family market atrick brennan · iowa—due 3 cents. john s- kully, chicago, illinois—due 3 cents....

' * ' -ns >v*wr *> •?»/%***" -, w «• T ~^>{«- f p « ^ , *•>;*« w * V»f V *2? f v - - k^' 1 * * 1 ' '* b * *-7, ^ ~ ' « *-> ^ . , ~ h w ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ 78" ^*"-'m t ?v~** ^ *'>. n C .,i *v> % ' - > " ,'' r «. c V ' JFLOUR AND FEED. Incorporated Jan'y 1,1875. $>$• !». T, BKAMIIL.K, I'ren't. WM. MINKIt, Sui. P. L. VAN TAHHKL, Hec'y. L># V ' l" I Excelsior Mill Co <i--V *». ffTW r V;^ •*<.\W ht v.** HANUFAOTUBKR •;• J.V,J.:.;,': FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BRAN, SH0RT8 ;# 3 ; And Dealers In all kind* of Feed. Cash paid for CI Wheat, Corn, Oats, & o Flour delivered In all parts of tlie city free o charge. Call and see us. Our flour speaks for tself. Yankton - - Dakota J.Vi. . ••. CAPITAL STREET, THE WINES AND LIQUORS. OLDEST LIQUOR HOUSE IW THS NORTHWESTt , Adler <& Ohlman WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers, YANKTON, DAKOTA. Keep constantly on hand the following brand* of liquors: McBrayer's, Taylor's, Shawhan, Anderson County, Vlonock and Castle Rock Kentucky Whiskies! —Also, Our Favorite— MILLEH, OOIaD SPRING, BLTTE OBA8S. BOYD, &c„ 4c. Which we are selling at very low prices. Also a full stock of Imported Wines and Liquors. The largest stock of 4!i Yea m he Jove the Public THE CENU1NE DR.C.McLANE'S LIVER PILLS ure not mumm'-mUMl as u rciiirdv "for itll^ tlit* ill* lliat ilchli i* heir to, 1 ' f^ti 1 In artWctions of t}»<» Mvor, ntxl in nil HiiioiiH <'oin|)laiiit.K, hys|«e|wiat mid Sirk Jlead- iK-'iH', or discjiMt'.s of that rlumictirr. tlicv stand without a rival. ACUE AND FEVER. N'o hotter ciiilinriic emi lie used pre- )mratory lo, or nfter t:iki 11«|u111in<*. AH <l simple! iHirRinivc tliey iire une(|iiftlecl. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. I nc Kuniiim: ar<* nrvor sugar-coated, hach box hius a rwl-wax seal on the H<1, 1 thoimpri?wion. Mrl,ANK\S LIVER * ULL. Kach wrapper hears the Hgnu- *•' *^ ( ' iANi: ju h1 Ki.KMINO liUOH. ifcs^IhMist ii|m»ti having the genuine I>«. (\ MrhANK'S LI Vlilt I'll,LH. pre- ) Hired hy FLEMIXU IMtOS., l'iftsluirgli, Pa,, the market. I>eing full of imitations of tj;c name spelled diircrently, same pronunciation. Coughs, Bronchitis & Consumption. What a Well-known Druggist .ays about AIICII'm LiinK UaUum. MOTHERS, READ! ' 0.\K1.ANI> SATION, KY. (r?iirl(vien ; Tin; ilt'inaiHt for AlirH'H LnnK BnUnm is iiiL-rrasiim cmisliimiy. Tlio Indies tliliik llivic s tin iitcilii'lni: CMHIUI to ii [orCroup mid Whonplnt (' IMIK) I . C S. M Ut'l IN, Druggist. Kulil Ity ull Medicine Uralers. GEO. P. RO WELL & CO. Newspaper Advertising Bureau. For Ten Cents: One hundred page Pamphlet with Lists of Newspapers and Advertising Rates. For Ten Dollars: Four liues insert- ed one week in Three lluudred and Fifty Newspapers. tbr §ftitgt Yrrs5 and flatotaian •s4i YtNtCTON D4KOT*. Friday Evening, April 2, 1880. LIST OF LETTERS. ^ ^ r Remaining in tlie poKloflicc at Yankton Yankton county, D. T, April 1,1880. If not calltil fur in 30 days will be dent to the Dead Lelltr oflicc : Albcrtsnn, J M Utkur, Geo II tUrtleil, Mm H , Bjerke, O . IJowuiiin, J I) BenK, F A </'iiiirl«i>. J Donahue, OA Drew, G II Di&liu, John 3 E1 wards, Chns ' Erns, Hobi-rt Fletcher, C S Fox, James U Hall, Georilc Hnckins, Hamuel Johnston, G W—2 JiHlen, John G Korn, Jos Mnruan, Tiioinas Mahaiby, Mre Katie Mt'deriDnl, Fcrdinad MiiKean. Mies Moliie Miller, Nets Phelps, FU ' I J utnuy. John Sudiarck, Miss A. Helzer, Mmhael Hcott, John Spoofiler, Mrs C II Wright. EI ward Wright, Walter J Co., Sioux City, 10 Spruce St. N. Y. Call and See the New Light Running Domestic Sewing MACHINE. A CIGARS Bver brought to the Territory. Seidenberg's Key West a specialty. Bole agents (or Schlitz's Milwaukee Beer By th* Ken and Caa*. In tact everything usually kept In a first class liquor «tog». tVe are prepared to fill orders for any quanti- ty of Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, and guarantee satisfaction, and at prices lower than ever before. ADLER & OHLMAN. BANKS YANKTON BANK EDMUNDS & WYNN. Bankers. Yankton, - , . - - OakotG . DO A QIWmt Banking, Collection 4 Loan Business . J. _ The same as National Banks. t -.Buy-and sail eiehange on the principal cit.lo.* of the United States and Europe. Special atten tlon paid to collections and remitted for InvarlaWvon Day of Payment. WUlloan money, pay taxes and sell real estate for hon-resUients, oh favorable terms. Agents tor reliable Insurance Companies, and insure property on terms favorable V, , V Hyatt, Mrs Will HELD FOR POSTAGE. Tootlp, Livingston & Iowa—due 3 cents. John S- Kully, Chicago, Illinois—due 3 cents. John Stuky, Clntdstown, D, T. -due 3 ceuts. A. W. HOWARD, P. M. SOUTHERNDAROTA. The Gary Iter-^'ai* has reached us. The hdles of Gary have just indulged in a leap year party. The engineers are at work on the rail- road line wct>t of Mi'chell. Em'B"in'8 «ri* lU'h'rg into Springfield by wngon and railroad every day. The spring term of the Bon Homme county court, has beeo adjourned till June The Springfield land > fB :e. will close April 15 h, and re-open at Wattrtown M«y 1st. The annual meeting of the Boil Homme fountv school distric's will be held April # h. Sprint: trade is picking up, and wild ducks aod geese are very plentiful in Springfield. Emigrants are pushing their way into Gary, and settlingtn large numbeis through- out Dtuel county. ~ The Springfield Times thinks our aim plicity is^'too techin,'' we knew it would win in the long run. It. is rumored and generally believed that Boonesteei and Turner will engage in the banking businees at Sprinfield. The clerk of the court for Bon Homme county has bought a safe that will hold one hundred and thirty-six rccord books and weighs 11,<!00. The Milwaukee railroad company charge only fifty dollars per car to any point on their line in Dakota, from either Chicago or Milwaukee. F. W. Gasmann & Co., successors to Bonesteel and Turner, have closed out their store at Niobrara, and will remove their goods to their Springfield establishment. Some thirty fanners of lion Homme co'inty have orginized a horse thief pro- tection society. Money was collected lo def av expenses, all were sworn to fecrecy. c pt'iiu was elee'ed. at d H was decided to hold Eemi-weckly meetings for the present. With Now SelCThreading Shuttle. SO UIGHT A ehili'lMii rt n it. SO SIMPLE It requires no care. SO STRONG It never wears out. JOHN H. HAAS, Agent, At Scliandfin^ Crockery .Store, Merchants Hotel B oek. - - YANKTON. COOL MILWAUKEE B E E R FEED STORE. L.' SAMPSON, -»<*lcrin- Agrioultural Implements, Flour, . Graham Flour, .'Corn Meal, Ground Feed, Oats & Corn. THE CELEBRATED Jos. Schlitz Milwaukee Beer! ON TAP. The quantity I sell enables me to keep it fresh at ull times. GEO. BROWN, Til HID STREET ••.Oil t. ° I liyve in qonaoctlon with Keeil Stont a eooil ~ rrvnek Mnrr atonr Mill, nml slintl do aqr ks*<l (<C nwoni wnrk. Wlifc a oaimmty ot iw to tM tmsticU iwr da)' I can Mil any onion with mibfaciloii, :uul at very I aw rate* L. Sampson, •mi 1 ** *»»•••, kM. M M< 41k •«*. fuiklM, M*l«. ^ , t*- "" i. < MUSICAL ART SCHOOL €or. Doiitflat* Av®., ati<l 4th it, MBS. S. L. WIIITNKY Principal I*inrw % Organ, I V#iZ and Jhirmony J.KSvSO.VS oivkn. ' luMnnnt'iiUl and Vocal, each, p»»r qunrter, $1 Harmony $*^0 I ti AID 0THE18 HEEIISe EALTH, STRBKCTB UD BHEKCT, WITHOUT TOE USE OF DRUGS, ARE RR QCESTEIi TO BEND FOE THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN IUX8TUATEI <;i It- . NAL, WHICH 13 PUBL1.-.1 l.Jv FOB FREE DISTRIBUTION. I T THKATf* upon TTEALTft, HYGIENE, and I'hwj. cut Culttir«, »od is * c<>i»nUt« ^licycloirfi'li^ <,( .'nforumtion for Invalirt* And tn«w? who «uti^r KxbiUMting ftf»4 I'ainfut Di^an^n. Ekij •ulijVtv. that bfam uj>on health and human^-, aiUrtitiou in iu and the mailt t'oim Rhked by mtffermu invalids, who have dr»|/rir*-d of a cure, ar« an»werwl, and valuable infortunium in volunteered to all who are in need of medical udvirre. Th«« Hiihjeci of Electric Bella ternu Medicine, and (he bundled and one questions of vital un|>'>rtatirv to fluttering humanity, are duly considered and <-x< plaiued. YOUNC MEN And other* who Buffer from Nervous and Pbysirn! I>c>. bility, l,osa of Manly Vigor, Premature Kxhrtusiion mid the many gloomy consequences of early indisrrc* tiou, etc., am especially benellted by consulting ite contents. The ELECTJHC REVIEW expose* the iinmStignter. frauds practiced by quack* and medical impostors'u-in; prufena to '* practice medicine," and out the onl v safe, wimple, and effective road to Health, Vigor ana Bodily Energy. 8et»d your address on postal card for a copj, and infer'tnntion worth thousands will be cent you. AtldrenP, the publibhers, PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., bOR. EIGHTH & VINE STREETS. CINCINNATI. 0. MEAT MARKET Family Market Broadway, Yankton, 0. T. ^ PATRICK BRENNAN Wfl.L ^UFl'LV Freah Meats, •••• •-;>. , " v " ' Salt Hea1s,> ' < sh and Oamt TO OBDIE, A Full Line of Vegetables ia Seasor _ Always on hand. DRY QOODN &C. L. COIN GLETON, DEALER IX AJTD New Advertisements. PIAN0S» s ®. co - ver & Bo?H: «no to . Origans 13 stops. 3 set _ KceUs. 2 Knee Swells—Stool— 898. ^"Illustrated Catalogue Ladies' Furnishing Goods DEWITT'S BLOCK- Roolf^fmfy F Address Oanl F. Butty, Washington, N. J. L. B. PARTRIDGE, Real Estate Agent Loans Negotiated, Houses Rented, City and Farm Property for' sale, > « Abstracts Furnished, A D R.fw«Tfc !£,1o stS'S?, NewTork: | Insurance placed in Reliable Companies. Horace J. Frott, Land and General Agent, Lock Box 013, Washington, IJ, C. Office, 420 fith. St. Proucutea claim* before tbe Department. General Land Office—Pre-emption, Home- eteaa, Mineral and other claim*. Land Grants adjusted. Plat Books and Co. Plats furnished. Pen.ton Office, War and Treasury Depar t- ments—Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay, etc. C777 A \ EAR and expenses to agents. Out- » fflt Free. Address X'. O. VIUKEKY, AuKusta, Maine. can learn the.exact cost ol any pronosed line of AKVEUTIS1NG In American Newspapers. 53"CO Pa|[« Pamphlet, 10c. m OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. The G re at TRADE CngUih Kern* edy Ail anfall- ing cure for Seminal Weak- ness, Sperma- torliea, Inipo- tencv, and all diseases tliat, •or mi* follow, and as a \ »- ijelore iatingsequenceof SelfAftnr Talrin® abuse, as l.<»s of Memory, AaKm S' Universal Laesitc'e. Pain in the Back, Dim- ness of Vision, Prt> nature Old Age, and many other diseases that lend to Insanity or Con- sumpttn»and then a Premature Grave. BS^Full particulais in our pamphlet, which we ileslrt to send frte by mail to everyone ^"The tpeclfic Medi?ine is ' «ists at SI per package, or s i>r will be sent free by malt 011 receipt of the money by addressing TIE CRAY MEDICINE CO, Mechanic's Block. Detroit, Mich. »^~SoId in Yankton everywhere by druggists* BANKS Office, Dewey's Law Building, Third St. YANKTOX, DAKOTA. - -; " : HOPF DEAF Garmore's Artificial Ear Drums PEBFEJ.TI.TELSTORK T1IR HEARING and por:o.m i.:-* ttin- Xutftml llrum* Always in n, bill tiiTlaiitle t:» otl»er». AM Conwrsat ' n.rr"! vi,i-»»t-rs h«*nr<l di>'.inctly. Wa refer to thora^singltcm. ford'^^'vtiv^cirouljtr. GAUAlOi ;: i.A:: i>:»r>3 CO., <.iNCINSATI, a. LAVENDERS' COilTISIlIU TO BB THB 4 ' Favorite Trading Place ; 7. '. IX TOWN AND oovnrav. Becuu-e It •applle* Ike very •«o4« lo ma had la tbe world. Became ererjr article repair- ed for fin tally H«e oa tke Hae of Groeerlei caa be foaad tkero at all times. 15 BECAUSE | Its prices are uniform and so low aa to defy competition. Because its CASH system is successfully established and gives to its custom- ers advantages which tbe credit system does not' possess. Grateful for the continuedfavort of the peo- ple, this popular Houte assures tit patrons that tvery effort will be made to keep til kodc and priest fully up to the demand* of the time*. 'Jfo other Grocery Home in the Territory will be permitted to tsurpatt im either quality of goods orprieet, r- . Very rttpeetfuUg, : A. W. LAVENDER 3 SAM. KAVCIIEft, Mill Furnisher, Leffle Water Wheel a Specialty. New Process and GRADUAL REDUCTION MILLS. Iron and Porcelain Rolls. I Mills and Elevators Constructed Drawings and Plans Made. k ALL ON" THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS n YANKTON T 7 blUAR FACTOR! 1 F. HIRSHSTEIN, PROPRIETOR, -Manufacturer of- THE BLACK HILLS. R'ipiti City is ernwine f«i8'. Krickerville's prospects Bre excellent. The new opera house at. Central City ie completed. Rocbfnrd has two mills now in operation and will soon have two more. Mnjor Reno's household fleets were eold at Fort Meade, on Friday list Col. Lonnsberry wqs only fifty hours eoing from Deadwood tn Biem4rok. Tbe ElUhorn City pnftoffloe in Law- rence county, has been discon'.it ued. The Hills are bull'line up solidly on their meri's as * mineral producing region The prospects for a biir minim; year in the Hills were never better than" at tbe present time. The Desdwo^d schools are necessarily closed, owing to the shortness of funds to continue ihem. A new church tower and a basement are beine added to tlie Congregational chu'Vh at De«dw.uid. M iss Amy Sexton a fi«nrite vnrie'v sincer at Deadwood, ims t>i c"m>- insane. I' is hoped that it is on 1 , tinipornrx. The Deadwood News ea'ned flitv-nine new subscribers in one d<y last week, and be list was increased one hundred within the week. Tbe handsomest residence in Lead cost over $1,000. has just been completed and made a present to the engineer of the Golden Star mill, by a friend. The young ladies "Perfectly Lovely" of Deadwood have giv^n ifnoiher entertain- ment for the hen^Bi of the Congregational Riitirch, which netted them about forty dollars. The Homestake company will soon de clsre its sixteenth monthly dividend, aggre- eatine $30,000, miking in all the sum of $480,001) that that mine has paid its shire- ijoluers wiihin one year and four months. Deadwood. Press: Capt. Hiizerodt, of Cutter, got even with the Chronicle man by banning h mine the Scilegintweitsakuen- slonpki lode, and then asking him to write it up. Tb«. judge has not yet recovered, and still wears plasters on ,his j»ws nod his pencil hand in a sling. THE FIRST NATIONAL Bankof Yankton I domestic and havana CIGARS Call on or address. > SAM. KAUCHER, YAWKTOM.' . STAGES % Dakota Central STAGE LINE, s (BRINKERH0FF ft JORDAN. financial Agent of the United States Approved Depositary for Disbursing Officers. JAMES C. McVAY, President Vf. H. McVAY. CA8HIBB. 35 Different Brands! G'VE ME A BEFORE PURCHASING CALL ELSEWHERE. m Drafts bought and sold, and promptly remitted lor. Collections mads S. N. FOLYER, —DEALER IN— WOOD and COALl HARD AND SOFT WOOD. Also Sawed & Unsawed Wood I Pennsylvania. Illinois and Iowa Coal always | on hand Orders promptly ailed. Office First Door West ot Po.tofllee. A quarter CIIISIM* ot ten week*, two leKWitis each week, l u, i!*'»lrMiiuu' lo lake one le<woii Mfli week enn mnke itrratigemenl* to tluit elTKl. Kali tenn toeoinmetiee S<m. No ileduelUni tor Jwiiw exrei>t In ea.«*« < t pro- tracled llinetn Tti<n« it«drtn« t*ke •111 |>lea*« commmiee muiupUy w oiifniiij; of irrm. A Groundwork to r Beller. The American people fully believe, in Hosteler's Stomach-Bitters, and there is a substantial groundwork for that belief They have witnessed and experienced its effects for over twenty-five years, and havefoond no reason to distrust one stste inept made in regard to it. Proofs have been brought home to their own. hearths that it is a fahiily medicine which is of the utmost value in eases ot malaria, dys pepsia, debility, disordered conditions of the liver and bowdls, and in a variety of other maladies. They have found it a competent tonic, a genuine alterative, and ineontrasting it with the many prepar- lOions of the sumo class in the market, they have willingly accorded it the palm. The correctness of their belief in it# »llieacy has received the strangest con- tinuation iu cx|>ret*ion8 <>' opinion by rocdU-al men, and the approval of the preas. Try and patronize " r ' HOME INDUSTRY I and you will receive better satisfaction than | from patronizing outside enterprises.; My Success is Your Own. GROCERIES O. P. HAGE The stages of this line run from Yankton to, ttica, Lesterviile, Odessa. Scotland, Maxwell, Olivet. Whiterhure. Mill town, Martelia. Rock* port. Kosedale ana Firesteel in flfteeD hours, leaving Yankton each morning at four o'clock. The return trip is made each day, leaving Fire- steel at four o'clock a. m. ana reaching Yankton at seven p. m. HORSES CHANGED EVERY TEN MILES Passenger and Express - Goods Carried at Eea- aonableJBLates. Yank ton office on Third Street, at BrinkerhoS** I barn, iust west of the Merchants hotel. Yanttoa& Parker K 4 r DAILY STAGE. 1 Mail and Express Line. TRI-WEEKLY TO SIOUX FALLS- ; WM. P. DEWEY, ATTORNEYI A Nix Counselor at Law, YANKTON, - - - DAKOTA. BEAIEB IN STAPLE AND FANCY OFFICE : DEWEY'S LAW BUILDING, THIRD TheShartoit, Beit and CheapeitUBet* SIOUX FALLS. , The route lies over the finest section of ; 8ottth- e>n Dakota, and panes through the counties ot ] Yankton, Turner and Minnehaha, touchimr at Marindahl. Turkey Creek. Clay Creek, Swan ^ake, Howard and Wall Lake. YANKTON Office at American Express ^ffire. SIOUX FALLS office at tbe Cataract Hoinw WOOHB A 8PWWBB Ptwriitoti. S " DAKOTA DIVISION. I WYOMING 8TAGE CO. ST. Practices in all the Courts and makes a special- ty of Collecting and Securing Claims. GERMANIA HOUSE Douglas Ave., near Third St., YANKTON, .... DAKOTA WALLBAUM & BECKER, Props. This house is the headquarters) for travelers aud immigrants. Good stabling. GROCERIES, , ,p rom Yankton - to Fort Sully J and all intermediate points, including Crockery and Glassware | Bon Homme, Springfield, THIRD STREET, YANKTON. DAKOTA •* -f- FURNITURE J.R.SANBORN Wholesale andlKetail Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES MIER0E8 Upholstered Goods UNDERTAKER S GOODS, Union Blook, • • Third-St A ik * and complete Gl'IDE TO WKBtOTl, reatuninir Ch«pier* oa A Covfticnt W<mt*o- k hood. Selection of wifp, Etidenees I ifr, Tenperamntt. SsTrriliif, Adviee to Bhd* IMS. HmWmI, A »'A. MuttN, tot r*«M, * »W—I. tzzzttzfasrztuiz. Wal Si«i>uMarr«4 P#Mwrf*•««, tW«eatM«ultmr*. Me. It U al»o a H Private liedioal^Adviser " im 4hea»es toltinf froe impure tesual aMpcutioot. and on kH-aViIW '1l» ; law rf Ml alWfi*. oi^r>1Hl">t toth—t. Um et , Yw«*. and Mb«( avr«N »saf fm ~ UMaM Ml teMf.. ntwih ii n|- A Uni Av aW mlint« tW v aAak imw' as ifaraaw i Yankton Agency, " For tiRandall,; I.WhMtor, . ^ReA Lake ly J k - Ft. Thompson, •i. ' Ft Pierre and . .. - Ft. Snlly. " ' - * * Comfortable Coaches and Quick Tiaie. WM. KHAMKB,- Afjent, 8.F. OAMBIJt. Biiperaiteadent. mV^, <iiu« «i Iwate wiJiM <W , IMlWtfaiim. k eseudei I sriU mm Mu fWa I ( D>.B«uiMmiiI ismisi wai<il at WIIHi«f<Vw(Mt—wV aad iMwl m*t «asnaiW«lksltM| I HkMtTim AM*m. ¥ , Aa ealHaly Mew mi »w>Utsli efcgti^ 1 Besw4| far the apaeiy lal pmNNl sasesSS ^SaSSi 'sS a m t e v r JTm. m a - - M A^t '3tt© OH i JL1,. .. ^ ^ nMBWOWBB. SKK' 1 '- 1 torD ^lsa«ff.a^»*Sr»^^Ra: «ACa,nKsMI«m.% I -"BBS. Bvnra<«,

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Page 1: Family Market ATRICK BRENNAN · Iowa—due 3 cents. John S- Kully, Chicago, Illinois—due 3 cents. John Stuky, Clntdstown, D, T. -due 3 ceuts. A. W. HOWARD, P. M. SOUTHERNDAROTA



' -ns >v*wr *> •?»/%***" -, w «• T ~^>{«- f p « ^ , *•>;*« w *

V»f V *2? f

v - -

k^'1* * 1 ' '* b * *-7, ^ ~ ' « „ *-> ^ . , ~ h w ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^

78" *"-'m t ?v~** ^ *'>.nC

.,i *v>


' - > " ,''r «. c V '


Incorporated Jan'y 1,1875. • • $>$•

!». T, BKAMIIL.K, I'ren't. WM. MINKIt, Sui.

P. L. VAN TAHHKL, Hec'y.

L>#V '

l" I

Excelsior Mill Co <i--V *».

f f T W r V;^ •*<.\W ht v.**


•;• J.V,J.:.;,':




SH0RT8 ;# 3 ;

And Dealers In all kind* of Feed. Cash paid for

CI Wheat, Corn, Oats, & o

Flour delivered In all parts of tlie city free o charge. Call and see us. Our flour speaks for tself.

Yankton - - Dakota • J.Vi. . ••.





Adler <& Ohlman WHOLESALE

Liquor Dealers, YANKTON, DAKOTA.

Keep constantly on hand the following brand* of liquors:

McBrayer's, Taylor's, Shawhan, Anderson County, Vlonock and Castle Rock

Kentucky Whiskies! —Also, Our Favorite—


Which we are selling at very low prices. Also a full stock of

Imported Wines and Liquors. The largest stock of

4!i Yea m he Jove the Public


ure not mumm'-mUMl as u rciiirdv "for itll^ tlit* ill* lliat ilchli i* heir to,1' f^ti 1 In artWctions of t}»<» Mvor, ntxl in nil HiiioiiH <'oin|)laiiit.K, hys|«e|wiat mid Sirk Jlead-iK-'iH', or discjiMt'.s of that rlumictirr. tlicv stand without a rival.

ACUE AND FEVER. N'o hotter ciiilinriic emi lie used pre-

)mratory lo, or nfter t:iki 11«|u111in<*. AH

<l simple! iHirRinivc tliey iire une(|iiftlecl.

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. I nc Kuniiim: ar<* nrvor sugar-coated, hach box hius a rwl-wax seal on the H<1,

1 thoimpri?wion. Mrl,ANK\S LIVER * ULL. Kach wrapper hears the Hgnu-

*•' *^('iANi: juh1 Ki.KMINO liUOH. ifcs^IhMist ii|m»ti having the genuine

I>«. (\ MrhANK'S LI Vlilt I'll,LH. pre-) Hired hy FLEMIXU IMtOS., l'iftsluirgli, Pa,,

the market. I>eing full of imitations of tj;c name spelled diircrently,

same pronunciation.

Coughs, Bronchitis & Consumption. What a Well-known Druggist .ays about

AIICII'm LiinK UaUum.


' 0.\K1.ANI> SATION, KY. (r?iirl(vien ; Tin; ilt'inaiHt for AlirH'H LnnK

BnUnm is iiiL-rrasiim cmisliimiy. Tlio Indies tliliik llivic s tin iitcilii'lni: CMHIUI to ii [orCroup mid Whonplnt ( ' IMIK) I. C S. M Ut ' l IN, Druggist .

Kulil Ity ull Medicine Uralers.



& CO. Newspaper Advertising Bureau.

For Ten Cents: One hundred page

Pamphlet with Lists of Newspapers

and Advertising Rates.

For Ten Dollars: Four liues insert­

ed one week in Three lluudred and

Fifty Newspapers.

tbr §ftitgt Yrrs5 and flatotaian •s4i


Friday Evening, April 2, 1880.


Remaining in tlie poKloflicc at Yankton Yankton county, D. T, April 1,1880.

If not calltil fur in 30 days will be dent to the Dead Lelltr oflicc :

Albcrtsnn, J M Utkur, Geo II tUrtleil, Mm H , Bjerke, O . IJowuiiin, J I) BenK, F A </'iiiirl«i>. J Donahue, OA Drew, G II Di&liu, John 3 E1 wards, Chns ' Erns, Hobi-rt Fletcher, C S Fox, James U Hall, Georilc Hnckins, Hamuel

Johnston, G W—2 JiHlen, John G Korn, Jos Mnruan, Tiioinas Mahaiby, Mre Katie Mt'deriDnl, Fcrdinad MiiKean. Mies Moliie Miller, Nets Phelps, FU ' IJutnuy. John Sudiarck, Miss A. Helzer, Mmhael Hcott, John Spoofiler, Mrs C II Wright. EI ward Wright, Walter J

Co., Sioux City,


Spruce St.

N. Y.

Call and See the New Light Running

Domestic Sewing MACHINE.


C I G A R S Bver brought to the Territory. Seidenberg's

Key West a specialty. Bole agents (or

Schlitz's Milwaukee Beer By th* Ken and Caa*.

In tact everything usually kept In a first class liquor «tog».

tVe are prepared to fill orders for any quanti­ty of Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, and guarantee satisfaction, and at prices lower than ever before.



Y A N K T O N B A N K EDMUNDS & WYNN. Bankers.

Yankton, - , . - - OakotG . DO A QIWmt

Banking, Collection 4 Loan Business . J. _ The same as National Banks.

t -.Buy-and sail eiehange on the principal cit.lo.* of the United States and Europe. Special atten tlon paid to collections and remitted for

InvarlaWvon Day of Payment. WUlloan money, pay taxes and sell real estate

for hon-resUients, oh favorable terms. Agents tor reliable Insurance Companies, and insure property on terms favorable




Hyatt, Mrs Will


Tootlp, Livingston & Iowa—due 3 cents.

John S- Kully, Chicago, Illinois—due 3 cents.

John Stuky, Clntdstown, D, T. -due 3 ceuts.



The Gary Iter-^'ai* has reached us. The hdles of Gary have just indulged

in a leap year party. The engineers are at work on the rail­

road line wct>t of Mi'chell. Em'B"in'8 «ri* lU'h'rg into Springfield

by wngon and railroad every day.

The spring term of the Bon Homme county court, has beeo adjourned till June

The Springfield land > fB :e. will close April 15 h, and re-open at Wattrtown M«y 1st.

The annual meeting of the Boil Homme fountv school distric's will be held April # h.

Sprint: trade is picking up, and wild ducks aod geese are very plentiful in Springfield.

Emigrants are pushing their way into Gary, and settlingtn large numbeis through­out Dtuel county. ~

The Springfield Times thinks our aim plicity is^'too techin,'' we knew it would win in the long run.

It. is rumored and generally believed that Boonesteei and Turner will engage in the banking businees at Sprinfield.

The clerk of the court for Bon Homme county has bought a safe that will hold one hundred and thirty-six rccord books and weighs 11,<!00.

The Milwaukee railroad company charge only fifty dollars per car to any point on their line in Dakota, from either Chicago or Milwaukee.

F. W. Gasmann & Co., successors to Bonesteel and Turner, have closed out their store at Niobrara, and will remove their goods to their Springfield establishment.

Some thirty fanners of lion Homme co'inty have orginized a horse thief pro­tection society. Money was collected lo def av expenses, all were sworn to fecrecy.

c pt'iiu was elee'ed. at d H was decided to hold Eemi-weckly meetings for the present.

With Now SelCThreading Shuttle.

S O U I G H T A ehili'lMii rt n it.

SO SIMPLE It requires no care.

SO STRONG It never wears out.

JOHN H. HAAS, Agent, At Scliandfin^ Crockery .Store,

Merchants Hotel B oek. - - YANKTON.




L . ' S A M P S O N , -»<*lcrin-

Agrioultural Implements, Flour, . Graham Flour,

.'Corn Meal, Ground Feed, Oats & Corn.


Milwaukee Beer! ON TAP.

The quantity I sell enables me to keep it fresh at ull times.


••.Oil t. °

Iliyve in qonaoctlon with Keeil Stont a eooil ~ rrvnek Mnrr atonr Mill, nml slintl do

aqr ks*<l (<C nwoni wnrk. Wlifc a oaimmty ot iw to tM tmsticU iwr da)' I

can Mil any onion with mibfaciloii, :uul at very I aw rate*

L. Sampson, •mi1** *»»•••, kM. M M< 41k •«*.

fuiklM, M*l«. ^ , t*- "" i. <


€or. Doiitflat* Av®., ati<l 4th it,

MBS. S. L. WIIITNKY Principal

I*inrw% Organ, I V#iZ and Jhirmony

J.KSvSO.VS oivkn. '

luMnnnt'iiUl and Vocal, each, p»»r qunrter, $1 Harmony $*^0








IT THKATf* upon TTEALTft, HYGIENE, and I'hwj. cut Culttir«, »od is * c<>i»nUt« ^licycloirfi'li^ <,(

.'nforumtion for Invalirt* And tn«w? who «uti^r KxbiUMting ftf»4 I'ainfut Di^an^n. Ekij

•ulijVtv. that bfam uj>on health and human^-, aiUrtitiou in iu and the mailt

t'oim Rhked by mtffermu invalids, who have dr»|/rir*-d of a cure, ar« an»werwl, and valuable infortunium in volunteered to all who are in need of medical udvirre.

Th«« Hiihjeci of Electric Bella ternu Medicine, and (he bundled and one questions of vital un|>'>rtatirv to fluttering humanity, are duly considered and <-x< plaiued.

YOUNC MEN And other* who Buffer from Nervous and Pbysirn! I>c>. bility, l,osa of Manly Vigor, Premature Kxhrtusiion mid the many gloomy consequences of early indisrrc* tiou, etc., am especially benellted by consulting ite contents.

The ELECTJHC REVIEW expose* the iinmStignter. frauds practiced by quack* and medical impostors'u-in; prufena to '* practice medicine," and out the onl v safe, wimple, and effective road to Health, Vigor ana Bodily Energy.

8et»d your address on postal card for a copj, and infer'tnntion worth thousands will be cent you.

AtldrenP, the publibhers,



Family Market Broadway, Yankton, 0. T. ^


Freah Meats, •••• •-;>. , "v" ' Salt Hea1s,> ' •

< sh and Oamt


A Full Line of Vegetables ia Seasor _ Always on hand.




New Advertisements.

PIAN0S»s®.co-ver & Bo?H: «no to . Origans 13 stops. 3 set

_ KceUs. 2 Knee Swells—Stool— 898. ^"Illustrated Catalogue

Ladies' Furnishing Goods DEWITT'S BLOCK-

Roolf^fmfy „ F"« Address Oanl F. Butty, Washington, N. J.


Real Estate Agent Loans Negotiated,

Houses Rented, City and Farm Property for'

sale, > « Abstracts Furnished,

ADR.fw«Tfc !£,1o stS'S?, NewTork: | Insurance placed in Reliable Companies.

Horace J. Frott, Land and General Agent,

Lock Box 013, Washington, IJ, C. Office, 420 fith. St. Proucutea claim* before tbe Department. General Land Office—Pre-emption, Home-

eteaa, Mineral and other claim*. Land Grants

adjusted. Plat Books and Co. Plats furnished.

Pen.ton Office, War and Treasury Depar t-ments—Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay, etc.

C777 A \ EAR and expenses to agents. Out-» fflt Free. Address X'. O. VIUKEKY,

AuKusta, Maine.

can learn the.exact cost ol any pronosed line of AKVEUTIS1NG In American Newspapers. 53"CO Pa|[« Pamphlet, 10c.



CngUih Kern* edy Ail anfall-ing cure for Seminal Weak­ness, Sperma-torliea, Inipo-tencv, and all diseases tliat,

•or mi* follow, and as a \ »-ijelore iatingsequenceof SelfAftnr Talrin® abuse, as l.<»s of Memory,AaKmS' Universal Laesitc'e. Pain in the Back, Dim­ness of Vision, Prt> nature Old Age, and many other diseases that lend to Insanity or Con-sumpttn»and then a Premature Grave.

BS^Full particulais in our pamphlet, which we ileslrt to send frte by mail to everyone ^"The tpeclfic Medi?ine is ' «ists at SI per package, or s i>r will be sent free by malt 011 receipt of the money by addressing TIE CRAY MEDICINE CO,

Mechanic's Block. Detroit, Mich. »^~SoId in Yankton everywhere by druggists*


Office, Dewey's Law Building, Third St.


H O P F D E A F Garmore's Artificial Ear Drums

PEBFEJ.TI.TELSTORK T1IR HEARING and por:o.m i.:-* ttin- Xutftml llrum* Always in n, bill tiiTlaiitle t:» otl»er». AM Conwrsat ' n.rr"! vi,i-»»t-rs h«*nr<l di>'.inctly. Wa refer to thora^singltcm. ford'^^'vtiv^cirouljtr. GAUAlOi ;: i.A:: i>:»r>3 CO., <.iNCINSATI, a.



Favorite Trading Place ;7. '. IX TOWN AND oovnrav. Becuu-e It •applle* Ike very

•«o4« lo ma had la tbe world.

Became ererjr article repair-ed for fin tally H«e oa tke Hae of Groeerlei caa be foaad tkero at all times.

1 5 B E C A U S E | Its prices are uniform and so low aa to

defy competition.

Because its CASH system is successfully established and gives to its custom­

ers advantages which tbe credit system does not' possess.

Grateful for the continuedfavort of the peo­

ple, this popular Houte assures tit patrons that tvery effort will be made to keep til kodc and

priest fully up to the demand* of the time*. 'Jfo

other Grocery Home in the Territory will be

permitted to tsurpatt im either quality of goods

orprieet, r-

. Very rttpeetfuUg,:




Mill Furnisher,

Leffle Water Wheel a Specialty.

New Process and


Iron and Porcelain Rolls.

I Mills and Elevators Constructed Drawings and Plans Made. k





-Manufacturer of-


R'ipiti City is ernwine f«i8'. Krickerville's prospects Bre excellent. The new opera house at. Central City ie

completed. Rocbfnrd has two mills now in operation

and will soon have two more. Mnjor Reno's household • fleets were eold

at Fort Meade, on Friday list Col. Lonnsberry wqs only fifty hours

eoing from Deadwood tn Biem4rok. Tbe ElUhorn City pnftoffloe in Law­

rence county, has been discon'.it ued. The Hills are bull'line up solidly on

their meri's as * mineral producing region The prospects for a biir minim; year in

the Hills were never better than" at tbe present time.

The Desdwo^d schools are necessarily closed, owing to the shortness of funds to continue ihem.

A new church tower and a basement are beine added to tlie Congregational chu'Vh at De«dw.uid.

M iss Amy Sexton a fi«nrite vnrie'v sincer at Deadwood, ims t>i c"m>- insane. I' is hoped that it is on1, tinipornrx.

The Deadwood News ea'ned flitv-nine new subscribers in one d<y last week, and be list was increased one hundred within

the week. Tbe handsomest residence in Lead cost

over $1,000. has just been completed and made a present to the engineer of the Golden Star mill, by a friend.

The young ladies "Perfectly Lovely" of Deadwood have giv^n ifnoiher entertain­ment for the hen^Bi of the Congregational Riitirch, which netted them about forty dollars.

The Homestake company will soon de clsre its sixteenth monthly dividend, aggre-eatine $30,000, miking in all the sum of $480,001) that that mine has paid its shire-ijoluers wiihin one year and four months.

Deadwood. Press: Capt. Hiizerodt, of Cutter, got even with the Chronicle man by banning h mine the Scilegintweitsakuen-slonpki lode, and then asking him to write it up. Tb«. judge has not yet recovered, and still wears plasters on ,his j»ws nod his pencil hand in a sling.


Bankof Yankton I domestic and havana


Call on or address. >




Dakota Central STAGE LINE, s


financial Agent of the United States Approved Depositary for Disbursing


JAMES C. McVAY, President Vf. H. McVAY. CA8HIBB.

35 Different Brands!




Drafts bought and sold, and promptly remitted lor.

Collections mads



Also Sawed & Unsawed Wood I Pennsylvania. Illinois and Iowa Coal always |

on hand Orders promptly ailed.

Office First Door West ot Po.tofllee.

A quarter CIIISIM* ot ten week*, two leKWitis each week, l u, i!*'»lrMiiuu' lo lake one le<woii Mfli week enn mnke itrratigemenl* to tluit elTKl. Kali tenn toeoinmetiee S<m. No ileduelUni tor Jwiiw exrei>t In ea.«*« < t pro-tracled llinetn Tti<n« it«drtn« • t*ke •111 |>lea*« commmiee muiupUy w oiifniiij; of irrm.

A Groundwork tor Beller.

The American people fully believe, in Hosteler's Stomach-Bitters, and there is a substantial groundwork for that belief They have witnessed and experienced its effects for over twenty-five years, and havefoond no reason to distrust one stste inept made in regard to it. Proofs have been brought home to their own. hearths that it is a fahiily medicine which is of the utmost value in eases ot malaria, dys pepsia, debility, disordered conditions of the liver and bowdls, and in a variety of other maladies. They have found it a competent tonic, a genuine alterative, and ineontrasting it with the many prepar-lOions of the sumo class in the market, they have willingly accorded it the palm. The correctness of their belief in it# »llieacy has received the strangest con­tinuation iu cx|>ret*ion8 <>' opinion by rocdU-al men, and the approval of the preas.

Try and patronize "r '

HOME INDUSTRY I and you will receive better satisfaction than |

from patronizing outside enterprises.;

My Success is Your Own.


O . P . H A G E

The stages of this line run from Yankton to, ttica, Lesterviile, Odessa. Scotland, Maxwell, Olivet. Whiterhure. Mill town, Martelia. Rock* port. Kosedale ana Firesteel in flfteeD hours, leaving Yankton each morning at four o'clock. The return trip is made each day, leaving Fire-steel at four o'clock a. m. ana reaching Yankton at seven p. m.


Passenger and Express -Goods Carried at Eea-

aonableJBLates. Yank ton office on Third Street, at BrinkerhoS**

I barn, iust west of the Merchants hotel.

Yanttoa& Parker • • • K 4 r


Mail and Express Line. TRI-WEEKLY TO SIOUX FALLS- ;


A T T O R N E Y I A Nix

Counselor at Law, YANKTON, - - - DAKOTA.





TheShartoit, Beit and CheapeitUBet*

SIOUX FALLS. , The route lies over the finest section of;8ottth-

e>n Dakota, and panes through the counties ot ] Yankton, Turner and Minnehaha, touchimr at

Marindahl. Turkey Creek. Clay Creek, Swan ^ake, Howard and Wall Lake.

YANKTON Office at American Express ^ffire.

SIOUX FALLS office at tbe Cataract Hoinw



Practices in all the Courts and makes a special­ty of Collecting and Securing Claims.


Douglas Ave., near Third St., YANKTON, . ... DAKOTA

WALLBAUM & BECKER, Props. This house is the headquarters) for travelers

aud immigrants. Good stabling.

GROCERIES, , ,prom Yankton -

to Fort Sully J and all intermediate points, including

Crockery and Glassware | Bon Homme, Springfield,



•* -f-


J.R.SANBORN Wholesale andlKetail Dealer In



Uphols tered Goods

UNDERTAKER S GOODS, Union Blook, • • Third-St

A ik* and complete Gl'IDE TO WKBtOTl, reatuninir Ch«pier* oa A Covfticnt W<mt*o-

k hood. Selection of wifp, Etidenees I ifr, Tenperamntt. SsTrriliif, Adviee to Bhd*

IMS. HmWmI, A »'A. MuttN, tot r*«M, * »W—I. tzzzttzfasrztuiz. Wal Si«i>uMarr«4 P#Mwrf*•««, tW«eatM«ultmr*. Me.

It U al»o a H Private liedioal^Adviser " im 4hea»es toltinf froe impure tesual aMpcutioot. and on kH-aViIW '1l» ; law rf Ml alWfi*. oi^r>1Hl">t toth—t. Um et , Yw«*. and Mb«( avr«N »saf fm ~ UMaM Ml teMf.. ntwih ii n|- A Uni Av aW mlint« tW v aAak imw' as ifaraaw i

Yankton Agency, " For tiRandall,; I . W h M t o r ,

. ^ReA LakelyJ k-Ft. Thompson,

•i. ' Ft Pierre and . .. „ - Ft. Snlly. " ' - * *

Comfortable Coaches and Quick Tiaie. WM. KHAMKB,-

Afjent, 8.F. OAMBIJt.

Biiperaiteadent. mV^, <iiu« «i Iwate wiJiM <W , • IMlWtfaiim. k eseudei I

sriU mm Mu fWa I

(D>.B«uiMmiiI ismisi wai<il at WIIHi«f<Vw(Mt—wV aad iMwl m*t «asnaiW«lksltM| I HkMtTim AM*m. ¥ , Aa ealHaly Mew mi »w>Utsli efcgti^ 1 Besw4| far the apaeiy lal pmNNl

sasesSS SaSSi'sS — a m t e v r JTm. m a - -

MA^t '3tt© OH i JL1,. .. ^ ^


SKK'1'-1 torD lsa«ff.a »*Sr» ^Ra: «ACa,nKsMI«m.% I -"BBS. Bvnra<«,