionnaires sent to patients’ families/most significant visitors. Patients were approached for consent to allow NRCC to mail a survey to their family/most significant visitor, and to identify the individual to be contacted. In the event that a patient was deemed incapable of consent, their substitute decision maker was approached for consent. Survey results are collected by NRCC and grouped together when reported to ensure all information provided by survey participants is confidential. How many family members/most significant visitors participated? There were 235 patients who were approached to participate from RMHCL and Southwest Centre. In total, 108 patients provided con-sent to contact a family member/most significant visitor. The final response rate was 40.8%. How did family members/most significant visitors respond to the question “Overall, how would you rate the quality of care and services provided”?

For Has there been any follow-up to these survey results? A quality improvement project called “Enhancing the Patient and Family Experience” has been approved by RMHCL Operational Leader-ship – this project may have a positive impact on family/most significant visitors’ ratings of overall quality of care. For questions, please contact: Family experience survey and results - Marya Haq ext. 47197 ‘Enhancing the Patient and Family Experience’ project - Deb Corring ext. 47820 For more information about the survey and results:

Results From Family Experience Survey 2013

Regional Mental Health Care London and Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care

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A message from St. Joseph’s Health Care London: Regional Mental Health Care London is a smoke-free property

At St. Joseph’s, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy experience for all those who come through our doors. We believe creating a smoke-free environment is part of that commitment. As an organization, we have been working towards creating smoke-free environments at all of our hospital sites. Please be advised that the smoke-free policy is now in effect at Regional Mental Health Care London (RMHCL). Much thoughtful planning has gone into establishing this smoke-free initiative. As health care providers it is im-portant for us to afford each person who comes to us for care the choice, treatment and support to stop smok-ing, and to support those who choose to continue to smoke when off-site. Individualized clinical assessment and smoking cessation or management supports are available to all inpatients. Please speak to a member of your care team if you wish to stop smoking or if you wish to continue smoking and require smoking management support.

It is also important that our hospitals provide a non-triggering environment for people dealing with various stag-es of tobacco addiction and smoking management.

The smoke-free policy, now in effect at RMHCL, means the following for all inpatients, outpatients, visitors and staff:

Smoking is prohibited anywhere within the RMHCL facility and on hospital grounds including in a vehicle in the parking lots.

The Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs) (smoking gazebos) have been removed. Inpatients who smoke are encouraged to give tobacco products to a friend or family member for safekeep-

ing. Storage is available for patients who have community passes that wish to continue smoking when off property.

Outpatients and patients attending day programs are asked not to bring any tobacco products to their ap-pointments.

Visitors are asked not to bring any tobacco products to patients. This policy applies to tobacco in any processed or unprocessed form that may be smoked, inhaled, or

chewed, including but not limited to cigarettes/contraband cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco, or any products which can be smoked legally or otherwise (i.e. marijuana). E-cigarettes are also pro-hibited on hospital property.

In addition, accordance with Ontario’s Tobacco Tax Act, St. Joseph’s Health Care London prohibits the posses-sion of contraband cigarettes on hospital property. Contraband cigarettes are those not produced according to government regulations, typically sold in plastic bags or in packages that do not have proper government label-ing. The Tobacco Tax Act states that it is against the law to buy, possess or distribute any quantity of contraband (illegal) cigarettes. Any contraband cigarettes found on any person while they are on St. Joseph’s property will be confiscated by security staff. A map showing the boundaries of RMHCL property as well as a Q&A is available for your information. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of your care team or visit:

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Prescription Shop 2 will be re-

locating to our new facility (Parkwood Institute- Mental

Health Care Building) at 550 Wellington Rd in November

2014. We will be located on the main floor. We look for-

ward to continuing to provide

you with all your medication needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a phar-

macy staff member at extension 47490.

The Ontario Family Council Advisory Network (OFCAN) is pleased to announce its first confer-

ence, “Partnering with Family Caregivers – A Shift in the Recovery Paradigm”. OFCAN is a group of

family councils and family advisory groups affili-ated with mental health organizations who have

come together to share best practices and models

of family support services and programs from across the province. For more information visit

Having attended Music Balm in the past, I

highly recommend this concert and it is FREE. The talent is remarkable. See you

on Sunday, October 5th, from 2 to 5 pm at the Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas Street.

Join Don Campbell for his CD release party

London Music Club—470 Colborne Street

Wednesday September 24, 2014—7 to 10 pm

Admission: $20—includes CD “Sail the Grate-ful Way”

Special Guest—Sarah Smith, opening at 7:30 pm.

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Most recently I had attended the Family Education Course (along with a family member), and cannot begin to express how strongly I feel about ad-vocating on behalf of the program. The experience of continuing helpless-ness for my loved one is not new to me. Enrolling in this course was a step toward feeling some sense of empowerment toward gaining insight and un-derstanding (as I am dedicated to continue to do so).

As the mother of an adult child struggling with a very complex mental ill-ness, the need for education and support is the key to moving forward as a strong support. Although at times I have searched for quick answers and

help in crisis situations - my own emotions have been so very heightened. Reacting out of emotion seemed to use up energy that could be redirected. Due to fear and uncertainty, the cycle became redun-dant. Having a plan to learn and absorb new information seemed like a new and better idea.

The magnitude of first hand information, the various diverse people relaying wisdom (family members, professionals and people with lived experience) made me feel that I am not alone. It seemed very natural to support others while I was there, as I offered knowledge of past learning experiences of my own. The individuals with lived experience elaborated about their own journeys with hopes of giving insight into the depth of their illnesses. I admired their bravery. In my opinion this has been invaluable. The atmos-phere was charged with a strong unspoken bond driven by love of family in those weekly education ses-sions. I found myself looking forward to the evening of the course, due to the relaxed presentation, (although the subject matter very dear to each and every one of us in the room). I often think of the peo-ple that attended the course at that time, and wonder how they have progressed in helping their loved ones with the knowledge they had acquired.

Recently, when I make reference to the articles in the handouts that were given to us, I am reminded that I would like to attend this course again, hopefully with another family member. The Tillmann Family Resource Centre has been a consistent support for me and family. I am comforted by the depth of under-standing and compassion continually shown towards me when I make contact. It takes special people to put together such an enlightening program.

The word hope and the phrase “You are not alone” mean much more than it ever did. I know it does to me.

The benefits of the Family Education CourseThe benefits of the Family Education CourseThe benefits of the Family Education Course

ubmitted by Family Member: Marg

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T he Tillmann Family Resource Centre offers a variety of services for families their loved ones and mental health professionals, including:

A resource library which contains current books, magazines, videos, audio tapes, and pamphlets on most mental illnesses

An opportunity to meet one-on-one with another family member who has had a personal experience with mental illness and the mental health system

Participation in a support group comprised of 5-10 family members affected by mental illness and facilitated by a trained family member (every second Tuesday)

A free seven week family education course offered twice per year (Spring/Fall)

Speakers for community groups

Membership on the Family Advisory Council

A computer for family members to search for internet information on mental health

We are located at Regional Mental Health Care London 850 Highbury Ave. N., Room A117 (down the left hallway off the main foyer of RMHC London).

The resource centre is open: Monday to Friday: 8 am - 4 pm (unless otherwise posted) Contact us at: 519 455-5110 Ext. 47440 or visit our webpage

Attention Family Members!

Did you know that we offer a FREE support group to family members who are supporting a loved one with a mental illness?

The Support Group meets every second Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:00, at Regional Mental Health Care London.

Interested in this group, call the Tillmann Family Resource Centre at 519-455-5110, Ext. 47440 for further details.

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Here is a list of some upcoming activities happening involving the Family Advisory Council or other groups to educate or assist patients and their families. Con-tact the Family Resource Centre at 519 – 455-5110 Ext. 47440

Legacy of Mental Health event—September 28

Registration deadline for OFCAN conference—September 24

Don Campbell CD release—September 24

Thanksgiving — October 13

Ontario Family Advisory Network conference—October 2

Music Balm—October 5

Remembrance Day— November 11

Move in date for patients at new site—November 16

Family Advisory Council: October 6, November 10, December 8

Family Support Group – September 30, October 14, 28,

November 4, 25, December 9, 23

If you are interested in donating to Regional Mental Health Care:

Contact: Senior Development Officer 519-646-6100, ext. 65454

Donations for the Family Resource Centre can be made directly to:

St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation Attn: Dr. Wm. A. Tillmann Memorial Fund Resource Centre for Families 268 Grosvenor Street London, ON N6A 4V2

This newsletter is intended to be used as a communication vehicle by the Family Advisory Council at Regional Mental

Health Care London and Southwest Centre for Forensic Men-tal Health with families who share common interests and concerns. The information herein is believed to be accurate; St. Joseph’s Health Care, the Family Advisory Council, and the author(s) cannot be held responsible for any errors. It is the responsibility of the reader to work with professionals when making any clinical decisions

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